Getting Study of English languageEach first thing is looking for a suitable language learning method. The choice depends on the set of conditions: the purpose of study, the current level of ownership, the age of the student. So you can outline the circle in which the methods of studying English are suitable for you personally. Most likely, there will be several of them, and there will be a role of objective circumstances: the availability of the English language school (territorial and financial), schedule of classes, service, etc. By the way, it is precisely for such parameters, assessed students, our rating is built. language courses. Here is a fresh example of CO.

Most students choose the optimal method of studying English: classes in the group on courses, and additional resources are used independently. Indeed, modern resources give a lot of opportunities to deepen knowledge: blogs in English, films in the original with subtitles, toutube and telegrams, audiobooks, podcasts, mobile applications for learning English ... cool, convenient, not boring. But still, these are only auxiliary channels of information, and the effective working methods of studying English should be based on the basis.

Best English learning techniques

Competition among teachers and courses of English stimulates the emergence of many training techniques. Some of them promise unheardly quick results, others are impressive with the original approach. But in practice, the best techniques are working techniques, that is, those that allow you to get a real, tangible and durable result. And there are not so many such. The main, perhaps, only three:

Learning English in the group

Classes in English schools in the group of students with the same as you, the level of preparation do not lose popularity. And it's not by chance. This technique studying English has many advantages:

  • Communication. Communicative skills, speech perception by rumor - all this is perfectly trained in the group. In class you have to communicate a lot with classmates and a teacher and this is undoubtedly a big plus.
  • Other people's mistakes. Of course, they need to not rejoice, but to learn to not repeat themselves. Training in the group allows you to watch and listen from the side, notice the nuances that are lost in individual and / or independent training.
  • Collective. Typically, group classes are not monotonous. This means that from time to time they pass outside the class (in the cafe, in the cinema, in nature). In addition, in the group celebrates holidays and birthdays, communicate informally and have friends.
  • Cost. Training in the group is the most affordable. You can always find an actual offer, pay in installments or otherwise save on English courses.
  • Levelslanguage ownership. Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced. There are groups for children and for adults.

Among the shortcomings of group training it is worth named by all the same "human factors". First, students with an active temperament are usually more practiced and more attention to teachers. Secondly, you will have to strictly observe the schedule of classes despite any personal circumstances. Thirdly, group classes are usually devoted to the so-called. general English, and for specific training (to interview, admission to university, professional activity) is better to find good teacher (how to do it - ).

Individual study of English

Classes in private with a tutor - the second most popular method of study foreign languages. Schoolchildren and applicants, specialists of different professions and chamber communication lovers are addressed to him (we advise you to pay attention to the selection they receive such advantages of this study of English:

The disadvantages of this technique of studying English are obvious. First, the work of an individual teacher will cost much more than group classes in the Language School. Secondly, you will learn in the "greenhouse" conditions instead of actively communicating, overcome the linguistic barrier and train the perception of spoken speech. Thirdly, good tutoring The schedule is very dense and you will have to "fit" into it.

Independent learning English

Independent preparation may include different ways of learning English. These are all listed and repeatedly described Internet resources, as well as textbooks, literary works, animated and movies. These methods have a number of benefits:

  • Convenient schedule. You will learn English at the time and in that setting when it is convenient for you. Although at least at the bar, even at night, at least in the early morning.
  • Interesting content. You yourself will choose materials to explore. You can watch the series in English, read comics, chat in chat rooms, watch video blogs, etc.
  • Free English. Self-forming is not worth the money. Perhaps some resources will take a certain fee, but it will be symbolic compared to the cost of courses or tutoring.

As for the shortcomings of this technique, their root lies in self-discipline. If you can organize your time and stick decisions taken - The training will give weighty fruits. If not, then it will remain unsuccessful than good intention.

Original learning English methods

Talented Linguists and / or English teachers have developed several author's language learning techniques. Here are the most, in our opinion, interesting and efficient methods:

  • Pimsler method. One of the worldwide recognized methods focused on modern business people who have little free time. Classes are divided into 3 courses of 30 lessons half an hour each. The task of the student is to listen carefully and perform everything that speakers say. The technique combines listening and pronunciation. It helps to avoid mistakes of the wrong pronunciation, and relatively easy to remember the number of words and combinations of phrases sufficient for full-fledged communication. By the end of the training, you should know from 2,000 to 3,000 words.
  • Method Ilya Frank. Methods of expanding the vocabulary in the account of reading fiction. Texts are divided into small passages, for each of which is subject to a literal Russian translation, if necessary, augmented by a lexico-grammatical reference. After the paragraph, the same passage is given, but without translation. Interesting and useful reception, especially for book lovers.
  • Method Alexandra Dragunkina. Main method - use Russified transcription for memorization english words. This technique has a lot of fans, but also critics no less. The only question is whether it will be suitable for you.

