788th Weapons Research and Testing Center and military equipment Ground Forces formed by Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation No. 314/3/0335 in June 1999 on the basis of the 11th Test Site for Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems and Military Air Defense Complexes (11 GNIIP, Emba-5 Air Defense Test Site) and the 2nd Test Directorate for Missile Systems of the Ground Forces and the 34th Engineering Test Station parts . Honored Tester of the Russian Federation, Colonel Vladimir Semenovich Zhovtokon, was appointed the first head of the Research Center.

The purpose of the center is to prepare and conduct jointly with the ordering departments of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense, research institutions of the RF Ministry of Defense and industrial enterprises scientific research and testing in the field of development of tactical and operational-tactical missile systems, reconnaissance and strike complexes, anti-aircraft missile systems and military air defense systems, as well as combat control and communications systems. In the conditions of the 4th State Central Interservice Test Site, the center is capable of performing test work in the interests of other types of troops of the Russian Defense Ministry and other ministries and departments.

Since its formation in difficult conditions of limited funding personnel The Scientific Research Center created the experimental testing base of the unit, debugged new approaches to testing methodology within the reduced territories of the 4th Main Center of Transport. In a short time, new launch pads and technological buildings were introduced, communications, power supply and measurement facilities were deployed, access roads and technological routes were repaired. The experimental testing base of the center in the interests of testing military air defense weapons and military equipment was created practically from scratch, often in the process of testing. Reconstruction of the buildings is still ongoing.

In conditions of limited time (in just six months) and insufficient funding, the personnel of the center, with the direct participation of the command and services of the test site, managed to carry out the redeployment of units and equipment of the 11th test site (a total of six military echelons arrived), the formation of the Research Center itself, the construction and retrofitting of an experimental testing base while ensuring continuity of testing. The area of ​​special attention of the training ground command was the resettlement and arrangement of arriving military families.

The main testing unit of the Research Center is research and testing departments(NIU), designed for testing, comprehensive verification and evaluation of the technical, combat and operational characteristics of missile systems for tactical and operational-tactical purposes (RK TN and OTN) and military air defense equipment. They are the successors and continuers of the glorious history of previous generations of testers.

MILITARY THOUGHT 01_2007, pp. 4-8

Head of the Research Center of Military Air Defense of the Russian Armed Forces

Colonel O.A. DANILOV,

candidate of military sciences

DANILOV Oleg Alexandrovich was born on October 7, 1957. Graduated from the Smolensk Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School command school(1978), Military Academy air defense SV named after Marshal Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (1991). During his service in the army, he successively held positions from platoon commander, battery commander to senior officer of the air defense department of the military district (Siberian Military District). Scientific activity started in 1989 at 39 Scientific Research Institute of Moscow Region. Since 2005 - Head of the Research Center of the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Military Sciences, senior researcher. Foundation laureate Public opinion"for 2002.

SINCE THE BEGINNING of the 60s of the last century, anti-aircraft missile systems, improved anti-aircraft artillery, various radio-technical radar stations and control equipment developed on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology have become the main means of destroying enemy air. On the one hand, this necessitated a deep scientific study of both the purely technical issues of their construction and the forms and methods of their combat use; on the other hand, it required the further development of the entire system of training qualified personnel.

Therefore, the government of the country took a number of measures for the comprehensive development of air defense of the Ground Forces. As a result, after a series of intermediate organizational changes, on June 20, 1977, by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a branch of the Military Artillery Academy named after M.I. Kalinin was transformed into the Military Academy of Air Defense of the Ground Forces.

The corresponding support for the type of troops began with the organization scientific group, originally created back in the late 60s at the faculty of anti-aircraft artillery, which operated as part of the Kyiv Higher Artillery engineering school(KVAIU) named after SM. Kirov.

In 1969, a front-line soldier, an active participant in the Great Patriotic War, was appointed head of the KVAIU (since 1973 - Kiev Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Engineering School Patriotic War, a man of high erudition and broad outlook, a talented organizer who knew how to combine exactingness with genuine accessibility and sympathetic attitude towards subordinates, Major General of Artillery E.M. Kraskevich. Subsequently (1974) he headed a branch of the Military Artillery Academy named after. M.I. Kalinin, created on the basis of the anti-aircraft artillery faculty (which in August 1962 was relocated to KVAIU from the Military Artillery Academy in Leningrad). As a high-ranking leader, Major General E.M. Kraskevich was deeply aware of the importance and necessity of conducting research work in the interests of the military branch and therefore in every possible way supported the creation, establishment and development of a research group at the university he headed.

