The science of exobiology reveals more accurate data about alien species. Based on the research results obtained and the stories of witnesses, ufologists found out that there are certain races and types of aliens that differ in external signs. The appearances of the Star Guests are completely different, and representatives of each race have unique features and disposition.

Mysterious insectoids from uncharted stars

The appearance of these amazing humanoids resembles insects. This is a very rare, specific race of aliens. They are characterized by fixed compound eyes, large and protruding. The limbs are sharp, bizarrely shaped, resembling tentacles or claws.

The incredible features of insectoids, if they really exist, would allow them to easily carry out high-speed space travel. Aliens of this species can withstand colossal accelerations (up to 40 g) and easily endure enormous stresses under gravitational overloads.

ABOUT characteristic properties insects were already known to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who personally conducted research and tests on cockroaches. He was one of the first to establish that insects are much better than animals and mammals in withstanding powerful changes in gravity and gigantic accelerations.

Given the speed and incredible capabilities alien ships, only insectoids can withstand their lightning-fast maneuvers. Intense stress occurs not only during flight or braking of a spacecraft. An incredible load inside the ship occurs when its direction changes abruptly. Only an alien ship can suddenly stop at full speed, and, having frozen for a second, instantly change course by 90 degrees.

Three-toed giants of Germany

Most often, these aliens were seen on German soil - Lower Saxony. The distinctive features of aliens of this race include:

  • Huge growth, from 2 to 3 meters.
  • They also have large glowing eyes, like car headlights, and a giant head.
  • External features are blurred, the nose and ears do not stand out.
  • Alien giants have a special skin - a light blue hue.
  • The limbs of humanoids are surprising and impressive - a long, awkward hand, larger than the head, and only three fingers.

These giant cyclops were determined to be male. Extraterrestrial giants never appeared alone - they were always accompanied by a whole retinue of space midgets.

Cruel reptoids

There is another classification of extraterrestrial beings - reptoids. This name, this species of aliens, was not given by chance, distinctive feature What distinguishes these aliens is their skin – scaly, cold, like that of amphibians. The torso is lumpy, with folds, the limbs are flexed with long claws. Scary eyes glow with green and yellow tints.

Reptoids have a tendency towards aggression and sexual violence against people. Eyewitnesses liken these ruthless creatures to Satan and her hellish army. Aliens of this type are classified as belonging to the demonic sphere of the Universe, to cruel dark forces.

According to some reports, it turned out that any mention of Christ awakens a negative reaction among reptoids. It is even admitted that the prototype of the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve was precisely a demonic creature from the reptoid race.

Peaceful space dwarfs

Basically, these types of aliens accompany other, more terrifying humanoids. But there have been cases of lonely visits of space midgets to Earth. The image of dwarfs is curious - they are about 1 meter tall, their legs are short, with a hoof, and there are also 3 fingers on the long front limbs. The arms look very thin, hanging down and dangling near the ground. But this does not prevent these creatures from moving quickly and running away from curious eyewitnesses.

Space dwarfs have a benevolent character. They wear silver spacesuits, and a thin film is visible on the face, covering the mouth, nose and ears, like a mask. It seems that the Star Guests hide their appearance from people, showing only their eyes.

Maybe eyewitnesses saw people dressed in carnival costumes and masks? Of course not. People with such anatomical data and external features does not exist on Earth. And who would even think of starting a carnival procession in the deserted lands of Lower Saxony?

Synthetic helpers

This is a special race of aliens with some brain activity and telepathic abilities. Synthetic humanoids are short, about one meter. Mostly mysterious creatures were seen on board spaceships and in the territory of underground alien bases.

Gray aliens are attacking the USA

Humanoids of this race are also not very tall – it ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 meters. They are inconspicuous in appearance, with a thin body and underdeveloped limbs. The fingers are very thin, with sharp claws or sticky suckers at the tips. Gray skin, a huge head without hair, indistinguishable facial features with a slightly convex nose and poorly defined lip line - this is the classic image of a gray alien.

All information about gray aliens is mainly obtained from America. In July 1947, an alien ship crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. The bodies of gray humanoids were found at the scene of the accident.

During the autopsy, scientists found that the aliens have an amazing structure internal organs. The aliens had no digestive system or exit holes, and the blood was replaced by an unknown substance. Pathologists did not find a heart and liver - perhaps the humanoids did not have these organs either. Nervous tissue brains were significantly different from human gray matter, but the brain had good structure and was well formed.

