Subject study social ecology

The subject of studying social ecology is to identify the patterns of development of this system, value-ideological, sociocultural, legal and other prerequisites and conditions for its sustainable development. That is, the subject of social ecology is the relationship in the Society-Man-Natural Environment Society.

In this system, all elements and subsystems are homogeneous, and the relations between them determine its immutability and structure. The object of social ecology is the Society-Nature Society.

The problem of developing a unified approach to understanding the subject of social ecology

One of the most important problems facing researchers on modern stage The formation of social ecology is the development of a single approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress achieved in the study of various aspects of human relations, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues, which appeared in the past two to three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of What exactly studies this industry scientific knowledgeStill, there are various opinions.

In the school handbook "Ecology" A.P. Oshmararina and V.I. Oshmarina is given two options for the definition of social ecology: in a narrow sense, under it, the science "On the interaction of human society with the environment", and in broad science "On the interaction of a separate person and human society with natural, social and cultural media". It is clear that the speech in each of the presented cases of interpretation is about various sciences applying for the right to be called a "social environment". No less significant comparison of the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: "1) Science on the interaction of human society with nature; 2) the ecology of the human person; 3) Ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. " Almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood by "in a narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology is noticed.

The desire for the actual identification of these two sectors of scientific knowledge is indeed characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often exposed to the criticism of domestic scientists. S. N. Solmin, in particular, indicating the feasibility of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject of the last consideration of the socio-hygienic and medical and genetic aspects of human relations, society and nature. With a similar interpretation of the object of human ecology, Solidarna V.A. Bukuzalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers, but categorically disagree N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Treaschairs and N.F. Reimers, in the opinion of which, this discipline covers a significantly wider range of issues of the interaction of the anthrophosystem (considered at all levels of its organization from an individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to note that such an interpretation of the human ecology object actually equates it to social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that there is currently a stable tendency to bring the approximation of these two disciplines, when the interpenetration of objects of two sciences and their mutual enrichment is observed due to the sharing of empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological studies.

Today everyone more Researchers tend to expand the interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of studying the modern social ecology, understood by him as private sociology, are specific connections between man and their habitat. The main tasks of social ecology on the basis of this can be determined as follows: studying the effect of habitat as a totality of natural and public factors per person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as a framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradictory, the interpretation of the subject of social ecology gives T.A. Akimova and V.V. Huskin. From their point of view, social ecology as part of the human ecology is a complex of scientific industries studying public structures (Starting from the family and other small public groups), as well as the connection of a person with the natural and social medium of their habitat. Such an approach seems to us more correct, for it does not limit the subject of social ecology by the framework of sociology or any other individual humanitarian discipline, and it emphasizes its interdisciplinary.

Some researchers in determining the subject of social ecology are inclined to emphasize the role that this young science is designed to play in harmonizing the relationship between humanity with their habitat. According to E. V. Giirova, social ecology should be studied, first of all, the laws of society and nature, under which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by a person in his vital activity.

Principles of social ecology

  • · Humanity, like any population, cannot grow infinitely.
  • · Society in its development should take into account the measure of biosphere phenomena.
  • · Sustainable development Societies depends on the timeliness of the transition to alternative resources and technologies.
  • · Any conversion company's activities should be based on an environmental forecast.
  • · Mastering nature should not reduce the diversity of the biosphere and worsen the quality of people's life.
  • · Sustainable development of civilization depends on the moral qualities of people.
  • · Everyone is responsible for their actions before the future.
  • · We must think globally, act locally.
  • · Unity of nature obliges humanity to cooperate.

In the term "social ecology", a certain duality is laid, this duality is characteristic of both the person himself: on the one hand, a person as a living biological being is part of the natural nature, and as a substance public is part of society, social environment.

What sciences should the social ecology, humanitarian or natural, social or environmental and environmental, should be attributed to? What is more in social ecology - natural or public? Some scientists predominantly represent natural Sciences (anthropologists, geographers, biologists) believe that social ecology is a section of ecology, namely the section of human ecology. Others, mainly sociologists, talk about the humanitarian orientation of social ecology, represent it as a branch of sociology. Philosophers, historians, doctors have made a huge contribution to the development of social ecology.