However, the ever-increasing knowledge intensity of research and development work both in the creation of new weapons and military air defense equipment of the Ground Forces, and the complexity of the issues of its combat use have become disproportionate to the capabilities of the scientific group. This confronted the command of the military branch and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense with the need to go to the government of the country with a petition to create a large-scale research organization of the military branch that would fully meet the demands of the time.

Thus, in 1971, the basic research organization of the Air Defense Forces of the North was created - the 39th Research Institute, headed by Major General V.D. Kirichenko, who previously held the position of head of the State Research and Test Site. It should be noted that it was under his leadership that very difficult and multifaceted tasks of the formation period were successfully solved in a short time, and above all the main one - the creation of an efficient and cohesive team of like-minded military scientists and researchers. In 1983, after the departure of then Lieutenant General V.D. Kirichenko for a well-deserved retirement, the head of the 39th Research Institute was appointed the head of the air defense troops of the Siberian Military District, Major General I.F. Losev.

In general, the purposeful, high-quality work of the research institute team made it possible to correctly determine the development paths of the military branch, develop the necessary requirements for new systems and types of weapons, formulate balanced sets of air defense forces and means, and provide the troops with the necessary combat documents.

With the transfer of the institute to the jurisdiction of Ukraine (1992), the question arose about re-establishing a similar scientific institution on the territory of Russia. Moreover, military air defense was in even greater need of continuing research into issues of combat use, increasing combat readiness, comprehensive support for troops, as well as scientific substantiation of operational and tactical requirements for advanced weapons and control systems. However, in economic conditions transition period It was quite difficult to solve such an issue: for this, on the one hand, significant financial costs were necessary, on the other, a strict condition was set for maximum savings. And this is subject to the restoration of significantly destroyed personnel training and scientific support systems for military air defense.

“To manage means to foresee,” - it was this manifestation of wisdom that was demonstrated in 1991 - 1992 by the commander of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, Colonel General B.I. Dukhov, his first deputy, Major General V.K. Chertkov, Colonel General Yu.T. Chesnokov, E.V. Kalashnikov, Chief of Staff of the Air Defense Forces, Lieutenant General V.D. Degtyarev, Deputy Commander of the Air Defense Forces for Armament, Major General A.G. Luzan in developing proposals for the Russian Government to make a decision on this issue.

In February 1992, the former commander of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, now retired Colonel General B.I. Dukhov proposed creating a new type of university on the basis of the Smolensk Higher Engineering School of Radio Electronics - a military academy of the military branch, which would solve the problem of training two-level officer personnel (for tactical and operational levels). The Academy also included the basic scientific unit of the military branch - Research Center. This opinion was based on the extreme high cost of complex military equipment and weapons of air defense forces, built on the latest technologies and modern elemental base of radio engineering, radio electronics and computer technology and the entire range of measures (including, first of all, the human factor) to ensure operation, repair and readiness for combat use.

To implement this plan, the command of the military branch launched work that was unprecedented in its scale and intensity in order to make the optimal decision. During this period, a lot of studies, assessments and examinations were carried out at different levels. In addition to its command, a number of leaders of the Armed Forces of those years took an active part in the struggle for the future of military air defense: the Chief of the General Staff of the CIS Allied Forces, Colonel-General V. Samsonov, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Allied Forces for Personnel, Colonel-General Yu. Rodionov, the Commander of the Ground Forces of the CIS Allied Forces, General -Colonel V.M. Semenov and the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces of the CIS, Air Marshal E.I. Shaposhnikov.

It should be noted that the country’s leadership gave a competent assessment of the current situation regarding the air defense troops of the Ground Forces and wisely determined the priority military science taking into account the prospects for the development of the military branch.

Thus, in order to replenish the lost scientific personnel and conduct further military-scientific research in the field of development and combat use of air defense troops of the Ground Forces, in February 1992, an order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces of the CIS and Directive of the General Staff of the CIS Armed Forces No. 314/285 dated February 29, 1992 were signed. about education on the basis of Smolensk VIURE Research Center of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, which has become the parent and leading scientific organization in the field of scientific research current problems reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, combat use of formations, units and air defense units of the Ground Forces, improving existing ones and developing scientifically based operational and tactical requirements for promising models of weapons and military equipment of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces. It was from this moment that the history of the creation of the Research Center for Military Air Defense of the Russian Armed Forces began.

Somewhat later, when, on the basis of the order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 146-RP dated March 31, 1992 and the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Armed Forces of the CIS dated April 27, 1992, on the basis of the Smolensk VIURE, Military Academy The Air Defense Forces of the Russian Federation, Research Center became its full-time scientific unit.

