Once again, like last year, we are comparing passing scores for various universities in Novosibirsk. The weakest applicant can be used to judge both the popularity of the university and the quality of education it provides. We hope our review will be useful to mothers whose children will graduate from school in 2019!

Please note that we compare the average score of admission to the budget, taking into account both creative tests and points for individual achievements. The result was rounded to a whole number, so the amount of points may differ from the calculated one by up to one and a half points.

Since in some universities the number of specialties can reach several dozen, for most educational institutions we provide lists of faculties on our charts. For everyone - the most “expensive” and the “cheapest” specialty in terms of passing score, all the others are located within this range.

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

Novosibirsk State University traditionally considered the most prestigious and difficult university to enter. Indeed, some specialties are amazing in their requirements; So, to become a linguist, you need to have a GPA above 92! However, this situation is more typical for humanities specialties, where enrollment on a budget is very small.

As for mass specialties, they are still available to the talented and diligent: you can become a geologist with an average score of 75.

Contrary to popular belief about an increase in the passing average score compared to the previous year, this is not entirely true at NSU. Yes, in geology he grew by 4 points, but to enter medicine or a prestigious faculty information technologies it became even easier.

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

NSTU still competes with Novosibirsk State University, but (even simply due to its size) it is easier to become a student here than at a classical university. Having an average score of 80, you can confidently enroll anywhere, well, except for the faculties of business and liberal arts education you'll have to work hard.

By the way, it is more difficult to enroll in the specialty “management” at NSTU than at NSU: the average score is 88 versus 83.

Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU)

There are sudden changes at the medical university! If last year pediatrics was the most unpopular specialty, then this year it has overtaken pharmacy and preventive medicine. And the average score of future pediatricians has risen by five points at once; if it is below 75, you can’t even dream of studying at the expense of the budget. General medicine suddenly became more popular than clinical psychology.

And becoming a psychologist at NSMU, by the way, is not much easier than at Faculty of Medicine NSU: the average score of applicants differs by only two points, 77 and 79.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM, Narkhoz)

The situation in Narkhoz has also changed. Applicants suddenly ignored “Innovatika,” which was popular last year, and ended up in last place on the list of preferences. But even when entering this specialty, the average score must be quite high - no lower than 66. Last year, “programmers” were accepted with 63 points, but this year the competition has intensified significantly: the average score must be no lower than 70.

In general, we can say that at NSUEU, in comparison with other top universities, the passing score has increased significantly, and precisely due to the not very popular specialties of the university, which suddenly “increased in price” among applicants.

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), branch in Novosibirsk

Becoming a lawyer is not easy these days - the average score must be under 90, no matter what university you enter. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in many universities this area was not certified and was closed as non-core. At the Civil Service Academy, the average score of those entering this field increased by 3.5 points!

We should note that the list of directions at this university is noticeably different from last year. In particular, the relatively unpopular “Psychology of Official Activities” has appeared, where specialists are trained for “moral and psychological support of official activities.” Who knows, maybe this is a chance for your child to become a psychologist - the average score is still just below 70!

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NSPU)

The Pedagogical University is perhaps the most confusing in terms of admission. The fact is that in most faculties students are offered to obtain not one, but two specialties, for example: teacher of physics and computer science, geography and English. Depending on the set of specialties, entrance scores vary, sometimes quite significantly. Let's say, consider the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information and Economic Education. If your child dreams of teaching economics and computer science, then you need to take into account that each of these specialties combined with physics is much more accessible than the “Economics + ICT” package: the average score differs by five points!

There are specialties that are close in spirit, the competition for which differs in different faculties. For example, preschool defectology at the Institute of Childhood requires an applicant to have an average score of at least 82 (this is actually a lot!). While you can become a defectologist at the Faculty of Psychology with an average score of 63 - you will agree, “a huge distance.”

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT)

Amazing changes have occurred in the preferences of applicants to the University of Geosystems and Technologies. Firstly, the passing score has increased noticeably: if last year an average score of 65 guaranteed admission to any specialty, this year it should have been five points higher.

