Municipal government educational institution

"Mishkinskaya average secondary school»

Essay on the topic:

Teacher primary classes:

Babkova Valeria Yurievna

Mishkino, 2017



    Main part…………………………………………………………………………………4


    List of sources used……………………………………...7

Thinking about the topic of the essay, the first question that arises in my mind is: what is a “creed”?

Credo (lat. credo - believe) - personal conviction, the basis of a person’s worldview, sometimes the same as a motto.

Recalling the material studied in pedagogy lessons, I would like to focus on one of its important principles - the principle of self-education. And, of course, you need to remember the commandment: do no harm! For most students, the teacher is an ideal from whom they take an example and imitate him.

My ideal teacher is a mother who dedicated her life pedagogical activity. She was the one who taught me to love children. In this regard, I would like to formulate my pedagogical credo as follows: “Dedicate life to good, fighting evil! Be open, honest and cheerful for children. Strive for the goal without retreating back."

    Why does my credo sound this way?

    Why dedicate your life to goodness and, at the same time, fight evil?

    Why is it important for children to be open, honest and fun?

I will try to tell you about all this in my essay.

Dedicate your life to good, fighting evil!

Be open, honest and cheerful for children.

Strive for the goal without retreating back.

The teaching profession is very interesting, exciting, spiritual and creative. Children, like sponges, absorb the best qualities of this wonderful person.

It was not by chance that I chose this credo for myself!

IN modern world Our children are surrounded by many dangers in society, family and school. School is a place where every child should feel protected! It all starts with the simplest thing - with kindness!

Kindness is a quality of a person that expresses his ability and desire to do good to people. The opposite of good is malice. In ordinary consciousness, kindness refers to such personality qualities as gentleness, attentiveness, caring, and the ability to sympathize, without which kindness is unthinkable. Genuine kindness is principled and inspired by concern not only for the well-being of another person, but also for his moral excellence and dignity. (R. G. Apresyan.)

Everyone needs to remember: children are our future! Having taught them such qualities as kindness, honesty and justice, in the future we will get modern society with moral principles.

Nowadays, evil is often found near our children. I want to teach my students to believe in goodness and, of course, to do goodness themselves, to believe in good people, kind words...

Thus, I believe that our lives and the lives of our children need to be dedicated to goodness and, of course, to eradicate evil!

The teacher must understand that he works with children who have different views and temperaments - they are very different! It is appropriate to say: the teacher is a mirror for them, and children are his reflection! Children, like a litmus test, absorb the teacher’s lifestyle. Therefore, if a teacher allows himself to enter the class without a mood or allows himself to deceive a child, then the child, in turn, automatically copies the teacher. WITHThis is where relationship problems begin.

Thus, in order to prevent such situations from happening, you need to be with children:

    open, so that the child can turn to him with any problem and knows that you will support and understand him;

    honest, so that your students are honest with you;

    fun, so that children are charged with energy and work more actively in lessons.

    Why, in my opinion, is it necessary to strive for a goal without retreating back?

In order to solve these issues, you need to set yourself a goal to strive for without retreating back.

Target - an object of aspiration, something that needs to be achieved, it is desirable to achieve it.

For me, a goal is a long or perhaps short road to what I want; sometimes it lasts for years, and sometimes it is overcome in a few days.

Without a sense of purpose, an individual's activity would have no meaning. (Alfred Adler)

Any business we undertake must be accompanied by a goal, otherwise we will not know whether it is completed. I like wordsMarcus Allen: “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never know you’ve gotten there.” . I can't help but agree with his statement. Indeed, the goal for a teacher is to know and understand what you want from yourself and from your students.

It seems to me that every teacher has a goal, and, probably, there is more than one. My goal as a teacher is this: to raise literate, tolerant, sociable children, to instill in them kindness, a sense of humor, and honesty with others.

Thus, every teacher strives to put the best into the child, hoping that this will help him become an independent person. And every emerging personality must see his goal and strive for it.

To summarize, I would like to answer the last question that was asked at the beginning: why my credo sounds exactly like this: “Dedicate your life to good, fighting evil! Be open, honest and cheerful for children.Strive for the goal without giving upback".

Here are some criteria that correspond to my credo:

    Kindness is a quality of a person that expresses his ability and desire to do good to people.

    Humor helps teachers find common language with children, look at the world through their eyes;

    Honesty is the mirror of the soul between teacher and student;

    A goal is an incentive for every person’s life.

