Enrolling in a university: an important part of anyone’s life young man or girls.

When I worked at a university in the admissions office, I saw a girl with more than 300 Unified State Exam points. She sat in the admissions committee on August 7 and cried 10 minutes before the committee closed because she could not get her documents to take them to another university.

I saw a young man, also with high scores, who came to enroll because he didn’t get in last year... People think that it’s easy to get in with high scores, but this is not so.

All these pictures speak about one thing: to enter a university you need three things:

  • - pass the Unified State Examination high scores
  • - choose the right university
  • - submit documents correctly

What do you need to pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points?

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Many will say or think that they already know everything. But here's an example: my book “How not to screw up your application” Over 400 people downloaded it. But the test for real self-assessment was downloaded by only 35-40 people. This is called overconfidence: when you think you know everything. If you think you know everything, check yourself! As a result, only those who are constantly developing will rent out a hundred square meters. And our materials are just a bomb for accelerated development. AND

After the Unified State Exam and the painful choice of an educational program at a university, it’s time to put your thoughts in order and mark on your calendar: when, what and where to take for admission.

For 2016–2017 academic year earned new order admission to universities. It applies to future bachelors, specialists, and masters: order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147.

What documents to prepare for admission to a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree:

  • application for admission (the application form and methods of delivery can be found on the university website);
  • certified photocopies of documents: passport/international passport; certificates of passing the Unified State Exam; certificate/diploma of secondary school vocational education;
  • six 3x4 photographs;
  • medical certificate form 086-u (for full-time training);
  • portfolio: copies of diplomas, certificates, acknowledgments, letters of recommendation, etc.

Bachelor's degree

WITH June 20 All universities are already accepting documents for full-time and part-time programs. But the deadline for accepting documents depends on the enrollment entrance examinations. If for admission you do not need to pass any internal exams additional to the Unified State Exam, then the deadline for you to submit documents is - July 26.

If your program involves additional professional or creative tests, then beware of the date July 7. Universities may extend the date for collecting documents, but this must be checked with the university itself.

Let’s say you haven’t passed the Unified State Exam and to get admitted you have to apply through internal university exams (this could happen, for example, if an applicant is admitted after specialized secondary vocational education). In this case, make sure to submit the documents before July 10. The university may set a later date here too, so be sure to clarify the issue on your university’s website.

To July 26 must pass all internal and additional examinations, and thus this date marks the end of the first wave of admission.

For those who are going to study on a paid basis and/or correspondence department, the deadline for submitting documents is entirely determined by the educational institution.

Master's degree

Admission to the master's program is based on the results of internal tests of the university. This could be a portfolio competition or passing a specialized subject along with foreign language. To participate in the competition, you must submit a higher education diploma.

The only deadline for master's programs that puts forward a new admission procedure is - August 10. The university cannot finish accepting documents before this date.

Deadlines for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads

You can enter a university without any exams at all. First of all, this concerns the winners of the All-Russian school competitions from a special list established by law. During the four years following the year of the Olympiad, the winner or prize-winner of the competition can submit their results to universities and apply for non-competitive admission.

Extra points for portfolio

Additional points can be obtained:

  • for a certificate of secondary general education with honors,
  • diploma of secondary vocational education with honors,
  • certificate of volunteering (voluntary) activity,
  • GTO icon.

But not only that. It is important to show any achievements that are relevant to the educational program.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science will continue to test new rules regarding the deadlines for enrollment in universities. Order No. 1147 of the Ministry of Education and Science was adopted back in 2016, on October 14. According to the text of the order, new procedures for the admission of future bachelors, specialists and masters have been established since 2017. The order gives clear instructions to universities to post information about enrollment deadlines no later than October 1 of the new academic year. The information should also include deadlines for correspondence students. In addition to these innovations, the ministry introduced such concepts as “consent to enrollment,” but first things first.

