The game is the most important part of the child's life, and parents are the main people for him. It would seem that it was the parents who must teach the baby to play and with full return to participate in children's fun. But why is it for many adults a game with a child becomes hard and even unbearable rosary? Moms of the smallest complain: "I'm bored to roll with him cars, put on a hundred times the rings on the pyramid, collect the turrets from cubes. But it is necessary! ". Children grow, master the movable and role-playing games, but moms remain unhappy: they have already played their daughters in childhood in childhood, and hide and seek-catching - not the most interesting occupation for an adult. And then the question arises: is it necessary to play with the child in principle? Does he really need our help, because the game is its territory? Or is the parents still standing through the internal barriers and learn to play with the child? Let's try to figure out.

Why is it so difficult for us to play with children?

The game is a special activity of the child. In the game, he does not pursue any goal, but just enjoys. Only playing, the child becomes independent, the main, the Creator of the situation - because outside the game, he always takes a subordinate position, simply by age. It is not surprising that children love to play so much!

And what are we, adults? We have long learned to manipulate the subjects, and putting on the pyramid to the pyramid, naturally, it is no longer seemed to us an important achievement. We do not need a multiple repetition of the same action, and this is normal. Strange, if it were different! As for the older children, the ability to build on the role-playing game from most of us (ordinary parents, not actors) fade with age, because an adult has other tasks. We love intellectual, desktop and sports games that have a certain ultimate goal, but the kids did not grow up to them, they are interested in trifling, in our opinion, entertainment. And they are repeated at the same time every day ...

It turns out an extremely strange picture. The child wants to play all day, and the adult game, by and large, is not needed. However, parents love their children very much and try to give them everything you need. They play, even when I do not want, because it is necessary, or occasionally play, but they suffer a feeling of guilt ("I play little!"). Irritating situation, isn't it? Together with a general sense of constant responsibility for the baby doubts about himself, as in a good mother, lead to a variety of consequences: buying a huge number of toys, excessive passion for mom early development, irritation and fatigue from the child ...

Should parents play with the child?

No one will deny - play the child is very helpful. Playing, the kids of different ages develop intellectually, learn to manipulate with objects, make discoveries, learn to act, as adults, lose life situations and solve current emotional problems. However, for the child, the game is the natural element, while for an adult it is unnatural! Therefore, it is so difficult for us, and hence the question of the header: Do I have to play your parents with a child?

Of course, the word "must" sounds a little inappropriate. The emotional aspects of life cannot be entered into the framework of obligations. However, the question remains - how much does the child need the intervention of the parent, help in organizing the game?

Here you have to say about a few points.

1. The child does not need an animator, he needs to communicate, the inclusion in the life of the family. If the baby is the center of the family, it sets the vector of its actions - it is abnormal. Mom and dad, grandparents should not dance around the child. There is no dispute, you love your karapuz very much, but do not give up domestic affairs to make a sorter with him or decompose domino. For child development, it is much more useful if you wash the floor or make underwear together, let it and significantly complicate the event. But the baby will feel that you are one team engaged in a common matter!

2. Giving a child interesting toys, simply explaining how to act with them, "throw up" ideas and take attention to the child must be necessary! Provide the baby to himself from morning to evening - this is, of course, wrong. And, of course, such "freedom" will not teach his independence, but simply puts confidence in his own closerness ... However, the reverse model when parents come up with the baby's games from morning to evening, it is also abnormal. What a fantasy, creativity can be expected from a child for which adults are always and inventing everything?

3. The game for the parent should not be a boring obligation. It is better to play with the child less often, but exactly when you really want it. Do not like catch-up and hide and seek? Read the child a book, collect a puzzle or mosaic together, go through joint creativity - this leisure is no worse than the game through force. The main thing is your love and attention to children!

4. The older the child, the less he needs to participate an adult in his games. If one-bed and a half-year-old kid still need Mamino Presence in the game zone, support and tips, then a three-four-year-old videos already may well do imaginary friends and communicate with toys, creating entire worlds.

5. If the baby complains that he is bored, asks to play with him, most likely, the problem is not in the lack of ideas. He just needs to "fit the energy of your love at the moment. Take a little attention to my son or daughter, talk, let him / her just sit on your knees, and you will see how quickly the child's look will change - bored with your hand! Another wonderful option of parental action in the event of a children's boredom is to invite the kid to participate in your adult.

6. Do not solve the problem "I don't know how to play with the child" with the help of a TV and a tablet, especially if your baby is not three years old. Electronic gadgets deprive children of fantasy, creativity and initiative.

Do you need to teach a child to play?

This question is again ambiguous. Children in nature are inclined to play - so why to teach them?

Training a very small child to manipulations with objects, for example, with the same pyramid or sorter occurs naturally when communicating parents with a crumb. Affectionate strokes with fun, simple games like "Ku-ku" or "Goat", singing a song - all this is done, probably every mom. The child feels love and attention, and he is happy thanks to all these simple actions. If you call them a game, then yes, you need to play with the smallest. And it is not at all difficult, right?

Baby, beginning to crawl, need maximum freedom. Do not limit it with a playpen or bed, let him explore the space around. This is the best game for him, plus, of course, it should be in close proximity to Mom. Climbing mom, grabbing specially allocated objects for him (optional toys, it can be pots, wooden blades or tangles of threads), the baby gets a huge number of new information. And, of course, Mom must constantly talk to him, forming a passive dictionary.

Children over the year already really want to participate in the "social" life. They will gladly help you wipe dust with a rag, unload the washing machine or wash the floor. It does not matter that the result is far from the ideal - but what pleasure gets a crumb! Walk as much as possible: physical development in young children is largely determined by mental. Active walk is useful to the baby and removes the question from the agenda: And how else to take it at home?

As for children over 2.5-3 years old, they are already playing, not just manipulating objects or imitating adults in their actions. Three-year older begins to master the world of fantasies, and the less adult will interfere in this world, the better. All the value and charm of the game at this age - in independent inventing the plot! If the game came up with and organized mom, the baby would be happy to turn on in what is happening, but will there be a benefit for his creative development? Children quickly adapt to any external conditions. Therefore, they easily get used to getting ready-made strangers and easily take other people's template ideas, having gone to put forward their own. There is no "creativity" from them later ...

Dear moms and dads! Play with the child, of course, you can and need. But more important is another - so that this process brings everyone joy. If you feel in my soul and get sincere pleasure from the game, it's great! But the lack of delight before childhood fun, especially at mom, on the shoulders of which and so many duties, is also quite normal. At least because we are adults, and gaming activities in principle for us is a long-distance traveled stage. No need to break ourselves if you're hard, your love and concern that you show, anyway, are most important for the child. Joint walks, reading, creativity, and just the houses are important for a child no less than the notorious games.