1st round of the competition “Student of the Year” - correspondence, student’s essay “My School”


My school.

I remember myself well from early childhood. When I turned three years old, I was taken to kindergarten. Every day, morning and evening, my mother and I walked near the old building. One day I asked my mother: “Mom, who lives in this house?” Mom said that this is a school, children study there, and when I turn seven years old, I will also study at this school.

Sometimes, after kindergarten, my mother and I went for a walk near the school. In summer there is a lot of greenery and flowers on the school grounds. There are always children on the playground playing different games. I was interested in the monument standing in the school yard. Mom read the inscription on it, and I learned that it was erected in memory of students and teachers who did not return from the war.

I kept waiting for September 1st to come and I would go to such a wonderful school. I really wanted to visit inside this house! And finally, this day has come. And now I am studying at this school in the third grade.During this time I learned a lot of interesting things. Here they taught me to think and reason. I love mathematics because there are problems, examples, equations and puzzles. And in computer science lessons too complex tasks. In the lessons of the surrounding world, I learn more and more about our world, about our Earth.

I know that I am studying in the most best school in the world! This is my second home. Every day I'm with good mood I go to gain knowledge and happily open the doors to school. After all, reliable friends, cheerful, smart and kind guys are waiting for me here. I firmly know that they will help and support in difficult times, because school not only gives us knowledge, but also teaches us to be real people.School teaches us to be friends, create and dream.

The school hosts not only lessons, but also various events, thanks to which school days become brighter, happier and more interesting.

I like that our school is changing for the better.The school has been well renovated. Now the classrooms have large, bright windows and computer equipment.

On the eve of its 115th anniversary, I wish my beloved school more good students.If they ask me:“What is it like, your dream school?”I will proudly answer:"This is my home school No. 1!"

Panasyukova Vladlena, 3 “B” class

Round 2 – presentation of the participant to the class, defense creative work"World of Hobbies"

INTRODUCTION (business card)– 6 people + Vlada participate.

2 girls run onto the stage (Dasha and Sasha)

WITH: Hello, Dasha.

D: Hello, Sasha! Have you heard our news?

The school announced a competition - the best student of the year!

And everyone rushed to search for this at the same moment.

WITH: There’s no need to waste time, now I’ll take the mirror (takes the magic mirror)

Well, tell me the mirror and tell me the whole truth, is there such a student?

So that she is smart and clear-faced, so that she knows a lot and shines with her talents.

So that you don’t let your class down, so that you win the competition?

Mirror: There is such a student, both smart and clear-faced,

Hard-working, black-browed, with such a meek disposition,

But she herself is majestic, she stands out like a peahen,

Well, he speaks as if a river is babbling.

And she is rich in talents, all the guys know her.


D: You guys, take your time and tell us about Vlad

(Vlada’s classmates come out and talk about her)

1 lesson Vlada is an excellent student and only gets 5's!

And when does everything succeed? We'd like to find out.

2 lessons And beautiful, and slim, cheerful, nimble, smart!

3 lessons He loves all his friends and tries to help them,

And whatever you undertake, everything works out.

4 lessons She draws and plays and sings well,

He designs, dances, and generally has a fun life!

(everyone sings a song to the tune of A. Pugacheva “The Half-Educated Wizard”)

Calculate the path of the star and plant gardens,

And Ladushka can tame the typhoon!

There are no barriers for her, she will do everything,

Work, composition and mathematics.

Whatever they asked her, she did it with 5 marks.

Lada to us best friend, everyone around you will tell you,

The best and student, her diary will say.

Creative talent is talent, her friends will say,

Lada deserves to represent her class in the competition!

Chorus: The teachers know that they didn’t waste their time,

They know: it was not in vain that they taught us to think, write, and count.

Lada teachers listened to everyone attentively,

Competitive tasks will do everything with 5 marks!

Business card for the “Student of the Year” competition

It was in December

The whole class thought...

About what?! About the holidays?

No! About who is the best in our class!

1st The best is only the one who helps in trouble

Who, without sadness, will give you a hand,

The one who knows how not to let himself down,

To be above everyone, but not to humiliate.

2nd Listen and hear, see and know,

Say a word in reproach and defense.

To be ahead, to help those who follow -

This is just part of being the best with honor.

3 - It would seem, who cares,

Who is the best in our class?

But we really need a participant for the Student of the Year competition!