As you can see, some techniques are suitable for studying colloquial English, others are directed to grammar. Choose the method that matches your goal, and do not forget about auxiliary receptions that will noticeably expand the horizons, they will open the lexicon and will make learning English more interesting.

Friends probably many of you have a desire to start learning English for free Without assistance and all paid educational courses.

And it's great! After all, the study of a foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for traveling and communications with people from other parts of the world. Believe having mastered the other language you will begin to think differently and perceive the world around!

However, judging by the experience of most students, some people throw an attempt to study English due to the lack of self-discipline and the presence of banal laziness! And indeed, the abundance of all sorts of rules and bad memories of school program Training beat off all the desire to learn!

We decided to help everyone learn English yourselfand prepared 7 best ways to master it. These methods will significantly save time and simplify the understanding of grammar, and most importantly - are free!

Using these methods and by paying the study, although 1 hour per day, after a few months you will master the basic principles, replenish vocabulary And you can spend freely talk to common / simple topics with native speakers.

1. Dmitry Petrov method

Dmitry Petrov is a famous linguist, translator and a public figure who owns more than 15 languages. He developed a course of 16 video clocks, which can be found on the Internet in free access (issues of the "Polyglot" program on TV channel Russia). View video tutorials.

In addition to the course of video tutorials, there is a free mobile application for learning English by Dmitry Petrov method.

Dmitry Petrov method efficiency: The material is presented in a very simple and understandable form, due to which the fear is quickly dispelled before the time, forms of verbs, etc. In a short time, get the skills of communication plus to work until the basic language algorithms will be automatically.

2. platform

A free international platform for learning languages \u200b\u200bwithout premium packages, advertising and webinars, which was launched in 2011. The training system is built as interesting lessons Based on the game, as the passages are passing, students help translate websites, articles, etc.

The basis of training is dualningo skill tree, according to which users are promoted by performing tasks and earning experience points. The platform has many functions, for example, execution of a task for a while, etc. In addition to the Duolingo web project has a mobile application. Not only English, but German and French can be studied on Dualningo, but Spanish and Swedish will be still available.

Duolingo efficiency: According to research, 34 hours of study on duolingo give as many skills of reading and writing, as they provide for the semester of training (130 hours) in higher educational institutions. Currently, many teachers in schools use the Dualingo program. The project gives excellent skills to recognize oral speech and translations.

3. Cynomonia with subtitles

The method is based on watching favorite films and TV series with double subtitles, but in the English voice acting. It turns out that you at the same time hear English speech and see writing and translation.

The main nuance is the right choice of serials and films. Newbies need to watch tapes in which simple dialogues and no use of specific words. Many call the famous series "Friends" ideal for viewing with double subtitles.

Efficiency method: Quickly remember new words and phrases, learn pronunciation. However, to feel the effect, it is necessary to watch quite a lot of series or movies.

4. Method Ilya Frank

As part of this method, the study of the language through reading books in English without a dictionary is meant. You read and remember due to the repeatability of words in the text of books.

In addition, for an interesting reading, it offers explanations with the translation of each sentence. Just swing the books of Ilya Frank and read at any time convenient for you. What the text looks like in the book, you can see the picture below.

Efficiency of the method of Ilya Frank: Frank training is ideal for memorizing words. You are reading a book and as learning starts to skip the explanatory inserts. According to reviews it says that if you read 1-2 hours a day, you can read English books in the original without any problems in the original.

5. Method Alexandra Dragunkin

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own methodology for learning the English language in which he refused to traditional classical examination of the word reading rules, replacing a Russified transcription.

In its method, he also developed 53 "Golden" formulas grammarwhich differ from classic. Dragunkin offers its vision of learning a language and understanding of grammar, which will be simple and understood by beginners.

To begin with, we recommend watching 3-hour video Tutorial under which you will find a link to the set methodological materials and draguncine tables that help with training.

The effectiveness of the Draguncine method: The main advantage of the Draguncine method is that the material is outlined in a very affordable form for "kettles". All material (tables, rules) of Dragunin are systematized, thanks to which it is easy to remember.