Does not add clarity and initial interpretation of the term "Human Ecology", given Roderick Mackenzie in 1924, which determined "Human Ecology" as a science on those spatial and temporal forms of human existence, which are due to selective (promoting selection), distributive (predetermining distribution) and adaptive Environment forces. That is, it was about the natural environment as the vital activity of social groups and societies and the features of these social groups and societies depending on the properties of this arena. Interestingly, this interpretation of the term "Human Ecology" is surprisingly consistent with the conclusions of the ancient historian of Herodota (484-425 BC), having listed the process of formation in people's character and establishing a political system with the action of natural factors (climate, landscape features, etc.). As can be seen this example The history of social ecology, which, arranged in a separate science in the twentieth century, is rooted in deep antiquity. The problems of the relationship between nature and society occupied the minds of scientists since the emergence of science. Not only Herodotus, but also Hippocrates, Plato, Eratosthene, Aristotle, Fuchidide, Diodor Sicilian studied various aspects of these interactions. Diodorus Sicilian first formulated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence between productive labor force and natural conditions. He noted the natural advantages of agriculture in the Egyptians in front of other peoples of the Mediterranean. The grocery and obesity of the Indians (which he knew from the stories), he directly connected with the abundance of fruits, also by natural factors he explained the features of the Scythians. Eratosthen approved such an approach to the study of land in science, in which it is considered as a person's house, and called this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge of geography3. The doctor of the hippocracy, first of all, worried about the impact of nature for each separate human individual, and not to society. Therefore, the Hippocrat is considered to be the father of medical geography. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe prevailing effect of nature on a person and society through geographical factors is strengthened in science even more in the Middle Ages, and later, she received the most complete development in the writings of Montesquieu (1689-1755), Henry Thomas Side (1821-1862), L.I . Mechnikova (1838-1888), F. Ratzel (1844-1904). According to the ideas of these scientists, the geographical environment and natural conditions Determine not only public OrganizationBut also the nature of the people, and the person remains only to adapt to nature. As the Swiss geographer, sociologist and publicist of Russian origin, noted L.I. Mechnikov The role of the natural environment - to teach people of solidarity and mutual assistance, at first the power of fear and coercion (river civilizations), then based on benefits (maritime civilizations) and, finally, on the basis of free choice (global oceanic civilization). In this case, the evolution of civilization and the medium occurs in parallel. English historian Henry Thomas Bohemore belongs to Aphorism "Insert the richest countries were those whose nature was most abundant; Now the richest countries are those in which a person is most actors. " The American scientist J. Buses notes that the human geography line - the human ecology - society originated in the works of O.Konta and was further developed by other sociologists.

Below are some of the most well-known definitions of the social ecology of leading scientists in this field.

According to E.V. Birusov, social ecology is the environment on the environment, considered in the framework of the theory of interaction between society and nature in order to find out the patterns of developing these relations and find ways to optimize them.

According to N.F.reimers, social ecology is devoted to the relationship in the Society-Nature system at different structural levels of the anthroposphere, from humanity to an individual, and enters the anthropology.

Social ecology (socioecology) is the science that formed in the 70s-190s of the 20th century, which has its own subject relationship between society and nature, which aims to bring these attitudes to the state of harmony, based on the force of the human mind (Yu.G. Markov).

Social ecology - a separate sociological science, the subject of studying which are specific connections between humanity and environmental; The influence of the latter as a totality of natural and public factors per person, as well as its influence on the environment from the position of its preservation for his life as a natural and social being (Danish, Markovich).

IK Fastryakova, so-called. Karyakina and E.A. Meerson, believes that social environment can be determined as "sectoral sociology, the subject of studying the specific links between human and the environment, the influence of the latter as a totality of natural and public factors per person, as well as its influence on the environment from the position of its preservation for it Life as a natural and social being "Bystryakov I.K., Meerson E.A., Karyakina T.N. Social ecology: lecture course. / under total. Ed. E.A. Meerson. Volgograd. Publishing House Volga, 1999. - P. 27 ..

Social ecology is an association of scientific sectors that study the connection of social structures (starting from the family and other small public groups) with the natural and social medium of their habitat (T.A. Akimova, V.V. Khaskin).

Social ecology is the science of the development and functioning of social communities, social structures and institutions in the conditions of impact on their livelihoods. environmental factors anthropological nature leading to socio-ecological tensions and conflicts, as well as the mechanisms for their reduction or permission; On the laws of social actions and mass behavior in the conditions of social and environmental tension or conflict against the background of the manifestation of the environmental crisis (Sosnova I. A.).

