The OECD Agricultural Codes and Schemes facilitate international trade through the simplification and harmonization of documentary, inspection and testing procedures. For Seeds and Forests, the Schemes encourage the production and use of seeds or plants of consistently high quality for which truthfulness to name or source is guaranteed. For Tractors, the Codes enable an importing country to accept with confidence the results of tests carried out in another country, and in the case of Fruit and Vegetables, the Scheme promotes uniform classification and quality control procedures.

The Codes and Schemes were created in the early 1960s, and the number of participating countries has been constantly rising. The Codes and Schemes are open to any OECD or non-OECD country that is a member of the United Nations or of the World Trade Organization. In addition to the OECD countries that are all members of at least one of the Codes and Schemes, participation currently encompasses 29 non-OECD Economies, including some of the major players in world trade. The groups work closely with the UN family, especially the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), as well as specific non-governmental and industrial organizations.

The overarching objectives of the Codes and Schemes are to simplify existing international trade procedures; increase transparency, reduce technical barriers to trade; contribute to international harmonization of standards, environmental protection; and, to increase market confidence through enforcement of quality control and inspection procedures, as well as the traceability of the traded products.

The objectives are achieved through ongoing dialogue with the designated authorities of Member Countries, Observers and, stakeholders including farmers, industry and trade.

OECD Seed Schemes

The OECD Seed Schemes provide an international framework for the certification of agricultural seed moving in international trade. The Schemes were established in 1958 driven by a combination of factors including a fast-growing seed trade, regulatory harmonization in Europe, the development of off-season production, the seed breeding and production potential of large exporting countries in America (North and South) and Europe, and the support of private industry. Membership of the Schemes is voluntary and participation varies. There are seven agricultural Seed Schemes.

OECD Tractor Codes

The OECD Standard Codes for the official testing of agricultural and forestry tractors are a set of rules and procedures for tractor testing with the aim to facilitate trade by updating international rules to certify tractors and their protective structures. Implementation of the Codes ensures that protective structures and performance criteria are carried out on a comparative basis, thus increase transparency, simplify international trade procedures, and open markets.

OECD Fruit and Vegetables Scheme

The OECD Fruit and Vegetables Scheme provide a complete and internationally harmonized quality inspection system for participating countries. The mutual recognition of inspections is strengthened through implementation of peer reviews on national quality inspection systems, organization of meetings for the heads of national inspection services and workshops for the inspectors. Frequent meetings also allow for a comprehensive dialogue among stakeholders in elaborating and reviewing the interpretation of international standards (UNECE and CODEX), as well as defining inspection procedures.

Everyone who works with information flows in science has to deal with classifiers scientific directions, disciplines and topics. There are hundreds of these classifiers. Therefore, adapters\displays\mappings are constantly needed, which allow us to automatically obtain, using a code from one classifier, the corresponding codes from another.
In this post I will collect links to the main classifiers used in Russian science and the adapters that exist between them.

1. OECD Fields of Science(PDF)
The most official classifier of scientific fields in the world today, developed by experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Russia has been joining and joining there since 2007, but has not yet entered. However, with the arrival of Livanov’s team, we began to actively focus on this classifier. It is used in the megagrant competition, as well as in the Map Russian science"(I tried both here and there). In addition, it was taken as a basis when developing a new list of enlarged groups of specialties at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. The OECD FoS classifier is two-level and is coded with two numbers, i.e. for example 1.3 Physical sciences. How you see, the directions are very broad. Small areas like “physics”. solid"There is no FoS in the OECD.

There is an adapter with the Web of Science Subject Categories classifier, developed by Thomson Reuters (also in XLS). The adapter is crooked: each WoS category is assigned to one of the areas of the second level of the OECD FoS, but Food Science & Technology and Logic are each assigned to two areas, for example, LOGIC = 1.01 Mathematics and 1.02 Computer & Information Sciences. On the other hand, the OECD FoS directions4.04 Agricultural Biotechnology 3.04 Health Biotechnology 3.04 Other Medical Sciences does not have any WoS directions assigned to it.

There is an adapter with the Scopus classifier developed by the Greek National Documentation Center as part of their study of Greek scientific publications. It was compiled rather carelessly, IMHO, but I haven’t found another one yet.

2.Web of Science Subject Categories(list)
The main classifier of Web of Science (there are several more, we will not mention them). The classifier is one-level. it has more than 250 destinations, incl. direction Multidisciplinary Sciences. Almost every journal in WoS is assigned to one or more Subject Categories, and publications in this journal are automatically received by all Subject Categories assigned to the journal. This often leads to unpleasant mistakes. In a number of interdisciplinary journals, each publication is classified separately according to a primitive algorithm.

Each WoS direction is coded with two letters, so SY stands for Optics.
This classifier is also used in the "Map of Russian Science".

GRNTI was intended to be the main Russian classifier scientific information. Its trick is that it is a classifier not so much of science as of Russian science. It has three levels, allwith a distinct Soviet flavor. This classifier seems too detailed to me. By the time of its last publication (2007), it had completely become overgrown with all sorts of trash like " 01/12/13 Organizations, congresses, congresses, conferences, symposiums of scientists." SRSTI is used in the RSCI and many other places.

VINITI has made adapters for the VAK nomenclature in the 2009 version, for the UDC (library classification of everything, not just science), and there is also a reverse adapter for the GRNTI from the RFBR classifier in the 2008 version. There is even an API, see everything on that same link.

Registration N 30538

Pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Government Decree Russian Federation dated April 12, 2013 N 327 “On the unified state information system for recording research, development and technological work for civil purposes” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 16, Art. 1956) I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. Forms for sending information about research, development and technological work for civil purposes for the purpose of recording them in the unified state information system for recording research, development and technological work for civil purposes and requirements for filling out these forms (Appendices No. 1 - 6 ).

1.2. The procedure for confirmation by the main managers of budget funds who provide financial support for scientific research, development and technological work for civil purposes and performing the functions of a customer of such work, the compliance of information about these works included in the unified state information system accounting for research, development and technological work for civil purposes, the terms of government contracts for the implementation of research, development and technological work for civil purposes (Appendix No. 7).

2. To recognize as invalid:

2.1. Orders of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation:

dated November 17, 1997 N 125 “On approval of the Regulations on state registration and accounting of open research and development work” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 29, 1998, registration N 1459);

dated November 17, 1997 N 126 “On approval of the Regulations on the submission of a legal deposit of algorithms and programs” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 29, 1998, registration N 1460);

dated August 31, 1998 N 145 “On approval of the Regulations on the submission of a legal deposit of dissertations” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 25, 1998, registration N 1650).

2.2. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

dated December 17, 2009 N 736 “On approval of forms of accounting documents for state accounting of the results of research, development and technological work for civil purposes, carried out at the expense of federal budget"(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 26, 2010, registration No. 16061);

dated December 17, 2009 N 737 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the execution by the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the state function of maintaining a unified register of the results of research, development and technological work for civil purposes, carried out at the expense of the federal budget” (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation January 26, 2010, registration N 16047).

4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to Deputy Minister L.M. Ogorodova.

Minister D. Livanov

Requirements for filling out the Form for sending information about starting research, development and technological work

1. Registration card of research, development and technological work (hereinafter - RK), the form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 N 1168 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2013, registration N30538), is information document about the beginning of research, development and technological work(hereinafter referred to as R&D), filled out by the organization performing R&D (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) or the main manager of budget funds providing financial support for R&D and performing the functions of the customer of such work (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), in Russian.

