Counting the number of missing soviet soldiers During the Great Patriotic War, it is still being conducted. However, given the insufficiency of information and the inconsistency of some information, it will not be easy to do.

Completeness of counting

Almost every Russian family has relatives missing during the Great Patriotic War. Learn the fate of many of them is no longer possible. So, the talented military pilot Leonid Khrushchev, the son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (in 1953-1964) of Nikita Khrushchev, is considered to be the missing.

In 1966-1968, human losses in the Great Patriotic War led the General Staff Commission, in 1988-1993, the team of military historians was engaged in information and verification of materials of all previous commissions. Despite this, we still do not definitely know how many Soviet soldiers and officers died in this war, the more accurate data on the number of missing.

Today, data on the losses that were published in 1993 by a group of researchers under the leadership of the consultant of the Military Memorial Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Grigory Krivosheev are officially recognized. However, doctor historical sciences Mahmut Gareev does not consider this data final, finding a set of flaws in the commission counts. In particular, some researchers digit common losses The Soviet Union over the war years is 26.6 million called incorrect.

The writer Rafael Grugman points to a number of pitfalls, which the Commission did not pay attention to and which will be difficult for any researcher. In particular, the Commission did not take such a category of persons as policemen and the Vlasovs killed by partisans and those who died in battles with the Red Army. What types of losses to attribute them - dead or missing? Or at all count to the enemy camp?

Often in the front-line reports of the missing united with the prisoners, which today makes a considerable confinement when they count. For example, it is not clear to whom to consider the soldiers who did not return from captivity, because among them were the dead, and joined the enemy, and the remaining abroad.

Very often missing brought into lists with a total number of losses. So, after the Kiev defensive operation (1941), the missing was carried out to the killed and captured - only more than 616 thousand people.

To date, there are many nameless graves where Soviet soldiers are buried, and it is completely unclear how many of them are in the missing. We should not forget about deserters. Only according to official data, about 500 thousand mobilized disappeared on the way to the military office.

Another problem is almost complete destruction in the 1950s of the accounting cards of military-ridden stock and an ordinary composition of the Red Army. That is, we do not know the real number of mobilized in the period of the Great Patriotic War, which makes it difficult to count real losses and allocating among them the category "missing".

Such different numbers

The results of the fundamental study by the Krivosheev group losses of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR in combat actions for the period from 1918 to 1989 were published in the book "The vulture of secrecy is removed. Losses of the armed forces in wars, combat actions and military conflicts. "

In particular, it says that during the years of the Great Patriotic War (including during the campaign on Far East Against Japan in 1945) General irrevocable demographic losses (killed, went missing, they were captured and did not return from it, died from wounds, diseases and as a result of accidents) of the Soviet Armed Forces together with border and internal troops amounted to 8 million 668 thousand 400 people.

But there are researchers who bring the scale of Soviet losses to completely unthinkable values. The most impressive figures give a writer and historian Boris Sokolov, who appreciated the total number of those killed in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces in 1941-1945 at 26.4 million people with German losses in the Soviet-German front of 2.6 million (ratio of 10: 1) . He counted in the Great Patriotic War of Soviet citizens, he counted 46 million.

However, the official science of such calculations appears absurd, since no more than 34.5 million people were mobilized for all the years of war with a pre-war number of military personnel, from which the direct participants of the war were about 27 million. Based on Sokolov statistics, Soviet Union I finished the enemy forces of just a few hundred thousand military, which does not fit in any way with the realities of war.

Not returned from war

The Krivosheev Group conducted a statistical study of a large array of archival documents and other materials containing information about human losses in the army and on fleet, border and internal Forces NKVD. Initially, the number of all irretrievable losses of soldiers and officers during the war was determined approximately 11.5 million people.

Later, 939.7 thousand military personnel were excluded from this number, taken into account at the beginning of the war as missing, but secondly designed to the army on the territory liberated from the occupation. The researchers and 1 million 836 thousand former military personnel were deducted from their calculations, after the end of the war they returned from captivity.