Social ecology is a scientific discipline empirically exploring and theoretically generalizing specific connections between society, the nature, man and its living environment (surroundings) in the context of the global problems of humanity in order not only to preserve, but also improving human habitat as a natural and social being ( A.V. Losev, G.G. Proves).

V.A. Elk determines the social environment as a science focused on identifying basic patterns and forms of human interaction with its habitat, the study of diverse connections and changes occurring in the biosphere, under the influence of the production and economic and socio-cultural activities of the Company.

An analysis of the history of the development of socioecological knowledge and analysis of the definitions of social ecology indicates that the concept of "social ecology" evolves. And despite deep roots, social ecology is a young science: as in other young sciences, social ecology does not have a single definition of the subject scientific research Elk V.A. Ecology: Textbook / V.A. Elk. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2006. - P. 34 ..

The object of social ecology as integrative science is diverse connections of the Society Society - Nature, which is more concrete form Appeals as a system "Society - Man - Technique - Natural Environment".

The subject of social ecology is the laws of development of the Society "Society" and the principles and methods of optimization and harmonization of human relations with nature. The first part of the subject represents the gnoseological side of it and is associated with the knowledge of the laws, which in terms of generality below the philosophical, but above the laws of special and complex sciences. The second side of the subject reflects the practical orientation of social ecology and is associated with the study and wording of principles and methods for optimizing and harmonizing human relations with nature, preserving and improving the quality of the human natural environment, and above all its kernel - biosphere. The subject of social ecology is the patterns of the emergence, the formation and development of the noosphere.

Self-determination and identification of any science are associated with the definition of their specific subjects and methods. The difficulty of determining the specific methods of social ecology (as, however, and subjects) is associated with a number of circumstances: the youth of social ecology as science is one of the youngest sciences; the specifics of the very subject of social ecology having a complex nature and includes biotic, abiotic, sociocultural and technical phenomena; the integrative nature of science associated with the need for interdisciplinary synthesis of environmental knowledge and the provision of communication of science with practice; Representative within the framework of social ecology not only descriptive, but also regulatory knowledge.

Social ecology extensive uses such general scientific methods as observation, comparison, generalization, classification, idealization, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis; methods of a causal, structural and functional explanation; Methods of unity of historical and logical, climbing from the abstract to concrete, modeling, etc.

Since social ecology refers to integrative sciences, it is used to use methods of sociological analysis, mathematic and statistical methods, positive and interpretative methods of scientific knowledge.

To the number of fundamental methods of social ecology A number of authors (VD Komarov, D.Zh. Markovich) methods of systemic and complex approaches, system analysis, modeling and forecastingBy tying them with the systemic nature of the biosphere and societary interaction, the integrative nature of the science itself, the need for systemic actions of all mankind in nature and prevent their negative consequences.

The methods of creating geoinformation systems, registration and assessment of the state of the environment, certification and standardization, integrated environmental and economic analysis and environmental diagnostics, engineering and environmental surveys, assessing the influence of man-made pollution, environmental monitoring and monitoring (monitoring, examination) , environmental design.

Social ecology

1. Subject of social ecology and its connection with other sciences

2. History of social ecology

3. Essence of socio-ecological interaction

4. Basic concepts and categories characterizing socio-environmental relationships, interaction

5. Human environment and its properties

1. Subject of social ecology and its connection with other sciences

Social ecology - recently emerged scientific discipline, the subject of which is to study the patterns of exposure to society at the biosphere and the changes in it, which affect the society as a whole and each person separately. The conceptual content of social ecology is covered by such sections of scientific knowledge as human ecology, sociological ecology, global ecology, etc. At the time of its occurrence, the human ecology was focused on identifying the biological and social factors of human development, the establishment of adaptive opportunities for its existence in conditions of intensive industrial development. Subsequently, the task of human ecology has expanded to the study of human relations and habitats and even problems of a global scale.

The main content of social ecology is reduced to the need to create the theory of interaction between society and the biosphere, since the processes of this interaction include the biosphere and society in their mutual influence. Consequently, the laws of this process should be more common in a certain sense than the laws of development of each of the subsystems separately. In social ecology, the basic idea associated with the study of the patterns of interaction between society and the biosphere is clearly traced. In the center of its attention, therefore, the regularities of the impact of society on the biosphere and those changes in it, which affect the society as a whole and each person separately.

