Paskats and crystal people

He lived, she lives now and will live a very long one star system, which in your inner time is called Sirius, named its main, well-visible stars for you. For huge periods of internal time with the stars and planets of this binary system, there was a lot of change, but my story - about one particular era, when one small planet inhabited a kind of reasonable creatures.

As you currently see, there are two Suns in this system, one small and one big, however, it was not always. There were times when the smaller of the stars was a yellow sun, like your shovel, and it was around this star, the planet appeared on which the civilization of these creatures developed. On its cool, fertile green spaces developed a view that we will call paskati.

Our days and nights, however, were very different from yours. We had periods, you can call them "days", in which the light was moderately jams thanks to the position of the second star (it was even before her collapse). There were other, very bright days, permeated by the light of our Blue Sun, - on such days we often could not even get out of their homes. There were periods of Great Darkness when everything was immersed in a long dream, or as you would say, "hibernation".

I belong to the tribe, or race called Caridel. On my old planet there were four main tribes, each of which had its own role. Since we all understood the principles of archetypal expression, the arrival and care of souls, or entities and their fragments<$FВ космических учениях Коллективных Многомерных Учителей слово essence (eng. essence) Means "Individual Soul", the highest "I" - unlike the person, or the lowest "I". Word Being (eng. Entity.) means "collective soul", consisting of a certain number of souls-_Suts_. Concerning essence fragments, then they essentially the state of the same entity in parallel linear realities, or, as they are called in this document, temporary zones. - _Tees and further approx. Red ._\u003e, on the planet there was no bad relationship or a feeling of dislike between various tribes. Karidel was rulers and philosophers, orothe - warriors and defenders, Patries - Creators and artists, craftsmen and artisans, and Eats were a "simple people": they could do anything and had a huge physical force.

Our species occurred from a special cosmic impulse, which gives the beginning of a certain branch of evolution, a specific genotype. This primary impulse has formed a genetic code, which made our race as it eventually became. To make it easier for you to imagine us: most similar to representatives of the Feline family - something mean between your homemade cat and lion, only we have more sophisticated features. Our jaws are less long, and the ears are less rounded than your lions. We go to two limbs, having an increase compared with yours or superior to it, and our bodies have adapted well for a long time. Men's individuals have mane, women-not have. For a long time, our paws have become more deft, and their form is more practical. Answering the question that matches you in your brain, I will say: Yes, we have tails.

We differed in the color of the body and eyes. My tribe Caridel had a brownish or yellowish suit, his representatives were bright blue. The ornotic warriors were orange-eyed and sandy shade, like your lions or red cats. Patry artists were pale gray or white, their eyes were green or turquoise, and the strong tribe of Eats was a wide variety of colors and shades, many of them were striped. Once, at the beginning of our evolution, we were covered with fur, but then began to wear clothes, rather for decoration than for the sake of decency. Our planet was very unevenly inhabited, only some of its areas had a warmly warm climate. One of these belts had juicy green vegetation, the other was similar to your northern part of Europe. But our bodies developed and adapt to the temperature conditions native planet.

I want to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bour history so that you can make an idea of \u200b\u200bwho you are dealing with. Although we, mostly, we observe, we still wanted to stretch to you through the time, dividing us, the help hand, since in the next decades you will undoubtedly need help from outside.

Paskats do not communicate with words or sounds. We own telepathy, which gives us the opportunity to communicate with you now, despite temporary and spatial barriers. But we were not always so knowledgeable in such direct communication with the minds of other beings and each other. On our planet, we initially communicated with speech, but after the relocation to Ishna, about which I will tell you soon, the new atmosphere damaged our vocal cords And we could not more communicate with sounds, so we developed our own system of silent communication.

In communicating with you, people, I am limited to the dictionary and terminology available in your banks of consciousness and subconscious. In the future, when your planet will reach even greater scientific progress, you will have more accurate and capacious terms that creatures like me can enjoy.

For long periods of internal time, we evolved spiritually and physically, but in another direction than our neighboring planet. You see, in our solar system there was another inhabitable planet, which we call Ishna and which was fed by the light of a larger, white-blue star. Her inhabitants were known in the space community as "crystalline people." But before our meeting, a lot of time passed with them, although our scientists knew about their existence, and they were about our.

We have lived happily on our little planet, enjoying her gifts and sharing our increasing life experience with other forms of life. But over time, our scientists noticed that with our sun, who gave us their light and life, took place the most serious changes that threatened to us the catastrophe. But fortunately, by this time we set contact with crystalline people who began to regularly visit our planet and take us at home. When the conditions began to deteriorate gradually, and the power field of our star began to expand, our planetary neighbors, consulting with our oldest, decided on a serious, but necessary step: they stated that they were evacuating all of our race and other forms of life with our planets that could survive In the new habitat - in their world, since everyone understood that the radiation of a yellow star at the time of her collapse would destroy our little planet and all living on it.

Ishna, however, was a much warmer planet and had a completely different physico-chemical structure. For a long time knowing the impending catastrophe, crystalline people built a biezfer complex covered with a dome, in which the air and the temperature corresponded to the conditions of our native planet. Fortunately, our population was not very numerous, as well as the population of Ishna, and given the fact that their planet was larger than our, we all had enough places on it. Gradually, for several generations, their scientists acclimatized our bodies to the Ishnan atmosphere, which, naturally, entailed mutations. Our fur was kept and the body had a change in them, the skin, which was very tough - according to your standards, became softer. We have preserved our strength and could bend your steel bars like plasticine! Of course, our mixed raus Eats was the strongest of us. Over time, we were able to leave the dome and go to the Ishnan world to live next to our new brothers and sisters, while maintaining group features and customs of each race.

I lived a lot of lives and saw the birth, growth and death of other star systems, as well as my own; Seveled worlds based on frequencies other than our planet, Ishna and Earth. If we speak in terms of your time perception, I project in our linear past, which is your real. In other words, I came to you from your future. Such as me, a lot. Some use telepathy, which we use, there are those who use the latest achievements and technologies. Some physically returned to you from your linear future to be born in the earth's bodies in your present. I heard that you call them "old souls", but I prefer the term "cosmic-mature essences", which is not associated with your fundamental beliefs and with a smaller probability can serve as a reasons for the occurrence of confusion.

In terms of the four elements, we, Paskats, we have the nature of the Earth Earth and Fire, which means that we are creative, but practical and having solid ross bases, physically strong and having a molecular structure of the body, in many ways similar to the structure of some earth creatures. We have developed the subsoil of our planet, did things, in many respects similar to what you are doing, built houses like yours, and settled their conflicts with a logical way. On the other hand, the elements of crystalline people - fire and air, these people are intellectual, have a developed brain and great creative abilities. Their bodies consist of crystalline substancesUnknown to your chemistry, they are very light, clean and fragile. Their physical strength according to your standards is very small, but they have a powerful mind and a huge ingenuity.

Paskats multiply in principle the same way as you are on Earth, but crystalline people are somewhat different. Men's and female individuals agree, and soon the woman puts the soft egg. It is attributed to a very important room in the Ishnan dwelling - in the birth and growth chamber. The egg is placed on a special place that you could call the Altar. When their planet enters certain points of the orbit around the star, the two, those who created this egg, fit to him and together lay hands on him. Each ordination is achieved a new phase in the development of the egg. As the egg grows, the outer shell begins to take a crystalline form, becoming increasingly transparent until, in the end, it does not become visible to its contents. It would be useless to talk about how much time it lasts, because their time has nothing to do with what you measure days, months and years. In crystalline people, the egg growth occurs due to the joint efforts of the parents; Without these efforts there would be no children. At the time of birth, the outer shell begins to crumble, exposing two young children, because they always have, as well as in the Paskats, twins are born - a fact that did not escape from the attention of your ancient ancestors that you can understand from the myths left and led.

