1 The concept of social ecology

2 Socio-Environmental Interaction

3 Socio-Environmental Education

4 Environmental Aspects in Hughes Sociology


List of used literature


Social ecology is the science of harmonization of relations between society and nature.

Social ecology analyzes the attitude of a person in the humanistic horizon inherent in its inherent in its compliance with the historical needs of human development, in the perspective of cultural justification and prospects, through the theoretical comprehension of the world in its general definitions that express the measure of the historical unity of man and nature. Any scientist considers the main concepts of the problem of interaction between society and nature through the prism of their science. The conceptual-categorical apparatus of socioecology is formed, develops and improved. This process is multiform and covers all sides of socioecology not only in objective, but also on the subjective plan, reflecting scientific creativity and affecting evolution scientific interests and searches for both individual scientists and entire collectives.

The approach to society and nature, which offers social ecology, may seem more intellectually demanding, but it avoids the simplifications of dualism and the immaturity of reductionism. Social ecology is trying to show how nature honey, in phases transformed into society, without ignoring the differences between them, on the one hand, and the degree of their interpenetration, on the other. The daily socialization of young people with family is not less based on biology than the constant care of medicine about old men - on well-established social factors. We never be pressed to be mammals with their primary instincts, but we institutionalized them and followed them with a variety of public forms. So, social and natural constantly penetrate each other, without losing its own characteristics in this process of interaction.

The purpose of testing is the consideration of an environmental aspect in social work.

To achieve his goal, you need to solve a number of the following tasks:

Give the definition of social ecology;

Explore socio-environmental interaction;

Identify social and ecological education;

Consider environmental aspects in Hughesiology Hughes.

1 The concept of social ecology

One of the most important problems facing researchers on modern stage The formation of social ecology is the development of a single approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress achieved in the study of various aspects of human relations, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues, which appeared in the past two to three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of What exactly studies this branch of scientific knowledge still exist different opinions. In the school handbook "Ecology" A.P. Oshmararina and V.I. Oshmarina is given two options for the definition of social ecology: in a narrow sense, under it, the science "On the interaction of human society with the environment", and in broad science "On the interaction of a separate person and human society with natural, social and cultural media". It is clear that the speech in each of the presented cases of interpretation is about various sciences applying for the right to be called a "social environment". No less significant comparison of the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: "1) Science on the interaction of human society with nature; 2) the ecology of the human person; 3) Ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. " Almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood by "in a narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology is noticed. The desire for the actual identification of these two sectors of scientific knowledge is indeed characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often exposed to the criticism of domestic scientists. S. N. Solmin, in particular, indicating the feasibility of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject of the last consideration of the socio-hygienic and medical and genetic aspects of human relations, society and nature. With a similar interpretation of the object of the human ecology, Solidarina V.A. Bukuzalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers, but categorically disagree N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Treaschairs and N.F. Reimers, in the opinion of which, this discipline covers a significantly wider range of issues of the interaction of the anthrophosystem (considered at all levels of its organization from an individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to note that such an interpretation of the human ecology object actually equates it to social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that there is currently a stable tendency to bring the approximation of these two disciplines, when the interpenetration of objects of two sciences and their mutual enrichment is observed due to the sharing of empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological studies.

Today everyone more Researchers tend to expand the interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of studying the modern social ecology, understood by him as private sociology, are specific connections between man and their habitat. The main tasks of social ecology on the basis of this can be determined as follows: studying the effect of habitat as a totality of natural and public factors per person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as a framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradictory, the interpretation of the subject of social ecology gives T.A. Akimova and V.V. Huskin. From their point of view, social ecology as part of a person's ecology is a complex of scientific sectors that study the connection of public structures (starting from the family and other small public groups), as well as the connection of a person with a natural and social medium of their habitat. Such an approach seems to us more correct, for it does not limit the subject of social ecology by the framework of sociology or any other individual humanitarian discipline, and it emphasizes its interdisciplinary.

Some researchers in determining the subject of social ecology are inclined to emphasize the role that this young science is designed to play in harmonizing the relationship between humanity with their habitat. According to E. V. Giirov, social ecology should first of all the laws of society and nature, under which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by a person in his vital activity.