Stages of enrollment in universities in 2018. Deadlines

In accordance with the new rules, the deadlines for enrollment in 2018 and beyond will look like this:

By 06/01/2018, universities and institutions of secondary specialized education must announce on their websites or specially designated places in institutions:

Number of budget and paid places in 2018,
- total number of places for targeted reception,
- number of places or benefits for winners of Olympiads and All-Russian championships,
- all information about hostels, including prices for accommodation and number of places,
- a complete schedule of entrance tests for applicants (dates and locations are indicated).

- June 20– start of accepting documents for admission,
- July 7– last day for accepting documents from persons applying based on the results of additional entrance exams,
- July 10– the last day for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- July 26– last day for accepting documents from applicants only according to the results of the Unified State Exam

University enrollment results 2018

- July 27- last day for educational institutions to publish lists of applicants.

- July 28 - 29- priority admission of applicants entering the university without competition on the basis and target areas(20% of the number of places at the university),

- July 29- last day of publication of competitive lists of applicants for 80% budget places, remaining after 20% of priority admission applicants.

What is “Consent to Enrollment” in the new procedure for admission to universities?

The most important change in the procedure for enrolling in universities since 2017 can be called the introduction of a new document called “Consent for Enrollment”. It is submitted by the applicant to admissions committee educational institution no later than 2 days before the release of the university’s order on enrollment with the obligatory indication of only one specialty. At the same time, the applicant, as it was before, can apply for admission to 5 universities at once (no more) and indicate a maximum of 3 specialties in his application; it is important not to miss the deadline - no later than 2 days before the release of the admission order. Consent to enrollment is required for enrollment in any specialty, any educational program, it contains information regarding admission and admission. Those applicants who submit documents within the target enrollment quota must submit consent for enrollment immediately with the application for admission and the original document of education.

Terms and procedure for enrollment in master's programs from 2018

For admission to the master's program, the start date for accepting documents and the completion of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with the above rules, while universities finish accepting documents no earlier than August 10.

Step one - prepare a list of documents

List of documents, which you will need to enroll in a small university. The first thing the admissions officer will require is your passport, Instead, you can provide copies certified by a notary or, if you have the original, have it certified by a commission employee. You'll definitely need it document on education(school certificate and Unified State Examination certificate). The next document will be
application for admission to university, and also you will be asked to do 4 photos, size 3 by 4 centimeters(for registration of a grade book and student ID). We recommend signing photos with reverse side pencil to avoid loss and confusion.

If you intend to stay in a hostel while studying, you will be asked vaccination certificate and medical examination results. If you are applying for benefits from the state, be sure to prepare certificates of benefits.

Step two - submit documents to the university

In order for you to be definitely admitted to a certain university, you must provide there original document of education, can be provided to other universities scans and copies of documents. If you are unable to come to the admissions office in person, you can send documents by mail(to another city) or provide in electronic form(if the university allows it).

In 2016, applicants can submit documents:

At once to 5 universities maximum;
- for a maximum of 3 specialties at one university (in total, one applicant can enroll in 15 specialties simultaneously).

The applicant can choose the forms of study and the basis (contractual or budgetary) at his own discretion within the framework of the procedures established by the university.

Acceptance of documents to universities starts no later than June 20, 2016, but can end at different times:

For applicants to specialties for which an additional test is creative competition - July 5;

For applicants to specialties requiring additional tests in the form of specialized exams or exams conducted by a university - July 10;

For applicants whose admission results only in Unified State Exam scores - July 25.

Step three - enrollment results

Until July 27 educational institutions undertake to publish lists of names of applicants with exam results.
If you are in a good position and understand that you pass based on points, then feel free to bring the original documents to the university for your chosen specialty. Remember that August 1 - deadline for submitting originals for the first thread. If you do not provide the originals by the end of this day, you are automatically considered to have refused enrollment.