UFO crashes were also recorded in the state of Texas, where the bodies of gray aliens were also found on board space saucers. Unexpected alien visits became more frequent in the United States in 1947, and it seemed that the Star Visitors had chosen this country for their research. The American authorities were so stunned by the frequency of alien appearances that they were seriously preparing for their massive invasion. But fortunately, nothing happened.

Humanoids in black clothes - a Nazi space army?

This type of alien is very similar to the human image, but terrified eyewitnesses with its black robes. Aliens of this race were seen in almost all regions of the Earth. They were usually seen emerging from a spaceship, which landed on earth in plain sight. According to witnesses, humanoids appeared in groups and repaired their aircraft.

Black aliens made contact with eyewitnesses, but the tone of their communication was brash and demanding. They had a good command of speech, and their manner of conversation was similar to the slang that is characteristic of the criminal environment. The aliens always wore black suits and black headbands.

While communicating with the aliens, eyewitnesses experienced fear, as the humanoids regularly threatened them and demanded that their visit be kept secret.

During the conversation, the aliens asked people about their lives and professions. Witnesses were surprised by the aliens' curiosity about all sorts of small household items. Some of them even concluded that the Star Guests were hermits, distant from civilization for a long time, or secret workers at military bases of the 4th Reich.

Cosmic beauty of the Nordic type

These alien species are very similar to humans and have also been attributed to originating from Germany. The image of the aliens was characterized by features inherent in the Nordic race, namely:

  • Tall
  • Pleasant appearance
  • Blond hair

Most of the aliens were men, but there were also women of stunning beauty.

Information about the amazing alien Aura was previously provided by the American T. Beturum. He said that he had meetings with a mysterious individual in deserted places at night. An alien piloted a flying saucer that landed in 1952. She persuaded Beturum to create a special society on Earth called the “Sanctuary of Thought,” the goal of which is to preserve peace on our planet.

Aliens of the Nordic type avoid people, but based on eyewitness accounts, they have a peaceful and benevolent character.

Are aliens dangerous for people?

Having analyzed all types of aliens, we can conclude that aliens can be both hostile and peaceful. Aggressive humanoids threaten reprisals and predict disasters on Earth, while peaceful ones talk about goodness and tranquility.

There are also aliens whose goal is to create colonies on our planet. There is a version that with the help of earthlings the aliens want to improve their health and change their gene pool. To do this, they secretly kidnap people and conduct tests on them.

Some call them aliens, and others call them Gods. However, no matter what these creatures are called, everyone is interested in the question: where do aliens live? It is very difficult to answer this precisely, because there is little information about extraterrestrial life forms, but they continue to come.

Planet of the "Aliens"

Some people believe that scientists know where aliens live. Presumably, exoplanets such as Gliese could be their home planet.

In recent years, scientists have been able to find hundreds of celestial bodies similar to Earth that could harbor life. All of them belong to the group of exoplanets. They are located near the solar system and, according to assumptions, it is possible to live there.

The Gliese system, or the House of Aliens

There are planets in the Gliese system where aliens live. Their conditions are similar to ours. Scientists call the Gliese planets and several other bodies the home of extraterrestrial life forms: Gliese 667Cc, Gliese 581, HD 85512 b, the Moon, Keplers. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Gliese 667Cc

The planet Gliese 667Cc was discovered in the laboratory of habitable celestial bodies in Puerto Rico. After long-term observations of the new celestial body, scientists came to the conclusion that on its surface the average temperature is the same as on Earth - about 26 degrees.

It is estimated that Gliese 667Cc receives about 90% of the light energy. There is a greenhouse effect here, which is only possible if the atmosphere is sufficiently dense. Such conditions are quite comfortable for life on the surface. When asking the question about which planet where aliens live, we can say that Glise has 667Cc. Although there is no direct evidence of the presence of alien life on Gliese yet.

Kepler 22b

The list of planets includes the planet Kepler 22 b. It was discovered by astronomers at the Carnegie Institution. This celestial body revolves around a star similar to our Sun. According to preliminary data, the planet is almost two and a half times larger than the Earth, and its orbit passes at such a distance from its star that life can exist on the exoplanet. Kepler is possibly another place where aliens live.

