Since childhood, I have been interested in the phenomenon of prosperity - why is it so that someone lives in abundance, while others, although they work hard, eke out a miserable existence? What is the secret to prosperity? Is there any secret at all or is everything decided by luck?

Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Is there any logic and justice here? And most importantly, is it possible to change something in your life? This will be discussed in this post.

Let's start in order.

First of all, let's define the terms. What does it mean to be rich?

Not long ago (just a couple of years ago) I realized that wealth and money are not the same thing. Wealth is much broader - it includes money, but is not limited to it. Time, freedom, health, happiness, development, peace of mind, harmonious relationships with others, happiness in the family/close relationships, friendship, interesting acquaintances, opportunities, coincidences, luck - all these are components of prosperity and wealth.

This is what each of us strives for deep down, but mistakenly believes that the main thing is to earn money more money, and everything else comes as a bonus to a fat wallet. Big mistake.

Money is just a part of prosperity, it does not guarantee the other components of a rich life. Imagine that a person has a lot of money in his account, but at the same time he is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for life.

Of course, an extreme example, but you see it yourself - so many people on this planet have money, but are poor and unhappy.

IN English this difference is clearly visible - there are two words - "rich" And "wealthy". The first means - "he has a lot of money", and the second - "he's rich".

From personal experience- when I worked in the office, I was, as they say, "a rich guy"- I had a lot of money, but at the same time I was not rich - there was no balance in life, there was no peace of mind, constant stress, the quality of life wanted the best, my health periodically suffered, my relationships were exhausting, and frankly speaking, there was no time to fully live and get satisfaction from the money you earn. The money itself came easily and just as easily went to all sorts of nonsense - I’ll tell you why this happened below.

The principles formulated below are not about money. You won't find tips on how to make money here. “quickly, a lot and without difficulty”. But perhaps you will find here the answer to why such enrichment schemes do not work.

This post is about wealth in in a broad sense. The things we will talk about are the foundation on which prosperity is based regardless of time and era.

This is a strategy, not a tactic.

After all, wealth is not the ability to earn money. But poverty is not lack of money. Wealth and poverty are a state of consciousness, a mentality, a way of thinking, and not an amount in a bank account. I noticed that rich people think differently from poor people.

Ironically, most rich people manage to go bankrupt several times during their lives, which does not prevent them from getting rich again quite quickly. And at the same time, there are many examples where poor people, having hit a big jackpot in the lottery, spend their money ineptly, quickly returning to poverty.

The post itself is named "10 Commandments of Prosperity", although, of course, there are many more principles of prosperity that are worth mentioning. But this voluminous topic has to start somewhere, so I have highlighted the ten that seem to me the most significant.

So, let's go!

1. Give more than you take

This is a fundamental principle of prosperity. A person who understands this principle and applies it in life is DOOMED to prosperity. A person who is not aware of this principle and does not apply it in life is DOOMED to poverty.

Why? Because this is the law - this is how our Universe works. We all studied the universal principle of conservation of energy in physics lessons at school, but for some reason we forgot about it... Indeed, what does this have to do with our everyday life? And the most direct thing.

Money is energy. The principle of conservation of energy applies to money.

What does this mean in practice? If you want to receive a certain amount of energy in the form of money, you must first give the Universe the same amount of energy in another form - be it your time, effort, work, help - in a word, do something useful, create and give some value to the world .

Here simple formula: what we give = what we get.

A question from a primary grade arithmetic textbook - “how to get more?”
The answer, I think, is obvious: give more value = receive more.

And continuing this logic: give as much as possible(create maximum value) = get the maximum(prosperity, abundance and wealth)

It would seem that everything is very simple, but many people try to live according to a different principle - only to receive, without giving anything in return. I’m sure each of you has a spam box in your mailbox filled to capacity with mailings with headlines from the series “earn 100,000 rubles today, without even getting up from your couch.” Here's a recent example from this morning:

People with a beggar mentality are trying to impose their philosophy on us, that, they say, you can only take without giving anything in return. This is ignorance, this is not how the laws of the Universe work.

By the way, pay attention to what terms such businessmen often use - "cut down", "to stir up", "quick and easy", "right now", "effortless" etc. The importance of how we talk about money will be discussed below.

But let's return to the principle of conservation of energy.
It turns out that the basis of prosperity and, perhaps, the only way to earn a decent living for the benefit of yourself and others is to focus on creating maximum value for other people, society, and the whole world.

To summarize this point
Create value and share it with others. Money will come - this is how the laws of the Universe work. By focusing on creating value rather than consuming, a person brings the energy of prosperity into his life.

2. Earn sattvicly

Initially, the energy of money is neutral. Just like electricity is neutral, for example.

Electricity is used to kill cows in modern animal farms, but the same electricity can be used to light, warm and feed people. A person, through his actions and intentions, endows energy that is neutral in nature (be it electricity or money) with a charge - either positive or negative.

The way we earn and spend money gives the energy of money a certain color. My experience and observations suggest the following:

Money earned in ignorance (tamas) becomes saturated with ignorance and is spent mostly on ignorance, breeding around sorrow and suffering

Money in ignorance is money from murder and violence, from any activity leading to the degradation of people, or which is based on deception - wars, murders, meat, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, weapons, bribes, kickbacks, divorce, raiding, fraud, theft, etc.

Fortunately, I did not have to earn money in tamas. Money earned in this way becomes a curse - we are not talking about any wealth or prosperity here.

Tamasic affairs lead to degradation and extinction.

Money earned through passion (rajas) becomes saturated with passion, is spent on passion and fuels even more passion.