2. The Contractor fills out the RC in personal account The Contractor online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the software package).

3. Filling out and sending the RK to the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center information technologies and systems of executive authorities" (hereinafter referred to as FGANU CITiS) is carried out by the Contractor within 30 days from the date of commencement of R&D.

4. Direction of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form electronic document, signed with the Contractor’s electronic signature, is carried out online using a software package.

5. When the Contractor prepares documents on paper, the following is sent to FGANU CITiS:

one copy of the RC (filling out and printing the RC is also done online using the software package);

a covering letter to the Republic of Kazakhstan on the official letterhead of the Contractor (one cover letter can be sent to the Republic of Kazakhstan for several works).

6. The following information is entered into the Republic of Kazakhstan:

6.1. Registration number of the Republic of Kazakhstan - assigned to FSANU CITiS;

6.3. Name of R&D - indicate the name of the registered work in accordance with the wording of the contract (agreement, plan, program, assignment, etc.);

6.4. Priority direction of development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation - the corresponding value from the reference book is indicated;

6.5. Critical technology Russian Federation - the corresponding value from the directory is indicated;

6.6. Type of work - the corresponding classifier value is indicated.

The assignment of work performed to R&D and the determination of the type of work to be registered is carried out by the Contractor together with the Customer. The abbreviations OKR, PKR, PTR, KTR mean experimental design, design and engineering, design and technological and design and technological work, respectively;

6.7. Abstract - the planned results of the work and the main expected characteristics and parameters of the object of research or development are reflected in a short free form.

The abstract is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the interstate standard GOST 7.9-95 "Abstract and abstract. General requirements."

The text of the annotation should be concise and clear, and should not contain complex formulas, tables, figures and abbreviations without their decoding (except for generally accepted ones), as well as abbreviated words (except for generally accepted ones).

The length of the abstract should not exceed 600 characters (no more than 8 lines with one and a half intervals of 80 characters, including spaces);

6.8. Codes of thematic headings - codes of thematic headings of the third level (type 55.03.41) are indicated in accordance with the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GOST R 7.0.49-2007). If the rubricator does not contain third-level rubrics that unambiguously define the subject of R&D, the codes of the second-level rubrics (type 55.03) are indicated. To fill in, use the directory of codes for thematic headings from the resource of the federal state budgetary institution of science " All-Russian Institute scientific and technical information of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (hereinafter - VINITI RAS);

6.9. UDC indices - UDC (universal decimal classification) indices are assigned automatically according to the codes of thematic headings from the resource of VINITI RAS;

6.10. International classification codes - codes of branches of science, are assigned in accordance with the international classification system;

6.11. Keywords- indicate from one to five words or phrases characterizing the topic of R&D. Keywords are typed in capital letters in the nominative case;

6.12. Name of the federal target (state) program in accordance with which the work is carried out - indicate the name of the federal (state) target program if the work is carried out within the framework of such a program.

The name of the federal target program in accordance with which the work is being carried out is filled in using the appropriate directory from the Ministry’s portal economic development Russian Federation, located at:

The name of the state program in accordance with which the work is carried out is filled in according to the list of state programs from the portal of State programs of the Russian Federation, located at:;

6.13. Source of financing, amount of financing, thousand rubles, budget classification codes - the planned volumes of R&D financing are indicated in thousands of rubles from different sources financing (for example, if the price of work is 10,000,000 rubles, 10,000 is indicated) and budget classification codes;

6.14. Time frame for completing the work - the start and end dates of the work are indicated in accordance with the contract (agreement, plan, program, task, etc.);

6.15. Number of the agreement, state/municipal contract, other document - indicate the number of the state contract or information about another document if state budget funds are provided for performing R&D not on the basis of a government contract;

6.16. Basis for R&D - the corresponding value from the directory is indicated;

6.17. The total number of R&D reports planned for preparation (including interim ones) - the corresponding number of reports in pieces is indicated;

6.18. Information about the customer (OKOPF, name of the organization, abbreviated name of the organization, founder (departmental affiliation), OGRN) - in the appropriate fields indicate the code of the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, the full and abbreviated name of the organization, the abbreviated name of the ministry (department) by subordination (if availability) in accordance with the organization’s charter, the main state registration number. These fields are filled in using the appropriate directory of organizations. If the organization is not in the directory, it must be added and registered;

6.19. Information about the contractor (OKOPF, name of the organization, abbreviated name of the organization, founder (departmental affiliation), OGRN) - in the appropriate fields indicate the code of the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, the main state registration number, the full and abbreviated name of the organization, the abbreviated name of the ministry (department) ) by subordination (if any) in accordance with the organization’s charter. These fields are filled in using the appropriate directory of organizations. If the organization is not in the directory, it must be added and registered;

6.20. Information about co-executors (OKOPF, name of organization, abbreviated name of organization, founder (departmental affiliation), OGRN, description of work) - the code of the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, main state registration number, full and abbreviated name of the organization, abbreviated name are indicated in the appropriate fields ministries (departments) by subordination (if any) in accordance with the organization’s charter, brief information on R&D performed by the co-executor. These fields are filled in using the appropriate directory of organizations. You can select more than one organization. If the organization is not in the directory, it must be added and registered;

6.21. Head of the performing organization, supervisor of the work, surname, initials, position - information about the head of the organization and the manager (responsible executor) of the work is indicated;

6.22. The signature of the head of the organization must be sealed with the seal of the organization. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7. When the Contractor prepares the RC on paper, the signature of the head of the organization must be affixed with the seal of the organization. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. FGANU CITiS, having received the RK, within 10 working days assigns it a registration number and notifies the Contractor about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered RK with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Contractor’s personal account.

9. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the safety of an electronic and paper copy of the registered Republic of Kazakhstan, confirming the submission of documents to the FSANU CITiS.

10. If R&D is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the terms of the state contract do not provide for the submission by the Contractor of information about the work being started, then the Customer will fill out the RF.

11. The Customer fills out the RC in his personal account online using the software package.

12. The Customer fills out and sends the RF to FGANU CITiS within 30 days from the start date of R&D.

13. The Customer sends the RC in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of the Customer’s responsible executor, carried out online using a software package located on the Internet.

one copy of the RC (filling out and printing the RC is also done online using a software package located on the Internet);

a covering letter to the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Customer's official letterhead (one cover letter can be sent to the Republic of Kazakhstan for several works).

15. When the Customer prepares the RC on paper, the signature of the Customer’s responsible executor must be sealed with the Customer’s seal. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

16. FGANU CITiS, having received the RK, within 10 working days assigns it a registration number and notifies the Customer about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered RK with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Customer’s personal account.

17. When filling out the RC, the following reference books are used:

1. Priority direction for the development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation:

1.1. Security and counter-terrorism.

1.2. Living systems.

1.3. Nanosystems and materials industry.

1.4. Information and telecommunication systems.

1.5. Advanced weapons, military and special equipment.

1.6. Rational environmental management.

1.7. Transport, aviation and space systems.

1.8. Energy and energy saving.

2. Critical technology of the Russian Federation:

2.1. Basic and critical military, specialty and industrial technologies.

2.2. Bioinformation technologies.

2.3. Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies.