After long-term calculations, reconciliation with various sources, in particular, with the reports of troops and data of the repatriation bodies, the category of irretrievable losses was given by the figure of 8 million 668 thousand 400 people. The number of missing and prisonered commission estimated at 3 million 396.4 thousand people.

It is known that in the first months of war there were significant losses, the character of which was not documented by documented (information about them was subsequently collected, including in German archives). They amounted to 1 million 162.6 thousand people. Where to attribute them? It was decided, to the servicemen who disappeared and turned out to be in captivity. In the end, it turned out 4 million 559 thousand people.

Russian publicist and journalist Leonid Radzikhovsky calls this figure overestimated and writes its own - 1 million 783 thousand 300 people. True, it includes not all prisoners, but not yet returned home.

His or others?

A lot of Soviet citizens in the first months of the war turned out to be in the occupied territory of the USSR. According to German sources to May 1943, 70 thousand Soviet citizens, mainly from the number of prisoners of war, served in police police and about 300 thousand - in police teams. Only representatives of the Turkic and Caucasian nationalities in the German military formations were about 150 thousand people.

After the end of the war, some of the Soviet citizens who switched to the side of the enemy were repatriated and excluded from the category of losses. But some part disappeared, driving or not wishing to return to their homeland. Here there is a methodological problem with which researchers face. If at the time of getting into captivity of Soviet soldiers with a full basis ranked to our losses, then, therefore, after receipt to the service in german army And the police can be enrolled at the opponent's account? While this is a discussion question.

It is even more difficult to qualify already counted for the missing Soviet prisoners of war, some of which deliberately moved to the direction of Reich. Among them, including about 100 thousand Latvians, 36 thousand Lithuanians and 10 thousand Estonians. Is it possible to consider them irretrievable losses? The clarification of this issue will have a significant impact on the results of counting missing.

Return the names

In January 2009, in St. Petersburg at a meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", data on the number of missing were voiced by the President of the Russian Federation. Those who could not be found among those killed or among the former prisoners of war were 2.4 million people. Also, there are also unknown names of 6 million warriors from 9.5 million, which are in registered 47 thousand fraternal graves in our country and abroad.

It is curious that data on the number of missing Soviet soldiers coincide with the number of those in the German army. In the German radiotelegram, originating from the Wehrmacht's loss accounting department of May 22, 1945, opposite the category "missing" a number of 2.4 million people were marked.

Many independent researchers believe that the real digit of missing soviet soldiers significantly higher than official. This may indicate the analysis of the memory books, where about half of the citizens designed to the ranks of the Red Army and not returning from the war, noted as missing.

Candidate of Military Sciences Lev Lopukhovsky believes that the official data of the results of the work of the Krivosheev group are underestimated by 5-6 million people. According to him, the Commission did not take into account the enormous category of militia of the militia who died, missing and captured, and this is at least 4 million.

Losses in the "missing" category Lopukhovsky urged to compare the Ministry of Defense with the data of the CartigCentral archive. Only the number of missing sergeants and soldiers there exceed 7 million people. The last names of these servicemen are recorded in the reports of commander of the military units (1,720,951 people) and in the credentials of the military registration and entertainment (5,435,111 people).

All this suggests that a more or less accurate figure reflecting the number of missing Soviet military, no. Today, missing soldiers and officers, as well as unnecessary properly, but recorded military personnel and are the main object of activity for the Russian search movement. It should be noted that by now the Russian search details have returned the names of about 28 thousand soldiers who have previously discouraged.

To organize in archivessearch for dead and missing in Bords 1941-1945 relatives on the surname need

1) to collect maximum information about the wanted front-line (surname, time / place of birth; region of the army; place (s) of service; bodies of troops; part number (s); any official and unofficial notices of contact captured; field mail numbers from sent letters, etc.)

