James Oldz

OLDZ (Olds) James (1922-1976) is an American neurophysiologist, a specialist in the problems of experimental neurophysiology and neuropsychology, psychophysiology, psychopharmacology, a discoverer of the center of pleasure. Biography. Education received in Amherst College in Massachusetts (Bachelor, 1947) and at Harvard University (Master, 1951; Ph.D., 1952). From 1953 he worked in the laboratory D. O. Hebba at the University of McGill. Professor of the California Institute of Technology. Award of the American Psychological Association "For Outstanding Scientific Contribution" (1967). Research. It is known for its research on the registration of cerebral activity and stimulation of the brain in animals in the wakeful co-standing. Together with R. M. Milner made the discovery that the stimulation of certain sections of the brain (limbic system) causes a feeling of pleasure (Positive Reinforcement produced by Electrical Stimulation of the Septal Area and Other Regions of the Rat Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1954 , 47, 419-428 (WITH P. MILNER)). This served as the basis for criticizing the theories of motivation based on the reducing reduction. In the future spent a large number of both neuroanatomic and pharmacological studies for analyzing the topology of the reinforcement system and identifying its mechanisms. Engaged in research - using the registration of brain activity with the help of microelectrodes - the role of the reinforcement system in the behavior of rats in the instrumental learning (Emotions and Associative Mechanisms in Rat Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1961, 54, 120-126 (With ME OLDS) ; SUBCORTICAL LESIONS AND MAZE REELENLION IN THE RAT // EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 1964, 10, 296-304 (WITH ME OLDS AND D. HOGBERG); Learning Centers of Rat Brain Mapped by Measuring Latencies of Conditioned Unit Responses // Journal of Neurophysiology. 1972, 35, 202-219 (WITH DISTERHOF, M. SEGAL, CL KORNBLITH AND R. HIRSCH)).

Kondakov I.M. Psychology. Illustrated dictionary. // THEM. Kondakov. - 2nd ed. extra. and recreated. - SPb., 2007, p. 395.


US historical faces

US presidents (biographical reference book).

US in the twentieth century (chronological table).


The Growth and Structure of Motives. N. Y.: FREE PRESS, 1956; Effects of Hunger and Male Sex Hormone On Self-Stimulation Of The Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1958,51,320-324; Satiation Effects in Self-Stimulation of the Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1958, 51,675-678; Hypothalamic Substrates of Reward // Physiological Reviews. 1961,42,554-604; Identical "Feeding and Rewarding" Systems In The Lateral Hypothalamus of Rats // Science. 1962, 135, 374- 375 (With D. L. Margules); The Limbic System and Behavioral ReinForcement // Progress In Brain Research Vol. 27. ELSEVIER, 1966; Mapping The Mind Onto The Brain // F. G. Worden, J. P. Swazey and G. Adelman (EDS), The Neurosciences: Path Of Discovery. Cambridge, Mass.: Mit Press, 1972.


J. Oldz // Psychology: biographer biographic bibliographic dictionary / ed. N. Shihi, E. J. Chepman, W. A. \u200b\u200bKonroi. St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1999.

James Oldz

OLDZ (Olds) James (1922-1976) is an American neurophysiologist, a specialist in the problems of experimental neurophysiology and neuropsychology, psychophysiology, psychopharmacology, a discoverer of the center of pleasure. Biography. Education received in Amherst College in Massachusetts (Bachelor, 1947) and at Harvard University (Master, 1951; Ph.D., 1952). From 1953 he worked in the laboratory D. O. Hebba at the University of McGill. Professor of the California Institute of Technology. Award of the American Psychological Association "For Outstanding Scientific Contribution" (1967). Research. It is known for its research on the registration of cerebral activity and stimulation of the brain in animals in the wakeful co-standing. Together with R. M. Milner made the discovery that the stimulation of certain sections of the brain (limbic system) causes a feeling of pleasure (Positive Reinforcement produced by Electrical Stimulation of the Septal Area and Other Regions of the Rat Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1954 , 47, 419-428 (WITH P. MILNER)). This served as the basis for criticizing the theories of motivation based on the reducing reduction. In the future, he spent a large number of both neuroanathic and pharmacological studies for analyzing the topology of the reinforcement system and identifying its mechanisms. Engaged in research - using the registration of brain activity with the help of microelectrodes - the role of the reinforcement system in the behavior of rats in the instrumental learning (Emotions and Associative Mechanisms in Rat Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1961, 54, 120-126 (With ME OLDS) ; SUBCORTICAL LESIONS AND MAZE REELENLION IN THE RAT // EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 1964, 10, 296-304 (WITH ME OLDS AND D. HOGBERG); Learning Centers of Rat Brain Mapped by Measuring Latencies of Conditioned Unit Responses // Journal of Neurophysiology. 1972, 35, 202-219 (WITH DISTERHOF, M. SEGAL, CL KORNBLITH AND R. HIRSCH)).

