Abstract of the lesson-game on the formation

lexical and grammatical categories with elements of literacy in the preparatory combined group for children with TNR using ICT.

"Let's help the squirrel"

Age group: children 6-7 years old with TNR.

Conduct form: subgroup activity.

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about insects.

Correctional and educational tasks:

· to consolidate the ability to name the seasons, days of the week in order, starting from any given;

· clarify and expand children's knowledge of insects;

· activate the dictionary on the topic;

· improve the grammatical structure of speech;

· to consolidate the ability to name a generalizing concept;

· reinforce reading skills.

Correction-developing tasks:

· develop phonemic perception;

· develop memory and attention, visual perception;

· develop the ability to select adjectives for a noun;

· develop the ability to select words with the opposite meaning;

· develop logical thinking;

· develop general motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks:

· develop the ability to help each other; patience towards each other;

· to cultivate accuracy, independence, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

Equipment:ICT, author's presentation game, ball, cardboard flowers, cardboard sun.

Handout : "ladybugs" with images.

Lesson progress:

I.Organizational and motivational stage

Greeting children (Children stand in a circle, pass the sun to each other, calling each other affectionately by name with a good morning wish).

Specify the season, month, day of the week.

Children stand in front of an interactive whiteboard.

On the board is an image of a forest edge. (slide 1).

Speech therapist: Guys, today is an unusual day, we have a guest (surprise moment) (slide 2)

Speech therapist: Guys, who is this? (Answers of children).

Speech therapist: That's right, it's a squirrel. He is sad, why do you think? (Assumptions of children).

A speech therapist teacher: he was walking on the edge of the forest, but a hurricane came up and the path home was blocked with broken trees. Now he can't get home.

Problematic situation.

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, what to do? How can we help the baby squirrel get home? (Children's answers are to clear the path from broken trees).

It's great that you are so responsive and ready to help.

II. main stage

1. Teacher speech therapist: On the way we have the first obstacle.

Exercise "Guess - call me"

There are leaves on the tree.

Children guess riddles, the leaf disappears, the guessed insect appears.

(slide 3)

1. Unusual flowers

You found among the foliage.

Don't touch your hand

Your flower will fly away.

Bright as a light bulb

Here flutters ... (Butterfly).

2. What a miracle helicopter

Moshkara won't let you sleep?

The dew just dries up

Flies out ... (Dragonfly).

3. Tell me, what kind of insect?

She has a shirt with black dots,

Able to climb dexterously

On the leaves .... (Ladybug).

4. She has so many legs -

They are so confusing

Their mistress is ... (Caterpillar)

5. She is not a bee, but she stings.

Honey, jam loves.

There is a stripe on the abdomen.

Who is she, tell me? .. ...(Wasp)

6. Here is a hard worker insect.

Happy to work all day.

I wear it on my back

Quickly drags ... (Ant)

7. What a guest with a hungry belly

Is everything ringing in our ears?

Doesn't drink nectar from flowers

Bites us... (Mosquito)

8. Who flies into every house

Along with the summer draft?

Who buzzes deafly behind the frame?

Annoying... (Fly)

9. Circles in the sky,

Buzzing merrily.

Landed on a bough.

Who is this? .. (Beetle)

10. In a clearing in cornflowers

He practiced jumping.

It's a pity the chick had breakfast for them.

Who was it? (Grasshopper)

11. Above the flower she buzzes,

It flies so fast to the hive,

I gave my honey to the honeycombs,

What is her name? …(Bee)

Teacher speech therapist: guys, how to call everyone who was hiding under the leaves in one word? (children's answers)

At reader-speech therapist: Well done, the first hurdle has been passed.

2. Teacher-speech therapist: We continue to help the little squirrel to return home. On

new barrier on the way.

. Exercise "Call me affectionately."(slide 4)

Speech therapist: Guys, let's affectionately call insects and then what they sit for us.

(Answers of children).

Flower - flower Dragonfly - dragonfly Mosquito - mosquito

Caterpillar - caterpillar Beetle - bug Ant - ant

bee - bee tree - tree

Speech therapist: Well done, the barrier has been passed.

