EVTUSHENKO, Evgeniy Alexandrovich

(b. 1933), poet

30 And it snows, and it snows.

“And it’s snowing”, song from the film “Dima Gorin’s Career” (1961), music. A. Eshpaya

31 There are no monuments above Babi Yar.

"Babi Yar" (1961) ? Evtushenko, 1:316

32 I am to all anti-Semites, / like a Jew,

and therefore - / I am a real Russian!

"Babi Yar"? Evtushenko, 1:318

33 Ah, I have enough gentlemen,

But I have no good love.

“The River Runs” (1960), music. E. Kolmanovsky

The song was written for the performance of the Sovremennik Theater “Miraculous”.

34 A poet in Russia is more than a poet.

The beginning of the poem " Bratsk hydroelectric power station"(1964–1965)

Evtushenko, 1:443

35 Poets are often killed,

To quote later.

In a later edition: “You are killing all the poets, /

to quote later! ? Yevtushenko, 1:300.

37 The intelligentsia / sings thieves' songs.

She sings / not the songs of Krasnaya Presnya.

“The intelligentsia sings thieves’ songs” (1975)

Evtushenko, 1:204

38 He knew that the earth was turning,

but he had a family.

"Career" (1957; published 1962) ? Evtushenko, 1:188

39 There are no uninteresting people in the world.

“There are no uninteresting people in the world...” (1961)

Evtushenko, 1:323

40 Stalin's heirs.

Yevtushenko E. Citizens, listen to me. -

M., 1989, p. 415

Immediately after Stalin’s death, Konstantin Fedin wrote in his article “Stalin’s Heirs”: “Stalin’s brilliant legacy is owned and managed by loyal, strong and infinitely talented heirs. These Stalinist heirs are the Communist Party Soviet Union and our great Soviet people" ? “Lit. newspaper", March 7, 1953, p. 4.

41 The poet stood.

"Poet on the Market" (1974) ? Yevtushenko, 3:83

42 Different times have come. / Other names have arisen.

“Other times have come...” (1963) ? Evtushenko, 1:405

43 This is what happens to me:

My old friend doesn't come to see me.

“This is what’s happening to me...” (1957)

Yevtushenko, 1:181

The poem was set to music by M. Tariverdiev for the t/f “The Irony of Fate” (1975).

44 You asked in a whisper:

“What then? / And then what?”

The bed was spread out

And you were confused.

“You asked in a whisper...” (1957)

Evtushenko, 1:189

45 You leave like a train.

Name and a line of a song from the film “Love” (1968), music. M. Tariverdieva

46 Do Russians want war?

Name and 1st line of the song (1961), music. E. Kolmanovsky

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Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko [b. 1933] Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station Poem (1965) PRAYER BEFORE THE DAM “A poet in Russia is more than a poet.” The author sums up everything that happened before, humbly kneeling down, asking for help from the great Russian poets... Give, Pushkin, your melodiousness and

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EUGENE, Flavius ​​Roman Emperor in 392-394. He died in 394. Eugene was first a grammarian and taught Roman literature, and then, leaving school, he entered the court military service and became the king's secretary, respected more than others for his eloquence, he could not

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From the book Russian Literature Today. New guide author Chuprinin Sergey Ivanovich

EVGENY EVTUSHENKO Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko was born on July 18, 1933 at Zima station Irkutsk region. Graduated from 7th grade high school, studied at the Literary Institute (1951–1954), but did not graduate from it (after passing the state exams, a diploma of completion of the Literary Institute was issued

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WEINER Arkady Alexandrovich (b. 1931); WEINER Georgy Aleksandrovich (b. 1938), writers 1 A thief should be in prison. “The meeting place cannot be changed,” television series (1979) based on the novel by A. and G. Weiner “The Era of Mercy” (1976), dir. S. Govorukhin In the story “The Era of Mercy”: “It is only important that

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YEVTUSHENKO Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (b. 1933), poet 2 And it snows, and it snows. “And it snows,” song from the film “Dima Gorin’s Career” (1961), music. A.

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko is a legendary Soviet director, publicist and poet, who was born in the summer of 1932 in one of the towns of the Irkutsk region. Having received secondary education, he entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. After five years of study, he was expelled for supporting one of Dudintsev’s novels, as well as for violations of discipline. He published his first book in 1952, it was a collection of poems called “Scouts of the Future.” Later, the author admitted that this work was published ahead of time and looked immature and youthful. In the same year, he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. It is worth noting that he was accepted even before he received his matriculation certificate, and the argument in favor of his acceptance was the book he wrote. A few years later, Yevtushenko published several collections at once, which brought him popularity among thousands of readers. In 1955, his work entitled “The Third Snow” was published, a year later, he published “Highway of Enthusiasts”, and a year later, a collection called “Promise”. Two years after the release of his last work, the author again pleases his fans and publishes the collection “Apple”, and two years later, publishes two works at once, “Wave of the Hand” and “Tenderness”. In his works, he touches on the most various topics, he writes about love and about people of different professions, be it geologists, builders or even hunters. Some of his poems were on an anti-war theme. It is worth noting that Yevtushenko also spoke in public, reading his own works. By the way, such speeches by the author greatly increased his fame in the USSR. A little later, he managed to release his own audiobook and several CDs. In 1991, Yevgeny Yevtushenko signed a contract with one of the American universities, and together with his family moved to the States to teach at the University of Oklahoma. In 2007, at the Olimpiyskiy, composer Gleb May staged a rock opera called “The White Snows Are Coming,” based on Yevtushenko’s poems. Today, Yevtushenko is known throughout the world not only as a poet, but also as an intelligent playwright, a magnificent actor and screenwriter. Not long ago, he opened his own photo exhibition called “Invisible Threads”. Most of Yevtushenko's works are set to music.