2 Socio-Environmental Interaction

L.V. Maksimova allocates two main aspects when studying human relations with the environment. First, the entire totality of the impacts on humans and various media factors is studied.

In modern anthropoecology and social environment, environmental factors, to whom a person has to adapt to adapt to the term adaptive factors. These factors are usually divided into three large groups -Biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic environmental factors. Biotic factors are direct or indirect effects on the part of other organisms inhabiting human habitat (animals, plants, microorganisms). Abiotic factors - inorganic nature factors (light, temperature, humidity, pressure, physical fields - gravitational, electromagnetic, ionizing and penetrating radiation, etc.). The special group consists of anthropogenic factors generated by the activities of the person himself, the human community (pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, plowing of fields, cutting down forests, replacing natural complexes with artificial structures, etc.).

The second aspect of the study of the relationship between humans and the medium is to study the problem of human adaptation to the environment and its changes.

The concept of a person's adaptation is one of the fundamental concepts of modern social ecology, reflecting a person's connection to the environment and its changes. Initially appeared within the framework of physiology, the term "adaptation" will soon penetrate other areas of knowledge and began to be used to describe a wide range of phenomena and processes in natural, technical and humanitarian Sciencesah, putting the beginning of the formation of an extensive group of concepts and terms reflecting various parties and properties of human adaptation processes to the conditions of its environment and its result.

The term "person's adaptation" is used not only for the designation of the process of adaptation, but also to understand the property acquired by a person as a result of this process, the adaptability to the conditions of existence. L.V. Maksimova considers it however, that in this case it is more appropriate to talk about adapting.

However, even with the condition of the unequivocal interpretation of the concept of adaptation, its insufficiency is felt to describe the process being denoted. This is reflected in the appearance of such clarifying concepts as deadaption and the re-preparation, characterizing the direction of the process (deadaption - the gradual loss of adaptive properties and, as a result, a decrease in adaptability; re-feasting - inverse process), and the term disadaptation (disorder of the body to the changing conditions of existence) reflecting the character (quality) of this process.

Ecology Social - branch of science, exploring the relationship between human communities and the surrounding geographic-spatial, social and cultural environment, direct and side effects of production activities for the composition and environmental properties, environmental impact of anthropogenic, especially urbanized, landscapes, other environmental factors on The physical and mental health of the person and the genuofund of human populations, etc. Already in the 19th century, the American scientist D. P. Marsh, analyzing the diverse forms of destroying by a man of natural equilibrium, formulated the nature of nature conservation. French geographers of the 20th century (P. Vidal de la Blesz, J. Brun, 3. Martorne) developed the concept of a human geography, the subject of which is the study of a group of phenomena taking place on the planet and involved in human activity. In the works of representatives of the Dutch and French Geographic School of the 20th century (L. Fevr, M. Sorz), constructive geography, developed by Soviet scientists A. A. Grigoriev, I. P. Gerasimov, analyzes the impact of man on the geographical landscape, the embodiment of its activities in social space.

The development of geochemistry and biogeochemistry revealed the transformation of human production activities into a mighty geochemical factor, which served as the basis for the allocation of a new geological era - anthropogenic (Russian geologist A. P. Pavlov) or Psychozoic (American scientist Ch. Shukhurt). The teachings of V. I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and the noosphere is associated with a new look at the geological consequences of social activities of mankind.

