Part two exam paper make up tasks with detailed answers. Each of the six tasks in this part tests a specific skill on a different social studies course content. There are some general rules, compliance with which can be recommended for the successful completion of the tasks of this part.

First of all, you need to read the terms of the task and clearly understand the requirement, which indicates the assessed elements of the answer. It is important to pay attention not only to what should be called(indicate, formulate, etc.): signs, (features, arguments, examples, etc.), but also determine what number of data elements must be given (one, two, three, etc.).

This is necessary in order to get maximum score without doing extra work (when instead of three elements a graduate brings, for example, five or six). The fact is that there is a clear dependence of points on the completeness of the correct answer. The answer may be correct, but incomplete. In this case, it will be impossible to get the maximum score.

Read the text and write down the tasks.

We are entering a century in which education, knowledge, and professional skills will play a decisive role in a person’s destiny. Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complex, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful... A person will introduce new ideas, think about things that a machine cannot think about. And for this, the general intelligence of man will be increasingly needed, his ability to create new things and, of course, moral responsibility, which a machine cannot bear... the heaviest and most difficult burden will fall on man. Herculean task It’s not easy to be a person, but a person of science, a person who is morally responsible for everything that happens in the age of machines and robots. General education can create a man of the future, a creative man, a creator of everything new and morally responsible for everything that will be created.

Teaching is what a young man now needs from a very young age. You always need to learn. Until the end of their lives, all the major scientists not only taught, but also studied. If you stop learning, you won’t be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. It must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in adolescence, that the human mind is most receptive.

Know not to waste time on trifles, on “rest”, which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless “information”. Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring knowledge and skills that only in your youth you will master easily and quickly.

And here I hear a heavy sigh young man: What a boring life you offer our youth! Just study. Where is the rest and entertainment? So why shouldn’t we rejoice?

No, no. Acquiring skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. We must love to study and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment that can also teach us something, develop in us some abilities that we will need in life...

Learn to love learning!

(D.S. Likhachev)

26 Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

31 The author believes that “you always need to learn.” Using the text and social science knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the need continuing education throughout a person's life.

First task for the text (No. 26 in work) requires drawing up an outline of the text, highlighting its main semantic fragments and titling each of them. To complete this task, you must carefully read the text, understand its content, and identify the main ideas. It is very important to understand that the names of the plan points should not completely reproduce individual phrases of the text - you need to briefly formulate the main idea of ​​each fragment yourself. In this case, the number of selected fragments can be different system assessment does not specify a specific number of points in the plan. But at the same time, it is necessary to understand that in splitting the text into semantic fragments (micro-topics), there must be a certain logic; based on its understanding, the expert checking the work can conclude that the main semantic fragments have been identified.

In our example, the following semantic fragments can be highlighted:

  1. the role of education in the 21st century;
  2. moral responsibility of a person of science;
  3. young years - time of study;
  4. be able to find joy in learning.

It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks. The correctness of all wording of the work will be determined by the expert during the verification process.

The next two tasks require extracting information from the text.

Second task to the text (No. 27 in the work) involves retrieving information presented explicitly. The required information can be given in the form of a direct quotation from the text, and lengths and details can be omitted and only a recognizable fragment of the phrase is given. Information can be given in the form of a retelling close to the text. Both of these options for completing the task are equal.

Our example should contain the following elements:

  1. role: a person will bring new ideas, think about things that a machine cannot think about;
  2. qualities: a person’s general intelligence, his ability to create new things, moral responsibility.

It is possible that in the text you can find not what is required in the task, but a larger number of pieces of information. In this case, the student can choose any of them.

Third task to the text (No. 28 in the work) involves the extraction and some interpretation of information presented in the text.

In our example, the correct answer must contain the reasons:

  1. knowledge is growing and becoming more complex;
  2. It is in youth that a person's mind is most receptive.

The fourth task to the text (No. 29 in the work) involves going beyond the content of the text and involving contextual knowledge of the social science course, facts public life or the graduate’s personal social experience.

