Festive Classroom hour in 1st grade “To the Land of Knowledge” (2015-2016)

Here it is autumn. Hello school!

The cheerful bell rang,

And you entered for the first time

To a bright and spacious classroom!

What is needed here? Don't be lazy

And study hard.

To know about everything in the world

And get straight A's!

Dear Guys! How beautiful, happy, and elegant you are today! Today is a real holiday! The long-awaited day has arrived - September 1st. And I sincerely congratulate all of you and your parents on the first Day of Knowledge and on the beginning school life! Today for the first time you crossed the threshold beyond which begins a large, interesting country that is still completely unknown to you, the Land of Knowledge.

Who knows what they teach at school? (Children answer)

That's right, at school they teach you to write and read, count and draw, be friends and help each other.

What do you think is the name of the room you are in? (Children answer - class)

That's right, a classroom or classroom. Children, look what a beautiful and cozy office awaits you. I hope that you will really enjoy studying there. Let's try to keep it as clean and cozy throughout the 4 years that we will spend here.

Only schoolchildren can travel through the Land of Knowledge.

Well, guys, keep quiet! The lesson begins.

To become a student, you need to know this.

In class you sit quietly, quietly, like a mouse.

The back is right next to you, do it like me.

We place our hands like this and wait for further assignments.

If you want to say, or go out, or stand up,

You have to hold your hand like that.

Do you remember? So, the journey to the Land of Knowledge begins!

Game "Dating"

First, let's get acquainted. My name is Elena Viktorovna. I am your first teacher. You and I will spend 4 whole years together, and, I hope, we will become inseparable friends!

There are so many of you, and I really want to meet everyone. And first, I want to invite all the girls to the board. Let's go out and don't be shy.

Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved,

The girls are walking with their hair combed and wearing bows.

Now our girls pass the cheerful Kolobok to each other and say their first and last names. You just need to do it loud and clear so that everyone can hear.

So we met the girls. And now I invite the boys to come to the board.

And the boys are great, so cute,

They are so neat, they are also welcome here.

(Boys, like girls, pass Kolobok and say their names.)

What wonderful kids we have in our class! Soon I will remember all your names. And you will become friends with each other! Now every day we will meet in this class, spend a lot of time together, study and relax together. Therefore we must become friends.

Do you agree? (Children - Yes)

We will be friends? (Children - Yes)

Will we respect each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we help each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we trust each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we love each other? (Children - Yes)

Will we be one team? (Children - Yes)

Now we are one team, and we will help each other in everything, and most importantly, in our studies!

So, only schoolchildren can travel around the land of knowledge.

Game “They go to school in order to...”

Guys, why do people go to school?

I suggest you play a little. I will now pronounce the sentence. If you agree with him, clap your hands; if not, remain silent.

    They go to school to study

    They go to school to be lazy

    They go to school to lie down

    They go to school to try

    They go to school to fight

    They go to school to shout

    They go to school to be bored

    To get straight A's!

Question and answer game

You are still new to school, but I’m sure you know a lot about it and can easily answer my questions:

    What are the classes called at school? (lessons)

    What is a study break called? (recess, vacation)

    Where does the teacher put marks? (in a diary, journal)

    Where do students put their school supplies? (in a backpack, briefcase)

    What is the name of the study table? (desk)

"Desk Tips"

Now, guys, put your ears to your desk and listen to her advice.

(Pre-prepared parents h read the poems “Advice from the desk”)

Wake up early in the morning, wash yourself thoroughly,
To avoid yawning at school, don’t nod off your desk.

Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at
Iron the uniform yourself. Believe me, you are big now.

Accustom yourself to order, don’t play hide and seek with things,
Treasure every book, keep your briefcase clean.

Don't giggle in class, don't move your chair back and forth,
Respect your teacher and don’t disturb your neighbor.

Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant, try to help everyone at school,
Don’t frown in vain, be bolder and you will find friends.

