Just twenty years ago, the Russian publishing market was very modest. Today, as in other areas of commercial activity, there is high competition here. Publishing enterprises differ from each other in size, subject matter of the literature they produce, and a number of other characteristics. This article lists the main publishing houses in Russia. The list of such organizations will primarily be of interest to authors who dream of seeing their creations on paper, as well as entrepreneurs whose main activity is the sale of book products.

Electronic or paper media?

There is an opinion that electronic devices will soon replace paper media. The book in its classic version will turn into a rare item. However, this opinion is refuted by the extensive list, which includes large and small publishing houses in Russia. List of such companies with development computer technology is not shrinking at all. The publishing industry is thriving, despite the crazy popularity of various electronic media.

Who might be interested in publishing?

Selling books and creating fiction or journalistic works is absolutely different types activities. In the first case, we are talking about the sale of products. The second is about the creative process. However, in any case, we are talking about making a profit from the sale of printed products. The first step for both the bookseller and the Russian-speaking writer should be to study the ratings of organizations known under the phrase “publishing houses of Russia.” A list of them is given below. However, before we begin to describe publishing houses, a few words should be said about the main types and specifics of their work.

Publisher and store

Any business has its own rules, knowledge of which does not guarantee success. Anyone who decides to open their own bookstore faces a difficult task. The range of printed products is quite wide. And when purchasing books, you should take into account not your own literary preferences, but the characteristics of modern life. Therefore, bookstore owners have to establish cooperation with a number of suppliers. Some publishing houses specialize in reprinting, others - in the works of contemporary authors. Mostly educational materials are published under the logos of the third type of publishing house.

One of the most popular trends in literature today is fantasy. But if the bookstore shelves are filled exclusively with such publications, the businessman risks going bankrupt in a matter of months. Chekhov and Tolstoy are still read in Russia. Many Russian publishing houses also publish works by Zweig and Remarque. A novice entrepreneur should know the list of these organizations first. After all, book products can be classified not only by subject, but by format, and, accordingly, by cost.

The novel “Crime and Punishment” can be purchased for one hundred to two hundred rubles. But the cost of a publication with the same name is sometimes three to four times higher. Why such a difference? It's all about various indicators of the quality of products produced by book publishing houses in Russia. The list, which can be seen in the “book catalog” section on the website of one of these organizations, may include products with identical names, but different prices. The price is based on the type of binding and quality of design. In addition, there are highly specialized book publishing houses in Russia. The list of products in such companies is limited to books in inexpensive softcover. There are also enterprises that produce exclusively expensive gift editions.

Publisher and author

Many novice and inexperienced authors are under the illusion that their creations are interesting to a wide range of readers. They come to this belief on the basis positive feedback family and friends. A close relative of the author read the talented work and came to the conclusion that this masterpiece should definitely see the light of day. And the newly minted writer believes that publishing specialists will eagerly begin promoting his book. In reality the situation is somewhat different.

All book publishing houses in Russia can be divided into two categories. The list consists of commercial and budget organizations. In this article we consider, first of all, publishing houses of the first category. Even if an aspiring author has written a really good book, this does not guarantee that it will end up on the shelf of a major bookstore. A publisher is a businessman who strives to make profitable investments. Spending money on promoting a little-known author is an undertaking that cannot be called profitable.

Books that were not published

History knows many cases when works that are incredibly popular today were published only after repeated painful attempts by their creators. Rowling submitted Harry Potter stories to publishers more than ten times before she became famous. The famous novel was rejected by publishers more than thirty times. American representatives of the book business did not want to accept Nabokov's Lolita for many years. And the author of Lord of the Flies received twenty-one refusals. And only Golding’s twenty-second attempt to publish his work was successful.

Is publishing a book really an impossible task? Yes and no. The one who walks will master the road. But first, he must arm himself. Book publishing houses in Russia, the list of which is presented in this article, are quite specific organizations. A beginning writer should have the maximum complete information about the activities of the largest and most significant of them. You need to understand that each of these companies is constantly looking for authors whose work can bring profit.

There are many talented people in Russia. But even more graphomaniacs. That’s why they look through many manuscripts every day. Publishing a work by a new author is a huge risk. Therefore, even a talented writer must make a lot of effort to get attention for his creation. It must bypass more than one publisher. In this case, contact exactly those organizations whose specialization corresponds to the topic of the manuscript.

Publishing houses of Russia: list

Fiction in bookstores presented products under various brands. The largest publishing houses include the following companies:

  • "White City".
  • "Exmo".
  • "Fiction".

Each of the above organizations has its own principles for working with new authors. And, of course, these publishing houses are not limited to cooperation with representatives of the genre fiction.