What are the requirements for completing such tasks? Firstly, the accuracy and correctness of the given facts (social facts or models of social situations), their compliance with the theoretical principles given in the task. Secondly, the presence of reasoning that specifies the essence of the theoretical position given in the assignment, the logical and substantive correctness of these reasoning. Thirdly, the correctness of reflection of various types of connections in reasoning and facts.

In our example, the following explanations can be given:

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

2) two examples indicating qualities, let's say:

– classes in sports section develop strength, dexterity, strong-willed qualities, and the ability to interact with partners and rivals;

– reading works of art develops imagination, sense of empathy; expands ideas about the world and man.

Elements of the answer can be given in other, similar in meaning formulations

Fifth task to the text (No. 30 in the work) - a task, which, as a rule, has an independent expanded condition, tests a whole range of skills: correlate individual facts and social processes, apply knowledge of a social science course, supplement course knowledge with information from a proposed source, apply a source social information to solve a problem, etc.

The following explanations may be given.

Man bears moral responsibility for “everything.” what happens in the age of machines and robots”, since:

1) the global economic problems that humanity faced in the second half of the 20th century were largely caused by intensive transformative activities a person whose character and orientation are beginning of XXI V. have not changed;

2) developing technology and technologies not only have a positive impact on the development of society, but also pose a potential threat to the existence of humanity.

Other explanations may be given.

The options use different condition models ( problematic situation, social fact, statistical data, problematic statement, etc.)

Sixth task to the text (No. 31 in the work) involves the formulation and argumentation by the graduate of his own judgment on the current problematic issue public life. This task is directly related to the content of the text, but it requires viewing the text from a different perspective.

In our example, the correct answer should contain the following elements:

arguments (explanations):

1) in modern world knowledge becomes outdated very quickly, so it has to be constantly replenished and corrected;

2) modern people change jobs often, so you have to constantly learn new information, types of activities.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

How to answer questions in Part B

The second part of the social studies work consists of 7 tasks with a short answer. Part B requires a short answer on its own. Two of them (B1 and B2) are assessed with one point each, the five remaining (VZ-B7) - two points, subject to complete correct execution and one point if the answer is partially correct (one point is given if the answer, along with the correct ones, contains one incorrect symbol - a letter or a number). The maximum possible score for the second part of the work is 12. The exam paper presents several types (models) of tasks with a short answer.

At position B1, along with the task to fill in the missing element of the diagram, a task is introduced to fill in the missing element of the table. Various contents in different options: identification structural elements using diagrams and tables.
This task was aimed at testing the ability to identify different contents in different versions: orientation to the type of activity (task to identify structural elements using diagrams and tables).

Task 1. Determine the missing element of scheme 1.

Comment. The task cannot be considered difficult. On this simple example you can trace the general sequence of actions when performing tasks of this type. First of all, let’s pay attention to the initial general concept, reflecting the entire area of ​​the phenomena under consideration. This is the “education system”.
We are also given three elements subordinate to the main concept: preschool institutions, secondary schools, technical schools (colleges). These are the initial conditions.
The fourth element needs to be determined. To do this, we take the next, most important and difficult step - we identify the basis of the classification. Establishing similarities between three already known elements will help us with this. Each of them reflects a sequential step in educational process(note that in our case the sequence is not rigid: studying at a technical school is not a prerequisite for moving to the next educational level).
What in this series can be considered as the final link in this chain? The answer is obvious - higher educational institution. Thus, the scheme receives a logical conclusion.

Here is another task from the same group.

Task 2. Determine the missing element of scheme 2.