So far, scientists have not given final results on the composition of the planet. It is possible that it consists of gas, like Neptune or Uranus.

A year on Kepler lasts 289 Earth days. The distance from the planet to the star is fifteen percent less than from the Sun to the Earth. However, the Keplerian Sun does not shine as brightly as ours. According to astronomers, if Kepler has a greenhouse effect, it could be about 20 degrees. If the planet has no atmosphere, then its temperature should be about -12 degrees.

HD 85512 b

Scientists at the Chilean Observatory were able to discover another candidate for the home of aliens - this is HD 85512 b. It is located in the constellation Velus, 36 light years away. HD 85512 b orbits its orange dwarf star. The “alien house” makes a full revolution around its star in 58 Earth days. This is a small planet, weighing about 3.5 Earth masses.

Of great interest to scientists is the fact that it is located in the habitable zone. It receives as much light energy as is necessary for the existence of life. Scientists say that water is in a liquid state on it.

If its surface is half covered by clouds, then the exoplanet may be habitable. Due to such a number of clouds, a greenhouse effect will be created, therefore, there will be ideal conditions for life on the surface.

Gliese 581 d

One of the celestial bodies similar to our Earth is the exoplanet Gliese 581 d. It is located at a distance of twenty light years from us in the constellation Libra.

The planet where aliens live (again, purely theoretically) was seen through a huge telescope at the Chilean observatory. Gliese 581 d has an atmosphere and liquid water. Surface celestial body represented by rocks, stones and oceans. There are clouds and precipitation in the atmosphere. Due to the different composition of the clouds, even on the illuminated side there is always a reddish twilight.

One of the astronomers managed to see sharp flashes reminiscent of the action of a laser. Because of this, scientists have suggested that the place where aliens live is Gliese 581 d. She is an ideal candidate for the search for extraterrestrial life and vegetation. After all, if there are plants on the planet, then there must be living beings that can exist in conditions of increased gravity.


Some ufologists claim that extraterrestrial life is thriving on the Moon. This opinion is due to the fact that our satellite has an unusual structure. According to legends, it appeared not so long ago, and myths remember the time when the night luminary was not in the sky. Legends say that there were cataclysms, and after them a second sun appeared in the sky, but it only shone at night.

Nowadays, scientists suggest that dark side satellite may have extraterrestrial life. By the way, there is a theory that there is an alien base there, where they live and from where they are watching us.

Aliens on Earth

There are opinions that aliens live among us. This is evidenced by many rock paintings, manuscripts of different peoples, myths and legends. If this is true, then where on Earth do aliens live?

Presumably, aliens settled on our planet a long time ago - thousands of years ago. They are mentioned in different eras among different peoples of the world. In the process of evolution, they were able to learn to hide among people, so we do not see them.

Alien creatures left many messages for people. Scientists all over the world are trying to unravel them: some of them have been successfully read, but others still remain a mystery. There is a whole section of science dedicated to guests of the Earth. They know where to look for aliens, in which areas they are most often seen. According to the deputy Director of the Institute of Galactic Research L. Filippov, contact with aliens has already taken place a long time ago. He also suggested the possibility of establishing contact with them through thought.

A look into the past

In the history of mankind there is a lot of information about the presence of aliens that have been recorded different peoples at various times. One such example is the Indian Vedas and Puranas. They contain records that say that ships flew to Earth by air from other dimensions. The letters contain information describing the aliens: their appearance, morals. According to Vedic writings, our planet has the shape of an egg; in its structure there are seven lower and the same number of higher systems. The Earth is a middle system located in the central part.

Scientists are asking questions about the purpose of ships arriving on our planet. However, as the facts say, they fly in to study people. There is a lot of evidence about this: after contact, new scars are observed, psychic abilities etc. Those who returned claim that various experiments were performed on them, and they remember the faces of the aliens.

There is a theory that people as such no longer exist. There is also an opinion that aliens look just like us, but they are much smarter. It is almost impossible to recognize whether it is a person or not until he gives himself away. But, naturally, all the information presented in the article has not yet received scientific irrefutable confirmation.

Aliens are creatures that appeared not on Earth, but on other planets Solar System or in other star clusters in our galaxy. The world in which aliens appeared may be located even further from Earth - in neighboring galaxies or even in parallel universes. In general, aliens can be considered any creature whose origin is not related to Earth.