A number of aspects of social ecology are also studied in historical geography exploring the relationship between ethnic groups and the natural environment. The formation of social ecology is associated with the activities of the Chicago school. The subject and status of social ecology are the object of discussion: it is determined either as a systemic understanding of the environment, or as a science on social mechanisms for the relationship of human society with the environment, or as a science that makes the emphasis on a person as a biological form (Homo Sapiens). Social ecology has significantly changed scientific thinking, having developed new theoretical approaches and methodological orientations from representatives of various sciences, contributing to the formation of new environmental thinking. Social ecology analyzes the natural environment as a differentiated system, the various components of which are located in dynamic equilibrium, considers the Earth's biosphere as an ecological niche of mankind, connecting the environment and human activity into a single system "Nature - Society", reveals the impact of a person to equilibrium natural ecosystems, sets the question On the management and rationalization of the relationship between human and nature. Environmental thinking is expressed in various advanced technology and production options. Some of them are associated with the moods of ecological pessimism and apartments (from Franz. Alarme - anxiety), with the revival of the reactionary romantic concepts of Roussersky, from the point of view of which the root cause of the environmental crisis itself is in itself scientific and technical progress, with the emergence of the doctrine "Organic Growth "," Sustainable state ", etc., considering it necessary to drastically restrict either generally suspend technical and economic development. In other embodiments, in contrast to this pessimistic assessment of the future of mankind and the prospects of environmental management, projects of radical rearrangement of technology, to get rid of it from miscalculations that led to environmental pollution (Alternative science and technology, model of closed production cycles), creating new technical means and technological processes (transport, energy, etc.), acceptable from an ecological point of view. The principles of social ecology find their expression and in the environmental economy, which takes into account costs not only for the development of nature, but also on the protection and restoration of the ecospheres, emphasizes the importance of criteria not only of profitability and productivity, but also the environmental substantiation of technical innovations, environmental control over planning Industry and environmental management. The environmental approach led to the exhaustion within the social ecology of the ecology of culture, in which ways to preserve and restore various elements of the cultural environment created by humanity throughout its history (architectural monuments, landscapes, etc.), and the eco-logic of science, in which is analyzed Geographical location of research centers, personnel, disproportions in a regional and nationwide network of research institutes, media, financing in the structure of scientific communities.

The development of social ecology has served powerful impulse Nominations in front of humanity of new values \u200b\u200b- conservation of ecosystems, attitudes towards land as a unique ecosystem, causing and careful attitude towards the living, coevolution of nature and humanity, etc. The trends towards the environmental reorientation of ethics are found in various ethical concepts: the teaching of A. Switucer on a reverent The attitude towards life, ethics of the nature of the American ecologist O. Leopold, Space Ethics K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Ethics of love for life developed by soviet biologist D. P. Filatov, and others.

The problems of social ecology are assumed to relate to the most acute and urgent, among the global problems of co-priority, on the solution of which the possibilities of the survival of both humanity itself and all living on Earth are dependent. A prerequisite for their decision is to recognize the priority of universal value, as the basis for wide international cooperation of various social, political, national, class and other forces in overcoming those environmental hazards, which are fraught with arms racing, uncontrolled scientific and technical progress, many anthropogenic effects on habitat. man.

At the same time, the problems of social ecology in specific forms are expressed in various natural and geographical and socio-economic parameters of the regions of the planet, at the level of specific ecosystems. Accounting for limited sustainability and ability to self-healing natural ecosystems, as well as their cultural value, is becoming an increasingly important factor in the design and implementation of human and society production activities. Often it makes it gives to refuse previously adopted product development and use programs natural resources.

In general, the historically developing human activity in modern conditions acquires a new dimension - it cannot be considered truly reasonable, meaningful and appropriate if ignores the requirements and imperatives dictated by the environment.

A. P. Ogurtsov, B. G. Yudin

New philosophical encyclopedia. In four volumes. / In-t philosophy RAS. Scientifies. Tip: VS Stepin, A.A. Huseynov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Thought, 2010, t.IV, p. 423-424.


Marsh D. P. Man and Nature, Per. from English St. Petersburg, 1866; Dorst J. Before dying nature, per. With Franz. M., 1908; WATT K. Ecology and management of natural resources, per. from English M., 1971; Erenderd D. Nature and People, Per. from English M., 1973; The interaction of nature and society. Philosophical, geographical, environmental aspects of the problem. Sat Art. M., 1973; Man and environment of his habitat. - "VF", 1973, No. 1-4; Commoner B. Circling circle, lane. from English L., 1974; He is Profit technology, per. from English M., 1970; Ward B., Dubo R. Earth Only one, per. from English M., 1975; Budyka M. I. Glo-balloral ecology. M., 1977; Dynamic equilibrium of man and nature. Minsk, 1977; ODUM G., Odu E. Energy Base Checky and Nature, Per. from English M., 1978; Moiseev N. N., Alexandrov V. V., Tarkoa. M. man and biosphere. M., 1985; Problems of human ecology. M., 1986; ODUM Y. Ecology, per. from English, vol. 1-2. M "1986; Gorelov A. A. Social ecology. M., 1998; Park R. E. Human Communities. THE CITY AND HUMAN ECOLOGY. Glencoe, 1952; Perspectives en Ecologie Humaine. P., 1972; Ehrlich P. R., Ehrlch A. H., Holdrenj. P. Human Ecology: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. S. F., 1973; LEXIKON DER UMWELTETHIK. GOTT.- DUSSELDORF, 1985.

