The school final exams are over and the long-awaited graduation is over. It's time to apply to higher education. If you have long decided on future profession and you know who you want to study with, that’s just great. But the bulk of yesterday's school graduates, as a rule, do not know what they would like to become. These girls and boys do not have clearly defined talents and vocations, so they are faced with a difficult question - where to go to study after 11th grade. How to choose the right future profession and not make a mistake if the future student has no special aspirations to become a doctor, teacher or accountant. And here, often, young people rely on an important factor when choosing a future profession - the level of wages of specialists in a particular profession.

Who should I study to earn a lot?

It is, of course, impossible to predict in advance which specialists will be in demand in the near future (in 5-6 years) and which of them will earn a lot and which will not. Development scientific and technological progress, changes in the political or economic situation in the country can have a significant impact on the level of wages in certain industries. But we can still make some forecasts based on statistical data on the level of salaries that are currently offered to graduates of certain universities.

Let's make a comparison of wages among former students of higher education institutions in the United States and in Russia.

Overview of salaries of university graduates in the USA

A 2013 graduate can, on average, expect to earn a salary of $45,000 per year (before taxes), but this is assuming that the former student is employed immediately after graduating from college or another educational institution. However, as statistics say, about 13.5% of graduates cannot find a job in the first months after graduation. As in our country, representatives of the humanitarian and social fields earn the least. For this category of specialists, the average salary is about $37,000 per year. In the United States of America, engineering graduates earn significantly more than graduates from other fields.

According to some data, the most in-demand young specialists in the United States as of April 2013 are:

A graduate with an engineering degree will earn, on average, $3,500,000 over a 40-year career, an education specialist will receive $1,800,000, and an arts worker will earn about $2,000,000.

The average salary for a former college graduate in the United States is $2,400,000 for their entire career.

The highest salaries in the USA are offered to graduates of the following educational institutions:

As for experienced specialists, and not graduates of educational institutions, doctors will be the leaders in terms of salary levels. It is doctors who lead the ranking of the highest paid professions in the United States. Of the 10 highest paying professions, 9 are in the medical field.

In the industry catering The lowest paid professions are found. General workers in agriculture also earn little.

  • Head washeror“shampoo man” is a person who washes the hair of clients in a hairdressing salon. He earns just under $9 per hour, and about $18,600 per year. In the USA, only about 13.5 thousand people work as shampoo makers.
  • Food service workers. The earnings of people in this profession are $9 per hour, or $18.7 thousand per year. Approximately 3 million people work in food preparation and food services. They rank second in the ranking of the lowest paid professions in the United States.
  • Dishwashers and fast food workers. Dishwashers and fast food preparers can expect to earn no more than $9.10 and $9.03 per hour, respectively. Their average salary per year will be about 18.8 and 18.9 thousand dollars. There are about 500 thousand such people in the United States.
  • Cafe workers. Approximately 435 thousand people work in cafes, their average hourly earnings are $9.34, and the average annual income is $19.4 thousand.

This is the situation on the labor market in the United States of America. Now let's see how certain professions are paid in Russia. Which specialists are more in demand and have more income, and which are not.

Overview of salaries in Russia

In 2017 Ministry of Labor based on data Rosstat reported that in the last two years the work of employees in the financial industry and hydrocarbon production has been rated most highly in Russia. Meanwhile, the lowest are in the agricultural sector. Also, low salaries were recorded for people employed in hunting, forestry and retail trade. Low wages for workers in textile and clothing production.

According to Rosstat, the average salary of an employee in the financial sector in 2016 was 78,311 rubles, and an employee in the agricultural industry was 21,445 rubles. According to the same Rosstat, in 2016 the average salary in all sectors of the economy in Russia was 36,746 rubles.

Below is a table of incomes of graduates of economics and finance faculties of prestigious Russian universities (data for February 2012)

In addition to economists and financiers, graduates of the law faculty of Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University earn good money. legal academy(MGYuA).
Also, the following universities prepare the highest paid specialists (in all fields) (according to the Research Center of the portal):

  1. Moscow state institute international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO),
  2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
  3. Russian Academy national economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA),
  4. Russian economic university named after G.V. Plekhanov,
  5. Russian state university oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkina.