This company occupies a leading position in the publishing market. AST began its activities in 1990. The publishing house produces about forty million copies annually. Main directions of AST:

  1. Fiction
  2. Children's literature
  3. Applied literature.

The publishing house has a department specializing in finding new authors. First of all, the employees of this company are interested in sentimental and action-packed prose. Computer-based and may also be of interest to editorial department specialists. Manuscripts are reviewed for up to three months and, as in other similar organizations, are not reviewed. If the work of a new author is not of interest to the publishing house employees, they will not call, write, or even justify their refusal.

"White City"

This organization does not promote beginning authors. But “White City” occupies a special place in the market of printed products. Russian publishing houses, the ratings of which for several years have invariably included such names as “AST” and “EXMO”, were compiled on the basis of the activities of the twenty largest representatives of the book business. “White City” is also included in this top twenty. This publishing house specializes in publishing gift copies. In the range of products " White City»various albums and collections predominate. The cost of a gift edition bound in leather can reach two hundred thousand rubles.


The shelves of bookstores across the country are filled with books that feature this on their covers. "Eksmo" is included in the list of "Best Publishing Houses in Russia". The list “Textbooks and other educational literature” consists of books produced by various companies. But far from the last place in it is occupied by Eksmo. And this despite the fact that the publishing house publishes books of various genres. The range of his activities is extremely wide. Below is a list of genres. In terms of the diversity of its book assortment, Eksmo leaves other Russian publishing houses far behind.

  • Educational literature.
  • Fiction.
  • Literature in foreign languages.
  • Educational literature.
  • Home and leisure.
  • Children's literature.
  • Business literature.

Russian children's publishing houses deserve special attention. Their list is small and consists of companies that produce not only literature for young readers. You can also include Eksmo in this list. One of the largest publishing houses regularly replenishes its assortment with new books for children. As a rule, these are works of Russian, Soviet and foreign classics. The employees of the Eksmo publishing house are of little interest to new authors writing in this genre. However, according to book professionals, children's literature, along with poetry, is the least promising genre for beginning authors.

In addition to the above enterprises, other Russian publishing houses are also worthy of attention. The list of “Educational literature for secondary vocational education” is most fully presented in the assortment of the organization, which will be discussed below.

"Secondary vocational education"

This publishing house is classified as non-profit. Specialization "SPO" - release of educational and methodological literature. Scientific publishing houses in Russia, the list of which is not so extensive compared to the list of companies publishing fiction, is headed by the non-profit organization “Secondary professional education" The activities of this publishing house include publishing literature for researchers, teachers, university students and graduate students.

What other Russian publishing houses are worth mentioning? The list, addresses and main focus of the most popular of them is presented below.

Publishers of literature for children

"Children's Literature" is the oldest organization that specializes in publishing books for children. The range of products includes educational, fiction and books for the little ones. Organization address: Moscow, 2nd Donskoy proezd, 4.

"Veche" is a publishing association created in the nineties of the last century. The organization specializes in educational literature. A special achievement of the publishing house is the release of a series of books in the genre of historical and documentary literature, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Organization address: Moscow, st. d. 24.

"Azbuka" is a publishing house whose main activity is the production of illustrated dictionaries and works of domestic and foreign authors. Under the well-known logo, you can see not only children's books on sale, but also works by world classics of fiction. The ABC-Classics series is especially popular, aimed at republishing well-known stories and novels in paperback. Organization address: St. Petersburg, st. Reshetnikova, 15.

Other publishers

More than thirty percent of educational literature on the Russian market consists of books published by the Prosveshcheniye publishing house. The organization was founded in the early thirties of the last century. It has a long history and was once the main Soviet enterprise in the field of book publishing. Little has changed in almost a century of existence. And today “Prosveshchenie” is a leading educational and pedagogical publishing house.

Literature on economic topic Published by Peter publishing house. In addition, under this brand in bookstores you can find books for many professional themes, as well as textbooks and reference materials.

One of the oldest publishing houses is Progress. This organization was founded in 1931. The publishing house publishes literature in foreign languages.

The company “Inostranka” is engaged in the publication of literary translations of foreign authors. This publishing house was founded in 2000. It was thanks to his activities that Russian-speaking readers learned about the works of J. K. Rowling, J. Moyes, Frederick Beigbeder and other representatives of foreign modern prose.

The publishing house "Kolibri" has not been around for very long. It was founded in 2006. The specialization of this organization is the publication of literature in the non-fiction genre.

For managers, owners of medium-sized businesses, students and ordinary readers seeking self-development, the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house publishes literature on marketing and management. In addition, the organization publishes books on psychology, cooking and sports.

Reading time: 26 min.

