Currently, millions of people are involved in active physical exercise and participate in sports competitions.

Elite sports are developing at a rapid pace, mass physical culture is spreading even more widely,

various shapes physical activity of people (including recreational running, fitness, swimming, tourism, etc.)



Fesenko Alexey, student

Development of speed and strength abilities in lessons physical culture.

Currently, millions of people are involved in active physical exercise and participate in sports competitions. Elite sports are developing at a rapid pace, mass physical culture and various forms of physical activity of people (including recreational running, fitness, swimming, tourism, etc.) are spreading even more widely.

All this confirms that nowadays physical culture and sport are acquiring such a special significance that they have, perhaps, never had in the history of mankind. Physical culture significantly influences various aspects of people’s lives - their work activity, social relations, education, military service, and as a result, society’s need for physical exercise increases.

At the present stage, there are many systems to satisfy this social need. One such system is school system physical education.

Physical education is given importance in shaping a student’s personality. An essential aspect of physical education is the process of developing motor qualities. One of the main tasks of the school is to teach children to demonstrate qualitatively the motor skills with which they are endowed from birth. Movement control becomes possible under the influence of normative functional loads associated with motor activity.

Often physical education teachers do not give of great importance purposeful development of physical qualities, focusing only on teaching certain skills that those involved must master during their studies at school.

The importance of sports and physical culture for the harmonious, comprehensive development of personality in our time is difficult to overestimate. Sports like component physical culture is important means physical education. In turn, physical education is part of general education and is aimed at strengthening health and harmonious development of the body. This is one of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society.

The principle of comprehensive, harmonious development of personality requires adherence to the unity and interconnection of various aspects of education. Practice shows that sports achivments accessible only to comprehensively and physically harmoniously developed people.

Regular physical education and sports improve your physique, your figure becomes slim and beautiful, your movements become more expressive and flexible. It is important that those who engage in physical education and sports increase their self-confidence and strengthen their willpower, which helps them achieve their life goals.

The means for developing strength abilities in general are various general developmental strength exercises that are simple in structure, among which three main types can be distinguished:

Exercises with external resistance (exercises with weights, on machines, exercises with resistance from a partner, exercises with resistance external environment: running uphill, on sand, in water, etc.)

Overcoming exercises own body(gymnastic strength exercises: flexion-extension of arms while lying down, on uneven bars, hanging; athletics jumping exercises, etc.)

Isometric exercises (static exercises).

Exercises characterized by high power of muscle contractions are used as the main means of developing speed and strength abilities. In other words, they are typically characterized by such a ratio of strength and speed characteristics of movements, in which significant strength is manifested in the shortest possible time. This kind of exercise is usually called speed-strength. These exercises differ from strength exercises in their increased speed and, therefore, the use of less significant weights. Among them there are many exercises performed without weights.

Compulsory methodological condition when developing speed-strength qualities, it is necessary to perform each repetition with maximum important result, that is, the tension coefficient when executed should be as close as possible to the first result.

The choice of means by which speed-strength, and indeed strength abilities themselves, are developed depends on the methods. The most common methods for developing speed and strength abilities include the following:

Dynamic force method. The essence of the method is to create maximum power tension by means of working with unlimited weights at maximum speed. The exercises are performed with full amplitude; this method is used when developing fast strength, i.e. ability to manifest great strength in conditions of fast movements.

- the “impact” method involves performing special exercises with instantly overcoming shock-impacting weights, which are aimed at increasing the power of efforts associated with the most complete mobilization of the reactive properties of muscles, for example, jumping from heights of 45-75 cm, followed by an instant jump up or long jump . After preliminary rapid stretching, a more powerful muscle contraction is observed. The magnitude of their resistance is determined by the mass of their own body and the height of the fall.

The game method provides for the development of speed and strength abilities in play activity, where game situations force one to display great strength in minimally short periods of time.

The competitive method is used in the form of various training competitions. Efficiency this method very high, since competitors are given the opportunity to fight each other on an equal basis, with emotional uplift, showing maximum volitional efforts.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise include: methods of repeated exercise and methods of variable (alternating) exercise with varying speed and weight according to a given program in specially created conditions.

Thus, the correct and harmonious physical development of a person can be ensured only under the condition of comprehensive physical training. However, we must not forget that when forming physical culture, it is necessary to take into account that the spiritual and physical principles in human development form an inseparable whole.

Physical culture and sports contribute to the restoration and strengthening of overall performance, improve activity nervous system, increase mental performance. Physical education creates better conditions for mental performance and promotes the development of intelligence, stimulates the development of the need and abilities for self-knowledge and self-education.


1.Deshle, S.A. Development of strength abilities in students in grades 1-3 [text] // Physical culture at school. - M.: physical education and sports, 1982. - No. 4-p. 21-23.

2. Gupsalovsky, A.A. Development of motor qualities in schoolchildren [text]/A.A. Gupsalovsky.- Minsk, 1978.-88 p.

3. Lyubomirsky, L.E. Movement control in children and adolescents [text]/L.E. Lyubomirsky.-M.: Pedagogy, 1970.-96p.

4. Antropova, M.V. The performance of students and its dynamics in the process of learning and labor activity[text]/ M.V. Antropova. M., Education, 1968.-251p.

5. Godik, M.A. Sports metrology[text]/ M.A. Year.- M.: Physical education and sports, 1988.-191 p.

6. Antropova M.V. Hygiene of children and adolescents[text]/ M.V. Antropova. -M.: Medetsina.1977.-334 p.

Let us reveal the features of the means and methods for developing speed-strength abilities. In physical education programs for students of secondary schools, their composition is perhaps the widest and most diverse. These are various types of jumps (athletics, acrobatic, vault, gymnastics, etc.); throwing, pushing and throwing sports equipment and other objects; high-speed cyclic movements; most actions in outdoor and sports games, as well as martial arts, performed in a short time with high intensity (for example, jumping and acceleration in games with and without a ball, throwing a partner in wrestling, etc.); jumping from a height of 15-70 cm with an immediate subsequent jumping up (to develop explosive power).

In the process of developing speed-strength abilities, preference is given to exercises performed at the highest speed, at which the correct movement technique is maintained (the so-called “controlled speed”). The amount of external weights used for these purposes should not exceed 30-40% of the student’s individual and maximum weight. For children of primary school age, minor external weights are used or do without them at all (throwing a ball, other light objects, jumping, medicine balls up to 1 kg, etc.). The number of repetitions of speed-strength exercises in one series, depending on the preparedness of the student and the power of the efforts developed, in a lesson ranges from 6-12 repetitions. The number of series within a single lesson is 2-6. Rest between series should be 2-5 minutes. It is recommended to use speed-strength exercises (given the limited number of classes - 2-3 per week) regularly throughout school year and during the entire period of the child’s schooling. The teacher should gradually increase the amount of weight used for these purposes (for example, in primary school use medicine balls weighing 1-2 kg; in the main - 2-4 kg; on average - 3-5 kg). If the burden is the weight of your own body ( different kinds jumping, push-ups, pull-ups), then the amount of weight in such exercises is dosed by changing the starting position (for example, push-ups while lying down from a support of various heights, etc.). Within one lesson, speed-strength exercises are performed, as a rule, after exercises for teaching motor actions and developing coordination abilities in the first half of the main part of the lesson. Conventionally, all exercises used to develop speed-strength qualities can be divided into three groups: the system of speed-strength training exercises is aimed at solving the main problem - developing the speed of movement and strength of a certain muscle group. The solution to this problem is carried out in three directions: speed, speed-strength and power. The speed direction involves the use of exercises of the first group, with overcoming one’s own weight, exercises performed in lighter conditions.

