His hands, hair, posture can tell a lot about a person, but only his eyes can tell about his true face and the hidden corners of his inner world. No wonder they are called the mirror of the soul.

When we talk about the connection between eye color and character, we should mention the human biofield. Eyes reflect energy, which in turn builds character and determines the type of temperament. In addition to psychological subtleties, eye colors can also indicate the presence psychic abilities. There are only four main eye shades: green, blue, brown, gray. Other shades already have only the properties of the main ones. Black eye color deserves a separate discussion.

Green eyes

Green-eyed people have a soft character, but they are not always ready to follow someone. They can be leaders, but this is very difficult for them because of the fear of offending someone. It’s easier for them to live when no one holds a grudge against them, which is why green-eyed people love solitude and working alone. People with this eye color are described very unusually in terms of temperament. The fact is that these people have an equal probability of becoming both choleric and, for example, melancholic.

There are individuals who different situations may act differently. Green-eyed people often get into fights over little things and do not shed tears even for a good reason. They do not lend themselves to strict analysis, so it is very difficult to predict how to communicate with this or that green-eyed person. One moment they can tear and throw, and the next they can be sad and cry.

Green-eyed people sometimes don’t have enough time to make their lives better. These people are afraid of many things, so they do not succeed as often as others. Luck may smile on them, but even this may not be enough. They need to be believed in and guided on the right path. We need some kind of impulse, help, support. They appreciate friends who donate their time, and they also like to do it themselves. This is why most often green-eyed people are friends with other green-eyed people.

The energy of green eyes is changeable and often unstable. Despite this, many people know how to control their character. Another thing is blue eyes.

Blue eyes

They are considered the most beautiful. Even in our subjective world, many agree with fashion, which says that blue eyes are the most attractive. This applies to both men and women. This is true, because the energy of this color is very strong. This is felt, but not because blue-eyed people charge with positivity, but because they are uncontrollable.

Blue-eyed people are more likely to change their mood. If those who have green eyes change their mood for a good reason, then for people with blue and blue eyes it gallops like a bull at a rodeo. It is impossible to guess what they will be like tomorrow. Even they themselves cannot do this. If you communicate closely with a blue-eyed person, then you know what causeless depression and joy are. These people are vulnerable and impressionable. They know how to dream like no one else, so the Universe gives them a lot of luck. They can also be very cruel and heartless. This is very unpleasant, but you shouldn’t cut them out of your life for this, because today they are cruel, and tomorrow they will help you save yourself from troubles.

Brown eyes and black eyes

If you were born with brown eyes, then know that you have a great leader and boss inside of you. When communicating with brown-eyed people, there is almost always a risk of losing energy, because many of them are energy vampires. In most cases, this is not particularly dangerous - you just need to know not to tell them your deepest secrets, because pity is not for these people. They will try to help you, because they are good friends, so go straight to the requests.

The same applies to people with black eyes. But they have a couple of differences - they are not vampires and are more open spiritually. This is a kind of equivalent of green-eyed people, but with more stable energy. Owners of brown and black eyes are pronounced choleric people. Sedentary and tedious work is not for them, so they strive for independence. They love freelancing.

In love, such people are very sensual, but do not lose their heads, so they immediately break off relationships that have outlived their usefulness. They are amorous, sociable, dynamic and hate boredom. These qualities are especially pronounced in those born under the auspices of the constellation Sagittarius or Aries.

Gray eyes

Gray color under different lighting can turn into blue or green. Eyes with this color are chameleons, and the character of these people seems too mysterious. They are kind to others, but sometimes their cruelty knows no bounds. They are hardworking, but sometimes their laziness can be so strong that they don’t even go to work, although they should.

These people are devoted in love. In friendship they have no equal in terms of support in a difficult situation. They are excellent psychologists, although they themselves do not realize it. If these people are betrayed, then in most cases they cut off all ties with their offenders. If the gray-eyed man disappears, then know that, most likely, you offended him.

Other colors

There are colors such as yellow, and also eyes that combine several colors. Here a description of each color will come to your aid. About yellow-eyed people, it’s only worth mentioning that they are vulnerable, like people with blue eyes, and have enormous potential in art. Most people are melancholic by temperament.

If a person heterochromia, that is, the eyes have different colors, then in character it will be either one or the other. He will not combine character traits characteristic of two colors at once. Your task will only be to guess which color is the main one.

