How to enter MGIMO on a budget and is it realistic? There are at least 3 ways to do this: pass the Unified State Exam with 90 points and the DVI with 70, win the Olympiads or the Smarties and Smarties competition. You can also enroll in rare language courses.

The most famous forge of international relations specialists in Russia has acquired an aura of mystery during its existence. Its graduates are considered elite modern society, for whom the doors to TOP-level government institutions and large supranational corporations are open.

Therefore, an ordinary applicant, even if he has extraordinary abilities in the field of learning foreign languages, has many questions: “ Is it possible to enter MGIMO on a budget? How much does it cost? What is needed for this?».

Let us immediately give brief answers to them:

  • Realistic, but very difficult.
  • It will be worth your efforts, time and diligence, as well as the work of a good tutor.
  • To be admitted, you only need to get high scores in exams.
  • There are other options, but first things first.

Exams and passing scores for admission

You don't even need to read reviews to understand what the competition is in MGIMO, especially for the most prestigious faculties, is very high. For budget places in recent years it was more than 30 people per place, and 12-13 people on contract.

So passing exams with high scores is a prerequisite for admission. Let's see what items must be passed and how many points do you need to get into MGIMO? on budget and contract:

How to achieve perfect knowledge of languages ​​and a core subject in order to successfully pass all tests?

On your own or with help school teachers this is almost impossible to do, since it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the specifics of the Unified State Exam and the DVI.

Only a tutor who specializes in preparing applicants can really help. At the same time, if you practice for several months to six months, you are unlikely to achieve a noticeable effect. Minimum training lasts from 1 year, optimal – two years, and ideal – from two or more years.

Rare language courses

If your choice fell on the faculties of International Economic Relations or International Relations, the task revenues to MGIMO on the budget can be simplified with the help of courses in rare and oriental languages, which are taught by university teachers.

Enrollment for courses is carried out after the ninth grade based on test results in Russian language and literature, foreign and written exam in a core subject (mathematics or history).

KRY students spend two years preparing for the state exam, and also additionally study the chosen language. Classes take place three times a week for four hours.

At the end of the CRL, graduates take the exam in the Eastern Foreign Languages ​​Institute in a studied oriental or rare language, which significantly increases their chances of being admitted to a university on a budgetary basis. In addition, students receive priority admission.

Victory in the Olympics

One of the most respected universities in the country highly values ​​the winners of All-Russian Olympiads. Each faculty independently chooses which subjects to count in the Olympiad. But usually the direction of the competition that counts coincides with the core discipline of the Unified State Exam. For example, for the specialty “Jurisprudence” this subject will be social studies.

A win-win option is to win the Olympics. foreign language. Almost all faculties welcome the winners of such competitions with open arms.

On a preferential basis enter MGIMO you can also winners internal university olympiad. This competition helps to reveal the abilities of talented children, who subsequently become desirable applicants for vacant positions. The Olympiad is held in the following profiles:

  • economic-geographical;
  • sociological;
  • historical;
  • social science;
  • legal.

Smart girls and smart guys

The television project “Clever Men and Smart Men” is carried out by MGIMO jointly with Channel One. The competition is dedicated to social and humanities. Holders of the “Clever and Clever Men” winner diploma receive preferential treatment the right to enter MGIMO on a budget.

In particular, such applicants do not take entrance examinations if their results obtained as part of the Unified State Examination in social studies or history exceed the 75-point threshold (the highest score is automatically assigned when submitting documents). Also, the winners of the Olympiad receive the right to automatically receive 100 points in a creative competition, which is taken for the specialty “Journalism”. The validity period of prize winner diplomas is limited to four years.

So to really get into MGIMO, you need to decide on the faculty and your preferred specialty, choose the optimal strategy among those proposed and follow it to the bitter end. If you are truly talented and approach this task with maximum diligence, then as a result of hard work you will get a good chance of becoming a student at one of the most prestigious universities in the Russian Federation.

MGIMO is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. Most graduates of lyceums, gymnasiums and schools from different Russian cities dream of enrolling in Applicants, and their parents often wonder whether it is realistic to enter MGIMO, since the passing scores for budget places are really very high.

Admission to undergraduate programs

In order to apply for MGIMO undergraduate programs, applicants need to collect a package of documents, including Unified State Examination certificates, and also successfully pass an additional entrance test conducted directly by the university itself.

Is it possible to enter MGIMO without taking the Unified State Exam? Yes, this is possible for applicants who graduated from school several years ago. To do this, they need to pass exams at the university itself, which are analogous to the Unified State Exam.

Minimum Unified State Exam scores

In order to be able to submit documents to MGIMO, applicants must score the following Unified State Exam scores:

DVI: creative competition and foreign language exam

What do you need to get into MGIMO, besides high results on the Unified State Exam? In order to participate in the competition, applicants must pass entrance tests conducted directly by the university itself.

For some undergraduate programs, including the International Journalism major, applicants must pass a creative competition, which includes 2 stages. The first stage involves writing an essay on one of the proposed socio-political topics. The second stage is an interview conducted by the examination committee. The applicant is asked questions, all answers are recorded and subsequently evaluated.

In order to be able to participate in the competition in the future, the applicant must score more than 60 points out of 100 for the additional entrance test. Applicants who score less than 60 points are not allowed to further participate in the competition.

Budget and paid places

How to enter MGIMO on a budget? In order to enroll in state-funded places, an applicant must score fairly high scores on the Unified State Examination and the additional entrance test.

In each direction, the number of budget places is limited, exactly the same as the number of places with paid training. In 2018, 79 and 33 budget places were allocated for the program, as well as 20 and 30 places with tuition fees, respectively. There are 67 budget places at the Faculty of International Economic Relations, and the competition for one place is more than 9 people.

It is quite difficult to enter MGIMO on a budgetary basis, both in the Faculty of International Journalism and the Faculty of Management, since only 48 budget places are allocated for the first faculty, and even less in the Faculty of Management - only 40. The competition for these faculties exceeds 50 people in place.

It is really difficult to enter MGIMO, both on a budgetary and paid basis, because there is a competition of more than 400 people at the MIEP faculty, where only 33 budget places are allocated in several areas. The Faculty of International Politics has 60 budget places, and there are also 85 places available with tuition fees. In total, in 2018, a total of 424 places on a budget basis and 1,431 places with tuition fees were allocated for all undergraduate programs, including programs conducted at the MGIMO branch in Odintsovo.

Pre-university preparation

It is really difficult to enter MGIMO on a budget, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Approach plays a huge role in preparation. That is why the university has created several systems for preparing applicants for admission to its faculties.

Pre-university training programs offered by MGIMO:

  • One-year full-time program.
  • A two-year program conducted as part of evening preparatory courses.
  • An accelerated one-year training program conducted as part of evening preparatory courses.
  • Courses of rare and oriental languages, conducted as part of a two-year pre-university training program.
  • Courses in foreign languages ​​as part of modular preparation for admission to MGIMO.

It is worth noting that pre-university training programs conducted as part of full-time education accept only applicants who have a diploma of completion of secondary education. Persons who have a higher education diploma educational institution, are not allowed on courses. The duration of training is 12 months. It is carried out on a day shift approximately 5 days a week. The load on subjects during the week is distributed as follows:

  • 14 hours of foreign language classes;
  • 10 hours of classes in a core subject, which may include history, social studies, and mathematics;
  • 10 hours of Russian language classes.

Admission to MGIMO, both the faculty of pre-university preparation and undergraduate studies, is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Examination and an additional entrance test. The courses are aimed at helping the applicant more successfully pass the additional entrance examination conducted by the university.

Pre-master's preparation

You can enroll in both undergraduate and graduate programs at MGIMO by preparing for special courses conducted by the university. Pre-master's training includes several programs, such as:

Also, additional enrollments are being opened for such areas as:

  • foreign regional studies;
  • finance and credit;
  • sociology;
  • journalism and others.

All pre-master's courses are paid. In total, the training courses last 28 weeks. The entire period of study is divided into 2 semesters of 14 weeks each. The format of the classes is designed so that applicants can fully become familiar with the structure of additional entrance tests.

Information about applicants

Lists of applicants to MGIMO are posted in a special section on the university’s official website. Also, all final lists of applicants can be found in admissions committee educational institution.

Information about applicants, posted on the official website, is conveniently structured by faculties and areas of training. In other words, the applicant needs to go to the official website of the university, find the section dedicated to applicants, then select the faculty for which the application was submitted and check their data in a separate document. In addition, all applicants are structured not only by areas of training, but also by the basis of training: budget or paid.

Additional required information about admission

All the necessary information on how to enter MGIMO is posted in a special section for applicants on the official website of the university.

Applicants can familiarize themselves with the full list of areas of preparation for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, find out the DVI schedule, and also solve trial exams, also presented in the section for applicants.

The website also contains information about applications already submitted, as well as information about the competition for a place in the current position. Information is updated every working day.

The university strives to keep up with the times, so apply for admission to one of educational programs You can also use the online form on the official website.

Based on my experience of admission and work in the admissions committee of MGIMO, I decided to formulate some advice for those who dream of entering best university Russia (here students from other countries will argue with me Russian universities, however, throughout my entire study at MGIMO, I never doubted this, so I can’t be convinced). Let me make a reservation right away that I will not write about alternative methods, such as participating in the “Smart Men and Women” program (from which, by the way, I know many people who really turned out to be not only smart people, but also not such “nerds” at all) what they look like on Professor Vyazemsky’s show). “Bypass” routes to admission also include All-Russian Olympiads, the winners of which are admitted without exams, the “Three Steps to a Dream” competition, which allows you to enter the Faculty of International Journalism without competition, preferential admission conditions for the winners of other Olympiads (read about all this annually on mgimo. ru or I will also not dwell on the admission rules, which can be read in detail on the indicated sites.

This year MGIMO is recruiting only future bachelors with the opportunity to continue their studies in a master's program. Admission is based on the results of the Unified State Exam + additional exam in a foreign language and creative competition for future journalists. No benefits are provided to medalists. You can submit documents for both budget and contract forms of study. I studied on a budget, and I think that enrolling on a budget is a little more difficult than paying for a fee, but studying for money at MGIMO is not cheap.

1. MGIMO building on Vernadsky Avenue, 76. 2. MGIMO Library. 3. On the campus of the university.

Of course, competition has increased greatly with the widespread introduction of the Unified State Exam. However, here are the statistics from last year:

“The competition for budget places amounted to an average of 30 people per place at the University. Most applicants applied and participated in the competition for several faculties at once. Among the applicants, 230 people presented 100 Unified State Examination points in one of the subjects, 105 of them were enrolled in the 1st year.

The average Unified State Exam score for those admitted to the budget was 83.75 points in one subject (foreign language - 90, Russian - 82, mathematics - 84, history - 81, social studies - 78, literature - 89). The average total passing score was 335 points"

As you can see, the numbers are not astronomical. Scoring 335 points in four exams is not at all difficult. Therefore, the first advice:

1. Don't be afraid to dream

If you did well in school, if you like to study, if you have ambitions and plans for the future, don’t be afraid to dream! You are no worse than thousands of other applicants, and passing scores show that it is not at all necessary to get hundreds on the Unified State Examination results. Admission to MGIMO is not a miracle, it is the result of long work on yourself, efforts that can ultimately change your life. What kind of people become presidents, CEOs of corporations, astronauts or famous athletes? These are people who are not ashamed of their dreams, do not listen to skeptics, but simply know where they want to go and methodically move in this direction.

Say your wildest dream out loud. Tell your loved ones about it. Don't let them dissuade you - on the contrary! Convince them. They will support you.

2. Don't listen to gossip

They enter MGIMO smart people. They do it themselves, without the need to involve dads and additional financial expenses. Bribes are generally a separate issue, because legends about the astronomical sums required to get you “admitted” are spread by almost everyone who did not find themselves on the coveted list - who were less fortunate than others. The first thing that can repel and scare away from MGIMO are such rumors. During my studies, I got tired of arguing on forums with people who throw mud at MGIMO and its teachers: I never Not only have I not been faced with the need to give someone something for passing a test or exam, but I have never heard even one teacher hint that there is such an option at all. MGIMO is a cultural university where they study (with rare exceptions) cultured people, get the grades they deserve, go to class, respect the teachers, and the teachers respect them.

I worked on the admissions committee, and saw with my own eyes all the applicants, and people who quoted Pushkin in their entrance essay: “I loved you so sincerely, so much” (I’m not kidding), completely deservedly failed the exam. But excellent work that deserved highest scores, these are the highest scores they received.

If your argument is “everything there is for money,” then you are greatly mistaken, and it is very sad that because of such a misconception you can voluntarily remain “overboard” from the university of your dreams.

3. Learn from the experiences of others

Study the requirements for applicants on the website Look at examples of entrance exams. Read stories from others about how they managed to get in (look for them on blogs, applicant forums, etc.) Talk to those who didn’t succeed, but don’t let them confuse you: you need to learn from their mistakes. Very often we do not understand what we did wrong, why we failed in this or that endeavor, but we can see the mistakes of others clearly and distinctly. Collect a collection of such errors, write for yourself your personal list of “How to Not enter MGIMO,” and don’t let yourself step on someone else’s rake.

4. Put in the effort

Let's be honest: desire alone is not enough. You also need to have a good knowledge base. In my opinion, the introduction of the Unified State Exam has greatly simplified the preparation process, because now there are relatively fewer surprises: you take one exam, and not ten at different universities. And all you need to do is focus and do well. Or rather, brilliantly.

The sooner you decide on the faculty and the set of subjects you will need, the better. Of course, an emergency version of preparation is also possible, when a huge amount of information is absorbed in a few days (everyone becomes familiar with this in the first session). But this option is extremely unreliable; it is more like advice from the series “how to reduce your chances of admission.” Therefore, decide in advance, ideally at least two to three years in advance. What you know for sure is that you will need a foreign language at an excellent level. Therefore, if at your school (like mine) they teach English for show, study it yourself, best option- With a good tutor. Keyword- With good, I speak based on my own bitter experience. In two years with my first English tutor, I learned less than in two months with my second.

In core subjects, you will have to get used to doing more than others. If you are studying at a gymnasium or lyceum with in-depth study anything, this does not at all guarantee the quality of your knowledge.

5. Focus only on yourself

Test yourself, read more, solve additional problems, participate in competitions, prepare reports, and most importantly - do not focus on others! Don't just try to be better than your classmates; this advantage may be illusory, especially if intermediate level The school is not too outstanding. If on average your classmates get 70 points on the Unified State Exam in mathematics, you will not be satisfied with 75-80. You need to want 100. To do this you need to not just be head and shoulders above, you will have to build for yourself new system coordinates in which you should improve continuously no matter how far you are already from your peers.

Try to be better than yourself every day.

6. Don't give up

You may not succeed. There is no need to prepare for defeat, but it cannot be ruled out. In such a situation there are several ways. The first is to study where you entered: if you are not satisfied with MGIMO, you can always stop at what you have already achieved. There is nothing wrong with this; many of those who did not enter MGIMO the first time take this path. However, when you really want something, there is not a single reason (“losing a year”, “it’s not a fact that I will enroll next time”, “there is no money to study at preparatory courses”) that is solid enough to give up on a dream. There are many options for spending the year usefully and trying again next summer: these are the preparatory faculty of MGIMO (about 70% of the sub-faculty students enroll annually), and rare language courses, and evening preparatory courses.

My personal opinion is that with the introduction of the Unified State Exam, it is quite possible to do without preparatory courses. You can even study at another university for a year (this option is especially suitable for young people of military age), while not forgetting to prepare for a new passing the Unified State Exam and a new try. A year of careful work on mistakes is more than enough to achieve success next time.

I wrote this text because applicants and their parents very often ask me: “How to enter MGIMO?” It's like there's some kind of original recipe. There is none: everything depends only on you and on your ambitions, on your perseverance and determination. After studying at MGIMO for five years, I realized one very important thing: don’t be afraid to dream. Don't be afraid to try. Don't underestimate yourself. The only thing impossible in life is what you never decide to do.

The famous institute of diplomats, political scientists and translators and other international specialists even in Soviet times was considered a hard-to-reach and “major” university. They selected the best of the best and the best of their kind, and it was desirable to have special connections and money. Nowadays it has become even more difficult to enter MGIMO on a budget, but it can still be done. In each direction, from 5 to 77 budget places are allocated. In this article we will tell you what you need to do to take one of them. According to Yuri Vyazemsky, a professor at MGIMO and a famous TV presenter, getting into a university is possible thanks to deep knowledge.

How many points will you need?

The competition at MGIMO is high, more than 50 people per place. The lowest passing score in 2016 was in the direction of “State and municipal government"- 263, 15 people were hired on the budget. The highest passing score was recorded in the “Journalism” direction - 374 points, 25 students study for free.

1. It's all up to you

Without influential acquaintances and big money, you can only go to MGIMO on a budget if you are very serious. Preparations for admission usually begin in the 9th grade. The volume of material is fantastic, so even 2-3 years may not be enough. You need to study for several hours every day, so get rid of the “time wasters” - social networks, TV, computer games.

2. Foreign language

This is one of the required subjects for admission, so try to earn as many points as possible on the Unified State Exam. If you get less than 84 points, you can forget about how to enter MGIMO on a budget. Courses, tutors, online training, language camps to help you.

3. Olympiads and intellectual competitions

Winner and prizewinner statuses last stage All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, as well as a member of the national team at international olympiads schoolchildren and allows you to enroll without entrance exams.

How to get there? Show the best results at the school and city Olympiads, and then at the final stages. In fact, you will have to learn only one subject, but you will need to know it thoroughly.