Social Ecology Subject

The subject of studying social ecology is to identify the patterns of development of this system, value-ideological, sociocultural, legal and other prerequisites and conditions for its sustainable development. That is, the subject of social ecology is the relationship in the Society-Man-Natural Environment Society.

In this system, all elements and subsystems are homogeneous, and the relations between them determine its immutability and structure. The object of social ecology is the Society-Nature Society.

The problem of developing a unified approach to understanding the subject of social ecology

One of the most important problems facing the researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a single approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress achieved in the study of various aspects of human relations, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues, which appeared in the past two to three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of What exactly studies this branch of scientific knowledge is still different opinions.

In the school handbook "Ecology" A.P. Oshmararina and V.I. Oshmarina is given two options for the definition of social ecology: in a narrow sense, under it, the science "On the interaction of human society with the environment", and in broad science "On the interaction of a separate person and human society with natural, social and cultural media". It is clear that the speech in each of the presented cases of interpretation is about various sciences applying for the right to be called a "social environment". No less significant comparison of the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: "1) Science on the interaction of human society with nature; 2) the ecology of the human person; 3) Ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. " Almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood by "in a narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology is noticed.

The desire for the actual identification of these two sectors of scientific knowledge is indeed characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often exposed to the criticism of domestic scientists. S. N. Solmin, in particular, indicating the feasibility of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject of the last consideration of the socio-hygienic and medical and genetic aspects of human relations, society and nature. With a similar interpretation of the object of human ecology, Solidarna V.A. Bukuzalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers, but categorically disagree N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Treaschairs and N.F. Reimers, in the opinion of which, this discipline covers a significantly wider range of issues of the interaction of the anthrophosystem (considered at all levels of its organization from an individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to note that such an interpretation of the human ecology object actually equates it to social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that there is currently a stable tendency to bring the approximation of these two disciplines, when the interpenetration of objects of two sciences and their mutual enrichment is observed due to the sharing of empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological studies.

Today, an increasing number of researchers tend to expand the interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of studying the modern social ecology, understood by him as private sociology, are specific connections between man and their habitat. The main tasks of social ecology on the basis of this can be determined as follows: studying the effect of habitat as a totality of natural and public factors per person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as a framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradictory, the interpretation of the subject of social ecology gives T.A. Akimova and V.V. Huskin. From their point of view, social ecology as part of a person's ecology is a complex of scientific sectors that study the connection of public structures (starting from the family and other small public groups), as well as the connection of a person with a natural and social medium of their habitat. Such an approach seems to us more correct, for it does not limit the subject of social ecology by the framework of sociology or any other individual humanitarian discipline, and it emphasizes its interdisciplinary.

Some researchers in determining the subject of social ecology are inclined to emphasize the role that this young science is designed to play in harmonizing the relationship between humanity with their habitat. According to E. V. Giirova, social ecology should be studied, first of all, the laws of society and nature, under which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by a person in his vital activity.

Principles of social ecology

  • · Humanity, like any population, cannot grow infinitely.
  • · Society in its development should take into account the measure of biosphere phenomena.
  • · Sustainable development Societies depends on the timeliness of the transition to alternative resources and technologies.
  • · Any conversion company's activities should be based on an environmental forecast.
  • · Mastering nature should not reduce the diversity of the biosphere and worsen the quality of people's life.
  • · Sustainable development of civilization depends on the moral qualities of people.
  • · Everyone is responsible for their actions before the future.
  • · We must think globally, act locally.
  • · Unity of nature obliges humanity to cooperate.