Comment. Among those who completed this task during the exam, there were many who thought that the word “experiment” was missing. Yet this is not true. And the error in this case is caused by an incorrect definition of the basis of classification. By analogy with the previous example, we define common feature two specified elements. Both theory and law relate to content scientific knowledge, they express ideas established by science, identified connections between phenomena real world. Are there other types of scientific knowledge that contain certain ideas and provisions? Eat. These are hypotheses. "All bodies are made of atoms." This statement, before becoming part of a scientific theory, was a hypothesis, which, as you know, could not be confirmed for quite a long time. Thus, we insert the word “hypothesis” into the free cell of our diagram. But what about the experiment, you ask, is it also related to science? It certainly does. But this element is included integral part into another classification of scientific knowledge, which is based on scientific methods knowledge of the world. It will also include observation, modeling and other methods.

Task B2 was aimed at testing the ability to define terms and concepts of social phenomena, based on the correlation of specific concepts with generic ones.

A concept is a form of thinking that reflects objects in their general essential features.

In the tasks of Part B 2, it is usually asked to find a word that “falls out” from a number of homogeneous concepts.
Among the listed terms, find one that is not a feature characterizing social dynamics: reform, revolution, progress, decline, rise, organization, trend.
You should pay attention to keyword. In this example, this is “dynamics,” that is, movement, change. The word "organization" is not associated with movement. This is what “falls out” from the general series.

Task B3 was aimed at testing the ability to classify concepts, phenomena, social objects by establishing the correspondence of terms and their definitions, concepts and their characteristics. These skills were tested by tasks of the basic level of complexity of the second part of the work. In each version of the examination paper, one such task was given.

Task B-3 is a task to correlate information, to establish relationships between two series of information. Let's compare concepts and definitions: how to avoid mistakes?
Let's start looking at compliance tasks with the following example.

Task B3. Establish a correspondence between the factors of production and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.

Comment. This task proved difficult for most graduates.
It can be converted into a task that requires you to distribute the given list (first column) into the groups indicated in the second column. But here there are already three of these groups. The basis of the classification is specified in the condition - this is the broad concept of “factors of production”, meaning resources without which the process of production of goods and services is impossible. In turn, this category is divided into three more specific concepts: “land”, “capital”, “labor”. They are also named in the task conditions and form the second tier of the classification scheme. Let us clarify the content of these concepts. "Earth" is natural resources(and not just arable land, as some schoolchildren mistakenly think) that are used in production. Capital (in this case, physical capital) is everything that is created for production by human labor. In this case, economists consider labor to be the physical and mental effort expended by a person in the production process. So, we have clarified the content of the concepts presented in the second column of the task conditions. What is contained in the first column? The specific objects used in production are listed here. This is the third level of classification - the level of specific concepts. The task requires establishing which of the factors of production each of the specified specific objects belongs to. Once we have clarified what the individual factors of production include, this task is not difficult to complete. Coal and arable land is natural resources (“land”), construction machines and factories are material means of production (“capital”), and the farmer in this case personifies human resources (“labor”). Thus, the main difficulty associated with performing classification tasks is finding a characteristic (sign, property) used as the basis for a system for identifying groups and subgroups. Where the groups have already been identified, it is important to find the most significant differences between them (majoritarian electoral system from proportional, economic sphere life of society from a political, patriarchal family from a partner-type family, etc.) and, using this criterion, attribute the specific manifestations given in the list to one form or another.

Task B3. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their characteristics.

Comment. In order to complete the task correctly, a number of logical steps are required. First of all, it is advisable to establish what connects all the concepts indicated in the right column, in other words, to find a generic concept for them. This concept is “person”. Now let's establish the most characteristic species differences of each of the three concepts: individual - each representative of the human race (one of the people), individuality - the uniqueness of an individual, personality - a kind of social dimension of a person. The next step is to comprehend the definitions and characteristics given in the left column and correlate them with the species characteristic of each of the listed concepts. After this, the requirement of the task is fulfilled, namely, the correspondence of the two groups of positions is established. In the example considered, it looks like this:

Task B4 was aimed at testing the ability to select the necessary items from the proposed list, using knowledge about characteristic features, signs of concepts and phenomena, social objects of a certain class (task to select several correct positions from the proposed list). These skills were tested with tasks higher level complexity.