Eye color and esotericism

Experts say that innate abilities for clairvoyance and extrasensory perception also depend on eye color. Unfortunately or fortunately, each color has its own abilities and the degree of their strength.

Blue eyes. These people have the ability to cast the evil eye, and they don’t do it on purpose. Blue-eyed people have a very keen sense of the environment and the energy of others, so they are good at reading minds and predicting the behavior of even strangers.

Green eyes. Intuition is the weapon of green-eyed people. They quite often tell other people that certain actions will lead to certain problems. They don’t listen to them, and then they wonder why everything turned out this way. Green eyes help analyze the future based on life experiences and help people feel the waves of the Universe. That is why they get into trouble less than others.

Brown and black eyes. These people have the gift of persuasion; they can be excellent magicians and clairvoyants. Most of the best tarot card readers and palm readers have brown or black eyes.

Gray eyes . This color gives people a special charisma, which is why they are excellent predictors. They know how to persuade and can see the energy field of other people as if they were their own.

We are all born for some purpose that guides us through life. The Universe has its own plans for each of us, but it does not change our lives, but adapts to our choices. Regardless of what eye color or character you have, only thoughts are the determining factor in changing your destiny. They build everything around us, so start any changes with your worldview, with your inner world. Let your eyes reflect only positivity. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The human body and soul are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is impossible to separate character from its external manifestations. What is outside is also inside. Human psychology based on behavior and gestures makes it possible to easily determine character. Let us learn this too.

A person's appearance can say a lot

If a person’s clothing is distinguished by its unusualness and pretentiousness, catchiness, then this speaks of an artistic type of personality, of an artistic nature. There are people who neglect their appearance. After talking with them, you will easily understand whether this is his creative attitude to life or banal sloppiness.

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If a person is dressed to the nines, as if he just stepped off the catwalk, this often means that he wants to establish himself with his clothes. This is a sign of inner uncertainty and helplessness.

A person’s appearance should be in harmony with clothes and complement the image. Schizoid personality types do not adhere to this principle.

Bright colors in clothes are loved by emotional and loving people, while half-tones are loved by calm and balanced people. Often people who have a hard time getting used to and adapting to new circumstances wear clothes that are out of season.


A handshake is a common form of introduction for men. If a person comes to you from afar with an outstretched hand, then we can say that he is cheerful and sociable, does not hide anything behind his soul. If he is still actively shaking your hand and speaking quickly, he is an active, energetic person.

Secretive people usually shake hands with the palm down and with a large bend in the elbow. This movement seems to say “I won’t give anything away.” Often such people turn out to be two-faced and ruthless. If your palm seems to be pressed down, then you have a domineering, suppressive and callous personality.

A limp handshake speaks of laziness and lack of initiative. Shy and modest people shake hands awkwardly.

Communication zone

Human psychology helps to recognize unpleasant and annoying people by their behavior.

Aggressive and unceremonious people are unpleasant to communicate with. They often violate the permissible distance. You feel this subconsciously. They may tap you on the shoulder. Hold your hand for a long time or look into your eyes. If an unfamiliar person approaches you very close, less than 50 cm, then this causes a desire to move away, as well as anger and indignation.

Shy, insecure people keep a long distance.

The longer people communicate and become closer to each other, the distance between them decreases.

Posture, gait, gestures and facial expressions

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures is not always as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance.

Since a person is raised from childhood to adhere to certain rules and norms of behavior, it is sometimes very difficult to determine a person’s character. For example, it is difficult to judge by a smile what is happening in a person’s soul, because it can be real or “through tears.”

The duality of human nature also makes it difficult to understand him. If a person is gentle and reliable, but does not want to seem like that, then he will accordingly behave differently and control his actions.

To understand body language important role It is the involuntary, unconscious movements that play.

If a person has an asymmetrical face, then you can tell. That the rational and the emotional are at odds with each other. When there is a constant internal struggle, remorse, it is very reflected on the face.

If a person has an unnatural, stiff gait (that is, the legs, pelvis and lower back seem to be tightly connected to each other), this indicates problems in the sexual sphere.

Tension or relaxation of movements plays an important role. When a person is relaxed, he rests his soul and is open to the perception of others.