4. “Smart guys and smart girls”

Thanks to the television humanitarian Olympiad “Clever Men and Clever Girls,” 10-15 people are admitted to MGIMO on preferential terms every year; in one year, even 27 guys were accepted, according to Yuri Vyazemsky. Every eleventh grader can get on the show. Muscovites can be selected directly by the school - the editors of the program visit educational institutions and invite talented children. For those who do not live in Moscow, the presenter announces a question at the end of the program. If your answer is the best among those sent, you will definitely be invited to the shooting. Topics become known a month in advance, so everything depends only on your diligence and memory.

5. MGIMO Olympiads for schoolchildren

Participation in Olympiads for schoolchildren, which are conducted by MGIMO, significantly increases the chances of successful admission.

  • Olympiad on the profile “Humanitarian and social sciences"(history and social studies) together with " Russian newspaper" The selection of participants is carried out remotely. Students in grades 7-11 can participate.
  • Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography "Lomonosov" together with Moscow State University and Russian State University geographical society. Students in grades 5-11 can take part. Tests are being carried out at regional sites.

6. Pre-university preparation

There is a pre-university training department at MGIMO. In classes, children study in depth the history of Russia, literature, the Russian language, foreign languages, including oriental and rare languages. Average mark on Unified State Exam graduates preparatory courses 90-93 points. The duration of the courses is 1-2 years.

The one who walks will master the road. Go for it, and after a while you will be telling everyone how to get into MGIMO on a budget.

They say that a university is made by its graduates. At MGIMO in different times Sergei Lavrov, Ksenia Sobchak and many others studied. More than two thirds of all employees of the Russian diplomatic service graduated from MGIMO! And, of course, watching the success of graduates of the “dream university”, which is annually included in the ranking of the best higher educational institutions, many school graduates begin to storm search engines with inquiries about whether it is possible to enter MGIMO. That is why we decided to write this article and help future applicants by answering this and other questions.

How to enter MGIMO on a budget?

Entering MGIMO today is not an easy task, because due to the “brand” of a higher educational institution, the competition only increases over the years. When faced with questions about whether it is possible to enter MGIMO on a budget and what is needed to enter MGIMO, we advise you in advance not to listen to myths, but to focus on preparation, because “difficult” does not mean “impossible”.

Tuition fees for 2017/18 academic year varies from 193 thousand to 360 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen branch

The price may scare you, but it's well worth it. Firstly, you will be able to improve your level of preparation for the Unified State Exam, which will be useful even if you decide at the last moment to go to another university. And secondly, the courses allow you to improve the knowledge necessary for MGIMO’s internal entrance tests.

Unified State Exam and additional entrance exams

To enter MGIMO, you need to have fairly high grades. In 2017, the average Unified State Exam score for the budget was 95 points, and for the contractual form of education– 79 points.

In addition to the Unified State Exam, each applicant will receive additional entrance exams. For most destinations this is a foreign language. But for applicants« International journalism» selection takes place in two stages. Firstthis is an essay on a socio-political topic, the secondoral presentation of your portfolio. By the way, the larger the portfolio, the better.


Foreign language

IN modern world Knowledge of a foreign language will no longer surprise anyone, so it is one of the required subjects when entering the forge of diplomats and international relations specialists. In addition, if your result is less than 84 points, you will no longer be able to qualify for admission to the budget. Yes, even if the total points are enough.
Therefore, pay a lot of attention to a foreign language, because now there are many opportunities for this: face-to-face courses, online learning, classes with a tutor, language camps abroad.

Smart girls and smart guys

Most likely, each of you has seen at least once television program“Smart Girls and Smart Girls”, which is held among gifted and talented high school students. The Olympics starts in September and ends in April. Based on the results of the multi-stage intellectual television competition, the jury and the organizing committee of the Olympiad determine the winners and prize-winners.

Of course, there are also rules. To qualify for the budget, “smart students” must get at least 75 points in history and social studies. Upon admission to the direction of "Journalism" Unified State Exam results are not taken into account, since the profile of the Olympiad corresponds to the entrance test of a creative/professional orientation - a creative competition.

Schoolchildren's Olympics

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren is not only one of the largest events in the educational field, but also an excellent opportunity to receive preferences for admission. Of course, becoming a winner is quite difficult, since it is not enough to just be a diligent and talented student, but victory is worth it. Winners and runners-up of the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren are admitted to MGIMO without entrance examinations.

o disabled due to military injury or illness received during the period of military service military service;

o orphans;

o children left without parental care;

o combat veterans.

It is also worth noting that the rule for admission to study under a special quota is set within no less than 10% of the number of budget places in each direction and/or undergraduate training program, for which the corresponding admission targets have been established.

Alena Vnukova