For fifteen years, its employees have successfully carried out multifaceted, relevant and complex tasks scientific support for the process of reforming the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, which was set before them by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the command of the Air Defense Forces.

In the history of the Research Center, three stages can be distinguished.

At the first stage (1992-1995) a solid foundation was laid for a systematic methodology for studying military-scientific and military-technical problems of air defense of the ground forces, at the same time a lot of organizational problems were solved, the foundations were created research base using computer technology. For practical testing of the results of scientific research, despite the beginning of the winding down of combat training of troops, there was a regular participation of scientific staff in all exercises with the use of air defense forces and means of the Army, especially with live firing. By the end of 1994, in the context of a deteriorating economic situation in the country and the Armed Forces, the Center's personnel were able to successfully solve all the most significant problems of the organizational period while simultaneously launching fundamental scientific research and training scientific personnel.

Second stage (1996-2000) is associated with a significant expansion of the range of research tasks solved by the Center. During this period, the organizational structure was determined, issues of arrangement, material support, especially computer technology. Thus, in 1996, research was intensified to improve the forms and methods of combat use of military air defense groups in operations. Since 1997, it has been finally formed scientific direction to create promising automated systems management based on the use of elements of artificial intelligence. By 1999, the Center played a leading role in matters of the integrated use of air defense forces and means of various military formations of the RF Armed Forces. In addition, active research continues on the problems of automating enemy air control and reconnaissance systems in the Air Defense Forces.

During this period, a number of scientific and methodological works were developed that regulated the procedure for implementing the noted areas of development of the military branch. By the end of 2000, the Center was already fully operational. It has strong scientific ties with more than thirty research organizations and scientific and production associations and is rightfully becoming an authoritative research institution.

The third stage of the center's life (2001 - present) marked by rapid development information technology, an increase in the flow of valuable scientific information obtained from the results of the participation of its research staff in various tactical special and research military exercises during testing of new types of weapons and military equipment. During this period, the Center’s efforts are focused on solving issues of reconnaissance of enemy air and further development of problems of automation of command and control systems, developing an ideology for their development, and developing the scientific basis for the combat use of military air defense formations in various conditions.

By 2006, a system of scientific support for the creation of the latest automated command and control points for military air defense forces and means at the tactical and operational level was fully deployed. In addition, the development of normative and methodological documentation regulating the issues of increasing combat readiness, operational deployment, combat use and provision of military air defense forces and means, and combat training of qualified personnel for the armed forces was completed.

Over its short 15-year history of existence, the team of the Research Center, in a difficult environment, was able to successfully solve a complex of diverse tasks and problems, while at the same time increasing results scientific work: completed and shipped to customers over 500 reports for research work, more 250 operational missions. Written and published about 20 textbooks And teaching aids. In addition, received over 15 copyright certificates and patents for inventions.

The Center has launched training of scientific personnel through competition and postgraduate training at the Military Academy of Military Air Defense. During the noted period, over 20 highly qualified employees. In the short period of existence of the research center, it has been protected two doctoral and 19 dissertations for competition scientific degree Ph.D. IN are currently working successfully at the Center six doctors And sixteen candidates of science. A number of scientists have academic titles professors and associate professors in their specialties, some of them were awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, and are members of the Academy of Sciences. Of those who previously worked and are now working at the Center, 37 people have an academic education, of whom 19 received it while already being research assistants. Among the Center's employees there are a number of officers who participated in hostilities and were awarded high state awards and whose combat experience is certainly reflected in the research being conducted.

Today, the activities of the Center are characterized by a further increase in the intensity and depth of research to determine directions for the further development of military air defense based on promising models of weapons and military equipment, identifying reserves for increasing the combat capabilities of military air defense groups based on existing models of weapons and military equipment, substantiating the requirements for promising models of weapons and military equipment. military equipment, research into issues of combat use of military air defense formations, as well as the development of statutory and methodological documents in the interests of the branch of the armed forces.

The Research Center of the Military Air Defense of the Russian Armed Forces celebrates its fifteenth anniversary with the desire to continue to fruitfully and selflessly serve to strengthen the defense capability of our Motherland.

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The main activity of ANO "InIS VVT" is certification of quality management systems, products, environmental management systems, occupational safety management systems, information security management systems. Certification bodies are accredited in the Military Register Voluntary Certification System, the Federal Accreditation Service, the Military Standard Voluntary Certification System, and conduct joint certifications with TUV CERT. More than 1,500 industrial enterprises in 59 regions of the Russian Federation are its partners, many of which employ representatives of the Institute.