2.4. Biomedical and veterinary technologies for life support and protection of humans and animals.

2.5. Genomic and post-genomic technologies for creating medicines.

2.6. Cellular technologies.

2.7. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

2.8. Technologies of nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle, safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.

2.9. Bioengineering technologies.

2.10. Hydrogen energy technologies.

2.11. Technologies of mechatronics and creation of microsystem equipment.

2.12. Technologies for monitoring and forecasting the state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

2.13. Technologies of new and renewable energy sources.

2.14. Technologies for ensuring the protection and vital activity of the population and dangerous objects under the threat of terrorist manifestations.

2.15. Technologies for processing, storing, transmitting and protecting information.

2.16. Technologies for assessing resources and forecasting the state of the lithosphere and biosphere.

2.17. Technologies for processing and disposal of man-made formations and waste.

2.18. Software production technologies.

2.19. Technologies for the production of fuels and energy from organic raw materials.

2.20. Technologies of distributed computing and systems.

2.21. Technologies for reducing risk and reducing the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.

2.22. Technologies for creating biocompatible materials.

2.23. Technologies for creating and processing composite and ceramic materials.

2.24. Technologies for creating and processing crystalline materials.

2.25. Technologies for creating and processing polymers and elastomers.

2.26. Technologies for creating and managing new types of transport systems.

2.27. Creation technologies intelligent systems navigation and control.

2.28. Technologies for creating membranes and catalytic systems.

2.29. Technologies for creating new generations of rocket, space, aviation and marine technology.

2.30. Technologies for creating electronic component base.

2.31. Technologies for creating energy-saving systems for the transportation, distribution and consumption of heat and electricity.

2.32. Technologies for creating energy-efficient engines and propulsion systems for transport systems.

2.33. Technologies for environmentally safe resource-saving production and processing of agricultural raw materials and food products.

2.34. Technologies for environmentally safe mining and mineral extraction.

3. Type of work:

3.1. Scientific research work (R&D) is fundamental.

3.2. Scientific research work (R&D) - applied.

3.3. Scientific research work (R&D) - exploratory.

3.4. Experimental design work (R&D).

3.5. Design and engineering work (RPC)*.

3.6. Design and technological work (DTP)*.

3.7. Design and technological work (KTR)*.

4. Codes of thematic headings from the resource of VINITI RAS.

5. UDC index (automatically entered according to thematic heading codes) from the resource of VINITI RAS.

6. International classification codes - codes of branches of science, are assigned in accordance with the international classification system.

7. Name of the federal target (state) program in accordance with which the work is carried out:

The name of the federal target program in accordance with which the work is being carried out - from the portal of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (, or the name of the state program in accordance with which the work is being carried out - from the portal of state programs of the Russian Federation (www.

8. Basis for R&D:

8.1. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation (decree or order).

8.2. State task.

8.3. State or municipal contract.

8.4. Agreement with a third party.

8.5. Grant.

8.6. Initiative.

9. All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms (OKPF) in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

10. Founder (departmental affiliation) - from the public services portal.

* Types of work previously used in a single federal base taking into account the results of research and development work.

Requirements for filling out the Form for sending abstract and bibliographic information on the results of research, development and technological work

1. Information card of abstract and bibliographic information (hereinafter referred to as IKRBS), the form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 N 1168 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2013, registration N30538), is an information document on the results of research, development and technological work (hereinafter referred to as R&D), filled out by the organization performing the R&D (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) in Russian.

2. The Contractor fills out the IKRBS in the Contractor’s personal account online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the software package).

3. The IKRBS is completed and sent by the Contractor along with the report on R&D (or its stage) within 30 days from the date of completion and acceptance of the registered R&D (or its stage).

4. The submission of the ICRBS and the R&D report in the form of electronic documents signed with the Contractor’s electronic signature is carried out online using a software package located on the Internet.

5. When the Contractor prepares documents on paper, the following is sent to the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies" (hereinafter referred to as FGANU CITiS):

one copy of the IKRBS (filling out and printing the IKRBS is done online using the software package);

one copy of the R&D report;

a covering letter for the IKRBS and R&D report on the Contractor's official letterhead (IKRBS and R&D reports for several works can be sent with one cover letter).

6. The following information is entered into the IKRBS:

6.1. R&D registration number - indicates the registration number of the R&D registration card assigned to the Federal State Institution CITiS, on which information and reporting documents are provided;

6.2. Registration number IKRBS - assigned to FSANU CITiS;

6.3. Registration date - to be filled in by FSANU CITiS;

6.4. Name of registered R&D - filled in automatically after filling out the RK registration number field;

6.5. With a report, without a report - the corresponding code is highlighted: 02 - if IKRBS is sent along with the R&D report; 03 - if only IKRBS is sent;

6.6. Date of approval of the report - indicates the date of approval of the report by the head of the Contractor;

6.7. Number of books - indicated in Arabic numerals the total number of books (volumes) of the report submitted to the FSANU CITiS;

6.8. Total number of pages - indicated in Arabic numerals the total number of pages in all books (volumes) of the report;

6.9. Book numbers, number of pages in a book - are indicated when submitting several books of the report. Each book (volume) must have its own continuous page numbering;

6.10. Appendices, tables, illustrations, bibliography - the total number of appendices to the report, tables and illustrations included in the report, as well as the range of pages separated by a hyphen (for example, 167-201) of the list of used sources (bibliography), respectively, are indicated in Arabic numerals;

6.11. Report name - indicate the name of the report. If IKRBS is provided without a report, this field indicates the name of the registered R&D;

6.12. Authors (performers) of the report (SNILS, last name, first name, patronymic, contribution to the work) - information about the authors, insurance number of the individual personal account, last name, first name, patronymic of the author and his contribution to the work are indicated;

6.13. Key words - indicate from one to five words or phrases that characterize the topic of R&D. Key words are typed in capital letters in the nominative case;

6.14. Abstract - the main content of the R&D report (work result) is reflected in a short free form. Describes the object of research, development or design; work goals; research methods and equipment used; the results obtained and novelty; main design and technical and economic indicators; degree of implementation; efficiency, scope, etc.

6.15. Codes of thematic headings - codes of thematic headings of the third level (type 55.03.41) are indicated in accordance with the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GOST R 7.0.49-2007). If the rubricator does not contain third-level headings that unambiguously define the subject of R&D, the codes of the second-level headings (type 55.03) are indicated;

6.16. UDC indices - universal decimal classification indices are assigned automatically according to thematic heading codes from the resource of the federal state budgetary institution of science "All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

6.17. International classification codes - codes of branches of science, are assigned in accordance with the international classification system;

6.18. The number of scientific papers on the subject of the work performed - indicates the number of dissertations and published scientific works (articles, monographs, preprints, etc.) prepared by the authors (performers) of the work in the process of its implementation and directly related to it;

6.19. Information about publications on the topic of R&D (N, date of publication, title of publication, author(s), type of publication, name of publication) - information about published scientific works(articles, monographs, preprints, etc.) prepared by the authors (performers) of the work in the process of its implementation and directly related to it;

6.20. It is permitted to transfer a full copy of the report to third parties for non-commercial use - indicate “yes” or “no”;

6.21. Head of the organization, supervisor of the work, surname, initials, position, academic degree, title - information about the head of the organization and the manager (responsible executor) of the work is indicated;

6.22. The signature of the head of the organization must be sealed with the seal of the organization. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the ICRBS.