According to the panspermia hypothesis, conscious life came to Earth from other worlds, and this is true. Many species of animals are descendants of aliens who arrived on your planet millions of years ago, and people themselves are the same followers. However, gradually all these creatures adapted to the conditions of life on Earth, and now they can be considered earthlings.

As they developed, people constantly communicated with their alien ancestors, representatives of the Pleiades and Orion civilizations. Thanks to such contacts, many ancient peoples developed very actively, which is associated with many unique prehistoric buildings and inventions of antiquity. Such paleocontacts are evidenced by ancient drawings and legends of many peoples.

Are there any contacts between people and aliens in our time, or are they all just figments of fantasy?

Of course, different representatives of alien civilizations maintain contact with individual people, and these are not only humanoids closest to people, but also creatures with their own characteristics that are very different from humans. For example, viruses and bacteria are aliens neighboring humans; many new types of bacteria and viruses do not appear due to mutations or natural selection, but from space. Of course, they do not arrive on some kind of aircraft, because such a movement requires a lot of time and energy. To do this, these tiny aliens use teleportation, and most other representatives of alien worlds move to your planet in the same way.

There are about a thousand alien civilizations in our galaxy, among them there are a large number of races that, like people, have a physical body. Many others are represented at the level of emotional energy, and as people have a life force that gives them the ability to act, but can only indirectly influence what happens in physical reality.

Each civilization, material or immaterial, exists in its own separate energy space, which is a parallel world in relation to all others in which the rest of the inhabitants of the galaxy live. That is why humanity has been looking at the surrounding space through a telescope for a long time and has not noticed signs of conscious life. All other civilizations are in parallel realities, and in order to meet people they need to overcome the energy boundary between worlds, and only then is physical contact possible. Otherwise, aliens, like people, studying the galaxy around them will observe stars and planets, but will not notice signs of other life.

The reason is that life exists in everyone parallel world develops at its own specific frequency of emotional energy, its substance has special properties and therefore ends up in a different physical space. At the same time, at the level of emotional energy, the entire galaxy is unified system, and worlds belonging to different civilizations are connected with each other. As a result, representatives of different civilizations can communicate with each other at the level of emotional sensations or using telepathy.

In the past, many people, having developed such abilities, received information from various alien worlds. Similar messages are transmitted to people even now, and in particular, most science fiction books describing events in other civilizations appeared thanks to mental contact between writers and aliens. Perhaps in most cases, science fiction writers do not call themselves messengers of another civilization, considering their books to be personal creativity. However, many such people write down their compositions in a stream, when information is taken as if from nowhere, and this way of communicating with alien intelligence called channeling, which is a type of telepathy. Thus, representatives of other civilizations in fantasy books, in artistic form, talk about their worlds, wanting to convey their ideas to people or warn about possible mistakes. Other aliens find the opportunity to contact people more openly, finding mediums (channelers) who want to communicate with them. Although this form of presentation is not yet as popular as science fiction, it allows aliens to more specifically present their proposals to humanity and is therefore becoming increasingly widespread.

For many representatives of extraterrestrial worlds communicating with people, energy contact alone is not enough, since with its help it is impossible to convey many ideas. Representatives of each civilization have their own worldview; they often attach completely different meanings to the same thought form. Therefore, in order to find a common language and be able to act together to implement common ideas, aliens often have to cross the border between worlds. Not every civilization has this method of movement, called teleportation, but most of the most ancient representatives of our galaxy have long mastered this technique. Many such ancient civilizations exist on the level of energies and do not have a physical body, so to move to another world they do not need to transfer matter from one space to another. For them, teleportation is the least energy-consuming, and they can easily travel between worlds and communicate with other inhabitants of the galaxy. The most significant civilizations of this kind are representatives of Sirius and Alpha Centauri, as well as the Lyrans. Possessing information about what was happening in all material civilizations, these representatives at one time began to help them exchange experiences, and for these purposes, the Galactic Council was once created, which is the main governing body within the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Galactic Council is called upon to ensure safe and fruitful contact of all civilizations of the galaxy with each other, and in particular controls the communication of earthlings with representatives of alien life. Almost all human contacts with alien races occur with the consent of this governing body, and very rarely unauthorized communication occurs. At the same time, on the one hand, humanity is protected from many civilizations that could act aggressively towards people. On the other hand, many civilizations that could favorably contribute to your development usually must obtain permission from higher authorities before teleporting to Earth.