This area also includes methods aimed at developing the speed of motor reactions (simple and complex): the method of responding to a suddenly appearing visual or auditory signal; a dismembered method of performing various technical techniques in parts and in easier conditions. The speed-strength direction aims to develop the speed of movement simultaneously with the development of strength of a certain muscle group and involves the use of exercises of the second and third groups, which use weights and resistance to external environmental conditions. Thus, we can conclude: speed-strength qualities increase due to an increase in the strength or speed of muscle contraction or both components. Typically, the greatest gains are achieved by increasing muscle strength. For effective development speed-strength abilities junior schoolchildren it is necessary to take into account their physiological characteristics.

In the first chapter of the final qualifying work, we examined the development of speed-strength abilities in children of primary school age, and also gave a physiological characteristic of speed-strength qualities, an assessment of the periods of development of speed-strength abilities, and paid attention to the basic means and methods of working with students at school on physical education. In the finale, we outline the prospect: it is necessary to carry out comprehensive research on the development of speed-strength abilities in primary schoolchildren and the study of the problem of formation in children healthy image life. There is a good connection between a positive attitude towards physical education and the personality orientation of younger schoolchildren. It has been established that children involved in physical education outside of school and at school have free time more saturated with music, technical creativity, reading literature, cinema, exhibitions.

The exercises given below are designed to develop jumping ability, and in which students must demonstrate speed and strength qualities. It is advisable to carry out these exercises in March after school. ski training when lessons are double, as well as in September and April during athletics lessons. They help young men pass academic standards in the high and long jumps.

This set of exercises was developed by personal trainer Dmitry Yashankin and helps increase the effectiveness of the training process several times.

1. Jumping from the starting position with your foot on a support (gymnastic bench). 6 series of 20 jumps: 3 series on the left and 3 on the right leg. In the 11th grade, boys can perform exercises with weights - 5 kg dumbbells or 10 kg barbell plates.
2. Repeated jumps from one foot to another, starting with a push from both. 6-8 episodes of 18m each.
3. Repeated jumps (imitating a kangaroo) on both legs. 6-8 series of 18 m each. Pay attention to the full straightening of the legs after pushing off.
4. Repeated jumps moving forward on one leg while pulling the thigh and shin of the other leg up. 6 episodes of 12-14 m.
5. Repeated jumping up from a squat position and from a deep squat. 6 episodes 20 times.
6. Repeated jumping ups with a weight while standing on two parallel gymnastic benches. Avoid “pulling” the weights with your hands, keep your torso straight. Boys of the 10th grade jump with a 16 kg weight, 4 series of 10-12 times; 11th grade boys - with a 24 kg weight, 4 series of 10-15 reps.
7. Jumping with a barbell on the shoulders: in a split leg; on both legs at the same time. X class boys - barbell weight 20-25 kg, 4 series of 10-12 jumps. Boys of the XI class - barbell weight 30-35 kg, 6 series of 15 jumps.

C. Relay race “Car” (Fig. 2). The boys are divided into two teams. In each team, the participants, in turn, are divided into pairs of equal strength and weight. The first numbers on line A take a lying position, legs apart. The second numbers take them by the legs (ankles) and lift them to waist height. The first number plays the role of a “wheelbarrow”, the second – the one driving it.
At the teacher’s signal, the second numbers accompany the “wheelbarrows” moving on their hands to line B. As soon as the first numbers touch line B with their hands, they change roles with the second numbers, which become “wheelbarrows”, and return in the indicated way to line A, where they transmit relay to another pair of young men.
a) the first numbers (“cars”) are advanced on the hands, rearranging them one by one;
b) students - “wheelbarrows” advance, pushing off with both hands at the same time, performing jumps on their hands.
9. Repeated jumps over stretched lines
gum hall (Fig. 3). The height of the stretched elastic band is from 40 to 50 cm.
Option 1; standing on the side of the elastic band - jumping on both while moving forward.
Option 2: elastic band between the legs - jumping forward (connect your knees and feet above the elastic band, landing with your legs apart), pull your knees to your chest.
Dosage when performing: overcome three elastic bands, step back - rest for 20 seconds, then 2 more series with rest for 20-40 seconds; having overcome three elastic bands, step back and, without resting, “jump” three elastic bands again - rest 2 minutes, the same, but without rest, perform three series in a row - rest 4 minutes. Do at least 10-12 jumps on each elastic band.
Option 3: jumping using the “stepping” method on the right and left sides of the elastic band, moving forward, alternately pushing off with the right and left foot. The height of the elastic band is 70-90 cm. Pay attention to the fact that the jumps are performed mainly by swinging, and not just by pushing.