Social ecology is a section of science, which studies the interaction of the human community and nature. At the moment, this science is formed into an independent discipline, has its own field of research, the subject and object of study. It should be said that social ecology explores a variety of population groups that are engaged in activities directly affecting the state of nature that use the resources of the planet. In addition, various measures are being studied to solve the ecoprobal. Significant place occupy environmental methods that apply different segments of the population.

In turn, social ecology has the following subspecies and sections:

  • - economic;
  • - legal;
  • - urbanistic;
  • - Demographic ecology.

The main problems of social ecology

This discipline is primarily considering what mechanisms use people to influence ecology and the world. Among the main problems should be transferred as follows:

  • - global prediction of the use of natural resources by humans;
  • - study of certain ecosystems at the level of small locations;
  • - study of urban ecology and life of people in various settlements;
  • - Ways of the development of human civilization.

Subject of social ecology

Today, social ecology only acquires popularity. The work of the Vernadsky Biosphere, which the world saw in 1928, has a significant impact on the development and formation of this scientific field. This monograph is subject to social environmental issues. Further studies of scientists consider problems such as, cycle chemical elements and the use of the natural resources of the planet.

A special place in this scientific specialization is the ecology of a person. This context is studied by the immediate relationship of people and the environment. it scientific direction Considers man as a biological species.

Development of social ecology

Thus, social. Ecology develops, becomes the most important area of \u200b\u200bknowledge that studies a person against the background of the environment. It helps to understand not only the development of nature, but also a person in general. The vandines of this discipline of the general public, people will be able to understand what place on Earth they occupy what harm is applied by nature and what needs to be done to save it.

"The childhood of mankind ended when the mother-Nature went and cleaned over us. There was a period of maturity. Now we need to clean it yourself, but or rather learn how to live so as not to sift. From now on, the entire fullness of responsibility for the preservation of life on Earth falls on us "(Oldak, 1979).

Currently, humanity is experiencing hardly the most critical moment in the history of its existence. The modern society is in a deep crisis, although this will not say if it is limited to some external manifestations. We see that the economy of developed countries continues to grow, even if not such a turbulent pace, as it was quite recently. Accordingly, the production of mineral mining continues to increase, which is stimulated by the growth of consumer demand. It is most noticeable again in developed countries. Together with this social contrasts in modern world There are increasingly pronounced between economic and developing states, and in some cases, a 60-fold discontinuity is achieved by the magnitude of the incomes of the population of these countries.

Fast Industrialization and Urbanization, a sharp increase in the population of the planet, intensive chemicalization of agriculture, other types of anthropogenic pressure on nature have significantly violated the cycle of substances and natural energy processes in the biosphere, damaged the mechanisms of its self-healing. This threatened the health and life of modern and future generations of people and in general the further existence of civilization.

Analyzing the current situation, many specialists come to the conclusion that at present, humanity threaten two fatal hazards:

1) the relatively fast death in the global rocket and nuclear war

2) Slow extinction due to deterioration of the quality of the living environment, which is caused by the destruction of the biosphere due to irrational economic activities.

The second danger, apparently, is more real and more revealing, as it is not enough for its prevention, one of the diplomatic efforts. We need to revise all traditional principles of environmental management and a root restructuring of the whole economic mechanism in most countries of the world.

Therefore, speaking of a modern situation, everyone should understand that the modern crisis has covered not only the economy and nature. In the crisis, it is, first of all, the person himself with his centuries in the existing way of thoughts, needs, habits, way of life and behavior. The crisis position of a person is that all his lifestyle is opposed to nature. You can get out of this crisis only if a person is transformed into a creature, friendly with nature, understanding it and knowing how to agree with it. But for this, people must learn to live in harmony with each other and take care of future generations. Every person must learn everything, wherever he had to work and whatever the tasks should have to decide.

So, in the context of the progressive destruction of the Earth's biosphere to resolve the contradictions between society and nature, it is necessary to transform human activity on new principles. These principles provide for the achievement of a reasonable compromise between the social and economic needs of society and the possibilities of the biosphere to satisfy them without a threat to their normal functioning. Thus, it is time to critical revision of all directions of human activity, as well as areas of knowledge and spiritual culture, which form a human worldview.

