Stanitsa Kagalnitskaya is the administrative center of the district of the same name Rostov region Russian Federation(South District).
It is located in the south of the East European Plain in the western part of the Rostov region in the lower Don basin, on the Kagalnik River (the left tributary of the Don River), 55 km southeast of the regional center - Rostov-on-Don.

Transport connections - by rail (Kagalnik railway station on the north-eastern outskirts of the Bataysk - Salsk - Troitsk line), highway R-269 "Bataysk-Stavropol", passing through the village (bus station). It was founded in 1809 during the settlement of the Transdonian-Caucasian postal route by Cossacks and free people from Little Russia, whose main occupation was arable farming and cattle breeding.

Currently, the majority of residents work in agricultural production - they grow grains, legumes, oilseeds, melons and fruit crops, and are engaged in livestock farming. Sights: parish of the Intercession Holy Mother of God».

Kagalnitskaya land. Previously, in these open spaces, the wind blew the brown lace of tumbleweeds. The hot sun of July and August burned out all living things, in some places gray clearings of bitter wormwood, bright red field poppies and purple candles of blooming bean were visible. Its centuries-old history is covered in legends and epics. She has so much courage and heroic courage, loyalty to her father’s house that you involuntarily bow your head before the sacred events of the past. The past does not become overgrown if it is covered with labor, intense, creative, and never tired.

The village of Kagalnitskaya is one of the ancient settlements located on the current Bataysk-Stavropol highway. It has existed as a post station since the 17th century, or rather, as they say in the “Don Monuments,” before 1663. It became a village in 1809; the Caucasian Highway ran through it to the south.

In order to develop the road, Ataman Platov turned to the Tsar with a request to populate the southern spaces of the military land with Cossack villages and received permission. First of all, a church was built, the ringing of its bells could be heard far throughout the surrounding area. The village was divided into three parts: Zalegaevka, Maznitsa, Rogozhsky Kut - according to the names of rich Cossacks. In 1856, for an unknown reason, the village church and its utensils burned to the ground.

In 1864, there were 360 ​​households in the village with a population of 1,035 males and 1,091 females. In 1891, the first public school was built, where they taught military affairs and studied the law of God. Punishment measures were also used: “standing in the corner”, “being left without lunch”, “dismissal from school”.

Health care was poor. There were no doctors. No medical care it was not available to the population. The main diseases were smallpox, typhus, plague, scarlet fever.

In 1892, a new road was laid to the Caucasus. telegraph line, and from April 1, 1915, the postal station was transformed into a post and telegraph office. In 1909 - 1910 the railway was built. They planned to build a road through the village, but wealthy Cossacks rebelled. They were afraid that this would cause them great damage: the train would slaughter the cattle.

In 1941, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when residents of the village of Kagalnitskaya were digging trenches, a Turkish cemetery was discovered near the trigonometry tower. Several skeletons, bronze and copper medals of the Turkish type were found in it.

Time flies, our village is getting older, but the years only make it more beautiful. Instead of Cossack kurens and kitchens, there are good-quality brick houses of villagers, two- and three-story institutional buildings. The village of Kagalnitskaya is becoming more beautiful, landscaped and beautified. Its center is Budennovsky Lane with administrative buildings and a memorial to the “Heroes who fell in battles for their homeland in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.” Much has grown over post-war years buildings: private, houses, communal and departmental apartments, public institutions - such as the board of the collective farm named after. Kalinina, House of Culture, cinema, House of Public Service, shops, banks, kindergarten, hospital.

In the 70s of the last century, the life and way of life of the residents of Kagalnichi radically improved, financial situation and culture of the population.

In 2009, the village celebrated its 200th anniversary. The administration of the Kagalnitsky rural settlement has developed a plan for the comprehensive improvement of the regional center, which is being successfully implemented thanks to the reform local government. The village of Kagalnitskaya is administrative center Kagalnitsky district.

The district has a population of 31,475 people. The district includes 8 rural settlements, 41 locality.