That's all my advice. They are wiser and simpler,
Don't forget them, my friend. You are on your way to the land of Knowledge.

What desk tips did you remember?

Task “Help the sun” (rays, pens)

Today we have to revive the sun so that each of you will always feel warm from its light. And you will be the rays. The number of people in the class will equal the number of rays. Look, there is a ray of light on the desk in front of each of you. You need to draw yourself on this ray. Or, if you know how, write your name. (After the task is completed, collect the sun).

Game “Collect a briefcase” (items on the table)

WITH today you are students. And all students or schoolchildren study in class. But before you go, you need to collect your briefcase. Do all of you know what to take to school and what is better to leave at home? Let's check!

So, my dear schoolchildren, the rules of this game are simple. When I show you an item to take to school, you clap your hands loudly. But, if this subject is not needed at school, then you stomp your feet. Let's play!

ABC, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, teddy bear, eraser, ruler.

Well done, you know what you need to put in your briefcase tomorrow. You did well in this test.

Riddles about textbooks

The journey through the Land of Knowledge continues.

There are a lot of textbooks on my desk, I’m ready to make riddles about them.

1) In this book, the numbers are lined up for the parade:

One, two, three, four, five, to teach you how to count,

2) Why do streams flow? Why do flowers bloom?

Where did the sparrow have lunch? We need to find out everything quickly!

This is a book about nature, about animals, about weather, about trees and flowers,

About animals and bugs. (surrounding world)

Dashes, drawings, dots, letters formed lines.

And when you put the phrase together, you will read all the books at once! (ABC)

Guys, do you know how to handle a textbook? (do not draw, do not wrinkle, wrap, bookmark)

Today you and your mother will wrap up your textbooks, add bookmarks and bring them to school. (Showing textbooks)

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

And I suggest playing and checking how attentive students you are. After each sentence, you need to say, where necessary, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Make no mistake!

Who is neat and cheerful and rushes to school early in the morning?

Who always has their pens, books and notebooks in order?

Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

Tell me guys, who does exercises in the morning?

Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

Well done, you completed this task.


Guys, who can read the words? (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, me).

How can you call them all in one word? (Children answer - family)

Without you, our dads, without you, our moms

We will not have studies, but drama

It's hardest without you educational process

It will lose a lot of interest for us.

Dear adults! Be sure to help your children!

- Well, the first tests have been passed. Now you can safely be called first-graders! And I want to present you with your first first-grader medals.(Presentation of medals accompanied by a school song).

Now it's time to take the first grade oath. Repeat in unison: “We swear!”

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children in unison - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class,

Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To become literate and smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks

Always keep in perfect order. (We swear!)

Become good friends, become faithful,

Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

- Well, our first journey through the Land of Knowledge has come to an end. I wish everyone to save good mood for the whole academic year! I wish you success in your studies, good grades, interesting knowledge. And, of course, make friends with each other! Tomorrow you and I, my dear first-graders, will meet again in this class during lessons. And you, dear parents, have a lot of patience! Goodbye!

Anastasia Martynenko
Abstract interactive game"Pack your briefcase"

Summary of the interactive game« Pack your briefcase»

Target: development of thinking, attention, observation, consolidation of names and purposes school supplies, the game will help children remember what school supplies should be in their school portfolio.

Form of work: individual and group.

Age: 6-7 years (school preparatory group

Gaming and didactic equipment: interactive board, laptop, presentation games« Pack your briefcase» .


1. Nurture friendly relationships between children

2. Shape interest To educational activities and desire to study at school

Move games: A slide appears on the screen with a picture of a school theme and the inscription « Pack your briefcase»

Educational psychologist: “Guys, you will all be going to school soon, and you will need to pack your briefcase, which should contain only the most necessary things for studying. Today I propose to gather our common school briefcase. What do you think we can’t do without at school?”

Children's answers

Educational psychologist: "Right! So, let's begin.

There's one game for you

Let's play now

I will ask riddles

And you must guess them, friends!”