One of the main activities of ANO "InIS VVT" is organizing and conducting training for specialists involved in the development, conduct of internal audit and certification of management systems of organizations and enterprises. Over 16 years, more than 14,000 specialists from 1,300 enterprises have been trained.

The Institute publishes a monthly magazine "Quality Bulletin" and teaching materials on issues of quality management in the defense industry, regularly participates in international exhibitions and seminars.

Contact persons

Zhivotkevich Igor Nikolaevich - General Director
Fedotov Alexander Georgievich - first deputy. gene. dir. - Head of the Body for Certification of Quality Management Systems
Zhuravlev Alexander Vasilievich - deputy. gene. dir. - Head of the Body for Certification of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems
Borisova Olga Alekseevna - chief accountant
Sobol Ekaterina Vladimirovna - secretary-assistant

Certificates and licenses:

License to carry out work related to the use of information constituting state secret(FSB), issued by the Office of the FSB of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow region on September 20, 2013, GT series number 0070745
- Certificate of registration of the mass media of the journal "Herald of Quality". Series PI No. FS77-24891 dated July 7, 2006


The number of enterprises actively working with the Institute includes the largest developers and suppliers of military equipment, such as, for example:
- JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG;
- JSC "Russian Helicopters";
- JSC "United Engine Corporation";
- PJSC "Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G.M. Beriev";
- FG BOU VPO "Moscow State technical university named after N.E. Bauman";
- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University";
- JSC Taganrog Plant Priboi;
- PJSC "Ufa Engine Production Association";
- PJSC "Research and Production Association "Almaz" named after Academician A.A. Raspletin";
- Rostov helicopter production complex PJSC "Rostvertol";
- JSC "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant;"
- JSC "Perm Research and Production Instrument-Making Company";
- JSC "St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company";
- JSC "State Machine-Building Design Bureau "Vympel" named after I.I. Toropov";
- PJSC "Kazan Helicopter Plant";
- JSC "Research Institute of Measuring Instruments - Novosibirsk Plant named after Comintern" and many others.

Changes to airline information Institute for Testing and Certification of Weapons and Military Equipment entered: 04/24/2019. You can supplement the information posted or make changes to it by contacting the AviaPort agency.

At the Kapustin Yar training ground

In 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense plans to test about 100 weapons at the Kapustin Yar training ground in the Astrakhan region. This was announced today by Major Dmitry Andreev, a representative of the press service of the Strategic Missile Forces department.

“The research will be carried out not only in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but also other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation,” he noted. It was previously reported that in 2014, it is planned to test over 80 weapons at the test site, and in 2013, tests of more than 30 samples were completed.

In 2015, a complete modernization of the measuring complex at the test site should be completed with a transition to automatic operation. Now the structure of the test site includes four main scientific and testing units of weapons and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces, Air Defense and Air Force, the Ground Forces, a scientific testing center for measurements, mathematical processing and information exchange, as well as the Sary-Shagan missile defense test site located in Kazakhstan.

Kapustin Yar is considered, in particular, as an experimental site for testing robotics.

On May 13, 2014, celebrations dedicated to the 68th anniversary of its formation were held at the state central interspecific training ground “Kapustin Yar” (Astrakhan region). This date marks an entire era in the creation of missile weapons.

R-1 rocket at the test site / Photo: archive.today

The R-1 rocket is ready for launch / Photo: archive.today

It was here that the first domestic ballistic missiles were tested, and the first spacecraft were launched, including those with animals on board, which opened the way for man into space.

The test site was awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1972 for successful testing of first and second generation missile systems. As a result of the joint hard work of scientists and designers, organizations of the Ministry of Defense and range specialists, a methodology for range testing of various types of weapons was formed, implemented in test programs and methods, a unique experimental testing base was created, which is the main tool for range testing, with its help reproduction is carried out effects on test objects of physical factors of the natural and climatic environment, the creation of a target and interference environment, as well as full-scale, semi-natural and mathematical modeling of the processes of functioning and combat use of systems and means of weapons and military equipment.
Currently, in the structure of the Kapustin Yar training ground, there are four main scientific and testing units of weapons and military equipment (VVT) of the Strategic Missile Forces, Air Defense of the Air Force, Air Defense of the Ground Forces and Missile Forces and artillery, a center for measurements and mathematical information processing, as well as the Sary-Shagan missile defense test site, located in Kazakhstan.

The test site participates in the creation of weapons at the main stages of the life cycle, solving problems from the consideration of preliminary and technical designs, the development of programs and test methods to the assessment of the characteristics of the samples and the effectiveness of their combat use.