Item No.Name of rural settlementSettlements that are part of a rural settlementTotal number of inhabitants (persons)Number of inhabitants in the locality
1. Ivanovo-Shamshevskoye 2078
village Vasilyevo-Shamshevo (ts) 524
village of Ivanovo-Shamshevo 411
Druzhny farm 363
Kagalnichek village 68
Kut farm 161
Lugan village 56
Peschany Brod village 94
Svoi Trud farm 51
Seredin village 123
Timoshenko farm 10
Fedorovka village 69
Chernigovsky farm 148
2. Kagalnitskoe 7746
village Kagalnitskaya (ts) 6883
Malinovka village 595
Kagalnichek village 268
3. Kalininskoe 2228
Dvurechye village (ts) 1593
Klyuchevoy village 270
Svetly Yar village 268
Chisty Ruchey village 97
4. Kirovskoe 7735
Kirovskaya village (ts) 6040
Berezovaya Roshcha village 441
Glubokiy Yar village 186
Zelenopolsky village 40
Novonatalin village 210
Nikolaevsky farm 788
Dachny farm 30
5. Mokrobatayskoe 2241
Mokry Batai village (ts) 1934
Malodubravny village 190
Novorakitny village 117
6. Novobataiskoye 6120
village of Novobataysk (ts) 5249
Vorontsovka village 871
7. Rodnikovskoe 2037
village Zhukovo-Tatarsky (ts) 915
Kamyshevakha farm 93
Krasny Yar village 190
Rakovo-Tavrichesky farm 309
Rodniki village 530
8. Khomutovskoe 1290
Khomutovskaya village (ts) 884
village of Green Grove 197
Krasnoarmeisky farm 30
Pervomaisky farm 179


Coat of arms of Kagalnitsky district

Heraldic description coat of arms of the Kagalnitsky district reads:

“In a four-part field divided into scarlet (red) and greens, there are golden four-pointed wings of a mill in a cross on top of two silver checkers crosswise”

1. The coat of arms of the Kagalnitsky region, in accordance with the Law of the Rostov Region of December 5, 1997 No. 47-ZS “On the Coat of Arms of the Rostov Region”, can be reproduced in two equally acceptable versions:

With a free part - (a quadrangular space adjacent to the upper left or right edge of the shield) with the complete composition of the coat of arms of the Rostov region placed in it;

Without free part and.

2. Justification of the symbolism of the coat of arms of the Kagalnitsky region.

Stanitsa Kagalnitskaya - the center of the district of the same name, is one of the ancient settlements located on the current Rostov-Stavropol highway and has been known as a postal station since the beginning of the 17th century.

The cross checkers and the red parts of the coat of arms allegorically symbolize the Don Cossacks. As throughout the Don, the Kagalnitsky Cossacks were warriors, and they sought to convey this spirit in customs, in everyday life: one of the elements of the rite of initiation of a boy into the Cossacks is putting a saber on him.

Red color means right, strength, love, courage, bravery. Silver is a symbol of perfection, nobility, purity, faith, peace. Main industries agriculture district - grain and livestock farming are shown by the wings of the mill and the green part of the coat of arms.

Gold is a symbol of supreme value, wealth, greatness, constancy, strength, generosity, intelligence and sunlight.

Green color also complements the symbolism of nature and symbolizes abundance, life and rebirth.

The administrative-territorial affiliation of the Kagalnitsky district to the Rostov region, according to the Law of the Rostov region of December 5, 1997 No. 47-ZS “On the coat of arms of the Rostov region,” can be indicated by placing in the coat of arms of the municipal formation “Kagalnitsky district” a free part - a quadrangular space adjacent from the inside to the upper edge of the shield with the complete composition of the coat of arms of the Rostov region reproduced in it.

idea of ​​the coat of arms: Alexander Kravtsov (st. Kagalnitskaya)

heraldic revision: Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki)

rationale for symbolism: Galina Tunik (Moscow)

computer design: Sergey Isaev (Moscow).

Flag of Kagalnitsky district

Flag of Kagalnitsky district It is a rectangular panel with a width to length ratio of 2:3, divided into four equal parts: at the top near the shaft and hanging at the free edge - red, the rest - green; reproducing in the center the figures from the coat of arms composition: yellow four-pointed wings of a mill in a cross on top of two white checkers crosswise.”

Stanitsa Kagalnitskaya - the center of the district of the same name, is one of the ancient settlements located on the current Rostov-Stavropol highway and has been known as a postal station since the beginning of the 17th century.

The cross checkers and red parts of the flag allegorically symbolize the Don Cossacks. As throughout the Don, the Kagalnitsky Cossacks were warriors, and they sought to convey the spirit of the lot in customs, in everyday life: one of the elements of the rite of initiation of a boy into the Cossacks is putting a saber on him.

Red color means right, strength, love, courage, bravery.