The psychology of human behavior helps to determine character traits based on the following basic characteristics:

  • Carelessness and lack of discipline are manifested by a loose gait and relaxed postures;
  • Uncertainty and fearfulness are expressed in closed postures of arms and legs, hands in pockets or covering part of the face. Also, redness and an intermittent voice indicate a person who is unsure of himself. These people tend to constantly hype themselves up and make mountains out of molehills;
  • Nervousness and anxiety are indicated by rhythmic movements of the fingers. Handling objects, fidgeting in a chair.
  • A wide and slow gait speaks of a person who wants to show off himself. And the theatricality of gestures speaks of inflated self-esteem;
  • Straightforward and restrained movements speak of a cold, calculating nature;
  • Sudden and disordered movements indicate irritability and nervousness;
  • If body movements are rounded and smooth, this characterizes a person who is emotional and has a carefree attitude towards the world.

Eyes and gaze

Eyes reflect inner world person. They are the first to react to their internal state. When we are sad, sadness appears in our eyes. If we are having fun, then our eyes shine with happiness.

The look also varies. For example, hard, prickly, cold, angry, shameless, affectionate, gentle, gloomy, cunning, stubborn, confident, fierce, excited...

Any communication is accompanied by a glance. If normal, calm communication occurs, then the look will be the same. If the gaze goes into the distance, it means the person is distracted or lost in thought. A sideways glance expresses distrust and secrecy. Squinted eyes express distrust, anger and vindictiveness of nature.

Politicians often see this pattern when one eyebrow is raised. But the folds on the forehead remain horizontal. This speaks of a strong will, neglect and hostility towards the outside world.

Looking down from above speaks of arrogance and contempt. Conversely, the bottom-up view is about subordination and helpfulness.

A long, direct and firm gaze indicates that the person wants to subjugate you to his will. This is how investigators and prosecutors look during interrogations.

A “running” gaze characterizes people who feel fear or threat. Such eyes are often found in criminals who have spent a long time in prison, as well as scammers.

Human psychology sometimes helps to determine by behavior and gestures what profession a person has, what position he holds and what social class he belongs to.


When communicating, the face is the first thing you pay attention to. Here it is important to consider the nose, lips and folds near them. They will tell you a lot.

There is a so-called “suffering fold”, which gives a person a suffering expression. These are people with weak character. Weak willed, helpless and patient. Always retreating from difficulties.

Strength of character is judged by the wings of the nose. If they swell greatly when breathing, then this person is temperamental and energetic.

The corners of the mouth show the general condition of a person. The drooping corners indicate a pessimist, always dissatisfied with life.

The degree of tension of a person is shown by a closed mouth. This speaks of determination and strength of character. A slightly open mouth indicates relaxation and passivity.

Smile and laugh

All people smile and laugh differently. Laughter can be contagious, quiet, mocking, angry, sincere, barking, arrogant, artificial, etc.

Pure, carefree laughter shows a light, free, laid-back nature.

If a person has aggressiveness, envy, anger or contempt, then these feelings prevent you from laughing easily and freely. It turns out something like “he-he-he”. Young people who want to attract attention usually giggle. Laughter like “ho-ho-ho” seems to say: “Well, tell me too...”. It reflects arrogance, boasting, a desire to humiliate, to doubt what was said.

Every person can judge the authenticity of a smile by relying on their intuition. She will tell you whether a person is pleasant or not, likes or dislikes, “slippery type” or “somehow he smiles wrong.” Intuition rarely deceives. Human psychology by facial expressions makes it possible to determine, first of all, the sincerity of a person.


  • Dropped or raised shoulders, along with a slightly stooped back and retracted chin, speak of humility, weakness, and a sense of inferiority of a person;
  • Raising your head too high and protruding your chest is a sign of pride, vanity and arrogance;
  • A tense and motionless posture isolates sensitive and shy people from the outside world;
  • Sometimes sensitive people they try to hide it, outwardly showing rigidity, coldness, as if bristling at others. Then a certain angularity of posture appears;
  • A person with feeling self-esteem, has a free, relaxed posture with a proudly planted head. This demonstrates trust, openness and respect for people.

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures has been studied for many years. This science is called body language. Achievements modern psychology in this area gave impetus to this direction, and the demand for this knowledge from a practical point of view pushed psychologists to further study the connection between the soul and the body. Since any of our internal experiences, movements of the soul cause a response in the body, facial expressions, gestures, movements.

Often we see all these external manifestations and our brain processes them instantly at the level of “pleasant - unpleasant”, “trustworthy - not trustworthy”, etc. After all, there are often situations in life when we say “there’s something I don’t like about this person” or “what a slippery guy he is.” That is, we don’t know what caused our reaction, but we subconsciously feel it. By trusting your intuition and learning a little body language, everyday life you will be able to determine a person’s character at first sight.