Secondly, there was a change of leaders: the most popular specialty was “Technosphere Security”, +7 points to the average passing score of last year! But “Ammunition and Fuses” has lost the favor of applicants: now it is the most unpopular specialty, although the passing score has remained virtually unchanged.

Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI)

The preferences of SibGUTI applicants have also changed. The absolute leader of last year is the direction “Mathematical and information support economic activity"became an outsider in the Faculty of Computer Science in 2018 and computer technology: The average passing grade dropped by four points. But the specialty “System Software,” which did not particularly interest applicants last year, this year became the most popular at the university, and the average passing score immediately increased by 9 units!

I would like to note that the preferences of applicants technical universities not permanent. Both SSUGiT and SibGUTI this year surprised applicants with ups and downs in the passing score for different specialties. So if your child is not interested in a specific specialty, but rather in the faculty as a whole, apply to several specialties at once and monitor the change in rating between the first and second waves in order to “shift” the documents in time.

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NSAU)

Hello again, Agrarian University, a refuge for those who could not (or did not want) to please themselves, their parents and teachers high scores Unified State Exam. Where else will you go with an average score of 45? Yes, practically, nowhere. But for “Landscape Architecture” - you can! By the way, this specialty, which was the most popular last year (the minimum passing score is 59), has become the most unpopular this year, apparently setting a record for a drop in the average passing score - 14 points! But veterinary medicine, in equally which was of interest to 2017 applicants, this year has become less accessible to C students: +4 points to the passing score (minimum average score is 64). We don’t understand how this happened, but we can say one thing:

If you are planning to come to admissions committee next year and expect the distribution of applicants to be the same - don't get your hopes up. Graduates rush about unpredictably, like schools of herring in the ocean. Either give them landscape architecture, or they don’t need it at all...

Yes, against the backdrop of the scandal with the state certification of specialties, which broke out literally in the spring, you may have a question: what about lawyers and economists in agriculture? They are still recruited, but only on a commercial basis, so they were not included in our review.

Siberian State Transport University (SGUPS)

The University of Railways looks much more solid compared to last year.

If in 2017 the minimum average passing score was 40 (which, generally speaking, caused some bewilderment), then in 2018 the lowest score was 52, and for most areas it was generally about 70, which, generally speaking, puts it on par with NSTU.

Like agrarians, road workers teach lawyers and economists only for money.

Siberian State University of Water Transport (SGUVT)

The career of a water driver attracts applicants much less than a railway worker. Having an average score of 45, you are guaranteed to enter any faculty, and 65 opens the way to any specialty. However, last year things were even worse: you could become a student barely passing the 30-point mark!

There is also an interesting inversion at SGUVT: the specialty “Power Supply” went from being the most popular last year to almost the most unpopular this year, second only to “Ships.” power plants" The average score dropped by almost 18 points! However, like last year, you won’t be able to get into SGUVT with an average score - you need at least 40.

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design, Art (NGUADI)

Let's return to universities with high and very high passing scores. Strictly speaking, for a university of architecture, design and art, excellent Unified State Exam results It’s not enough - you also need to pass creative tests: drawing and/or sketching.

However, the average score in NGUADI is an average score, and the future student should have it not lower than 76, and better - 80 or higher.

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NSASU, Sibstrin)

Many applicants consider Sibstrin a light version of NGUADI. Indeed, the specialties are similar, well, except that at NGASU there is still a noticeable practical bias.

However, this year the difference in passing average scores among architects is only two points (i.e., the benefit is rather that one can avoid the harsh creative competition).

Novosibirsk Technological Institute (NTI)

And one more institute where you can get a variety of specialties, including the top profession of designer. This is the “most accessible” design of this year - the passing average score is 76, lower than in NSPU and, especially, NGUADI, although here, too, a creative competition is provided for this specialty.

What conclusions can be drawn from our review?