One of the most important tasks of social ecology (and in this regard, it comes closer to the sociological environment - O.N. Yanitsky) is the study of the ability of people to adapt to the changes in the environment, identifying unacceptable changes in changes that have a negative impact on people's health. This includes the problems of a modern urbanized society: the attitude of people to the requirements of the medium and to the medium that the industry forms; Issues of restrictions that impose this environment on the relationship between people (D. Markovich). The main task of social ecology is to study the mechanisms of human impact on the environment and those transformations in it, which act as the result of human activity. The problems of social ecology are mainly reduced to three main planetary groups - a global forecast for population and resources in conditions of intensive industrial development (global ecology) and the definition of ways to further develop civilization; regional scale - study of the state of individual ecosystems at the level of regions and districts (regional ecology); Microwestebab - the study of the main characteristics and parameters of urban living conditions (the ecology of the city, or the sociology of the city).

Social ecology is a new direction of interdisciplinary research, formed at the junction of natural (biology, geography, physics, astronomy, chemistry) and humanitarian (sociology, cultural studies, psychology, history) sciences.

The study of such large-scale comprehensive entities required the unification of the research efforts of representatives of various "special" ecology, which, in turn, would be almost impossible without coordinating their scientific categorical apparatus, as well as without the development of general approaches to the organization of the research process itself. Actually, it is precisely this necessity and is obliged to apply ecology as a single science, which integrates developing previously independently from each other private substantive ecology. The result of their reunification was the formation of a "big ecology" (according to N.F. Reymmers) or Macroecology (according to T.A. Akimova and V.V. Khaskina), which currently includes the following main sections in its structure:

Common ecology;



Human ecology (including social environment);

Applied ecology.

1. History of social ecology

The term "social ecology" is obliged to American researchers, representatives of the Chicago School of Social Psychologists -R. Park and E. Berjesu, for the first time in his work, in his work on the theory of population behavior in the urban environment in 1921, the authors used him as a synonym for the concept of "human ecology". The concept of "social ecology" was intended to emphasize that this context is not about biological, but about the social phenomenon, which, however, is biological characteristics.

One of the first definitions of social ecology gave in his work in 1927. Mak-Kenzil, describing it as a science of territorial and temporal relations of people to which selective (electoral), distribution (distributive) and accommodation (adaptive) forces of the medium. Such a definition of the subject of social environment was intended to be the basis for studying the territorial division of the population within urban agglomerations.

Significant progress in the development of social ecology and the process of its separation from bioecology occurred in the 60s. Xx in. A special role in this was played by the World Congress of Sociologists held in 1966. Fast development Social ecology in the following years led to the fact that at the next Congress of the Sociologists held in Varna in 1970, it was decided to create a research committee of the World Sociologists on social environmental issues. Thus, according to D. J. Markovich, it was, in fact, recognized as the existence of social ecology as an independent scientific industry and given an impetus to more rapid development and more accurately determining its subject.

In the period under review, the list of tasks was significantly expanded, which was designed to solve this gradually acquiring independence to the industry of scientific knowledge. If at the dawn of the formation of social ecology, the efforts of the researchers were mainly reduced to the search in the behavior of a territorially localized human population of analogues of laws and environmental relations characteristic of biological communities, then from the 2nd half of the 60s, the circle of the issues under consideration completed the problems of determining the place and role of the person In the biosphere, developing ways to determine the optimal conditions for its life and development, harmonization of relationships with other components of the biosphere. In the past two decades, the process of its humanitarianism in the past two decades has led to the fact that in addition to these tasks in the circle of issues developed by it, the problems of identifying the general laws of functioning and development of public systems, studying the impact of natural factors on the processes of socio-economic development and the search for action management methods These factors.

In our country by the end of the 70s. There were also conditions for the allocation of socio-environmental issues into an independent direction of interdisciplinary research. A significant contribution to the development of domestic social ecology contributed. Girusov, A. N. Kochergin, Yu.G. Markov, N.F. Reimers, S. N. Solmin, etc.

2. Essence of socio-ecological interaction

In the study of human relations with the environment, two main aspects will be allocated. First, the entire totality of the impacts on humans and various media factors is studied.