The same goes for messages transmitted to Earth, most of them are censored before being transmitted to people through channeling. However, many aliens find the opportunity to contact people without permission, and this primarily concerns mental or sensory contact. Direct physical contact with earthlings is controlled even more carefully by the Galactic Council, which is why it happens so rarely. Direct contacts are allowed only as an experiment and occur with individuals when some civilization wants to gain new information or test your hypothesis necessary for further development. These studies are carried out in such a way that the people who were their participants do not have real evidence of contact and cannot reliably confirm what happened. Therefore, the existence of aliens is still not an official point of view, and this is consistent with the plans of the Galactic Council. Now this governing body adheres to a policy of non-interference, wanting to maintain the current trend in human development. Council members understand that open communication between people and aliens will instantly change their worldview, and as a result of contact with different civilizations, many new directions of development will appear. In the meantime, such a turn of events is not desirable for those in charge, and they carefully filter the information coming to Earth and limit contacts.

Of course, such control from above is unlikely to please many representatives of humanity. Of course, it cannot be denied that the Galactic Council provides security for people, but one can only guess how many new opportunities are cut off due to this. Is there any way out of this situation? Perhaps, a lot depends on the agreement between representatives of humanity and the Galactic Council, which will gradually open the Earth to alien guests. In addition, a lot may depend on the people themselves, on the very acceptance of the fact that alien life exists.

The most real confirmation of the existence of aliens is the people themselves, who, despite their similarities with many representatives of earthly life, have many unique qualities. The most important distinguishing feature of people is the development of emotional intelligence, that is, imagination and attention, as well as wealth inner world expressed in the individuality of each person. Taking into account this feature of people, many religions claim their divine origin, believing that the first man was brought to Earth by higher powers. In this case, it is not so important what kind of forces it was that brought man to Earth, and if we put aside all religious disputes, we can see that numerous spiritual movements support the panspermia hypothesis.

Thus, many information sources of the past and present tacitly confirm the presence of alien life. The veiling of this confirmation is associated only with the censorship of the Galactic Council, which seeks to preserve the generally accepted path of human development. But if you collect numerous hints coming from many sources, then there will be no doubt about the possibility of the existence of aliens.

If a significant proportion of people become established in this point of view, then this can radically change the course of development of the entire earthly civilization. It may seem that this point of view remains just a belief, akin to many religions, but it opens up many unusual features. Faith is an emotion of colossal power, capable of activating many human abilities. This tool is used by all spiritual teachings, helping a person develop his spiritual qualities. In the case of belief in aliens, another, no less desirable possibility opens up, although it seems fantastic. Such an emotional charge can attract many aliens into the Earth’s field, helping them overcome the energy barrier separating them from people. For example, if a group of people interested in ufology enters a powerful collective state through joint meditation, they will be able to invite alien guests. At the same time, ufologists can first telepathically communicate with future guests and create a preliminary agreement about their appearance. This possibility of energetic communication with extraterrestrials is now becoming more and more accessible, as more and more people are mastering channeling. Then people interested in contact with a particular civilization will begin to unite in groups and with a collective intention they will be able to “attract” representatives of alien life, helping them pass the energy barrier.

Currently, humanity is developing along the path of technological progress, which is a trend copied from the Orion civilization. This path is convenient for the forces governing the Galactic Council, so it remains the main one. But if people establish clear contact with many other civilizations, they will find the opportunity to develop many new abilities, including innate qualities inherited from representatives of alien races that interacted with humanity in ancient times. As a result, restrictions associated with technology will cease to have such a strong influence on people and many new paths of development will open up. It is possible that communication with aliens will help humanity find its own way development free from restrictions.

It is now widely believed among ufologists that many civilizations are striving to take over the Earth, turning humanity into their colony. Of course, such civilizations exist and contacts with them can lead to a narrowing of people’s opportunities, because an alien path of development will be imposed on humanity. However, this trend has been happening latently for a long time, because many modern technologies are copies of Orion ones and are only slightly adapted to Earth. Therefore, perhaps there is no point in humanity being afraid of alien contacts, wanting to prevent possible expansion. After all, it is much more dangerous to maintain the current technocratic tendency that limits the capabilities of people, and from this point of view, any new contact will expand the capabilities of humanity.