Tasks B4 and B7 are tasks that require the ability to group facts and phenomena. If you need to be able to select five or six items from a list on a specific topic, for example, “Traits traditional society"or "Features of a market economy."
How to choose the right sign of the specified concept?
The tasks of this group contain in the condition an indication of the concept under consideration. You need to select its attribute from those listed. Let's give an example.

Task B4. Which of the following characteristics characterizes an industrial society?
1) leading role agriculture
2) predominance of industry
3) weak level of division of labor
4) the decisive importance of the service sector in the economy

Comment. In this task, identifying the correct answer is not so difficult, since other alternatives often contain signs of similar but different concepts. Thus, in the first answer, the leading role of agriculture clearly characterizes an agrarian society, the decisive importance of the service sector is inherent in society at the stage of its transition to post-industrial, and a weak division of labor was characteristic of the early - pre-industrial stages economic development. So the only correct answer remains - the predominance of industry. This was indicated by the vast majority of graduates.
It's harder to do right choice in cases where the answer options include characteristics derived from the main one, particular characteristics.
Let’s compare two tasks related to the concept of “nation”.

Task 1. A feature inherent in the concept of “nation” is
1) batch availability
2) having your own army
3) common territory
4) separation of powers

Task 2. A mandatory feature of an ethnic group is
1) sovereignty
2) coincidence of ethnic and state borders
3) lack of continuity of generations
4) common historical destiny

Comment. The answer alternatives in the first task, with the exception of one - “common territory”, do not relate to the concept of a nation at all (the presence of an army, the separation of powers characterize the state, the party is an element political system). In the second task, there is a feature inherent to individual nations - the coincidence of ethnic and state borders, in other words, there are many single-national states in the world. But there are also multinational states. Therefore, this attribute cannot be considered as mandatory, but this word is contained in the task conditions. The correct answer is “common historical destiny.”

Another task from the same series.

Task 3. Socialization of the individual is
1) communication with others
2) change social status
3) assimilation of social experience accumulated by people
4) transition from one social group to another

Comment. Along with the correct answer, reflecting the essence of socialization (option 3), there is a position reflecting the method (path) of socialization (option 1). And this choice may seem correct if you are unable to distinguish the essential feature of a phenomenon from the method of its implementation.

How to cope with tasks of distributing positions into groups and establishing correspondence?

Let's give examples.
Exercise. Distribute the items listed below as follows: the first three positions should represent an expression of forms of private ownership, the next three – state ones.

1) family farm
2) the country's armed forces
3) agricultural cooperative
4) apartment privatized by a citizen
5) property of diplomatic missions abroad
6) national park.

Comment. The general set of objects (in this case, relationships) implied in this task can be designated by the concept of “property” as a way for people to appropriate what they need for life. It is appropriate to recall such semantic characteristics of property as ownership, use and disposal of something.
The task specifies two groups into which the presented objects should be distributed. Therefore, the next logical step in completing the task is to clarify the features underlying this division, in other words, we need to remember what distinguishes state property from private property. The answer is quite obvious, especially in relation to state property. But with regard to private property, it should be remembered that it can be individual, collective (cooperative) and corporate (joint stock company).
Having done these logical operations and restoring necessary knowledge, you can complete the proposed task without error. Private forms of ownership include a family farm and a privatized apartment (this is individual private property), as well as an agricultural cooperative (collective private property). The remaining items indicated in the list meet the criteria of state ownership.

Task B5 was aimed at differentiating factors and value judgments in social information. This skill was tested by tasks at the basic level of the second part of the work.
Let's try to figure out which judgments are factual and which are evaluative. The word “fact” comes from the Latin faktum - “done, accomplished.”
Fact is knowledge in the form of a statement, the reliability of which is strictly established. From the course of social studies it is known that facts form the empirical basis of knowledge. Fact is the immediate basis of science; it is recognized as a given, as an immutable truth (one of the meanings of the word “fact” is “true knowledge”). Factual judgment records real fact, a phenomenon of reality that has already taken place, taking place in real time.
In the usual sense, a social fact is a real, completely real event, phenomenon, something that exists. In a broader, cognitive sense, a social fact is understood as knowledge about an event, which is described taking into account the specifics of the social situation in which it took place.
A person who studies social phenomena cannot remain impartial to what he studies - he develops own attitude, the assessment is positive or negative, multifaceted, and the evaluative group of judgments can include not only a purely evaluative component (“bad”, “good”, “progressive”, “reactionary”, “positive”, etc.), but and in a broader sense – the attitude towards the phenomenon (“serves as an example”, “creates a reliable foundation”, etc.). Relationships and assessments may be controversial.