He died last weekend in the United States at the age of 85. Soviet classic Evgeny Yevtushenko. Author of more than 150 books, whose works have been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and published throughout the world.

Trendspace recalls 10 quotes from the great poet of the sixties.

Time is the dentist, tearing us out of us without anesthesia.

Mother Nature,
The man is DIMILIZED by you.
Why motherhood
Won't you give it to a man?
If it stuck in it,
There, under the heart,
Child without a reason
That's probably CRUEL
It wouldn't be a man like that...
“I would like...”, 1972

Sometimes it's better to talk about important things with strangers- with those you will never see again.

Both in Moscow and Kazan
to be so beautiful -

it's like torture
slippery-eyed crowd.
The street wants you all
throw on the bed,
well, and the fact that you are smart -
She doesn't care about that!
“Emeralds”, December 25-26, 2004

I have visited almost a hundred countries around the world. I saw a lot of scoundrels, but I did not see a single nationality that consisted entirely of scoundrels.

People of art are independent of death.

Poets were born in Russia
with a Dantes bullet in the chest.
"Lermontov", 1964

World culture is a wall before the war, made up of great books.

God forbid you get into trouble with power
and not act falsely as heroes,
and be rich - but don't steal,
of course, if that's possible.
“God grant!”, 1990

Today I don’t like the increased bitterness of people towards each other and the greatly increased feeling of envy. Only partly this can be explained by social inequality. I have never seen such over-anger, especially when you read the Internet. We need to get rid of this. We must not only learn to love others, but also ourselves. We insult each other very easily.

(born: July 18, 1932, Zima, East Siberian Territory, RSFSR, USSR - died: April 1, 2017, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA)

Russian poet. He also gained fame as a prose writer, director, screenwriter, publicist, speaker and actor. Was nominated for Nobel Prize according to literature.

The more I live in this world,
The more ash beats in my heart.

I am driven by love for humanity and for my homeland.

Poets were born in Russia
with a Dantes bullet in the chest.

We need to cultivate love in people.

And only that tired shoulder
He will forgive now, and he will forgive again,
And only those sad eyes
They will forgive everything that cannot be forgiven...

True love for the motherland is inseparable from love for all humanity.

Nothing brings people together like a fire. He has the face of our thoughts. A fire gives freedom of different thoughts when looking at the same fire. Why do people love to look at fire so much? Maybe because all living things were once born from fire? Dig deep into the soul of every fisherman and hunter, and you can see that the most important thing for them is not fish, black grouse or ducks, but a fire. When you are silent by the fire, you still talk to him with your eyes, and he talks to you with the crackling of branches, sparks, bitter smoke, and you get something that people don’t get - you both speak and listen to each other at the same time...

A poet in Russia is more than a poet.
Poets are destined to be born in it
to one in whom the proud spirit of citizenship roams,
to whom there is no comfort, there is no peace.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko in his youth

Why are true love and tragedy like two convicts chained together? Because love is such perfection that all the imperfections of the world envy and strive to strangle it.

But who, if not us, transforms loved ones
in those whom we are no longer able to love?

A poet in Russia is more than a poet.

You can't handle the music
Music will handle you!

You don’t choose your homeland; you give it to you with your life.

...Nothing is more sacred
natural desire to be happy...

Each generation has its own misconceptions, the main thing is that people are willing to correct the mistakes they have made and draw the right conclusions from what happened.

Self-confidence is blissful
and uncertainty is sinful.
Souls of latent fermentation
she twitches the ice.

A teacher is also a writer who writes not books, but living people.

There are executioners and victims in the world,
but there are still others - fighters!

I have visited almost a hundred countries around the world. I saw a lot of scoundrels, but I did not see a single nationality that consisted entirely of scoundrels.

This is how you should live - don’t have fun idly!
Go to death, forgetting peace, comfort,
And speak – at least for three minutes – the truth!
At least three minutes! Let them kill you later!

...The end of talent
There is the impossibility of rebellion.

I teach - all of humanity.

Anticipation of the verse
from a real poet
there is a feeling of sin,
that was done once, somewhere.

I am a poet of the people, and not of some individuals, groups or parties.

...But be truthful. I love your falseness
They may consider it a falsehood of communism.