Money in passion is money from an activity whose main purpose is to earn money. This is any job and business for the sake of money, first of all. By and large, this includes all business (with the exception of sattvic), office plantations, career building, ambitions, capturing new markets, etc.

When I worked as a lawyer in an office, I earned money that was heavily tinged with rajas. It is not surprising that they also went to rajas - expensive clothes, restaurants, cars, trips and other show-offs.

Money in rajas can come abundantly and easily, but it leaves just as quickly and without a trace, fueling more and more passion - greed. I described this condition in detail in this post.

You can be in rajas "rich" but not "wealthy". In my experience and observation, money in rajas does not lead to wealth. A person may have a lot of money, but often the money comes at the expense of sacrifices in other aspects of wealth - health, relationships, family, peace of mind, etc.

Money earned in goodness (sattva) is imbued with goodness, maintains and increases goodness, bestowing prosperity and bringing benefit to others.

Money in sattva is money from activities that benefit people and society as a whole, develop and elevate the consciousness of people, help those in need, reduce sorrow and suffering in the world.

A year after leaving my job, I started earning money from what I do now - teaching yoga and meditation, conducting seminars and retreats. I noticed that money earned in this way has a completely different charge, it has a different power.

First of all, they stopped "fly down the drain", and secondly, the desire to spend money on passion has disappeared.

But more important discovery- it turned out that it was not about money at all. Although I began to earn less money than in an office job, I felt incomparably RICHER than I was before, receiving more money. This was the turning point when I realized that money and wealth are two different things.

Only sattvic deeds lead to prosperity. Strive to earn in goodness.

3. Avoid debt

What is debt from the point of view of the principle of conservation of energy, which we discussed above?

This is an imbalance - you received the energy of money without creating and giving equal value to the world in return. By and large, you have received what you are not (yet) supposed to have - you have not earned it yet. But as usually happens, instead of creating some value and replenishing this imbalance, a person takes out another loan, getting deeper and deeper into debt...

It's important to understand- Prosperity is impossible in debt.

The formula for prosperity: I give more than I consume.
Debt formula: I take more than I give.

Debt is a financial disease and must be treated. Living on debt is an integral attribute of a consumer society. After all, the consumer society itself is built on the principle "take" and not "give".

Having taken the bait of instant prosperity, people buy external attributes of wealth for themselves, not realizing that the essence of prosperity is in the harmonious exchange of energy with the world, and not in the consumption of things. So people get deeper into debt, becoming poorer. It is no coincidence that the expression “debt hole” arose - it is not so easy to get out of this hole.

Consumer society instills in us the idea that living in debt is the norm. There are entire nations, such as the United States, where most people live on credit - they buy things on credit, study on credit, get medical treatment on credit, travel on credit, sometimes even eat on credit. Thus, debts multiply and are passed on from generation to generation.

It is sad to see that this destructive idea of ​​living on debt is rapidly spreading throughout the world like an epidemic. Consumer lending is gaining momentum in Russia. A dangerous trend leading to the impoverishment of people. Consumer lending is based on human greed and ignorance.

People buy things they can't afford (and often don't need at all!) in order to impress other unknowing people. Characteristic sign poverty mentality.

The insidious bank is right there: “there is no money for an unnecessary thing, but you really want to enjoy it right now? Don’t be sad - here you go, you’ll now pay it back with interest for three years!”

A person with chronic debt is a black hole in terms of prosperity energy. But the worst situation is for the person who does not pay off his debts. Such a person brings upon himself a financial curse, closing himself off from the opportunity to prosper and be rich.

To summarize
Unlearn living in debt. Debt attracts poverty and repels prosperity. Therefore, get rid of existing debts as soon as possible and do not create new ones in the future. It is better to live modestly and get by on little than to live luxuriously, but in debt.

4. Respect Lakshmi's energy

Try to look at our world through the eyes of the ancients - imagine for a moment that all the forces in our world are animated - rains, thunderstorms, the sun, oceans, fire, etc. - behind every force there is a personality, a living being with its own character. For clarity, imagine that these are managers appointed to be responsible for one or another aspect of the universe.

In the Hindu pantheon of gods, Lakshmi is the Goddess responsible for the energy of prosperity. This is the director of the main bank of the Universe, the manager of all budgets and material wealth.

Although she is a powerful Goddess, first and foremost, Lakshmi is a woman. And we shouldn’t forget about this. I often see how people treat money with disdain. A disrespectful attitude towards money blocks the energy of prosperity.

There are also people who oppose money - they consider it something dirty, unworthy, unclean, and condemn wealth. In my opinion, this is as reasonable as considering the energy of wind and ocean waves to be dirty and unworthy.

Money is Lakshmi's mercy.

We may feel like our boss is giving us money, but is that really true? And who gives money to your boss? The attitude towards money should be built on respect and gratitude. Remember - you receive gifts from a woman. I will list just a few components of respect for money so that you better understand the idea.

Cleanliness and order

Cash should be kept in a clean, good quality and preferably an expensive wallet. No crumpled up dirty bills in the back pocket of your jeans! There should be order in the wallet - money and cards, everything in its place. Non-cash money - in a good bank, separate accounts for different currencies, regular accounting and control.

Respectful speech

Equally unacceptable as disparaging remarks are "grandmothers, babos, lave, shtukar, pyatyunya, hundreds", and diminutives "money, pretty penny".

Money is money. Ruble, dollar, euro, franc, finance, investments, savings, funds and nothing else. I don’t know a single rich person who would allow himself to have a disdainful attitude towards money.