Judgments of a factual nature cannot be challenged. An example of such a statement might be the following: “The study involved 30,000 men aged 30 to 45 years.”

Evaluative judgments express attitudes towards facts and evaluate their significance. These judgments can include both a purely evaluative component (“bad”, “good”, “immoral”, etc.), and an attitude towards the phenomenon in a broader sense, an explanation of its causes with own position or an assessment of its influence on other phenomena (“can be explained,” “is an example,” etc.). Examples of value judgments include: “This opinion can be explained by a low level of education” or “We believe that this distribution of responsibilities has a negative impact on family relationships.”
In some cases, clue words are given “according to scientists”, “probably”, but often there are no such clues.

Task B6 was aimed at understanding the text; definition of terms and concepts appropriate to the proposed context. This skill was tested by tasks of an increased level of complexity in the second part of the work.

Task B6 is a task that requires the ability to correctly operate with concepts. The text is given with gaps and at the end of the text there is a list of concepts, there are more of them than gaps; you need to find a concept that needs to be inserted into these gaps. This is a task of an increased level of difficulty. Completing task B6, which at first glance seems very simple, is impossible in the absence of contextual reading skills, including the ability to understand both the text read as a whole and the meaning of individual sentences. Inattentive, careless reading leads to the wrong choice of the desired concept. This will also be caused by the inability to analyze the meaning of individual sentences, and, of course, by the lack of knowledge of the relevant social science sphere.

Answers to the tasks of the second part of the work must be formulated independently and written down in answer form No. 1 in the form of a word, phrase, set of letters or numbers as required by the instructions for recording the answer.
It must be said that when preparing for an exam, as a rule, they pay attention to the first position and often ignore the second. And this cannot but affect the results obtained. It is clear that if the answer is not written as required by the instructions, it will be read by the computer as incorrect. For example, numbers or letters will be inadvertently given in the wrong sequence, or one of the characters (number or letter) will be missed - the task will be counted as uncompleted.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in addition to the actual tasks, the work contains a whole series instructions. What is their purpose?
First, the instructions help him understand what the task requires of him.
Secondly, the instructions contain the rules for recording the answer.
We recommend that you read them carefully and follow them. When working with a separate option, we advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

Do you know that part C will give you almost half the points on the Unified State Exam in social studies? On the Unified State Exam, you will count every point, therefore, no matter how difficult the written tasks are, they must be solved. Let's try to outline the main recommendations of Unified State Exam experts on Part C?

But the most difficult thing at the Unified State Exam 2016 will not be, but your struggle with emotions, insufficient time, and your own gaps in knowledge. Preparation for the Unified State Exam is entering a decisive phase; do not forget to use ALL opportunities for the most effective and accelerated preparation and repetition of the material.

Part C of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies - structure

“What is more difficult is better,” said the great Aristotle. In relation to part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies, this is absolutely true. If each task in Part A, and some of the tasks in Part B, will only bring you 100% on the Unified State Exam, then in Part C you can count on a grade from 2 to 5 right away!

So, half of your result on the Unified State Exam depends on completing Part C! Meanwhile, even the simplest of the tasks in Part C - C1, C2 - cause difficulties for graduates. But their meaning is a simple contextual search in a social science text. That is, you just need to correctly select the desired author’s idea from the text.

Part C consists of 9 tasks, which are divided into 4 large blocks.