2) Contact all these data by the Internet sites:

a) Thematic resource of the Ministry of Defense called "Joint Data Bank" Memorial "" *. Address:

b) Electronic Bank "The feat of the people in the world of 1941-45"

Includes rooms and texts of orders about award. Address:\u003dnavhome.

c) "Memory of the People"

This resource contains information on places of deployment of military units at all stages of the Second World War. Address:

d) "immortal regiment"

Public initiative sites MOYPOLK.RU and POLKRF.RU allow you to seek the search for front-line people on your own database, publications in the media, orders, archival documents, stories of participants in the Second World War, etc.

3) Send requests for finding unofficial archives and databases to collected by the commutors and databases (you can find such as "Yandex" and any other search engine).

4) Contact specialized archives (Metropolitan State Military Archive and / or similar archives of the former Union republics; archives of power departments, etc.). With a personal visit to the Favorites archive, a statement may be required to indicate their personal data, the purpose of collecting information and the approximate list of requested documents.

5) send a request for the search for dead and missing in Bords of 1941-1945 in the archives of Germany and countries in which they were conducted martialctions. The main corps of the federal archive of Germany is based in Koblets, and the largest branches in Freiburg, Berlin and other cities.

6) contact the local archives of German cities and lands (Dresden Center for the documentation for the organization "Saxon Memorials", etc.)

7) If there is information about the approximate place of the death of a wanted relative - to contact local military-patriotic detachments, the list of which is available on the resource (subsection "Region. Representatives").

Algorithm for finding a missing relative

The more data is known about the front-line - the easierless. Ideally, in addition to the name of the artist, it is desirable to possess information about the place of his birth, the date and place of the call, the number of the military unit, etc. As a result of the analysis of documents provided by online resources, you can track life Path ancestor For example, information from premium documents will allow you to learn about the feasures committed by a relative, the address of the family in the years of the Second World War, etc.


Such wording in the results of extradition in no case should be the basis for the discontinuation of the search. According to the documents on the fields of service, you can "calculate" the female hero and to know the details of the fatal battle. There are cases when the fighters lost the memory "flooded" under other names. The main thing is not to stop searching, using any, even the most minor, "hooks".

It will not be superfluous to establish contacts with representatives of search groups (personal belongings found by them and the remains often allow you to shed light on the events of interest).

It is important to remember that in the number of missing fighters who were captured. To search in this direction, it is advisable to contact the Domestic Ministry of Defense and the German Documentation Center located in Dresden, where data on the citizens of the Soviet Union captible by the Nazis are collected.

How to act in case of failure

Counseling with like-minded people and people long engaged in search. You can find out the addresses of thematic forums and social networks (some sites are devoted entirely to the discussion of the front-line life of specific parts and compounds). The forum of the All-Russian Genealogical Tree site contains links to great many links and archives, query form in various departments, recommendations for the search, etc.

OBD "Memorial"

* The generalized computer data bank "Memorial" - created by the presidential instruction No. FR-698 dated 23.04.2003 information archive with information about the defenders of the Motherland, the fallen and missing during the Second World War (1941-1945) and the post-war period.

The Mission of the PUD "Memorial" project is to ensure citizens by the possibility of establishing destinies and places of disposal / capture / disappearance of their relatives.

Specialists of the Elar corporation specialists are engaged in the formation and filling of the site

Data on the fighters of the Red Army and partisan detachments were collected by the rear service staff

  • - departmental archives (Navy, Air Force, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, KGB / FSB);
  • - branches of the Russian State Military Archive;
  • - branches of the State Archive of the Russian Federation;
  • - profile departments of the Ministry of Defense;
  • - open sources (newspaper publications; postal correspondence data; reports on irretrievable losses; documentation of medicalbaths and hospitals; trophy cards of prisoners of war; the passports of the burial, etc.).

The result of such cooperation was the creation of a global (and regularly updated) information and reference system with more than 13.4 million digitized pages of archival documents and 42 thousand dumping passports. OBD "Memorial" - the largest electronic archive missing soldiers of the Second World War War in the world.

OBD-MEMORIAL.RU Available to study millions of scanned copies of documentary primary sources with information on personalities. Portal visitors can search for the necessary information about front-line engineers online. Access to the portal is open 24 hours a day.