Who hasn’t tried to give advice on its improvement: both official institutions and public organizations, and learned lyricists - theorists, and practitioners, and respectable pensioners. As soon as you start reading all kinds of instructions, listening to all kinds of advice, your head starts spinning. If figuratively: imagine an inverted pyramid. At the top, in its wide part, there are many different advisers, and at the bottom the tip rests on one physical education teacher. And, afraid that this pyramid will crush him, the poor teacher is forced to dodge as best he can, knowing that you still can’t please everyone. Since there are still no specific criteria for assessing the activities of a physical education teacher, his work is mainly assessed by external signs. It is probably difficult to calculate how many candidates defended dissertations on the topic of school physical education. Moreover, this was done on the basis of schools, directly within its walls. And, as a rule, as soon as experimental work ended, so the candidates collected their belongings and left. They may say: all this is known, everyone is ready to criticize, but what exactly do you propose? I think this: before setting demands on a school in the field of physical education, it is necessary to analyze its capabilities and then, in accordance with them, clearly formulate the main task of school physical education. And the task is to ensure good health and comprehensive preparedness of children.

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“Development of strength qualities in physical education lessons”

Development of strength qualities in physical education lessons

From work experience

physical education teachers

Dudka V.I.

Stepnoy village

Kavkazsky district

MBOU secondary school No. 10

Hard times physical culture is experiencing today.

No one has tried to give advice on its improvement: official institutions, public organizations, scientific lyricists - theorists, practitioners, and respectable pensioners. As soon as you start reading all kinds of instructions, listening to all kinds of advice, your head starts spinning. If figuratively: imagine an inverted pyramid. At the top, in its wide part, there are many different advisers, and at the bottom the tip rests on one physical education teacher. And, afraid that this pyramid will crush him, the poor teacher is forced to dodge as best he can, knowing that you still can’t please everyone. Since there are still no specific criteria for assessing the activities of a physical education teacher, his work is mainly assessed by external signs. It is probably difficult to calculate how many candidates defended dissertations on the topic of school physical education. Moreover, this was done on the basis of schools, directly within its walls. And, as a rule, as soon as the experimental work was over, the candidates collected their belongings and left. They may say: all this is known, everyone is ready to criticize, but what exactly do you propose? I think this: before setting demands on a school in the field of physical education, it is necessary to analyze its capabilities and then, in accordance with them, clearly formulate the main task of school physical education. And the task is to ensure good health and comprehensive preparedness of children.

Acute dissatisfaction with the physical education of schoolchildren is noted by everyone involved in this process or related to it. Students' interest in physical education lessons decreases from class to class. Parents are concerned about the health of their children, partly linking it with physical education at school.

The figure given by the military commissariats is of great concern. Almost 40–45% of conscripts are considered sick and are not subject to conscription. Therefore, the physical education teacher plays an important role in preparing young high school students for military service.

The development of motor qualities is the basis for preparing young men for military service and work. Proper organization of physical training effectively helps to increase discipline and organization among high school students, builds moral fortitude, quick reaction, i.e. everything a future defender of the Motherland needs. Strengthening health, hardening the body, harmonious development of young people subject to conscription into the army is one of the most important tasks secondary school.

During the years of schooling, children undergo significant functional and physiological transformations in their bodies, on the basis of which motor abilities develop and improve. Special meaning For development, they acquire physical education classes, in which new movements are simultaneously mastered and motor qualities are improved. These processes are inextricably linked and depend on the age characteristics, weight, height, mass of skeletal muscles, respiratory and circulatory systems and other organs and systems of the student’s body. It is known that school age is the most favorable period for the development of all motor abilities without exception. However, during certain periods of development, the rate of natural progress in changes in motor abilities is not the same. First of all, they depend on biological patterns, age-related changes in the body at various stages of its formation. At the same time, the magnitude and nature of changes are largely determined by individual and economic factors. But nevertheless, a special role in improving the physical qualities of schoolchildren belongs to the targeted pedagogical influence provided for school curriculum in physical culture.