The Big Rating magazine brings to your attention the best books of all time in the TOP-20 ranking. The list includes world bestsellers by domestic and foreign authors. Something about them catches you, doesn’t let you put it down, and each of these works is worth reading at least once in your life.

The great American writer Francis Fitzgerald touched on the most current topics dashing 1920s. Despite the chronological remoteness of the events described in the book, today many find the novel close to their spirit. Fitzgerald was the first of the US prose writers to announce to the world the beginning of a new century - the “Jazz Age” and spoke on behalf of the “lost generation”. Reading the novel “The Great Gatsby” you seem to plunge into the era of jazz music and Prohibition. Using the example of the main character, Fitzgerald demonstrates the life path of those rich people who rose from the very bottom thanks to bootlegging. The author shows his admiration for these individuals, but at the same time condemns their moral principles and principles. Main character The novel personifies the “American dream” of that time - he is a real darling of fate, who has made a fortune for himself and achieved power. But can money and power make a person truly happy? Don't forget about love...

We are all accustomed to pirates as scary and bloodthirsty creatures who commit robberies, rape women and kill everyone who gets in their way. This is the prevailing opinion about representatives of this “profession”. In most cases this is the case. But when an exception occurs general rules– this is quite interesting. The main character of Rafael Sabatini’s work, Peter Blood, is precisely such an atypical pirate. Far from piracy, the young Irishman worked as a doctor and, by the will of fate, was drawn into the Monmouth Rebellion, which flared up at the end of the 17th century in England. Absolutely not involved in the events of the rebellion, Peter Blood, among others, was accused of treason against the monarch and sentenced to death penalty. But luck smiled on the hero when the death sentence was replaced by exile to the southern colonies, where he went as a slave. It is here that young Blood has to start his career all over again, only not as a bachelor of medicine, but as a pirate. Now the hero of the book has one goal - to regain freedom.

Sooner or later, any person wants to take a break from the daily routine, pack his things and go on at least a short trip. It is not necessary to undertake an epoch-making ascent to Elbrus or go to the wilds of the Amazon. Sometimes a short trip on a river by boat, such as the Thames, is enough. Traveling in the company of your closest friends is already more fun, and even more so in the company of a small four-legged companion. The only thing important condition- a strictly male company. This is exactly what three English bosom friends Harris, Jay and George, who decided to take a break from the bustle of the city, thought while drinking tea. But having decided to implement the idea, the gentlemen realized that not everything was as simple as it might seem at first glance. Every little thing, from getting ready to trying to open canned food, turns into a funny and fun adventure for friends. And the presence of an extremely energetic fox terrier named Montmorency in the boat adds additional sparks of humor to the overall fireworks of events. Jerome K. Jerome's novel “Three in a Boat and a Dog” contains a lot of funny misunderstandings, funny collisions and comical situations from which our heroes emerge, maintaining a truly British sense of self-esteem.

One of the largest and undoubtedly greatest creations of world literature. And although historians and writers have not fully figured out whether Homer actually existed or was a collective image, one thing is known for certain - the Iliad is a description of truly grandiose events.

The starting point of the story was the strong romantic attachment of the Trojan prince Paris, who was inflamed with ardent love for herself. beautiful woman that time - Elena. But the beauty, who reciprocated the young man’s feelings, was already married to the Spartan king Menelaus at that moment. When Paris, inflamed with passion, dared to kidnap his lady, Helen's enraged husband declared war on Troy, gathering loyal kings and warriors under his banner. The scale of the events was so great that even the gods of Olympus did not remain indifferent and took part in the war, predicting victory for each of the chosen sides. The protracted struggle lasted for many years, collecting a bountiful harvest of deaths. The wives remained widows, the children orphans. There is no worthy justification for any of the wars of mankind, just as there is none for Trojan War. But the epoch-making nature of Homer’s Iliad has been preserved for many centuries.

A controversial work, perceived by some as the notes of a madman, by others as a philosophical treatise, and by others as a fascinating fairy tale. "Alice in Wonderland" was written by the English mathematician, poet and writer Charles Dodgson, better known to us as Lewis Carroll. Many decades later, critics can only guess what exactly the author was trying to convey to us by writing such an original work. There is only one way out - read the novel and put forward your own theory.

The book tells us about a far from stupid, but slightly frivolous girl, Alice, who accidentally met the White Rabbit while on vacation. Noticing his pocket watch, and judging sensibly that rabbits don’t have watches, Alice rushes after the White Rabbit in order to find out where he is in such a hurry. In pursuit of the nimble beast, our young adventurer safely falls into a rabbit hole. And now real miracles and amazing, unyielding things await Alice. common sense adventures. Or maybe you shouldn’t try to understand everything? After all, you can simply immerse yourself in the phantasmagoric world of the White Rabbit, the smoking caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the card Queen, and attend an unforgettable tea party with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. We assure you, it won't be boring.