Connoisseurs of Greek mythology will tell you that Zeus came to the ice in the appearance of the swan, after which she gave birth to four eggs, of which there were two twins pairs: Pollux and Elena, as well as Castor and Cliqueness. Where did the Greeks take this story? From the doping legends that the residents of Atlantis passed them. Those, in turn, heard her from their ancestors, which, for several centuries, the crystalline people and the Paskats were visited. It was the reason that the ancient Egyptians could accurately depict us in the guise of their gods, and some of your African tribes still keep legends about our visit.

The population of crystalline people always remains constant. This is achieved using some mental processes, and not clinical methods. Thus, the balance of distribution of useful objects among their people always remains unchanged and optimal, parents themselves determine which children they should be born, and achieve this by means of genetic selection. However, this process is subordinate not only to economic and social interests, it also takes into account the evolutionary requirements imposed incoming The soul, or a fragment of a larger being so that she could express his personality in the most favorable conditions.

Crystal people have, as you would say, bright skin, although it is rather a golden or yellowish shade. They have diagonal eyes of golden or dark gray, with gold spark, colors. Their hair is very white, but they have something else, the structure, resembling rather thin glass threads. I'm trying to choose more accurate descriptions in your dictionary, but they are not. Therefore, I give your imagination to trust the description. Their male and female individuals are so similar that you would not distinguish them.

So, scientists of crystalline people and pastas were able to provide an exit to open space and go beyond their solar system. During one of these flights in the endless space, using the energy and antimatter energy as the driving forces and for the intersection of time zones, a problem has happened on one of our ships, and the expedition was forced to land on someone else's planet in an unfamiliar, not applied to star cards Solar system.

But, as you probably know, nothing happens by chance, and the ancients who created the Universe and to which we appeal to the Council in spiritual affairs, explained to us that the future of our two systems is very difficult to intertwine and our ship is quite naturally landed precisely On your, then another young planet. Of course, those who carried out that first contact did not know about the existing plan. But later, other pacats and crystalline people flew to Earth and some of them sometimes entered the bodies of earthlings to better understand the evolution of your planet.

I personally did not happen on earth. Paskats are not so easy to enter your bodies, although occasionally happens and this. We are more likely to live in the bodies of your domestic cats and, in this case, it has a certain goal: to be close to a close man or protect it from those negative forces that surround your planet.

You will not see me or people from my time zone while you are in your current bodies, but is it necessary? In the end, your people will learn from one time zone to another effort of will. Then we will meet with earthlings, as you say, "personally."

Time episodes invisibly exist alone inside others. So the microbes live on your body, and you do not see them, do not feel and do not realize. However, if you look at them through your devices, you notice that these organisms are present and conduct violent activities. In the whole universe in different time zones, an innumerable amount of creatures lives, some of these zones are interconnected, others are. Many live forms, like you, are not suspected of the existence of others, although they themselves have been observed by those who are able to cross the time barrier. These zones can intersect and superimpose your, but you will feel it no more than X-rays that your doctors pass through your bodies.

Various impulses shake space at different points in time and create a variety of forms of life. Your genotype is just one of the millions! But not everyone will fit any planet. The conditions offered for physical development and growth are decisive factors in determining which branches of evolution will remain, survive and will dominate. On Earth Impulse, which was the strongest and was able to maintain his evolutionary force, you began to call Homo Sairiens.Although a person in no way was first!

According to their natural nature, the hominids are aqueous, emotional creatures. Your bodies and planet itself, on which you live, consist mainly from the water.

Since the connection between your solar system and our is very strong, many ancient names and principles that have acquired great importance for you for all of these centuries, originated from our world. A variety of beliefs on your planet led to the emergence of various names and titles - mythological, religious or pantheistic, but they all relate to similar concepts.

In your modern metaphysics, the term "external time" is used to designate such a condition that is not determined by the movement of your planet or clock arrows and in which you can penetrate the dream or with the modified states of consciousness. Indeed, in the universe there are frequencies that fit eternity, concluding the past, the present and the future, but in the state of real missionality everything exists in the eternal now. Although your people have not yet achieved such an understanding that would allow them to accept and realize this idea, the reflections of this truth begin to appear in the minds of some people. I will contact not only me, but also other creatures from external time. You can call some of them more developed than I, but in my world we do not divide everything to the "higher" and _. " What you call development is actually due only to affiliation for various time zones and their proximity to the central point. Those who are in time zones that are located closer to the center than my zone can better see and understand the universe than me. I, in turn, looking back on you back in time, I see everything clearer than you. But even although I am familiar with the temporary cycles of the universe, with how they use them and that from them can be learned, I will not be called to the all-knowing.

For some of you, "God" is a kind of higher, perfect being. For us, what you would be called God is time in one central point, or eternal now, from which time zones are in infinity. This point has instant communications with everything that the time zones extending in eternity without having no end. Nevertheless, even this description is not exactly exactly because it implies a geometrical perspective and location. But the central point does not have a certain place in the universe.

Although certain knowledge was given to your ancestors and were transmitted from generation to generation, a lot was lost or distorted, so we still have a lot to discuss in our further dialogues, because I don't want our conversation to be only my monologue so that Say, sermon. We, Paskats, bad preachers, our vocation is not in this.

When certain events occur in your world, our mission will end. Then the crystalline people, and the Paskats, including those who now live in the bodies of earthlings, will be able to return to their temporary zone in order to go to the next stage spiritual development.

Therefore, I, Cainie, took up your planet. No, I was not among those who had once landed for the first time, but the ancient instructed me to follow those who flew to you from our solar system and is now involved in growth, development and upcoming evolutionary changes on earth, My role is similar to the one that your ancestors are attributed to custodians. Your ancient ancestors put two gods for the protection of each sacred place. Pay attention to how they portrayed two lion gods symbolizing yesterday and tomorrow - in other words, Time!

We will keep quietly, but at all our vigilance do not interfere, except when ... we are silent for guarding, but if we need to defend themselves, we will defeat a proactive blow with the power of Lion and the dexterity of the cheetah.

Well, on this I complete the first part of my story, perhaps rather strange, but the time to deploy the philosophy of time according to the development of your planet.

Question: Were there on your planet and other living forms with which you could communicate?

Answer: It depends on what planet you mean. On the old planet of the Paskat, there were other forms that we considered equal to ourselves. There was a reasonable form of plant life, which could move, unlike representatives of the plant kingdom on Earth. Our vegetable people He could pull the roots from the ground, move and rejected again in another place, subject to the presence of a suitable soil. These kinds came to visit us and remained with us, because in the house of each Paskat was that I was for simplicity with the "garden plot", where any of the plants who came to visit could spend the night or, if desired, remain for a longer period . In exchange for our hospitality, they treated us with their fruits, nuts, berries or healing leaves so that we should not be deprived of their lives for the sake of food. Many of these plant creatures lived in small colonies that we, the Paskat, could always visit when we needed the products that they were willing us.

There were still friendly water snakes. The eggs that they were readily given to us were for us the main source of proteins. With us and around us lived many species birds In general, all biological species lived in harmony and were perfectly communicated with telepathy, achieving complete mutual understanding.

There are very cute animals, similar to lizards, and a few more species belonging to some kind of species.

Question: You say that some of the crystalline people are currently embodied in the bodies of earthlings, but the Paskats usually do not take a hominid form, although there are few exceptions. Why?