Kondakov I.M. Psychology. Illustrated dictionary. // THEM. Kondakov. - 2nd ed. extra. and recreated. - SPb., 2007, p. 395.


US historical faces

US presidents (biographical reference book).

US in the twentieth century (chronological table).


The Growth and Structure of Motives. N. Y.: FREE PRESS, 1956; Effects of Hunger and Male Sex Hormone On Self-Stimulation Of The Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1958,51,320-324; Satiation Effects in Self-Stimulation of the Brain // Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 1958, 51,675-678; Hypothalamic Substrates of Reward // Physiological Reviews. 1961,42,554-604; Identical "Feeding and Rewarding" Systems In The Lateral Hypothalamus of Rats // Science. 1962, 135, 374- 375 (With D. L. Margules); The Limbic System and Behavioral ReinForcement // Progress In Brain Research Vol. 27. ELSEVIER, 1966; Mapping The Mind Onto The Brain // F. G. Worden, J. P. Swazey and G. Adelman (EDS), The Neurosciences: Path Of Discovery. Cambridge, Mass.: Mit Press, 1972.


J. Oldz // Psychology: biographer biographic bibliographic dictionary / ed. N. Shihi, E. J. Chepman, W. A. \u200b\u200bKonroi. St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1999.

While he was a postdoctoral at McGill University in 1954, it is considered one of the founders of modern neurobiology and received numerous differences, ranging from elections at the National Academy of Sciences of the United States in Newcom Cleveland Prizes in the American Association for the Development of Science.


early life and education

Olds attended a college in a number of schools, including St. John's College, Annapolis, and University of Wisconsin, but received his student bachelor's degree in Amherst College in 1947, his student years were interrupted military service In the US Army during World War II as part of the command in the Persian Gulf. After the war, Aldh went further to get a Ph.D. at Harvard University in the Department of Public Relations under the direction of Professor Richard L. Solomon. His thesis It was aimed at motivation and led to his subsequent interest of the biological basis of motivation. Olds married a guy Neurologist Marianne E. Olds In 1946 they had two children, Jacqueline Olds and James Olds Leland.


After his Ph.D., Orynds continued to do the doctoral work at McGill University under Donald Hebba Olding, where he made him the most important discovery with Peter Milner. Subsequently, Aldh moved to Los Angeles, where he accepted his first scientific meeting at the Scientific Research Institute of the Brain. In 1957, Aldh was appointed Adjunct - Professor of the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan. He left Michigan in 1969 to become a Bing professor of behavioral biology in, where he continued his research and led a great laboratory before his death in a swimming accident in August 1976. His last work was aimed at understanding training mechanisms and memory.


  • 1954 Olds, J., and P. Milner. "Positive reinforcement of the production of electrical stimulation of a partition area and other areas of the cat's brain." Magazine comparative and physiological psychology 47: 419-27.
  • 1955 Olds, J. "" Award "Brain Stimulation in Rats." The science 122: 878.
  • 1956 Olds, J "takeoff - landing strip and labyrinth behavior monitored by Basomedial front brain stimulation in rats." Magazine comparative and physiological psychology , 49: 507-12.
  • 1956 Olds, J., K. F. Killiam, P. Bach-Y Rita. "Self-stimulation of a brain used as an shielding method of soothing drugs." The science 124: 265-66.
  • 1956 Olds, J. "Center for Fun in the Brain." Scientific American 195: 105-16.
  • 1958 Olds, J. "Self-stimulation of the brain." The science 127: 315-24.
  • 1958 Olds, J., and ME Aldhs. "A positive reinforcement is produced by stimulating the hypothalamus with an uroniazide and other connections." The science 127: 1175-76.
  • 1965 "Operant Air Conditioning Separate Answers Units." Proc. Twenty-third CONGR. Physiological sciences. Excerpta Med. Int. CONGR. Multi-sized television film. 87, p. 372-80.
  • 1967 "Lymbic system and behavioral reinforcement."

Many years ago, William James, arguing about the nature of human experiences, dropped the phrase: "A little delay in the bile duct, reception of the laxative, a cup of strong coffee at a famous minute is enough to temporarily change the views of a person to life." In the number of classic quotes (and James quote often) This judgment was not included. Probably, I really did not want to part with the idea that the human world is determined by the work of consciousness (or, if you please, the unconscious). For centuries, for centuries, almost all psychological research were determined. And if you explain the occurrence of thoughts and feelings with the influence of chemical or physical factors, then what remains at the share of psychologists?

In May Days, psychologists appear once again to think about the subject of their research and attitude to the achievements of specialists from related industries. This is connected with two "non-circular" dates.

May 2 1975 English Biochemist John Hughes unveiled the results of his research, which allowed to conclude that the human body produces substances similar to their actions of drugs-opiates. These substances were named endorphins. Their discovery marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of ideas about the inner world of man. Subsequent studies confirmed that endorphins act as an essential agent of emotional regulation. Their active secretion leads to improved mood, improving emotional well-being. On the contrary, the oppression of the secretion of endorphins causes an emotional downturn until depressed. Biologically advisable secretion of endorphins is carried out as a reaction to the effects of the medium. Thus, there was an indirect confirmation of the previously challenged theory of emotions by James-Lang. Moreover, it also turned out that the secretion of endorphins can be stimulated artificially. In particular, alcohol is one of these stimulants. You can have inxiously from happiness, from delight, from being rejected by success. But the easiest way, of course, with alcohol. So at the biochemical level was confirmed by the life of the idea that alcohol intoxication acts for a person with a surrogate of natural emotional lifting. If life does not please, you can simply plunge the source of the endorphins. True, the violent exhaustion of the source inevitably leads to a subsequent emotional decline. The discovery of this pattern a lot explains to narcologists, causing critical to overestimate the possibilities of purely psychological impact on their patients. And psychologists make it thinks about many things to think. At least, without the same irony, think of one of the heroes of Kurt Vonnegut: "All human actions are generated by an excess or lack of some substances in the body." Of course, this is a literary metaphor, but not at all cut off from reality. It seems that the relationship between the soul and body at the biochemical level is much more complicated than the relationship ratio with the vessel. Neither questioning about the soul, nor laboratory experiments with test tubes themselves do not allow themselves to understand this issue. Or maybe their combination and will make the essence of the psychology of the future?

More than one more May Date brings similar thoughts. May 30 James Olds's birthday, an outstanding researcher of cerebral activity, whom psychologists seem to have to be recognized as a colleague. In 1952, a thirty-year-old researcher from the University of McAlla James Alds made a small lack in his laboratory experiments that wrapped around the revolutionary discovery. Under the leadership of Professor Milner, he was engaged in the study of the functions of the brain with the help of exploded into various zones of the electrodes. Olds wanted to find out whether irritation of the center referring to the wakefulness and located in the back of the hypothalamus, lead to the fact that the experimental rat will avoid the sections of the cell, where it has been exposed to the current.

All the rats with which this experiment was held was given by the expected reaction, except for one, which for an incomprehensible reason again and again returned to a dangerous area, as if in an effort to get a new discharge. Believing that this rat simply turned out to be less sensitive than others, Olds began to increase the discharge. The rat, it seems to be spurred: instead of avoiding the stimulus, it all more actively striving to him.

Only after opening the brain of the experimental animal, OLDS found that the electrode was implanted with a slight deviation and as a result, a completely different center was touched. What? A large number of rats was linged electrode in this randomly found center, which as a result of observations for their behavior was called the center of pleasure. Rats, who received the opportunity to stimulate themselves by pressing the lever, brought themselves to complete exhaustion, forgetting about food, sleep, young, sexual partners. Thus, it was clearly proved to exist in the brain of a certain area (center) responsible for the "clean" pleasure.

In addition to the neurophysiological aspect of this study, to interpret which psychologists are difficult, there are also a number of issues of purely psychological relating to the nature of pleasure and motivation in general. Is the Olds experiment confirms the old idea of \u200b\u200bthe hedonist philosophers about the conjunctional nature of pleasure in the structure of motivation? And in particular, whether it is impossible in some form (let and not so defiantly material) stimulate the center of pleasure bypassing the centers of saturation of vital needs?