At this time, the first slide appears on the screen, which depicts briefcase, around which there are various objects, including pictures that answer riddles. Subsequent slides look the same.

Educational psychologist: “Riddles are depicted around portfolio Having guessed the riddle, you need to click on the answer picture. If you guessed correctly, the item will be hidden in briefcase. If it is not correct, it will remain in place. So the first one mystery: sometimes I’m in a checkered pattern, sometimes I’m in a line; write about them! Can you draw... what am I?”

Children answer: notebook, and click on the required image

After each child’s answer, verbal encouragement from the teacher

Second slide

Educational psychologist: “Well done, right! Next mystery: in this narrow box; you will find pencils, pens, quills, paper clips, buttons, whatever your heart desires"

Children answer: pencil case, and click on the required image

Third slide

Educational psychologist: “Colorful sisters; bored without water. Uncle, long and thin, carries water with his beard. And the sisters together with him will draw a house and smoke.”

Children answer: paint, and click on the desired image

Fourth slide

Educational psychologist: “Come on, be able to draw a straight line yourself!” It's complicated science! It will come in handy here..."

Children answer: ruler, and click on the desired image

Fifth slide

Educational psychologist: “We are your comrades - you take care of us. Don’t tear us up, don’t draw on us, study us. We will always help you learn a lot. See the whole world around and become good"

Children answer: books, and click on the required image

Sixth slide

Educational psychologist: “I take the magic wands in my hands; I will draw my mother and sister with them. A house, a river and mushrooms, the sun, the sky and flowers. I like the sticks, the sticks are wooden on top and colored around them.”

Children answer: pencils, and click on the desired image

A slide appears on the screen showing briefcase and two toys

Educational psychologist: “Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles and collected briefcase. But look what’s left in the picture?”

Children answer: toys

Educational psychologist: “Aren’t toys needed at school?”

Children answer: No

Educational psychologist: “Then let’s check if toys are needed at school? To find out if it is assembled correctly briefcase or not, you need to click on it"

The child presses on briefcase, it spins and the inscription appears “You’re great!”

Educational psychologist: "Well done boys! You guessed all the riddles correctly and collected briefcase only the most necessary subjects for study!”

At the end, the children and the teacher clap for themselves


You read a poem to your child. When you name an object that needs to be taken to school, the children clap their hands loudly. But, if this subject is not needed at school, then the children stomp their feet.

A schoolboy was getting ready for class
He took chips in reserve
Textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
Clockwork locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
Brushes and paints,
New Year's masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
Student ready for school!


On the ABC book page
Thirty-three heroes.
Sages - heroes
Every literate person knows.

On the white pages of an unusual book
The sea, the forest and the house may appear.
If you are not lazy, if you work hard
And color the whole thing with pencils...

Birds sat on the pages
They know true stories and fables.

Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They'll stand in a row and they'll start talking.

Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys

There is a completely different bird.
If he lands on the page,
That with a bowed head
I'm returning home.

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack...

How does the student perform?
He will tell everyone about it...

Every student should
Take it with you to school...

Stands on one leg
Twists, turns his head,
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.

He doesn’t eat or drink for a long time -
Sings sonorous songs.
Both from class and to class
Gives his voice.

Kulik is not great, he tells a hundred guys:
Either sit down and study, then get up and go away.

Kulik is not big,
He tells a hundred guys:
Then sit down and study,
Then get up and go away.

If you sharpen it,
Draw everything
What you want!
Sun, sea,
Mountains, beach...
What is this?..

Who will color our album?
Well, of course...

Smart Ivashka,
Red shirt,
Where it passes, it touches,
there remains a trace.

She speaks silently
but understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You'll become four times smarter.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

Colorful pages
bored without water.
Uncle is long and thin
carries water with his beard.
(Paints and brush)

You are a colored pencil
Color all the drawings.
To correct them later,
It will be very useful...

Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Will come in handy here...

I love directness
I'm straight myself.
Make a new line
I help everyone.
Anything without me
Draw some money.
Guess what, friends
Who am I?..