As we see, in Russia, graduates of finance, economics and law faculties of the largest Moscow universities earn more than graduates of other faculties and universities. Among young engineers, specialists in the oil and gas industry have the highest salaries. It is interesting that the Forbes list is often dominated by people with economics and engineering education.

Also in recent years A relatively young field in Russia is gaining popularity - information technology (IT), whose specialists are in great demand everywhere and in almost all types of activities. Specialties in information data protection and IT security are especially relevant. Good IT specialists are valued and will be valued, if not always, then for a very long time.

As for obtaining an education in the field of IT, good specialists are trained by such educational institutions as:

  1. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPhI),
  2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university),
  3. Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova,
  4. Moscow State technical university named after N. E. Bauman,
  5. St. Petersburg National research university information technology, mechanics and optics,
  6. Novosibirsk National Research State University,
  7. Perm State National Research University,
  8. St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation,
  9. Novosibirsk State Technical University,
  10. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin and many others. etc.

You can see a more extended list of universities.

We have listed a dozen universities whose graduates receive the highest salaries in Russia in information technology majors.

When choosing a future profession, young people should understand that a good salary is an important, but not the only factor that should be taken into account when choosing a future profession. Listen to your desires and soberly assess your abilities. It is very important not to make a mistake in choosing a profession. It is this choice that will determine your entire future life.
Unfortunately, in our country the work of such noble and necessary professions, as a doctor and teacher, they are not rated highly enough, unlike in the USA, but if you see yourself as a doctor and a teacher, feel free to go to study at a medical school or pedagogical university. After all, the best reward for work is not money, but sincere human gratitude, which is much more valuable than any wealth.

Choosing a profession is a responsible step. It’s good to listen to advice and recommendations, but you shouldn’t rely on them. There is a huge list of professions after 11th grade. Who should I go to study? This is precisely the question that faces young men and women after graduation. high school. Parents often make choices for their children, and this is wrong. If the profession goes against the dreams and desires of the child, then he is unlikely to benefit society in the future, working “under pressure”, and he will have to completely forget about high earnings. This article is to help graduates on how not to make mistakes and choose the right profession.

How to choose a future profession and not make a mistake

A bad choice of profession is getting a higher education just for the sake of a diploma. Employers are interested in real knowledge and skills, and if a specialty is chosen at random and does not bring satisfaction, it means that good work results will not be obtained, and, accordingly, a quick career will be put an end to.

Quick success can only be achieved in your favorite field. You need to choose a profession based on your own interests and desires. Determine the area of ​​knowledge that you like most. If you can’t choose a type of activity on your own, you need to try taking different tests or seek advice from a psychologist.

It is important to consider whether the chosen profession is in demand. There are many specialties in all fields of activity. And if one profession is not suitable, you can always find another, no less interesting. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account where you will study - in your own city or you will have to leave. In this case, it is important to decide in advance on the material side and place of residence.

When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of study, its duration, demand for this specialty and the level of future salary. However, these are all minor factors. Initially, you need to focus on your own preferences. If algebra and geometry have always been bad at school, then you shouldn’t go to physics and mathematics - the studies will be too difficult and the hard-earned profession you will receive may even cause rejection.

List of professions after 11th grade for boys

IN modern times There is a whole series interesting and in-demand professions. You can choose less popular ones, but also more difficult ones. For example, not everyone who wants to go into medicine will be interested in the field of virology. Or take the field of astronautics. It would seem that this is an ideal choice for the younger generation. However, not everyone will be able to fit the physical parameters, and then they will have to work in less interesting positions.