A delightful dystopia, frightening and beautiful at the same time. The author realistically depicts a society with thriving ideas of hedonism and consumerism. There is no place for love here, and sex is just a pleasant pastime. Huxley describes this so emotionally that it becomes scary to read, but it’s impossible to tear yourself away from the book. Here people are created in vitro, with the “manufacturers” initially choosing who will be intellectually developed and who will be mentally retarded. Conventional human values ​​such as self-development, culture, religion and knowledge are of no use to anyone and are not at all interesting. People only strive to have fun in any way available to them, and enthusiastically waste their precious time on uninterrupted relaxation. Reading "O wondrous new world“, you understand that everything described here is pure fiction, from cover to cover, but you never cease to be horrified by the similarity of the events described in the book with the vices of modern society. And this is the whole point of the work.

The outstanding French writer Alexandre Dumas was able to breathe life into the boring and confusing history of battles, intrigues and political games of the French court. The main characters of Dumas' novel are the three brave musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis, as well as the young Gascon d'Artagnan, who arrived to conquer Paris. An ambitious young man came to the capital from the outback and dreams of entering the service of His Majesty. d'Artagnan is dexterous, agile, cheerful and noble. But these traits attract not only friends, but also enemies who want to see the young man on their side. Loyal to the king and queen, Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d'Artagnan, a life full of conspiracies, intrigues, exploits and fights awaits. And the motto “One for all and all for one” confidently leads the heroes to victory.

The title of the novel is a reference to a Beatles song, and the work itself is a demonstration of complexity, twisting and intricacy life path any person. Murakami clearly showed a wide range of readers that for confusion in decision-making and painful choice of one’s own path, one does not have to be a great person, because difficulties and trials can befall each of us. The main character of the novel, student Tooru Watanabe, is one of these people. The storyline consists of Tooru telling about his youth spent at the university and the events that happen to him at this stage of his life. As the story progresses, the hero remembers his best friends Naoko and Kizuki. Tooru will tell you about Kizuki’s suicide and the rapid development of his relationship with Naoko. He will remember how the girl went to the clinic for treatment. He will talk about student riots and the girl Midori, who shed color on his gray life.

What is unique is the fact that even those of us who have never held this book in our hands are still aware of the plot of this tragic love story between a young man from the Montague family and a girl from the Capulet family. And the phrase: “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet” can be heard even in the lyrics of modern songs. The main characters of the novel were not initially destined to live happily ever after. Against them big and pure love Both warring families took up arms. But the difficulties not only did not stop the lovers, but also pushed the representatives of the Montague and Capulet houses towards each other. Although the first meeting lasted only a few moments, this was enough for the young people to realize the desire to be together forever. Their love was so strong that Romeo and Juliet were ready to give their lives for it. And if fate does not allow them to be together in this life, then at least let their souls be reunited in the next world.

A wonderful, touching tale about the adventures of a teddy bear. This character, who first appeared in England in the 1920s, is now famous throughout the world. The story begins with a young father giving the boy Christopher Robin a plush toy - a bear cub. The child names the toy Winnie, after the live bear living at the London Zoo. Then the father and son entertain themselves by jointly inventing stories that could take place in real life with cute bear Winnie. This is how the bear cub gets such friends as: the pig Piglet, the kangaroo Kanga and her baby Little Roo, the donkey Eeyore, the owl, the rabbit and many others. Over the years, more than one generation of children has grown up on the stories of the funny little bear's adventures - about bees, about the heffalump and about Winnie's friends. The important fact remains that main character books do not lose their popularity among modern children. Apparently such a charmer as Winnie the Pooh bear cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The Cleary family chronicles have attracted the attention of readers at all times. But different age audiences perceive them far from the same. So, young people are more interested in a love storyline that evokes sensual experiences about the fate of the main characters with the eternal intrigue of whether they should be together. The younger generation needs bright colors, battles, action and passion. Older readers will enjoy the complexity of the characters' personalities and relationships. This audience is looking deep meaning in the work, knowing full well that it is not always hidden precisely in parts containing violent passions and many events.

The plot of this story centers on the large Cleary family, who moved to Australia from New Zealand. McCullough displays the full range of goals, motivations and actions of each character. But the main storyline is firmly connected with the main character The novel is Maggie, whose personal life the reader can track from the girl’s 4th birthday until her death at 58.