White color (silver) is a symbol of perfection, nobility, purity, faith, peace.

The main branches of agriculture in the region - grain and livestock - are shown by the wings of the mill and the green parts of the flag.

Yellow color (gold) is a symbol of the highest value, wealth, greatness, constancy. strength, generosity, intelligence and sunshine.

Green color also complements the symbolism of nature and symbolizes abundance and life. rebirth.

History of the area

The Kagalnitsky district was formed in 1935 in connection with the disaggregation of the districts of the Azov-Black Sea region on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of January 18, 1935. In 1963 it was abolished, the territory was transferred to the Zernogradsky district. Then the district was restored in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated October 20, 1980 “On the formation of the Kagalnitsky district in the Rostov region” from part of the lands of the Zernograd and Azov districts.

The district is located in the southwestern part of the Rostov region, bordering in the east with the Zernogradsky district of the Rostov region, in the south - with the Kushchevsky district Krasnodar region, in the west - with the Azov and Bagaevsky districts of the Rostov region. Its area is 1370.24 square meters. km. The length from north to south is 46 km, from west to east 49 km, the regional center is the village of Kagalnitskaya, located 55 km from the regional center - the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The village of Kagalnitskaya is located on the highway of republican significance Bataysk - Stavropol, passing through the territory of the region from north to south (Kagalnik station - on railway line North Caucasus Railway). Founded in 1809 on the right bank of the Kagalnik River. Its initial settlement was connected with the need to conveniently accommodate troops passing through the Caucasus. “Count Platov petitioned for the settlement of this space of the Military Land up to the borders of the Stavropol province along the Caucasus Highway with Cossack villages. Having received permission, he summoned those wishing to move from all the villages of the Don Army. But since there were few willing Cossacks, free people from Little Russia were admitted. With the resettlement to these villages they were transferred to Cossack class" So says an archival source from 1889. Translated from Turkic, “kagala” means a hole, a lowland, and since the place where the village was located was a lowland, they called it “Kagalnitskaya”.

Until Oktyabrskaya socialist revolution The life of the poorest part of the Cossacks and nonresidents was difficult and hopeless. In 1913, in the village there was a two-year school, several elementary schools for girls and the Dmitrievskaya school, where they taught the alphabet and prayers. The number of students in the schools was 310, and 8 teachers worked in them. The teachers were very strict, but respected by everyone. The village had its own paramedic station, which was located in a private house.

Soviet power in the area was established in a fierce struggle. The territory was occupied by Denikin's troops. Liberating the villages, villages and towns of the region, the Red Army in February 1920 captured the village of Kagalnitskaya. On February 20 (March 4), a message appeared in Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee No. 50: “The Red Army occupied the village and Kagalnik station.” And on March 9, 1920, a Council was elected in the village.

After the establishment of Soviet power in the region, the population enthusiastically began building a new life. This is evidenced by the approval of the decisions of the 10th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks by the peasants of the village, published in the newspaper “Donskaya Bednota” on April 20, 1921. On behalf of a group of peasants, Ilya Kononov wrote to the newspaper: “When we, the grain growers of the village of Kagalnitskaya, Cherkassy district, read the resolution of the 10th Congress Communist Party about the need to replace food appropriation with a tax in kind, then everyone had a firm confidence that the Soviet government in the future will always take into account the interests of grain growers.”

Lenin's idea of ​​collectivization of agriculture received wide and active support from the poor and middle peasants. This is what was recorded in the minutes of the general meeting of citizens of the village of Novobataysk on January 10, 1930: “They listened: about the organization of an agricultural artel and the adoption of the Charter (report of agronomist Tokmachev). Resolved: In order to reconstruct agriculture in order to achieve the greatest economic effects and recognizing the importance and timeliness of the measures taken by the government in the matter of complete collectivization of the region, the general organizational meeting of citizens of Novobataysk considers it necessary to organize a large collective farm under the name “Novobataysk Agricultural Artel named after. Ilyich”... with the involvement of the farm laborers, poor and middle peasant masses of the population. The proposed Charter of a large agricultural artel has been fully adopted...” Today, the former artel is a large agricultural firm “Novobatayskaya” in the grain sector.

The first collective farms in the area were: “Forward to Communism,” organized on February 20, 1930, “ New world"and to them. Comintern, which later united into the collective farm “Memory of Kirov”, “According to the Testaments of Lenin” (now the Rodina SEC), and the “Giant of Socialism” (SPK named after Kalinin). On January 1, 1935, there were 24 collective farms, 3 state farms and 1 MTS operating in the region.

The following years were characterized by the organizational and economic strengthening of collective and state farms, the growth of their economic potential, and the provision of agriculture with new equipment.

A significant event in the life of the region was the participation of a large group of farms and leaders in the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, which opened in Moscow in 1939.

In 1939, an average grain yield of 12.1 c/ha was achieved in all fields of the region. At that time, this was a major victory for the collective farmers. For exceeding plans for the yield of grain and industrial crops, F.A. was awarded the first Order of the Red Banner of Labor in the region. Galichev and D.P. Drozdov, foremen of tractor teams.

The social transformation of villages was manifested in these years in the passionate desire of peasants for culture, acquisition of knowledge, and mastery of technology. In 1940, in the village of Kagalnitskaya alone, 1,268 schoolchildren studied in three schools. In total, 6,323 students studied in 42 schools in the district, and they were taught by 120 teachers. The building was built high school, collective farm clubs, cinemas, house of social culture.

The peaceful work of people was interrupted by the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. Thousands of area residents went to fight.

The Red Army fought heavy defensive battles in the area. On August 21, 1942, the liberation of the Rostov region from the enemy began. For five long months, the front line passed through this territory; a springboard was created for the offensive and liberation of the region from the Nazis. Gukas Madoyan's battalion approached the village of Kagalnitskaya, the enemy rolled back into the background, pursued by soldiers 159 rifle brigade, 34th rifle division and 6th tank brigade. At dawn on February 2, 1943, Madoyan’s 4th rifle battalion began a battle for the Kagalnik and MTS railway station, the 1st and 2nd rifle battalions, with the support of a tank company of senior lieutenant M.P. Gunko attacked the Germans. The battle lasted almost 4 hours and was distinguished by the ferocity of the doomed fascists. That frosty morning of February 2, 1943 was decisive for the residents of Kagalnichi. Every minute of the battle brought us closer to liberation. Finally, at 10 o’clock, the residents of the village received good news: the territory was completely liberated from the oppression of the Nazi invaders. And from February 2 to 4, 1943, the entire Kagalnitsky region was liberated.

Liberating the village, the commander of the PTR company of the 248th Infantry Division Lukash, armor-piercing soldiers Klochko, Dubenkov, Cheverdov, mortarmen Odinokov, Dzhigangirov, sniper Belyakov, and submachine gunner Dronov fought bravely. In the battle for the railway station, our fellow countrymen, telephone operator M.Z., showed courage. Knyazev. One of the most striking is the feat of I.P. Mospanov, Hero Soviet Union. In 69 sorties, he destroyed 21 enemy aircraft, 33 tanks and more than one hundred Nazis. The fearless pilot gave his life defending our land. The streets of the village bear the names of these heroes.

Among the liberators are the names of major military leaders: Lieutenant General V.F. Gerasimenko - commander of the 28th Army of the Southern Front; Lieutenant Colonel A.I. Bulgakov - commander of the 159th Special Rifle Brigade; M.I. Krichman is the commander of the 6th Guards Tank Brigade. We also remember the ordinary workers of the war, soldiers and officers who bore the brunt of the fighting on their shoulders: machine gunner Vasily Gritsenko, senior lieutenant Ivan Pavlovich Krivolapov, our fellow countryman. The company he commanded was the first to break into the village. Among the liberators was a local school graduate, Vladimir Mikhailovich Kolesnikov, who later became a Hero of the Soviet Union and did not live to see victory. Time will not erase from memory the feat of the people who won the cruel war.

The youth of the region carefully collects and preserves relics of the Heroes of the Soviet Union who studied at the local Kagalnitskaya secondary school: I.P. Slavyansky, V.A. Zhukov, V.Ya. Tkachev, I.M. Gordienko.

The war scorched the villages and farmsteads of the region. Collective farms were looted and many buildings were destroyed. The damage caused to the area by the Nazi invaders reached 98 million rubles. Main building The high school building lay in ruins and ruins, the other two buildings stood in boxes - without windows or doors. Building primary school was wiped off the face of the earth by a bomb. The bridge over the Kagalnik River was blown up.

It is difficult to name a more selfless time in history than the years of post-war reconstruction. It took several years of intense work to restore and exceed the pre-war standard of living. It was a feat. The feat of people exhausted by the war. A feat that was not reported by the Information Bureau and the victorious fireworks over Moscow. The silent and modest daily feat of working people.

It was during these post-war years that the first Heroes of Socialist Labor appeared in the region - M.G. Molchanov - unit of the state farm named after. Williams and G.T. Denisov is a combine operator at Kirov MTS. In 1956, a Book of Honor was established for leaders of socialist competition. Among the first names in it are T.M., who worked on the Stalinets-6 combines. Molchanov, who harvested grain on 298 hectares and threshed 6422 centners of grain, V.N. Nesterenko, who threshed 4,642 quintals from 233 hectares, foreman of tractor brigade No. 14 K.G. Naretya - his team developed 4341 hectares of soft plowing, harvested 502 hectares of grain crops with a yield of 21 c/ha, electric welder V.Ya. Vorobyov, who fulfilled shift standards by 130-170 percent, electrician N.F. Golik, who produced 130-140 percent of the norm.

By 1959, the number of cattle increased to 28 thousand heads, while in 1941 there were 18.7 thousand, cows - 11.9 thousand instead of 7.1. On April 1, 1960, the region had a large detachment of machine operators: 290 tractor drivers, 91 combine operators, 120 drivers.

Significant changes occurred during the tenth and eleventh five-year plans. Never before in history have the village of Kagalnitskaya and other settlements in the region been built up as much as they have been recently. During the eleventh five-year plan, twice as much housing was commissioned as during the entire tenth five-year plan. In 1984 alone, 285 apartments were built. Especially high-quality housing was built on the state farms “Vishnevy” and “Kagalnitsky”.

In 1984 there were 39 in the area secondary schools, music school, 10 houses of culture, 15 libraries, 4 hospitals with 210 beds, 23 first aid stations.

The workers of the region respond to the concerns of the party and government with hard work. They strive to more successfully implement the Food Program. Agricultural lands of the district occupy 126,315 hectares, including 113,302 hectares of arable land and 8,524 hectares of pasture, 2.7 thousand hectares are irrigated. The district collected 32.8 quintals of grain per hectare.

High productivity is one of the main indicators of grain-growing skill. Stable increased yields, especially winter crops, are achieved by the collective farm “Memory of Kirov” under the leadership of Viktor Maksimovich Rekus (1971-1998). In 1975, the yield of grain crops on the farm was 45 c/ha, sunflower – 25, fodder crops – 300. For these indicators, the collective farm was rightfully awarded the title “Farm of High Agricultural Culture”; Victor Maksimovich awarded the order Badge of Honor, Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1984 - Order of Lenin. Collective farmers did not slow down in subsequent years, achieving high results not only in grain production, but also in the production of milk, meat, and eggs. At the end of each year, the collective farm “Memory of Kirov” was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the CPSU Central Committee, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Komsomol Central Committee, for many years it held the Red Banner of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU, the regional executive committee, the regional trade union committee and the Komsomol regional committee, and became a permanent participant in VDNKh in Moscow. In those years these were high and respected awards. The title “Honored Agronomist of the Russian Federation” is given to the chief agronomist of the collective farm, Ivan Prokofievich Ocheret. In 1985, the Pamyat Kirov collective farm harvested an unprecedented harvest of grain crops - winter wheat produced 85 centners, sunflower - 30 centners per hectare. And the chief agronomist I.P. Ocheret receives the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and two years later, for new record results, the Order of Lenin. The name of the famous combine operator, Honored Mechanic of the Russian Federation Grigory Ivanovich Netreba has a special place in the region. In three years, he becomes the owner of a full set of VDNKh awards, is awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and for success in work becomes a laureate of the USSR State Prize, the entire amount of which he transfers to the Peace Fund. But he does not rest on his well-deserved laurels, but consistently achieves new achievements. Thus, during the 1983 harvest, he produced 6,078 centners of grain from the bunker of his SK-6 “Kolos” combine, against a seasonal norm of 4,500 centners. And in 1987 he received his third Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Looking ahead chronologically, we note that in 2015 he was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Kagalnitsky District.”

Productivity was also high in animal husbandry. Livestock breeders of state farms “Kagalnitsky”, “Rostovsky”, named after. Williams, "Lenin's Way", named after. Kalinin, “Memory of Kirov” reached the milestones outlined in the Preparatory Program and became permanent participants in the Exhibition of Achievements national economy. If we evaluate the activities of the largest, as we now say, “city-forming” enterprises in the region, then this period should be called “the time of leaders.” Many of them were so bright, unconventional, able to ignite, organize and lead people.

Over the many years of history, a whole galaxy of outstanding leaders stood at the helm of the Kagalnitsky district: Kushnarenko Nikolai Ivanovich - first secretary of the Kagalnitsky District Committee of the CPSU (1980-1982), Borovlev Alexander Mikhailovich - chairman of the Kagalnitsky District Executive Committee (1980-1985), Borodaev Viktor Vasilyevich - Chairman of the Kagalnitsky District Executive Committee (1985-1986), Bogdanov Gennady Andreevich - First Secretary of the Kagalnitsky District Committee of the CPSU (1982-1991), Chernobaev Viktor Vasilyevich - Head of the Administration of the Kagalnitsky District (1992-2000), Gurov Alexander Ivanovich - Head of the Kagalnitsky District district (2000-2005), Nikolai Andreevich Miroshnikov - Chairman of the Kagalnitsky District Executive Committee (1986-1992), Head of the Kagalnitsky District (2005-2010). These are really leaders capital letters who made an invaluable contribution to the formation and successful development of the region, and above all, to improving the well-being of its residents.

Currently, the main industry of the Kagalnitsky district is agriculture, which employs a significant share of the district’s labor resources. The industry provides positive dynamics for the development of the region.

The village of Kagalnitskaya is the center of the district of the same name.
According to 2016 data, 7,375 residents live in the village, although there is a slight increase in population.

The local population is mainly engaged in agriculture; this industry is the main one in the village. There are 2,721 private farms and 12 peasant farms in the village. Local residents are distinguished by their hard work and desire for well-being. Livestock production is in poor condition compared to crop production. Against the backdrop of rising feed prices, agricultural enterprises cannot produce enough meat, milk, and eggs.

In addition to agriculture, the village is engaged in industry. The brick factory employs 54 people. The village also produces bicycles and polyethylene pipes for gas and water supply. But the most people are employed at the milk and dairy products plant - 205 workers. There is also a grain processing plant and a bakery in the village.

Village infrastructure

In the village there is a central regional hospital, 3 preschool institutions and a school with 880 children, as well as a station young technicians. Cultural life in the village is represented by a cultural center, two libraries and a children's art school. Children in the region never get bored. There is a record number here compared to other settlements in the region, there are 6 of them.

Particular attention is paid to sports in the region - 3 gyms and 1 stadium and a health complex with a swimming pool, which opened on September 1, 2017. Young Kagalnitsa athletes show good results in mini-football, chess, volleyball, and dancing.

The socio-political newspaper “Kagalnitskie Vesti” is published weekly in the village; the newspaper is also available on the Internet, published since 2002.

The village also represents public and political associations, such as “United Russia”, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor, law enforcement agencies, the “Chernobyl Union of Russia”, the Cossack society “Kagalnitsky Yurt”, the regional organization of veterans of the war in Afghanistan, the village Cossack society "Stanitsa Kagalnitskaya"

Local residents participated in the liquidation of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Their names are posted on the website of the regional newspaper. Every year on April 26, liquidators meet to honor the memory of their departed comrades. Flowers are laid at the graves of the liquidators. All 42 people were sent from the region to eliminate the tragedy, 26 of whom are no longer alive, their lives shortened by radiation. So far, a monument to the liquidators of the tragedy has not been erected in the Kagalnitsky district, but its installation in the future is not excluded.

History of the village

The name of the village comes from the Kagalinik River, on the banks of which it is located. The year of birth of the village is 1809.
The earliest mention of Kagalnitskaya dates back to 1663, when a post station was created.

In 1820, the village was visited by A.S. Pushkin, in honor of which one of the streets of the village was named after the writer - Pushkin Street.
The year 1856 was marked by misfortune; that year the local church burned.

The village first appeared on the map in 1887. Five years later, the first telephone line was installed (1892), and five years later the first general census of the Russian Empire was carried out.

Education and medicine developed poorly during this period. There was a public school where they studied military affairs and the law of God. Scarlet fever, typhus, smallpox, and plague flourished.
Since 1909 they began to build railway. Initially, they thought to lead it straight through the village; the rich Cossacks protested. They thought that trains would kill animals.

In 1915, a postal and telegraph institution was established.
Ice campaign 1918 Volunteer Army passed through the village. Soviet power came to the region in 1920. After this, collective farms began to be created in the village. The first of them are “Forward to Communism”, “New World”. The work of residents in the 30s was aimed at the prosperity of their native land.