  • C1-C4 - work with social science text, search for information presented in explicit and implicit form, your own commentary on the author’s judgments based on knowledge of courses and social practice.
  • C5, C8 are tasks of a theoretical nature, where there is practically no need to use examples from the surrounding reality, and the emphasis is on the ability to present the knowledge of a social studies course in a structured manner.
  • C6-C7 - tasks on applying theoretical knowledge in practice, solving problems and giving examples.

We have already dedicated our posts separately to tasks, and a separate section to writing essays in social studies, which our group’s subscribers enjoy using

The published FIPI “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ASSESSING COMPLETION OF USE TASKS WITH DETAILED ANSWER” will help us. We will devote another separate post to the analysis of essay C9 using FIPI recommendations, and today we will discuss the remaining 8 tasks.

Analysis of part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies 2013

A few words about the methodology of working with social science text:

1. Read the entire text and highlight it main problem(what is it about?). In this case it is ensuring the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to judicial protection.

2. We work with the text in the KIM (assignment form). As a rule, C1 and C2 can be completely excerpted from the text, sometimes with minor revision. Like this, for example:

3. That is, without wasting time on rewriting the answer into a draft (remember that working with part C requires a lot of time), we prepare ready-made answers for ourselves to rewrite into a clean copy.

So, here are the answers of a graduate seriously preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies:

C1.1) Speech The text talks about the constitutional right to judicial protection.
2) The main condition for the implementation of this right is the opportunity for every citizen to find out how, where and on what issue to apply. Ensuring information accessibility of the court.

Maximum per task - 2 points.

C2.1) According to the author, the problem with the complaints procedure is a number of rules that objectively limit access to justice.
2) The restriction is that we will accept complaints only on arbitrarily designated “complaint acceptance” days.
3) Complaints can be filed only after personal consultation with a judge or only after checking documents not provided for by law.
4) Only federal laws can introduce restrictions of this kind.

And again the maximum for the task is - 2 points. But, there are some notes on the design. The problem and its two manifestations are identified. But last part the question is not clearly highlighted. Better:

— Role federal laws The solution to the problem of the complaints procedure is that only they can introduce a restriction of this kind.

One more note. Every Unified State Exam expert checks more than a dozen works. Naturally, the eye gets blurry, so I recommend clearly writing out the answer to the task, repeating its conditions, especially if several questions are asked for one task.

C3. To the conditions for unhindered visits to courts by persons with disabilities can be attributed:
1) Providing assistance in moving from home to courts (special social services providing a vehicle (social service car with driver or taxi))
2) Installation of convenient ramps at the entrance to court buildings
3) Convenient elevators and doorways inside court buildings
4) Sound equipment for the blind in court buildings, vehicles, pedestrian crossings.
5) Equipping the metro with convenient ramps and elevators
6) Equipping ground transport with convenient entry into wheelchairs, sound equipment for the blind.

C4. Information accessibility of the court and openness of court hearings guarantees respect for the rights of citizens since: 1) The verdict and decision of the court are publicly announced. This provides an opportunity for public discussion, media coverage, filing complaints if necessary on the part of citizens, or other expressions of dissatisfaction (meetings, rallies).
2) The openness of the meeting guarantees the equality of everyone before the law and the court
3) Elimination of the possibility of falsification and distortion of the court case during the trial.
4) Elimination of biased attitude on the part of the judge, prosecutor or lawyer towards the defendant, plaintiff or witnesses.

Let's note the exhaustive and brilliant answers. Understanding of the text, knowledge of legal theory, and understanding of social reality are demonstrated. This, in contrast to tasks C1-C2 (basic level), tasks of an advanced level, each correctly completed task is scored 3 points.

For the correct C3 and C4 maximum 6 points. Total for text C1-C4 maximum 10 points.

C5.Social progress is the process of development of society from simpler to more complex, from lower to higher.