Answer: Crystalline people occurred from the hominidal impulse, which means that they are generally like people. Their main elements are fire and air that metaphysically represent creativity and intelligence. They are usually included in the bodies of earthlings - if they want to do it, which are in a state of a special creative or thought lift, whose expressions may be an essay of music, medical or scientific discoveries. The highest mathematics region may also be very fruitful for them, but, nevertheless, they can be found in the crowd much less often than it could be thought. The reason for this is that they best feel in a more rescued, scientist community, where they can create new ideas and topics that will implement their more physically strong and active disciples. They can base perfect metaphysical teachings, they are extremely largely thinking within the framework of philosophy, science and religion. But, nevertheless, their faces rarely decorate the pages of your newspapers, because they are modest, pretty shy people.

Paschants are something completely different. Although we have a much greater force than crystalline people, it is genetically programmed in accordance with the structure of the feline family. The Paskat, which was embodied in the human body, it would be difficult to maintain coordination, and the body of a person is not as strong as their usual bodies. This would limit our activities and the possibilities of only the mental sphere, which could cause many problems, disorders and complexes. Not that the mental way cannot be cope with all this, but still, it would be quite painful. If the Paskat had embodied in a woman, she could not have had children due to the inconsistency of the frequency of the feline essence to the device of the human female hormonal system.

Being by nature with their relatives, the Paskats are usually open, sociable and prone to some theatricality that it would be difficult for us to express the surroundings in Alien. Remember also that we have a very feeling of tribal unity, we are accustomed to a settled and established lifestyle, and on Earth we would have a sense of insecurity, because on your planet life is so confusing and uncertain. Although many of you believe that your feline family representatives are single, it is not. Cats spend a lot of time outside their body, and without these periods dream When they can communicate with other representatives of their spiritual tribe, they would be very lonely.

But I have to tell you that several Paskats are now on Earth. This chronicles of our race, which are there, first of all, to transfer us their impressions and experience as the land pass through all the new stages of evolution, or, as you, it seems, call, "quantum jumps." We are from our time zone, of course, watch their safety, although, in accordance with the Space Law, we have no right to give them any benefits to the "earthly fellow". In other words, they should take the same way about themselves as all other reasonable creatures inhabiting your planet.

Question: Are there other reasonable creatures, besides you, the inhabitants of the Sirius system, who seek to help us here, on earth, in connection with the upcoming time to us, which you reported to us? If so, who are they and where?

Answer: Indeed, there are others who follow you from other time zones, some of the curiosity, others, like we want to help, have people who have less good intentions. Not with all of them we support the connection, but we are familiar, for example, with the people of dolphins and the lizards from the chapel system in your "Constellation of the Easy".

As we ourselves, the lizards also visited your planet thousands of years ago, even before us, but at that time their attempts to save those who lived on Earth did not crowned the success that they were very upset. However, the course of evolution corrected after extincting ancient dinosaurs. Lizards are a very kind and kind people, but because their evolutionary type is very far from yours, they may seem terrible to you. But crystalline people are very beautiful according to your standards and at the meeting would not be frightened to you.

I hear your question: "What about the Paskat?" When the time comes and our time zones will cross, those who will live at that time will meet with beautiful and pretty representatives of the Feline family, with a special sense of humor inherent in our family! But this is not a cruel mischief over whose trouble. Everyone who likes cats will like and the Paskats. I think you will find us attractive on your standards creatures.

Library Creator.

Crystal - rare, unusual color of aura.
"Crystal" have a clean aura, even her
Call "Aura of Chameleon". Their aura is changing
color as chameleon takes color
The person with whom communicates at this time.
Then they take characteristics,
Templates of behavior, emotions and thoughts of this color.
As a result, "crystal" can
To get out very good almost with everyone.
"Yellow", for example, feel that they can
interact with "crystal", which
act and think like yellow while
with them near. Later when the same
Crystal spends time with sensitive
then sensitive finds that they are related

However, inconsistency of crystal can
embarrass people. One minute crystal
think and behave like green, through a short
Time act like blue.
The more they are in contact with others, the more
them personal qualities Change.
Because Crystal tend to absorb colors
Auras of other people, people at times
feel energy leakage in the presence
Crystal. Crystal can be
Clean channel healing energy. Being
natural healers, they possess a gift -
help people remove blocking, thereby
allowing them to be their own
Healing processes. In the process of healing
Balanced crystal can
remove your own thoughts and emotions that
Makes healing cleaner.

Crystal do not always realize their
Healing abilities. Often it can scare
embarrass them or bring them a feeling
Depression. These rare souls are often physically
Fragile and gentle (painful). Because they are
unusually sensitive, they can in one
Time to heal only one person. Then named after
need to be in a quiet place to
Cleared their aura.

Working with very many people, they can
Upset your system.

Crystal children.
- intermediately sensitive to the world: sound, color, negative emotions other people, smells, food, chemical products, feeling "to be dressed", pressure, pain of others, group consciousness, electromagnetic waves, etc.;
- such sensitive that because of this is very wounded;
- Must spend time alone, do not feel very comfortable in groups, since very few understand their desire for loneliness;
- must be in unity with nature and elements daily. The spirit of nature helps to balance and purify all non-harmonic energies that affect them so much;
- They categorically do not understand the "inhuman, cruel attitude of a person to man," war, greed, stamina, etc., because of all this, they may feel oppressed;
- Turn off, hiding, protected when life becomes too intense, especially if they are injured, or see or feel others injured. (approx. Meaning mental injuries);
- Despite the fact that they are usually calm, others admire and feel that they attract them as a magnet. They will have deep and long-term relationships with people who offer them limitless love, crystals know what is the only true love;
- When the crystal looks at you, you feel as if he penetrates your soul.
- In fact, they need very little from traditional education, as they are noble and prudent, and they can determine what they need, which is good, and what is not for them. When my son was little, once he told me: "I will not drink alcohol and take drugs" and never accepted;
- Often they bypass crowds or shopping centers. Too many different energies.
- Very much love children and animals. They have a special form of "communication" with all living beings;
- Water very well affects them in terms of cleansing and calm: bath, shower, waterfalls, springs, games with water and sand.
- they need comfortable clothing from natural materials with the possibility of choosing color;
- they need a lot of pure water and often they prefer organic fresh products;
- Before they were born, often their parents seem to hear the name of the child, as if, someone tells him;
-Hudes and magic takes place around them: money appears, animals will walk to them, they smile with them, people themselves are cured;
- They are very perceptive, so much that they know about the feelings of others;
- fear close relationships, because Feel when they invade them or do not respect them. They prefer to be alone, and have "their personal bodily space" not controlled by others. Also, they avoid romantic relationships because of the fear of damageing the other if the relationship is completed;
- They have innocence in them, they do not have tricks, they are chisty due to the fact that the crystals have no "ego";
- Perhaps they need help in order to learn to connect its energy. They can do it through physical activity, nature, sports, martial arts, yoga or dancing;
-How to output electronic devices, radio, televisions, computers;
- restrain the manifestation of emotions due to the fear of their increase and loss of control, so they may seem serene or even insensitive;
- may feel responsible for the death of someone or for someone pain or a quarrel;
- may have and most likely had deep depression;
- well react to work with the body, massage or energy actions of someone with balanced energy;
- often they have rapid metabolism, and they themselves vegetarian;
- Smart, see all the possibilities, intuitively understand spiritual laws, and "how everything works";
- They have a clean connection with their highest "I", a natural agreement with his "supreme leader." That is why they know the truth of spiritual unity;
- Healers and peacekeepers from birth;
- with a lot of abilities;
- They can regenerate bones and skin. Also, how gradually "updated" many of us by connecting to the crystal energy, which is in DNA;
- May be low, but when they calmly and wisely talk, they all listen to them. Nevertheless, they do not give advice if they are not asked and never interfered ...

What do we know about children with crystal vibrations? On the one hand, we know a lot. On the other hand, do not know anything concrete. Like these children themselves, the information is currently very ether, very subtle and not explicit. Unlike his brothers and sisters to "opposing everything" - Indigo children, crystal children did not change the stuff in some places ... so far. September 11, 2001 there was a decisive signal and the entry of the next wave of children. The era of crystal children has already come.

It is possible that the crystal children across and large from Indigo. And they can even be indigo. In the last my conversation whether Carroll about crystal children, he said that they are artistic indigo. Perhaps he is right! In fact, it does not matter. What is really important is that every group or subgroup of children inspired by unity, also supported and that they had the opportunity to perform their work and their destination.

Steve Rother ( and the group call these children peacekeepers, whereas Indigo is called destroyers of systems. Indigo children were named so because of their color in Aure. Indigo is also the color of the third eye or inter-vicious chakra. Therefore, they are very intuitive, mental, fast and they quickly bored. Children of crystals are called so not because of the color of the aura, but due to the high vibrations. Perhaps, over time, it becomes clear that the crystals are dominated by the chakra of the head of the head, the spectrum of purple color, including a white or transparent aura.

When did crystal children begin to come? The group believes that some of these children was always. These few were travelers who mastered new horizons, but humanity was not very good for them. As, for example, to someone who was known as Jesus Christ. Often, these researchers were killed, but they specifically scattered these seeds. It was often said that crystal and Christ (cristal - cristo) Very similar words and therefore have a similar value. Remembering what was said, the reader can create a good picture or feeling about what children crystals and what they came for. Use your intuitive abilities to synchronize with the energies of these children, creating unity with them, and the results on the planet will be amazing.

Indigo and crystal
- They are more sensitive
- They have an important, global goal in life
- They have consistency between heart, mind, words and actions
- They painfully perceive the lack of integrity and honesty
- They are very passionate: passion for life, love, justice
- Little and adults exacerbated sense of help to people
- by nature, they do not judge people
- They have a good sense of humor
- They need reservoirs, nature, art, clothing from natural fiber, exercise and safe surroundings (both physically and emotionally, mentally and spiritually)
- They are needed surrounded by emotionally calm people
Distinguished between indigo and crystal
Spirit of Fight
"Destroyers of the Systems" Spirit of the Peacemaker
"Peacemakers" goal
- open the road
- Show
- Do not take what is outdated
- Slim Face Lies, Tricks and Manipulation Goal
- continue the path, an open generation of indigo
- Build with more subtle energies
- "push" with the inner extraordinary force (to raise the energy level of society) features
- Show
- experience physical exertion features
- lead by me, showing on your example
- Testing mental physical exercise
- In general, extroverts.
- Pioneers (they are stubborn, initial (original), self-sufficient (independent), creative)
- awareness of desires, perseverance
- Huge energy and lack of fear of obstacles personality
- calm, peaceful and elegant usually a bit introverted
- more spiritual
- More telepathic
- more sensitive rules of behavior
- This child will ask and demand
- He is not afraid of confrontation
- rebel rules of behavior
- He is a few, but words are very deep, and they say, only if he is asked
- They radiate peace and calm.
- It is natural to harmonize energy around
- Very sensitive to people, well understand their needs
- This child is silent and leaves if conflicts appear, prevents confrontation.
- It unites 12 laws of spiritual mind physical and other characteristics
- Strong physically
- Strong mentally (smart) physical and other characteristics
- less strong physically and mentally
- Vulnerable emotionally
- Mental skills, "activated" from his birth
- Sometimes he suffers from allergies, it is more gentle its characteristics may be mistaken as a diagnosis
- Add (deficiency of attention with hyperactivity).
- Addh (deficiency of attention with increased activities) its characteristics may be mistaken as a diagnosis
- Asperger's disease (lightweight form of autism, often found in the United States among professions of programmers, computerists, systems engineers)
- Autism
- often perceived as "cranked" from reality, he quickly says, answers can speak later, because he needs time to understand that adults poorly understand telepathic communication, which they usually use intuitively need mainly in:
- feeding his talents of the discoverer and leader.
- Instruments for increasing the organization
- Study of diplomacy and courtesy. Need mainly in:
- the use and nutrition of his skills and talents of the peacemaker. "
- Easy mental cleansing techniques
- Exchange of energies with nature.

Hello, dear friends! This is my first post in the friendly space of the portal "Live Knowledge". I take everything that comes to me if my heart filter misses it. And so I'm here.

Conscious dreams were ordinary for me. Being a small creature, I independently overcame sleepy paralysis and learned how to lead a dream, makes it, where to visit today. I knew that the buzz in the ears and vibration is just a moment that you need to "step over" to be on freedom. In my travels, the tips were my feelings. "Do not go there, if scary" - I told myself. Astral world is mine native home Since childhood. My favorite world was a vision where I am a cosmonaut's wife. But I was 10 years old for a minute ... He flew home on some cosmolete and filmed his skaand, sometimes we flew together on this ship, and outside the window was space, completely unfamiliar planets, such beautiful ...

Life in school was very boring for me. But traction to the ground, to plants and animals is my school. I see aura of people, animals, plants, places, forests, spaces. I grew up in my nature, there was no matter how parallel with society, family, the game on Earth. Awareness that I am "strange," overtake me in adolescence, when my body began to file signs of growing up, the need to work out karma genus and personal karma make their job. And it happened to me, as with all of us, angels playing on earth, entangled in one day emitted emotions in last Life. But I, like a cosmonaut's wife, remained with me forever.

I consult the parents of "strange" children. And we are all accustomed to the fact that Indigo's children are massively embodied now. We began to understand them, their mission, their independence, rebellious nature, the desire to pull out of us all the old, break and destroy. But build, create crystal children who are just beginning to come to Earth.

What are they? How to educate them and to educate at all?

Let's talk about it.

In my life there is one young man I defined as a person with a crystal soul. His aura resembles a soap bubble, the energy is transparent and dense, overflows with rainbow light, inside all movable, lively. This young man is now 19 years old. He says awful and writes with errors. But he does not need to say. He's drawing. He remembers everything, who and when he was, why came. He says that it came to help "keep" the land. His drawings are the worlds of other people, in them all their lives and moment here and now, the result of all past incarnations. This is a whole story about your soul with all its tasks. This is an amazing other new language through which you find a new knowledge about who you are.

Jesus Christ was a crystal soul in his incarnation on Earth. You can remember everything we know about him, and understand what the crystal soul means.

We still faced such people and can only assume what they would be. I would not divide them in any way, did not give them roles, did not compare them with others and, most importantly, with me. And would not raise.

In general, everything that happens around you is your area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. And the fact that in your world such a child is also you, your business, your world, your fate. Therefore, to work with you. Take up yourself.

Always a child comes to parents who need to be taught something. He is older than parents on vibrations, by the number of embodiments here. And you are older by the experience of life in society in one earthly life. There is a difference? If we learn to distinguish between gods, are the same as they themselves, many questions will disappear, judgments, comparisons. In general, the ability to take everything as it creates a huge potential for creativity.

Yes, creativity is perhaps what they will teach us in the global sense. And in particular, be happy. How easy, you say! No, not just. This is the science that I learn all my life. This is, first of all, the general cleaning of herself, its thin bodies and physics, which will free you from heavy vibrations. After that, it will be rejected. After all, for high vibrations, joy, delight, gratitude is needed. And if in you since childhood stored: "Do not run, and then you will break the leg", "you will be clever, you will not marry", "you have to go hard to achieve something" And other heavy energies, where to take joy? Indigo helps us in liberation from the old one.

After all, everyone has long understood that a person is the amount of vibrations of every thought, every act, of each conviction. That is, a certain figure that occupies a place in one or another reality. Where is the expression that we live in different parallel Mirahs And we can even live near, not see and not feel each other. Yes, the distance no longer has the same meaning. It matters only the number of building material - high-voltage energies - joy, gratitude, values \u200b\u200bof themselves, material for the materialization of ideas sent to us by our superdad, higher I.