So, we present a list of the most popular and in-demand professions for young men:

  1. Marketers are gaining more and more popularity. Their services are needed not only in large enterprises, but also in small firms. Marketers are people with higher economic education who use advertising to promote goods and services. This profession requires creativity, strategic thinking and quick response to any changes in the business. This job is more suitable for young people as they are more confident in their decisions than girls. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that marketers sometimes have to work overtime or in emergency mode. Currently developing such a relatively new specialty as an internet marketer. Many educational institutions now offer educational programs for training specialists in the field of Internet marketing. For example, Synergy University.
  2. An architectural engineer must not only know geometry perfectly, but also other exact sciences. The profession is highly paid and prestigious, in demand in all countries. It is not difficult for architects with higher education to find work even immediately after graduating from university.
  3. Lawyers are also very popular. Jurisprudence is a fairly broad field, so any graduate can choose the most suitable direction in this area. The legal profession requires from its owner not only deep knowledge, but also activity and attentiveness. Lawyers must know thousands of laws and be able to operate with them. There is a great demand for competent lawyers both in government agencies and in commercial organizations. Over time, you can open your own legal services company.
  4. IT specialist is a relatively new specialty, but rapidly developing and very in demand. The work will be of interest to anyone interested in computer technology. The demand for IT specialists has not decreased over the years, and this profession is quite highly paid.
  5. Credit expert is a popular profession today. A representative of this specialty must have a higher economic education. Since banks are now offering an increasing number of services under credit programs, a lot of specialists are required. The main task of a credit expert is to assess the risks of issuing loans, correctly completing transactions, etc. A person who decides to choose this profession must have responsibility, organization and be able to accept independent decisions. This specialty is highly paid, but also very responsible.
  6. Any large company needs a financial analyst. Analysts are required in the banking and financial sectors, educational, political and public organizations. The profession is highly paid and even a small organization will not refuse a competent specialist.
  7. The profession of a web designer is related to Internet technologies. The demand for specialists is increasing all the time. New approaches and the ability to work with modern graphic resources and styles are required. The profession requires not only knowledge of computer technology, but also creative and innovative ideas.
  8. An Internet website promotion specialist (SEO specialist) is a very interesting and highly paid profession. An SEO specialist can work both in a company and as a freelancer, i.e. remotely. The salary level depends on the professionalism of the specialist and his employment.
  9. The profession of a programmer in our time is one of the most in demand and highly paid. But to become a good programmer and receive a high salary, you need to study long and hard. The main subjects required for admission are mathematics, physics or computer science and the Russian language.

You can find out which universities train programmers and IT specialists from the article “Who should I study to earn a lot?”

  1. There was and still is a shortage of qualified doctors. The most popular specialists are dentists, allergists, surgeons, gynecologists, cosmetologists and nutritionists. However, there is a shortage of doctors in all areas of medicine. In public clinics there is a shortage of pediatricians, endocrinologists, orthopedists, otolaryngologists and gastroenterologists, etc.
  2. The profession of a sales representative is also very popular. These are specialists who promote goods or services of organizations. Sales representatives must have the ability to persuade, be sociable and have a well-spoken speech. A sales representative has a lot in common with a marketer.

List of professions after 11th grade for girls

The list of professions for girls is not inferior in size. So where can a girl go to study after 11th grade?

Many of the areas listed above are available to both boys and girls. The same sales representatives, loan officers, doctors, etc. But there are other specialties that are preferable specifically for girls, and some of them are very attractive and in demand:

  1. Traditionally, only women are employed as librarians, although there are no gender restrictions.
  2. Cosmetologist at at the moment a very popular and prestigious profession. Although there are no gender restrictions, it is believed that the work is more suitable for women who always strive for beauty and understand a lot about it.
  3. Clerk is a job for those who like to “dig through papers” and work in the office.
  4. Interior designers most often become girls. It is women's intuition that helps to achieve great heights, although men also have imagination and a sense of beauty.
  5. Methodist is a little-known profession, but widespread. The work is considered predominantly female.
  6. Girls can choose pharmaceuticals for themselves. This is not a doctor, but also a medical worker.
  7. Speech therapist is a very popular specialty. Good speech therapists You won't find it during the day with fire. Since this job is mainly related to children, it is suitable for girls who love children.
  8. Nursing is a profession in demand. After graduation, you can get a job in a hospital, clinic, or help people at home.
  9. The profession of a philologist is considered purely female. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on gender, young people do not seek to acquire this specialty.
  10. HR Manager – good option for girls with ambitions. This type of work can quickly lead to career advancement.
  11. Sociologist is a common profession. However, it is only suitable for girls in the humanities.