In the black sky
white hare
jumped, ran,
I made the loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?

The white pebble has melted
He left marks on the board.

At the pine and Christmas tree
Leaves are needles.
And on what leaves?
Are words and lines growing?
(On notebooks)

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am. ..
(Pencil case)

Pinocchio's briefcase is neither big nor small,
It contains notebooks, a primer and...
(Pencil case)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...

New house carried in hand
The doors of the house are locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.
(Briefcase and textbooks)

There is, friends, such a bird:
If he lands on the page,
I'm very happy
And the whole family is with me.

What's at the end of the page?
Decorating the entire notebook?
What can you be proud of?
Well, of course, in numbers...

If you know everything,
You'll get it at school...

How boring it is, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own,
I would do a dance like this!..
No, you can’t, I’m a school student...

If you give her a job,
The pencil was in vain.

Either I'm in a cage, then I'm in a line
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What am I...

Should always be in order
Your school...

To have a place to write,
At school we need...

Cost of the house:
Who will enter it
That and the mind
Will buy it.

In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.

  1. Presenter's opening remarks.
  2. Song “Autumn”, welcome speech.
  3. Poetry. The song “What do they teach at school?”
  4. Lesson "Teaching literacy." Poetry. Exercise. Poetry.
  5. Song "Blot".
  6. Lesson "Mathematics". Poetry. Exercise. Poetry.
  7. Lesson "Music". Ditties.
  8. Game "Add a word". Scene "Briefcase".
  9. Game "Collect a briefcase".
  10. Song “We are schoolchildren now”
  11. Game "For whom?"
  12. Lesson "Reading". Puzzles. Poetry.
  13. Poetry. Song "Dear School"
  14. Final words. Congratulations from parents.


The words of the presenter open the holiday:

Good afternoon, students!
Good afternoon, parents!
Good afternoon, teachers!
Guests! You came for a reason!

– Today at our school there is a holiday called “We have become schoolchildren” - initiation into students. Look around and feel how warm, light and cozy it is in our hall.

Our school opened its doors
Come in, we welcome students!
Golden autumn meets you
And it opens the way to knowledge.

To the music and applause, first-graders go to their seats in the hall.
The song “AUTUMN” is performed (Words by Zhdanova, music by Gorbin)
First graders greet everyone with a chant:

- Study, hello!
- School! Hello!
Let's go on a hike to gain knowledge!
It is a holiday today,
School holiday,
We welcome the school year!

- Dear kids,
We know you were preparing.
Tell your poems
Are you tuned in yet!?

Three months ago,
We went to kindergarten,
We sang a lot, ate a lot,
We really wanted to grow up!

Hello school! Hello school!
Finally we have grown up.
We assure you, it’s not in vain
We have come to you to learn.

Dreams finally come true
Ahead is study.
Bright flowers everywhere
This day is special.

The first time we came to school,
For the first time in first class,
Everything is new for us today,
Everything worries us now.

The beginning of a long journey...
We have so much to go through!
Find out, think about, learn
Decide, count, write, work.

To study well
You have to work hard.
They teach us everything at school,
Is teaching a joke?

– Let’s find out right now what they teach at school.

Children sing the song “What do they teach at school?”

Look at me:
That's how lucky I am!
I'm already in first grade
I wear a school uniform.
When I call, I study and eat...
It's difficult for me.
But for now for the game
There is no time!

– And now a cheerful bell will call our children to their first lesson. And this lesson is called “Teaching literacy.”

I'm in class for the first time
Now I'm a student
The teacher entered the class.
Stand up or sit down?
They tell me: “Go to the board!”
I raise my hand.
And how to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.
This is my first time in class
Now I'm a student.
I sit correctly at my desk,
Even though I can’t sit still.

(A. Barto)

Here are my mother and I above the table
Let's sing together:
- We lead down, we lead, we lead
Let's round it off smoothly!