The search for the missing participants of the BOB 1941-1945 can be made on sites (addresses are indicated above), which have solid databases with the names of the fallen soldiers found by search detachments. To submit a request, you will need to enter the name and, if possible, additional information about the search (its age, rank, combat awards, etc.) the base on the specified portals is constantly updated, so the negative result of the first attempt may turn into a positive after a while.

An alternative to these sites can be the appeal to regional military-patriotic clubs, whose coordinates can be found on the network. Search engines will make a photo of the missing relative with the personal data of the victim to the common base, after which the same enthusiasts throughout the country will be connected to the search for the fighter.

And finally, you can write (call) to the program "Wait for me", the organizers of which are looking for missing soldiers throughout the planet. To get to the project's database, you will need to fill out the profile on the portal "". The more information about the missing relative is known, the higher the probability of establishing information about it. Searching events start immediately after the arrival of the questionnaire. According to statistics, the employees "wait for me" weekly search for information about several dozens of people, about a third of which are not ordinary fighters, officers and partisans who have not returned from the war.

Attention! because of large number Applications Processing new requests is temporarily suspended. You can search for yourself on the databases "Memorial" (, "feat of the people" ( and "memory of the people" ( - the search for them is performed absolutely free.

Thirty-sest recruitment

There is hardly in our country a family that events 1941-1945. walked around the party. It turned out that among our close relatives at the front was only the brother of my great-grandmother Anna Ivanovna Sudetova, Babushkin Uncle - Alexander Ivanovich Titenkov. According to official data, he disappeared in November 1941. Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kirukhina (Sewnova) in the first year of war was seven years old and she, naturally, remembers little, and in family archive Only one photo has been preserved, on which Alexander Ivanovich is completely small.

Having become a historian, I decided at least something to find out how the front fate of the relative was formed. A variety of Internet resources provided great help in the search, including a generalized data bank "Memorial" 1 and the "Memory of People" database 2, which opens access to the materials of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO, Podolsk). The documentation center for the association "Saxon memorials in memory of victims of political terror" (Dresden) also contains numerous lists of soldiers of the Red Army in german captivity During the war, and free of charge provides a certificate of prisoners of the USSR 3.

A.I. Titenkov was born in 1905 in the village of Solarics of the Gorky region. He was the third child in the family, his mother Anna Mikhailovna early remained widow, the husband died on the hunt before the revolution. Senior Brother Serafim worked as a telegraph in the mail, he tragically died, shot, as they said, from unhappy love. Sister Anna Ivanovna, my great-grandmother on the motherboard was older Alexander for one year. When Alexander Ivanovich matured, he moved to live in the city of Balakhna Gorky region, married. On July 21, 1941 at the age of 36, he was called to the front of Balahninsky RVK. Further fate More unknown. Therefore, I tried to at least partially shed the light on the events that had occurred, the witness and the participant of which he was most likely.

Last letter - August 23, 1941

In the 4th volume of the Book of Memory of the Nizhny Novgorod region there is a short record: "Tietyenkov Alexander Ivanovich, born. 1905, Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region. Private. Lost, November 1941. The place of birth was mistakenly indicated by Balachna, most likely, due to the fact that Alexander Ivanovich's calling, there lived with his family and from there was called. The second document available in archives associated with the name A.I. Titilakova, - Questionnaire of his wife Nina Petrovna Titenkova, dated January 30, 1947, in the Balahninsky RVK of the Gorky region in order to find out the fate of her husband. The profile allowed the information about A.I. Titenkov. First, it is information about the combat compound in which he served, - 831th artillery regiment. Secondly, there is the date of the last letter - August 23, 1941 and the military address on the envelope - "The current army, 831 A.P., P / P 670." The field postal station N 0670 was intended for the 279th Rifle Division (as well as several other divisions), which included the 831th artillery regiment.

A big question causes a string "Position in K [Ramina] and [RMII]," Degasser "is in it. However, according to the list of military-accounting specialties of the Red Army, approved on November 4, 1937, the divisions of chemists-degassers belong to Chemicals, but not to artillery. In this case, you can put forward a few assumptions. Perhaps the questionnaire is indicated by the profession obtained before the war. An ordinary military accounting specialty is usually assigned on the basis of the already existing education or after the completion of training in the study part 5. The profile could also contain an error, for example, it is quite easy to confuse the post of degasser with a rangefinder, which belongs to artillery. In any case, the 279th rifle divisionwhich included the 831th artpol, included at the time of the formation also the 360th individual company of the chemical protection.

A month later - to the front!

Other documents related to the name of A.I. Titenkov, failed to find, so I tried to trace the further combat path of his division.

Unfortunately, studies dedicated to the 279th rifle division of the first formation, relatively little. The material of P.I. deserves attention. Goncharova and I.A. Novoselova 6. The 279th Infantry Division began to form according to the decision of the State Committee of N 48 dated July 8, 1941 in Vladimir and Gorky. At the time of staffing, the division included three rifle and artillery shelves, fighter anti-tank and anti-aircraft artillery divisions, intelligence, self-artistic, automotive and health battalions, communication battalion, the company of chemical protection, moving car accident and field mail 7. The formation took place in Gorky, Dzerzhinsk and Arzamas, and the division headquarters was in the Gorky Kremlin.

Already on August 4, 1941 (less than a month since the formation), the division received an order for sending to the front. At first, they traveled to their move from the village of Moulino through the railway station Ilyino to Gorky to the Sorting station. As reported by P.I. Goncharov and I.A. Novoselova, "Night stayed in the city, on August 5 rose at 5 o'clock in the morning, plunged into Echelon at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Followed by Vladimir in Moscow. On August 7th, in the area 3 o'clock in the morning I left Moscow through Tula - Sukhinichi In Lyudinovo, profits on August 8, 1941 " eight . After unloading, the division received an order to make a march to the River Desna to the Zhukovka River - Dubrovka and take defense on the eastern shore. As of August 30, 1941, the Personal Composition was 11,454 people (on other sources - 10,518 people) 9. The division was part of the percussion grouping of the 50th Army on the Bryansk front.

The first losses

831th artillery regiment in which A.I. served Tients, mentioned only once in the book FD. Pankov "Fire Lights. The combat route of the 50th Army in the Great Patriotic War" At the very beginning of hostilities of the end of August 1941: "During the fire position of the 2nd battery of the 831st artillery regiment of the 279th rifle division of an enemy artillery caught fire Powder in shell sleeves in one of the charging boxes. The gun number of the ordinary V.I. Lyinin, risking life, pulled the tray with hot charges, preventing the explosion "10. Despite the fact that in TsAMO I could not find the documents of the regiment (they are only for the period 1944-1945), I tried to track any mention of the artillery parts in the Division documentation - combat reports and operating reports of the headquarters for the period from August 13 to September 6 1941

For example, according to a combat report of N3 dated August 13, 1941, 8 hours 30 minutes: "Part 279 of the division at 18.00 12.8 went to the areas mentioned to them and started acceptance defensive structures In their sites ... "Next reports report on the participation of the division in hostilities: the work of artillery, the tank intelligence of the enemy, the salvation by our intelligence officers landed the aircraft, the first losses ...

Reports report:

279th Division destroyed

Constridar soviet troops He was appointed on the morning on September 2 in the general direction to Roslavl, the division received the order of the Commander of the 50th Army to adopt on the site of the Vyazovsk-box. For the preparation of the offensive was given to less than a day, which had fallen on the results 11. Two divisions shelves forced the gums and mastered the girls, then the dove and Bersers were liberated, and on September 4, the riverbank, small and old siagnuly, were traded. All this time, numerous counterattacks were taken by the enemy, and the division carried great losses.

The troops of the 3rd and 50th armies on the orders of the front commander were entrenched on the reached line and moved to defense on September 15. The division kept defense on the River Desna 12. On September 17, the latter documents available in Tsamo Division headquarters are dating. It is noteworthy that the order No. 17 of the 50th Army headquarters of the Bryansky Front of September 24, 1941 recorded the facts of concealment by individual commanders of information about counterattacks of the enemy and incurred losses.

Further events of October - November 1941 developed for the 50th army and part of the division tragically. In just two days of the offensive in early October, the Nazis struck the 60 km shaver and broke through almost 100 km deep, the defense was also broken on the right wing of the Bryansk Front, which allowed the Germans to reach the rear. A particularly serious position of the 279th rifle division was determined by the fact that the enemy was able to dismantle it. The surviving parts and units were assigned to the eastern shore of the gums 13. Already on October 4, the enemy has developed an offensive and for the construction of the army for October 6, on October 6, on the same day Misching Bryansk. Communication of the 50th Army with Front Staff was lost. From October 8, the division, being surrounded, broke out with battles, no information on the position of parts did not receive 14. On October 16, the number of divisions numbered about one and a half thousand people 15. According to the operational report No. 125 OK from October 18, 1941: "During the destruction of the 50th army, 55 105 people were taken. 279 SD destroyed" 16.

Other stood on their place

Nevertheless, at the end of October, the remaining parts of the 50th army continued to leave the environment to the city of Bellev. On October 20, the 50th Army entrenched on the boregles occupied and led the battles in the area of \u200b\u200bNikolo - Gastun - Bellev, and the 279th division defended the approach to overpowers on the west bank of the Oka River 17. On October 26, the troops of the Bryansky Front continued to move out of battles in the eastern direction, the Division data was not received. From the environment by the end of October, units were released: the 1005th rifle regiment was totaling only 843 people, of which 109 senior and middle commanders, fighters and commanders of the smashed 1001th and 1003rd rifle regiments were also joined in it.

The only surviving in the entire division and the mercy-commissioned 1005th rifle regiment on October 30 was in the reserve of the army commander. As of November 1, 1941, Division as a combat unit no longer existed. On November 10, the Bryansk Front was disbanded, and the division itself was disbanded on November 17. It is this date that the official response of the Balakhninsky RVK can be explained to a request for the fate of A.I. Titilakova: "disappeared in November 1941." The remaining personnel was facing the recycling of the 154th Rifle Division, subsequently became the 47th Guards Rifle Division. The division was re-established and from September 29, 1941, until the end of the war, he participated in battles with fascist invaders, going to the story as the 279th Rifle Lisuhansky Red Banner Division 19.

There are no lists ...

Following, thus, as far as possible, the combat path of the division and the regiment included in its composition, it is possible with a certain share of confidence to assume the possible non-fate of the ordinary A.I. Tietykova. According to his wife's information, a written link ceased on August 23, the letter Alexander Ivanovich probably wrote and sent before arriving at the front. According to the staff of the headquarters on August 27, 105 division fighters were missing. But it is not in those lists. How not and in the lists of the captive captivity. The battle banners of all parts of the division so far are lost. According to memories of the veteran of the Division, Nizhny Novgorod Yu.M. Kopylova, Division lost a fighting banner in the Gutovsky Forest northeast Bryansk. The total non-return loss of the 50th Army is estimated at about 90 thousand people 20. IN last years The historians of the Bryansk region are actively conducted by the search for the burial sites and the remains of the dead soldiers. However, so far about 70% of burials are unnamed.

6. Goncharov P.I., Novoselova I.A. The combat path of the 279th rifle division of the I-th formation. Nizhny Novgorod, 2013.
7. TsAMO RF. Scroll General Staff N 5.
8. Goncharov P.I., Novoselova I.A. Decree. op.
9. Agni L. Bryansk Front of the first formation in the light of electronic sources (historical and analytical article).
10. Pankov F.D. Fire lights. The combat path of the 50th army in the Great Patriotic War. M., 1984. P. 6.
11. Ibid. P. 8-9.
12. ibid. P. 12-13.
13. Ibid. P. 15.
14. Battle near Moscow. Chronicle, Facts, People. In 2 kN. - M., 2002. KN. 1. P. 265.
15. Trifankov Yu.T., Gavrenkov A.A., Trifankov Ya.Yu. Bryansk Front: 50th Army. "Ressati" and "Hatsun" // Vestnik of the Bryansk University. 2012. N 2 (2).
16. Ibid. P. 359-360.
17. Ibid. P. 398.
19. Korznikov A.I. Roads fire. Sverdlovsk, 1977.
20. Trifankov Yu.T., Gavrenkov A.A., Trifankov Ya.Yu. Decree. op.