Mental hospitals with their inhabitants have always represented a separate world, living according to its own laws and rules. And since you were brought here by the whim of fate, you will have to adapt to the existing order. This unspoken rule is fully extended to the hospital about which the novel “Over the Cuckoo's Nest” tells. Everything changed with the appearance of a new patient in the psychiatric hospital - Randel Patrick McMurphy. Randel is a cunning criminal who masterfully pretends to be crazy in order to escape prison. Having settled into a new place, McMurphy makes acquaintances and begins to communicate with the local guests. Randall is overcome with outright horror from the realization that there are absolutely healthy people in the hospital, no crazier than himself. All of them are in the hospital of their own free will, simply trying to hide within its walls from the hardships of the world around them. And the patients are also very intimidated by Mildreth Ratched, the local nurse who runs the hospital and does not tolerate disobedience. McMurphy not only declares a battle against the local order, but also tries to rescue patients from an unhealthy environment by showing them what a full life looks like.

IN scary worlds dystopias described by such literary geniuses as Ray Bradbury, consumerism reigns as the only value of humanity. True, eternal values, such as knowledge and age-old wisdom, contained in books, are subject to general condemnation and even destruction. For keeping great literary works or just books, people are convicted or sentenced to death. Book burning is becoming commonplace, and most people living in this world are accustomed to this kind of thing. Those who do not understand the importance of this outlook on life are declared fools by society. The main character of the work, Guy Montag, shared a similar philosophy. He worked as a “firefighter” (in the context of this work) and was unshakable in his worldview. But his whole ideology went to hell when Guy met the one who managed to show him reverse side medals.

Perhaps “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury has not lost its relevance today precisely because of the flourishing era of consumerism in modern society. People have a lot to think about.

The brilliant works of Erich Maria Remarque had a great influence on literary world Germany. The novel “Three Comrades” immerses its readers in the course of life, the depth of thoughts and feelings of people who went through the meat grinder of the First World War and managed to come out of it alive. And the book is not about the victims, but about the people who started this very war. The main character of the novel, Robert Lokamp, ​​talks about the problems and events that concern him. Robbie explains in detail that the most important people in a person's life are the people around him. He openly promotes the importance of friendship in relationships. But Robert also emphasizes that, even if you are among people who understand and accept you unconditionally, you cannot always be guaranteed happiness. "Three Comrades" is a book about the "lost generation" of people trying to live during a difficult and controversial era.

With his epochal and resounding fantasy novel, John Tolkien opened a new round of literary fashion for works about elves, hobbits, wise and strong kings, great wizards, goblins and fire-breathing dragons. And although The Lord of the Rings was first published in the distant 1950s, readers still do not lose interest in it. Fans not only continue to re-read Tolkien’s work over and over again, but also watch Peter Jackson’s films, and also play games that manage to recreate the writer’s unique fairy-tale world. The novel is about the One Ring and the irreconcilable thousand-year war going on around it for the right to own it. The young hobbit Frodo must travel through hostile Mordor to the fiery Mount of Doom in order to destroy the Ring. On his difficult journey, Frodo is supported by friends (dwarves, humans, elves) and is confronted by the evil Sauron, eager to get his Ring back and gain world domination. The plot of “The Lord of the Rings” attracts the reader with its unique atmosphere, allowing him to plunge headlong into the world of elves, dwarves, hobbits, wizards and evil rulers.

In this work, Turgenev not only raised the eternal problem of fathers and sons, but also, ahead of the widespread dissemination of the ideas of nihilism in Russia, managed to show readers an example of a supporter of the movement in the image of Yevgeny Bazarov. It was with this ardent supporter of nihilism that the young son of the landowner Kirsanov, Arkady, struck up a strong friendship. Fascinated by the ideas of his new acquaintance, Arkady sincerely accepts all Bazarov’s beliefs on faith. The young man even brings his newly made friend to visit his father and uncle - Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. Representatives of the older generation of the family do not accept the new youth philosophy, considering it too radical. But Nikolai Petrovich listens to the nihilist’s thoughts calmly and with a smile, and Pavel Nikolaevich goes into open conflict with Bazarov. Evgeny is firm in his convictions, he is confident in what he needs for life, he rejects old principles, not wanting to blindly accept them on faith as people of the older generation do. The steadfastness of Bazarov’s views was shaken after meeting the landowner Anna Odintsova, who awakened previously unknown feelings in the nihilist.

Although this work of the author is less known compared to “Lolita,” it definitely deserves the close attention of readers. In his novel, Nabokov, in a manner unique to him, reveals the hidden nature of human character and clearly demonstrates the blackness that can hide in the heart of a young and, at first glance, harmless creature. The events of the novel take place in Germany, where the art critic Kretschmar leaves his wife and daughter for the sake of sixteen-year-old Magda, a girl with a dubious biography. The man’s love is so strong that even the death of his own daughter did not overshadow his ardent passion for Magda. But the happy life together was short-lived. The girl meets with the artist Gorn, her former lover. Old feelings flare up in them with new strength and the couple begins to meet in secret from Kretschmar, since Magda is still financially dependent on him. For the sake of credibility, Gorn appears to Kretschmar as a homosexual. Evil lovers are plotting, mocking Kretschmar, gradually depriving him of his sanity.