Everything is attracted by vibrations. In which world, you will be - still your business, still on Earth the law of freedom of will remains one of the fundamental. And create worlds - new, incomprehensible so far for our awareness - this is just a matter of crystal shower.

What to do parents of such kids? Or those who are just going to become parents?

Crystal often come to the parents of Indigo or if there are senior children in Indigo in the family, that is, the soil is ready for them. They need protection and support in life on earth. First of all, they need to be a little prepared for society and life here. And learn to trust them with choosing, do not worry that something happens to them. They have the strongest brigade of angels, which is their part, their superconscious. On Earth, the laws of Karma are still operating, and karma genus including. Improved, the souls take karma of the genus in which it is embodied. The crystal children because of the highest vibrations often cannot enter our matrix due to severe generic vibrations. If you have problems with conception, work over the exemption from karma. This is not at all difficult now. Your intention is a law for the universe. Now you understand what kind of work is the souls of Indigo?

It is believed that the crystal souls never played on Earth, they come to help us. After all, we sleep, who do not remember themselves, so much. And they remember everything as my familiar guy ... they tell you a lot about you. Just do not betray them with your distrust. Protect them with your love and delight. After all, they will be "strange" children for us. The same as I sometime. Just imagine: they knew how to fly, cross the universes, change the appearance and create cities only at thought ... And now they were in the physical body. To, in spite of everything, do not forget your nature and teach wonders of us!

But, at the same time, they all see and know who of them there is someone, and will never attract, for example, a crystal to Indigo, and even more so for the Dark Star.

They are all - crystals, dark stars and indigo - always ambidexters, that is, they have no bright asymmetry in anything, and accordingly, they have a combined style of thinking, which allows them to use intuition and logic at the same time, to rely on past experience and become in place another person, calculate the events on before and the like. But at the same time, it is worth noting that not all ambidexters are indigo, a crystal or a dark star, this and an ordinary person can develop with special techniques, for example. And as much spiritual development, many people become ambidexes, too, due to changes in the image of thinking and personality. Therefore, in any case, for accurate definition, you should always look into the soul of a person.

In addition, even such people appeared, people that began to prove that Indigo was born at all times. Indigo was not born at all times, as they are, so to speak, the product of civilization, nature. It can be said that this nature itself created the conditions to gradually replace the existing race on a more progressive and more benefit, since the existing race has in its most part degenerate and spiritually degrade, preferring only material benefits, forgetting its initial purpose. And thereby damaging even nature, planet, etc.

The man was originally created for self-knowledge and self-development, thereby it was assumed that spirituality should take over the materiality. But gradually the man "rolled" almost to the level of animals. He was given great opportunities, but now the most common average person uses only 5% of all these God and the nature of the opportunity. Therefore, any other person who is capable of birth or has learned through life, to use more features of his brain for others seems to be extraordinary, strange, it does not understand and face it, but it happens even fear.

At all times, starting with the death of Atlantis, crystals and dark stars were born. And, they were all the time the Messiami - dark and bright, depending on who was a crystal or a dark star. Although, again, not all crystals and dark stars were manifested in the course of life, many lived life as ordinary people, just the surrounding considered them strange, intelligent, special or balobs of fate.

So, what is the difference - indigo, crystal and dark stars?

Let's start with the crystal because it is simple to describe them. As already mentioned, the crystals were born at all times, only of course they were called not crystals, this name is modern. And honestly, I do not really like this name, more and more older - bearing light, so before people called them. Although, who realized the crystals, prefer to call themselves very simple - the children of God. True, so they relate and call all people living on Earth. Already from the ancient name it can be seen, for what these people were born and born ...

They "come" into our world to teach, heal, carry spiritual progress, and sometimes scientific. Such people are born already with a bright soul, because their spirit was originally light. It always preserves and bears positive energy regardless of how much he was able to manifest as bearing light. Therefore, the surrounding people stretch to crystals, even if this person is guarded and at first glance lives his life as an ordinary person. And even if such a person has managed to set up a lot of non-resident actions, the Divine Spark remains in it, and it can always be seen. And with the case or under certain circumstances, the fallen crystal is capable of almost instantly change and give the will of his divine spark, love, and therefore manifest itself as a true crystal, which is from birth. Unfortunately, not all crystals are realized in life precisely as a true crystal.

But in childhood everyone is visible, they are like a small angels. Their Aura shines just the light, so for that they were nicknamed with crystals. And it is always bright, slightly noticeable shades, if not white, and always seems to be transparent - this is the light of the Spirit. And, of course, and being very different from ordinary children.

As a child, they are very open, impressionable, trusting, even to some degree naive. Sometimes they retain their naivety in adulthood. But, at the same time, in childhood they do not follow the common mass, they already have their views on everything and they know what they want. This is already visible from 2 years.

In order for them to listen to an adult, he must prove that he is worthy, just to be adults - this does not mean for them that he is wiser or right in everything. An adult must fulfill everything that he teaches a crystal child, and is obliged to talk to him as with adults, otherwise the Child Crystal will begin to consider such an adult child. He himself does not perceive himself as a child.

Children-crystals are not tolerated when they are survived with them, they don't tolerate hypocrisy and falsehood, they see it or feel right away, so they are often straightforward, and immediately say what they think and feel about this. Do not forget they empath and telepaths, even if children, let them still do not know how to control their abilities. Yes, they still do not understand where they have these knowledge, and indeed knowledge of the universe, but they prefer to trust their knowledge and feelings than the words of adults.

If you want a crystal child to love you and respected with him sincere and loving. As a child, usually children and teenagers are single crystals, which peers respect, and some will even be drawn to them. In social life at this age, they usually do not like to show activity, prefer to remain observers.

In addition, in adolescence, they have aware of their abilities, and some crystals begin to experiment with their abilities, checking on teachers and peers. If the crystals are interested in studying, they study with ease, but at the same time, they remain lazy, "leaving" in good governors and excellent students just at the expense of their innate abilities, not aggravation and studies. Since they do not see the meaning of most lessons, they have knowledge from birth, so the study may be interested only if they decide to do something in the future, or there will be a very good teacher who can interest them. Therefore, at school, many teachers are usually disliked, because such students have all their opinions and views, and it is impossible to influence it.

Although the crystals are non-conflict and calm by nature, even on the contrary, prefer to avoid conflicts both in childhood and in adulthood, but this does not mean that they can command or disappear. The crystals do not tolerate either to obey, nor command themselves, love equality ... But for some reason they often think, once the crystals are loving and calm loners, they can be loosened how they themselves want, and come in bewilderment when they try to fulfill it, and in The answer is given such a repulse. At the same time, the crystals are soft by nature and with them very easily agree that they do something or helped if they simply politely ask them, and not try to crush. In this case, "will be in the pose" and from the principle will not do.

Throughout life surrounding immediately from the first meeting with a crystal or stretch and love it, or fear and hate. Many people envy themselves, they do not even understand why ...

Although the crystals throughout the life of nature remain single and observers. Many people do not develop serious relationships immediately, since the crystal is looking for any love, and not just love and passion, and not finding it, they prefer to remain alone than with whom she fell. If, after all, the crystal created a family, and in the end I realized that it was not love, but there was just a love, which once ended, but at the same time, he did not dare to break the connection, he still feels lonely, and gradually just internally closes From his "life half". It goes with your head in work, your interests, experiments.

By nature, crystals experimenters, love everything to check on themselves, especially if it concerns experiments on a thin plan. The "thin plan" of crystals feel since childhood, and often in childhood they see the energies, astral entities, stimals and angels. In addition, all these abilities for them are the norm, and immediately they think that all people are, and very much more surprised when they find out that not everyone can see the future or soul of another person. And even more surprised when first faced with betrayal or with what someone envies them, or hates. Immediately they believe that all people love each other ...