Who will they be? Who's the best?

4-Let our classmate be a participant -

Both smart and a beautiful girl!

Now he draws, now he sings,

Then he bakes cakes for us,

Reads smart books,

He knows about everything in the world!

5th Five constantly receives,

Golden character kind soul and - shy.

Everything works out great for her

And everyone, of course, will like it!

Everything Even if we go around the whole world, we won’t find a better person than Nastya!

1) Nimble, sporty

2) Brave, active

3) Smart

4) Curious,

5) Yes, and very attractive!

6) She is reliable, true friend, does not reveal other people's secrets!

7) If trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid!

8) And in school lessons he knows about everything in the world!

9) He serves as an example to us all and understands us all!

Sun, smiles,

Joy and laughter

Let this be today for everyone.

Greetings, fellow competitors!

Our participant's name is Anastasia!

She has a little bit of a mixture of talents.

In everything, only victory awaits her!

And therefore, on this day and at this hour, we invite her to the stage to continue the story about her!

Thanks friends! I am grateful to you for your kind words!

Yes, I am different:

Sometimes I joke, sometimes I remain silent,

But I always want to be the best!

I'm starting my path to victory

And I know for sure that I will reach the top,

When there are friends, parents, teachers around!

I will definitely achieve success!

One by one, they raise the signs with letters.

TO – sociable

L - best student

A – active

WITH – diligent

WITH – modest

Everyone (in unison):

We declare without any pretense: Our Nastya is simplyCLASS!

Introducing yourself is a simple task,

After all, my mother’s daughter is golden!

I cook, wash and sew with my mother,

I always go to my mother for advice.

I always try to help my mother -

She already has me adult daughter!

I know in order to achieve something in life

I need to work hard and hard!

What else can you tell about yourself?

Watch movies, listen to music,

Well, and, of course, hang out with friends!

I have few friends

But I value their friendship.
If it's a difficult moment,

I will always support them!

Our motto of friendship is:

All More action - less words!

We wish our opponents success!

The audience in the hall smiles and laughs!

We wish you all to prove yourself!

The most worthy one will win today!