Humanity is now holding an exam for genuine rationality. It can withstand this exam, only if you fulfill the requirements that makes him a biosphere. These requirements are:

1) biosphere preparation based on knowledge and use of the laws of preserving the biosphere;

2) moderation in the consumption of natural resources, overcoming the waste of the consumer structure of society;

3) mutual tolerance and peaceful peoples of the planet in relations with each other;

4) Following with common, environmentally thoughtful and consciously delivered to the global goals of social development.

All these requirements imply the movement of humanity to a single global integrity based on the joint formation and maintenance of a new planetary shell, which Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky called the Noosphere.

The scientific basis of such activities should be a new branch of knowledge - social ecology.

Fortunately, textbooks and tutorials as general ecologyAnd on social ecology currently there is quite a lot, and all of them are worthy that they carefully studied (Akimov, Khaskin, 1998; Baklanov, 2001; Voronekov, 1999; Girusov, 1998; Gorelov, 2000; Distor, 1968; Results and prospects ..., 1986; Kartashev, 1998; Kotlyakov, 1997; Krasilov, 1992; Lee, 1995; Losev, Provedkin, 1998; Liafeev, 2002; Minakova, 2000; Our future ..., 1989; natural and resource potential ..., 1998 ; Environmental management ..., 1997; Rakhilin, 1989; Reimers, 1994; Romanov et al., 2001; Saint-Mark, 1977; Sitarov, Empty, 2000; Sokolov et al., 1997; Urusov, 2000; Urusov et al., 2002 ; Christorova, 1999; Evolution ..., 1999; Ecological essays ..., 1988, etc.). At the same time, it is important to reflect the existing socio-environmental problems in the light of regional features, traditions and development prospects. In this regard, in this tutorial Much attention is paid to the actual material reflecting modern socio-ecological problems Far East Russia.

Currently, in many aspects of the modern environmental situation, active scientific discussions are conducted, and for a number of issues, uniform views have not yet been developed on the problem and ways to solve it. In describing such problems, we sought to bring different points of view. The future will show who is right. Our main goal was to show students that social ecology is not an abstract academic scientific discipline, but an extensive area of \u200b\u200binteraction of various ideologies, cultures, styles of life; This is not only a global area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, but also a vital field of activity. Show the need, the attractiveness and promise of this activity was one of the tasks of the authors of this tutorial.

Subject of social ecology, environmental problems, an environmental view of the world

Social ecology is the science of harmonization of interactions between society and nature. The subject of social ecology is a noosphere, that is, the system of socio-acting relations, which is formed and functions as a result of conscious human activity. In other words, the subject of social ecology is the processes of formation and functioning of the nosphere.

The problems associated with the interaction of society and the environment of its habitat were called environmental problems. Initially, the ecology was a section of biology (the term introduced Ernst Geckel in 1866). Environmental biologists are studying the relationship between animals, plants and entire communities with their habitat. Ecological look The world is such a ranking of values \u200b\u200band priorities of human activity, when the most important is the preservation of habitat favorable.

For social ecology, the term "ecology" means a special point of view, a special worldview, a special system of values \u200b\u200band priorities of human activity, focused on the harmonization of the relationship between society and nature. In other sciences "Ecology" means something else: in biology - the section of biological research on the relationship between organisms and media, in philosophy - the most common patterns of human interaction, society and the universe, in geography - structure and functioning of natural complexes and natural-economic systems. Social ecology is also called human ecology or modern ecology. In recent years, the scientific direction has been actively developing, the name "globalism", developing models of the managed, scientific and spiritually organized world in order to preserve the Earth civilization.

The prehistory of social ecology begins with the emergence of a person on earth. Pros. new Science They consider the English theologian Thomas Malthus. He one of the first pointed out that there are natural borders of economic growth, and demanded to limit the growth of the population: "The law in question consists in a constant desire characteristic of all living beings to multiply faster than it is allowed at their disposal. food "(Maltus, 1868, p. 96); "... to improve the position of the poor it is necessary to reduce the relative number of births" (Maltus, 1868, p. 378). This idea is not Nova. In the "ideal republic" of Plato, the number of families should be governed by the government. Aristotle went on and offered to determine the number of children for each family.