Crystals are characterized by an exacerbated sense of justice. Therefore, they are able to fight for their ideas or in their view of offended people. Often they regret others and try to protect or protect your loved ones. The crystals are passionate ones, and if they like, they are completely given to their feelings and fully open their loved ones, they try to merge with her (him) soul. But this, unfortunately, scares people, if only they are not crystals or indigo. But, despite, even on love failures, they again and again dip in love with your head. They are not able to live without love, let it be love for a certain person or universal love. Although, after failure in love, try to protect your heart ...

Very creative nature, and if for something they take, then "invest" part of their soul in their creation or business.

Do not like the accumulation of people, as they react very sharply by emanation. And often, when people climbing people can begin to be nervous, even to get angry, and more sensitive, if with bad emanations it can even become bad or try to leave this place. Also, they react to the place of energy, if good love to be there if they can even become bad. Therefore, they can be called indicators of positive or negative energy whether, from people or from the church, or simply from any place. For the same reason, many crystals love to spend time alone with them, more precisely in prayer, contemplation, searches ...

For them, it's all so natural from the birth that they often and do not think that this is something special. And their prayer is a prayer of love. She is without words. Yes, and the prayer often they do not call it, but just a conversation with his father, angels, or just a search or knowledge of truth. From birth, they are partially open with super supporting, so they, being children, are already seeing future, many strong empath, some know how to treat their hands, have a strong connection with the stimalists. They loved them and, as they say nurse from the cradle, helping parents, defend their favorites and help them through life to measure their forces. The crystals in turn are very loved by nature. And she gives them strength, as if he recharges for their love. Therefore, the crystals are able to change the weather by simply by contacting the stimilenes with love. They can still be called the children of the Sun, as they are directly "connected" to the sun, solar energy. And very usually love sunny weather, it is not hot, and solar, regardless of winter it or summer. And they can be treated and stop just visiting the rays of the sun for a while.

Another interesting point, the crystals are treated for themselves, many drugs simply do not act, and some even cause allergies many drugs. Therefore, they treat themselves with herbs or energy, or prayer. And in childhood, they move with all kindergartens or simply suffer from some kind of disease, but throughout the childhood, often before adolescence, then often they just get bored and they cure themselves. Thus, they often have self-awareness.

In addition, each crystal has a congenital anomaly, each has its own. Although it does not prevent them from life with the exception of allergies for medicines, if they have such an anomaly. And many live all their lives and do not even know or do not think about their abnormalities. For example, I know one crystal who lived with 4 kidneys, and they learned about it only after his death ...

The main energy and strength of the crystal is the energy of love.

In addition, it is worth writing about enlightened people, the Spirit, which is not initially light, but during one or more lives they worked a lot on themselves, spiritually developed, and as a result they became enlightened. And then at birth, they are something similar to the crystals in energy and the aura, but at the same time they differ. Similar to the fact that they are also love and softness from them, there is knowledge. Therefore, many of them can be taken for crystals, especially who cannot see the essence - soul, spirit. They differ from crystals not only with no big differences in energy, but also in behavior. Crystals are closed, distinguished by all alone, and enlightened people are quite sociable, soft in communication with others, while crystals are simply polite, and internally hold almost everyone at a distance, even though people do not even stretch. And in childhood, enlightened usually are in a circle of friends, much better adapted to worldly life, the crystals are most simply not adapted to life here, sometimes even think about, and that they are doing here, they are not like Indigo, they are not They consider this world with their own and do not want to embody again. Enlightened more loyal to all this and many even love life and others, and so to speak actively involved in the material life, while crystals and indigo are simply observers. It can be said, the crystals are tougher both towards themselves and to others, partly the maximalists and fighters for justice all their lives are so remain in the soul, and enlightened - soft and try to help everyone and all. And often crystals stretch to crystals.

In a word, crystals and enlightened differ in life values, according to behavior in relation to the surrounding and material world, and knowledge. And the crystals are trying to protect enlightened, very respectfully and appreciate them, because they believe that people who have become enlightened made a big feat! And the crystals did not commit anything - these are their normal state, therefore, more respect and honorable people with enlightened people !!!

The lives of crystals and dark stars are very connected. They intersect all the time over their lives.

Dark stars, who are these?

These are people born with originally in the dark spirit, emphasize the spirit, not a soul, do not confuse ... They also have an old name, more precisely, how they themselves call themselves - guardians. A, it is, the keepers of karma, but usually they prefer to lower the word karma, and simply call themselves the Guardians themselves. But since it is now fashionable to give new names, which is known for the spokes of centuries, so let's call the keepers, too loud name, like crystals, are dark stars.

If you ask why, it is, dark stars? " That answer is simple, if you look at them on a thin plan, their souls shine with dark light. He is at the same time beautiful and terrible ... The souls with such light can only be in the dark stars, even the soul's fallen person will never shine, albeit dark light, it can become just dark or black. There are many options, but dark light is always excluded ... In addition, and in the character they have the qualities that they feel the stars, and often lead in a similar way, although there is nothing surprising, they are usually great attention and authority.

They are reasonable, even wise, and they can not be called evil, they are the dark spirit !!

Dark stars are also few like crystals, and indigo, but, nevertheless, more than crystals several times, but less than Indigo. Typically, crystals and dark stars stretch each other, although they are complete opposites, and usually 1 crystal surrounds at least 2-3 dark stars. Although usually such a "friendship" is always accompanied by attacks from the dark stars on crystals as astral and just everyday. The crystals are, as a result, in any case realize, but often they suffer, as they consider dark stars interesting interlocutors and extraordinary personalities, and in some extent close in spirit, because they understand each other perfectly, many remember from the spiritual Life ... The Dark Stars usually use, sometimes even they manage to use crystals for their own purposes. For example, crystals are lucky in life, they get everything they want, and also achieve everything. And dark stars, on the contrary, they are often not lucky, despite the fact that they are smart and strong. This is often dark stars and enjoy how "sitting on the neck" crystal and thanks to the crystal, then or those whom they want. He simply makes them a desire for them or teaches how to do it, or is a talisman or skipping for the better life ...

In addition, if a dark star manages to destroy the soul of the crystal, it gets "thanks", its strength and influence increases, moves up the hierarchy.

And the most interesting thing, many dark stars unlike crystals are aware of who, since childhood, use their abilities without constraining throughout life.

They also have crystals and indigo, from birth in partially open superpost. In childhood, they or outsiders, or vice versa, leaders. They like to be in a circle of attention, but, at the same time, they do not strive to show activity themselves to become a leader, it turns out by itself. But they don't have real friends, but they don't need them. They can be called internal single, since they themselves do not allow themselves to themselves in the soul, but at the same time they can easily turn their heads to anyone just from their own whim, even if this person is not needed.

Enjoy success with the opposite sex. They can "crawl into the soul." Many people for this consider them very soulful. But be careful, dark stars just do not do anything, they love power over others, and perfectly know how to manipulate others. Unlike crystals, they are hectares and Lukava, and always "rubbing in trust" to the people they need, even to the same crystals. And possess this ability since childhood.

In childhood, they often have evil jokes in relation to other children, but they know how to translate it later that it was just that it was just a joke, and in all this particular child, who was joking, and not they. Many ordinary adults love them, especially teachers at school, as they know how to infant, and use it without a branch of conscience. At the same time, then despise such teachers who "hit them on the network."

With age, we are aware why they are here, and try to make their purpose. The scandals do not like, prefer to solve all the cunning and their abilities, but if you can arrange a scandal.