Money loves counting

Another sign of respect for the energy of money is to know how much you earn and how much you spend.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep track of your expenses and income. There are many mobile applications created specifically for this. I strive to carry out most payments through bank accounts - this ensures automatic recording of income and expenses.

Situation that repeats every month “I don’t know where my salary went”- a typical example of a poor person's mentality.

Money loves value

Human, "wasting money" loses Lakshmi's favor. Money loves value. They are attracted to someone who is able to create this value themselves and who is able to adequately recognize it in the world. Throwing money around means not appreciating the potential inherent in the energy of money and not respecting Lakshmi.

The art of acceptance

It is important to be able to accept with dignity money and other benefits that are sent to us by fate. Remember that money comes to you from above for your past piety by the grace of Lakshmi, and not from your aunt at the cash register. Our common answer "you're welcome"- a manifestation of disrespect for this mercy. There is something for it, which means they deserve it in some way. That's why "Please" And "glad to serve" is a much more appropriate response to gratitude.

To summarize
Respect the energy of money if you want to count on Lakshmi's mercy


For convenience, we have divided the article into two parts. Second in

How do rich people think and what beliefs block the path to prosperity? How to become a rich person from scratch? What books and videos should you definitely study to change your way of thinking?

Hello, dear readers, you are greeted by the founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

Everyone wants to know how to become rich, but only units. Wealth is available to few and few are able to rise from scratch, without money and a good inheritance. The good news is that absolutely everyone a person can change his life! And this is exactly what this article will discuss.

In it we will share our vision of this issue and tell you what exactly we do in order not to work for hire, but to run a business, create passive income and live the life of our dreams.

The most important thing is to understand that wealth and poverty are by no means innate human qualities.

1. How the rich think - basic psychology

Let's answer first main question What is wealth and who is a rich person?

After all, everyone understands this in their own way.

For some, wealth is their own apartment, car and the opportunity to vacation abroad 2 times a year, but for others even a million dollars a month will not be enough.

Let's continue.

Probably the most precise definition wealth was given by Robert Kiyosaki, an American millionaire and writer. In his opinion:

Wealth- this is the amount of time you can not work while maintaining a comfortable standard of living.

Rich man- this is a citizen who has the opportunity not to work for money, but owns assets and receives passive income from them in sufficient quantities for himself. That is, income that does not depend on his labor efforts. Such people are also called “rentiers” - this is a person who lives on interest from his capital.

It turns out that wealth is measured not by money, but by TIME, since all people need different quantities money, but life time is limited and it is not advisable to spend it on something that does not bring pleasure. Most people have a job they don’t like all the time, but it’s important to do what you love, because this is the only way to understand how to become rich and free from external circumstances.

Consider the following questions:

  • Why are some people able to make money and others not?
  • Why do some people work from morning to night and receive pennies, while others manage not only to work, doing what they love, but also to actively relax?
  • Why do some manage to attract financial luck, while others live from paycheck to paycheck or even in debt?

These questions are of interest to every person, but to most they seem rhetorical.

However, psychology experts will say that there is practically no rhetoric in these issues.

Poverty and Wealth– questions are not so much about luck as approach to life And way of thinking.

This doesn't mean that changing your thoughts will instantly make you a millionaire, but it will definitely help you start taking the right steps in that direction. One desire “I want” is, of course, not enough. Even the most lazy people want to get rich. It is important not only to want, but also to try to put your desires into practice.

And if the treasured million no longer seems unattainable for you, then read about how to earn it and become a millionaire.

As you can see, any wealth guide insists on a change in thinking. Think like rich people and you will definitely become one. But what does this mean in practice? Changing your way of thinking is not easy - it’s not enough just to change your thoughts, you also need to transform your own behavior.

However, there is a difference between the thinking of the rich and the poor. Let's try to express this difference clearly.

13 differences in the thinking of rich and poor people:

  1. Rich and wealthy people We are confident that they are the creators of their own destiny, while poor people believe that they were destined to be poor. Such people continue to go with the flow, without even trying to change anything.

    Advice: Stop swimming with the flow - it's time to get out of the river and onto the shore!

  2. Rich people work to increase their income, the poor - to make ends meet.
  3. Rich people dream less and do more, although positive and clearly defined goals are not at all alien to wealthy people.
  4. Rich people are always open to new ideas and opportunities., while the poor are fixated on their problems and surrounding circumstances.

    If you are not satisfied with the circumstances of your life - change them!

  5. The rich learn from successful people by adopting their behavior patterns and communicating with them. Poor people are more likely to associate with losers and even poorer people to increase their self-esteem. We have already written about this earlier.
  6. Wealthy and successful people do not envy other people's successes, but try to benefit from other people’s achievements useful experience, the poor are outraged by the good fortune of others.
  7. Rich people are confident and openly proclaim their successes.
  8. The rich are not afraid of temporary difficulties, preferring not to panic in difficult situations, but to solve the problem pragmatically.
  9. The rich view their income as the result of their own labor., the poor count the number of hours spent working.
  10. The rich can quickly change tactics, strategy, even the general direction of activity and life. The poor complain, but continue to follow a path that is often chosen not even by them, but by life circumstances.
  11. Wealthy and successful people continue to learn throughout their lives., developing and improving, the poor believe that they are already smart enough, “they were just unlucky.”
  12. Successful businessmen never stop Having reached a specific level, they continue to develop and improve, bringing to life the most daring plans and dreams.
  13. Rich people think about money pragmatically and logically, not emotionally. The average person continues to have a low level of income, thinking about money and wealth at the emotional level, and a successful businessman looks at finance as a tool that opens up certain prospects for him.