Another predecessor of social ecology is a geographical school in sociology: adherents of this scientific school They indicated that the mental features of people, the way of their life is directly dependent on the natural conditions of the locality. Recall, another Sh. Montesquences argued that "climate power is the first power in the world." Our compatriot L.I. Mechnikov indicated that global civilizations developed in the basins of the Great Rivers, on the shores of the seas and oceans. K. Marx believed that moderate climate is most suitable for the development of capitalism. K. Marx and F. Engels developed the concept of the unity of man and nature, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich was: to know the laws of nature and apply them correctly.

Social ecology was officially recognized at the state level in the first quarter of the twentieth century. In 1922, H. Burrow appealed to the American Geographer Association with the presidential address, which was called "Geography as a human ecology." The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis appeal: closer to the environment to man. Worldwide Fame received the Chicago School of Ecology of Human: the study of human mutual relations as a holistic organism with its holistic environment. Then, the ecology and sociology for the first time came into close cooperation. Environmental techniques began to be used to analyze the social system.

Worldwide recognition and the first stages of the development of social ecology

The worldwide recognition of social ecology as an independent science refer to the 60s of the twentieth century. One of the most vivid events of those years - publication in 1962 Books R. Carson "Silence Spring" on the environmental consequences of the use of a DDT pesticide. Swiss chemist Muller synthesized DDT and in 1947 received for it Nobel Prize. Later it turned out that DDT accumulates in lively fabrics and destructively acts on all living things, including the human body. Thanks to air and water transfer, this substance has spread throughout the planet and was found even in the liver of Antarctica Penguins.

Like any other scientific discipline, social ecology has developed gradually. Three main stages of development of this science can be distinguished.

The initial stage is an empirical associated with the accumulation of diverse data on the negative environmental consequences of the scientific and technical revolution. The result of this direction of environmental studies was the formation of a network of global environmental monitoring of all components of the biosphere.

The second stage is "Model". In 1972, the book of D. Meduse and other "Growth Limits" was published. She had a huge success. For the first time, O. different sides Human activity was included in the mathematical model and were investigated using a computer. For the first time at the global level, a complex dynamic model of interaction between society and nature was investigated.

The criticism of the "growth limits" was comprehensive and thorough. The results of criticism can be reduced to two provisions:

1) modeling on computer socio-economic systems at the global and regional levels promising;

2) "Models of the World" of the medical station is still far from adequate to reality.

Currently there is a significant variety of global models: a model of the medical station - lace from loops of direct and inverse relations, Mesaovic and Pestera model - this is a pyramid, dissected into a lot of relatively independent parts, model Ya. Tinbergen - "Tree" of organic growth, model V. Leontiev - also "tree".

The beginning of the third - global-political - stage of social ecology is 1992, when an international environmental conference and development in Rio de Janeiro took place. Chapters 179 of States adopted a coherent strategy based on the concept of sustainable development.

The main directions of development of social ecology

To date, three main directions have been separated in social ecology.

The first direction is the study of the relationship between the Company with the natural environment at the global level - global ecology. The scientific foundations of this area laid down V.I. Vernadsky in the fundamental labor "Biosphere", published in 1928. In 1977, M.I. monograph Budyko "Global Ecology", but there are mainly considered climate aspects. Not received due lights such topics such as resources, global pollution, global cyphans of chemical elements, the effect of space, the functioning of the Earth as a whole whole, etc.

The second direction is the study of relations with the natural environment of various groups of the population and society as a whole in terms of understanding a person as a social being. The relationship of man to the social and natural surrounding is interrelated. K. Marx and F. Engels pointed out that the limited attitude of people to nature causes their limited attitude towards each other, and their limited attitude towards each other is their limited attitude towards nature. This is social ecology in the narrow sense of the word.

Third direction - human ecology. Its subject is a system of relationship with a natural human environment as a biological creature. The main problem is targeted managing the preservation and development of human health, the population, human improvement as a biological species. Here and forecasts for health changes under the influence of habitat changes, and the development of standards in life support systems.