Girls can successfully study to become lawyers, analysts, and doctors (especially pediatricians).

The most popular professions in Russia TOP-10

In recent years, some professions have remained in the TOP 10 in the labor market. Employers are constantly interested in highly specialized specialists. Therefore, graduates can view the list of professions and choose which one to study next.

  1. IT specialists are among the most in demand on the labor market. Many companies require information technology professionals. Programmers, system administrators and web designers are the most valued. The development of technology should also be taken into account; accordingly, the demand for IT specialists will continue to increase.
  2. Design engineer is another profession in demand. The passing score for technical specialties is usually low, so almost any graduate can enter a university. Design engineers are a very promising profession. She is on the same level as architects and designers.
  3. Teachers were needed at all times. Considering that in recent years the demand for vocational education increased significantly, changed and new ones were modernized school programs, more and more teachers are needed. In addition, the state strives to increase teachers’ salaries.
  4. The legal profession has been in demand at all times. However, to become a high-profile specialist, you need to take training seriously, since this is work for the future. It requires deep knowledge and high professionalism. A competent lawyer will find a place in almost any organization, and their salaries are quite high.
  5. There are many specialties in the medical field. There is such a shortage of specialists in some professions that their salaries exceed the salary of an ordinary therapist. For example, allergists, ophthalmologists, etc. The highest paid specialists are dentists. But we must take into account that we are talking about commercial dentistry.
  6. The marketing profession appeared relatively recently and is currently in great demand. Advertising is the engine of trade. Marketers monitor the market, predict the services provided and create new winning trading schemes for employers. There are still not enough qualified specialists. Therefore, the profession will be in the TOP for decades to come.
  7. Recruitment specialist. Any organization is interested in ensuring that employees not only come to work, but also bring maximum benefit to the company. Therefore, the selection of qualified personnel is an important area. Good HR specialists are required in any company.
  8. Production workers. These are, of course, not ordinary movers. Workers with the highest qualifications include electricians, machinists, welders, etc. All these specialists are required in factories and enterprises. In recent years, organizations have increasingly lacked welders, electricians and mechanics. Accordingly, these specialists receive considerable salaries.
  9. Beauty industry workers are becoming increasingly in demand. This area includes hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists, cosmetologists and nutritionists, etc. It will not be difficult to get a job later, since there are now a lot of beauty salons and cosmetology centers open.
  10. In recent years, not only Russia, but also other countries have been concerned about natural anomalies and pollution. To improve the environmental situation in the world, qualified specialists - ecologists - are needed. The demand for environmentalists is growing every year.

According to experts, in the near future engineers, chemists, biologists and many others will also be in demand. In the process of scientific and technological progress and the development of nano- and bio-technologies, new professions are constantly appearing, but the old ones do not lose their relevance. Tourism and hotel business, the service market is constantly growing and expanding, so more and more service professionals are required. Also developing food industry— new factories and plants are appearing that require many different specialists.

Rating of the highest paid professions in the country

In Russia, the ranking of the highest paid specialties differs from the world TOPs. For graduates who must decide on their future profession, the issue of salary is not the least important issue. The TOP 10 highest paid specialties include:

  1. Senior managers who are involved in the company's PR and promotion of its products or services, marketers. The salary is approximately at the level of income of a successful individual entrepreneur.
  2. Oil and gas workers receive high salaries. Drillers and engineers are especially valued. Moreover, there is currently an acute shortage of such personnel.
  3. IT specialists are required almost everywhere. Their earnings are quite high. IT specialists create and protect information databases, control access to files, data leakage, and much more. The uninterrupted operation of an enterprise largely depends on IT specialists.
  4. A business consultant not only informs his client in the financial sector, but also monitors transactions with individuals and legal entities. At the same time, trainings and seminars are conducted.
  5. Auditors not only carry out inspections, they give opinions on the work of organizations and enterprises, advise on accounting and all updates.
  6. A programmer creates, implements, adjusts and configures software. Professionals are worth their weight in gold, and accordingly their salaries are very high.
  7. The profession of chief accountant is very responsible. This is practically the right hand of the director, and the earnings of the chief accountants are corresponding.
  8. Good doctors are always in demand, but a dentist, as a rule, receives more for his work than other medical workers.
  9. Logisticians organize the transportation of products of an enterprise or organization. It is the responsibility of specialists to avoid stagnation of goods and establish sales markets. The logistics profession is paid very well.
  10. A chef can become as famous as an actor or pop star. There are no limits to growth in this profession. Each new career step can become another springboard. Accordingly, the earnings of chefs are growing all the time.