They say science puts more questions than gives any answers. Questions what to say, difficult for psychologists is difficult. Moreover, they lie in the most of the material plane, which psychologists sometimes be shed. However, not all. No wonder the study of this kind is discussed in their very far from vulgar materialism, such scientists like Eric Bern or Abraham Maslow. And noted that in addition chemical reactions and nerve impulses Human globility is determined by a set of intangible parameters. What? But here are questions, alas, more than answers.

Olds Jamesu and Peter Milneru managed to accidentally open the center of pleasure in the hypothalamus in the White Rats. Scientists have achieved the fact that animals with the electrodes enjoyed in the brain were pressed on the lever, closing the current in the electrodes, producing up to 8,000 clicks per hour. These rats were pressed on the lever and ignored: food, water, danger, female ... later similar experiments were put on monkeys and gave similar results.

Description of experiments:

"The next rat has just gone to the brain electrode. Placed in the chamber. The researcher himself pressed the pedal. The first portion of electrical pleasure went into a small brain. How does the rat behave? Begins to look! Quickly, fussy moves in the corners of the camera, everything sniffs and touches his paws until he finally finds what is needed - the pedal, the paradise pedal! .. Now it is not eating it! .. Rhythmically, like a machine gun one or twice a second She sends electrical irritations to the brain. The entire procedure for generating an electric drug addiction takes 1-2 minutes. Up to 8 thousand times an hour and at some points to 24 hours of continuous self-recovery, to exhaustion or to a convulsive seal! The researcher interrupts the electrical panel, so that the Pedal does not give anything. An experimental model of expulsion from paradise, she is abstinence, breaking.

Quote Oldza: "Animal presses the pedal several times with rage several times and only after that turns away from it and begins to clean or fall asleep. However, from time to time it returns and clicks on the pedal (as if wanting to make sure that nothing is missed). "

Having studied hundreds of animals, OLDZ made an emotional map of the rat. About 60 percent of its volume is emotionally neutral. Rats do not seek to stimulate these departments, but also do not avoid ... are neutral in the main part of the brain, lying outside, closer to the cranial wall. Under them, closer to the inner cavity, - paradise, it takes about 35 percent. Neutral area (I want to say: purgatory) as it should cover heaven. The area of \u200b\u200bparadise in aggregate is similar to the cross, dodged inside the brain. However, the location of individual points is quite quaint: they are also alternate with neutral; And they can be distinguished only by reaction to irritation.

Most of the paradise points in the region of the hypothalamus - subboork at the base of the brain, where the trunk (continued spinal cord Inside the skull) goes into a hemisphere. Clear! - This is the main subcortical motivational centers, the control units of the main instincts and the most important functions! ..

And here, in the very depths of the brain, under points where the frequency of self-esteem reaches the maximum, under the most as a paradise, the little wedge sits the one that is not a hell. Nature turned out to be humane, but at least in relation to rats: hell has only 5 percent of the brain volume. Helling seven times less than paradise. However, hell is small, yes delete. It is easy to identify. It costs the time there to be bored with a current, as the rat is being built and screams with all his kind and behavior, yelling, yelling! - "Never, never want !!! ..." If the rat will accidentally come to the hellish pedal, it will never come to her more and close. [...]

So OLDZ and opened the anatomical brain zones, stuffed nerve cellsenjoying saturation.

Self-leveling of these zones - reproduction of enjoying food, false saturation, food onanism - a clean model of food dependence. "

(Levi V.L., where to live? M., "Toroboan", 2004, p. 50-52.)

First Publication of Scientists: Olds J., Milner P., Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of the Septal Area and Other Regions of Rat Brain, "Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology", 1954, Vol. 47, pp. 419-427.

Neil Miller put a series of animal experiments:

"The experiments were put as follows. For a rat or dog, an hopeless situation is artificially created, in which they can enjoy can be the only way, say, slowing the rhythm of the heart. (More precisely: scientist worked with immobilized (paralyzed) animals, which he closed the performance of the heart, the stomach, the kidneys on the electrodes connected to the "center of pleasure" - approx. I.L. Vikentyeva).

What to say, the task is difficult, because in vivo we do not meet anything like that. But the rats are cope with it brilliantly. An experimental setting is assembled in such a way that at first the rat is enjoyed, for example, for a random deceleration of the heart rhythm. This follows the award. Rat is worried; Heart rhythm is accelerated, it slows down, the heart is growing together with the animal, which solves the task: how to enjoy again. New remuneration, then also. At first, the awards are random, then the rat firmly combs: the slowdown of the heart leads to pleasure (approximately the logic is as follows) and in the future slows the rhythm arbitrarily, it should only want to experience the next pleasure.

American scientist N. Miller taught the rat to extract this kind of pleasure, using intestines, kidneys, salivary glands as the working bodies, in a word, almost all the main internal organs.

Well, what not yoga? However, I think, rats are surpassed by yogis achieved results: animals get tremendous pleasure for their strange work, the yoga is only a ghostly hope for communication with God. From here and a huge difference in successes - yoga is trained all my life, for not anything managed to become a celebrity, the rat is learned by all wisdoms for 2-3 sessions.

So, with a fairly strong remuneration, the animal almost can learn anything and how much way.

These experiments are interesting in many ways. Because animals study relatively easy to manage the activities of the heart, therefore, among many other feelings are able to search for the necessary them, associated with the work of the heart and its definite state (frequency, rhythm, reduction force). Next, they do not simply allocate "hearty" feelings from all others, but still know how to manage them, forcing the heart to work in mode that ensures pleasure. It means that the desire of pleasure can be used to fix the unbalanced internal mechanism.

From the point of view of practical medicine, learning to manage the activities of the internal bodies almost does not require comments. Vegeth-vascular dystonia, heart neurosis, stomach neurosis - frequent diagnoses in ambulatory patients. Wanting to get rid of these diseases, we often and without special needs resorting to medicines, forgetting about the great opportunities of other treatment methods. Of course, the impact of electrodes into the human brain and the damage caused by this is unlikely to pay off from the main suffering. People seem to have to go different ways. This path is in the ability to set itself feasible goals in order to receive remuneration in the form of a positive emotional state. "The encouragement is also necessary to man as a rosin bow," the goat rods jicely noticed. Not a punishment, namely the promotion gives rise to that atmosphere that provides us with a positive emotional charge and creates a favorable background for the operation of internal mechanisms.

Not always, of course, these recommendations are fulfilled. And if the breakdown happened, we can take advantage of almost the same techniques to which yoga is resorted. We are talking about the system of self-examination developed by the German psychiatrist O. Schulz. Thanks to the Schulz system, people are trained to manage processes that usually fall out from under mental control. "

(Makarenko Yu.A., Wisdom Feelings, M., Soviet Russia, 1970, p. 93-95.)

Comments: 0.

    There is one difference of a person from other primates, which is immediately striking: people are very social. In this concept, it is not even necessary to invest some particularly complex humanitarian meaning: just gain 50 chimpanzees in a city bus and in ten minutes unload the bodies of the animals crossed by each other. And people will come in perfect order; Someone may even make friends. If you believe the "neurochemical hypothesis" of Lavjoy, the cooperative behavior of people is a direct consequence of reinforced dopamine products.

    Alexander Markov

    Feelings of joy and pleasure depend on the activity of dopamine neurons of the ventral area of \u200b\u200bthe midbrain tire (VTA). American neurobiologists in opthenetic experiments on mice were able to detect a separate type of neurons that specialize in encoding expectations of the award, but do not respond to the reward itself.

    From the Virgin Mary on the slice of a roaring bread to the face with the open mouth in the male scrotum - why does our brain sees these images?

    Alexander Markov

    American psychologists have discovered that patients with bilateral damage to the ventromate prefrontal bark in solving complex moral dilemies are guided only by reason, while healthy people have an important role to play emotions. In imaginary situations, the examined patients do not see the difference between the murder committed in absentia (for example, by pressing the button), and the difference is carried out by a huge difference. Perfectly distinguishing good and evil at the conscious level, such patients are not capable of empathy and never feel guilt.

    Elena Nammark

    In two works with the help of economic games, the altruistic behavior of a person was studied. The first work shows that most people expect from the surrounding manifestations of generosity and altruism and that the cumulative "expectation profile" is well predicted by reality. The second job in which the motivations of altruistic actions were studied, showed that altruists manage, including the sense of guilt (or something like him). Its neurobiological services occurs in the medial prefortional crust. It is in this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that the formation of solutions associated with moral dilemmas occurs.