7. FGANU CITS, having received the report on R&D and/or IKRBS, within 10 working days assigns a registration number to the report and/or IKRBS and notifies the Contractor about the assignment of the registration number, posting an electronic copy of the registered IKRBS with the registration number and a special graphic mark on the fact of registration in the Contractor's personal account.

8. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the safety of an electronic and paper copy of the registered IKRBS, confirming the submission of documents to the FSANU CITiS.

Requirements for filling out the Form for sending abstract and bibliographic information about a defended dissertation for an academic degree

1. The dissertation information card (hereinafter referred to as ICD), the form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 N 1168 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2013, registration N30538), is an information document about candidate or doctoral dissertation and its author, completed in Russian.

2. Filling out the ICD is carried out in the personal account of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor), online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" " (hereinafter referred to as the software package).

3. Filling out and sending the ICD to the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies" (hereinafter referred to as FSANU CITiS) is carried out by the Contractor along with the dissertation within 30 days from the date of defense of the dissertation and award of the academic degree.

5. When preparing documents on paper, the following are sent to FSANU CITiS:

one copy of the ICD (filling out and printing the ICD is done online using the software package);

one copy of the dissertation;

cover letter for the ICD and dissertation on the official letterhead of the Contractor.

6. The following information is entered into the ICD:

6.1. ICD registration number - assigned to FSANU CITiS;

6.2. Registration date - to be filled in by FSANU CITiS;

6.3. Candidate's, doctor's - indicated in the appropriate field when submitting a candidate's or doctor's dissertation, respectively;

6.4. Date of defense - indicates the date of defense of the dissertation in the dissertation council;

6.5. Code(s) of scientific specialty(s) - the codes of the scientific specialty in which the dissertation is defended are indicated in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 N 59 (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation March 20, 2009, registration N 13561);

6.6. For degree applications - the name of the academic degree and the branch of science in which the academic degree is awarded is indicated in accordance with the classifier;

6.7. Submitted for protection - the corresponding classifier value is indicated;

6.8. Number of volumes - the total number of volumes of the submitted dissertation is indicated in Arabic numerals;

6.9. Total number of pages - indicated in Arabic numerals the total number of pages in all volumes of the dissertation.

6.10. Volume numbers, number of pages in a volume - are filled in when submitting several volumes of a dissertation; volume numbers and number of pages in each volume are indicated, respectively. Each volume must have its own continuous page numbering.

If a monograph is submitted for defense, the number of pages is not indicated;

6.11. Appendices, tables, illustrations, bibliography - the total number of appendices to the dissertation, the number of tables and illustrations, as well as the range of pages separated by a hyphen (for example, 167-201) of the list of used sources (bibliography), respectively, are indicated in Arabic numerals;

6.13. Title of the dissertation - indicate the full title of the dissertation, which must coincide with the name indicated on the title page of the dissertation;

6.14. Key words - up to five words or phrases that reflect the content of the dissertation to the maximum extent are indicated. Key words are typed in capital letters in the nominative case;

6.15. Abstract - the main content of the dissertation is briefly reflected: the object of research and the purpose of the work; research methods and equipment; theoretical and practical results and their novelty; degree and effectiveness of implementation; application area.

The abstract is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the interstate standard GOST 7.9-95 "Abstract and abstract. General requirements."

The text of the abstract should be concise and clear, and should not contain complex formulas, tables, figures and abbreviations without their decoding (except for generally accepted ones), as well as abbreviated words (except for generally accepted ones).

The volume of the abstract should not exceed 1000 characters (no more than 12 lines with one and a half intervals of 80 characters, including spaces);

6.16. Codes of thematic headings - codes of thematic headings of the third level (type 55.03.41) are indicated in accordance with the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GOST R 7.0.49-2007). If the rubricator does not contain third-level rubrics that unambiguously define the topic of the dissertation, the codes of the second-level rubrics (type 55.03) are indicated;

6.17. UDC indices - universal decimal classification indices are assigned automatically according to thematic heading codes from the resource of the federal state budgetary institution of science "All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

6.18. International classification codes - codes of branches of science, are assigned in accordance with the international classification system;

6.19. Scientific supervisors (scientific consultant) - the following information about each is indicated in one line scientific supervisor: surname and initials, abbreviated name of the academic degree and code of the scientific specialty in accordance with the classifiers;

6.20. Official opponents - the following information about each official opponent is indicated in one line: last name and initials, abbreviated name of the academic degree and code of the scientific specialty in accordance with the classifiers;

6.21. Information about the organization in whose council the defense took place (OGRN, full name of the organization, abbreviated name of the organization, founder (departmental affiliation), dissertation council code, actual postal address of the organization, OKPO code, OKATO code, OKOGU code, OKOPF code, OKVED code, OKFS code, locality, telephone, fax, address Email, INN) - in the appropriate fields the main state registration number, the full and abbreviated name of the organization in accordance with the organization’s charter, the abbreviated name of the ministry (department) by subordination (if any), the code of the dissertation council, the actual postal address of the organization, all-Russian codes of the organization are indicated classifiers (OKPO, OKATO, OKOGU, OKOPF, OKVED, OKFS), locality (city, urban settlement, etc.), telephone, fax, email address, individual taxpayer number;

6.22. Information about the organization in which the dissertation was completed (OGRN, full name of the organization, abbreviated name of the organization, founder (departmental affiliation), actual postal address of the organization, OKPO code, telephone, fax, email address, locality) - details fields of this block are filled in similarly to the details fields of the block of information about the organization in whose council the defense took place;

6.23. It is permitted to transfer a full copy of the dissertation to third parties for non-commercial use - indicate “yes” or “no”;

6.24. Head of the organization, chairman of the dissertation council (surname, initials, position, academic degree, title) - information about the head of the organization and chairman of the dissertation council is indicated;

6.25. The signature of the head of the organization must be sealed with the seal of the organization. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the ICD.

7. FGANU CITiS, having received a mandatory copy of the dissertation and ICD, within 10 working days assigns a registration number to the dissertation and ICD and notifies the Contractor about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered ICD with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Contractor’s personal account .

8. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the safety of an electronic and paper copy of the registered ICD, confirming the submission of documents to the FSANU CITiS.

Requirements for filling out the Form for sending information about the created result of intellectual activity

1. Information card of the result of intellectual activity (hereinafter - ICR), the form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 N 1168 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2013, registration N30538), is an information card a document on the results of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as RIA) created in the process of carrying out research, development and technological work (hereinafter - R&D) at the expense of the federal budget, capable of legal protection as an invention, utility model, industrial design, breeding achievements or having legal protection as a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers.

2. The IFR is filled out by the organization performing R&D (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) or the main manager of budget funds providing financial support for R&D and performing the functions of the customer of such work (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), in Russian separately for each RIA.

3. Filling out the IFR is carried out in the Contractor’s personal account online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the software package).

4. Filling out and sending the IFR to the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies" (hereinafter referred to as FGANU CITiS) is carried out by the Contractor within 15 days from the date of receipt from the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (hereinafter referred to as Rospatent) registered applications for a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, selection achievement, applications for state registration of a database, topology of integrated circuits, programs for electronic computers, a patent or certificate issued by Rospatent.