6. Dr. Pimsler Method

The Pimsler's Driver Method is based on auditing when the learning listens to the dialogues, designed phrases and reproduces them from memory. Course of Study consists of 3 parts, in each of which 30 lessons (audio material + text).

An important point is that it is necessary to study according to the pymsler method very focused. In particular, it is impossible, for example, combine learning with in public placesbecause Often, in the framework of the training, you must repeat the speaker.

The effectiveness of the method of Dr. Pimsler: Training on this method is perfectly suitable for those who have a pronunciation. The course by Dr. Pimsler's method is greatly developing memory and promotes good recognition. english speech (especially dialects).

7. Learning on YouTube

In addition to the above methods, we will leave for you a few excellent YouTube channels to study English. Each of them has its own training program that will help you to master English.

Puzzle English. - Excellent canal with large variety grammar lessons, tips on learning a language, lessons on proper pronunciation, etc.

English as notes - An employed channel, on which language learning is carried out through jokes, games, music, films, etc.

Oxana Dolinka. - the channel of the same name of the same name, on which the girl teaches English and makes accents on the lively modern language, as well as the nuances of spoken English in travel.

English in School Steve Jobs - The channel on which in short lessons is addressed by certain topics of the English language, as well as dialogues in films, it is described about metaphors in English, etc.

Albert Kakhnovskiy. - Canal, where English is being trained according to Raymond Murphy.

Efficiency method: Study English on YouTube canals is simple and fun. Learning does not require you and you can spend the study of so much time as you wish.

Learn English yourself not easy! Most people note that it is often difficult to overcome their laziness, remember this! Do not give in to the provocation of your consciousness to throw studies!

When people only proceed to the study of any foreign language, the first thing before them is a serious question of choosing a method and a method of study. Immediately I want to say that there is no one universal technique that will suit everyone.

Some of us better remember individual words, someone prefers classic training options for techniques, and someone easier to perceive information on rumor. This means that you choose the method and method of studying should be based on your personal features. The best way - It is to try several different techniques and understand which one is suitable for you.

In this article we will talk about what methods of studying English, which one is suitable for you and how to distinguish effective study English from ineffective.

Methods and ways to study English

Before talking about what methods of studying English are independently, it is impossible not to mention which options at all have options in humans, firmly solved to study a new language.

  • Language Schools and Group Lessons

One of the most popular ways in the world's way, preference to which most people give. It can be both local language schools in your city and schools abroad. IN major cities Russia is a fairly large selection of offline schools on the study of English, including the official branches of schools with world name. You can choose a school based on reviews of other students and get to classes to teachers who have proven themselves. True, sometimes the abundance of choice knocks down beginners, and confused students can simply refuse this idea.

In small cities, school selection is much less, however, and they can find a decent option with professional teachers and a convenient schedule.

In addition, language schools abroad accepting students all year round are increasingly popular. In them, you can prepare for international examinations, and simply go through an intensive course of English with full immersion and emphasis on colloquial. This is quite interesting and unusual experience, because students from such schools are collected from different countries The world, which will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the international environment and develop an understanding for the rumor of different accents. As a rule, a week or two is the lowest term at which school students take in Ireland, Great Britain, USA, Malta and other countries. The maximum term of study has no restrictions and depends on your individual goals and financial opportunities.

As with any other, this method has its pros and cons.

Of the pros, it is possible to allocate quite moderate prices for training compared to individual classes, the possibility of communication with other students, healthy competition in a group, a variety of classes and, of course, the opportunity to learn not only on their own, but also on other people's mistakes.

One of the main minuses is the lack of an individual approach, personal attention and the ability to disassemble more than your questions. This is due to a large number of students in the group, and some students may even experience a social and psychological barrier and be afraid to liberate. Also, the schedule of classes may not always be convenient for the student because of work and other everyday affairs.

In general, the group method of studying the language is suitable for sociable and communicative people, especially children and adolescents. But closed and forever busy people With a dense schedule, such schools will be quite difficult.

  • Private tutor

Those who are not suitable group classes, but you need a person to control and detailed parsing of incomprehensible material and grammar, it is worth stopping your choice on the tutor in English.

The main plus of this method is an individual approach. You disassemble only those themes that are not clear to you or are difficult. And, disassemble "to the victorious end". The tutor can deal with you as much as possible if it allows the financial side of the issue. The cost of one academic hour of classes with a tutor is higher than in group classes. But the usefulness of this method is higher, because classes will be built on the basis of your level and opportunities, you can choose your pace or focus on some of the topics. For example, it's tightly prepare for exams or pull the speaking speech.