And most importantly- the rich are always work for themselves . Even if they do not own a firm or company, they always occupy a position that allows them to act independently and make their own decisions, rather than implementing someone else's ideas.

What matters is not where you are, but where you are going!

Thinking that you are working for someone else is a big mistake. Be independent in everything, especially in your own finances. Don't let other people manage your time and money. The best way getting paid on time is pay it to yourself.

However, if you are reading this article, it means that you are already taking the first steps towards achieving expressed and obvious material independence.

2. Iron principles of wealth

The main principles of wealth have many similarities with points regarding the characteristics of thinking. The basics of behavior for successful and rich people are not so much instructions as recommendations. Every wealthy person knows an individual recipe for success that will not always suit others, but almost all successful people intuitively or consciously use most life situations identical behavior patterns.

Rich people never blindly rely on the opinion of the majority: they do not act as the average individual would act in a particular situation. Successful people always have a non-trivial move in stock - this is what makes them successful.

Where most lose, the lucky man with positive thinking and creativity wins. The secrets of rich people lie, however, on the surface: the main thing is to use them correctly.

Habits of rich people

Pay attention to some habits common to most rich people:

  1. Rich people always know what they will do today. Even if millionaires do not go to work, they use various services to plan their day, which helps to allocate time, and therefore finances, more efficiently.
  2. Rich people rarely waste time on useless entertainment. They don’t watch TV, and if they read, it’s not fiction, but literature that helps them become even more developed, earn millions and become millionaires.
  3. Wealthy people are able to devote themselves completely to work.
  4. Successful people surround themselves with like-minded people– positive and successful businessmen, representatives of independent and creative professions.
  5. The rich take care of their health and nutrition: They care about how they look and feel.
  6. Wealthy citizens believe more in own strength than abstract luck: for this reason, rich people rarely play the lottery. If they engage in gambling, it is only on a professional level.

Don't think that becoming a millionaire is easy or that being rich is easy and fun. The life of a wealthy person is daily work and an impressive amount of time spent. Another thing is that most rich people do what they love.

Find something you love and you'll never have to work


In this regard, the life of representatives of creative professions looks especially attractive: they do what they like and what others like.

But not everyone can become popular and successful actors, writers and artists. Nevertheless, if you have talents and abilities, under no circumstances ignore them, do not “bury them in the ground,” but continue to develop them, even if at first it does not bring much income.

Creativity can be demonstrated in almost all areas human activity.

The first rule for achieving success is to learn to love and appreciate your own work. If you perceive work as a necessary evil, and are used to spending weekends on the couch in front of the TV, then the path of wealth is not for you.

For results to appear, you need not only a creative, but also an active approach. At the same time, activities must also be done for a reason, but with a specific purpose. In this case, our goal is to achieve prosperity, prosperity and wealth.

Remember that greed and stinginess are human qualities that block the path to wealth. If you want to receive a lot, you must be able to give a lot.

Generosity of soul is a quality that every truly rich person possesses. At the same time, you need to be able to give not only money, but also time.

3. How to become rich and successful from scratch - 7 steps to wealth and prosperity

Now let’s move on to practice and start getting rich from today. Carefully study the 7 steps that will help you achieve wealth not in the distant, vague future, but in the very near future. However, we warn you that we are not talking about next week: becoming a truly financially independent person takes years.

Step 1. Decide to become rich and set a goal.

When you decide to become rich, you are choosing a different way of life and a different way of thinking.

From now on, you should not waste time: every step you take will be subordinated to a specific goal. This does not mean that your life will turn into hard labor: on the contrary, it will become full of creativity and original ways behavior. Attracting money to yourself means becoming a professional in several areas of human activity at once, such as finance, marketing and interpersonal relationships.

Having decided to become a wealthy and successful person, you make a choice of your future life path - now you will no longer have time to complain about fate and look for the reasons for failures in the people around you. From now on, you will have to rely only on yourself and learn solely from your own mistakes. But your well-being will depend not on the whims of your superiors, but on your own skills and abilities.

Successful people think a lot and productively about their own goals. Thus, they participate in a process of continuous movement towards these goals: at the same time, the goals themselves begin to gradually move towards them. If you visualize your dreams and talk about them more often, you will be more likely to achieve more in life than the average person.

How to become rich and successful from scratch?

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How to become a rich and successful person? Unlock the Secret of Wealth and Fortune right now. Make a personal plan for achieving well-being and build your capital.

The Secret of Wealth and Luck opens up enormous opportunities for us. Films have been made about him. Books talk about him. Real millionaires talk about him.

But there is one paradox: the secret of how to become happy and rich seems too simple. Having learned about it, some people refuse to believe in it. This is why there will always be few rich people.

If you take the Secret of Wealth into service, you will be among the lucky ones. He is waiting for you at the end of the article - arm yourself!

5 axioms of wealth

Society programs the population for poverty. Since childhood, we have been haunted by wrong attitudes. And many people are afraid to change their views, take responsibility for their destiny and start a new life.

    5 axioms of wealth
  1. Wealth is good. If you doubt this, come here.
  2. A beggar can become a billionaire. If you don't believe it, come here.
  3. The path to wealth begins with a dream. If you are afraid to dream, this is the place for you.
  4. There is enough money in this world for you too. If you don't believe me, let's go.
  5. Wealth - you deserve it. Make sure of this again.

However, you can talk about dreams and goals for as long as you like. Conversations must lead to concrete actions. No lucky horseshoe will bring good luck until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing.