    The passing score for universities in Novosibirsk actually increased compared to the previous year, but this happened at the expense of less popular universities, which, let’s be honest, turned down almost no one during the 2017 admissions campaign. At popular ranking universities, scores remained virtually unchanged.

    There are still universities in the city where you can enter with an average score of 45. Well, we can call them by name: this agricultural university and the University of Water Transport. Who said, that higher education not available?

    The preferences of applicants are changing at hurricane speed; specialties that are in the top this year may lose popularity next year and vice versa.

​Prepare for admission calmly - everyone who needs to enter will do so! We are sure!

Prepared by Alena Novikova

Another summer is drawing to a close. And this means that the new year 2017-2018 is about to begin academic year. Most applicants have already decided on their choice of educational institution and are preparing to receive a new one. social status- student. For those who have decided to slightly delay entering a university and once again think about the prospects, we will tell you about educational institutions in the glorious city of Novosibirsk, including those with budget places.

Universities of Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is one of the most major cities Russian Federation. The city is not only a commercial, industrial, transport, cultural center, but also a scientific one. This is due to the large number of higher educational institutions on its territory. There are 38 of them in Novosibirsk, as well as 30 schools, 22 colleges, 12 technical schools.

According to their status, Novosibirsk universities can be divided into the following types:

  1. State, for example:
    • Siberian Academy civil service;
    • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;
    • Novosibirsk State Technical University;
    • Novosibirsk State University and others.
  2. Non-state, for example:
    • Novosibirsk Humanitarian Institute;
    • Siberian University consumer cooperation;
    • Novosibirsk Institute of Economics, Psychology and Law;
    • Novosibirsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy;
    • Siberian independent institute and others.

Universities in Krasnodar offering budget places

The following categories are also distinguished:

  • economic universities;
  • humanitarian and social universities;
  • law universities;
  • pedagogical universities;
  • art universities, etc.

Every year, when admitting applicants, the commission announces lists of vacant positions. budget places, which Novosibirsk universities can provide. Choosing the most suitable one for yourself educational institution, you can view this list on the university website or by telephone by contacting members of the admissions committee.

About some of the proposed educational institutions We invite you to talk in more detail.

Institute of the FSB of Russia

What could be more honorable for a man than the rank of officer? The question is complex. The FSB Institute suggests not to bother yourself with thoughts about this issue, but to enroll in the ranks of the students of this educational institution.

The history of the institute goes back over eighty years of successful existence. During the Great Patriotic War The institution distinguished itself by opening preparatory courses for military intelligence officers at its base and graduating more than 4 thousand professionals in this field.

Moscow universities where you can study at the military department

Training at this institute in Novosibirsk is conducted in the following areas: higher education program vocational training and according to the program additional education(advanced training, retraining). There are 2 forms of training: full-time and part-time, the specialty of training is jurisprudence, the basis is free. The following faculties operate at the university:

  1. Jurisprudence.
  2. Legal support national security.
  3. Medicine.
  4. Medical and preventive care.
  5. Dentistry.

Today, the Institute of the FSB of Russia produces wonderful specialists who are ready to serve their Motherland devotedly. More than 150 people who completed it received the title of general, while others were awarded the title of Hero of Russia and Hero of the USSR. The university, as well as teachers, were awarded for their invaluable contribution to student learning state award- Order of the Red Star.

State Academy of Architecture and Art

This academy is an educational institution of higher vocational training. Compared to other universities, NGAHA is considered relatively young, since it was founded 26 years ago, but this does not in any way affect the professionalism of teachers and the quality of the knowledge provided. For the last few years, the Academy has been considered one of the best and is one of the five most prestigious architectural and art universities in the Russian Federation.

NHAGA carries out training:

  1. Architects (specialist, bachelor, master).
  2. Architects-designers.
  3. Artists of monumental and decorative art.
  4. Designers.