Directors of enterprises and organizations always have higher salaries. But without work experience it is very difficult to get a job in such a specialty. It is best to choose an initial specialty, and then gradually climb up the career ladder.
And I would like to end the article with words from the poem of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky - “Having turned the book over, wrap it around your mustache - all the works are good, choose according to your taste!”

Choosing a profession is one of the most important moments in life. But, unfortunately, in our country it is the custom to choose not what suits your heart, but what is easier to do. The result of such decisions was the familiar saying: “Everyone here doesn’t work according to their profession.” Very difficult to avoid unpleasant mistake and do not waste 5 years studying an uninteresting specialty, but acquire the necessary knowledge for further successful work. And if applicants, as a rule, do not take this issue too seriously, their parents are seriously concerned.
In order not to be offended later by wasted training, you need to take care of choosing a profession in advance. And here it is important to take into account a wide variety of points: how does a young person communicate with peers and older comrades, what interests him more, what area of ​​our life is more attractive? And choose something suitable from a huge list modern professions you can for sure.
Try to determine who your child can become. Which specialty is best for him? Perhaps the results of our test will tell you which direction to move in this matter. We wish you good luck!

Graduating from school and choosing a future profession is one of the most important stages that affects future life graduate. Girls and boys after 11th grade take exams and take tests. They are faced with the question: where to go to study?

The main problem that worries many is how not to make a mistake with a profession and make right choice. In fact, not many people know exactly what they want to become. Where to go to study after 11th grade? What criteria should be followed? What do psychologists advise about this? What professions are most in demand at the moment for boys and girls?

The choice of a future profession must be approached with great responsibility, and all the pros and cons must be considered.

Criteria for choosing a profession

It is not entirely correct to limit ourselves to clear criteria, since there is no single correct formula allowing you to choose your specialization. Teachers and psychologists offer to take special tests that determine individual inclinations and help determine the field of activity.

The test results are worth listening to, but they should not be decisive in making a decision. According to one theory, each person has his own talent and, so to speak, purpose, which help him achieve success in a certain field or industry.

The main criteria to follow:

  • individual inclinations (humanist, mathematician, biologist);
  • talent and abilities (intellectual, spiritual, physical);
  • preferences by type and type of occupation (mental work, working with people, art or physical labor);
  • individual psychotype;
  • perceived benefits of specialization;
  • demand for the profession in real time.

To decide on a future profession, you need to “try on” all the specialties in your thoughts and feel what your soul is about.

Based on the above list, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that it is necessary to base the choice on personal qualities, talents, abilities. It is important to choose something you like, to do what you like, what brings moral satisfaction and benefit, and what you do best.

Modern youth often pursue the most fashionable or highly paid professions only for reasons of image and profit. If you love and understand your business, you can become successful in any business. True professionals are respected and earn good money.

The state of the current global economy obliges us to take into account the demand for the profession. The right approach will prevent you from throwing your diploma on the shelf and joining the ranks of the unemployed. This does not mean that you need to give up your dream, but just adjust it a little.

Important advice from psychologists:

  1. Don't follow your parents' lead. Listen to wise advice adults are needed, but the final decision rests with the graduate. Often parents impose specialties that they like, without listening to the child’s wishes. Besides this important step Teaches responsibility and independence.
  2. Don't be afraid. Fear or uncertainty is always present, you can’t let it stop you. It is important to remember that if you fail, you can retrain and master your desired profession.
  3. “Try on the job for yourself.” Imagine in detail what you do and where you work. You can schedule your working day in detail. If what is presented causes joy, then the specialty is suitable.