But nasty hooks
With sharp noses
From under my hand
They crawl out on their own.

We don't watch TV
We don't read fairy tales.
We sit and sit for three hours -
Let's round it off smoothly!

Evening. Late. Let's go to sleep,
We immediately fall asleep.
And in a dream we lead, we lead -
Smoothly round off.

(L. Fadeeva “First task”)

Children who read the following verses are given the first task - to compose the word “SCHOOLBOY” from the letters.

Every morning
We need to study.
We don't take our eyes off the board,
And the teacher teaches us.

Spruce, axe, shovel, hands -
We hear sounds in every word.
These sounds are different -
Vowels consonants.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,
They may cry and scream
In the dark forest calling and calling
And cradle the baby in the cradle,
But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But I don’t want to sing to them.

– And you and I, perhaps, we’ll sing – a funny song called “Blot” (Lyrics – author unknown, music – music teacher, school No. 37, Cherepovets Nevolina S.V.)

1. A purple blot fell on the notebook.
This means we have to rewrite everything again.


2. We will be careful not to plant blots.
You must write carefully and correctly.


All the sticks, all the dots, circles and hooks
We must rewrite from line to line.

- “Ding-dling”, the bell rings. The lesson begins! The second lesson is mathematics. Now the children will read math poems to us.

Ira is crying and can’t stop it,
Ira is very sad:
“There were exactly five chairs,
and now... - four..."
The younger brother began to count:
"One two three four five!
Do not Cry! - said the baby -
After all, you’re sitting on fifth!”

(A. Barto)

Ivan, here are four beautiful pears
They lie on a plate, don’t eat, but listen:
If my brother gets one of them,
How much will you have left on your plate?
“Two,” I answer.
But why?
You will give one to your brother.
Yes, I would be glad
This example is clear to me.
But only my brother
On one point... I don’t agree!

Come on, baby, tell me the lesson:
There are three nuts in your pocket, my friend.
Mom decided to pamper her son -
She put two more nuts in her pocket.
Now add all the nuts...
And tell me how many nuts are in your pocket.
How many nuts? Not a single one!
You will upset your father like this!
If you don't know how to count, it's a disgrace to your family!..
My pockets are full of holes, Mom!

– Of course, sometimes life does not obey the laws of mathematics, but our children know: “Mathematics is an exact science.” And here is your second task.

The hedgehog gave the ducklings
Eight leather boots.
Which one of the guys will answer?
How many ducklings were there? (4)

Well, how many guys are there?
Does he ride on the mountain?
Three people sitting in a sled
One is waiting. (4)

Mom put cabbage pies in the oven to bake.
For Natasha, Kolya, Vova, the pies are already ready,
And the cat dragged another pie under the bench.
Moreover, mom needs to take five out of the oven.
If you can, help me count the pies! (9)

"On the test" M. Boroditskaya.

The problem can't be solved - for the life of me!
Think, think quickly
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy.
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think, think - once again I ask you!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
You and I are not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

– And the bell rings again, he calls us to class. And the third you will have a music lesson

School ditties

On this glorious day and hour
We have come to congratulate you
Not with cake, not with buns -
With funny ditties.

Maple leaf, maple leaf
Spinning in the air.
Mothers send children
Study in first grade.

We come to class with bows,
Now we iron the trousers ourselves!
Look, there are arrows!
Maybe 5, or maybe 6...

I will study wisely
And get straight A's
Well, if they give you a two,
I will remain silent about that.

Nikita and I love to fight,
The kindergarten cried because of us.
Dear teacher, hello!
We see that you are very happy with us!

Friends, I'm ready to study,
And my dad says:
“You, son, will become a scientist,
You will be very famous!”

We get used to order,
In the morning we do exercises.
And we get up every time
How the teacher enters the classroom!

I will try very hard
I can do everything, brothers!
Just go up to school
I don't want it early in the morning!

Kolya quarrels with friends,
He uses his fists.
The bully has under his eyes
Bruises do not go away.

