This institute perfectly combines traditional approaches to education and modern methods. The Moscow Institute of Open Education widely uses multimedia capabilities, which have a great future in educational process. Modern technologies allow for distance learning. The management made the appropriate decision. Now everyone can study via the Internet.

The scientific and educational institution employs professionals with many years of experience in scientific and educational activities. They pass on all their experience and knowledge to students of the Moscow Institute of Open Education. Reviews from graduates indicate a high level of education.

Examples of solved tests in your personal account

The duration of training and the cost of distance learning depend entirely on the specialty you choose. The learning process is led by experienced teachers. Many students who preferred distance learning at MIOO did right choice, combining labor activity with studies. High level education, tradition and educational materials allow us to train highly qualified specialists.

Taking the test remotely - from RUB 999.99*

Taking the exam remotely - from RUB 1,000*

Defense of the thesis via Skype - from RUB 2,500*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense is successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit a request for calculation.

Faculties and branches of the Moscow Institute of Open Education

The university has the following faculties:

  • Faculty of International Education
  • Center for Continuing Art Education
  • Institute of Instructional Design and Digital Pedagogy

If you are interested in areas such as systems programming, telecommunications engineering and cybernetics, nanoelectronics, optics and biotechnology, then check out.

Official website and personal account

Login to your personal account in the Moodle system:


  • Solving tests in your personal account (answers to tests);
  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Tests, term papers, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
  • We resolve issues with student debts in connection with a transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Entrance exams (help).

Send a request for calculation: This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call: 8-800-100-6787 (Free in the Russian Federation!)

Tests and exams at the Moscow Institute of Open Education MIOO

Our company has great experience assistance to applicants who want to enroll in remote form training. To do this, we have qualified specialists who will pass all exams for you. You will only need to study. If you encounter any problems during your studies with any tests or exams, please contact us, we will help you solve this problem too.

Cost: 50,000 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 02/13/2020 – 05/13/2020.

2. Training “Prevention of child injuries in physical education classes.” Offer No.: 4636035-19.
Cost: 2650 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 04.12.2019 – 04.03.2020.

3. Advanced training courses “Teaching the basics of medical knowledge using educational equipment in pre-professional and specialized training students" in the amount of 42 (forty-two) academic hours. Code: 02995-19/20-B. Offer No.: 4864605-19.
Cost: 8900 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 12/23/2019 – 03/23/2020.

4. Advanced training courses “Chemistry experiment in progress” educational projects and research" in the amount of 36 (thirty-six) academic hours. Code: 02955-19/20-B. Offer No.: 4927091-19.
Cost: 7500 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 12/30/2019 – 03/30/2020.

5. Additional professional program distance course advanced training in the amount of 16 (sixteen) academic hours. Offer No.: 0580872-20.
Cost: 1000 rub. without VAT. Validity period: 02/14/2020 – 05/14/2020.

6. Additional professional program of distance learning course in the amount of 36 (thirty-six) academic hours. Offer No.: 0580869-20.
Cost: 2000 rub. without VAT. Validity period: 02/14/2020 – 05/14/2020.

7. Seminar " Effective management library collection at a Moscow school." Offer No.: 0040309-20.
Cost: 3500 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/14/2020 – 04/14/2020.

8. Advanced training courses “Technology” effective learning as the basis for the effectiveness of teachers and students." Code: 03266-19/20-B. Offer No.: 0093976-20.
Cost: 12,000 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/15/2020 – 04/15/2020.

9. Advanced training courses “Organization of design and research activities students based on school environmental monitoring.” Code: 03050-19/20-B. Offer No.: 0093984-20.
Cost: 9000 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/15/2020 – 04/15/2020.

10. Training “Designing a system for preventing child injuries in an educational organization.” Offer No.: 0093986-20.
Cost: 2650 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/16/2020 – 04/16/2020.

11. Services for modeling the “Effective Curriculum” project in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards. Offer No.: 0093992-20.
Cost: 30,000 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/16/2020 – 04/16/2020.

12. Additional professional program of distance learning course in the amount of 18 (eighteen) academic hours. Offer No.: 0580863-20.
Cost: 1150 rub. without VAT. Validity period: 02/14/2020 – 05/14/2020.

13. Seminar “Modern Lesson”. Offer No. 0180274-20. Cost: 30,000 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/23/2020 – 04/23/2020.

14. Advanced training courses “Effective mentoring tools” in the amount of 36 (thirty-six) academic hours. Code: 02902-19/20-B. Offer No.: 0272786-20.

15. Advanced training courses “Technology for the development of additional general developmental programs” in the amount of 36 (thirty-six) academic hours. Code: 02703-19/20-B. Offer No.: 0272793-20.
Cost: 6900 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 01/27/2020 – 04/27/2020.

16. Advanced training courses “Creation and organization of educational funds of an educational organization” in the amount of 36 (thirty-six) academic hours. Code: 02972-19/20-B. Offer No.: 0462454-20.
Cost: 6900 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 02/05/2020 – 05/05/2020.

17. Advanced training courses “Use of physical laboratory equipment of engineering classes in the organization of pre vocational education» in the amount of 24 (twenty-four) academic hours. Code: 02956-19/20-B. Offer No.: 0430221-20.
Cost: 4850 rub. with VAT. Validity period: 02/04/2020 – 05/04/2020.

MIOO is the Moscow Institute of Open Education. Introduced new order, from September 1, 2013, organizing training for workers in educational organizations according to the optional program vocational training(hereinafter referred to as FPO).