The motor qualities of schoolchildren are improved in the process of mastering various movements, as well as through the targeted influence of special physical exercises and methodological techniques their implementation.

The ratio between the time allocated for the formation of motor skills and the development of motor qualities changes due to age characteristics formation of motor function. How more complex technique movements, the more difficult it is to master, the greater the share in the lesson of teaching elements, a system of lead-in and special exercises. This requires more time, which in turn can reduce the overall physiological load. In the practice of physical education, a conventional division of means and exercises is accepted, with a primary focus on developing endurance, speed, strength and other qualities. All types of motor training of schoolchildren are in an organic relationship, forming a complex dynamic system of coupled interaction of structures and functions, determined by the specifics of a particular physical exercise.

Motor qualities are formed by the predominant manifestation of endurance, strength, speed, and agility. Speed-strength qualities and speed-strength endurance are also distinguished.

The selection and application of preparatory exercises are important. They may be close to learned actions. These include movements such as multi-jumps, running with high hip lifts, running while reaching for high-hanging objects, etc.

Lessons in high school have a strong training focus and help improve physical fitness students.

Endurance, one of the main motor qualities of a person, manifests itself as the ability for prolonged and effective muscular activity while realizing strength, speed, and agility. Endurance is a criterion of performance - the higher it is, the longer it takes to overcome fatigue. In general, the level of endurance and its manifestation depend on four main parameters: the body’s ability to convert biochemical energy into mechanical work; adaptation of the body to unfavorable changes in internal environment; stability of nerve centers and mental state; level of proficiency in movement techniques. Conventionally, endurance is distinguished by the mode of muscle work: statistical and dynamic.

For the comprehensive development of motor qualities and increasing the functional capabilities of the body of schoolchildren, the most effective way The organization of students' educational work is circular training.

Correctly applied method of circular training significantly increases the density of the lesson - increases its educational effect. For this purpose, the hall will be equipped with several places for classes. Students, one by one or in small groups, are sent in order to the place of study, where they perform the exercises indicated by the teacher at all stations simultaneously and, at a signal, move to the next place of study. Circuit training helps not only simultaneously develop physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility), but also improve them comprehensively (speed - strength, strength - endurance, etc.)

It is recommended to use circuit training 5–6 times per academic quarter at intervals of 1–2 weeks. The training can be included in the main part of the lesson. The methods of its use and organization of classes are simple and do not require complex devices.

Physical culture G.B.Maikson 1988 Moscow "Enlightenment"

Artistic gymnastics Yu.K. Gaverdovsky 2004 Moscow – “Physical Culture and Sports”

How to become strong and resilient. E.N. Litvinov 2011 Moscow "Enlightenment"

The art of being healthy part 2 A.M. Tchaikovsky 2009 Moscow “Physical Education and Sports” (revised)

Physical education lesson"Development of strength qualities, dynamic strength"


1) develop strength qualities, dynamic strength, using sets of exercises on gymnastic apparatus;

2) familiarize yourself with the classification of apparatus used in artistic gymnastics;

3) improve strength qualities using game situations.

Equipment: gymnastic benches, gymnastic wall, rope, ribbons, flags (2 pcs.).

During the classes

Introductory part (8–10 min.)

Teacher. I welcome you guys to our next lesson in artistic gymnastics, which is a good school for you in the formation of not only physical qualities, but also personal ones. Your composure, discipline, and attentiveness allow you to think that gymnastics lessons have benefited you. This can be seen in your posture, in your manners, and in your gestures.

1. We start our lesson by making turns while moving to the right and left:

Turns to the left in ranks and columns: step with the right foot, without placing the left one, with a turn to the left on the toe of the right foot; step left, put right ( 6–7 times);

Turns left and right while moving in columns and ranks of two ( 3 times).