Unlike crystals, people like a gym, so there are always in a circle of attention, and consciously with age spread their influence on people they need. Usually at work and among the neighbors have authority, so the authority is very important for dark stars, and his loss for many is a blow. Can "eat" the energy of others. And they love the places filled with emotions or power. This is how it fills the force and joy. Therefore, they prefer to be surrounded by people, families, friends or be in place of power. Often, the internally strictly react to it, even at least they can hide their feelings, and they can and show depends on a specific dark star. Hard tolerate loneliness.

But as well as crystals, so that dark stars respes man, he should be strong and smart, otherwise it will be despised, even at least they can smile. Yes, and just use as ancient material for its great goals. The valuable "instance" they will cherish, and even can protect. But always and everyone is satisfied with the test at the astral level. And generally love to "fool" on a thin plan, even though their jokes and evil.

These are usually family people, in contrast to crystals, and indeed Indigo. And often live life "behind your earthly halves." But despite this, dark forces usually care so that they are not happy in love, otherwise they lose interest in the fulfillment of their mission and enjoy the earthly life, and with their superpowers it facilitates much in life and easily achieve all that wish. But there are few such dark stars who go against their dark patron, and builds their lives. Then his whole life is a struggle. But it acquires the most present earthly family happiness. Such dark stars, usually, as it were, "cut off," are filled with a subtle plan, as it is aware of the subconscious, that it is from there that they are dangerous to their happiness. But at the same time, the interest in all of them remains for life.

As already mentioned, they also, as well as an indigo and crystal from birth, a partially open superposableness, but, in contrast to Indigo, they are aware of them earlier, and no matter how they need to be trained as to manage their abilities. They have their own patrons of the dark forces from birth, which they help them in one and send great temptations in the other. Better adapted in life.

And finally, consider who such Indigo. Indigo - revolutionaries, increasing the old system and laying the foundations of a new, but having nothing to do with the "lightness" of the soul or spirituality, it is possible to say the product of evolution, new humanity, more progressive and developed. Just as the pioneers of this generation of Indigo is difficult.

In addition, Indigo can be called to greater the descendants of the branches of the dark Atlanta, although now they act as a "product" of uniting two branches of the Atlanta descendants - bright and dark, which is again the merit of the dark branch - their technologies and magic. But as far as there is such people, they all will be better adapted to new conditions, and will gradually happen again to merge two branches, as it was once ... And the modern average person will be lifted as an adhesive look ...

Due to the fact that in Indigo from the very birth, two starts are actively fighting - dark, since it is the souls of dark Atlanta, and light, because they fall into the "possession of" descendants of bright Atlantov, and are not essentially their fallen souls, but simply Choosing another path of development and knowledge of yourself and truth. And getting here they are more influenced by the light forces, which was previously almost unacceptable, they were as if fell apart from light forces - "seen" them only from far away, but did not understand what it was ... And here it produces a lot The impression on Indigo, and they often after the "contact" with the light, they themselves strive for him., Much stronger than most of the descendants of bright Atlanta ... Therefore, from the very beginning of Indigo in finding yourself - who will they become, what qualities as a result Will be wound, as a result whether they will be the accomplices of darkness in its pure form or followers of light. So to speak, "Golden" middle of them in life is not given ...

They called their indigo because of the color of their aura - the colors of Indigo. It is initial of them of this color, but as it may also change with spiritual development, only their beginning will remain unchanged, which can always be "discerning" in their soul.

True, one moment is interesting, which in modern conditions, at birth on crystals and dark stars, the existing progress and nature, creating a new race as a product of evolution - Indigo, has greatly influenced. Therefore, if you do not "see" on their souls, then you can take some of the Indigo. But this is usually until they realize who they are, and they will not begin to manifest as a crystal or a dark star, after self-consciousness they change pretty quickly, and, accordingly, lose the similarity from Indigo. Although all these three categories are very interesting to communicate with each other ...

Indigo, as well as crystals, and dark stars, from birth have partial superpowers and well-developed intuition. But unlike them, they are not originally light from birth, neither are in dark dark, so they will be dependent on the first of all from their parents and, of course, their themselves. Therefore, it is not worth attributing Indigo to the Savior of the World and Messiah or, on the contrary, to the devastants and messengers of the devil. Indigo is not related to anyone or to those. They are such what they are. But it can be either a creator or a destroyer, it all depends on their life choice.

Initially, Indigo seems to be in the search, and here who will meet in his path of the crystal or a dark star, Indigo and "will" go to the disclosure of themselves as individuals, and will apply their abilities accordingly. But as not strange, Indigo is very much drawn to crystals, and very quickly recognize them for their own and reveal, and they strive to light, and they even appear some feeling as if they want to protect the crystal from others ... and already in According to its own choice, they direct all their enormous potential for serving light or darkness. Aside, they will not allow them to stay. And their congenital potential is huge, and therefore they become either creators, enlighteners, teachers or destroyers of the social system and personalities of other people, the third is not given. Although the crystal at the beginning of communication is sometimes difficult with Indigo due to the fact that he perceives the initial energy of Indigo a little heavy. But the more they communicate, the more the indigo energy becomes soft.

After Indigo decided to strive in life, he, accordingly, send all his potential to exercise his goal. In any case, he strives to know and implemented. Therefore, depending on the choice, it changes, and it becomes, if not "look" into the soul like a similar crystal, that is, it becomes enlightened, or becomes like a dark star. Indigo, who "did not find himself" in life becomes the destroyer of himself in the first place.

Very often for some reason others consider indigo insensitive. This is a huge mistake, since Indigo is emotionally, they simply suppress their emotions, because they consider it weakness, and the interfering factor in life. Therefore, they prefer to live their heads, and not to go about just passions and emotions. And do not even understand and can despise people living only on emotions, for them he is like an unreasonable animal. But sometimes emotions are still broken out outside and indigo until they learn to fully control them as well as crystals.

In addition, even Indigo clearly and perceives all the surrounding emanations from those around people and places, but they are able to "applied", do not let in the soul, do not miss all this through themselves, but see as it were from the side. Although they do not like the accumulation of people, but completely capable of reacting for it, having leaving unlike crystals or dark stars.

Prefer loneliness than to be with whom. Have self-esteem. And they are little interested in the opinion about them surrounding. Perfectly know how to put a person in place if it is required without creating conflict.

And in childhood, Indigo differs from crystals and dark stars. Dark stars are sociable, and Indigo, one can say, no matter how belongs to the surrounding team, they themselves. Indigo always makes only what they themselves are correct. And unlike crystals, it is often openly opened against the rules, morality, social system, " human stupidity", more rectilinear. And do not hide your attitude towards others and events. If they are not interested in people, they simply tear chatting and can ignore the person. The crystals are more" obedient "and the good, and more calm about all this. Much, too, like Indigo, do not understand and do not accept, but I prefer to keep with you, if they are not interested in the interlocutor try to politely reduce communication for no. And dark stars are manipulated by Morality, customs, etc. for their own purposes, yes, yes And just so to communicate, too, if they do not see the benefit or interest.

They like experiments both in the physical world and on a thin plan. They are just interested to see - "What will happen?".

Indigo is people with very high intelligence, creative people, even in childhood, and often know even children more than adults, and even more so do not forget about their abilities that they first check on teachers in school, yes for friends Parents. Therefore, so that they listen to adults, adults should show that they deserve - at least they are kind and smart. Indigo really appreciates kindness in other people, only true, and not talked. They perfectly see the true personality of a person, and relate to this calmly, if they do not impose anything contradictory views or their own views.