A whole quarter has passed,
We are overjoyed
And now we’ll sing here
School ditties.

How much we learn at school!
How many books will we read?
We're on this path
There are still many years to go!

We are ditties for you today
They sang merrily.
Don't judge too harshly -
We sang as best we could!

There's one game for you
I'll read the poems now.
I'll start, and you finish,
Add in unison.

1) When getting ready for school in the morning, check carefully
Have you put all the accessories in... briefcase!

2) You can’t even write a squiggle,
And a hard worker will help you with this... pen!

3) If you perfect it, you can draw whatever you want:
Sun, sea, mountains, beach. What is this?… ( Pencil)

4) He will be happy to arrange pens and pencils.
So that you can find them without difficulty, kids.
Nice, dear school cardinal at the castle - ... pencil case!

5) You can’t do without it, take the effort to take it with you.
It helps us both to write and to count... notebook!

6) Although it is long, it is not a snake at all.
The school helps us draw... ruler!

7) Sweeter than honey, softer than fluff.
Have a rest! - everything whispers in my ear.
The one who will be friends with her,
It will be a very bad life.
Maybe he'll sleep all day.
They call a friend... laziness.

8) The neck is so long
The crochet tail is no secret:
She loves all lazy people
But her lazy people are not!
Answer quickly, what is this? ... (Two.)

9) On the ABC book page
Thirty-three heroes.
Sages - heroes
Every literate person knows.
They are famous, famous,
And their names are... alphabet!

10) What is the most difficult thing on earth? –
I turned to Vasya.
The hardest thing? The hardest thing is
Study in first grade!

- But it’s not so difficult to study when you have such assistants.

It has a lock, it’s clear there’s no one here...
I’ll unlock the lock and ask the tower:
Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?
There is no answer, everything is silent - the mansion stands empty.
Here comes the pencil case...

Pencil case:

Oh, where have I ended up!
There is a mansion, it is neither low nor high.
Hey, little lock, unlock it, who lives here, answer me!
There is no answer, I haven’t heard, I’ll live here and live.

And then the Primer came, he started talking like this...


There is a tower tower. He is neither low nor high.
Hey, lock, unlock it, who lives here? Answer me!

The Pencil Case came out of the briefcase and called the Primer with him!

Pencil case:

We will be friends with you, we will live here with you!

Then the notebook came running and began to ask to go into the mansion.


The children need me at school, I must live with you!

They made room in the little house and the notebook fit!
“Four” appeared, followed by “Five”.
They also rush to the mansion - they want to live in it.
The mansion rejoices and opens its castle.
Suddenly “Two” trudges along next to “One”.
They also want to live in the little house.
But the harsh Penal is on the doorstep again
Closes the doors tightly with bolts.

Pencil case:

Take your time! You are no good for us!
We won’t let you in, get out!

The lock clicked and the house closed.
At this time, a schoolboy appeared in the room.


I'll take my briefcase and go to school with it.
At school I will definitely get an "A" grade.

All in chorus: And we will help him get straight A's.


Children participate first.

For some reason mom and dad
We got so excited
It's like going to school instead of me
We gathered for the first time!

Dad cleaned my shoes
He shook off specks of dust from me,
Mommy big briefcase
I spent the whole day collecting!

– And now it’s suggested that mothers collect a briefcase.

The song “We are schoolchildren” is performed (any song about school can be performed)

- And now I will ask questions, and you point your hand at yourself and answer: “For me.”

- Someone somewhere made a desk. For whom?
- For me.
- We drew a map somewhere. For whom?
- For me.
- The slate boards are painted. For whom?
- For me.
- Everything that is at school, everything that is in the classroom. For whom?
- For me.
“And you came at dawn for the first time, for the first time.”
Like all other children in the first grade, in the first grade.
There are bells during recess. For whom?
- For me.
- They put scores near the wall. For whom?
- For me.
- The teacher is there waiting for an answer. From whom?
- From me.
- So you need to learn this way.
So you need to work hard.
So that mothers don’t feel ashamed. For whom?
- For me.