5. If the Contractor has not submitted an application for state registration of a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers to Rospatent, then filling out the IFR is carried out within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the stage of work in which the fact of developing the database, topology is established integrated circuits or programs for electronic computers, but no later than the date of completion and acceptance of the work by the Customer as a whole.

6. The submission of IFR in the form of electronic documents signed with the Contractor’s electronic signature is carried out online using a software package with the attachment of electronic copies of applications for patents for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, selection achievements, applications for state registration of the database registered by Rospatent data, topology of integrated circuits or programs for electronic computers, as well as electronic copies title pages patents and certificates, if patents and certificates were received by the Contractor from Rospatent before the date of filling out the IFR.

7. If, before the date of filling out the IKR, the Contractor has not submitted an application to Rospatent for state registration of the developed database, topology of integrated circuits or programs for electronic computers, then an electronic copy of the act on the development of the database, topology of integrated circuits, programs for electronic computers is attached to the IKR - computers or an act of acceptance of work or its stage by the Customer, which establishes the fact of developing a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers.

8. After filling out the IFR, the Contractor places in his personal account an electronic copy of an application registered by Rospatent for a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design or selection achievement, an application for state registration of a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers, or a copy of the title sheet of a patent or certificate in order to ensure that the Customer can confirm the compliance of the information with the terms of the government contract.

9. When preparing documents on paper, the following are sent to FSANU CITiS:

one copy of the IKR, drawn up on paper (the IKR can also be filled out and printed online using the software package);

cover letter for the IFR on the Contractor's official letterhead.

10. Printing and sending of IKR to FSANU CITiS is carried out only after the Customer confirms the compliance of information about the created results of intellectual activity with the terms of the government contract or assignment within 15 days from the date of confirmation.

11. The following information is entered into the IFR:

11.1. R&D registration number - to be filled in if the RID was created as part of the R&D carried out by the FGANU CITiS;

11.2. Registration number of the RID card - filled in by FSANU CITiS;

11.3. Registration date of the RID card - to be filled out by FSANU CITiS;

11.4. Name of RID:

a) for an invention, utility model, industrial design or selection achievement, it is indicated identically to that given in the application for a patent registered by Rospatent or a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design or selection achievement issued by Rospatent;

b) for a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers, it is indicated identically to that given in the application for state registration registered by Rospatent or the registration certificate for state registration of a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers, issued Rospatent.

If, before the date of filling out the ICR, the Contractor has not submitted to Rospatent an application for state registration of the developed database, topology of integrated circuits or programs for electronic computers, then the name is indicated based on the essence of the created RID, taking into account the terms of reference for performing R&D, determined by the terms of the state contract;

c) for other RIA the name is indicated in free form.

11.5. Proposed type of RIA - indicates the value of the classifier corresponding to the object in respect of which measures have been taken to obtain legal protection, or the protected RIA;

11.6. Proposed assignment of rights - indicates the value of the classifier corresponding to the object with the scope of rights to RIA assigned to the Contractor, the Customer or the Customer and the Contractor(s) jointly in accordance with the terms of the government contract under which the work was financed from the federal budget;

11.7. Key words - indicate from one to five words or phrases that characterize the topic of R&D. Key words are typed in capital letters in the nominative case;

11.8. Abstract ( brief information about RID) - the main content of the dissertation is briefly reflected, namely: the object of research and the purpose of the work, research methods and equipment, theoretical and practical results and their novelty, the degree and effectiveness of implementation, scope.

The abstract is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the interstate standard GOST 7.9-95 "Abstract and abstract. General requirements."

The text of the abstract should be concise and clear, and should not contain complex formulas, tables, figures and abbreviations without their decoding (except for generally accepted ones), as well as abbreviated words (except for generally accepted ones).

The volume of the abstract should not exceed 1000 characters (no more than 12 lines with one and a half intervals of 80 characters, including spaces);

11.10. Information about the performer of the work (OKOPF, name of the organization, abbreviated name of the organization, founder (departmental affiliation), OGRN) - filled in if the RIA was created on an initiative basis outside the framework of R&D; in the appropriate fields the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, the full and abbreviated name of the organization, the abbreviated name of the ministry (department) by subordination (if any) in accordance with the organization’s charter, the main state registration number are indicated. If the IKR is associated with the RC, then information about the performer of the work is taken from the previously created RC. If the IKR is not associated with the Republic of Kazakhstan, then these fields are filled in using the appropriate directory of organizations; if the organization is not listed in the directory, it must be registered;

11.11. Information about the customer of the work (OKOPF, name of the organization, abbreviated name of the organization, founder (departmental affiliation), OGRN) - in the appropriate fields indicate the code of the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, the full and abbreviated name of the organization, the abbreviated name of the ministry (department) by subordination ( if available) in accordance with the organization’s charter, the main state registration number. If the IKR is associated with the RC, then information about the performer of the work is taken from the previously created RC. If the IKR is not associated with the Republic of Kazakhstan, then these fields are filled in using the appropriate directory of organizations; if the organization is not listed in the directory, it must be registered;

11.12. Head of the performing organization, head of the work (last name, initials, position) - information about the head of the organization and the head (responsible executor) of the work is indicated.

If this IFR is associated with the RC, then the information is taken from the previously created RC. If this IFR is not associated with the Republic of Kazakhstan, then the information must be entered manually.

11.13. The signature of the head of the organization must be sealed with the seal of the organization. The seal impression should not hide the text of the card.

11.14. The customer’s decision on the compliance of the information with the terms of the contract (date, customer’s decision) - the customer either confirms the compliance of the information with the terms of the contract in the card or not and confirms his choice with an electronic signature;

11.15. Responsible executive of the customer (surname, initials, position, phone number, email address) - information about the responsible executive of the Customer is indicated.

12. FGANU CITiS, having received the IFR, within 10 working days assigns the IFR registration number and notifies the Contractor about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered IFR with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Contractor’s personal account.

13. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the safety of an electronic and paper copy of the registered IFR, confirming that the Contractor has entered information about the accounting object into the information system.

14. If R&D is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the terms of the state contract do not provide for the submission by the Performer of the work of information about the copyright holders and rights to RIA capable of legal protection as an invention, utility model, industrial design, selection achievement or having legal protection as database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers, then filling out the IFR is carried out by the Customer.

15. Filling out the IFR by the Customer is carried out in the Customer’s personal account online using the software package.

16. Filling out and sending the IFR is carried out by the Customer within 30 days from the date of receipt from the Contractor of information about the R&D registration number and a copy of the application for a patent registered by Rospatent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, selection achievement, applications for state registration of a database, topologies of integrated circuits, programs for electronic computers, copies of a patent or certificate issued by Rospatent. If the Contractor has not submitted an application for state registration of a database, topology of integrated circuits or a program for electronic computers to Rospatent, then the IKR is filled out by the Customer within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the work or its stage by the Customer, in which the fact of developing the database is established , topologies of integrated circuits or programs for electronic computers.

17. The Customer sends the IFR in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of the Customer’s responsible executor, carried out online using a software package.

18. When the Customer prepares documents on paper, the following are sent to FGANU CITiS:

one copy of the IKR (filling out and printing the IKR is done online using the software package);

cover letter for the IFR on the Customer's official letterhead (IFR for several works can be sent with one cover letter).