I am sincerely glad to see you all! My school friends here painted me so colorfully that I barely recognize myself, and my face is still burning. I am not an Easter egg - One of those who are many, They are not loved if they judge strictly, They are not tolerated if against their will, They prefer sugar to salt; Who can hang out together and work hard when necessary, and, if possible, be lazy. One of those who have fun and who are sad during leisure hours, who appreciates a devoted friend and does not accept lies, deceit, who is ready to give half a kingdom for love without regret. I love reading novels, I write a little, I draw a little, I am friends with sports and dance, I don’t stand out among others. But for the sake of school, I will try to show myself well and become a strong competitor to other worthy competitors, shining with knowledge, talent for speaking sweetly. I will try to win! After all, the school is nice - the eighth in the region - the best, I think, It should be the best in Crimea. TNU takes care of us, teaches us in its faculties, and helps us with everything it can, so that everyone can become a student. I also want to tell you that the teachers of our school are smart, diligent and strict, without looking at the ranks and titles of their parents, they give knowledge to all children and do not lie - they give grades based on knowledge. The director is also the best! If you don’t believe me, talk to any mother and in response you will hear that there is nothing better. She brought order here, eradicated the shortcomings. Therefore, students do not languish in melancholy, but study as best they can. No one dares to beat or scold a student, but even to call him a fool (or an ignoramus). Here our opinion is respected, We have self-government - There is a student council, And it has authority. And finally, I will introduce the class! Our guys are friendly. There are no problems with studying. We play KVN together. A very interesting game. We organize evenings of Satire, humor, and variety shows. We are happy about any holiday, And even more so with a disco, We regularly congratulate all birthday people on their birthday, We wish them happiness and joy. All the advantages of bright colors have a gamma. Every girl is a lady, a lady, And the guy is a superman and ace. Such an incomparable class. I’ll end there, goodbye, thank you all for your attention! *** Viewer today, support me! And just shout loudly for me! The jury today is strict, they will have to judge a lot! But you don’t take your eyes off me. I’m just a great girl! I know how to sew, weave, knit, but I also love to study science! Play with friends in the yard, write poetry while sitting on the window, inspired by the spring view! And I know many songs very well, I often invite friends somewhere! I go to the movies with the boys! And I love taking baths! I'm only studying for 5! I also want to become a model! I like to take videos of Animals, people and buildings. I gain knowledge into my baggage! And in general I love the whole world! I love fate and my life!! I wish everyone good luck! (I wish you victory) *** An ordinary 8th grade schoolgirl, I came to amaze you all with the beauty. But only in this case I mean, I must confess to you - the beauty of the soul! I want to tell you a little about myself: I believe in success - I won’t accept anything else! My success, friends, lies in making faces all around glow with happiness! To the roar of applause, with a sweet smile, (Last Name, First Name) appears on stage!!! *** It will probably be difficult for me to tell the truth about myself, but I will try to tell you everything without concealing it. Don’t try to offend me, Don’t try to offend me and don’t try to use words, I will hide my emotions, I know how to control myself. My story is simple, There lives a young girl, A little bit of a bully and a flirt. Beautiful Zhenya is a brunette. I value intelligence and knowledge, I love everyone’s attention, I know how to value friendship, After all, it’s so bad to live without friends. I consider my knowledge in the field of science to be my virtue, and I often spend my leisure time at school Olympiads! I'm good at using a computer, my assistant is skilled! “Contact” has its own page, Write - I will answer everyone personally! I strive to achieve everything myself, I try to always be on the job, I can be proud of my successes when I achieve my goal! This is my image, don’t be strict! After all, I can’t express it in a nutshell, But still, along the road of life, I’m trying to walk wisely! *** Good afternoon teachers! Parents and children! I came to you for the competition! Show me how better I am! My name is Zhenechka, a wonderful princess! On a bright sunny day, When nature is all in bloom, At the beginning of bright June, I saw a white light! My dear mother's name is (first name, patronymic), she is always friendly with numbers, she works as an accountant! And my beloved daddy’s name is (name, patronymic), He turns the steering wheel all day long, He is the driver of a big car! I love to draw, flowers, butterflies and the sun, I love to dance, I study in the Onyx ensemble! The red summer has sung, Autumn is knocking on our window, We have grown up over the summer, The school door has opened for us! With a white fluffy bow, In an elegant dress with lace, On the first bright day of autumn, I was the first to enter class! I promise to be diligent, Learn to be exemplary in everything! Thank you for your attention, good luck, luck and understanding to everyone! ***Good afternoon everyone! Good Hour everyone! I'm very glad to see you. What should I tell you about myself? And how to present yourself? I was born 7 years ago, How did I go to kindergarten. It's my birthday in the spring. They called it Klyueva Angela. I have lived in Kuznetsk since childhood. Kuznetsk - you are my homeland. And my family lives here: Cat, dad, mom, Me! Here sisters, aunts, uncles, my dear grandmothers, played ok with me. I loved going to kindergarten. I was the leader in everything: Sing, dance, read, play, Blind, embroider, draw, Build a big house with friends, To everyone with an open soul. And because of friends, girlfriends, I always had a large circle. To stay in shape and be active, I took up sports gymnastics. I was looking forward to the classes - I received the 1st category in sports. Preschool time is over. Now I'm a student. I didn’t just go to school, I went to the lyceum to study. I need to be doubly responsible, I need to try so that I can fully master the knowledge of any science. At the Lyceum I like English. I love drawing and reading. And to be on the same page with mathematics, I also need time and patience. Our amulet, mentor, elder friend, And the princess is in charge over objects. Our first-class master teacher is Natalya Nikolaevna Svetlova. Leads us through the steps of school life. Not easy, difficult and restless. But interesting, bright, entertaining, honorable, unusual, exciting. *** I greet you! I wish you all, friends, to enjoy my performance! Your voice, viewers, will