This article will be useful for both men and women! After all, just by looking at jewelry, you can tell everything about a person!

1. What do gold jewelry say?
2. What can silver jewelry tell about a person?
3. What if it’s jewelry?
4. Special occasion: jewelry in the form of zodiac signs!
5. What does the complete absence of jewelry indicate?
6. And especially about jewelry and men...

Literally 2 introductory words...

Did you know that jewelry (or lack thereof) reflects a person's beliefs, character and underlying attitudes?

It turns out that you can learn more about a person from his jewelry than from his words!

After all, he carefully considers his words (well, at least in most cases). But he approaches the choice of jewelry unconsciously...

This is where all the ins and outs are revealed!

So, read carefully! You have a unique opportunity to learn more about yourself and learn to “read” others!

What do gold jewelry say?

A person who prefers gold jewelry is pragmatic¹ and materialistic². He knows the value of himself and money. He will strive to get benefits from any business relationship at the lowest price. Accordingly, the more gold jewelry, the more massive it is, the more clearly these qualities are manifested.

Speaking of the woman who wears gold...

We can say that it is best to give her gold too. Any other gift must be expensive. Loves luxury perfumes. Well, if you guess the scent (and this can be done if you choose perfume according to your zodiac sign), then she will definitely appreciate the person).

What can they tell about a person?silverdecorations?

For someone who wears silver, spiritual values ​​are much more important than material ones. This is a very sophisticated person who is passionate about the idea of ​​beauty and harmony. Women who love silver jewelry, as a rule, have a well-developed artistic taste; they are aesthetes by nature and strive for beauty.

A winning gift for such a woman would be beautiful silver jewelry, especially if it is decorated. Also, such women adore sophisticated natural perfumes in beautiful bottles. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, you can use the services of an aromastylist.

What about jewelry?

Costume jewelry includes jewelry made from a variety of materials (with the exception of precious metals and precious stones). These can be products made of leather, bone, glass, fur, semi-precious stones, wood, etc.

What can jewelry tell about a person?

Much! First of all, the person has extreme sexuality and magnetism. A woman who loves jewelry craves bright, exciting experiences, erotically colored. In other words, she wants to please and arouse interest in the opposite sex more than others.

What kind of gifts does such a woman prefer?

Fur! In any of its manifestations! Even if the collar or sleeves are trimmed with fur. Well, a fur coat or a handbag with fur will make her heart flutter with delight!

Special occasion: jewelry in the form of zodiac signs!

If a person prefers jewelry that reflects his zodiac sign, then it must be said right away that this is not a simple personality. Such people are reluctant to make contact and let you into your soul. We tend to act based on the principle:

“There are 2 points. “One is mine, the other is unfaithful.”

You can find an approach to such a person, again, through him. The more you know about the zodiac sign of such a person, the better you understand her aspirations and secret desires. The following information will be especially useful here:

What does the complete lack of decoration mean?

Most difficult case! There is one of two things here: either the personality is weak, with low energy (by the way, susceptible to depression), or, on the contrary, an extremely active type of personality, which is characterized by constant intense mental work (and hence frequent fatigue and overwork are possible).

How to determine one of these two types?

Additional signs will help here: manner of speaking (fast - slow), gaze (active, directed at the interlocutor or faded, lowered), colors in clothes (bright, catchy - muted), motor skills (excessive gesticulation, ardor - almost complete absence of gesticulation, detachment ).

What both types of people who do not wear jewelry have in common is a desire for relaxation and comfort. The less fuss around, the better.

And especially about jewelry and men...

A priori, men do not like and do not wear jewelry. But if some jewelry is still present (ring, bracelet, chain), then it reveals in its owner the desire to stand out and assert himself.

Such a man is not devoid of narcissism and pride. Expects praise, admiration, and compliments from others. Accordingly, the more decorations, the brighter and more massive they are, the more these qualities are manifested.

Well, the material from which his jewelry is made will provide additional characteristics (as mentioned above).

By the way, do you wear rings? And on which fingers?

Oh, how much this says! I can create a whole diagnostic... However, I plan to do so in the future, if you are interested. I will judge by the number of likes. So share the information on your social networks.

P.S. Thank you!