The events and actions of the book are presented from the point of view of Holden Confield and are a reflection of the perception of a 16-year-old boy to the reality around him. In his narration, Holden talks about the period of his life until he entered the clinic for treatment. The story reveals to the reader the depth of hopelessness and feelings young man, which remained misunderstood big and cruel world. At the same time, Holden does not fall into philosophical reasoning, does not express value judgments, he simply describes the events taking place and tries to understand what can give him a feeling of happiness. So the little boy’s song he heard about “how you catch someone in the rye...” leads Holden to understand a happy moment. But, alas, it is impossible to achieve it, because the reality is completely different.

Among the world's largest publishing companies, the leaders are those operating in the field of professional and academic book publishing, with a strong emphasis on digital products. In addition, rapidly developing Asian publishing houses are getting closer to the European and American companies that traditionally dominate the global book market. South Korea and China. This is evidenced by the next ranking of the world's largest publishing companies, published on the eve of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The latest ranking of the leaders of the world book publishing industry was prepared by consultant Rudiger Wischenbart as part of the Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry project. This is a joint project of the French professional magazine Livres Hebdo and the German company Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting. Since 2007, the ranking has been published annually professional magazines“Livre ebdo”, “Buchreport” (Germany), “The Bookseller” (UK), “Publishers Weekly” (USA). The rating includes publishing groups with a turnover of over $250 million in 2008.

Place Place Company name Name Country Turnover, million euros
2008 2007 “parental” 2008 2007 2006

1 2 Pearson Pearson UK 5,044 4,812 5,616

2 4 Reed Elsevier UK- 4,586 4,217 5,851

(Reed Elsevier) Holland

3 1 Thomson Reuters The Woodbridge Canada 3,485 4,998 —

(Thomson Reuters) Company Ltd

4 5 Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer Holland 3,374 3,413 3,693

(Wolters Kluwer)

5 3 Bertelsmann Bertelsmann Germany 2,980 4,392 4,612


6 6 Hachette livre Lagardere France 2,159 2,130 1,975

(Hachette Livre)

7 7 McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill USA 1,794 1,853 —

Education (McGraw-

Hill Education)

8 13 Grupo Planeta Grupo Planeta Spain 1,760 1,000 1,015

(Grupo Planeta)

9 10 De Agostini editor Gruppo Italy — — 1,668

(De Agostini Editore) De Agostini

10 11 Scholastic Scholastic Corp USA 1,499 1,493 —

11 9 Hughton Mifflin Education Media USA- 1,712 —

Harcourt (Houghton and Publishing Cayman

Mifflin Harcourt) Group Islands

12 12 Holzbrink Verlagsgruppe Germany — — 1,324

(Holtzbrinck) Georg von


13 15 Cengage learning Apax Partners UK 1,172 968 —

(Cengage Learning) et al.

14 21 Wiley John Wiley USA 1,139 846 —

& Sons

15 14 Informa Informa UK 1,028 997 978

16 16 HarperCollins News Corp USA-Australia 944 923 —


17 18 Shokakukan Shokakukan Japan 927 901 —


18 20 Shueisha Shueisha Japan 902 852 —

19 19 Kodansha Kodansha Japan 886 885 908

20 17 Springer Science Cinven UK - 880 906 924

And business media and Candover Germany-Italy-

(Springer Science France

and Business Media)

Analysis shows that among the top ten leading publishing groups, only five are seriously engaged in publishing books for the general consumer: Pearson (Penguin), Bertelsmann (Random House), Hachette Livre, Planet (which recently acquired the French publishing house Editis) and De Agostini. By the way, the headquarters of all these groups are in Europe.

Many publishing corporations are now experiencing economic difficulties associated with the crisis and reorganization. So, last year the Thomson group sold its educational department, which now operates under the name Cengage Learning and ranks 13th in the ranking. But even so, the traditional publishing business at Thomson allowed the group to remain in the top three.

Most leading publishing groups define their business as “professional information” rather than “book publishing” and are actively pursuing new digital opportunities. At the same time, digitalization creates many difficulties, especially for those companies operating in the field of educational book publishing. Traditional book publishing has now become only one, and far from the most important, support of the largest publishing corporations.

The article presents the world's largest book publishing houses.