Essay “My pedagogical credo”

“...Perhaps our work is not noticeable in appearance, but I only know one thing - the kids are rushing to our garden, they are hurrying their mother in the morning - come on quickly, mother, let’s run! Probably – this is the answer – there is nothing more valuable than our work in the world!”L. F. Evstratikova

Morning. The alarm clock is ringing. Is it really time to get up, get dressed, go outside, and it’s so cold there? Wait for the bus, drive for an hour and look at half-asleep people. And everyone runs, runs...

And here it’s so warm, so cozy and you don’t want to rush anywhere. But I need to run to work, because “my” children are waiting for me there.I’m riding on the bus and thinking: “Am I valued as a teacher? Will they appreciate it in the future?my efforts, achievements, endeavors and aspirations? And I really want to know that someone needs it!”

And so I enter my kindergarten, my group. Nikita is already meeting me, showing me his new car, talking about it with sparkling eyes. And I look at him and think: “Is it really worth getting up at six in the morning for the sake of these eyes, for the sake of these ringing voices, sweet and familiar faces?”

I often think about what I would do without these little naughty girls, without sparkling eyes, without a hundred “Why?” It was probably not by chance that fate decreed this and brought me to kindergarten. Now this is my home, where I am welcome, appreciated, and to which I rush with interesting ideas.

I want to become my children’s closest friend, I want to give them my knowledge andskills to show how handsome and friendly the world around us. And if the question arises: “Will they appreciate me in the future?” , I think that the children I raise appreciate me today. They are valued for the interest with which I present the new, unknown, for the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in communication with me, for the high culture of behavior and communication skills, for love and understanding.

I know for sure that today parents value me as a partner in raising children, for the fact that children are loved and understood by me, for the level of upbringing and education of children, as well as for the unity and rapprochement of our wonderful child-parent-teaching tandem. And yet main score my work is still ahead. This is a school, a teaching staff, successful educational activities my students and their future independent life in society.

...And then evening comes, and in my head there are only thoughts about my children. How was your day? What interesting things did my fidgets learn? Did they feel comfortable communicating with me? What can I surprise them with tomorrow?

As L.N. Tolstoy said, “To love means to live the life of the one you love.” These words are the meaning of why I go to children every day.

Essay preschool teacher

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna, teacher of the Raduga MBDOU in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov region.
Job description: This material can be used by teachers for their portfolios and for various competitions.
Target: Disclosure of the meaning of the word educator.
- create a cozy atmosphere when familiarizing yourself with the material.
- cultivate a sense of interest in the material.

Teacher's Essay

“A teacher is a magician who opens
children's door to the world of adults. And what and how he teaches his pupils depends on what the teacher knows and can do.”

K. Helvetius

Essay by a teacher.

What does it mean to be a teacher? kindergarten, teacher of extraordinary children whom parents trust, the most precious and most priceless?
It is very difficult and difficult to answer this question, to choose the right words and formulate them into sentences, in what letters to express that happiness when a child gives you a warm palm, trustingly snuggling and rejoicing at you. You need to have great patience and compassion for children, a desire to see “your children,” worry about their successes and failures, rejoice at personal achievements and small victories. In fact, these children are not relatives, but you “grow together” with them, you begin to think with them, wonder and admire how they are, and now - these are already “my children”
The teacher is like a potter, in whose hands soft, pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. The teacher’s task is to fill this vessel with goodness, creativity, knowledge and skills. After mom, the teacher is the first teacher who meets on life path child. This is the same profession when a teacher always remains a child at heart, otherwise children simply will not accept him into their world, they will not let him into their hearts. I believe that the most important thing is to love children, give them your heart, love just like that, for nothing, just because they exist!

Teacher - who is he?
Mentor or edifier?
Or maybe he is a creator and soul sculptor
Or maybe just a person
Leaving a mark forever?
And simplicity and depth of soul
Capable of building bridges to our lives!

I have been working in a kindergarten for fifteen years and I don’t want any other profession for myself. I try to learn something fresh and keep up with new technologies in the field preschool education. The main thing is that I love children and I have a great desire to work. At work, daily self-education in communication with children, colleagues, parents. Every day I plan something, implement it, show it, communicate.

Yes, the teacher is a star destiny,
There is a search in it, the joy of insight,
Fight for children's souls
The work is simply inspiration!