There were a lot of likes, and I ask you to continue to share this article on your social networks if this information was interesting and useful to you (social network icons below). And now, as promised, you can find out the continuation!!!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Pragmatist - a follower, supporter of pragmatism, like philosophical system. In the everyday sense, a pragmatist is a person who builds his system of actions and views on life in the aspect of obtaining practically useful results. “What is best for us to believe is true” (Wikipedia).

² A materialist is a person whose interests are focused on the material world, material values ​​and the body. A materialist is convinced of something only through his own experience, when he can feel, touch or perceive something with other senses (from various sources).

If you need to find out as much information as possible about a person, then pay attention to his handwriting. Personality can be deciphered from handwriting in several stages. To do this, you just need to ask the person to write something.

First of all, pay attention to the location and size of the letters. A rational person writes in small handwriting, while large letters symbolize openness, naivety and gentleness. Overly compressed letters in words indicate that the person is practical and conservative. Sweeping handwriting reveals a resourceful, enterprising personality. The secretive ones are indiscriminate, closed people, as well as for those who are in an emotional crisis, especially if the letters are quite narrow and located far from each other.


If size capital letters There are many more capital letters; their author is very demanding of himself and the people around him. Not too different from each other capital and capital letters indicate a person's modesty. Calligraphic handwriting is written by people who are highly susceptible to the influence of others and do not have their own opinions.

A lot can be said about the character of the writer. degree of inclination letters A slight tilt to the left indicates that a person is self-centered; for him, his own interests are always above the public. Moreover, the stronger the inclination of the letters, the more selfish the person is; he never takes into account the opinions of others. A strong tilt to the right denotes the determination and ambition of its owner. Smooth, unsloping handwriting most often belongs to a stubborn and unshakable person.


Analysis can reveal a lot of information about a person’s thinking and character. row directions. As a rule, lines written by hand on a blank, unlined sheet of paper are not perfectly straight. However, for optimists they usually rise to the top. In addition, this may be a sign of inflated self-esteem. The lines sliding down can tell that a person is used to seeing only the bad in everything. Most often, he underestimates his capabilities and deliberately belittles himself. An adventurous, fickle and frivolous person writes with wavy lines, while almost straight and even lines are found in sensible and objective people.

Related letters show a person who is straightforward and capable of thinking logically. And, on the contrary, unconnected letters are a sign of developed imagination, good imagination and high spirituality of their owner.

In graphology, a special place is given to the decoding of personal signatures. For example, if it has a lot of curls and loops, its owner is most likely an inquisitive and creative person. Closed and secretive person has a habit of circling his signature. Stressed - happens to confident, strong and resourceful people. A crossed out stroke reveals the owner large quantity energy.

Western physiologists recently made an interesting discovery - it turned out that patients who have lost their arms for various reasons try to write letters using their mouths or toes in exactly the same way as they wrote before. It turns out that we write with our heads, and the hand just follows instructions coming from the brain.

That is why handwriting is a kind of mirror of its owner; it can reveal the characteristics of his character and temperament. This fact was also proven by biologist V. Preyer, who conducted experiments on handwriting using hypnosis.

He convinced the person that he was cunning or secretive, and at the same time forced him to write from dictation. As a result, the handwritings in each case were different and contained features interpreted by graphologists as signs of secrecy or cunning.

Science or pseudoscience?

The study of handwriting has deep historical roots. Emperor Nero mentioned in one of his letters: “I am afraid of this man because his handwriting shows that he has a treacherous nature.” And the Roman historian Suetonius, characterizing the stinginess of Emperor Augustus, noted that he “wrote words, placing letters close to one another, and added more under the lines.” These characteristics can be considered the first fragments of graphological research that have reached us. However, during the Middle Ages, all accumulated knowledge was lost.

The second birth of graphology is considered to be 1622, when the book of the Italian C. Baldo “How to recognize the nature and qualities of a person by looking at the letter he wrote” was published, which created a sensation among the reading public, and the new teaching gained a lot of followers in Europe.

True, after Louis XV received a description of his handwriting, he ordered all graphologists to be expelled from France. He didn't like the truth they told about him.

Several centuries later, history repeated itself, but in another country - the Soviet Union. Academician Vladimir Bekhterev, who was fond of graphology, spoke on the sidelines of a congress of psychiatrists and neurologists about the results of an examination of Stalin’s letter, which contained the words: “This is the handwriting of an aggressive person with a mania for persecution.”

After this incident, the academician died under unclear circumstances, and graphology was declared a pseudoscience in the country.