come in handy today. I believe that together we will undoubtedly win! Welcome to the jury! I respect your choice! After all, it’s difficult to choose the best of the best! When I speak, I reward everyone with a smile! And now I want to tell you about myself: I came to this school from the very beginning, Once upon a time as a little girl for the first time. Then I studied the alphabet from a book, and then I moved on, studying well, to the seventh grade! I studied excellently in all subjects, but my love for mathematics is stronger! I personally want Irina Alekseevna. I thank and bow down to her! But don’t think that someone you don’t love, because there are so many of you, won’t fit into poetry. Thank you for your hard work, for your care, About our school and about us, the students! I find it easy to learn in this class! Antonina Dmitrievna is like a mother to us! Helps everyone, protects from all misfortunes. Her subject for life is the most important! It is useful to be literate in any profession. I have a goal - I want to be a Landscape Designer. So that I can be literate and kind to clients. I teach my native language and literature. I am seriously studying the English language. And I’m glad to participate in the conference! I consider Olympics or competitions to be a summing up of results and a reward. Choreography I'm in music school, I graduated from fifth grade here. All this developed willpower in me, and I think it will come in handy more than once in life! I am very grateful to my parents for their upbringing and opportunities for growth! Their love, care day and night, They gave me everything! At least it’s not easy for them! I also love traveling with friends, with my parents and my beloved brother. Since childhood I have dreamed of visiting abroad. I would be glad to get to Italy and England! Now I'm here, I'm a student at this school. And you will appreciate my performance! Let life go on, let the planet spin! And the goal is this: Go to study in St. Petersburg! Yes, not today, but when I finish school. I try to realize my goals! And I wish everyone such great and joyful happiness in life! *** Reworking of the song “At least believe it, at least check it out” At least believe it, at least check it out, But yesterday I dreamed that I was standing on stage, In the light of bright lanterns... And in the dream I told, Everything I know about myself: How I study in the fourth grade, I easily and without problems. At the music school too, I am friends with the piano, and I go to dances at the House of Culture with pleasure. I also love animals: puppies and hamsters, and I dream after school of becoming a good veterinarian. At least believe me, at least check, But today, as in a dream, I am standing on this stage, And the ramp is blinking at me. My dream turned out to be prophetic - I am in front of you now, And hope lives in me, That my finest hour has come. Lyudmila Perevodchikova *** Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Alexandra Volkova. I'm an ordinary girl, I'm your countrywoman. I dreamed of going to the ball and a miracle happened. I suddenly found myself on the stage under the ramps. There is great excitement... at my mother’s in the hall. And I’m not at all afraid, because I’m with friends, (gesture to the audience) Oh yes, about myself, I’m a student. I am in 4th grade. I love my school. As soon as I arrive, I immediately say “hello” to everyone, I say to the whole class. I always study lessons, and I still go to clubs. Guys, I find my school very nice. And I love studying here, And getting straight A's. And after the holidays, back to school again. Business card script for the competition
Voice-over. It was evening, there was nothing to do. Everything in the lyceum is as usual, Everything is beautiful, Dima was singing nicely, Sanya was silent, Nikita was playing on the phone, Kristina and Dasha were doing embroidery, and they were discussing Anyuta. Sasha: What kind of news do you have, you’ve been chattering for an hour.
Tolya: They have a lot of news, Nikita, do you have bluetooth?
Rita runs in: there is one news for everyone. Hear, Anya is crying there.
Anyuta will perform and must tell everything about herself!
Nikita: Will Anyuta perform?
Rita: She needs to introduce herself
All: We need to rescue her!
Dasha: We are always happy to talk about her.
Let's write her a speech
Opening remarks
Let's help her and everything is ready.
Sasha: Will she stop crying?!
TO: Who knows her the most?
Nikita: I've known Anya for 7 years
The acquaintance started from kindergarten,
Loves dancing, music, cinema,
And I’m not indifferent to sweets,
And she's doing almost great at school.
Christina: interested in science
excuse me, this is not out of boredom.
Sasha: has been speaking at conferences for two years now
And he receives certificates in the region.
Rita: And with experiments at school
we have been awarded in the region,
simply loves nature,
protects from all enemies.
Sasha: He also loves to draw
Read different books,
visits the music room,
And the gym doesn't forget.
Nikita: And the craftswoman is no matter where,
Sculpts from dough, embroiders,
He weaves from beads and loves to burn,
And greet us with pies.
Dasha: Performs in a class theater,
plays different roles there,
and helps the woman at home,
and doesn’t forget about friends!
Anya appears
Dasha: Why are you sad? And what are the problems?
Anya: I have to perform at the competition,
I need to introduce myself
I need to tell about myself on my business card,
But what should I do, since I’m modest?
Nikita: Yes, with your beauty, why should you worry!
Girls: We know you like her
You've been in love with her for a long time,
It's better to play on your phone.
Anya: What is it about me?
How can I surprise you?
You can't slay with beauty, can you?
Sasha: Well, we will help you,
Friends are tested in trouble.
Sasha: you can sing it all to yourself right here from a sheet of paper!
A song is played, a presentation is shown (a motif from the movie “Goodbye Mary Poppins”)
I greet you all, friends, My name is Anyuta, I’m only 11 years old, I don’t suffer from idleness, I do handicrafts, I sew, sing and embroider, I never lose heart. I am not a simple Cossack, I am a mischievous lyceum student, I try to keep up with everything everywhere, and combine interests. Here at the stand, friends, my work is presented, I put a lot of effort into this, so that the jury will properly appreciate it. I’m not a guest in the village club, I sing “Ring” in the ensemble, I have a lot of friends, They will now support me with a song. Excerpt from a song with an ensemble. I love skating, and playing volleyball, of course, I love treating my friends to pancakes, buns and pies. Taste it and help yourself. You know, friends, my grandmother is a cook, she is ready to pass on her secrets of skill to me.. Anya: The Lyceum is my home!
I find joy and happiness in him.
I love my teachers very much
And I take the class as my own family.
If there is difficulty, I don’t whine,
If there is joy, I laugh.
Become a winner -
This is what I strive for!

I'm a little girl and I love you all. I, a chorus girl, will sing at the competition. I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Alena. You might like me. Just trust me. I study at Listvenskaya school. Have you heard of her? I confess to you sincerely: she has no relatives. The first class is already behind us, and the second is waiting ahead. But, I’ll tell you all honestly, I wasn’t broke. Here I stand in front of you. Rate me for yourself. I am the envy of everyone when I study. I spin around like a spinning top. I can sing and dance and read poetry to everyone. Well, the main thing, of course, is to help mom and dad. I…. A very modest girl. Only I'm not a laugher. But everyone respects me and offers me their friendship. In the class I am an example for everyone. Great success awaits me. Oh, I blabbered too much, but I’m not at all brave. I’d rather sing a song, I’ll win your hearts. I will try my best so that you can enjoy.
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Business card script

Competition "Student of the Year"

The participant is a 9th grade student.

1.We are all in a hurry. For what? We don’t know ourselves.

We run, we fly, just to make it in time.

But life, it is measured by deeds,

With good deeds and a burning heart.

2. The main thing here is to find it, not to get lost,

So that this matter is to your liking.

And so as not to get lost in the crowd of onlookers,

Be active! Strive for your dream!

1. It was in December,

The whole class thought...

2. About what?! About the holidays?

1. No! About who is the best in our class!

2. The best is only the one who helps in trouble

Who, without sadness, will give you a hand,

The one who knows how not to let himself down,

To be above everyone, but not to humiliate.

1. Listen and hear, see and know,

Say a word in reproach and defense.

To be ahead, to help those who follow -

This is just part of being the best with honor.

2 - It would seem, who cares,

Who is the best in our class?

But we really need a participant for the Student of the Year competition!

Who will they be? Who's the best?

1-Let our classmate be a participant -

Both smart and a beautiful girl!

He dances, he sings,

Then he will read the report at the NOU,

Reads smart books,

He knows about everything in the world!

2. Always gets A's

Trying to learn guitar

Everything works out great for her

And everyone, of course, will like it!

Everything Even if we go around the whole world, we won’t find Katya better!

1. Nimble, sporty

2. Brave, active

3. Smart

4. Curious,

Yes, and very attractive!

5. She is a reliable, loyal friend, she doesn’t reveal other people’s secrets!

If trouble happens anywhere, everyone will come to our aid!

1 And therefore on this day and at this hour we invite her to the stage to continue the story about her!

Participant: Thank you friends! I am grateful to you for your kind words!


Katya: Yes, I can be different:

Sometimes I joke, sometimes I remain silent,

But I always want to be the best!

I'm starting my path to victory

And I know for sure that I will reach the top,

When there are friends, parents, teachers around!

I will definitely achieve success!

One by one, they raise the signs with letters.

TO– sociable

L- best student

A– active

WITH– diligent

WITH– modest

Everyone (in unison):

We declare without beauty: Our Katya is simply CLASS!

K. I don’t have many friends,

But I value their friendship.
If it's a difficult moment,

I will always support them!

Our motto of friendship is:

All: More action - less words!

Support group.

1. We wish our opponents success!

2. The audience in the hall smiles and laughs!

3. We wish you all to prove yourself!

4. The most worthy one will win today!

5. See you again!