1) Society is a dynamic self-developing system, which inevitably leads to social progress
2) Idea social progress arose by analogy with the development of nature
3) Social progress is contradictory, since improvement in one area can lead to deterioration or complete extinction of another area. progress for one segment of the population may be negative for another.
4) The criteria for social progress are the development of science, technology, the sophistication of culture, law, education, medicine, etc.

Let us immediately note that in this format this year, it is specified in terms of two complementary proposals. But there are very big doubts about this answer C5; with the current (extremely specific) form of asking questions on complementary sentences, a maximum of 1 point would be received for a correct definition. Suggestions would be here didn't count, since it would be unclear what is being specified at all.

And yet, they ask you to make two sentences, and the answer is 4. Here exactly 2 are required!

And in Part C of the Unified State Exam there are no abbreviations, especially etc. NOT ALLOWED!

Let's say 1 point for the task.

Here is the graduate's response:

C6. Ways to combat unemployment:
1) Organization public works(landscaping and improvement of parks, squares, playgrounds)
2) Lending and subsidizing small businesses so that people show their entrepreneurial abilities, create work for themselves and additional jobs. (issuance of loans by banks to open a business at a lower interest rate)
3) Creation of schools and courses for retraining workers (creation of accounting courses, courses in scripting languages, etc.)

1. At the request of the local employment service, the department of housing and communal services of the town of M. allocated an additional 2 places for employing unemployed citizens to work as a street landscaper.

Here's what they look like about it methodological recommendations FIPI:

Therefore, for this answer the expert will give 0 points.

Alumni response:

C7. This is a social phenomenon - Socialization of the individual.
1) The primary socialization of a child is most influenced by parents (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather). In the secondary - school, university, teachers, professors.
2) People who are in authority with a particular person also influence the socialization of the individual.
3) Example: The child remembers how family members communicate with each other and does things by analogy with them.
The student accepts the opinion of a professor he respects on a particular topic.

In general, the task itself implies that you must know at a high level what an agent of socialization is and what an institution of socialization is. These are the subjects. In this answer, all the arguments are put “in a heap”... Honestly, experts would argue further in this situation, but you would receive at least 1 point for the example. Two subjects ask, write:
1. Parents.
6. Functions of the state

b) Protection of the territory of the state
c) Representation of the state in the international arena (political, economic)

In the variant, there really was a voluminous question for the plan. The logic behind constructing the graduate's answer is correctly understood, but there are some inaccuracies at the end.

Very confusing again etc. at the end of the plan. Moreover, at the beginning of this point a) Economic and social problems … What is this? this is not a function. These are problems. The point would definitely be taken off, since this item is in the plan task.

2 points for the answer.

How to solve part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies?

A few summaries from the disassembled version. We checked it without an essay, we will immediately take this into account when calculating points (- 5 points, this is the maximum for C9).

Out of the maximum possible 22 points, 15 points were scored. That's quite a lot. If you combine this with 17 points for Part A and 11 for Part B, you get (that's almost 67 points). That is, the graduate applies for high level Unified State Examination points. I recommend that you continue this work in our group.

Modern Unified State Exam in Social Studies a very variable subject that diagnoses various graduate skills. One of the already familiar tasks opens part 2 of the exam. Presented here 21-24 social studies assignments, which are united by a common text.

Here are tasks that require a detailed answer. According to the developers, they allow you to demonstrate special knowledge and skills that reflect the depth of development of social science skills. Tasks 21 and 22 have basic level difficulty, and 23 and 24 increased. They require not only finding the required element in the content of the text, but also correct interpretation taking into account existing knowledge and social practice.

In total, the graduate will receive 10 points for all tasks, according to the scheme 2+2+3+3. Every high school student is interested in high-quality writing. To do this, you need to remember and learn to follow a few simple rules that will help you give informed and correct answers to questions. Unified State Exam in Social Studies.

1. Read the entire text carefully. This will allow you to see its internal structure, highlight the main thoughts and correlate it thematically with any substantive line, for example, politics or economics.

2.Highlight main idea text, try to understand the idea that the author wanted to convey.