List of Volgograd state universities

State Academy of Water Transport

This university with quite popular specialties provides students with secondary and higher education, as well as additional and postgraduate training. NGAVT trains specialists in more than 30 professions. The establishment carries out its labor activity two doctoral councils, 7 master's and postgraduate programs that operate in 3 scientific fields, as well as 13 programs promoting the provision of postgraduate education. Doesn't stop scientific activity NGAVT.

The Academy provides the Russian labor market with professionals in the following specialties:

  1. Navigation.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. Operation of ship power plants.
  4. Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment, etc.

State Medical University

The institution was founded at the same time as the universities of St. Petersburg and Volgograd in 1935. The core of the teaching staff was leading doctors from hospitals in Novosibirsk and Tomsk. Until 2005, the university had the status of an academy.

Today, the structure of NSMU includes 8 faculties, including advanced training and retraining. There is also the opportunity to undergo training in existing pre-university training programs.

Specialties offered by the university:

  1. Pediatrics.
  2. Dentistry.
  3. Medical and preventive care.
  4. Medical biochemistry.
  5. Pharmacy.
  6. Medical biophysics.
  7. Clinical psychology.
  8. Management.
  9. Social work.

The article presents a small part of educational institutions that are popular among Novosibirsk applicants and city guests. By approaching education seriously and responsibly after receiving a certificate of completed secondary education, you can familiarize yourself in detail with decent and accessible institutions. All universities in Novosibirsk are provided on various websites that will tell you about specialties, budget places, as well as passing score in the current academic year.

We publish a list of state universities in Novosibirsk.

  1. Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
    Faculties and institutes
    • "Jurisprudence" (in absentia);
    • “Legal support of national security” (in absentia);
    • "Medicine";
    • “Medical and preventive care”;
    • "Dentistry".
  2. Novosibirsk state academy water transport
    Faculties and institutes

3.Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art

Specialties, directions

  • Architecture;
  • Design of Architectural Environment;
  • Design;
  • Monumental and decorative art (painting; sculpture).

4. Novosibirsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M.I. Glinka

Direction (programs)

Musical art (instrumental performance (all types of instruments except organ); vocal art; conducting an academic choir; composition; musicology).

5. Novosibirsk State Agrarianuniversity

Directions, specialties

  • Agrochemistry and agro-soil science (agroecology);
  • Agronomy (plant protection; selection and genetics of agricultural crops);
  • Biology (game management; aquatic bioresources; ecology);
  • Zootechnics (technology of production of livestock products; animal feeding and feed technology; breeding, genetics and selection of animals; unproductive animal husbandry);
  • Management (production);
  • Technological education (vocational training);
  • Agricultural engineering (electrification and automation Agriculture; mechanization of processing of agricultural products);
  • Forestry;
  • Veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • Veterinary;
  • World economy;
  • Finance and credit;
  • Accounting, analysis and audit;
  • Commodity research and examination of goods;
  • State and municipal administration;
  • Personnel Management;
  • Logistics and supply chain management;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Agricultural mechanization;
  • Technology of maintenance and repair of machines in the agro-industrial complex;
  • technology of production and processing of agricultural products;
  • Cars and automotive industry;
  • Organization and safety of traffic;
  • Standardization and certification;
  • Gardening and landscape construction;
  • Technology of meat and meat products;
  • Product technology Catering.

6. Novosibirsk State medical University

Specialties (duration of study) - exams(USE)

  • General Medicine (6 years);
  • Pediatrics (6 years);
  • Dentistry (5 years);
  • Medical and preventive care (6 years);
  • Medical biochemistry (6 years);
  • Pharmacy (o – 5 years, h – 5.5 years (only if you have a secondary pharmaceutical or medical education)) - chemistry, biology, Russian language.
  • Medical biophysics (6 years) - physics, biology, Russian language.
  • Clinical Psychology (5.5 years) - biology, mathematics, Russian language.
  • Management ( O- 4 years, h– 4.5 years, h- on the basis of higher or secondary specialized education - 3.5 years) - mathematics, social studies, Russian language.
  • Social work ( O- 4 years, h– 4.5 years, h - on the basis of higher or secondary specialized education - 3.5 years) - history, social studies, Russian language.

7. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University


  • Mathematical;
  • Physical;
  • Artistic and graphic;
  • Natural-geographical;
  • Pedagogy and psychology of childhood;
  • Primary classes;
  • Physical culture;
  • Technology and Entrepreneurship;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Culture and additional education;
  • Institute of Advertising and Public Relations;
  • Institute of Philology, mass media and psychology;
  • Institute of Youth Policy and Social Work.

8. Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


  • Management;
  • Sociology;
  • Construction (industrial and civil construction; hydraulic engineering; urban construction and economy; production building materials, products and structures; Heat and ventilation; water supply and sanitation; mechanization and automation of construction; examination and real estate management);
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Environmental management and water use; construction (building design);
  • Architecture (restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage);
  • Information systems and technologies.

9. Novosibirsk State Technical University

Directions, specialties: applied mathematics and computer science; physics; management; social work; Information Systems in economics; automation and control; electronics and microelectronics; thermal power engineering; aircraft and rocket engineering; electronic design and technology; electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrical technology; instrument making; materials science and technology of new materials; electric power industry; technological machines and equipment; radio engineering; Informatics and Computer Science; Technical Physics; applied technology; biomedical engineering; psychology; philology; economic theory; economics and management of agricultural production; technology of artistic metal processing; gas-dynamic pulse devices; optical-electronic devices and systems; information-measuring equipment and technologies; multi-channel telecommunication systems; means of communication with moving objects; computer software and automated systems; service of household radio-electronic equipment; technology of electrochemical production; food technology; life safety; engineering protection environment; safety technological processes and production; quality control.

10. Novosibirsk State University

    Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

    Faculty of Physics

    Faculty of Science

    Faculty of Medicine

    Faculty of Economics

    Faculty of Humanities

    Faculty of Journalism

    Faculty of Geology and Geophysics

    Faculty of Information Technologies

    Faculty of Foreign Languages

    Psychology faculty

    Faculty of Law

    Faculty of Philosophy

    Higher College of Informatics NSU

11. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management


  • Economics, accounting and statistics;
  • Management and Commerce;
  • International relations and law;
  • Applied computer science.

12.Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics


  • Automatic telecommunication;
  • Multichannel telecommunications;
  • Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television;
  • Informatics and Computer Science;
  • Engineering and Economics;
  • Humanitarian.

13. Siberian State Transport University

  • Faculty of Engineering and Economics
  • World Economics and Law
  • Bridges and tunnels
  • Industrial and civil engineering
  • Construction and road machines
  • Railway construction
  • Personnel Management
  • Management of transportation processes in railway transport
  • Faculty of Business Informatics

14. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation

  • Economics and Management;
  • Trade and technology;
  • Economic.

15. Novosibirsk Higher Military command school(military institute) – branch of the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces


  • Multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles;
  • Pedagogy and psychology;
  • Translation and translation studies;
  • Personnel Management.

16. Novosibirsk National Research State University


  • Mechanics and mathematics;
  • Physical;
  • Information technologies;
  • Economic; natural sciences;
  • Medical;
  • Geological and geophysical;
  • Humanitarian;
  • Journalism;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Psychologists;
  • Legal.


Passing score

The “Passing Score” column indicates the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Admission to a university is based on the results of three or four Unified State Examinations (for each exam you can score a maximum of 100 points). In addition, some universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO) are allowed to take an additional exam in a core subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require passing a professional or creative exam. You can score a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam. When enrolling, individual achievements (portfolio) are also taken into account, such as the final school essay, excellent student certificate, GTO badge, volunteer activities. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for an applicant’s portfolio.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was admitted during the last admissions campaign.

In fact, we know what scores you could get in last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you will be able to enter this or next year. This will depend on how many applicants and with what scores will apply for this specialty, as well as on how many budget places will be allocated. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to assess your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so you should focus on them, this is important.