World book publishers:

3.Macmillan is one of the oldest publishing houses in Great Britain, founded in 1843 by two Scottish brothers, Daniel and Alexander Macmillan. The publishing house publishes literature for students English language, as well as fiction, popular science and educational literature. Macmillan has published works by such authors as Lewis Carroll (“Alice in Wonderland”), Rudyard Kipling (“Mowgli”), William Yates, Margaret Mitchell (“Gone with the Wind”). Since 1999, the publishing house has been owned by the German media concern Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group.

4.HarperCollins is one of the largest publishing companies in the world, founded in 1989. The publishing house belongs to the media holding News Corp, which is owned by Australian and American media tycoon Rupert Murdoch. In 2015, HarperCollins published the novel Go Set a Watchman by author Harper Lee, who became famous for To Kill a Mockingbird and died in 2016.

Harper was founded in New York in 1817 by brothers James and John Harper. The publishing house published such books as “Vanity Fair” by William Thackeray, “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë and “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë, as well as magazines: Harper’s Magazine, Harper’s Weekly and Harper’s Bazaar. In 1895, a contract was signed with Mark Twain for the exclusive right to publish his books. In 1962, Harper merged with Row, Peterson & Company and the new publishing house became Harper & Row Publishers. In 1987, Harper & Row Publishers was acquired by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp for $300 million.

Collins was founded by William Collins in 1819 in Glasgow and initially published dictionaries and Christian religious literature. Subsequently, the publishing house began to publish children's, fiction and classical literature. Collins' authors included Clive Staples Lewis, Agatha Christie, and John Tolkien. In 1989, the publishing house was bought by Rupert Murdoch.

5. Simon & Schuster was founded in New York in 1924 by Richard Simon and Lincoln "Max" Schuster. Among the authors of the publishing house: Hillary Clinton “ Complex decisions”, Stephen King, Tony Robbins. Simon & Schuster is now a division of CBS Corporation.

6. Elsevier– one of the largest publishing houses in the world, founded in 1880 in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and publishing scientific, technical and medical literature. It owes its name to the ancient publishing house Elsevier, which closed in the 1710s. Now Elsevier, whose revenue in 2014 amounted to 4,405 million euros, is part of the Reed Elsevier holding.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 13 minutes


The most popular books on the planet are, of course, the Bible and the Koran, the number of reprints of which is impossible to count. But in our ranking of the most books read We will not include religious literature.

We bring to your attention the TOP 20 book bestsellers: masterpieces of fiction that have become the best-selling books all over the world.

Year of release: 1997.

A series of fascinating fairy tales about the young wizard Harry has become the most popular in the world, and not only among children.

The circulation of books translated into 67 languages ​​is breaking records on the global book market: more than 400 million books were purchased by Hogwarts fans in the first 11 years after the book's release.

The sensational series of books also became the basis for films of the same name, after the appearance of which the number of Harry Potter fans increased significantly.

Have you read to your children about Harry yet? It's time to fill this gap!

Year of release: 1954.

No less popular than the Harry Potter series of books (or rather big Book of 3 parts) about the fairytale ring of omnipotence has captivated many people (note - the circulation has already exceeded 500 million copies). The world of hobbits and dwarves, terrible Mordor and the eye of Sauron, Frodo and Gandalf - perhaps there are practically no people who have not heard of them.

The films based on the books became a pleasant surprise for Tolkien fans, although it is, of course, impossible to replace the writer’s books, even with a high-quality one, with a film adaptation.

It is worth noting that Tolkien’s first book about hobbits sold a respectable circulation - more than 100 million. This background to the main books (“The Hobbit or There and Back Again”) is enjoyed listening and read by children who have not yet grown up to read the trilogy itself.

One of the cult books of the 20th century definitely deserves its honorable 2nd place.

Year of release: 1943.

How to talk about the most difficult things in an accessible and simple way? Exupery knew how, answering the most pressing questions in his book, which instantly gained popularity immediately after its first publication.

In addition to the most amazing fairy tale, the author gave the world his illustrations, which, in different interpretations, are still present in a variety of editions of the book - by the way, translated into 100 languages ​​and sold more than 200 million copies.

Year of release: 2003.

Just a few years after the release of this novel, the circulation “exceeded” 81 million copies. A best-selling book, translated into 44 languages ​​and successfully filmed. No other book written in the same genre of thriller with an intellectual bent has gained such popularity.

Year of release: 1988.

A novel that is understandable to any generation and necessary for everyone. A book that will be an ideal springboard into a new world of self-development. A cure for depression and a wind at your back for anyone who lacks the courage to move forward.

One of the best-selling novels, the circulation of which has long exceeded millions. A fairy tale-parable about the pursuit of your dream, published in 117 countries and written in accessible language.