You tell me: "Why look for?

Those who have been killed here have long disappeared

We left and those that could wait for them

And all of them long ago forgotten ... "

From the song of search engines

Almost every family of our country has relatives, missing during the Great Patriotic War. Some disparate information is stored in the family, someone has pictures. But when you see the name of the native person in the report of the Memorial base, for example, for some reason, it seems more kind of train under fire, the trenches ... and it seems that if you find out at least something else, your soldier will not be so lonely in his surrounding grave. And hope that the non-returned warriors will not remain without prayer.

About where and how to look for information on the site of the burial of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, "Fome" said Dmitry Alexandrovich Belov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Research Center for the Regional History of Volgograd state Academy Postgraduate education, Vice-President of the International Charitable Foundation " Stalingrad battle».

Step 1. Where to start

Most fast way Find your relative who died in the Great Patriotic War - This is a generalized data bank "Memorial", the base of the central archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO):

For this:

1. We go to the site of the central archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where the electronic most complete database in our country is located in our country:

2. Fill out the graphs "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic", "Year of birth" of his deceased relative:

3. Ideally, we obtain a result of several lines with more or less complete information and continue to study the materials towards the specification of the exact burial site.

4. In the surname or name, or in the middle name, we change the letters, picking them up in this way as if the little man also wrote them or the source document is poorly reading and there are alternative options for reading. And perhaps you will be stumbled upon additional documents from the archive database.

At this stage of the search for a start, the surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, is desirable - the title. If he is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, then, of course, it will be more difficult. It is necessary to show perseverance to make sure that this is the person who needs, the details of the wife name, moms, the name of the village, the city, from where he was called, place of birth (in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the USSR in the pre-war years - Ed.).

It is worth paying special attention to the fourth point. In the database there are really silly orphographic errors. My great-grandfather called Andrei Kirillovich. I wrote "Kirillovich" as a normal person with two l, and then thought that not everyone knows how Kirillovich is written ...

I scored Kirillovich with one "l" and immediately found the burial place. Also Felippovich can be Felippovich, and with one "P", and so on. And in the surname, and the name is also better to try to change letters in the case if they wrote them a little man or the source document poorly read. Such moments should be considered.

Ideally, the result of your searches should be a document on the site of the burial of a relative and information, in which military unit (army, division or regiment) he fought.

If there is no information, you can hope that search engines who are engaged in the search and the burial of the remains of soldiers, will find something. If the search engines managed to find someone, they turn to the draft board, looking for relatives themselves.

But you can continue searching yourself. In this case, you need to assemble the maximum possible amount of information to start a qualitatively new search phase.

What can we help in this?

Step 2. Collecting additional information

Are letters preserved?

The most important thing in the letters is the number of the field mailer (PPP) on the envelope stamp. You can install the division number, regiment, etc.

Powerful resource: a lot of documents on military topics, memoirs, collections. If the division number is known, the area of \u200b\u200bbattles, then you can at least general features Find a description.

Database "Feat People"

Tsamo project.

This is a database where there is information about warriors awarded medals. The base is not yet complete, not all documents are scanned.

There are several hospitals databases on this resource. You dial the hospital number, click Enter and see which division he served.

And many more directories on the birth of troops, chains, weapons.

But the most valuable for

If you register on it, you can get a consultation of completely unfamiliar historians, specialists, all who are interested in searching, employees of the military registration and enlistment office.

To register at the top of this site (see the picture above the lower right corner) you need to click the "Registration" button. Next, you need to fill out the registration form.