In modern anthropoecology and social environment, environmental factors, to whom a person is forced to adapt, is made to designate the term "adaptive factors" . These factors are usually divided into three large groups - biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic environmental factors. Biotic factors These are direct or indirect effects on the part of other organisms inhabiting human habitat (animals, plants, microorganisms). Abiotic factors - inorganic nature factors (light, temperature, humidity, pressure, physical fields - gravitational, electromagnetic, ionizing and penetrating radiation, etc.). A special group is made up anthropogenic Factors generated by the activities of the person himself, the human community (pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, plowing fields, cutting down forests, replacement of natural complexes with artificial structures, etc.).

The second aspect of the study of the relationship between humans and the medium is to study the problem of human adaptation to the environment and its changes.

The concept of a person's adaptation is one of the fundamental concepts of modern social ecology, reflecting the human connection process with the environment and its changes. Initially appeared within the framework of physiology, the term "adaptation" will soon penetrate other areas of knowledge and began to be used to describe a wide range of phenomena and processes in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, putting the beginning of the formation of a large group of concepts and terms reflecting various sides and properties of human adaptation processes to the conditions of its environment and its result.

The term "person's adaptation" is used not only to designate the process of adaptation, but also to understand the property purchased by a person as a result of this process, adaptability to the conditions of existence (adaptation ).

However, even with the condition of the unequivocal interpretation of the concept of adaptation, its insufficiency is felt to describe the process being denoted. This is reflected in the appearance of such clarifying concepts as "deadaptation" and "re-fept", characterizing the direction of the process (deadaption - a gradual loss of adaptive properties and, as a result, a decrease in adaptability; realentification - the return process), and the term "disadaptation" (Disorder of the body's adaptation to changing conditions of existence) reflecting the character (quality) of this process.

Speaking about the varieties of adaptation, the adaptation of genetic, genotypic, phenotypic, climatic, social, etc. So, adaptation genotypic is a genetically deterministic process that develops during evolutionary development, and the adaptation of the phenotypic is a process that develops in the course of individual life allocated by mechanisms Implementation and duration of existence. Climatic adaptation is the process of adapting a person to climatic conditions of the medium. Its synonym is the term "acclimatization".

Methods for adapting a person (society) to the changing conditions of existence are designated in the anthropoecological and socio-ecological literature as adaptive strategies . Various representatives of the plant and animal kingdom (including a person) most often use a passive strategy of adaptation to changes in the conditions of existence. We are talking about the reaction to the effects of adaptive environmental factors consisting in morphophysiological transformations in the body aimed at preserving the constancy of its internal environment.

One of the key differences of a person from other representatives of the animal kingdom is that it is much more likely and successfully applies a variety of active adaptive strategies. , Such, for example, strategies to avoid and provoking the action of certain adaptive factors. However, the most developed form of an active adaptive strategy is the economic and cultural type of adaptation to the conditions of existence, which is based on the subject-transformative activities carried out by them.

4. Basic concepts and categories characterizingsocio-Environmental Relationships, Interaction

One of the most important problems facing the researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a single approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress achieved in the study of various aspects of human relations, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues, which appeared in the past two to three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of What exactly studies this branch of scientific knowledge still exist different opinions.

According to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of studying the modern social ecology, understood by him as private sociology, are specific connections between man and their habitat. The main tasks of social ecology on the basis of this can be determined as follows: studying the effect of habitat as a totality of natural and public factors per person, as well as the influence of a person on the environment, perceived as a framework of human life. TA Akimova and V.V. Haskin believes that social ecology as part of a person's ecology is a complex of scientific sectors that study the connection of public structures (starting from the family and other small public groups), as well as the connection of a person with a natural and social environment of their habitat. By E.V. Girusov, social ecology should first of all the laws of society and nature, under which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by a person in his vital activity.

Modern science sees in man first of all biosocial creaturewho has passed in its establishment of the long path of evolution and developed a complex social organization.

Coming out of the animal of the kingdom, man and today remains one of his members.

