The story "Anna on the neck" was written by A. P. Chekhov in 1885. The story is conducted on the person of the author. In the center of the plot - the young girl Anna, who married the elderly, but rich modeling Alexeić in reliably that her life would be better. But the days fly over the day, and Anna sits at home and crying from boredom without a penny in his pocket. Her life turns over after a hike on the ball; The girl changes, becomes confident, is no longer shy to demand money from her husband and driving around secular events. The main problem described in the story is the influence of money and the authorities on the behavior of people, the change in their moral values \u200b\u200bdue to the surrounding proud selfish personalities. To better understand the idea of \u200b\u200bChekhov, read a brief retelling for the reader's diary from the Multi-Little Litregonon, which described the basic events of the book in reducing and composed a small response.

Retelling (534 words): After the wedding, the young immediately went to the station; They had a long road at a manty. On the platform they were accompanied by guests: colleagues and relatives.

Now the husband and wife remained in the compartment alone. 18-year-old Anna with fear looked at her narrowed and was afraid that he could kiss her at any moment; From such thoughts, the girl was garde. Modest Alekseych told her how one military received the Order of St. Anne and, when he came with gratitude, his beggar said: "So you now have three Anne: one in a looper, two on the neck." The man expressed the hope that when he would receive such an order, he would not hear a similar phrase.

Young Anna, meanwhile, was engaged in thoughts about how she was unhappy. The girl's family lived in a poverty, she was one of the three children, father drank. Familiar ladies began to look for a good husband for Ani and found Modest Alexeich, who was not young and not cute, but had money for the soul and could help her family. Her meditation was interrupted when the train stopped at the gestand, where Anna met his familiar gymnasists and officers, where the orchestra played and was noisy. Then the heroine suddenly felt that he would definitely be happy.

After returning from the monastery, young began to live in a cassenaya apartment. Modest Alexeić went to the service, and Anya read the novels and cried from what was aware of his poverty and disadvantage. Often, she went to her, the father and the brothers began to treat her carefully, as if they condemned that she married the dislike for money. On holidays, his father still played on the old fiesharmonium and drank even stronger. If Ana had to go out into the world with her husband, he forced her to bow to everyone who was above him by rank.

The girl had no money anymore, she could not help the family. Once her father came to raise money from Modest Alexeić. He received not only 50 rubles, but also the instructions about how to be ashamed to be drunk. Anna Husband did not trust money, only gave dear decorations and often checked their safety.

Before the winter ball, Modest Alexeich gave his wife 100 rubles, so that she sewed her dress. In the appointed evening, she struck her husband with her beauty. They went to the ball together; The girl suddenly appeared again the anticipation of happiness and joy. In the spacious hall, decolted ladies with their cavaliers were slowly spacious, others had already spinned in dance, hundreds of lights and huge mirrors flashed all the action. Anya felt rich and free. All evening she danced with men: many wanted to make her a company to another party. Then his begging was diverted by Anna to the hut, where a charity bazaar was held; A girl with interest turned on in the process, Big Trading began. She just returned in the morning, joyful, tortured, and immediately went to bed. On that day, she first commanded her husband: "Flight away, Bully!".

From that Bala, the free and saturated life of Anna began: she regularly participated in picnics, performances, dinners, went to hunt, walked a lot, spent her husband's money right and left, just managed to send checks.

At Easter Modest Alekseich received the long-awaited order, and his shyling said: "So you now have three Annes, one in a loop, two on the neck."

About Anya's family now did not remember, and if they met them, he did not know that at all. Only the brothers ran up to her father, intending to remove the cylinder, and asked: "Do not, daddy ... will, daddy ...".

Feedback (352 words): I can not say unequivocally, if I liked this story or not. The impression was two. His plot is very realistic, and I am sure that such cases happened more than once. I get bitterly from the fact that people in pursuit of rich life lose their own spiritual guidelines and lose all connections with close, because they turn into the pride. At the same time, the author describes the era when for a woman almost the only opportunity to find means for existence was marriage. We condemn the heroine, but I'm not sure that she had a choice, after all, honest work of girls at that time was not, and even the place of the governess was found on protection. In this, I see a flaw: Social environment itself forced Anna to this step, and her position is not her fault.

The main topic of the story is the impact of wealth for depletion inner world man. Anna loses the true meaning of life and former values, now she is interested in one entertainment, and the worst thing is that the girl considers it quite normal; She is happy, free and rich. The author rifles people for whom the waste of money for walks and balls has become the main occupancy in life, the people who forgotten for them about their family and have been burned by the fact that they are rich, although they themselves did not attach any efforts.

At the beginning of the story, my attitude to the main heroine was good: Anna seemed to me a sensible girl, sincere, loving and responsive. After moving to her husband, she completely fell by the Spirit, did not see the meaning of life and felt that he made a mistake; At these moments I really had it sorry. But as she entered the secular society and became an integral part of it, I still sympathized with her abandoned family.

Thus, this work reveals some of the most terrible vices of society - the ingredness of money and thirst for entertainment. The author teaches the reader to know the price and not to be exchanged for material benefits. His the main idea It is that the person who "sits on the neck" is proud of other people's achievements, attributing them to himself, not worthy of respect. I would like to read this story as many people and asked ourselves: I did not turn into such a person who is able to exchange everything he has, for dinner with "his fortune" and walk "in the carriage".

A.P.Chekhov is one of the greatest playwrights and prosaikov in world literature. His plays today are successfully put in theaters, and works are in reader's demand worldwide.

The story "Anna on the neck" very brightly reflects how human nature may vary from domestic conditions and people around. In this work, the author shows the degradation of the person in the person of the main character, Anna.

Description of the story

The story begins with the quotation: "After the wedding, there was not even light snacks." The young girl, who was only 18 years old, becomes the wife of an elderly official of 52 years old, Modest Alexeich. This marriage was calculated, since the Anna family was on the verge of poverty. When Anna's mother died, Anna's father, Peter Leontilich, began to abuse alcohol. The younger brothers who learn in the gymnasium (Petya and Andryusha) remained almost in poverty, they didn't even have new boots.

To save Anna's reputation and arrange her personal life, familiar find her spouse in the face of a rich, but ugly and old official. During a ride at Bogomol, Anna's husband shares memories of a funny case that happened to one friend during the presentation of the Order of St. Anna his shiny. Modest Alekseych also strives to obtain the second degree ordine.

Soon family life The main character acquires gray color, it is bored in the society of the spouse, it is one for all days. The husband turns out to be a pretty miser personality, so the money Anne had to be able to ask if she had to buy outfit. Help your brothers did not succeed because of the lack of their own money. And the jewels that Daril Anna Husband, he constantly checked for presence. To the family of his wife Modest Alekseich did not feel any compassion and did not want to help materially.

After one evening, which was successful for Anna, because she became the center of attention, her life change drastically. Anya "realized that it was created exclusively for this noisy, brilliant, laughing life with music, dancing, fans." Now she is ashamed of her husband, who looks unworthy, requires money from him without any embarrassment. She is ashamed of her father, - a leaving of a simple family. Driving past the brothers and father, she did not even honor them even attention.

main characters

The girl is 18 years old of a simple family that marries the calculation for the official to save his position. In addition, she is modest, worries about their relatives, but in the second part of the story of her heroine is experiencing a complete change of personality.

Modest Alekseich - 52-year-old official, striking success and career, very stingy. In the end, he gets the desired Order of St. Anna.

Peter Leontiech - Father Anna, teacher drawing in gymnasium. He began drinking a lot when his wife died.

Petya and Andryusha - Junior Brothers Anna, Gymnasists, "Slender, Pale Boys with big eyes ..."

Artyna "Bogach, a lover of a noisy life, in whose company Anna often spent the time after exploring the ball.

Analysis of the story

In the face of the main heroine, a sharp change is visible personal qualities After understanding its social significance. Initially, Anna seems to reader with a thin kind of kind, which has feelings of compassion, morality and love for his family. But the elevation of a person in the aristocratic circles awakens in Anna hidden vices in the face of the corruption, pride and disregard for their relatives.

The depth of the story and its essence is completely disclosed in the climax. The author gives clearly understanding the reader that Anna is a windy person, for which the meaning of life is expensive outfits, lush balas and influential surroundings in the face of wasteful rich.

The story "Anna on the neck" of Chekhov wrote in 1895. The theory of literature refers the work to the tradition of critical realism. Despite the drama of the plot, the story is not deprived of humor and irony. Chekhov gave satirical features not only by Modesta Alekseevich and its shiny, but also Anna himself. The girl from the very beginning of the work does not look like a sacrifice of circumstances, she is enough to calculate. As soon as Anna receives everything that she needs: money, attention and influence, she forgets about poor relatives and lives in his pleasure.

main characters

Modest Alekseich - Elderly official, 52 years; "Middle growth, quite complete, plump", "kept solid."

Anna - Young girl, 18 years old; Married Alexeich Modesta from material considerations.

Other heroes

Petya and Andryusha - Gymnasists, younger brothers Anna.

Peter Leontiech - Father Anna, teacher in gymnasium.

Artyna "" Rich, tall, full brunette, "" Donzhuan and Balovnik ", cared for Anna.

His shiny - Head of Modest Alexeich.


"After the wedding there was not even light snacks." Young immediately went to the station, "On Bogomol". Modest Alekseych married a very young girl. They said that he also started a trip to the monastery in order to show that in marriage he would give "the first place of religion and morality."

Drunk father Anna with tears in his eyes tried to say something to her for goodbye, but the brothers girls, Peter and Andryusha, confused him.

Left alone with his wife, Modest Alekseich remembered the story. His friend was grilling wife Anna. And when a friend was awarded the Order of St. Anne's second degree, his begging was expressed: "So you now have three Anne: one in a loop, two on the neck" (this award was taken on the neck). Modest Alexeich hoped that he would not say such a begging.

Anne "It was scary and gadko." The girl remembered how painful was wunde. No one understood why she marries "this elderly, uninteresting gentleman." She felt deceived. Wedding dress had to be sewn, and her family Modest Alexeich did not help. The girl was not even sure if there was something at the father and the brothers for dinner.

Anna's father was a teacher drawing and cleaning in the gymnasium. When the mother died, he had a lot, had a need, he even wanted to dismiss. Familiar ladies "drove" and found for Anna Groom - Modest Alexeić. The girl hoped he would silence the word for her father and a man would not be fired from work.

The train stopped at the gesture. The girl went to the platform. Seeing officers and rich owner dacha places Artynova, she began to flirtat. The girl rose the mood, and before the monastery she was already in the excellent location of the Spirit.

In the city of Anna and Modest Alekseich lived on a state-owned apartment. Staying alone, the girl played on the piano, read the book, cried from boredom. For lunch, Modest Alekseich said that "what you need to work that family life is not pleasure, but debt" and that "every person must have his duties."

Anna often came to his father and brothers, but they seemed to condemn her for marriage by calculation. Her ladies confused and insulted them. Each time the father drank a lot for dinner, and on holidays played in fiesharmoniums.

Sometimes Anna and her husband went to the theater. Modest Alexeich forced his wife to go to the person who occupy a higher position. Anna was embarrassed to ask her husband, and he himself did not indulge it. "She did everything that the husband wanted, and was angry with himself for deceiving her as the last fool." She was now less money than to marriage. Sometimes the husband gave Anna decoration, but regularly made a revision, checking whether everything was in place.

Only once, Peter Leontilich asked Modest Alexeić for a debt of 50 rubles. He gave, but said that he would no longer give until the man would throw to drink. Each time Native Anna had to listen to the instructions of Modest Alexeić, although he did not give them money.


Planned winter ball. Modest Alexeich said Anna that she should sew a ball gown and gave her a hundred rubles. The girl decided to buy such an outfit, whatever her deceased mother - a woman was fashionable and taught her daughter to flirtat.

On the ball, surrounded by the highest society, Anna felt like a girl, and the lady. " She understood that the proximity of the old husband does not humiliate her, but "puts the seal of spicy mysteriousness on her."

The girl was successful in men, everyone was invited. Himself his fortification suggested Anna to take part in a charitable market. The artes present bought champagne and tea for one hundred rubles. "She already understood that it was created exclusively for this noisy, brilliant, laughing life." Anna began to shy his drunken, "ordinary" father. When the girl was accompanied home, already light.

The next day, Arthnov came to Anna, and after and his raising with gratitude for participating in the bazaar. Finally came her husband. Modest Alexeić looked at his wife with the "enchanting, sweet, Khopski, which was accustomed to see him in the presence of strong and noble." Understanding that she will not be anything, the girl said to him: "Flight away, Bully!"

"After that, Ani had no free day." She returned home in the morning. Anna was not afraid to take money from her husband, spending them as her.

When at Easter Modest Alexei received Anna's second degree, his begging said: "So you now have three Anne, one in a loop, two on the neck." Modest Aleksey, trying to scalley replied that now it remains to be expected to be a little Little Vladimir, having in mind the Order of Vladimir IV degree, but his begging has not listened to a man.

Peter Leontilich drank stronger than the former, they did not have money, Fesharmonia had to sell for duty. When the man tried to sneak Anna on the street, her sons took him under his arms and beggingly said: "Do not, daddy ... Will, daddy ..."


The Central Character of the story "Anna on the neck" is the young coquette Anna. First, the work seems to be a marriage for the calculation - a real tragedy that will spoil her youth. However, the scene, when the girl immediately after the marriage of Koxes on the gestand with officers, shows that it is more important for her success in society. Having received this success after the ball, the girl changes in his eyes, and its negative features are exposed before the reader.

The proposed retelling "Anna on the neck" will help prepare for the lesson of literature, and also quickly remember the plot of the work.

Test story

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Rating Repeatchair

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings obtained: 430.

Year: 1895 Genre: story

A young, pretty girl get married for a man's rich, who she is in fathers. Her social position is very heavy. She was still in childhood left without a mother, father drinks, the poor brothers walk without shoes. The spouse turns out to be very greedy, she does not buy anything and does not give money.

On the Christmas ball he makes an exception and buys her evening dress. Anna looks amazing, overshadows all the ladies around. Even his begging remains not indifferent to a beautiful lady. This evening changed the life of the girl once and forever. Now she is not afraid of her husband and boldly answers him. She goes to walk, evenings. Account pays her husband.

The work teaches that they do not need to renounce their relatives, they shame their social status, appearance. On the contrary, in difficult times stretching the hand of help.

Read the summary of the Chekhov Anna on the neck

The plot of the works unfolds around the main heroine of Anna. She was beautiful, young, attractive than 18 years old. Anna becomes the wife of a 52-year-old Men Modesty Alexei. After the wedding, they go to the monastery.

During the way, Modest Alekseych recalls the case that happened to his old buddy by Kosososotov. When he received the Armenian order, his begging told him that he now has three Annes, the first - in a pettice, the second - spouse, and the third is a medal. Two of them weigh on the neck. Modest spoke directly to his wife, which does not want to hear the same phrase from his shine upon receipt of the Order of St. Anna 2th degree.

But the girl even in thoughts did not have to think about such. She had no money during a marriage, but on the contrary - decreased.

Anya was from the poor family. Her mother died when Anya was a little girl. Her father Peter Leontilich was seriously worried about the death of the spouse and therefore his grief was dried in alcohol. Her younger brothers Petit and Andrei did not even have shoes.

Familiar friendmen began to look for her her husband and found a man who is good to her fathers, but rich. Young began to live in Modest's apartment. Anna played a piano, at times frustrated and roared bitterly into the pillow. The conversations of the husband were only about work, it was absolutely not interested in the girl. This marriage for Anna was only a debt.

Sometimes the heroine was published. By order of her husband, she bowed to noble and rich features. Modest was a greedy man, he did not give his wife gifts, but only decorations and the fact that it was profitable. Peter Leonttych asked fashion 50 rubles and how many reproaches heard in their address. Anin's spouse boys constantly sat down entire lectures on the fact that everyone should work and benefit. When the girl came home, her father and brothers thoughtfully thought out their behavior with the son-in-law and Anna.

So the Christmas ball was approaching. The husband for the first time gave Anna money on the evening dress. Its value was 100 rubles.

The long-awaited day came. Anna was just amazing. No man remained indifferent to this excellent creation. Even his fortification made a proposal to her to hold a charity market. The goods were painted with a bang. Artes came up to the girl, a notable and rich man. He just "throw out money" to the right and left. At this evening, Anna realized that was created for such a noisy, cheerful, incendiary life. She found her place in society.

In the morning, Artes arrived at Martynov and Anna, and then his beggar. At this time, the spouse was absent. When he returned home, he was shocked by those present, stood with the Khopovsky expression and looked at the guests. With great admiration, she humiliated her husband to noble people, knowing that he would not do anything to her.

Now Anna did not miss, she was something to do. She attended the performances, went to walk. I came home when it was already started light. There was a lot of money, but it did not worry her, the bill paid the spouse.

During the celebration of Easter Modest received its desired Order of St. Anna 2th degree. During the presentation, his fortifications uttered the same phrase as Kosososov. Modest only swirl, which awaits replenishment - Little Vladimir. This he meant about the Order of Vladimir 4th degree. He had already dreamed of thinking about how to brag about it.

Anna entertained riding on horseback with Arthnov. Practically did not go to the father. Peter Leontilich was worse than the previously began to drink, the financial situation was further aggravated. At the sight of his daughter, he raised the cylinder and wanted to say something to her, but his sons stopped.

Picture or drawing Anna on the neck

  • Summary Powstone

    The work is a prosaic poem that tells about native edge Writer. This edge is very dear to the heart, even in it and there are no inconspicuous wealth. But the nature of it is indescribable beautiful

  • Chekhov: Anna on the neck: reading diaries: summary, Recode Plan, Main Heroes, Home Thought, Feedback, Analysis.

    Reading Diary - 1

    Young, poor Anna girl marries a rich, in the years, an official of Modesta Alekseevich. Her mother died, his father drinks, there is no money, so the two younger brothers walk in duct clothes. To somehow correct the position of the family, familiar women and arrange this wedding.
    Husband makes Anya to have no attention signs to noble people, she doesn't like it, but she cannot argue, because her husband is afraid. Coming out married a rich, Anya does not see a penny of money. And all the jewels that he gives, often recalculates.
    Modest reports Anna, that they will go to the ball, and tells her that she seemed to be his spouse. Anna appears on the ball, in a beautiful dress, it looks fresh, young and fine, it brings a great success. Anya notices his clay, he introduces her with his wife, which Anna replaces perfectly in charity.
    Anna understands his success, Anna understands that she is now a hostess of life. She forgets his father and brothers, her husband now does not put anything, but only spends his money. However, he is satisfied with everyone, because now he has three Anne.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story:
    Show how in one day life can change cool. We see what Annushka was before the ball, and what it became after the Bala, and how Modest was taken to this, who relied in strict rules in everything, he also changed, having received the cherished three Anne, now he dreams of Vladimir.

    Shone, how can the popularity in society and men, shine, wealth and chic of secular life eclipse the meekness, morality and life principles that have adhered to the sweetness of secular life.

    Reading Diary - 2

    Main characters:
    Modest Alekseych is an elderly official, 52 years old.
    Anna - Young girl, 18 years old.
    More characters:
    Peter and Andryusha - Gymnasists, the younger brothers Anna.
    Peter Leontilich - Father Anna, teacher in gymnasium.
    Arthnov - "Rich, High, Full Brunette", "Donzhuan and Balobovnik"
    His rise is the head of Modest Alexeich.

    A young, pretty girl get married for a man's rich, who she is in fathers. Her social position is very heavy. She was still in childhood left without a mother, father drinks, the poor brothers walk without shoes. The spouse turns out to be very greedy, she does not buy anything and does not give money.

    On the Christmas ball he makes an exception and buys her evening dress. Anna looks amazing, overshadows all the ladies around. Even his begging remains not indifferent to a beautiful lady. This evening changed the life of the girl once and forever. Now she is not afraid of her husband and boldly answers him. She goes to walk, evenings. Account pays her husband.

    The work teaches that they do not need to renounce their relatives, they shame their social status, appearance. On the contrary, in difficult times stretching the hand of help.

    Reading Diary - 3

    Anna, Teacher's daughter, whose family is in a distressed position, marries a rich official Modest Alekseevich. So the father of Anna is trying to correct his financial situation. However, Modest Alekseevich is not located to keep his wife's family, he turned out to be extremely stingy and little. Modest Alekseevich dreams of the Order of St. Anne the second degree, which makes it possible to advance in the ranks faster. Initially, the life of Anna with such a husband is a pathetic and gray, but thanks to its beauty on the ball, she meets rich, notable and influential people who become its patrons. From that moment, the life of Anna changes sharply - she holds days in fun, entertainment and balas. Now it's not a husband wondering her, and she. The Father and the Anna Brothers fall into full poverty and lose their homes, but Anna completely forgot about them. Modest Alekseevich gets the desired order and dreams of next. In the story of Chekhov, two values \u200b\u200bof Anna's expression on the neck - the Order of the second degree and the wife named Anna, who now drawn her husband as with a servant.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis story is the desire of the author to show about the influence of material wealth and public situation on the spiritual and inner world of man, on morality and other positive human qualities.

    Reading Diary - 4

    This is the story of turning a modest and simple girl in a real secular lady. First main character Anya's story, a young girl, marries a rich old man to help his father and brothers. She becomes the wife of a coarse, vulgar and fashionable model of Alekseevich, whom she is afraid. Typical "unequal" marriage. But the life does not get better at the same time. In her husband's house it is even more difficult for her than at home, where it was fun, and she felt free. Yes, and the family was not possible to help (because of the greed of her husband). Everything changes in the life of Ani, when she first appears in the world and has a deafening success in men, and especially the chief of her husband. From a timid and modest girl, she is transformed into proud and self-confident lady, which husband is now afraid. The life of the world and the attention of men circling her head, and the poor father and brothers are now forgotten.

    The main thought of this story is definitely the fact that money and high social status can change a person, simply beyond recognition and a meek and cute girl who living in the poor seemed to be an angel and a sample of pupils, could turn into a person for which there is not at all In fact, nothing holy. Well, at the same time, forget even their parents who lived before that with her in equally poor conditions and it seems to be at least it is difficult for them, it should be understood with all his immorality, it should be a little help, on this story, this does not happen .

    In addition, the thoughts of the story, traced and the fact that Chekhov wants to show all the men that the gentle and humble and poor in the material plan is not always a good wife and a man as a whole, since even his husband from which she depended, Anna arranged not the most sweet life, suppressing his personality in many ways.

    Reading Diary - 5

    The 18-year-old beauty Anna is married to a 52-year-old rich promotion of Modest Alekseevich. The girl goes on it only for the sake of money to save himself and family from poverty.

    Soon, Anna understands that her spouse is a greedy, rude, insensible person. Modest does not give Anna's money at all, because of what she lives in an even greater need, than to marriage (she used to take money from his father, but now it's afraid that her husband does not like it). Anna feels deceived and unhappy: the spouse enjoys her beauty and youth, not giving a good relationship in return, no money.

    Once, a few months after the wedding, Modest and Anna for the first time go to the ball in noble Assembly. There, Anna enchants all men, including "his begging" (an important head of Modest). Also on it pays particular attention to the rich-art of Artov.

    The next day, Arthnov and "his beggar" personally come home to Anna to express their admiration. The girl understands that now it has an impact in society. Modest Alekseevich also understands this and therefore begins to keep in front of his wife. Anna, in response, drives and causes the nerd.

    After the ball, the life of Anna is completely changing: now it happens every day in the world, coming home in the morning. Probably, Anna is tied by secret relationship with the rich arthnov. The girl is no longer afraid of her husband and does not limit himself in money, and Modest submours pays all her bills. (Thus, Anna "sits on the neck" spouse and becomes "Anna on the neck" for him.)

    Soon Modest Alekseevich receives another reward - the Order of St. Anne 2th degree, he is "Anna on the neck." (Now Modest has two "Annes on the neck": one - in the form of an order, the second - in the form of a wife.)

    Meanwhile, Anna's entertainment is becoming less and less likely from the father and brothers and little is interested in their lives. Meanwhile, the father of Anna drinks even stronger, and the family is poring.

    Reading Diary - 6

    Krasavitsa Anna 18 years old is married for a 52-year-old rich modern official Alekseevich. Of course, the girl goes on it for money.
    Soon, Anna understands that Modest is greedy and stingy. Now she needs money even more. Anna feels deceived, and the spouse enjoys her beauty without giving anything in return.
    Once on the ball Anna eclipses all women and all men pay attention to her.
    The next day, the rich-in-law arrives at Anna to express admiration. Now Modest is already looking for attention from Anna, and she understands that he has weight in society. At the requests and petitions of her husband Anna gives refusal.
    After the ball Anna, a completely different person. Now her husband indulges her, and she is no longer afraid of her husband and controls them in full. Thus, for Modest, it becomes "Anna on the neck."
    Soon Modest gets the Order called Anna. Now he has on her neck.
    Anna is less likely to communicate with his father and family. Father is increasingly drinking and porch. Anna in this way it turns out just thickened.

    Reading Diary - 7

    The main heroine of this story is Anna Petrovna, a beautiful elegant eighteen year old girl with good manners. Anna is a poor noble, she dances, knows how to play a tool, speaks French well. Anna produces an indelible impression on those surrounding at first glance, she is kind and knows how to flirt. Anna lives with his father and two brothers, her mother has long died. The family was depleted due to the fact that his father began to drink.

    Plot story:

    Anna is married to Modest Alekseevich - a wealthy official, fifty-two years old. She is solved on this for the sake of saving his family from poverty. But, living with Modest, Anna sees that her spouse is a heartless, greedy and richish man.

    The girl lives even in a greater poverty than before marriage, as the husband does not give her money. The girl understands that she turned out to be deceived - Modest enjoys her, but in return does not offer anything.

    Spouses ride a ball. Anna attracts many male views, enchanting everyone. She falls in love with Arthnova, who the next day comes to visit Anna. The girl feels his power in society. Her husband, noticing it, begins to reptile before his wife. She drives him. Anna has a relationship with Artyna. She boldly behaves with her husband and spends his money. Anna sits modes on the neck. The girl is rarely visiting the family, not interested in family matters.

    Anton Chekhov: Anna on the neck: What to write for a reader's diary: students of different classes. The shortest content, Scene, Plan, the main characters, the main idea, review, analysis. website