During my stay in kindergarten I had the opportunity to work with different ages: from junior nursery to preparation, and I will say without hiding that each age has its own “zest”, its own distinctive features. When you dial younger age and you go, step by step, towards graduation from kindergarten, then during this time you become closer to the children and grow with them. A child is sick - and your heart hurts for him - how is he doing, is everything okay, has nothing serious happened? The most crucial moment is the child’s adaptation to the nursery group. When a baby cries and doesn’t want to let his mother go to work, you gather all your knowledge and skills, techniques and methods, gain patience and try to do everything to make the baby’s stay comfortable and cozy. And how great it is that this baby, who recently cried, comes into your arms and reaches out as if to to a loved one. Parting with your mother is already easier and more painless. I think this means one thing - you have become your own, second after your mother.
Every time the children leave kindergarten after prom, a piece of my soul leaves with them. Over time, you give so much love and energy, and in return you are given trust, joy and most importantly - love. I am proud that when my former students meet me, they smile with the smile by which I recognize them, say hello, and share their news and achievements.
Working with preschool children, you never cease to be amazed at how amazing, funny, caring, and wonderful they are. Curious. Each child is unique in his own way, with his own character and mood, talent and unpredictability. The future of the child and what he will teach them depends on what an adult knows and can do. The time of progress inexorably provides an opportunity for self-improvement, mastering innovative technologies and unconventional methods. To satisfy the curiosity of a modern child, knowledge is needed modern techniques and technology.
I am convinced that the true right to education is not a diploma vocational education, but a vocation, the main criterion of which is indifference to the destinies of others, high human virtues that determine the main pedagogical activity.
During my work, fate brought me together with wonderful people. I learned a difficult skill from more experienced and senior teachers, because being a teacher is a huge responsibility, such work can only be done by those who love children and are dedicated to their profession. The great teacher G. Pestalozzi, who practiced the pedagogy of love, said: “If you don’t love, then you don’t have the right to educate,” and every day I am convinced that he is right.
My profession is my life! I spend most of my time at work, but due to my workload and employment, I also manage to fulfill my family responsibilities. IN free time I like to pamper myself with a fascinating book, arrange a small holiday for the soul, because reading is an opening to a completely different world and living a few moments in this world is very cool! I love making various crafts from salt dough. When I get carried away new job, I am distracted from everyday worries, this is a kind of relaxation for me, which allows me to relieve stress after everyday work. And, of course, I’m always happy with the end result. My daughter Tatyana also picked up my hobby, although she’s not really in the mood for entertainment right now, because she’s finishing high school. educational school and careful preparation for the Unified State Exam is underway, and the eldest son Vladislav entered the Southern Russian State Pedagogical University and is a first-year student.
There is never a dull moment in kindergarten; every day is filled with something new and unexpected. It is simply impossible to calculate the situation. After all, children are unpredictable and act, almost always, contrary to logic. I am very pleased when a child goes to kindergarten without tears, with a smile on his face and greets him joyfully, but goes home with regret and disappointment.
I think that the profession of a teacher has become my calling, it has helped me find my path, my place in life, it has given me the opportunity to sincerely devote myself to what I love, to give my love and knowledge to children and not to burn out from it, but to become purer and richer in soul.
I am happy that I have tied myself with strong ties to a great and wonderful cause - raising children. I learned to look at the world through the enthusiastic eyes of children and contemplate it as it is. I learned to wake up every day expecting a miracle. I have the feeling that by raising children, I am raising myself!

I'm a teacher and I'm proud of it
What to live with children I'm learning in the world,
Yes, I am an actress of many roles.
But the main role is to replace mothers!

Thank you for your attention!

If poetry is the music of the heart, then the essay is the music of the mind. Every person has something to say. There are those strings that constantly sound in him, exciting, inspiring and moving him forward to the very last day life. It is this music that is embodied in the essay genre. Essay is the freest genre. This is an argument with the world. In an essay you can argue and doubt what others think is right and appropriate. You can even take aim at authorities. Call up great people from the past to enter into polemics with them, to prove to them the narrowness of their views or, conversely, to support their rightness. An essay is a common exercise that allows you not only to show your level of knowledge, but also to express yourself. Having heard this, many begin to think that it is enough to let their thoughts go free and write about whatever comes into their head. Of course not.A thought must be formalized, and it is limited by the fact that you need to express yourself in words, put your thoughts into sentences that will be correctly understood by the reader. It’s not just that a person conveys his thoughts to other people, but for a specific purpose - to be heard.