3. Teacher-speech therapist: there is an obstacle on the way.

· Exercise "Find a soul mate." (Working with the interactive whiteboard)(slide 5)

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, some kind of confusion has occurred, look at the butterflies.

(Children connect the necessary halves of butterflies with the help of a “tool”, then check whether the task is completed correctly).

Teacher speech therapist: Well done, the barrier is passed.

4. Teacher-speech therapist: We continue to help the squirrel. There is an obstacle on the way.

· Exercise "Choose".(Ball game. Children pick up adjectives).

Teacher speech therapist: guys, let's say what kind of butterflies?

Children's answers: beautiful, multi-colored, bright, airy, light, beautiful, small, large, colorful, fragile, fluttering, flying.

Speech therapist teacher: Well done, guys, wonderful butterflies turned out. The barrier has been passed.

5. Teacher-speech therapist: We continue to help the squirrel get home. There is a new obstacle on the way.

· Exercise "Count"(slide 6), (slide 7)

Speech therapist: let's count the butterflies?

Children count butterflies: one butterfly, two butterflies, three butterflies, four butterflies, five butterflies., six butterflies.

Butterflies fly away. Dragonflies appear on the slide.

Children count dragonflies: one dragonfly, two dragonflies, three dragonflies, four dragonflies, five dragonflies, six dragonflies.

Teacher speech therapist

6. Speech therapist: guys, there are few broken trees left and the squirrel will soon be at home.

· Exercise "Say the opposite" (ball game).

The fly is fast, but the caterpillar …….slow.

The beetle is noisy, and the ant ... .. quiet.

The beetle is big, and the ladybug….. small.

The butterfly is bright, and the mosquito………. dim.

The wings are short, and the dragonfly ... long.

The caterpillar is long, and the ant ...... short.

The beetle has thick whiskers, and the butterfly ... thin.

The bumblebee has a wide back, and the wasp ... narrow.

Speech therapist: Well done guys. Another hurdle passed.

· Physical education minute

Teacher speech therapist: it's time to rest. Imagine that you are grasshoppers.

(Children to the tune “A grasshopper sat in the grass perform movements).

Raise your shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers!

Jump jump, jump jump!

Sat down, ate grass,

The music was listened to.

Higher, higher, high!

Jump on your toes easily!

7. Logope teacher d: Guys, there are few broken trees left.

· Exercise "Disassemble"(Working with handouts, ladybugs with the image of objects).

Speech therapist: look, the letters Zh and Sh are drawn on the flowers.

What sound does the letter J stand for, describe the sound. (children's answers)

(Sound J- consonant, always firm, sonorous).

What sound does the letter Sh stand for, give a description of the sound.

(Sound Sh- consonant, always firm, deaf). (children's answers)

How are sounds different from letters?

(We hear and pronounce sounds, we see, write, read letters). (Answers of children).

Spread the ladybugs into flowers, if the image name has a sound Zh - on a flower with the letter Zh, if the sound Ш - - on a flower with the letter Sh.

Words: spring, fluff, ball, shawl, acorn, bag, pot, toad, beetle, pie, cockerel, cat, skis.

Children seat ladybugs in the right flowers.

Teacher speech therapist: Well done boys. Another hurdle passed.

8. Teacher-speech therapist: guys, there are few broken trees left, the squirrel will soon be at home. There is an obstacle on the way.

· Exercise "Collect the word" (slide 8)

Speech therapist: guys, you need to unravel the encrypted word.

On the screen, the sound scheme of the word, the children select the name of the insect that matches the scheme.

Answer: BEETLE.

Teacher speech therapist: Well done boys. There is only one tree left. And the squirrel is at home.

· Exercise "Speech track" (slide 9)

Speech therapist teacher: let's all walk along the path together, you just need to walk together, not overtaking each other and keeping up.

The children are "walking" speech track first in the forward direction, then in the opposite direction.


Teacher speech therapist: Well done, guys, they dismantled all the trees and the squirrel is now at home.

Slide 10

III. The final stage. Reflection.

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, you are great, you helped the little squirrel get to the house.

What games did you like the most? (children's answers)

What games did you find the most difficult? (children's answers).