In 1935, the Kagalnitsky district was established, and the village became its center, and in 1963 a decision was made to abolish the district, but it was restored in 1980. In 2019, the village will celebrate its 210th anniversary. The 205th anniversary (2014) was celebrated by Kagalni residents with folk festivals and the release of information brochures.

The Great Patriotic War did not bypass the village. The long liberation struggle began in August 1942, but the decisive moment was February 2, 1943. To the joy of all residents, the authorities announced the liberation of the territory from the invaders.
Then the post-war reconstruction began, at which time the first Heroes of Socialist Labor appeared in the village - M.G. Molchanov and G.T. Denisov.

The village today

Today the village lives a measured, calm life; you are unlikely to find noise here big city, but you can fully feel the spirit of the Cossacks and Siberia. It is best to visit the village during holidays, when folk festivals are held. At this time, local residents dress up in national costumes and dance their traditional dances.
The region is constantly undergoing improvements by the local administration. Every year a plan for the improvement of both the village and the entire regional center is developed. Every year the level and quality of life improves. The material well-being and culture of the population is increasing.
The village is located just 55 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don. Young people mainly go there to study and arrange their lives. The republican route “Rostov–Stavropol” passes through the village.

Sights of the village

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The bulk of the population is Orthodox. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated on October 14. The essence of the holiday is that the Mother of God appeared to Saint Andrew. This holiday is considered the first autumn holiday and opens the wedding season. The church belongs to the Volgodonsk and Salsk diocese, Peschanokopsky deanery.

Monument to V.I. Lenin.

The monument is installed with its back to the administrative building and represents the formation of Soviet power.
Monument to Ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov
The monument was erected in honor of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the village in 2009. Installed in the center of the village. Platov Matvey Ivanovich was a famous ataman of the Cossack army.

Stele of the 339th Infantry Division.

The stella is a symbol of the glorification of warrior-liberators. The 339th division was created to defend Rostov in 1942. The division had a long military career. First they destroyed 118 German tanks, then they fought in the foothills of the Caucasus, where they defended an area of ​​120 kilometers. After this, the division took part in the liberation of the Taman Peninsula, for which it received the proud name “Taman”. After which, the soldiers fought for the liberation of Crimea. In this case, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. And in conclusion - the assault on Berlin and access to the Elbe. The division received a new additional honorary name - the Brandenburg Division. 12 soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union, 17 thousand soldiers were awarded orders and medals.

Memorial and eternal flame to those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

The names of the fallen soldiers are immortalized on the plaques of the memorial. On the website of the regional newspaper you can also see a list of the dead. Here they cherish the memory of this terrible event with trepidation. Every year on September 1, first-graders and school graduates lay flowers at the memorial. On Victory Day, meetings are held with veterans; the dead are honored with a minute of silence. The height of the memorial is 6.5 meters, it depicts a star - a symbol Soviet Army. The memorial is located in the center of the square, flowers and trees are planted in it.

Monument to internationalist soldiers.

Residents of the village took part in the war in Afghanistan and other hot spots. In their honor, words of gratitude are depicted on black slabs.

There are many mounds in the village. Mounds are primitive burials, ancient monuments.

Tourist attractiveness of the village of Kagalnitskaya

Although the village is a regional center, there is not much entertainment here. This is due to the proximity to Rostov-on-Don, all the entertainment is there, and there is peace and quiet in the village. You can visit the village simply for the sake of peace; you can wander the streets and find amazing places. In the region you can easily find accommodation for the night; the locals are friendly and hospitable. Here you can taste the local cuisine. If you get bored with such tranquility, you can go to the regional center and have fun there.

Local residents will be able to play the role of a guide, show the sights of the region and tell its history. You will be shown farms, their scale and grandeur.
The region hosts various sporting and cultural events. Believing tourists will be interested in visiting the local church.

It is especially interesting to look at the Kupala holiday, all the rituals are carried out, young people are looking for a fern flower (“paparats-kvetka” in Belarusian language), girls weave wreaths on their heads and then throw them into the river. A huge fire is lit, which you need to jump over. The local cultural center organizes a concert, festivities and dancing continue all night. Kupala night is filled with miracles and horrors.
During international holidays, local vocalists perform on stage. On Children's Day (June 1), children's competitions are held, the winners are awarded sweet prizes. There is also a traditional competition of chalk drawings on asphalt.