19. When the Customer issues an IFR on paper, the signature of the Customer’s responsible executor must be sealed with the Customer’s seal. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the IFR.

20. FGANU CITiS, having received the IFR, within 10 working days assigns a registration number to it and notifies the Customer about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered IFR with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Customer’s personal account.

21. When filling out the IFR, the following reference books are used:

1. Types of RIA:

1.1. Computer program.

1.2. Database.

1.3. Invention.

1.4. Utility model.

1.5. Industrial model.

1.6. Selection achievement.

1.7. Topology of integrated circuits.

1.8. Production secret (know-how).

1.9. Commercial designation.

1.10. Trademark and service marks.

1.11. Algorithm.

1.12. Genetic resource.

2. Estimated assignment of rights:

2.1. Customer.

2.2. The Customer and the Contractor jointly.

2.3. Executor.

2.4. Executor and Co-Executor jointly.

2.5. Co-executor.

3. All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms (OKOPF) in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Founder (departmental affiliation) - from the public services portal.

Requirements for filling out the Form for sending information about the state of legal protection of the result of intellectual activity

1. Information card of information on the state of legal protection of the result of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as IKSPO), the form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 N 1168 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2013, registration N30538 ), is an information document containing information about the state of legal protection of the result of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as RIA) and about its practical application (implementation). IKSPO is filled out by the executing organization (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) or the main manager of budget funds providing financial support for R&D and performing the functions of the customer of such work (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), in Russian separately for each registered RIA.

2. Filling out the ICSPO is carried out in the Contractor’s personal account online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the software package).

3. Filling out and sending the ICSPO to the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies" (hereinafter referred to as FGANU CITiS) is carried out by the Contractor within 15 days from the date of receipt of the patent/certificate of state registration or refusal to register the RID .

4. The sending of the ICSPO in the form of electronic documents signed with the Contractor’s electronic signature is carried out online using a software package with the attachment of electronic copies of Rospatent’s decisions to refuse to issue a patent or certificate, Rospatent’s decisions to recognize the application as withdrawn, letters from the Contractor to withdraw the application or his decision not to maintain the patent in force, as well as electronic copies of title pages of patents, certificates, agreements on the disposal of the exclusive right to intellectual property.

5. After filling out the IKSPO, the Contractor places an electronic copy of the above documents in his personal account.

one copy of the ICSPO, drawn up on paper (the ICSPO is filled out and printed out online using the software package);

cover letter to IKSPO on the Contractor's official letterhead.

Printing and sending of the IXPO to the Federal State Institution of Information Technologies and Sciences is carried out only after the Customer confirms the compliance of the information on the created RIA with the terms of the government contract or assignment within 15 days from the date of confirmation.

7. The following information is entered into the ICSPO:

7.1. RIA registration number - the registration number of the registered RIA is indicated, information about which is updated, the number is transferred from the IKR;

7.2. Registration number of the legal protection status card - filled out by FSANU CITiS;

7.3. Registration date - to be filled in by FSANU CITiS;

7.4. RIA name - this field is filled in automatically after filling out the RIA registration number field;

7.5. Information about the state of legal protection (method/status of legal protection, document number, date, validity period, registration authority, type of intellectual property) - manually indicate the number of the document confirming the presence of legal protection, the priority date and its validity period. The registration authority, the type of intellectual property and the method or status of legal protection are filled out using the appropriate directories.

Electronic copies of the title pages of a patent or certificate must be placed in the Contractor’s personal account in order to ensure that the Customer can confirm the compliance of the information with the terms of the government contract;

7.6. Head of the performing organization, head of the work (last name, initials, position) - information about the head of the organization and the head (responsible executor) of the work is indicated.

7.7. The signature of the head of the organization must be sealed with the seal of the organization. The seal impression should not hide the text of the card;

7.8. Customer's decision on the state of legal protection (date, Customer's decision) - The Customer indicates the decision on the compliance of information on the state of legal protection of RIA;

7.9. Responsible executive of the Customer (surname, initials, position, phone number, email address) - information about the responsible executive of the Customer is indicated.

8. FGANU CITiS, having received the ICSPO, within 10 working days assigns the ICSPO a registration number and notifies the Contractor about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered ICSPO with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Contractor’s personal account.

9. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the safety of an electronic and paper copy of the registered IKSPO, confirming that the Contractor has entered information about the accounting object into the information system.

10. If R&D is carried out or was carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the terms of the state contract do not provide for the provision by the Contractor of the work of information on the state of legal protection of RIA and on its practical application (implementation), then the filling out of the ICSPO is carried out by the Customer.

11. The IKSPO is filled out in the Customer’s personal account online using the software package.

12. The Customer fills out and sends the ICSPO to the FGANU CITiS within 30 days from the date of receipt from the Contractor of information about the registration number of the RIA information card and copies of the title page of the patent, the registration certificate of state registration by Rospatent, the agreement on the disposal of the exclusive right to the RIA, decisions of Rospatent to refuse to issue a patent or registration certificate, to recognize an application as withdrawn, or to terminate the validity of a patent/certificate.

13. The Customer sends the ICSPO in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of the Customer’s responsible executive, carried out online using the software package.

14. When the Customer prepares documents on paper, the following are sent to FGANU CITiS:

one copy of the ICSPO (filling out and printing the ICSPO is also done online using the software package;

a covering letter to IKSPO on the Customer’s official letterhead (with one cover letter IKSPO can be sent for several works).

15. When the Customer issues an IXPO on paper, the signature of the Customer’s responsible executor must be sealed with the Customer’s seal. The seal imprint should not hide the text of the IXPO.

16. FGANU CITiS, having received the ICSPO, within 10 working days assigns it a registration number and notifies the Customer about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered ICSPO with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Customer’s personal account.

17. When filling out the ICSPO, the following reference books are used:

1. Method (status) of legal protection:

1.1. A trade secret regime has been established.

1.2. An application for state registration has been submitted.

1.3. State registration has been completed.

1.4. State registration was denied.

1.5. The right has been terminated.

1.6. Forced seizure.

1.7. The Customer made a decision to alienate the right to intellectual property.

1.8. The Customer makes a decision on the possibility of free licensing.

2. Registration authority:

2.1. Rospatent.

2.2. Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

3. Types of intellectual property results:

3.1. Computer program.

3.2. Database.

3.3. Invention.

3.4. Utility model.

3.5. Industrial model.

3.6. Breeding achievements.

3.7. Topology of integrated circuits.

3.8. Production secret (know-how).

3.9. Commercial designation.

3.10. Trademark and service marks.


1 For the result of intellectual activity, the rights to which are assigned to the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity.

2 The field is filled in from a directory or classifier.

Requirements for filling out the Form for sending information about the use of the result of intellectual activity

1. Information card of information on the use of the result of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as ICSI), the form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 N 1168 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2013, registration N30538), is an information document on the use of the result of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as RIA) and on its practical application (implementation). ICSI is filled out by the organization performing R&D (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) or the main manager of budgetary funds providing financial support for R&D and performing the functions of the customer of such work (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), in Russian separately for each registered RIA.

2. Filling out the ICSI is carried out in the Contractor’s personal account online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the software package).