Pedagogical essay

The teacher does not constrain, but

Frees, does not suppress,

And it lifts up, it doesn’t crumple, but
Forms, does not dictate, but
He teaches, does not demand, but asks.

Worries a lot with the child

Inspirational moments.

(J. Korczak).

P Why did I choose the profession of teacher? I decided to become a teacher as a child, when I went to kindergarten myself, in order to bring knowledge, goodness, light and justice to children's souls and hearts. As a child, I very often organized games with children, where I was in leading role- teacher or educator. After eighth grade, I entered the Khanty-Mansiysk National Pedagogical School. This is how my teaching career began.

WHO is the teacher called? It's very difficult to tell. A teacher is like a second mother for a child: she will calm them down and tell them how to move forward in life. A teacher is simply a state of mind, without which it is impossible for us to lead a child into the world. An educator, by the nature of his profession, is a creator. Creator with capital letters, for he creates Man. What this person will be What will leave behind itself - that’s the result professional path teacher Who's in children's world Once you get there, your heart stays there forever. Nothing in life is more important than these little children. And the teacher leads them along the first road of life. To all the questions: what, how, where, when and why? – teachers will find the answers. And good advice is always ready for parents. I like what I do. Feeling responsible and participating in something big is a great happiness.

Children with disabilities– these are special children, they come to us very young. The first need is to support parents, help them choose the right direction in the development of a special child. They are just entering a big life; in front of them is a road painted with different colors, like a multi-colored rainbow. Nature generously gifts children, but they cannot see these treasures. We, adults, need these gifts of nature. reveal, carefully preserving the child’s individuality. And I see my task as an educator in this. This is a great responsibility before a growing person, before his parents, before society, and before the future of all humanity.

“If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father or mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher,” said Leo Tolstoy. I strive to be just such a teacher.

I want our department to always have the happiness of learning, the joy of communication, an atmosphere of love and creativity, constant search, and the unity of students, parents and teachers. I believe that we will all overcome a lot together.

My life credo is to learn something new and interesting every day, because as I saidoutstanding scientist, humanist and thinker Ali Absheroni:

« A teacher cannot successfully teach someone if he does not study diligently at the same time.” A teacher in the modern world is the same as a student. While he is mastering new techniques, introducing innovations and studying literature, he is learning himself.

Municipal state educational institution

Novomelovatskaya secondary school

Kalacheevsky district, Voronezh region

My pedagogical credo (essay)

Teach to learn

Prepared by Tatyana Petrovna Medvedeva

mathematics teacher 1st qualification category

X. Horsetail


My pedagogical credo is “Teach to learn”

There are many professions on Earth, different professions: interesting and monotonous, prestigious and not very prestigious, complex and simple, dangerous and ordinary, in demand and routine.

Who to be? Every person asks himself this question sooner or later. A person's journey begins with a childhood dream. I always knew that I would become a teacher. I couldn’t even imagine another profession in my future. As a little girl, I was fascinated by my first teacher, Polina Mikhailovna Lysenko. She was for me the ideal of kindness, justice, exactingness, and wisdom. I tried to be like her in everything. It is no coincidence that the favorite game of childhood was “playing school”, fortunately there was someone to teach - there are 8 children in our family. And now, after more than 30 years of working at the school, I can definitely say: my choice was made correctly. I am a teacher, a mathematics teacher in a small rural school.

Over the years, I realized that it is simply impossible to pass on all my knowledge to children. My pedagogical credo is “Teach to learn.” The main thing is to turn children from passive listeners into active participants educational process, teach them to think, find answers to pressing questions, make decisions independently, create conditions for unleashing their potential and help them know themselves.

What is a teacher like today? I believe the main professional values modern teacher- this is constant self-improvement, interest in innovative technologies, originality of thinking, courage in searching for solutions to non-standard problems. Success modern teacher depends not only on how much the teacher knows the subject and methods of work, but also on the personality of the teacher himself: his culture, general knowledge, sincerity, competence, objectivity, the ability to find an approach to the child.

I love my profession, I love entering the classroom, looking into the eyes of the children, feeling their mood, and I cannot allow disappointment to appear in the eyes of my students. A good teacher learns throughout his life. I believe that my best lesson is ahead, and life itself will continue it. I always think, will my lesson for children become a lesson of Faith, Goodness, Justice, Honor, Professionalism? That's why I'm moving forward towards my childhood dream!