2. We finished performing drill exercises. Listen to what your typical mistakes are. Try not to repeat them when completing this task. Think about it.

So, about your mistakes when making turns while moving left and right:

a) premature or late execution of the command: “Left!” ("Right!");

b) turn “left” (“right”) is performed on the left (right) leg;

c) incomplete turn in the indicated direction;

d) poor posture (the body is tilted forward, the head is lowered, the shoulders are brought forward);

e) turn and step with turn are performed with bent legs.

I remind you once again: pay attention to my comments.

3. Running at an easy pace in a column one at a time with the transition to walking ( 1.5–2 min.).

Main part ( 25–30 min.)

1. Let's move on to execution sets of exercises on gymnastic equipment.

Complex "A". Exercises on a gymnastic bench:

Bending and extension of the arms in support on a gymnastic bench ( 6–7 times);

Shaking your hands and lowering them down ( 10–15 s);

From a sitting position on a bench (fix your legs), bend back and return to the position. Perform with hands behind head ( 6–8 times);

Alternate jumps on one leg with shaking of the other leg and arms down ( 10–15 s).

Now you have completed a set of exercises on one of the gymnastic apparatus. I think it is now quite appropriate to introduce you to the classification of projectiles.

Let's walk around the hall. Here's the crossbar. It belongs to the classic shells. First introduced on the gymnastics ground in 1811 by F.L. Jan and E. Eiselen. In those days, the neck of the crossbar was made of wood. In 1850, a steel bar appeared on the crossbar.

Now we are approaching the gymnastic wall - this is an auxiliary training apparatus. The gymnastics wall is sometimes called the Swedish wall, as it comes from Swedish gymnastics. The gymnastic wall is used mainly for strength exercises, as well as for developing correct posture, for developing flexibility and for stretching, lifting and lowering exercises. The combination of a gymnastic wall with a gymnastic bench creates a suitable plane, which is especially used in children's gymnastics. With this we will finish our short excursion into the history of apparatus gymnastics and continue our practical part.

Complex "B". Exercises on the gymnastic wall:

Climbing on a rope attached to the top rail of a gymnastic wall, stepping on the rails with your feet ( 6–8 times);

Relaxed movements of the arms forward and backward from the position one in front, the other behind ( 10–12 s);

Hanging with his back to the gymnastics wall. Bend over, resting your feet on the floor ( 6–8 times);

Alternate jumps on one leg with shaking of the other, torso, lowered arms ( 30–40 s).

2. We have completed the complexes. I think you will not refuse to consolidate the acquired strength qualities in the outdoor games that are well known to you.

A game " Running on your hands", content of the game: The players unite in pairs. Each pair assumes a support position on their hands, lying shoulder to shoulder. Hands placed side by side are tied with ribbon. At a signal, the couples move lying in support on their hands to the set mark (flag), then return back in the same way. The game takes place in the form of a relay race. We split into two teams. Let's start the game. Attention! Are the first couples in each column ready? March! ( 1–2 times)

3. Here's another one a game is offered to you. It's called " Caterpillar" Two teams are participating. The players of each team take a position of support while sitting in a column, holding their hands behind the feet of the person sitting on the team. The opponents are positioned in front of the starting line (head player). At a signal, both “caterpillars” move forward to the mark (flag) (6–8 cm), and then return back. The team that finishes first wins. The team whose players become separated during movement is given a penalty point. If three penalty points are scored, regardless of the championship at the finish line, the team is considered defeated. Attention! Ready for the game... Let's start! ( 1–2 times)

Final part ( 3–5 min.)

Formation in a common line. I am reporting the results of your work in today’s physical education lesson. You guys are quite familiar with the sets of exercises for developing such important quality as strength and were able to demonstrate themselves in the conditions of gaming activity with the most the best side. The power is on your side.

I announce the grades to the next students... Our lesson is over. You are free and can begin your next activities. Goodbye!