(Bolshakova E.N.)

Our bell is ringing again.
He calls you to the fourth lesson.

- Reading lesson. We hope that you have already signed up for the library and have already read many books. Then you can easily guess riddles about fairy-tale heroes. Ready.

He lived in Prostokvashino
And he was friends with Matroskin.
He was a little simple-minded
The dog's name was... (Totoshka - Ball)

He walked boldly through the forest, but the fox ate the hero.
The poor thing sang goodbye.
His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

And beautiful and sweet,
It's just too small!
Slender figure
And the name is... (Snegurochka - Thumbelina)

He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests returned him.
He's grumpy like an old man
This sad... (Piglet - Eeyore)

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course, red... (Fox - Squirrel)

Knows a lot about raspberries
The owner of the forest is brown... (Wolf - Bear)

The tail is a fan, there is a crown on the head,
There is no more beautiful bird than... (Crow - Peacock)

In the thicket, with my head raised,
Howling from hunger... (Giraffe - Wolf)

Daughters and sons
Teaches you to grunt... (Sparrow - Pig)

Leading: Poem "Book", author V. Mumin

There is only one magic remedy in the world,
I inherited it as a child.
And I’m glad to present it to you today.
My magic is called a book!

Let it be known to children everywhere:
Whoever opens the book will be winged.
And the pages, rustling, will turn into wings.
And so you fly like a strong bird.

You will rush into the future straight from childhood,
You will see all the mountains, seas, kingdoms.
In Snezhaniya you will go sledding,
In the Land of Laughter you will laugh.
You will travel to all cities and capitals -
That's how much is given to these white pages.
Not only to read, but to take care of it!

Please treat her more politely:
Don’t tear it up, don’t lose it, so as not to say goodbye to it!

Beautiful, kind books sheets
They want you to fulfill their request:
Take the book only in clean hands
It must save you from boredom!

Performance of the song "ABC". Words: Z. Petrova, music: A. Ostrovsky.

Children are given bookmarks as a gift.

Children's final poems

We are very big now
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are kids.

Let the youngsters call us!
Let them not mark us!
We don't keep diaries!
Still, we are... Students!
We love the clean, bright class!
This time!
We read the words there!
That's two!
Well, thirdly, I’m already writing notes to Lariska myself!
And grandma says: “My grandson is a child prodigy!”

We, going to this holiday,
We knew: this holiday is ours!
After all, today is a first grader -
The most important character.

A composition based on the theme of N. Koroleva’s song “Little Country” is performed.

1. There are behind roads, houses
One wonderful school
Here are children with kind eyes,
The school is full of knowledge.
This is where the transformation takes place
There is no evil or grief here.
Here a teacher guides you through life
And gives light to children.


Dear school, favorite school,
If you want we will show you
Where is she, where is she.

(Repeat chorus 2 times)

2. Here, comprehending the edge of science,
On a personal path.
Along historical roads
You have to go through.
If you stumble,
Know that in difficult times
Your teacher is strict but kind
He will definitely support you.


Beloved school, beloved school,
If you want we will show you
Where is she, where is she.

Beloved school, beloved school,
If you want we will show you
Here she is, here she is.

– Our holiday is coming to an end, but the magic continues and now you will turn from ordinary boys and girls into real students, and you will bear this honorary title until the last bell.

To the applause of the audience and musical accompaniment, each of you will now pass under these symbolic gates called “Student”, and in the classroom you will be presented with student certificates.

Good journey and good hour
We'll see you off now!


  1. Holiday - an expected miracle" - M.: VEKO - 2006. – p.13
  2. "Head teacher primary school" – No. 3 – 2005.
  3. « Extracurricular activities 1st grade" - M.: VEKO - 2005.
  4. Educational classes in an extended day group: class notes, entertaining materials, recommendations. Issue 2 / auto-comp. N.A. Kasatkina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  5. Cool watch: 1st class\aut.-stat. T.N. Maksimova. – M: VAKO, 2008.