According to the presentations that have developed in science, a modern man occurred from a monkey-like ancestor - Driopitec, a representative of the branch of the hominid, separated from about 20-25 million years ago from the highest vocomatic monkeys. The reason for the deposit of human ancestors from the general line of evolution, predetermined the unprecedented leap in the improvement of its physical organization and expanding the possibilities of functioning, began to change the conditions of existence that occurred as a result of the development of natural natural processes. The overall cooling, which caused the reduction of forest areas - natural ecological niches inhabited by the ancestors of a person, put it before the need to adapt to the new, extremely adverse circumstances of life.

One of the features of a specific strategy of adapting human ancestors to the new conditions was that they "made a bet" mainly on the mechanisms of behavioral, not morphophysiological adaptation. This made it possible to react more flexibly to current changes in the external environment and thereby adapt to them more successfully. The most important factor determining the survival and subsequent progressive development of a person has become its ability to create viable, extremely functional social communities. Gradually, as a person develops the skills of the creation and use of guns, creating them developed material culture, and, most importantly, the development of intelligence, it actually moved from passive adaptation to the conditions of existence to active and conscious conversion. Thus, the origin and evolution of man not only depended on the evolution of wildlife, but also largely predetermined serious environmental changes on Earth.

In accordance with the proposed L. V. Maximova approach to the analysis of the essence and content of the basic categories of human ecology, the concept of "man" can be revealed by drawing up the hierarchical typology of its hatchers, as well as the properties of a person affecting the nature of its relations with the environment and on the consequences for It is this interaction.

The first to drew attention to the multi-term and hierarchy of the concept of "man" in the system "Man - Wednesday" was A.D. Lebedev, V.S. Preobrazhensky and E.L. Reich. They revealed differences in the systems of this concept isolated on biological (individual, age-age, population, constitutional types, races) and socio-economic (identity, family, group of people, humanity) signs. They also showed that each level of consideration (individual, population, society, etc.) correspond to their environment and their ways to adapt to it.

Over the time of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hierarchical structure of the concept of "man" became more complicated. So, model-matrix N.F. Reymers have already 6 rows of a hierarchical organization (species (genetic anatomorphophysiological basis), etco-behavioral (psychological), labor, ethnic, social, economic) and more than 40 terms.

The most important characteristics of a person in anthropoecological and socio-environmental studies are its properties, including L.V. Maksimova allocates the presence of needs and ability to adapt to the environment and its changes - adaptability. The latter manifests itself in inherent in man Adaptive abilities and adaptive signs . It is obliged to such human qualities as variability and heredity.

The concept of adaptation mechanisms reflects the idea of \u200b\u200bthe methods of adapting a person and society to changes occurring in the environment.

The most studied at the present stage is the biological mechanisms of adaptation, but, unfortunately, the cultural aspects of adaptation, covering the sphere of spiritual life, life, etc. remain poorly studied until recently.

The concept of adaptability reflects the measure of the person's adaptability to specific conditions of existence, as well as the presence (absence) of the properties purchased by a person as a result of the process of adapting it to changes in environmental conditions. As indicators of the degree of person's adaptability, such characteristics as socio-employment and health use the degree of person's adaptation of human and social ecology.

The concept of "socio-employment potential human "was proposed by V. P. Treaschadeov, as a peculiar, expressing the improvement of the quality of the population, the integral indicator of the organization of the Company. The author himself identified it as "the way of organizing the life of the population, in which the implementation of various natural and social measures to organize the life of populations create optimal conditions for the socially useful socio-labor activities of individuals and groups."

As another criterion for adaptation in human ecology, the concept of "health" is widely used. Moreover, health, on the one hand, is understood as the integral characteristics of the human body, determined by the process and the outcome of the human interaction with the medium, to adapt to it, and on the other, as a person's response to the process of its interaction with the environment, as a result of its adaptation to Conditions of existence.

3. Human environment and its properties

The concept of "medium" is fundamentally correlation, as it reflects the subject-object relationship and therefore loses its content without determining that it relates to which subject. The human environment is a complex formation that integrates many different components, which makes it possible to talk about a large number of media, with respect to which the "human environment" acts as a generic concept. A variety, multiplicity of heterogeneous media constituting a single human environment, determine ultimately the variety of its effect on it.

According to D. J. Markovich, the concept of "human environment" in the general form can be determined as a combination of natural and artificial conditions in which a person implements itself as a natural and social being. The human environment consists of two interrelated parts: natural and public (Fig. 1). The natural component of the medium is a cumulative space, directly or indirectly affordable person. This is, above all, the planet earth with its diverse shells. The public part of the person's environment is society and public relations, thanks to which a person implements himself as a public activity.