Choosing a place to study

Having decided on the desired profession, schoolchildren are faced with choosing a place of study. First of all, you need to decide what kind of education you will need - higher or secondary specialized.

Some do not have enough academic performance to enter a university, and sometimes, due to the specifics of the profession, secondary specialized education is quite enough. In addition, after college or technical school, getting a higher education is not difficult. Numerous colleges offer a wide range of specializations and high level training.

Admission to higher education

Admission to higher education institutions is based on the results of three or four Unified State Exam tests on various subjects. An applicant has the right to submit documents to 5 universities with 3 faculties in each, that is, the result is 15 possible options.

Many institutes and universities additionally conduct their own exams or tests. This applies to professions that require professional or physical abilities, as well as those related to art.

Faculties that conduct additional examinations:

  • air navigation, aircraft operation;
  • architecture, urban planning;
  • medicine;
  • philology;
  • art history;
  • design;
  • directing;
  • acting skills;
  • choreography;
  • vocals;
  • physical culture, etc.

A graduate’s “portfolio” is of great importance, which can significantly increase the chances of admission to an elite university. It indicates a certificate with honors or the presence of secondary specialized education (diploma with honors), active volunteer or social activities, sporting achievements, participation and victories in scientific Olympiads.

One of the most prestigious institutes in Moscow - MGIMO

Higher educational institutions with the largest and toughest competition (where it is difficult to get into):

  1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO);
  2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology;
  3. Moscow State Linguistic University;
  4. Russian Customs Academy;
  5. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov;
  6. Moscow State law university them. Kutafina;
  7. Moscow State Institute of Music named after. Schnittke;
  8. National Research University Higher School of Economics ( International Institute economics and finance), etc.

Admission to college, technical school or school

Secondary vocational education has not lost its popularity to this day, on the contrary, it is gaining it. Young people have the opportunity to master a profession in a shorter time and start working immediately. Higher education many receive in absentia, earning money at the same time.

Schools and technical colleges become a salvation for those who failed the Unified State Exam and did not qualify for admission to the university. However, this does not mean that if you are going to college, you can not study at all. The choice of secondary specialized educational institutions (SSUZ) is really great.

In addition to government institutions, many private for-profit colleges have opened. In addition, some universities open technical schools on their base, which allows students to study with teachers from the university.

In recent years, the process of admission to secondary school has been significantly simplified. Usually absent entrance exams, with the exception of military specialties, physical education or the arts. The graduate must submit an application within the deadline, provide necessary documents(certificate, Unified State Examination, copy of passport and insurance policy, medical certificates and photographs). Depending on the number of applicants, the passing score may be absent or within the average range. Some establishments, in conditions of shortage, accept everyone, but this does not always happen.

List of popular state secondary educational institutions:

  1. College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering;
  2. College of Entrepreneurship;
  3. College of Service and Tourism;
  4. College of Decorative and Applied Arts. Carla Faberge;
  5. Construction College;
  6. Medical College named after. Botkin;
  7. Moscow College of Aviation Engine Engineering;
  8. Moscow State College of Technology and Law;
  9. Food College;
  10. Moscow Higher Military Command School;
  11. Suvorovskoe military school etc.

Graduates of the Suvorov Military School

Obtaining a specialty in narrow-profile courses

For one reason or another, some graduates do not enter universities or technical schools. You can master a specialty in a short time through narrow-profile courses that offer many areas. In addition, some professions do not require compulsory higher education.

During training, young people receive the necessary theoretical knowledge and consolidate it in practice. Upon completion of the courses, they are awarded a document or certificate confirming their specialization. Many large enterprises They offer to take courses in professions, and then provide a workplace.

Examples of professions that can be learned in courses:

  • working professions for boys and girls;
  • assistant secretary;
  • photographer;
  • hairdresser, stylist, manicurist;
  • seamstress;
  • massage therapist or cosmetologist;
  • cook;
  • waiter or bartender, etc.

A hobby of photography can become your main profession and a good source of income.