ICBM tests / Photo: Press services of the Russian Defense Ministry

Tests of air defense systems / Photo: Press services of the Ministry of Defense

Today, the State Central Interspecific Test Site "Kapustin Yar" is a single research complex that has high scientific and technical potential, a developed experimental and technical base, favorable climatic conditions, territory and airspace that allow testing and joint development of defensive and offensive weapons systems in the interests of all types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In particular, the Kapustin Yar test site is unique for testing elements of combat equipment for ballistic missiles.

Only its test tracks and range measuring complex make it possible to test promising combat equipment in the entire range of possible conditions for its delivery to targets. In 2010, tests of more than 20 types of weapons and military equipment were completed at the Kapustin Yar test site, including the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system, the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun system, and anti-aircraft missile systems. Tor-M2 and Buk, S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, Smerch multiple launch rocket systems, and regular tests of combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles and other equipment were carried out.

In the museum of the training ground, OTRK "Oka" / Photo: press service of the Russian Defense Ministry

In the museum of the training ground, PGRK "Pioneer" / Photo: press services of the Russian Defense Ministry

In 2013, tests of more than 30 types of weapons and military equipment were completed at the test site. In the course of solving these problems, about 330 launches of missiles, targets, and rockets were carried out. This year, over 80 weapons will be tested at the test site. In 2014, research is being carried out here not only in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, but also others Russian ministries and departments.

Currently, the test site is considered as an experimental site for testing robotic systems. Among the priority scientific research of the test site in 2014 is the improvement of the protection of military facilities and weapons, military and special equipment from technical reconnaissance equipment and guidance systems for high-precision weapons, as well as the study of problems in the development of testing systems for promising samples of special equipment.

It is planned that in 2015 the complete modernization of the polygon measuring complex will be completed with the transition to automatic operation.

788 research and testing center for weapons and military equipment of the Ground Forces established by Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 314/3/0335 in June 1999 on the basis of the 11 Test Site for Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems and Military Air Defense Systems and the 2 Test Directorate for Missile Systems of the Ground Forces. Honored Tester of the Russian Federation, Colonel Vladimir Semenovich Zhovtokon, was appointed the first head of the Research Center.

The purpose of the center is to prepare and conduct, together with the ordering departments of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense, research institutions of the RF Ministry of Defense and industrial enterprises, scientific research and testing in the field of development of tactical and operational-tactical missile systems, reconnaissance and strike complexes, anti-aircraft missile systems and military air defense systems, as well as combat control and communications systems. In the conditions of the 4th State Central Interservice Test Site, the center is capable of performing test work in the interests of other types of troops of the Russian Defense Ministry and other ministries and departments.

Since its formation, in difficult conditions of limited funding, the staff of the Research Center created the experimental and testing base of the unit, debugged new approaches to testing methodology within the reduced territories of the 4th MCMP. In a short time, new launch pads and technological buildings were introduced, communications, power supply and measurement facilities were deployed, access roads and technological routes were repaired. The experimental testing base of the center in the interests of testing military air defense weapons and military equipment was created practically from scratch, often in the process of testing. Reconstruction of the buildings is still ongoing.

In conditions of limited time (in just six months) and insufficient funding, the personnel of the center, with the direct participation of the command and services of the test site, managed to carry out the redeployment of units and equipment of the 11th test site (a total of six military echelons arrived), the formation of the Research Center itself, the construction and retrofitting of an experimental testing base while ensuring continuity of testing. The area of ​​special attention of the training ground command was the resettlement and arrangement of arriving military families.

The main testing link of the Research Center is the research and testing departments, designed for testing, comprehensive verification and evaluation of the technical, combat and operational characteristics of the RK TN and OTN and weapons and military equipment of military air defense. They are the successors and continuers of the glorious history of previous generations of testers.

NIU RK T and OTN, being the successor to the 2nd Test Directorate, has a history of more than half a century. The second testing authority was created by the Directive General Staff USSR Armed Forces on August 28, 1950 on the basis of a separate special-purpose anti-aircraft division. In addition to the testing departments, the department included a separate testing battery. On July 8, 1954, by Directive of the General Staff, a separate test battery was reorganized into a Separate Engineering Test Unit. In 1999, it was reformed into the testing base of the National Research University of the Republic of Kazakhstan T and OTN. Engineer-Colonel A.N. Volodin was appointed the first head of the department.

Having started testing with rocket artillery systems and air defense systems, the management team moved on to testing operational-tactical and tactical missile systems.