GAOUVPOMIOO provides educational courses for teaching workers both under the FPO program, which is part of the state assignment of the institute at the beginning of 2014, and under the program of payment for the educational process, according to which there will be a competition for a targeted subsidy for educational institutions or for self-students.

Relying on current legislation Russian Federation and to finance training under the FPO program, the training process will be paid for: either from the budget of the Russian Federation, within the limits of the execution of the state task of the State Autonomous Educational Institution VPOMIOO (budget places), or at the expense of the individual himself.

How to register (connect) and enter your MIOO personal account

Login panel for the MIOO remote service system

Registration for training for all employees in the educational sector of the Russian Federation is carried out on the official website, when filling in all the required data. It is worth remembering that the site has a multi-accounting system, that is, one account per employee.

If you get to budget place, is not the main purpose, then electronic registration is optional for the employee. A person working in the educational field can simply contact the course organizer directly to improve their qualifications, having previously learned about it on the official website of SAOU VPOMIOO.

For retraining of personnel in educational institutions, a similar procedure is carried out, without any special documents.

Lists of courses can be found via the Internet on the MIOO website The information base contains information about all courses and modules for advanced training and retraining, up to 1000 (one thousand) hours. It's worth remembering that:

  • the amount of information from 17 to 250 hours is a refresher course for mastering a new competency;
  • the amount of information from 251 to 1000 hours is a course professional retraining to master a new type of activity, taking into account existing qualifications;
  • volume over 1000 hours - this is a course for mastering new types of activities with the further assignment of newly acquired qualifications.

If you have any questions or doubts, you should contact the phone number listed on the official website.

MIOO official website: login

Login Personal account MIOO: login

Sign in:

The Academy implements a system of continuous professional education: personnel are trained in 20 blue-collar professions; in 13 educational programs of higher professional education, of which 5 are bachelor’s levels and 8 are specialist levels; 5 programs postgraduate education; 15 programs of additional professional education. MosAP includes 7 faculties: commerce and marketing, management, economics, law, theater arts, primary and secondary vocational education, advanced training and professional retraining. Educational and methodological scientific work faculties are provided by 14 departments.

Federal State Educational budgetary institution higher education`Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation’ is one of the oldest Russian universities that trains economists, financiers, financial lawyers, mathematicians, IT specialists, sociologists and political scientists. High level vocational training students, ample opportunities for employment and career development after graduation Financial University determine a fairly high level of competition for admission to a university.

MADI is the largest university in Russia, a leading scientific, educational and methodological center for training bachelors, graduates, masters and scientific personnel in the field of construction highways, bridges and airfields, operation and maintenance of transport equipment, economics, management and logistics in transport and construction, automated systems management and organization of traffic.

State educational institution higher professional education `Russian State Open technical university communications` reorganized by joining MIIT with education on its basis structural unit University - Russian Open Academy of Transport (ROAT MIIT). ROAT MIIT today is a university where you can choose both your future specialty and the form of study - correspondence. This is due, first of all, to the characteristics of the student population. It is no coincidence that the name of our academy contains the word “open”. Open - since the university accepts people of almost any age.

127287, Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd, 27

Institute of Psychology, Sociology and social relations was founded on February 20, 2007 based on the decision of the Academic Council of the Moscow City pedagogical university. The Institute trains highly qualified specialists with extensive theoretical knowledge, mastery of modern methods conducting scientific research, theory and practice of psychological and sociological work, able to solve complex social problems and ready to help a person in difficult life situations.

One of the features modern world is a tendency and a good opportunity to improve the qualifications of absolutely any employee, since you will agree that this is a pretty good incentive and lever for management, growth and productivity. That is why MIOO advanced training courses 2017-2018 are the main and important issue for many, especially if it concerns employees whose field of activity is inextricably linked with the general education sphere. If we touch a little on the issue of history, then this process, or more precisely, the goal of self-improvement and constant development, has been pursued since 1938, when the world's first institute for teacher training was formed. Although a lot has changed since that time, so current courses will differ significantly from courses in previous years.

Latest news, Unified State Exam.

If we consider the most significant and important points, that is, information, then currently there is a large assortment of a wide variety of programs.

But, despite such great diversity, all these programs are united by the ability to combine diverse traditions of teacher training, as well as innovative solutions in the training of highly qualified personnel, which are regularly introduced into this area.

But still, at the moment, the following services stand out, which MIOO specialists are trying to pursue. What are these tasks and services?

It is worth noting that all of the listed services, that is, courses, are currently available to absolutely every representative of the general education sector under the targeted subsidy program. It is worth noting that, for example, for the implementation and implementation of this program, a sufficient amount of funds are allocated from the state treasury of the city of Moscow, which can only be used as part of training by those who are associated with this area. According to the new rules, advanced training courses must now be completed once every 3 years.

Diagnostic work.

There are also courses available at MIOO that can be paid for directly by those interested if they really need them and are of interest to them. It is worth considering that all additional educational programs include a whole series list of modules, among which a number of basic and highest priority ones can still be identified. What can be included in this list?

To achieve all the goals set, MIOO tries to use and apply a variety of effective training programs that are created and formed on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Another advantage of such a system of advanced training is that it fully complies with all international requirements and standards, and only highly qualified and competent specialists who have a sufficient level of practical and theoretical knowledge are responsible for this entire process in order to effectively implement and implement all the goals set. goals and objectives.