List of specialties for boys after 11th grade

IN modern world a clear boundary between masculine and women's professions almost blurred. Nevertheless, we can highlight a list of professions after 11th grade that would suit a boy. It will be useful to inexperienced graduates who are facing difficult choice, and are not sure about it.

Areas of activity in which young men achieve success:

  • computer technologies;
  • engineering and technical professions;
  • working specialties;
  • jurisprudence;
  • medicine;
  • trade;
  • service sector;
  • creative professions;
  • tourism, etc.

The IT sector is in demand and popular. It is overwhelmingly represented by men. This includes web design, application development, SEO optimization, etc. In the era of digital technology, such specialists never sit without work and earn decent money.

A good IT specialist is always in demand on the labor market

The financial and banking sector offers many options. Financial analysts, investment and lending experts, fashionable crisis managers will find work not only in banks, but also in large companies.

Blue-collar jobs are in demand among Russians. Trained professionals are paid decently and are always provided with work.

Certified engineers and so-called “technicians” have become very much in demand. Many young men prefer fashionable professions, as a result of which there is a shortage of engineers. Young specialists are required at enterprises, factories and concerns.

Don't forget about medicine. Competent doctors are always worth their weight in gold. Guys are rated exactly the same as girls. By the way, there are many more male surgeons.

Military affairs remains purely male. In addition, this industry offers many specialties and full social security.

List of professions for girls after 11th grade

Modern girls can easily master any profession. They are successful in the field high technology, finance, law, medicine. Everything depends entirely on abilities and desires.

What profession can a girl choose:

  • physician, pharmacist;
  • economist, accountant;
  • vet;
  • teacher;
  • research fellow;
  • psychologist;
  • architect;
  • web designer, programmer;
  • translator, linguist;
  • designer, stylist;
  • advertising or sales specialist;
  • sales representative;
  • lawyer;
  • police officer;
  • office manager;
  • tourism specialist, guide;
  • trainer, fitness instructor;
  • journalist.

In the modern world, the professions of trainers and fitness instructors will always be relevant and in demand.

Specializations that can be quickly mastered in courses after grade 11:

  • nail technician;
  • hairdresser;
  • cosmetologist;
  • masseur;
  • visagiste;
  • PC operator;
  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • waiter;
  • sales manager

TOP most in-demand professions

A marketer – a specialist in product promotion – is necessary for absolutely any modern company.

Continuous economic development and the fashion for certain specializations determine the list of in-demand and necessary professions:

  1. IT specialist (programmer, website developer, system administrator, web designer);
  2. marketer (all companies and brands, of which there are more and more, need competent advertising);
  3. translator;
  4. worker in government agencies(schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.);
  5. engineer, architect;
  6. sales and customer service specialist;
  7. doctor (pediatricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists and specialists).

Rating of the highest paid specialties

IT specialists and website developers receive very high salaries salaries in dollar equivalent

The highest paid specialties:

  1. IT specialist and web developer;
  2. auditor;
  3. marketer;
  4. business coach;
  5. chef in a restaurant;
  6. dentist;
  7. collector;
  8. lawyer;
  9. chief accountant;
  10. beauty specialist.

It is important to take into account the fact that real professionals in their field earn a lot of income. High salaries come with experience.

Where can I get education for free?

By doing well at school, a teenager increases the chances of entering a university or college on a budget

The answer is simple - in almost every educational institution countries. All state universities, technical schools and some commercial educational institutions allocate a certain number of budget and preferential places.

Applying on a budget is not always easy. Applicants go through several selection stages. Enroll young people with the best Unified State Exam results, additional exams, and portfolio and personal achievements are also taken into account. It is difficult to get into elite institutions (MGIMO, Moscow State University). This is due to a limited number of free places, a high passing score (95 - 90), a lot of excitement and competition among applicants.

However, there are many universities and colleges that accept students with lower rates. Students are paid a stipend and, if necessary, are provided with a hostel. It is quite possible to study for free (a graduate can submit 15 applications). To do this, you need to try, study well in graduation classes, and successfully pass the Unified State Exam.