Western researchers also distinguish the ecology of human society - social ecology (Social Ecology) and human ecology (Human Ecology). Social ecology considers the impact on society as a dependent and manageable subsystem of the Society - Society system. Human ecology - focuses on a person itself as a biological unit.

The nature is studied natural Sciences, such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, etc., using a natural science (nomologic) approach. The Company studies humanitarian sciences - sociology, demography, ethics, economics, etc. - and use the humanitarian (ideographic) approach. Social ecology as interdisciplinary science is based on three types of methods: 1) of natural science, 2) humanitarian sciences and 3) systemic studies that unite natural science and humanitarian research.

An important place in the methodology of social ecology is the methodology of global modeling.

The main stages of global modeling are reduced to the following:

1) a list of causing bonds between variables is drawn up and the structure of feedback is planned;

2) after studying the literature and consultations of demographers, economists, environmentalists, geologists, etc. The overall structure reflects the basic links between the levels.

After the global model is generally created, you have to work with this model, which includes the following steps: 1) Quantitative evaluation of each communication - global data are used, and there is no global data, then characterized local data is used; 2) Using computers, the effect of the simultaneous action of all these ties in time is determined; 3) the number of changes in the main assumptions is checked to find the most critical determinants of the system behavior.

The global model uses the most important dependencies between population, food, capital investments, resources and production. The model contains dynamic statements about the physical aspects of human activity. It contains assumptions that the nature of social variables (income distribution, family size regulation, etc.) will not change.

The main task is to understand the system in its elementary form. Only after this model can be improved based on other, more detailed data. The model, after it occurs, is usually constantly criticized and replenished with data.

The value of the global model is that it allows you to show a point on the schedule where the growth is expected to stop and most likely the beginning of a global catastrophe. To date, various private methods of global modeling method have been developed. For example, the medical group uses the principle of system speakers. The peculiarity of this technique is that: 1) the state of the system is fully described by a small set of values; 2) the evolution of the time system is described by differential equations of the 1st order. It should be borne in mind that the system dynamics is dealt with only with the expotential growth and equilibrium state.

The methodological potential of the theory of hierarchical systems applied by Mearsovich and Pestel is much wider than that of the medical group. There is an opportunity to create multi-level systems.

The "cost-release" method of Vasily Leontiev is a matrix reflecting the structure of intersectoral flows, production, exchange and consumption. Leontyev himself explored the structural relationships in the economy in conditions when "a set of non-interdependent flow-dependent production flows, distribution, consumption and investments constantly influence each other and, ultimately, determined by a number of main characteristics of the system" (Leontyev, 1958 , p. 8).

As a model, you can use the real system. So, for example, agrovenosis is an experimental model of biocenosis.

All activities for the transformation of nature are modeling that accelerates the formation of the theory. Since the organization of production needs to take into account the risk, the simulation makes it possible to calculate the likelihood and seriousness of the risk. Thus, modeling contributes to optimization, i.e. The choice of the best ways to convert the natural environment.

The purpose of social ecology is to create the theory of the evolution of the relationship between human and nature, logic and methodology for converting the natural environment.

Social ecology identifies the patterns of relations between nature and society, it is designed to understand and help overcome the gap between humanitarian and natural scientific knowledge.

Laws of social ecology are the same fundamental as the laws of physics. However, the subject of social ecology is very complicated: three qualitatively various subsystems are non-fat nature, wildlife, human society. Currently, social ecology is predominantly empirical science, and its laws often look as extremely common aphoristic statements ("laws" of Commemor *).

The concept of the law is interpreted by a majority of methodologies in the sense of unambiguous causal relationships. In cybernetics adopted a wider interpretation: the law is a limitation of diversity. It is such a interpretation more approaches social ecology.

Social ecology reveals fundamental limitations of human activity. The adaptation capabilities of the biosphere are not limitless. Hence the "ecological imperative": human activity in no way should exceed the adaptive capabilities of the biosphere.

As the main law of social ecology, the law of compliance of the productive forces and production relations of the state of the natural environment is recognized.