3. Try to adhere to the order established in the task in your answer. Consistently answer questions starting from task 21. This way you won't get confused in the answers or miss important information.

4.Sometimes graduates have difficulty in where they need to move away from the text and use existing knowledge. There is only one recipe here - read the tasks carefully, this requirement is directly indicated there. As a rule, it is indicated by phrases - specify, clarify the position of the author, or rely on knowledge of a social science course.

5. There is no need to go beyond the scope of the designated issue for the sake of volume. Despite working with text Unified State Examination in social studies tasks 21-24 suggest a specific answer that meets the stated requirements.

6.Try to stick to the correct design style. Write as legibly and clearly as possible. Start each answer with a new paragraph.

When preparing for the exam, practicing assignments 21-24 of the Unified State Exam in social studies is very important, so using a specific text as an example, let’s look at how to answer.


A study of the process of the emergence of small businesses in the domestic economy revealed the presence of a contradictory situation. On the one hand, Russia already has all the formal prerequisites for its successful development.Relevant federal laws and numerous by-laws on state support for small businesses have been adopted. The necessary infrastructure has been created in the form of government agencies and funds, and business associations. There is a market for reserve labor, including highly skilled workers and graduates. The importance of small business development is confirmed by speeches by government officials, politicians, heads of major banks and corporations, and leading scientists.

On the other hand, the actual state of small business by representatives of all interested parties is assessed asextremely unsatisfactory. In Russia there is a pronounced underdevelopment of this sector of the economy. In light of the reform of the economic system and the still incomplete transition to a market model, small businesses should be given special attention. Excessive concentration of production in the Soviet Union became one of the main reasons for the decline of small towns and the ruin of tens of thousands of villages. Relocation dozens millions of people into large cities created an insoluble problem of housing, consumer and cultural services, transport, ecology, and crime.The development of small enterprises is necessary for Russia to establish an efficient and stable economy, but the hopes that were placed on small businesses in the late 1980s and early 1990s have not yet been fully justified.

It is necessary to emphasize the main characteristics that allow small businesses to develop dynamically. These include: quick response to market conditions; addressing social issues, such as the ability to quickly create new jobs; countering monopolism in the economy; intensification of structural restructuring of the economy.

Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of small business development for our country. It is capable of radically and without significant capital investments expanding the production of many consumer goods and services (primarily for the low-income majority of the population) using local sources of raw materials,solve the employment problem, accelerate scientific and technological progress and create a positive alternative to the criminal business.

Task 21. The author cites a number of negative consequences,which arose as a result of excessive concentration of production in an administrative-command economy. List three of them. The question contains a specific requirement indicating the number of elements of the answer; we look for them in the text fragment. Here is a sentence containing the answer to the question (highlighted in green in the text). The relocation of tens of millions of people to large cities has created an insoluble problem of housing, consumer and cultural services, transport, ecology, and crime.The number of elements presented here is even more than required.

And again we see the question exactly in the text indicating the number of elements. By reading carefully, we find the desired block (indicated in red in the text). We highlight the main thoughts from it and clearly formulate the answer:

· development of the labor market taking into account the interests of small businesses;

· formation of a legislative framework aimed at supporting small businesses;

· The priority of small business development has been repeatedly emphasized in the words of major entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, and financiers.

Task 23. What, in your opinion, is the author’s position in assessing the possibilities for the development of small businesses in solving economic problems in Russia? By what provisions of the text did you determine this? (Indicate any two arguments.) Give an example of solving a specific economic problem with the help of small business.

The requirements have become more complicated - you need to carefully re-read the fragment again and try to highlight the author’s position (underlined yellow), referring to specific provisions (underlined in blue in the text). Why was this considered the author’s position? Because all the content is imbued with the idea of ​​the importance and necessity of supporting and developing small businesses. The required provisions are listed immediately after the thesis statement.

Next we need to come up with an example. It should be specific and essentially illustrate the above point. We present this option. Small businesses are able to provide high-quality services to the consumer sector without using huge capital investments based on local resources.