Of the minuses, you can highlight a long search for exactly your teacher who will suit you on all items (location, schedule, cost, program). It is also important to find such a tutor who will really be interested in classes with you and laid out full: cook new Material, Use different approaches, to offer a variety of tasks and, of course, will develop yourself.

Modern technologies allow a person to gain access to information anywhere and at any time, and that's fine. Those who want to learn English, but who have no time or opportunity to visit group classes or hire a tutor give their preference to an independent study.

This includes classes at home on books and techniques, independent work With dictionaries and textbooks, audio lessons, video lessons, watching movies and serials in the original language, memorization games and much more.

This method today has an increasing number of people, because its advantages are obvious: the lack of need to go to the other end of the city, the ability to do at any convenient time and others. The biggest minus of such classes is the need to have a high level of self-organization, because nobody follows from your success and cannot correct the mistakes in pronunciation.

But if a person has a motivation and desire - he will find time to pay at least 15-30 minutes a day and constantly develop and increase its level. For example, we have in Puzzle English you will find a large number of simulators for studying vocabulary, video tutorials and materials in the original language with detailed analysis Proposals and phrases, as well as many other useful ways to learn English independently.

Remember that it is not necessary to dwell only on one method and the method, if it does not work. If you are not suitable for learning English independently, because you need to motivate from the teacher - it is better to start with language courses. And also, if you want more individual sessions and interesting content - you need a tutor or websites and applications for learning the language. IT's Up to You (solve only you).

Popular English Learning Systems

As they say in the famous expression: "How many people are so many opinions." But few of these people really developed their unique techniques for learning English and advanced them into the masses. These techniques use not only those who teaches the language independently, but also teachers in language Schools around the world.

In essence, all these methods are full language learning systems that can be used not only for English, but also for any other language. But with one important reservation: according to any of these methods, you can learn the language only to a certain level. To continue to comprehensively develop and master English more deeply and fully, it is better to use different ways: self-study, work in a group, watching movies in the original, conversational mugs and much more.

  • Pimsler method

This author's technique developed by Paul Pimsleur is patented and is widely known all over the world. He developed a series of audio courses, each of which consists of 30 lessons, each of which lasts 30 minutes. RUSSIAN VERSION - PIMSLEUR ENGLISH FOR RUSSIAN SPEAKERS. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bPimsler, it is during this period of time the human brain is able to assimilate information most effectively.

Training takes place in the form of a dialogue, and each of the classes are voiced as Native Speaker, and our compatriot. In addition, for each of the lessons there are tasks that are voiced by speakers. Thus, you not only listen to the dialogue, but also take part in it and learn to vote words and phrases. Thanks to this form, the student is able to quickly master the conversational speech and remember the maximum number of different expressions.

Plus this technique is that it is available at any time and anywhere - the audio course can be listened to the smartphone, in the car, at home during the preparation of dinner and so on.

  • Sheekter method

This technique is based on rethinking the usual learning model "from theory - to practice." In it, Igor Shehter proposes to learn a foreign language as we mastered the Russian speech in childhood. Nobody explains the rules of the language to small children, they study them only later, at school, but by the time they already have a certain vocabulary and can build proposals, although not always correctly.

Training in the Shechter method is divided into three main stages: only lexical units and expressions, which need to be immediately applied to practice, are given on the first (easier), and grammar and pronunciation are corrected at the second and third stages. In the last stages, the student disappears the psychological barrier and fear of speaking, with which the studying language is often faced. From the point of view of psychologist teachers, this technique is one of the most successful and effective in learning English.

  • Draguncine method

Our compatriot, Alexander Dragunkin, has developed a unique method for learning English, which has been successfully practiced for many years. According to him, to effectively learn English to the Russian person - first of all, you need to focus on Russian.

In this method, the grammatical part and the rules for building proposals are simplified as much as possible, it is not overloaded with an excess one according to a specialist information and focused on foreign words And their memorization.

Draguncina has not only approaches depending on the level of knowledge of the student, but also its own network of schools. And in addition - its own vocabulary, rules, etc., so that the Russian person is more clearly understood by English. As Dragunkin himself says, you can easily master it english verbs, Articles and basic principles for building proposals.

However, this technique has a lot of opponents who argue that the volume of theoretical knowledge is insufficient and that the system teaches English from the point of view of Russian, and this, in turn, predicts the correct pronunciation and perception of foreign speech.