And the ways to acquire wealth are quite tangible and run through a very material world. Therefore, I suggest immediately immersing yourself in the surrounding reality. How to become rich from scratch in Russia?

What does it take to become rich?

There are several ways to increase your wealth

  • Business in the field of trade, production or services (shop, bakery, cafe, private kindergarten);
  • Small business at home (you can sew clothes for dogs, make gift soap);
  • Business on the Internet (you can make a profit from your own websites, organize an online store, receive income from affiliate programs, sell information products);
  • Freelancing (promotion of client sites, writing custom articles);
  • Investment (shares, investment funds).

As you can see, we are not considering a successful marriage with an oligarch/oligarch’s widow and a career in Gazprom.

If there was a chair waiting for you at Gazprom, I think you would not have read this article.

But if you want to open your own business, then you need to take several very specific steps:

  1. Study as much information as possible about sources and methods of earning income
  2. Choose your source of income, your direction of development
  3. Study in detail the features of running the chosen business
  4. Find time, energy and money to implement it
  5. Start your own business and stay on track

What might this look like in practice? How can you become rich?

  1. Let's say you are an erudite person who knows how to correctly express your thoughts. You don’t have any extra money, but you have a great desire to improve your well-being. You have read a lot of information about making money on the Internet and have chosen the easiest path without financial investments and risks. You have become a copywriter and write custom articles for numerous websites.
  2. Having accumulated experience, knowledge and money, you create your website and start making money from advertising and selling links. Following one successful website, you create several more equally successful projects.
  3. Your income increases noticeably, and now you can invest the accumulated amount in gold, real estate, shares, mutual funds, or several sources at once.

Agree, at the freelancing stage you could not yet think about buying an apartment and renting it out. But having entered a new stage of your development, you can already rent out a new apartment through an agency and receive stable passive income without any risks.

How to become rich and successful without initial capital?

invest in yourself: in your knowledge and skills

Are you seriously thinking about how to become a rich person? Take the time to read about what mutual funds are, how to make money by selling links, how to sell your products via the Internet, and how to plan a family budget. Acquiring knowledge about money is your first step to wealth!

believe in yourself and constantly develop

Just because you can't do something now doesn't mean it won't be possible for you in a year. After all, in a year you will be a completely different person. New opportunities will open up for you. You will have new knowledge, connections, and a new level of income.

If you earned 20,000, then you can make 40,000 out of it. If you have 40,000, then you can make 100,000 out of it. You just need to think, master new information and act.

work for yourself, not for your uncle

Of course, you shouldn’t suddenly quit your official job, but you should definitely strive to create your own business. You can always find a couple of hours a day/week for a small hobby, which will later grow into your own business.

Working in an office or behind a counter, you receive money in exchange for your time. You are wasting not only your energy, but also precious hours, days and years of your life. You need to build your life so that your money brings you new money. Then you will have free time and financial freedom.

To buy a Lada, you need to work. To buy a BMW, you need to think.

strive to receive passive income from several sources

Rich people invest their money in several areas to minimize risks. And although you may not yet be faced with the question of whether to invest money in precious metals or stocks, you can already distribute your money streams across several sites, several affiliate programs, and sell articles on several exchanges.

And you need to strive to create sources of passive income. After all, you can write articles for sale every day, or you can write a training course once and receive income from automatic sales of its copies.

So, what does it take to become rich?

  • knowledge about money
  • self-confidence
  • and initial capital.

Agree, knowledge can be gained! You can believe in yourself! You can earn initial capital!

And I hope this site will give you confidence, help you understand complex financial issues and motivate you to start your own business.

How to become rich on the Internet?

Opening an offline business is accompanied by a huge number of difficulties and legal formalities. Moreover, such a business requires considerable cash injections even at the inception stage.

However, now many entrepreneurs are doing business via the Internet. Beginners try their first earnings with virtually no investment. Over time, some of them are doing well and they even officially register their activities.

There are a lot of ways to earn money. Here's just a little food for thought.

You can make money on the Internet by:

  • websites (sell links, post paid articles, receive regular royalties for clicks on advertising, receive rewards through affiliate programs of other sites and stores);
  • writing or reselling articles;
  • creating and selling websites;
  • selling your own information products - books, video courses;
  • YouTube channel;
  • promotion of other people's sites;
  • game on the Forex exchange.

As soon as you start studying the topic of making money on the Internet, you will discover with interest many new ideas for making money. The hidden kitchen of the Internet is home to a huge number of intermediaries, managers, salesmen, and writers. Their services and goods are in demand. Among them there are real masters and very extraordinary creative personalities.

Who knows, maybe in just six months you will be doing what you love, bringing benefit to people and receiving a decent reward for it!

The Great Secret of Wealth

Remember, I promised to tell you the secret of wealth?

So, listen:

“The Universe impartially brings into reality any of our innermost thoughts.

By thinking negatively, we attract negativity and troubles into our lives. By thinking positively, we attract positivity, luck and opportunity into our lives.

We program ourselves for success or failure.”

If you repeat day after day: “There is no money, no one loves me, I can’t do anything,” then you will pass by many opportunities and achieve nothing. If you are focused on success, then you are not looking for excuses, but for these very opportunities.

That's it in a nutshell.

Mark Fisher's book "The Millionaire's Secret"

Mark Fisher is a real Canadian millionaire. He shares his experience in the book “The Secret of a Millionaire.” You can download it for free from Yandex Disk right now.

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The article is inspiring, it is based on the above-mentioned book and the book by the famous financial consultant Bodo Schaefer “Mani or the ABC of Money”. By the way, you can download and read the best ones in our library.

Film "The Secret"

This film was created by a group of enthusiasts from Australia. The film caused heated discussions on US social networks. Now it is known all over the world.

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It seems that the answer lies on the surface: rich people are either born, or they work long and hard to make a decent fortune. Of course, all this is partly true, but not every hard worker is capable of becoming a millionaire.

The fact is that a lot depends on a person’s thinking, on who he sees himself as - rich or poor. Let's figure out what the psychology of wealth is and what you should never do if you want to be in the same crowd as the Rockefellers.

In her interviews, Madonna compared herself to Cinderella. Her family was poor and she started her career in poverty. Photo:

What is the difference between rich and poor?

No, not the state of the bank account, although that too, but the main difference is in thinking. Rich (or potentially rich) and poor people have different attitudes not only to the world of money, but also to the world in general. You will be surprised to learn that some of your attitudes, so firmly ingrained in your head, do not allow you to find a new one. high paying job or invest in a profitable business and finally become what you dream of becoming.

1. Obstacles. Poor people tend to see obstacles in front of them and give up without even trying to overcome them. The rich, on the contrary, treat obstacles philosophically - if there are problems, then they can be solved. Purpose is what attracts a rich or potentially rich person.

2. Help. Poor people are looking for help and support everywhere. Moreover, not only financially, but also emotionally. They are accustomed to the role of the victim and do not even think about changing their role.

The rich try to help others. With a good deed, a word, money - they feel the power to make someone else happy.

3. Shopping. Shopping for a poor person is a real disaster. And not at all because after going to the store he will have to starve. No, sometimes “poor” people objectively do not need anything. Just buying a new thing, they are not happy about the purchase, but are upset because they gave money to the seller. The rich, on the contrary, enjoy the buying process, look forward to putting on a new thing and moving mountains in it.

123RF/ dolgachov

4. Earnings. Poor people believe that money is hard to come by. The very idea of ​​making money reminds them of hard labor: you have to get up at 7 in the morning, come to work by 8, work where no one values ​​you, and get pennies for it. A rich person sincerely believes that the money itself comes into his hands. And what’s surprising is that it is so. Either the friend will return the forgotten debt, or the salary will be increased.

5. Welfare. Poor people consider wealth to be something unattainable, fantastic, and the lot of a few. But the rich look at things realistically and understand that everyone can achieve financial well-being; there are no chosen ones in this matter, there are only those who believe in their success and persistently pursue their goal.

6. Goals. Poor people live from paycheck to paycheck, spending what they earn in a month. They don’t even think that with their modest income they can set big goals for themselves (for example, think about buying an apartment or a car), much less achieve them. The rich, on the contrary, will look for any opportunity to bring their plans to life, even if their salary is still far from what they want.

123RF/Viacheslav Iakobchuk

7. Speech. In the speech of a poor person, “I’m not worthy”, “I can’t do it”, “this is not for me”, “I can’t afford it” often slips through. A rich person does not push himself into limits. His self-esteem simply does not allow him to give up on himself.

Think like a rich man

In order to bring yourself closer to your cherished goal, you need to imagine that you have already achieved it. Just don’t think that we are talking about the first million or a villa in the Canaries, everyone has their own idea of ​​wealth. For some, an indicator of well-being is new job with a decent salary, a trip abroad and a holiday in a three-star hotel will be enough for some, while others will be happy about buying a new gadget. Understand what exactly wealth represents for you here and now, and imagine that everything has already happened: a job has been found, a trip has been bought, a brand new gadget is in your pocket.

123RF/ Alena Ozerova

Introduced? Now return to the “now”, maintaining the mood successful person. How does he behave? Does he complain about life? Does he think that “everything has been bought and he can’t get anywhere”? No, everything is much simpler for him.

You will say: “Okay, I imagined that I was rich, but in reality I am not. Why play these games? And just to make the game a reality. Everything is very simple: successful and rich people achieve even greater success and wealth because they do not waste their time complaining and worrying about their own inadequacy. They focus on achieving goals and eventually achieve them. So, maybe you should at least pretend to be rich in order to become rich later?


An interesting fact is that two years ago, employees from the University of Wark conducted a study that showed that people whose childhood was happy earn much more than others. Moreover, almost all of them had parents who were not rich. More than 90 thousand children took part in the study. Many years later, experts analyzed the income level of adults and came to the conclusion that those who were happy in childhood are more financially wealthy. Scientists also noted that happy people They work much more productively and move up the career ladder faster than their pessimistic colleagues.

Stories of great fortunes seem fictitious - we are convinced that it is impossible to get rich by honest work. There are blind spots in the biographies of millionaires, but they are also clearly visible. common features character. They are purposeful, persistent and enterprising.

Most rich and successful people were born into ordinary families with an average income. So do most of us. And from childhood they were in equal conditions with their peers, had equal opportunities with them.

But then why did some become rich and others not? Why did some manage to get rich while others did not, all other things being equal?

Rothschild clan

The Rothschild family tree began in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where several generations lived in a nondescript house on the Judengasse. The Jewish street was fenced off from the city on both sides, and a red sign hung on the house. It is to this circumstance that the family owes its surname: translated from German, Rothschild means red shield.

Mayer Rothschild, born in 1744, as a young man found the strength to change the usual joyless existence that his ancestors had eked out, and left for Hanover, which was more tolerant of Jews. For several years Mayer studied banking with the Oppenheimer bankers, and upon returning to home, found the family completely impoverished. The house under the red sign had to be replaced with a shack with a frying pan on the facade. In this pitiful building, Mayer opened a company selling antique coins. Young Rothschild was involved in compiling catalogs and delivering coins to all corners of Germany. Collectors in those days were aristocrats, so Meyer acquired useful contacts in the highest circles of German society. One of Rothschild's clients was Duke Wilhelm of Hanau, who purchased several expensive coins. Thanks to this “gesheft”, Rothschild was able to equip a shop in the “house under the frying pan”, where merchants exchanged the currencies of different principalities of Germany.

The first Rothschild bank housed four square meters, but Meyer was purposeful and full of plans: he continued to deal with collectible coins and bought out the shops of failed money changers. The founder of the banking house tirelessly traveled around numerous duchies and principalities, concluding deals and getting acquainted with influential people. The efforts were not in vain: already in 1769, above the Rothschild house there was the coat of arms of the Dukes of Hesse-Hanau with a gold inscription stating that Mayer Rothschild was the Duke’s business manager.

Wilhelm was an atypical aristocrat - he did not hesitate to issue loans at interest and rent out entire companies of mercenary killers. In a word, the Duke was extremely money-loving, and half of the European rulers owed him money.

Mayer Rothschild, who carried out the orders of the money-grubbing Duke, warmed his hands well in collecting debts. The family moved to nice house under the green sign the Rothschilds began to be called Grunschilds. True, it was decided not to change the surname. The events described can be considered the foundation of the future prosperity of the family, but the real breakthrough was made by Mayer’s five sons, raised by Pope Rothschild. The offspring turned into real financial tycoons in Europe. As the biographer of the Rothschild clan wrote, the family grew rich whenever any of the states collapsed.

The first was the Kingdom of Denmark, which collapsed in 1804. William, already familiar to us, borrowed money from his uncle, the King of Denmark. In order not to sully his aristocratic name, Wilhelm instructed the five Rothschilds Jr. to collect interest on the loan, and they coped with their debut brilliantly. This is how the Rodschild banking house was founded, which opened a Swiss branch 150 years later. Since then, the Rothschilds have remained among the richest people in the world, maintaining their signature style of doing business. The Zurich bank, for example, only accepts clients whose wealth exceeds 1 million Swiss francs.

Rothschilds work with exceptional clients, without wasting time on “trifles.” In their tenacious hands are the largest banks in France and Great Britain, railway complexes, mining concerns, oil companies, diamond mines and much more. At the same time, representatives of a noble family actively influence world politics while remaining in the shadows.

The Rothschild Empire is indestructible and omnipotent. The secret of power, of course, is business sense, passed on from generation to generation. But an equally significant factor is devotion. family idea. All family members, with rare exceptions, increased the clan's fortunes. For more than two hundred years, the world has been watching the prosperity of the Rothschild clan, many hate them, but everyone needs the patronage and money of the clan.

Francois Pinault

One of the most influential and wealthy citizens of France: a collector who owns the Christie's auction house, the Gucci brand, the Chateau-Latour vineyards and the capital's Marigny theater.

In 1936, in French Brittany, a son was born into the family of a simple forester. The father had difficulty making ends meet, but turned inside out so that Francois became a certified specialist. The young man did not appreciate his parents’ efforts, and at the age of 16 he left his studies and left home. Pino did not want to study, he only wanted to do what he liked and could bring good profit. Studying would take too much time, and he is still proud that his only diploma is a driving license. François Pinault did not want to drag out the drab existence of a worker, and his relatives vied with each other to teach him about life. Having quarreled with everyone and striving for independent life, the young man left for Algeria.

What the future millionaire did in the French colony is unknown. There was a war in Algeria, and, according to Pino’s enemies, he had been selling weapons and drugs for three years. We are unlikely to ever know the details of the Algerian period of Francois’s life, but now it doesn’t matter. In any case, Pinault returned to France a different person - he had money, self-confidence and grandiose plans.

27-year-old Francois opened the Pinault group, a timber trading company. Business contacts and useful acquaintances began to be established. One of these promising contacts was meeting the promising politician Jacques Chirac. No one can say exactly what brought the impulsive Chirac and the rational Pinault together; perhaps the first was struck by Francois’s unerring business sense. His stock market foresight is legendary. Before the stock market crash in 1973, Pinault suddenly sold the successful Pinault Group for 30 million francs, and a year later bought back his brainchild for only 5 million. Thus, within a year he managed to earn an amount exceeding his income over the previous 5 years. And in 1976, Francois dissuaded Prime Minister Jacques Chirac from going on a business trip. It soon turned out that the train was mined by terrorists. Since then, Chirac is sure that he owes his life to Francois. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but after that incident, the business of the Pino company went even better.

The respectable 52-year-old father of four became tired of the measured life, and he set about making his youthful dream come true. He wanted great wealth, and chose trading on the stock exchange as a way to enrich himself.

Paris Bourse and Francois Pinault

It is quite natural that Pinault’s famous flair made him one of the most successful speculators on the stock exchange: he bought and sold enterprises with constant success (see “”). The morality of his operations raises doubts, however, such categories are alien to stockbrokers.

In 1989, Paul Paoli Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Franco-African trade union offered François Pinault participation in the capital. Pinault started with 20%, and a few months later decided to merge Acquisition into the Pinault group. The directors, including Paoli, were immediately fired, and Pino's company began supplying electrical equipment to Africa.

The successful takeover encouraged Pino, and in 1991 he acquired American Executive Life in violation of the law. The profit from the deal amounted to from 1 to 2 billion dollars, and the fine was only $185 million. With the billions he earned, Pino acquired the Conforama retail chain, and a year later - the largest department store Printemps, then the La Redoute chain and bookstores Fnac. Each time he fired top managers, putting his own people in their places. François Pinault's Pinault-Printemps-Redoute group is now one of the most powerful retail associations in France. But the billionaire does not stop, continuing to buy everything in a row, for which he deservedly bears the nickname Octopus.

Pino in "art"

Nouveau riche Pinault became interested in collecting and fashion. Having started buying paintings, in 1998 he decided to take ownership of Christie’s. This auction house, together with Sotheby’s, controls 90% of all transactions. Approaching the art world did not change Francois’s working methods: he fired almost the entire management and set up a hotel at Christie’s headquarters. Everyone was talking about the dishonesty of François Pinault, who drowns his competitors indiscriminately, but Christie’s revenue of $1.4 billion apparently left no doubt about the correctness of the chosen path.

In the world of high fashion, the billionaire also does not stand on ceremony. Acting in his favorite way, Sprut acquired the Gucci Group, Yves Saint Laurent, Sergio Rossi, Bedat & Co, Stella McCartney, Balenciaga and Puma, etc. He has a controlling stake in the Redcats catalog and the largest chain of FNAC stores. It’s difficult to say what Pino hasn’t gotten to, but there’s no doubt that he won’t fail to chop off everything that’s bad and deserves attention.

True, in 2003, Pinault handed over the reins to his eldest son, Francois-Henri, and took up the world's best vineyard, Chateau-Latour, and collecting works of art. François Pinault achieved perfection in the ability to “occupy all the burners with his pans.” This French proverb fully characterizes the lifestyle of this billionaire: take advantage of all opportunities.

Ingmar Kamprad

Everyone knows the name IKEA, but few know the name of the company's founder. Many generations of the Kamprads succeeded in business, so we can assume that Ingmar inherited his entrepreneurial spirit. True, there were dark streaks in the history of the family. Thus, the grandfather of the founder of IKEA committed suicide when his company was facing bankruptcy. Then the grandmother took matters into her own hands and was able to maintain the business. Ingvar loves to tell this story, considering it the best proof that hard work and perseverance help overcome all obstacles.

Ingvar Kamprad appeared on the bill in 1926 in the Swedish province of Smaland. From a young age, he showed commercial inclinations: at school he sold matches, pencils and other small items purchased in bulk. While his classmates were just preparing to enter adulthood, Ingvar was earning money for his first company, which he opened at the age of 15.

It's hard to believe, but Kamprad founded it when he was only 17 years old - in 1943. The name of the company consists of the initial letters of his first and last name, the third letter E - from Elmtaryd (that was the name of the family farm), the ending A - Agunnaryd (the village closest to the farm).

At first, IKEA sold various small items such as paper clips and socks. Ingmar published a catalog and orders began to arrive by mail, and they were delivered by the milkman, who still traveled around the area every day. 1951 can be considered the beginning of Kamprad’s furniture business - an idle factory was purchased, production was launched and the first catalog was published. Just a couple of years later, the first store selling IKEA furniture opened its doors, and five years later a huge complex with an area of ​​about 7,000 square meters opened its doors. m.

Prices for furniture were low from the very beginning, which did not please other furniture makers. Many refused to supply their goods to Ingmar stores, but this only strengthened IKEA's position. Compard's innovative strategy was to buy parts and components from countries with low-cost production. IKEA furniture is traditionally democratic, inexpensive and comfortable. The combination of these qualities makes IKEA products extremely popular.

The founder of IKEA does not like luxury, and his tight-fistedness is well known. When going on business trips, the billionaire always stays in 3-star hotels, uses public transport, eats in cafes and inexpensive restaurants, and always bargains in supermarkets. He himself says that this is how he studies requests ordinary people, which make up the bulk of IKEA buyers.

Now Ingvar Kamprad is 89 years old, and he handed over the management of the business to his sons. The billionaire himself believes that his success is explained by constant dissatisfaction with what he has achieved. He always treated his company like a child: sometimes a slap on the head does not mean a lack of love.

The founder of IKEA does not have a diploma higher education, A school teachers They taught him to read and write with difficulty. But the talented entrepreneur always brilliantly coped with the most complex tasks, accurately finding the original marketing moves. Ingvar Kamprad's enthusiasm, humility and keen intelligence raised him to a level that few could achieve. Ingmar likes to be put on a par with Henry Ford, who also made items considered luxuries accessible to most people.

John Paul DeJoria

John Paul DeJoria's company produces the famous JPM Systems (John Paul Mitchell Systems) shampoo with an annual turnover of $900,000,000. Billionaire DeJoria is respected by all charitable foundations in the world, and he also took care of pets, developing a line of care products for them. In a word, John Paul readily helps everyone who needs his support. As often happens, a person who has not been treated kindly by fate since childhood treats the problems of other people with understanding.

John Paul's parents separated when he was barely 2 years old, so already as a child the boy was forced to earn extra money selling Christmas greeting cards. After 10 years, the child was taken in by a foster family. The beginning of the life of the future billionaire was not cloudless: he was a member of a Los Angeles gang and only military service saved him from a criminal future. After serving, Dejorio intended to go into business, but he had neither money nor relatives who could lend him money.

John Paul borrowed $700 from the bank and started a shampoo company. He personally had to sell products, literally moving from office to office. The car was both his home and his means of transportation, but John Paul was not one to back down from challenges. He was confident in the quality of his shampoo, purposeful and persistent. Now we already know that these qualities, together with talent and inspiration, made DeJoria a billionaire.