When submitting: a copy of the passport, a copy of the certificate, benefits (Documents confirming the availability of benefits), copies of diplomas (Only those that are taken into account by the university. Each university has its own list!). Upon enrollment: original certificate, 6 photos, medical certificate form 086u. Each area of ​​bachelor's training has its own package of documents!

From June 1 (or another date established by the university) to July 26 (for those who apply only for the Unified State Exam). Until July 5 (10) (If you have additional entrance tests at the university itself (Find out specifically))
Date of submission of the original and application for consent to enrollment:
First wave - until 18.00 August 1
Second wave - until 18.00 August 6

Yes, points are added for the honors certificate and for the essay. Each university has its own score! You can find it in the document called “University Admission Rules.” Section: taking into account the individual achievements of applicants.

You give the original certificate when submitting documents or during the waves. Without the original, you will not be admitted to any university. The original document can be collected at any time. It is better to send it directly to the university where you are most focused. The date of submission of the original before the waves does not affect the place in the ranking!

Answers to the most popular questions were provided by E.N. Alexandrova.

Applicant calendar 2016:

  • From May 25 to June 26- main period conducting the Unified State Exam. For more details, see the Unified State Exam 2016 schedule.
  • June 1- Universities publish their admission plan for 2016.
  • June 20- Reception of documents begins.
  • July 7- Completion of acceptance of documents from persons applying based on the results of entrance examinations. For specialties with creative tests, the deadline is several days earlier!
  • July 27- Posting lists of all applicants, ranked by scores, on university websites.

Advice: You need to look at how many budget places there are for the faculties you have chosen (they are called admission control figures - KCP). Please note that 10% of them can be given to beneficiaries (Olympiad winners, disabled people, target recipients, etc.), they are enrolled earlier than the main deadline. Then determine your place in the ranked list. Let's say there are 10 budget places at the faculty you have chosen, and you are in 10th place in the ranked list - that means you are definitely admitted. And if you are, say, in 12th grade, then there is still a chance of admission, but it depends on how many people with higher scores than you bring original certificates to the university before August 1st.

  • Until August 1- Universities accept originals of certificates and statements of consent for enrollment at stage I. At stage I, universities are required to identify and enroll applicants for 80% of the budget places. It is at this stage that the admissions committees of most universities call applicants who have a real chance of admission and ask them to quickly bring original certificates.

Advice: You need to choose one university where to take the original certificate. If you see that based on your Unified State Exam score you qualify for a budget place or have a slightly lower place, then you need to bring the original certificate to the university as quickly as possible and write a statement of consent to enrollment in order to get on the list of those admitted.

  • August 3- Issuance of orders for enrollment at stage I.

Advice: If you are not on the list of those enrolled, you can participate in Stage II of enrollment for the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Using the same ranking lists, you determine which university you have the best chance of admission to. If you submitted the original to a university, which, as you now understand, there is no chance of enrolling in, then write an application for the return of the original certificate (the university is required by law to return the certificate within 2 hours).

  • August 6- Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment and original certificates for enrollment at stage II.

Advice: If you did not get into the chosen university based on the sum of points, you can try your luck again. But keep in mind that at this stage the competition in universities becomes tougher than at stage I - high-scoring students will come who did not qualify for admission to more prestigious universities.

  • August 8- Issuance of orders for enrollment at stage II.

Advice: If you didn’t get admission on a budget, you can try to get admission by paying tuition fees.

  • Until September 1- Deadlines for submitting documents and enrolling in places with payment of tuition fees are determined by the university independently; find out about them specifically at each university.

Advice: The number of paid places is also limited: those who have higher scores, submit a certificate and write an application for admission are admitted.

What documents are needed to enter the university?

  • Statement.
  • Original or photocopy of an identification document, citizenship.
  • Original (required when applying to target places) or a photocopy of a state-issued education document.
  • 4 photographs (if you plan to enroll in areas of training for which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are held, additional entrance tests of a specialized orientation or entrance tests conducted by the university independently).
  • Documents confirming benefits (if any).

Visual infographics for applicants: