The radiant light flowed along the bright green saturated crown of trees, going down on the golden, ripe grass. He looked around the lawns, and Moshkara hovers in the sunlight, similar to hundreds of small diamonds in some kind of miraculously lost the attraction of the Earth. It is here, then the haircuts flew there, like small fighters, keeping in battle. Over all of this idyllic beauty froze the azure lake sky, transparent and bottomless. And only a stream of smoke sweeping out of dry, fluffy moss, climbing up and disappeared into the thick of the forest violated the peace of the inhabitants of this protected world. Shard glass, abandoned bottle, according to the laws of physics, focused solar light so that the moss was heated, the wind fell him into a small bonfire.

The smallest sparks are similar to small asters flew towards the forest, sticking to foliage, dry stumps, to the crust of trees. And after a few minutes later, a small innocent bonfacon grabbed the lower branches of trees, crawled up with dry needles of perennial pines. And the wind as if waiting for it and blew with such a force that the flame no longer paid attention to distances. The fire was moving along the crowns of trees at such a speed, which seemed to be no longer able to stop him. The forest came to life. Animals and birds in a panic left their holes and nests. They fled, flew and crawled, saving their cubs and themselves from smoke and hot fire ...

At nine o'clock in the morning, as they agreed last night, Nikolay Somov, sipping the fifth cigarette "Golden Java", was already waiting for friends from the kiosk with the name of the Zronyoka known in the district. Big, Golden Cross shone in the rays of the rising sun on his hairy chest. About a quarter of an hour has passed, as he came, and a huge backpack behind his shoulders is already pretty fell on his neck. Finally, he put it on the ground, but at the same time a familiar signal of the blue "Zhigulenka" Ivan Beloorruk was sounded behind his back.

- Great, som! Are you still dry? Well we are not going to work - let's unleash your Chumodan!

- Hi Hi! Listen, Vano, I'm fine, but you are driving?! Although when you stopped it - I laughed somov, getting a bottle of cold beer, except as it turned out, there was still so much this drink in the backpack that it would be possible to drink at least a dozen healthy men.

- Let's not squeeze, here to go twenty minutes from the strength, I found such a clean in the woods, you will open the whole mouth!

- Well, come on, for the meeting !! - Somov opened a pair of bottles and a "funny" drink disappeared in sips of friends.

The backpack fell to the back seat, the doors slammed and the car was dissolved with a screech behind the twist ..

At this time, in the fire department of the village of Novozhnaya, the change of duty guard and brave firefighters began to fulfill their monthly responsibilities. The young firefighter Sergey funnamed came to the service with a special mood, the whole chapped, in a new form and with two pies on the occasion of his birthday. Commander of the Department of Oleg Blessov, who actually performed the charges of the guard of the guard, almost a pensioner Valery Mikhailovich and the driver of Lech, met him in this form a little wary:

- Serega, what did you do something so? Something I do not want to go away today! Do you not know the signs, did you think that at least stretched once?

- Mikhalych, yes it is all prejudices - smiled having funny

- Well, well .. - shook the head of the blizzard, healthy kids 38 years old, it seemed that he had no neck and the head was growing immediately ..- okay cut pies and put the kettle, happy birthday!

Meanwhile, friends have already arrived at their place of rest. As the Belarusian promised, Nikolai was delighted with the foundation found by another, hidden in the old, the protected forest, the place where, it seemed, did not go the leg of a person. They quickly assembled old, dry branches, passing the bounds and blueberries, smash the fire and under the sounds of the guitar, sang songs and drank a cold drink from glass bottles. After the fourth bottle, Ivan rose, took the container, laying around the fire, and headed towards Ryabina, standing nearby. He inserted bottles, down, in the protruding branches.

- What are you doing, Vano? - asked Somov.

"Now you see - laughed, a pretty drunk and clearly inadequate friend, pulled out a gas gun, shooting with steel balls from a glove box, and started shooting bottles.

Friends have fun. Not a little time passed, and alcohol ended .. Ivan, barely docking to "Zhigulenka", launched a motor and launching smoke clubs and wagging between the trees, shoved behind a new portion of the drink.

The sun has long changed his position and brightly covered the place of relaxation of friends ... Somov moved to the tenaks, and barely leaning against the trunk of a huge birch, quickly fell asleep with a strong sleep ...

The forest came to life. The noise and gaps, the voices of the animals and birds, the crackling of burning wood and the caustic smoke woke Somov, he tried to get up, but his legs did not listen to him, it was too late, there was no clean air in his lungs for several minutes. Somoms once again reached up and lost consciousness.

In the fire department, a call rang. Exchange radiotelephone, whose duties performed naturally young Serega funny, quickly took the phone.

- Fire Protection .. What is burning .. Where? Your surname..tefon .. anxiety !!

The ringing of the bell in the fire depot of the alarming wave swept over the village. The firefighters were run into the garage, and literally flew into and, on the move, fastening and, ran out for the gate, where they were already waiting, sparkling with red sides, filled with water and ready to perform functions assigned to it, despite her years. The firefighters were hidden inside the cabin, the last door slammed and, sadly shed and spoiled by the beacons, the fire truck rushed towards the forest, over which the black and gray smoke and the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame, looking through it, flew somewhere into the sky.

"Oleg, look, it is necessary in such a state of the wheel, but he can't stand on his legs!" - By planing the car's engine, Mikhalych pointed to the CDS crew, which blocked the road to Xeno Zhigulenka.

- Yes, it is not necessary to give rights for such a second time.

Driving to the location of the fire, the dispatcher requested the dispatcher:

- "Grove" "Dam" at the reception!

- "Grove" at the reception!

- I see glow, anhydrous area! I need help PC-1! As understood?

- accepted! I need help PC-1! Received additional information! At the site of the fire is a man! As he understood!

- Understand you! At the site of a fire man! We go to intelligence! In the direction of the wind in the forest belt there is an artificial gap! The first trunk is served to meet the movement of fire! As understood?

- accepted!

- Mikhalych, let's take off the lech, the highway 4 sleeves, branching, two fifty first and the trunk "course"! Your task is not to give fire to go a break! About the change in the situation to report!

"Oleg, not the first time, everything will be at the highest level!" Smiled Mikhalych.

Bespalov, throwing the breathing apparatus on the shoulders, walked along the hot land towards the clearing, where two friends recently had fun. From the trees rolled the coals of the burnt branches, the ashes flew everywhere, sparks, short-cut pine needles, the trunks of the trees smoked and the fire licked the charred bark ..

- Is there anyone alive?! Hey! Is there anybody here! - shouted Oleg.

And then he saw something brilliant near the huge, blackened birch, which was nine hours from him in twenty meters. Quickly step, jumping in the falling thick, burning branches, the blizzards went towards the birch.

Guy, how are you?! Fall! Hear?! What are you? How so?! - He put two fingers in Somov on the neck, - so! The pulse is ... Well, come on, brother, ride! Oleg put on the head of Somov rescue device and opened a compressed air balloon to make ventilation of the lungs. Suddenly a thick branch with a crash fell off from birch and fell on Oleg's head ...

Bespalov opened his eyes ... A young nurse was sitting near him and poke into the nose was satisfied. Firefighters ran around, on the ground, like huge snakes wriggled fire sleeves, swelling from the water, there was still a bitter smoke in the air, but the air was already transparent, and only the pairs climbed into the sky with blackened trees.

- Well, I'm enough, I'm fine, the head just hurts and neck! What happened?

- lucky you, comrade ensign! If it were not for your strong health and the bull neck, it is not yet known that you would have happened to you - a nurse smiled.

- Where is the victim? Is he alive? - worried Oleg.

- Yes! He was taken to the hospital! You put on time on him a mask, still a little and do not save him ... And now you are a hero !!

- Yes, what a hero is there - we have such a job! - smiled attense.