As elements of the natural environment (in its narrow understanding) D.Zh. Markovic examines the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, plants, animals and microorganisms.

Plants, animals and microorganisms make up a living natural human environment.

Fig. 2. Human environment components (N. F. Reymmers)

According to N. F. Reimers, a social medium, uniting with natural, quasi-aproned and arrangement environments, forms a common aggregate of the human environment. Each of the named environments is closely interconnected with others, and none of them can be replaced by another or be painlessly excluded from the overall environment of the environment.

L. V. Maksimova based on the analysis of extensive literature (articles, collections, monographs, special, encyclopedic and intellular dictionaries) Among the generalized model of the human environment. Several abbreviated option is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Human environment components (by L. V. Maximova)

This component deserves special attention in the above scheme as "life environment". This type of medium, including its types (socio-household, production and recreational medium), becomes today the object of the close interest of many researchers, primarily experts in the field of anthropoecology and social ecology.

The study of human relations with the environment led to the emergence of ideas about the properties or states of the medium expressing the perception of the environment by a person, an assessment of the quality of the environment in terms of human needs. Special anthropoecological techniques make it possible to determine the consistency of the environment of human needs, evaluate its quality and on this basis to identify its properties.

Most common property The mediums in terms of compliance with its biosocial requirements of a person are the concepts of comfort, i.e. Compliance with these requirements, and discomfort, or inconsistencies to them. An extreme expression of discomfort is extreme. Discomfort, or extreme, medium can be most closely related to its properties as pathogenicity, pollution, etc.

Questions for discussion and discussion

  1. What basic tasks are called to solve social ecology?
  2. What are planetary (global), regional and micromic-scale environmental problems?
  3. What elements, partitions include in its "big ecology" structure, or macroecology?
  4. Is there a difference between "social ecology" from "human ecology"?
  5. Name the two main aspects of socio-ecological interaction.
  6. Subject to study social ecology.
  7. List the biological and socio-economic signs of the concept of "man" in the system "Man - Wednesday".

As you understand the thesis that "diversity, the multiplicity of heterogeneous media constituting a single human environment determine the ultimately variety of its influence on it."

- (from other Greek. ἶἶκος Holy, dwelling, house, property and λόγος concept, teaching, science) Science on the interactions of living organisms and their communities among themselves and with the environment. The term first suggested a German biologist Ernst ... ... Wikipedia

Sector of science, exploring the relationship between human. communities and surrounding geographic. spaces., social and cultural medium, direct and side effects of production, activities on the composition and properties of the environment, environmental. ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

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Ecology - (from eco ... and ... logic), synthetic biological science on relationships between alive organisms and their habitat. Ecology refers to the number of fundamental (functional) divisions of biology exploring the fundamental properties ... ... Ecological Dictionary

ECOLOGY - Science on the relationship of organisms and environmental environment (existence conditions). The term "ecology" introduced in the scientific use of E. Geckel in 1866 in the first stages Ecology developed as a section of biology: animal ecology (A.F. Middendorf, K. Mebius), ... ... Philosophy of Science: Dictionary of Basic Terms

Ecology - (from Greek Oikos House, dwelling, location and ... logic), science on the relationship of organisms and their communities among themselves and with the environment. The term "ecology" is proposed in 1866 by the German biologist E. Geckel. From the middle of the 20th century In connection with ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Science, learning conditions and patterns of interaction between society and nature. Social ecology is divided into economic, demographic, urban, futurological and legal ecology dictionary of business terms. Academician. 2001 ... Business Terms Dictionary

- (from Greek. Oikos House dwelling, location and ... logic), science on the relationships of living organisms and communities formed by them and with the environment. The term ecology is proposed in 1866 E. Geckel. Ecology objects can be populations ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Science of organisms and formed by them between themselves and with the environment communities. E. is engaged in the study of all living organisms and all functional processes that make an environment suitable for life. E. objects may be a population of organisms ... Dictionary rapid situations

Social work Professional activities to organize assistance and mutual assistance to people and groups that have fallen into difficult life situations, their psychosocial rehabilitation and integration. In the most general form, social work represents ... ... Wikipedia


  • Geoecology. Tutorial, Sturman Vladimir Izhakovich. Tutorial Prepared in accordance with the State Educational Standard towards "Ecology and Environmental Management" and is intended for students of higher educational institutions, ...
  • Germany. Linguistant dictionary. Over 5000 units, Muravlyova N. V., Muravlev E. N., Nazarova T. Yu .. The dictionary contains more than 5 thousand dictionary articles from the cultural, socio-political and everyday life Germany. Each German word or phrase is accompanied by a translation and ...