3. Filling out and sending the ICSI to the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies" (hereinafter referred to as FGANU CITiS) is carried out by the Contractor within 15 days from the date the Contractor begins using the registered result in production.

4. The sending of ICSI in the form of electronic documents signed with the Contractor’s electronic signature is carried out online using a software package with the attachment of electronic copies of acts on its practical application (implementation).

5. After filling out the ICSI, the Contractor places an electronic copy of the above documents in his personal account.

6. When the Contractor prepares documents on paper, the following are sent to FGANU CITiS:

one copy of the ICSI, drawn up on paper (the ICSI is filled out and printed online using the software package);

cover letter to ICSI on the official letterhead of the Contractor.

7. Printing and sending of the ICSI by the Contractor to the Federal State Institution CITS is carried out only after the Customer confirms the compliance of the information on the RIA created with the terms of the government contract or assignment within 15 days from the date of confirmation.

8. The following information is entered into the ICSI:

8.1. RIA registration number - the registration number of the registered RIA is indicated, information about which is updated, the number is assigned from the IFR;

8.2. Registration number of the card on the use of RID - is filled in by FSANU CITiS;

8.3. Registration date - to be filled in by FSANU CITiS;

8.4. RID name - this field is filled in automatically from the IFR;

8.5. Information about the use of RIA (agreement number, date, type of agreement, state registration number (if any), recipient of the right, validity period, territory of permitted use, special conditions) - details of the contract for the disposal of the exclusive right are indicated, the date of conclusion of the contract, the recipient of the right, the validity period of the contract and special conditions; if available, the state registration number of the contract is indicated. The type of contract and the territory of permitted use are selected using the appropriate directories.

Electronic copies of the title pages of contracts must be placed in the Contractor’s personal account in order to ensure that the Customer can confirm the compliance of the information with the terms of the government contract;

8.6. Information about your own use of RID (details of supporting documents, date, description of the method of use, established useful life) - details of the document on the use of RID in your own production, the date and name of the product (service) in which the RID is used, as well as a description of the method of use are indicated with an established useful life of this RIA.

Electronic copies of the title pages of acts on its practical application (implementation) are subject to placement in the Contractor’s personal account in order to ensure that the Customer can confirm the compliance of the information with the terms of the government contract;

8.7. Head of the performing organization, head of the work (last name, initials, position) - information about the head of the organization and the head (responsible executor) of the work is indicated.

If this IFR is associated with the RC, then the information is taken from the previously created RC. If this IFR is not associated with the Republic of Kazakhstan, then the information must be entered manually;

8.8. The signature of the head of the organization must be sealed with the seal of the organization. The seal impression should not hide the text of the card;

8.9. Customer's decision on the use of RID (date, Customer's decision) - The Customer indicates the decision on the compliance of information on the use of RID;

8.10. Responsible executive of the Customer (surname, initials, position, phone number, email address) - information about the responsible executive of the Customer is indicated.

9. FGANU CITS, having received the ICSI, within 10 working days assigns the ICSI registration number and notifies the Contractor about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered ICSI with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Contractor’s personal account.

10. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the safety of an electronic and paper copy of the registered ICSI, confirming that the Contractor has entered information about the accounting object into the information system.

11. If R&D is carried out or was carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the terms of the state contract do not provide for the submission by the Contractor of the work of information on updating information on its practical application (implementation), then the filling out of the ICSI is carried out by the Customer.

12. The Customer fills out the ICSI in the Customer’s personal account online using the software package.

13. Filling out and sending the ICSI to FGANU CITS is carried out by the Customer within 30 days from the date of receipt from the Contractor of information about the registration number of the RID information card and a copy of the act on the start of use by the Contractor of the registered RID in its own production.

14. The Customer sends the ICSI in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of the Customer’s responsible executor, carried out online using a software package.

15. When the Customer prepares documents on paper, the following are sent to FGANU CITiS:

one copy of the ICSI (filling out and printing the ICSI is done online using the software package);

a covering letter to ICSI on the Customer's official letterhead (with one covering letter ICSI can be sent for several works).

When the Customer issues an ICSI on paper, the signature of the Customer’s responsible executor must be sealed with the Customer’s seal. The seal impression should not hide the ICSI text.

16. FGANU CITS, having received the ICSI, within 10 working days assigns it a registration number and notifies the Customer about the assignment of the registration number, placing an electronic copy of the registered ICSI with the registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact of registration in the Customer’s personal account.

17. When filling out the ICSI, the following reference books are used:

1. Type of agreement:

1.1. Simple (non-exclusive) license.

1.2. Exclusive license.

1.3. Alienation of exclusive rights.

1.4. Pledge of exclusive right.

1.5. Contribution to the authorized capital.

2. Territory of permitted use from the directory of countries.

Appendix No. 7

The procedure for confirmation by the main managers of budget funds who provide financial support for research, development and technological work for civil purposes and performing the functions of the customer of such work, the compliance of information about these works entered into the unified state information system for recording research, development and development technological works for civil purposes, the terms of government contracts for the implementation of research, development and technological works for civil purposes

1. This Procedure determines the rules for confirmation by the main managers of budget funds who provide financial support for scientific research, development and technological work for civil purposes and performing the functions of the customer of such work (hereinafter referred to as the Customers), the compliance of information about the specified work entered into the unified state information a system for recording research, development and technological work for civil purposes (hereinafter referred to as R&D), the terms of government contracts for R&D.

2. To implement the requirements of this Procedure, Customers use the Customer’s personal accounts created within the framework of the unified state information system for accounting for R&D (hereinafter referred to as the information system).

The organization of Customers' personal accounts is carried out by the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies" (hereinafter referred to as FSANU CITiS), subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In the Customer’s personal account, information confirmation procedures are performed online using a software package, access to which is available on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

Advertisement ), and the Form for sending information about the use of the result of intellectual activity, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated "_"_ 2013 N_ (hereinafter referred to as ICSI).

The ICSPO and ICSI completed by the Contractor are available to the Customer in his personal account.

4. The Customer reviews the information provided by the Contractor, specified in the ICSPO and ICSI, and confirms (or does not confirm) the compliance of the information with the terms of the government contract and technical specifications in a certain field of the ICSPO and ICSI using an electronic digital signature. In this case, the surname and initials of the responsible person of the Customer, his position, work phone number and email address are indicated.

The fact of confirmation or non-confirmation by the Customer of the information entered into the information system by the Contractor in ICSPO and ICSI is reflected in the Contractor’s personal account.

5. FGANU CITS in relation to ICSPO and ICSI, the information in which is confirmed by the Customer, within 10 working days assigns ICSPO and ICSI registration numbers and notifies the Contractor of their assignment, posting an electronic copy of the registered ICSPO and ICSI with a registration number and a special graphic mark about the fact registration in the Contractor's personal account.

6. Information on the state of legal protection of the result of intellectual activity, posted in IKSPO, can be generated by the FSANU CITiS automatically upon receipt of the relevant information in the process of interdepartmental interaction with the registration authorities authorized in the field of intellectual property.

Uniformity of bases for economic and social classifications is the most important not only scientific, but also practical problem. The development of the basis for various economic and social classifications is carried out both at the level state institutions, and at the interstate and international level. For example, special divisions of the UN, as well as special committees and commissions of the European Union (EU), are engaged in developing the basis for economic and social classifications.