The novel "The Alchemist" is among those most important

Year of release: 1996.

King's sensational novel has surpassed many literary bestsellers in popularity. The story of the prison block on death row, led by the now aging warden Paul, brought many readers to tears.

The book was made into a film in 1999, and the film starring Tom Hanks leading role to this day occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best.

A novel with 100% presence effect.

Year of release: 1936.

A filmed novel whose title is familiar to readers in almost every country. An amazing book about love (as well as friendship, devotion, betrayal...) that happened against the background civil war in USA.

Worldwide love from readers and 8 Oscars for the film adaptation, more than 50,000 copies sold on the first day of the novel's release, 31 reprints and more than 40 million copies (however, this number is constantly growing).

If you have not yet had time to enjoy this literary masterpiece, do not deny yourself the pleasure - time will not pass in vain.

The novel "Gone with the Wind" is one of

Year of release: 1940.

This fantasy novel They couldn’t film it for a long time. “It was as if dark forces were interfering,” as participants in the failed film adaptations later said. Until Bortko got down to business.

A novel that absolutely does not need advertising, and which has captivated the whole world.

A love story, a visual aid about human vices, a philosophical novel - everyone decides for himself what this book will become for him.

Year of release: 1936.

There are three of them. Three friends who are united by a common front-line past. Comrades who were thrown into the jaws of world wars, like other youth.

But, despite the ghosts of the past and the post-war crisis, we need to find our own path and fight for what is dear.

The novel was filmed in 1938.

Year of release: 1890.

The novel was filmed twice, in 1945 and in 2009, but despite all the beauty of the films, they, of course, could not compare with the book.

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is among

Year of release: 1960.

One of the world's most famous books written about the Holocaust. The book was first published in Holland, where a Jewish girl spent 2 years writing her memoirs during the German occupation.

Today this book, translated into 17 languages ​​and sold millions of copies around the world, is considered one of the most popular in the world.

You will not find here the literary smoothness of a venerable writer - this is just a diary written by the hand of an ordinary 13-year-old girl, whose childhood ended very quickly.

Year of release: 1951.

The boy Holden is only 16, he is a classic “goon” and a dreamer with a big heart.

A story for which there are no boundaries of time - as a reflection of tens of thousands of lives of young girls and boys, free from boundaries, still capable of dreaming and not noticing the close edge of the abyss.

Year of release: 2001.

A modern novel on the topical topic of human loneliness in the age of the Internet.

Is it possible to experience the same vivid emotions from falling in love on the Internet as in reality? How deceptive are these feelings? And what happens next when you decide to meet in real life?

A book that became a bestseller, and which no novel with a similar theme has yet been able to surpass in popularity.

Year of release: 1813.

A true classic, timeless.

A world-famous work about a strong woman, absolutely free from prejudice, stereotypes and even her poverty. Elite prose, which has become not only a classic of love literature, but also a whole life lived for readers - atmospheric, sensual and relevant for all times.

Year of release: 1964.

A book that is deservedly considered the pinnacle of the authors’ creativity.

Psychological fiction, which immediately delights even those readers who have not yet had time to get acquainted with the work of the Strugatskys.

Year of release: 1925.

Sometimes it’s better (and calmer) if dreams remain unfulfilled...

A book about love and dreams, about the times of Prohibition and post-war rapid enrichment, fashionable jazz and capital amassed not in the most honest way.

A successfully filmed novel in which the author soulfully and sensitively described his own love.


Year of release: 1949.

A difficult but extremely popular grotesque novel about three powers constantly fighting (traditionally) for territory.

A book thoroughly saturated with hatred and fears associated with totalitarianism. Control over people, over their thoughts and feelings, over desires, control of the mind and denial of any emotions and manifestations of freedom. Total lack of freedom, more terrible than which, in the author’s opinion, there is nothing...

Year of release: 1955.

It was from this scandalous book that fame came to the author.

Few people know, but the events described in the novel actually took place back in 1948, in the USA.

Despite the contradiction between the “disgusting plot” and the aestheticism of the entire novel, it still attracts and attracts readers.

Year of release: 1865.

Who would have thought that this work was created by the author so long ago - in 1865.

The book, which has been at the top of the popularity charts for one and a half hundred years, has sold (and continues to!) millions of copies around the world.

“A classic of postmodernism” - this is how “Alice” was described in the list of the best science fiction books.

Year of release: 1791.

A fascinating novel by a Chinese, world-famous author about 3 generations of the aristocratic Jia family.

A book with a clear storyline, with elements of the author's autobiography, supernatural incidents, intrigue and love lines.

A true literary masterpiece, which has sold more than 100 million copies around the world.

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