Social ecology - Scientific discipline, considering the relationship between society with geographic, social and cultural media, i.e. with a medium surrounding man. Communities of people in connection with their environment have a dominant social organization (levels from elementary social groups to humanity as a whole). The history of the emergence of society has long been studied by anthropologists and social sociologists.
The main goal of social ecology is to optimize the coexistence of a person and the environment on a systematic basis. In this case, a man, acting in this case as a society, making the subject of social ecology, large contingents of people decaying for individual groups depending on their social status, kind of classes, age. Each of the groups, in turn, specific relationships are related to the environment within housing, places of recreation, garden plot, and so on.
Social ecology is the science of adapting subjects to processes in natural and artificial environments. Object of social ecology: subjective reality of subjects of different levels. Subject of social ecology: adaptation of subjects to processes in natural and artificial environments.
The purpose of social ecology as science is to create the theory of the evolution of the relationship between humans and nature, logic and methodology for converting the natural environment. Social ecology is designed to understand and help overcome the gap between man and nature, between humanitarian and natural scientific knowledge.
Social ecology identifies the patterns of the relationship between nature and society, which are just as fundamental as the patterns of physical.

But the complexity of the subject of research, which includes three qualitatively various subsystems - non-fat and nature and human society, and the short time of the existence of this discipline lead to the fact that social ecology, at least at the present time, mainly empirical science, and the patterns that formulate it are extremely aphoristic statements.
The concept of the law is interpreted by a majority of methodologies in the sense of unambiguous causal relationships. A wider interpretation of the concept of law as a diversity limitations gives cybernetics, and it is more suitable for social ecology that detects the fundamental limitations of human activity. The main of the laws can be formulated like this: the conversion of nature must comply with its adaptive capabilities.
One way to formulate socio-environmental patterns is the transfer of them from sociology and ecology. For example, as the basic law of social environment, the law of compliance of the productive forces and production relations of the state of the natural environment, which is a modification of one of the laws of political economy.
The fulfillment of the tasks of social ecology is subordinate to two directions: theoretical (fundamental) and applied. Theoretical social environment is aimed at studying the patterns of interaction between human society with the environment for development general Theory their balanced interaction. The problem of identifying the coevolution patterns of modern industrial society and the nature of them is coming to the fore in this context.

  • Definition, thing, goal and tasks social ecology. Social ecology - Scientific discipline that considers the ratio of society with geographical social and cultural media, i.e. with a medium surrounding man.

  • Definition, thing, goal and tasks social ecology. Social ecology - Scientific discipline, considering the ratio of society with geographic, social ... More details.

  • Definition, thing, goal and tasks social ecology.
    Theoretical function social ecology It has purpose First of all, the development of basic conceptual paradigms (examples) explaining the nature environmental development of society, man and ...

  • If there is a problem. If the application does not start on your phone - use this form. Thing forecasting goal and tasks Forecasting, mains definitions.

  • No less significant comparison of each other definitions social ecology and ecology
    It is easy to see that a similar interpretation subject ecology man actual
    Maintenance tasks social ecology Based on this may be defined...

  • social ecology
    The organization of the environmental management system includes: Formation environmental politicians; definition goals, tasks, priorities of ecopolytics; Developing ...

  • 2. Definition prevalence, symptoms and degree of manifestations of violations of speech.
    Data solution tasks determines The course of speech therapy.

  • Enough download cheat sheets social ecology - And no exam is not afraid of you!
    Ecological Audit is a systematic documented verification process of objectively obtained and evaluated audit data for definitions Compliance ...

  • Water resources are the stocks of water internal and territorial seas, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, Thing, target, tasks and the system of indicators of natural resources statistics.

  • Systemic analysis is designed to solve complex bad-solved tasks
    it definition can be considered systemic definition subject area.
    purpose System analysis - to find out these interactions, their potential and "send them to the person's service."

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