It is certainly worth remembering your own safety, and in the future, before establishing physical contact, ufologists are recommended to collect information from different sources and establish a mental connection with future guests from other worlds. Techniques for “inviting” aliens to Earth will most likely be improved by people in the near future, and it is necessary to take all possible precautions in order to establish only favorable contacts. This possibility of first creating a mental and sensory connection with aliens, and then attracting them into the field of the planet, will be discussed in subsequent articles.

Many of the extraterrestrial civilizations have already begun communicating with humanity through channeling, some of these messages are published in this Info-portal (see Extraterrestrial Civilizations). Having become familiar with them, each person can feel which civilizations are closest to him mentally, which means that future communication with them can best reveal his potential. Perhaps the mere desire to establish contact with such an alien civilization will open up the ability for channeling in this person, or it will be possible to learn this from other people. In the future, people united by an interest in some civilization, conducting joint meditations, will be able to strengthen this contact, make it deeper and more sensual. Thus, the energy connecting people and representatives of an alien civilization will constantly increase, and at some point the desired teleportation of guests from other worlds to Earth may occur.

Perhaps, thanks to energetic communication, some people themselves will be able to be transported to alien worlds, and many are already doing this on an emotional level, for example, during sleep or in the practice of leaving the body. In addition, many magicians of the past and present have mastered the ability to teleport and can physically travel across different worlds. If such an ability is available to many people, then the exchange of experience between earthlings and inhabitants of alien worlds will begin to occur rapidly, opening up new opportunities for human civilization.

I wish you inspiration and pleasure in taking the first step - sensory and mental communication with aliens, which is available now. And let many people behind him be able to take the second step, attracting representatives of friendly alien civilizations to Earth!


Guardian of the Encyclopedia.

Man has always been attracted to what he could not understand with his mind. In addition, people have always been inclined to look for fellow humans - both on their planet and in the vast expanses of space. Images of strange individuals with large eyes and egg-shaped heads can be found in ancient rock paintings, stories about such creatures can be heard from supposedly eyewitnesses who saw UFOs in our time... Today we invite you to learn interesting facts about UFOs and aliens.

The first mentions of aliens include chronicles and annals of the early twelfth century. It was then that William of Newbury, Mathieu of Paris and William of Malmesbury wrote about incomprehensible phenomena that were attributed to the divine principle. But it is not a fact that the ancient book “History of England” speaks about good angels and demons who bring negativity.

Perhaps it was aliens? After all, the stars that are cutting across the sky with might and main, celestial chariots and air battalions could quite possibly turn out to be representatives of other civilizations, it’s just that the historians of that time simply did not know such terms.

Everyone knows that the abbreviation UFO stands for "unidentified flying object." This concept also has an antonym - OLO (not to be confused with “ololo”), which means “identified flying object.” The main differences between a UFO are that it is not an atmospheric phenomenon, it is not a flying machine that is known in our world, and it is not a mystified one. UFOs are disc-shaped, triangular, mushroom-shaped, rod-shaped and soft fuzzy objects.

Many scientists believe that humanity is just an alien experiment. And that humanoid bases have existed for millions of years in Antarctica and the depths of the ocean. Also, some researchers believe that aliens are so advanced that people are of no interest to them, which is why they do not make contact.

Described in Indian literature aircraft Vimana. Information about this device comes from the ancient Indian epic. Considering how similar Vimana is to a UFO, there are suggestions that it is a ship of aliens who once visited our planet.

Many scientists also tend to believe that Cro-Magnons, whose remains are found in different areas of the planet, are descendants of aliens. Ancient chronicles say that in those days there were flying creatures that descended from the sky and copulated with human beings.
It is also worth taking into account the Old Testament, which says that angels descended from heaven and chose human women who gave birth to beautiful children from them.

In a Danish village in 2007, a skull was discovered that was named Sealand. Research has shown that it was hidden several times and that its owner existed in the 13th and 14th centuries. The size of the skull is one and a half times larger than that of a human, and its most interesting feature is the huge eye sockets - judging by their size, the owner of this skull could see well in the dark. And the smooth surface of the cranial bone indicates that this creature successfully survived in cold conditions.

Often eyewitnesses who saw a UFO claim that they filmed an unidentified object, but it did not appear on film. Scientists can explain this phenomenon. The fact is that if the negative is irradiated with infrared rays, the image that was on it disappears.
And UFOs often emit such radiation, and it is very powerful. That is why the footage so carefully captured by eyewitnesses often turns out to be empty.