Today I don’t like the increased bitterness of people towards each other and the greatly increased feeling of envy. Only partly this can be explained by social inequality. I have never seen such over-anger, especially when you read the Internet. We need to get rid of this. We must not only learn to love others, but also ourselves. We insult each other very easily.

Let everyone enter life with this vow:
help what needs to bloom,
and take revenge without forgetting about it,
to everything that deserves revenge!

Tales of women's jealousy have no effect,
And they are hatched as revenge.

True art is not based on evil.

People went wild with hatred for each other.

The poet is always driven by shame,
throwing him into the immensity,
and he builds bridges with bones,
paying non-payment.

Nationalism is a moral dead end.

In particular, exchanging the spirit,
We are running away from generalizations.

Self-doubt is necessary. He is talented who is not afraid to be horrified by his painful mediocrity.

Children are secret adults.

Hatred is the antithesis of internationalism.

Stepmother, let him kind soul, -
She, of course, is not a mother after all.

Don't disappear. Give me your palm.
I am written on it - I believe in it.
That's why last love is terrible,
that this is not love, but fear of loss.

Is it the fault of a nail that climbs into a wall?
They drive him with the butt into her.

They believe gossip more faithfully than loved ones.

There are no bad peoples. But no mercy
I'll tell you, without blaming the owners:
Every nation has its own bastards.

The older we get, the more frank we are.
For this we are grateful to fate.
And the changes in life coincide
with big changes in myself.

I sing and drink
without thinking about death,
arms outstretched,
I fall into the grass
and if I die in this world,
then I will die from the happiness of being alive.

Early charms are beautiful.
Charms with wounds are dangerous.

And the drama of Rome is the drama of the temple,
which in the bustle of centuries
stuffed with gods like rubbish,
and at the same time - without gods.

Saying 'I love you' won't be true
It would be untrue - ‘I don’t like.

From everyday life, from everyday calculations,
from pale skeptics and pink weasels
we are pulled into the distance by a flickering something,
transforming the world with reflections.

It's shameful to be free
When is it honorable to go to prison?

Don’t strive for the happiness of being loved, -
learn to love when you are unloved.

But also the vicissitudes of fate,
but also blows and losses,
life, for the beauty in you
Is the fee that big?!

The one who did not know grief
Let him not judge love.

Self-preservation instinct
does not save us, but kills us.

Love for the Motherland cannot be in conflict with love for humanity. Then this is not real, but fake patriotism.

People of art are independent of death.

Art - stunt shooting, that stunt shooting, fatal,
where they squeeze out full throttle.

To be eternal in the moment.
All those who love -
these are geniuses.

Music is for flying.
Everything in music is sacred.
If someone is false,
It's not the music's fault.

Don't turn talent into an ace of trumps.
Neither honesty nor courage are trump cards.
He who boasts of generosity is a hidden miser,
He who boasts of courage is a hidden coward.

Take care of these lands, these waters
I love even a small epic.
Take care of all animals within nature,
Kill only the beasts within yourself!

I dream about an old friend
who became an enemy
but I don’t dream of an enemy,
but by the same friend.

It's time to save love at the very beginning
from ardent “never!”, from children’s “forever!”
“No need to promise!” - the trains shouted to us,
“No need to promise!” - the wires hummed.

I didn't know jealousy.
You woke up
her in me, revealing my whole soul.
Now I'm yours forever.
You won.
You won because
that's not mine.

Be free with money, like a beggar,
Never be without money!

I don't like beautiful tears.
There is no trace of wailing near death.
But of the many injustices
The biggest one is death.

Happiness is like a view from an airplane.
Grief sees the earth without embellishment.
There is something treacherous in happiness -
grief will not betray a person.

Don't disappear. You can disappear instantly
but how can we meet later in the centuries?
Is it possible for you to have a double in the world?
and my double? Only in our children.

I don't need to be loved
It's enough for me to love.

embarrassed by loneliness,
out of melancholy
rushing into some companies,
and worthless friendships, enslaving obligations
pursued to the grave.

As I said above, my father was a well-read man. This also applied to history. My father could spend hours telling me, still a very foolish child, about the fall of Babylon, and about the Spanish Inquisition, and about the War of the Roses, and about William of Orange... My father read me a lot of poems by heart - he had an amazing memory! He especially loved Lermontov, Goethe, Edgar Allan Poe, and Kipling. He read Kipling’s “Testament to a Son” to me as soulfully as only one’s own poetry can be read. My father wrote poetry himself. Without a doubt, he had genuine talent. Four lines, written by him at the age of fourteen, still amaze me with their precision: ... Shooting back from melancholy, I wanted to run away somewhere, But the stars are too high, And the price for the stars is high. Thanks to my father, I already learned to read and write at the age of six, and at the age of eight I read in one gulp indiscriminately - Dumas, Flaubert, Schiller, Balzac, Dante, Maupassant, Tolstoy, Boccaccio, Shakespeare, Gaidar, London, Cervantes and Wells. There was an unimaginable vinaigrette in my head. I lived in an illusory world, not noticing anyone or anything around me.