  • Petrov method

Dmitry Petrov is a developer of one of the most effective methods of teaching the English language "Polyglot" in Russia. According to the Petrov method, English can be leaning from scratch for 16 hours. Of course, it is not about the fact that after 16 o'clock you can easily and freely communicate with the inhabitant of the UK on the topic of politics, but about some basic knowledge sufficient to understand and escalable speaking.

The technique is based on artificial immersion in the English language environment. Already from the first occupation, students communicate only on a foreign, starting with Azov and moving to more complex vocabulary and rules. For this, at the beginning of each lesson, the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum is proposed for independent study, and the bulk of the lesson is aimed at repeatedly repetition of speech structures and the use of vocabulary "on site".

  • Method Franca

It works like this: small excerpts of text are served with the translation in brackets. That is, the text offered to the study is not represented entirely in the text-translation format, and it is divided into parts and immediately, visually next to the translation. Thus, the student can compare the original with the translation immediately and learn from there new words or speech structures.

Frank argues that such a study system is much more efficient than simple methods with English texts, because the method of filing information in it is similar to a dictionary where the word and its translation also stand nearby.

One of the cons of this technique is the development of only reading and translation skills and the study of a new vocabulary, and not spoken English, which is no less important. However, the Franca technique is well suited to those who wish to increase the lexical stock.

  • Umina method

Evgeny Umin is a developer of the methodology for learning English based on motor and auditory enongs. So the Umin calls the "traces of memory", helping the person to absorb new information and reproduce it after.

As in the shekhter method, the Umina took the principles of perception of the world around the world and conducted additional studies of the mechanisms of human brain during training.

Its method is based on daily classes with a duration of 15-30 minutes, during which the main emphasis is on memorization, pronouncing and repetition. The author claims that if you do not engage in 30 minutes, and 1-1.5 hours a day, then for the year you can achieve the level of English ownership, sufficient for free communication with the native speaker.

  • Method Zamamyakina

Nikolai Zayamakin is the author of the book "You cannot teach a foreign language", the first publication of which took place in 2000. He developed his own allowance for those who want to quickly and easily master the English language and offers a method of gradual immersion into the language environment.

The learning system consists of several stages, each of which is deeply immerses the student in English. At the same time, each stage is being worked out as carefully as possible, and several days can be taken to the analysis of one material in the stage. Initially, the author suggests listening to and playing simple dialogues, the second stage consists of reading books, and the third is from viewing movies in the original language.

This technique is considered to be quite effective, although it takes a lot of time and requires self-discipline. But the real and durable knowledge is not given without perseverance and regular practice, so it is impossible to consider the duration of learning. In addition, everything is quite individually both in this and in the methods described above.

So it is possible to definitely answer the question "What is the best technique for learning English"? No you can not. Although all these methods are quite universal and will suit everyone to learn a foreign language, they are based on different principles and simply may not approach a specific student. But this does not mean that you need to immediately give up attempts to even try the technique for yourself.

The best English course for self-study is the one that suits you one hundred percent. Do not forget that you can combine learning methods among themselves. For example, by registering on the Puzzle English website and having received full access to all our fascinating puzzles, you can not only work on them yourself half an hour a day, but from time to time consult with a tutor or attend spoken clubs in Offline School. You definitely do not borrow your training in this way and you can comprehensively develop the necessary skills.

Still, only by the method of trial and error you will find the best method of learning English, which will move you from a dead point and will allow you to master the most popular language on the planet.

Well, we wish you success in learning, regardless of the way you choose!

We often feel confused when you need to make a decision in something new to us. How to choose a good brigade for repair in the apartment, which school to send a child and how to learn English? All around aggressively impose their methods - who can you believe? To make a complete picture of the question, you need to study the facts. We want to take over the courage to honestly tell the whole truth about the methods of studying English known to us.

We will look at the four most effective ways of classes: on their own, in the group, with a private tutor and online school. We will tell about their cost, advantages and disadvantages, and at the end will imagine a consolidated table so that you can take a weighted solution.

We first, we suggest familiarizing yourself with our simple scheme according to the preliminary selection of education format.

Now let's consider in detail everything for and against each way of learning English.

His pace

The possibility is 100% adjusted to its schedule and individual temp. You yourself and teacher, and the student.

Lack of self-discipline

Few people can make themselves do regularly. If you teach English by raids - once a couple of months almost 5 hours in a row, it will not bring any tangible benefit. It is necessary to engage systematically, at least 2 times a week for 1 hour.

Minimum financial investments Need for personal contact

Online format is not suitable for everyone. Someone for productive classes needs a personal presence of a teacher, which gives greater emotional support. And this is normal - all people are different.

Own training platform

Some schools conduct skype training, others use their developed online classes, in which you can communicate with the teacher and use text, video and audio materials, do homework.

Immersion in the communicative environment

Many schools provide you with the opportunity to communicate in spoken clubs, watch webinars, read blogs, engage in applications and online simulators - all this without tearing from English. Teachers are also constantly communicating with colleagues, pass exams and improve qualifications.

Classes with native speakers

Many schools provide the opportunity to undergo training from - you can hone your pronunciation, master grammar and vocabulary that foreigners really use. At the same time, the methodologists and school managers control the work of the carriers, and the lessons with them will not turn into conversations for life.

To whom will suit:

  • Growing

    An online school is usually more expensive than group courses, but cheaper private tutors in English.

  • Carrying about Time

    Something will always require your attention more, whether work or children. The online school is adjusted for your schedule, and not vice versa.

Who will not suit:

  • Little children up to 9 years old.

    Their expectability requires the personal presence and attention of the teacher.

  • Those who experience mistrust of new technologies and prefers the usual ways to study the language.


Lesson 45-50 minutes with a Russian-language teacher costs from 500 to 800 ₽, with a carrier - from 1,21 to 1,400 ₽. Many online schools provide different bonuses and promotions: you can get lessons with a substantial discount or even for free.

Where to begin:

You can explore

Traditional methods of studying a foreign language are ways of knowledge that are used in school. All others are called non-traditional. But it does not mean at all that they are new or unrecognized.

The most significant difference from the generally accepted system is that non-traditional techniques do not radically agree with the classical methods, therefore they offer their own ways of knowledge of foreign.

Pimsler method

The study of English according to the method of Dr. Pimsler also has the right to exist, and that is why:

  1. Systemity. The method is a well-thought-out system of 13 consecutive lessons.
  2. The same importance of both listening and reproducing the material.
  3. Each lesson should be voiced by two persons - Russian-speaking and Native Speaker.

Method Franca

The study of English by the method of Ilya Frank is based on reading literature adapted by a special way. His features are as follows:

  1. Translation of information is provided after small fragments and is issued brackets.
  2. Big offers are divided into small fragments, separate phrases. After reading the text with the "crutches" (so called the prompts in the form of translations) the same text follows, but without translation.
  3. The rapid increase in the passive vocabulary stock.

Umina method

Its method of auditory and motor engrams is outlined only 50 pages. It is to automatically study English by progressing and perception of phrases. And here is his features:

  1. The Engramm method (the method of "memory tracks") is based on the example of the peculiarities of speech assimilation in kids. The author also used his own knowledge about the mechanisms of brain operation in the learning process.
  2. Structured system of daily classes. We can achieve great success, paying for only 15-20 minutes each day.
  3. The ability to achieve the level of equal to the native speaker is proportionally increased daily study time.

Stone technique

Stone's rosette devoted his technique to those who spend a lot of time at the computer. But this is not all its features:

  1. The gradual immersion of the user in the medium of the media.
  2. No quick transitions from simple to complex - only uniform immersion and complication.
  3. Initial acquaintance S. simple words, smoothly passing to complex speech structures, syntax and grammar.

The best way to study english

We met with the most popular ways and methods of self-studying English from scratch. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that among them there is no better methodology for learning a foreign language.

With a huge number of advantages of all these methods, each of them has one big drawback: none of them guarantees one hundred percent, fast and efficient way to independently studying a foreign language for all. Why?

The fact is that all people have different dominant ways of perception of information. Some of us audials, that is, perceive information mainly using auditory channels. Other visuals are people who perceive and handle information predominantly to the visual channel. There are also kinestics and digitals who also have their own characteristics.

So, each method of learning English will be effective only for one or two types of people.

Do not forget that these methods of rapid English learning techniques are oriented, as a rule, not on everything, but only on some aspects of the language (grammar, vocabulary, spokenage, understanding of speech on rumor).

The best methods of foreign languages \u200b\u200bshould be designed in such a way that each language aspect is equally well developed. And this method of a priori cannot be fast and easy. In this case, it will be better.

Therefore, we can only wait for the emergence of new unique and effective methods self-study of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(especially English as a world language). In the meantime, you are waiting for you next to you will always be a reliable friend - a student service of assistance, whose specialists will always help with translations, control or other works in English.