Target: consolidate the vocabulary on the topic “School supplies”.
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to assemble a whole image from individual parts. Develop children's hand-eye coordination and spatial perception. Develop figurative memory and attention. Improve children's communication skills through play. To form non-standard thinking and imagination during the game. To develop in children the ability to complete what they start; perseverance. Encourage children to want to study at school. Foster a caring attitude towards school supplies.



“Pack your briefcase”

The game is designed for children 5 – 7 years old.
Target: consolidate the vocabulary on the topic “School supplies”.

To develop in children the ability to assemble a whole image from individual parts.

Develop children's hand-eye coordination and spatial perception.
Develop figurative memory and attention.
Improve children's communication skills through play.

To form non-standard thinking and imagination during the game.

To develop in children the ability to complete what they start; perseverance.

Encourage children to want to study at school.

Foster a caring attitude towards school supplies.

Progress of the game:

Option 1: Invite the children to look at the pictures and guess the riddles and name the names of school supplies. Players solve riddles and place items in the briefcase.

There's one game for you,

Let's play now,
I will ask riddles

And you must guess them, friends!

1. I’m carrying a new house in my hand, the doors of the house are locked.
The residents here are made of paper, all of them are terribly important ( briefcase ).

Well done! Let's start collecting a briefcase!

2. In a black field, a white hare jumped, ran, and made loops.
The trail behind him was also white. Who is this hare? ( eraser)

3.Who will color our album? Well, of course… ( pencil ).

4.There is no language, but he tells ( book ).

5. Now I’m in a cage, then in a line - be able to write on them,
You can also draw. I call myself... ( notebook ).

6. I love directness, I am direct myself.
I will help you make a new feature.
And be able to draw a straight line without me.
Guess, friends, who am I? ( ruler ).

7. A white bunny jumps on a black field ( chalk ).

8. I don’t know how to read, but I’ve been writing all my life ( pen ).

9. They like to poke their noses everywhere:

And draw and draw.

They color everything themselves

Multi-colored noses.

(colour pencils)

10.In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, erasers and paper clips -

Anything for the soul.(pencil case)

11.On the girl’s palette,

Colored sisters,

A sheet of paper is painted,

When they smear with a brush! ( paints)

12.Your own braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.(tassel)

13.Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.(compass)

14. Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys
Multi-colored... (paper)

The field is white, the sheep are black.(paper and letters)

15.To connect the sheets,
You need to take this device.
Can be fastened with staples.
What will we call him?(stapler)

16. Hey, who is ready with his two swords

Cross over a piece of paper?(scissors)

17. Pin everything with a sharp nose:

Sheet to the board, poster to the wall.

Very necessary, like in school,

So even at home, for me.(button)

18.Here is our drawing ready.

The pencil worked hard.

But it needs fixing.

Sharpening a pencil...(sharpener)

19.It consists of buttons,

Every schoolchild is familiar with him.

He can count the numbers in no time.

What is this, student?(calculator)

20. Two sheets together
He will fasten it, open the cap.
You can smear it, don’t be sorry.
And everyone calls him...?
(glue )

21.This tape can be used to glue

Everything that was impossible:

A book, a torn notebook

Repair and patch.

If you don't mind gluing,

That will help you...(scotch)

Well done guys!
All the riddles have been solved -

The briefcase was collected correctly!

Option 2: Invite your child to look at the cut cards and say, “What is shown on them?” Then explain to your child the purpose of the game.- obtain a single picture from individual disparate elements.

The child must learn to “see” the picture in detail, retain it in memory and repeat it independently, mentally turning over and combining the parts. If the child has difficulties, it is necessary to give him a sample of the assembled picture.

“Guys, you will all be going to school soon, and you will need to pack your briefcase , which should contain only the most necessary things for studying. Today I propose to gather our common school briefcase . What do you think we can’t do without at school?”