At the first stage, the department tested field rocket artillery shells and anti-aircraft shells, as well as long-range rocket artillery systems.

Testing of field rocket artillery systems, starting in 1953, was carried out by the 1st and 3rd control departments. The starting and technical positions for testing were equipped on site 8. At this time, the BM-14, BM-24, and BMD-20 rocket systems were tested.

Testing of anti-aircraft missiles. The first domestic samples of unguided anti-aircraft projectiles designed to defeat bombers at altitudes up to 15 km, the Strizh with a powder engine and the Chirok with a liquid engine of the ZSZ-115 complex, were tested from 1950 to 1957. Officers of the 2nd control department (department head Colonel-Engineer N.V. Solovyov) and personnel of the 2nd OICh team (team head Major V.V. Tyutyunnikov) took part in the tests of the complex.

In 1959, the department conducted flight design tests of the Krug military anti-aircraft guided missile. After finalizing the rocket, testing was continued at another test site.

Testing of long-range rocket artillery systems.

Since July 1954, tests have been carried out on the Korshun long-range rocket system with a liquid jet engine. The launch stand was installed on site 8. The tests were carried out by the 1st control department (department head Colonel A.F. Paramonov).

In 1956-1957, tests of the Filin-1 and Filin-2 shells were carried out. A powder rocket projectile and a mobile installation “Tulip” were presented for testing.

In 1957, ballistic firing tests were carried out on Mars powder rockets and a self-propelled launch complex. In the same year, the Mars complex was put into service. The supervisors of the work were engineer-colonel Bulgakov A.I., engineer-colonel Sudeiko F.V., engineer-lieutenant-colonel Chernukha Yu.T.

In 1959, factory flight tests of the Luna powder rocket, a self-propelled tracked launcher, as well as a prototype of the 2P21 launcher on the chassis of a ZIL-134 vehicle were carried out. The leaders of the tests were engineer-lieutenant-colonel Chernukha Yu.T., engineer-lieutenant-colonel Ostapenko A.P.

Officers Sokolovsky Yu.A., Trakhunov V.A., Mirzoyants M.A., Nikulin L.P., Pichugin Yu.A., Inber I.I., Bobrov K.V., took an active part in the above tests. Romonenko I.I., Tomashevich E.I., Chirkovsky S.P., Dolgov A.I., Baitsur O.G., Savchenko I.D., Leksin G.V., Kholopov A.I., Korneichuk A. .K., Muravsky A.N., Vasiliev N.V., Vikhorev B.P., Vinogradov L.K. and others.

In 1959-1961, the department tested the Onega mobile field rocket system with a solid-fuel guided missile, and in 1961-1963, the Ladoga and Baikal tactical missile systems with solid-fuel guided missiles. The tests confirmed the possibility of creating OTN and TN missile systems with fundamentally new control methods. The tests were conducted by the head of the 2nd department, Colonel Yu.A. Pichugin. and officers Inber I.I., Korneychuk A.K., Bobrov K.V., Dolgov A.M., Leksin G.V., Karpenko Yu.Yu., Kazakov V.S., Abaimov A.V., Baitsur O.G., Muravsky A.N., Burukin V.D. and others.

Testing of P-5 cruise missiles for the Navy at the test site began in 1957. The tests were carried out by officers of the Navy's weapons department of the 28th OICh, and from May 1959 - by officers of the 3rd directorate, head of the department, Rear Admiral S.A. Tarkhov. In 1964, the 3rd Directorate became part of the 2nd Test Directorate.

In the period from 1957 to 1964, tests were carried out on the P-5, P-6, “Amethyst”, P-35, P-7 cruise missiles of various modifications for the Navy, as well as the S-5 cruise missile for the Ground Forces. The leaders of the tests were captains of the 1st rank Ryaboy K.A. and Zheglov N.N., engineer-colonel Sergeev V.L. And subsequently, the 2nd Directorate took part in testing missile systems for the Navy.

From June 1966 to April 1967, joint tests of the R-27 missile of the D-5 complex for the Navy were carried out at the test site. To carry out the tests, a technical position was equipped at the MIK pl.4S, and a ground stand was installed at pl.21, which was a submarine launch silo. The small-sized single-stage ballistic ampulized missile R-2, designed for firing from an underwater position, was developed by the design bureau under the leadership of Chief Designer V.P. Makeev. The tests were supervised by Captain 1st Rank N.N. Zheglov. Officers A.A. Pavlov, E.P. Parubochy, A.S. Maslennikov, V.G. Skorobogatov, V.I. Badaev, T.A. Mozhaev, P.V. Permyakov, Lomov put a lot of work into the tests G.G., Egorov A.S., Zyuzin Yu.A., Savenkov I.A., Aleksandrov E.V., Yanyushkin S.V., Pavlenko Yu.I., Vinokurov V.V. and others

In 1969-1970, unguided solid-fuel missiles 82R of the Vikhr anti-submarine complex were fired at the test site in order to compile firing tables. The tests were carried out by officers of the 2nd, 4th, 5th departments and the 1st engineering test group: Dolgov A.M., Chirkovsky S.P., Smirnov V.I., Pavlov G.S., Pruss O. P., Averyanov V.A., Lapin A.A., Fridman A.N., Yanyushkin S.V. and others.