Thus, in 1972, the Statistical Commission at the 17th session of the UN determined the need to create a classification of economic activities and types of products produced. This work was continued in 1973 within the framework of the Conference of European Statisticians (21st plenary meeting of the Conference), and the result was the creation of an integrated system of species classifications economic activity and products.

During the same period, the Customs Cooperation Council (currently the World Customs Organization) made a decision to create a unified nomenclature that would be focused on the needs of maintaining foreign trade statistics and recording foreign trade activities carried out by various customs administrative institutions. This nomenclature was called the “Harmonized System for Description and Coding of Goods” (abbreviated HS or HS) and, after its adoption by the Customs Cooperation Council, came into force in January 1988.

HS is a multi-purpose product range, formed in accordance with the needs of statistical services, customs authorities and commercial structures. In this nomenclature, the object of classification is goods traded in international trade. However, it applies only to those of them that have physical dimension, and accordingly does not cover services.

HS is a hierarchical classification and has five levels. The formation of these levels is based on a system of signs. When highlighting a section - the material and functions of the product; groups and subgroups - the sequence of production of goods; items, sub-items and sub-items - the degree of processing, purpose, type of material from which the goods are made, and significance in world trade.

In the EU, for the purposes of statistical recording and analysis, a Combined Nomenclature (has the short abbreviation CN) has been developed, which is based on the Harmonized System described above. The combined nomenclature was introduced in 1988, i.e. simultaneously with the introduction of the Harmonized System.

The main difference of the Combined Nomenclature is that it has deeper detail (this is due to the fact that customs activities and foreign trade statistics in the EU have their own specifics), in addition, the Combined Nomenclature is revised every year (for additions, clarifications or elimination of duplication of provisions) and is mandatory for use by all EU member states.

After the adoption of the Harmonized System at the UN, work began on the creation of two basic classifications:

  • International Standard Industrial Classification of All Types of Economic Activities - ISIC (English - ISIC from International Standard Industrial Classification of LI Economic Activities), currently this classification is used in the fourth edition of 2009 (Rev. 4);
  • Classification of main products - CPC (English - CPC from Central Products Classification), the latest current edition of this classification was developed in 2005.

At the European level these classifications correspond to:

  • Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE), used in the second edition of 2008 (Rev. 2);
  • Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Community (abbreviated CPA), last revised in 2008.

ISIC is the most important reference classification for the international community. Based on this classification, national classifications are usually developed. It is a system for collecting, processing and storing information that is necessary for accounting, forming a basis for economic analysis and decision-making at the macroeconomic level. This hierarchical classification, built according to industry, consists of 17 sections, 159 groups and 290 classes (Table 10.2).

Table 10.2

Structure of ISIC 1 (4th Revision, 2009 Edition)

1 International standard industrial classification of all economic activities. Fourth revision // Statistical documents. Series M. No. 4/Rev. 4. P. 53.




Wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repairs

Transport and warehousing

Accommodation and catering

Information and communication

Financial activities and insurance

Real estate transactions

Professional, scientific and technical activities

Activities in the field of administrative and support services

Public administration and defense, compulsory social insurance


Activities in the field of health and social services

Arts, entertainment and recreation

Other activities in the service sector

Activities of households as employers, undifferentiated activities of households producing goods and services for own use

Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

An industry is understood as a set of enterprises/institutions (their divisions) engaged in the same type of activity in a certain area of ​​business. Enterprises that simultaneously carry out several types of activities are divided into establishments, which, in turn, are classified as corresponding industries.

In practice, the division of enterprises into establishments is carried out only in cases where it is possible to obtain information about the main economic indicators of the separated part of the enterprise. In all other cases, enterprises are classified according to their main economic activity.

At the European level, this classification corresponds to the above-mentioned NACE Ed. 2 (Russian version).

Because ISIC reflects national classification structures, it takes into account not only the types of activities common to all member states, but also priority species activities for each of them.

Along with ISIC, the most important international basic classification is also CPC.

The main purpose of the COI is to provide a structure that is optimal for comparing different statistical types of goods and services, i.e. in the harmonization of statistical accounting at the international and national levels. Among the main features of the CPC, the following can be noted: this Classification simultaneously displays goods and services. The following objects are also included in the CPC:

  • tangible assets (in particular, plots of land, buildings, structures, construction works on the creation of tangible assets);
  • intangible assets that are formed during the formation of legal assets (this includes registered trademarks, licenses, patents, copyrights).

The need to expand the framework of the CPC is due to the fact that it was necessary to create groupings that would cover in statistical and economic accounting assets circulating or used in transactions in foreign and national markets.

As a European version of the CPC, the Statistical Classification of Products by Activities (CPA) of the European Community has already been mentioned above. The objectives of this Classification are similar to those addressed under the CPC.

But at the same time, if the use of the CPA is largely advisory in nature, then the use of the CPA is mandatory for all states within the European Community.

This is due to the fact that the European Community CPA is used only for international comparisons and, if necessary, special nomenclatures that have been compiled for various surveys should be added to it. Many EU countries have used the CPA framework as a basis for developing national classifications.

The CPA has a much more detailed list of nomenclature compared to the CPA, as well as a different structure. The difference is that the CPA uses the criterion of industrial origin of products, while to determine the industrial origin of products, the second significant European classification is used as a starting point - this is the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities of the European Community - NACE Rev. 2. As a result, the structures of CPA and NACE are symmetrical at most hierarchical statistical levels.

The CPA for carrying out coordinated statistical surveys by EU countries was developed by PRODCOM (abbreviation in English and French PRODCOM for Production Communautaire). PRODCOM is a statistical nomenclature adopted in the EU for products for a certain number of industries. This range of industries includes mining, manufacturing, production and distribution related activities electrical energy, gas and water (these are statistical sections C, D, E of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities). The PRODCOM/PRODCOM list is reviewed every calendar year by a special G1RODCOM Committee.

In addition, the EU uses a combined nomenclature (CN), based on the international HS classification (Harmonized System for Description and Coding of Goods) in statistical accounting. Classification in the form of a combined nomenclature is used primarily for foreign trade, but does not include the classification of services in its list.

Thus, three levels can be distinguished international system classifications:

  • 1) world-class classifications (ISIC, CPC, HS);
  • 2) EU level classifications (NACE, CPA, PRODCOM, CN);
  • 3) classifications of national levels (classifications of activities and products, nomenclature of foreign trade goods).

The relationship between the classifications discussed above by level is shown in Fig. 10.2.

Rice. 10.2.

Consequently, modern international economic classifications represent a holistic, integrated system within which various classifications of products (including works and services) and various types of economic activities are harmonized.

As is obvious from the above diagram, the Harmonized System of Description and Coding of Goods plays a fundamental role in the described classification system. Changes made to it are reflected not only in the Combined Nomenclature and national classifications of goods for foreign trade (for Russia this is the Commodity Nomenclature of Economic Activities), but also in the classifications of products used for statistical purposes. At the same time, classifications of types of economic activities that are used to classify economic entities (enterprises, organizations and other types of economic entities) are closely interrelated with classifications of products and services (goods, works, services). Thus, the CPC contains for each product group a link to the type of activity with which its occurrence is associated. In the CPA, the first four digits of the product (service) code in most cases correspond to the type of activity leading to the creation of this product.