Do you think humans are the only intelligent beings in the Universe? On this issue, debates between skeptics and believers are still ongoing, and the final verdict has not yet been made. Some people are convinced that aliens have visited our planet throughout its history. Stories of UFO sightings and alien abductions are very popular.

Is there really life beyond our planet? And what do these creatures look like? Are they dangerous? There are still no answers to these questions. But some stories, videos and published articles confirm the fact that aliens are very real. Moreover, it is even written about them in the Bible. We invite you to take a look at our selection of evidence that alien creatures still exist and they have even visited Earth more than once.

Richard Hoover, a NASA scientist, announced on March 4, 2011 that fossils of cyanobacteria had been found in carbon-bearing meteorites from space. He published a document where it was said that as a result of studying meteorites under a microscope, bacteria were found in them, tiny single-celled organisms, the structure of which was different from terrestrial representatives. It was also proposed that the found microorganisms be considered evidence of the existence of life in outer space.

Astronauts traveling aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft asked NASA about the location of S-4B (the rocket's position in space), even though it had detached 2 days earlier. This happened because the astronauts noticed that something was following them in space. Buzz Aldrin reported this incident. There have also been reports of astronauts being chased by aliens during their lunar landings.

This happened in 2004, when astronomers noticed a strange object in outer space. They named him Buffy, but scientifically 2004 XR190. This dwarf planet has a very strange orbit with an inclination of 47 degrees to the ecliptic plane. Some researchers suggest that Buffy is an alien sentinel center created to study the behavior of earthly inhabitants.

The unusual stone, named after the explorer John J. Williams who found it in 1998, still haunts scientists. This stone contains a built-in element, the purpose of which is unclear, but appearance it resembles a plug from electrical appliances. Scientists were able to determine the approximate age of the stone – 100,000 years. It is assumed that Enigmalite is of extraterrestrial origin.

A strange artifact was found in Vladivostok (Russia). The gear wheel was “pressed” into a piece of coal, which a local resident was going to use to heat his house. When the find was examined, it was discovered that it consisted almost entirely of aluminum and was made artificially. The gear wheel is 300 million years old. This shocked scientists, since something similar was created by man only in 1825. It is believed that this is one of the parts of an alien spaceship that appeared on Earth a long time ago.

In February 2003 NASA launched the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The project used a giant telescope to study different areas of the sky that had never received radio signals. It is worth noting that almost 200 areas of the sky were checked, and in one of them a high-frequency radio signal was detected, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life near the earth.

This event took place in 1940, when there was talk that several spaceships with aliens on board had been found in the United States. All of them except one named EBE (extra biological entity) were dead. After 13 years, huge objects flew up to the earth's surface. Scientists decided that these were asteroids, but when they came closer, they saw that they were spaceships. As part of the PLATO project, communication was established with the aliens and they allegedly told the president to destroy everything nuclear weapon on the globe, but the president refused. This project was never resumed.

Several reports have been written about Area 51, a classified US base for the study of alien life. Some researchers have reported that this area contains the remains of unidentified flying objects, as well as the bodies of aliens. And they even say that one of the aliens is still alive. He allegedly arrived on Earth with his group in spaceship with the goal of capturing the planet, but fell behind the others.

The Betz family was stunned by the discovery of a mysterious silver sphere while they were surveying the aftermath of a forest fire. The family reported that the mysterious ball responded to music and melodies and could roll on its own and return to its original position. The sphere also glowed more in sunny weather. However, the US Navy later analyzed the sphere and concluded that it was an ordinary stainless steel ball. But then one day rustling sounds began to play from inside the mysterious sphere and everyone in the house was horrified when they saw windows and doors slamming at night. It is believed that this may be an extraterrestrial object that was sent by aliens to burn down the forests.

"Wow" signal

This event occurred in August 1977, when a radio telescope detected an unusual radio pulse that lasted about 37 seconds. It came from somewhere in the area of ​​the constellation Sagittarius and showed several signals that had not yet been heard on Earth. The radio signals were at high frequencies (1420.356 MHz), prohibited on our planet. This frequency is the most likely for communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. This signal has still not been explained, but it is believed that it was created by someone in outer space to destroy radio communication technology inside the Earth (which, as you can see, failed).

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