In parallel with the testing of combat missiles, the personnel of the department take an active part in the launches of geophysical missiles under the program of the USSR Academy of Sciences, testing and testing of meteorological missile systems. Particularly intensive research began in 1957-1958 under the International Geophysical Year program using geophysical rockets R-2A, R-11A, R-5M. Research using these missiles continued until 1963. The participants in these studies were management officers Ioffe G.I., Zolotenkov I.A., Chirkov N.V., Mukhinsky G.D., Zakharov A.N., Khishev A.G., Dmitriev A.P., Golubtsov N. A.A., Leksin G.V., Razin P.P., Sergeev N.A. and others.

From 1964 to 1969, the department tested the meteorological missile systems MMR-06, M-100, MR-12. The technical position was deployed at squares 8 and 4C (MIK-290), starting positions were squares 4a, 231, M-202. Korneychuk A.K., Ostapenko A.P., Baitsur O.G., Vasilyev N.V., Egorychev L.G., Troshin N.A. took part in the tests. and others.

One of the main activities of the 2nd Directorate since the late 50s has been, and remains to this day, the testing of tactical and operational-tactical missile systems of the Ground Forces.

One of the first operational-tactical missile systems, tested by the 2nd Directorate, was the RK 9K72 with the R-17 missile. The lead developer of the complex is SKB-385, Chief Designer V.P. Makeev. The R-17 missile was tested from 1959 to 1961 and was put into service. The adoption of the 9K72 complex made it possible to significantly expand the combat capabilities of the Ground Forces. In 1966, the complex was adopted by the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries. For almost 40 years, the complex was in service with the Ground Forces. The tests were supervised by Major General ITS A.S. Kozyrev, engineer-colonels V.N. Menshikov, G.I. Ioffe, engineer-lieutenant colonels I.A. Zolotenkov, G.D. Mukhinsky. Officers Chirkov N.V., Baikov V.D., Potapenko A.P., Zakharov A.N., Golubtsov N.A., Khishev A.G., Leksin G.V., Skobochkin took an active part in the tests I.A., Razin P.P. and others.

In April 1961, tests began on the Temp operational-tactical complex with the 9M71 solid-fuel missile. The lead developer of the complex is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, Chief Designer A.D. Nadiradze. The test results of the experimental 9M71 rocket were used to create a new solid-fuel rocket 9M76B of the Temp S complex, which was tested from 1963 to 1965. Upon completion of the tests, the complex was adopted by the missile units of the Ground Forces and the RV SN. Mobile missile system OTN "Temp" -S“ with a two-stage guided ballistic missile using mixed solid fuel was developed in the USSR for the first time and was a new direction in equipping the Armed Forces with modern combat weapons. Tests were carried out under the leadership of the head of the department, Major General M. M. Katerinich, and his deputy, Colonel Yu. Pichugin. A., heads of departments, engineer-colonels Inber I.I., Savelyeva B.I., Smirnova V.A., Mikinelova L.G. Officers Ostapenko A.A., Dolgov A.N., Bobrov K. took part in the tests. .V., Raevsky A.P., Romanenko I.I., Chirkovsky S.P., Kazakov V.S., Leksin G.V., Okorokov V.A., Karpenko Yu.Yu., Abaimov A.A. ., Goryachev E.P., Larchenko N.S., Shipov I.F., Konopko D.N. and others.

In 1967, by the Directive of the Ministry of Defense and the order of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the 9K52 tactical missile system with the 9M21 (Luna-M) unguided solid-propellant rocket was transferred from the Leningrad GRAU test site for further testing. The lead developer of the complex is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, Chief Designer N.P. Mazurov. As a result of the tests, the 9K52 complex was put into service with separate missile divisions of motorized rifle and tank divisions ground forces. Subsequently, significant work was done to conduct control tests. From 1969 to 1970, tests of the modernized 9K52M rocket with the 9M25 rocket (Luna-3M), equipped with a correction system, were carried out at the test site. The leaders and active participants of the tests were: Ostapenko A.P., Vasiliev N.V., Grigoriev V.I., Ermolin N.G., Baitsur O.G., Sitnikov G.M., Lapin A.A., Egorychev L.G., Chernov V.A., Mikhailov V.T., Tsyganov M.G., Orlov G.A., Konopko D.N. etc.