Then create a topic (it is better to call it briefly, for example, "No. __-Taja Division. I am looking for a relative"). After that, your request will be able to read anyone who will visit this site. Do not doubt! Such unfamiliar and not indifferent people will be enough. Each will help you with information that has. Some will answer, advise, counseling, others - recommend sites, scan documents you need, excerpt books, etc.

Other resources

There are many more resources that publish interviews veterans, biographies. But it should be borne in mind that these sources, as a rule, do not represent historical values \u200b\u200bfor any researcher or for anyone who wants to use this material in the search.

You tell me: "Why look for?

Those who have been killed here have long disappeared

We left and those that could wait for them

And all of them long ago forgotten ... "

From the song of search engines

Almost every family of our country has relatives, missing during the Great Patriotic War. Some disparate information is stored in the family, someone has pictures. But when you see the surname of a native person in the report of the Memorial base, for example, for some reason, it seems more clearly a train under fire, trenches ... and it seems that if you find out at least something else, your soldier will not be so lonely in his surrounding grave . And hope that the non-returned warriors will not remain without prayer.

About where and how to look for information about the place of burial of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, "Fome" told Dmitry Alexandrovich Belov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Research Center for the Regional History of the Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education, Vice-President of the Stalingrad Battle International Charitable Foundation.

Step 1. Where to start

The fastest way to find a relative who died in the Great Patriotic War is a generalized Memorial Data Bank, the base of the central archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO):

For this:

At this stage of the search for a start, the surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, is desirable - the title. If he is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, then, of course, it will be more difficult. It is necessary to show perseverance to make sure that this is the person who needs, the details of the wife, moms, the name of the village, the city, from where he was called, place of birth (in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the USSR in the pre-war years - approx. ed.).

It is worth paying special attention to the fourth point. In the database there are really silly orphographic errors. My great-grandfather called Andrei Kirillovich. I wrote "Kirillovich" as a normal person with two l, and then thought that not everyone knows how Kirillovich is written ...

I scored Kirillovich with one "l" and immediately found the burial place. Also Felippovich can be Felippovich, and with one "P", and so on. Such moments should be considered.

Ideally, the result of your searches should be a document on the site of the burial of a relative and information, in which military unit (army, division or regiment) he fought.

If there is no information, you can hope that search engines who are engaged in the search and the burial of the remains of soldiers, will find something. If the search engines managed to find someone, they turn to the draft board, looking for relatives themselves.

But you can continue searching yourself. In this case, you need to assemble the maximum possible amount of information to start a qualitatively new search phase.

What can we help in this?

Step 2. Collecting additional information

Are letters preserved?

The most important thing in the letters is the number of the field mailer (PPP) on the envelope stamp. You can install the division number, regiment, etc.

Powerful resource: a lot of documents on military topics, memoirs, collections. If the division number is known, the area of \u200b\u200bbattles, then you can at least find a description of the description.

Database "Feat People"

Tsamo project.

This is a database where there is information about warriors awarded medals.

There are several hospitals databases on this resource. You dial the hospital number, click Enter and see which division he served.

And many more directories on the birth of troops, chains, weapons.

But the most valuable for

If you register on it, you can get a consultation of completely unfamiliar historians, specialists, all who are interested in searching, employees of the military registration and enlistment office.

To register at the top of this site (see the picture above the lower right corner) you need to click the "Registration" button. Next, you need to fill out the registration form.

Then create a topic (it is better to call it briefly, for example, "No. __-Taja Division. I am looking for a relative"). After that, your request will be able to read anyone who will visit this site. Do not doubt! Such unfamiliar and not indifferent people will be enough. Each will help you with information that has. Some will answer, advise, counseling, others - recommend sites, scan documents you need, excerpt books, etc.

Other resources

There are many more resources that publish interviews veterans, biographies. But it should be borne in mind that these sources, as a rule, do not represent historical values \u200b\u200bfor any researcher or for anyone who wants to use this material in the search.