How to write a letter

However, graphology cannot definitely be called a science. Rather, it is something between science and art. On the one hand, it is based on a theoretical basis - knowledge psychological sciences, their own patterns, graphological tables, which collect the signs of handwriting and their characteristics.

On the other hand, handwriting analysis is impossible without the participation of a living specialist, whose professionalism relies more on personal experience and intuition. It is believed that this is why it is impossible to create computer program, which would give a qualitative description of the letter.

In America and in many European countries in psychological faculties, but in our country handwriting studies are taught only in law schools, but at the same time criminologists are not taught to delve into the psychological essence of the author of the letter. As a rule, Russian graphologists (mostly former psychologists or doctors) are interested in studying handwriting, first as a hobby, and then engage in this business professionally. Based on handwriting samples, they can not only determine character traits and describe a person, but also help in personnel selection, determine whether a person is suitable for a particular job and leadership role, give a love forecast based on handwriting, and tell how suitable a man and a woman are for each other. .

My own graphologist

In order to describe a person using a letter or autograph, you need to know the system of handwriting characteristics, each of which can have several meanings. For example, it cannot be said that if a person writes perfect calligraphic letters, then he is a pedant, and if he writes illegibly, then he is a bungler. Everything is much more complicated. Only an experienced graphologist can understand all the twists and turns of writing. However, there are simplified methods that allow each of us to try ourselves as a graphologist.

Even handwriting. Shows willpower writing person, his composure and calmness. Trembling handwriting, on the contrary, is observed in people who are emotionally unstable or who abuse alcohol. It has been noticed that those who write letters sometimes roughly and sometimes beautifully may not behave the same way in life.

The slant of the letters. French graphologists of the 20th century associated the inclination of letters with a person’s behavior in society: “When someone wants to show disdain, indifference to another, he behaves straight. On the contrary, cordiality is conveyed forward by the whole body. You involuntarily stretch out your hands to the baby when he runs up to you, but there are people who do not stretch out their hands to the child, these are those who write in standing letters.”

Modern graphologists are almost in solidarity with their predecessors. In their opinion, if a person writes letters with a slight (20-30 degrees) tilt to the right, it is believed that he is inherent in openly expressing his feelings. A slightly greater inclination (about 50–60 degrees) indicates a loving nature and a strong desire to communicate. When a person writes with a significant tilt to the left, this means that in stressful situations one can expect completely unexpected and very violent emotions from him. If the letters are predominantly vertical, the personality is characterized by a balance of rationality and emotionality. Such a person is characterized by analysis of the situation and balanced decision-making.

Arrangement of lines. If the line remains horizontal until the end of the page, it means that the author of the letter is a balanced person who does not get upset over minor troubles at work or at home. A line going up is a sign of optimism. Going down – pessimism and skepticism. If the line is uneven, wobbling up and down, it means a person has a changeable mood and low adaptability. He cannot fully cope with work that requires careful adherence to established rules and attention.

Roundness of letters. The pronounced roundness of the letters may indicate that a person with this type of handwriting is ready to cooperate and easily makes compromises. Angular letters - their author is predisposed to competition and rivalry.

Size of letters. Small letters are a reserved, non-aggressive person. “Tight” small handwriting, difficult to read, suggests that this person is extremely secretive, sometimes stingy. Large letters are an indicator of expansiveness, and in some cases even aggressiveness.

The mystery of the signature

Signature analysis occupies a special place in graphology. We diligently come up with an autograph, model it, invent it. Therefore, it is believed that in a letter a person is what he is, and in a signature he is also what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting future changes in a person’s personality and character, and therefore his destiny. A signature, like a text written by a person, is studied by graphologists according to many parameters, of which there are about fifty. This is the length of the autograph, the roundness and sharpness of the letters, their unity, various decorations, the distance between the letters, the force of pressure when writing, underlining, dots, tails, etc.

For example, the direction of the end of the signature can tell about a person’s attitude towards life: optimistic or pessimistic.

If the “tail” of the autograph goes down, it means that the person is more susceptible to pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses it creative activity. Such people either have no faith in the future, or it is very weak. When the end of the signature is directed straight, this indicates a balance between the manifestations of optimism and pessimism.

If the tail of the signature goes up, it means that optimism prevails in the person’s character, he is full of energy and strives to achieve his goal. If he has disappointments in life, he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new ideas and strength. Often this is a personality type with a creative bent.