From the beginning of the 70s, the department began testing a new generation of missile systems for the Ground Forces, which had increased accuracy, maneuverability, secrecy, short preparation time for launch and deployment. These include RK TN and OTN “Tochka” and “Oka”. The lead developer of the complexes was the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, Chief Designer Nepobedimy S.P.; control system developer - Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics, Chief Designer B.S. Kolesov; developer of ground equipment units - Design Bureau of the Barrikady plant (since 1990, Central Design Bureau "Titan"), Chief Designer G.I. Sergeev. The creation of the Tochka and Oka missile launchers was a fundamentally new military-technical solution.

Tests of the new high-precision missile launcher TN "Tochka" were carried out at the test site from 1970 to 1975. and the complex was put into service. In subsequent years, the department conducts tests of modernization of this complex, concerning both its individual elements and the complex as a whole.

In order to significantly improve shooting accuracy to destroy enemy radar stations, the Tochka missile system is equipped with a passive radio homing head. The complex, called "Tochka-R", successfully passed state tests and was put into service in 1983.

In the mid-80s, the Tochka missile system was subjected to a major modernization, which made it possible to almost double the firing range while maintaining accuracy characteristics. From 1986 to 1988, the modernized Tochka-U complex successfully passed state tests and was put into service. RK TN "Tochka" and "Tochka-U" are still in service with the missile units of the Army.

RK OTN "Oka" was tested at the test site from 1977 to 1980 and was put into service. Subsequently, until 1987, tests were carried out to refine and modernize this complex, tests various types head parts. In total, more than 100 missiles of the Oka complex were fired during this period. The Oka missile launcher was unique in terms of its technical solutions and design and had no analogues in the world. However, due to uncoordinated actions of our politicians, it was included in the list of missiles to be destroyed.

The leaders and active participants in the testing of the Tochka and Oka complexes were: Zakharov A.N., Dolgov A.M., Golubtsov N.A., Egorov A.S., Burukin V.D., Grigoriev V.I. , Ermolin N.G., Abaimov A.V., Karpenko Yu.Yu., Khakimov R.Z., Kuks V.P., Boxer E.L., Kotenko V.N., Varava V.P., Razin P.P., Chirkovsky S.P., Pruss O.P., Dmitriev A.P., Goryachev E.P., Kanunnikov A.G., Smirnov V.I., Pavlov G.S., Bolotov V. M., Plotnikov V.P. Kochetov L.M., Melnikov B.N., Chernov V.I., Mikhailov V.T., Yudin V.S., Khatulev Ya.N., Mironov K.V., Shishkov B.B., Voinov A. .D., Chekalin A.S., Dubensky S.V., Gedz V.A., Karyshev S.V., Ushakov V.G., et al.

A new and important direction in the department’s activities was the testing of a controlled warhead with an optical homing system based on the 9K72 complex, carried out as part of the Aerofon development work. The main executor of the Aerofon design and development work is the Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics, Chief Designer Persits Z.M. Field tests began in 1983 and ended in 1989 with the acceptance of the complex into experimental combat operation. The leaders and active participants in the tests were: Egorov A. S., Zhovtokon V.S., Boxer E.L., Zakatin S.I., Chevardin V.A., Kaplya V.I., Evteev Yu.A., Kavchak V.I., Kroshkin N.I. , Garipov M.K. et al.

By the end of the 80s, the role of weapons with conventional means of destruction was increasing. The required level of combat effectiveness of missile strikes with conventional warheads required the creation of a new generation of high-precision weapons. This includes: ballistic and cruise missiles with high-precision guidance systems, as well as reconnaissance-strike and reconnaissance-fire missile systems.

In accordance with new requirements, since the beginning of the 90s, the department has been testing the high-precision operational-tactical missile system of the new generation Iskander. The lead developer of the complex is KBM, General Designer Gushchin N.I.; developer of the control system - Central Research Institute of AG, Chief Designer Solunin V.L.; developer of ground equipment - Central Design Bureau "Titan", Chief Designer Shurygin V.A. The heads of the department during this period were Colonels V.D. Davydovsky, N.K. Levin, V.S. Zhovtokon. Currently, the department is commanded by Colonel B.I. Romanenkov.

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