Follow only its own morality in life, and not accepted authorities. They are peculiar to impeatability and attention shortage, sometimes sharp mood swings. The usual average people are held at a distance and even sometimes despise some people, because they do not tolerate nonsense and bhazal. In addition, Indigo often funny problems of ordinary people and their meaningless in life. The average person is not able to understand Indigo, but shows a great interest in them. Sometimes they even try to hurt indigo, as he annoys them with his feeling of dignity. Therefore, sometimes they are accepted for arrogant, unavigible, and even closed. This is also mistaken. They are all very sociable, but only with themselves like. Because simply an average person is not able to understand them, and to spend its time indigo on explanations do not want, as they believe that he will not understand them anyway. Dark stars just smile and can stagger, crystals can still try to reach the mind and the heart of a person, and if it does not work, very disappointed ... This is the reason - not to communicate with everyone, but only with those who are able to understand them ...

Here for all these reasons indigo, crystal and dark stars, prefer to communicate with themselves like or with each other. The main communication in all crystals, indigo and dark stars is an energetic (empathy) and of course at least partially telepathic. Therefore, many of them are sometimes too lazy to pronounce words, as they think they distort the thought, reality. Yes, and the communication of empathy-telepathic is much brighter and more interesting.

All three categories and indigo, and crystal, and dark stars, from birth live half on a thin plan, half physically, and perfectly control themselves on both plans at the same time. It is so much natural for them that they are all just not thinking that this is something special. And according to youth, it may not even be aware that this is a subtle plan, and try to find ways to go out into the astral, at least so and so are realized all the time. Therefore, in his youth, it is necessary that they explain this their innate feature to not do errors. And good, if the parents or someone from adults since childhood taught them to control their abilities and explained that it was.

Who are the people-crystals?

About current tasks for light employees

(through Svetlana Drachev and Sergey Khanassevsky)

Dear friends!

We want to attract your attention to the need to continue communication on the topic of crystals called nodal. We are ready to give you the following portion of information on this topic - very important at this stage of generallylanet lighting work.

Nodal crystals are those crystals that are in the most important "nodes" or centers of a planetary crystal lattice. Therefore, at the initial acquaintance with them, we denote them as nodal. However, their feature is that they do not really belong to some part of the planetary crystal lattice. They are neither just centers or nodes. In fact, it is crystallizing multidimensional and multiple centers. These are live centers for reprogramming the planetary crystal lattice, all its components of the structures. Therefore, in the future, we propose to be called the central programming crystals (CPCs) of the crystal lattice or simply programming crystals (PCs).

Programming crystals perform a very important role in the reduction and reconfiguration of the planetary crystal lattice, first PKR-144, and then lattices-matrix-999. PCs are multipurpose points, setting stations and composite planetary processes. This is, in fact, the control panels of crystalline processes on the planet Earth. You are not yet visible to their dominant role in the development of the PCR at the moment. In the development of PCR-144, they play a major role before the entry into operation of Lemurian crystals. For example, for programming crystals and Lemurian crystals (LCs), which are activated in the framework of the "Ascension in the East and West" project - different subfunctions and subtasks within the framework of the unified task of the awakening and evolution of humanity. It is important that you understand that both PCs and LC have its own specific goals and objectives. We will tell you about them with great pleasure.

So, the PCs perform the task of reprogramming, the admonition of all the basic processes occurring on the planet land associated with crystals of any kind and any kind. Running, they will give amazing synchronization and unfolding all the processes of development of crystal structures on the planet Earth. The commissioning of the PC is expected at the moment of the lamp of the life-giving fire. It will happen on the day of autumn equinox on September 22, when at 14 o'clock in Moscow time the collective work and the activation ceremony of PC will begin. Introduction in their structure of the life-giving fire, this amazing celestial flame, and will give the start of their awakening, to the beginning of active work. Because the passive programming function of the central programming crystals were performed before.

The newly activated PCs will not work in four-dimension mode, but five-dimension mode. They are designed to give a tuning note for the development of all crystals and crystal structures of the planet Earth and on the planet Earth. It - important aspect The existence and functioning of central programming crystals.

Awakening to life, PCs begin to awaken the crystal structures convened. It also concerns people crystals, that is, those people who have already absorbed, have absorbed in their cellular structures the crystal basis of being. This is an important addition, since not all residents of the planet Earth are still adapted to accommodation in the conditions of crystallinity of existence.

All people (almost all of now living, in a slight exception), are arranged as crystals, but not everything is able to carry the possibility of such a form of existence of matter. This is an important moment in our conversation and an important milestone in your crystalline development. The central programming crystals of the renewed planetary crystal lattice will give people-crystal and other crystal structures of the planet Earth new unique opportunities for deploying and development as multidimensional crystalline creatures. They are designed to awaken the people of four-dimensionality and give them a start to their multidimensional and multi-spatial development. This is a new stage of development of you, our dear and hot favorite friends.

We had the honor to tell you about the work that you, advanced detachments of the world's employees perform daily on the planet Earth. You, speaking as the advanced squads of the crystal creatures of the world, the detachments of the crystal people, carry in their "I" the beginnings of the new future development of all creatures of the world and all people of the planet Earth. I will say clearer, explain what we mean under such loud statements. It is necessary that together with us you trace all the nuances of the development of you as crystalline creatures. And this is the source point in our conversation.

And you, having launched its development from this source point, will have to reach the expanses of multi-dimensional development of your crystal structures, your form of existence. You, having received the postulate about your crystallinity for the database, rebuild at the moment of more highly organized lighting creatures. It is such a structure, such a formation, and such an organization as a crystal - and there is a higher form of manifestation of life at this stage of the evolution of mankind.

We approached the threshold, followed by the secrets of being, secrets and secrets of the existence of people and other creatures of the world. Yes, yes, the subject of our study is precisely the creatures of light, and, accordingly, the forms of their existence. It's time for you to clarify for your "I" a number of important points relating to you.

So, you are the creatures of light living on the planet Earth, you are Angels of the Great Central Sun, which came to complete and ... continuing the Great Experiment - its continuation is already on a fundamentally different basis. This stage is a stage of practical work based on the results obtained during the experiment. On Earth began the great work of the intergalactic forces of light. You are on the most important plot of this work!

And who are the people-crystals?

You are people crystals that are based on crystalline nature. You, being all these amazing creatures, are based on a single one, namely, its crystalline structure.

It is the beings of light, and the angels of the WCS, and the earthlings people are a single and indivisible creation in the Universe due to the unified structure of the foundation of their existence and incarnation, being. It is important that you understand that you are all united, you are one. And it is necessary for you to reproduce your "I" in the future, in a new expanded multidimensional embodiment. And your multi-spatial existence gives you the necessary expansion, deployment, developing you as a crystalline creature. This is an important point in our conversation, because it gives an understanding of the commonality of your incarnation as the creatures of the light in your earthly manifestation - as a crystal person.

The concept of not easy - at first glance. But very harmonious and uniform when you study it more carefully.

You just have to ask the question of your own terrestrial existence at the moment, and how do you exist, what form of your existence allows you to flow from one manifestation to another? What is multi-dimensional - multi-spatial content gives you this opportunity for existence in various layers, horizons and layers?

You are crystals, and crystallinity and there is a basis for your existence! It is she who is the basis of your being! You, as people with crystals carrying a unified connection and a single information constant, can be given by the "I" task and intention to recall everything about your true structure. And then you will find a new amazing page of your being. Your consciousness is also crystalline, but today we are talking about your crystalline manifestation in the material world. The material world can be of different order - and 4-dimensional and 5-dimensional and more measured, and, of course, less measured. And in each world, your crystal structure is the basis of being. And this is the basis for further conversation And your deployment, taking into account the current tasks facing you, people.

During our conversation, we want to bring a number of examples that will help you understand how to build your life at the current moment in order to best use the crystallinity of your structure. This is a new and interesting job for you. It will require a certain concentration of effort and understanding you as part of the universe. You are the part of the fact that the partial one is partial. And this involvement of a single thing to the whole and makes you an integral part of your development process as a representative of the beings of the world on the planet Earth. It is the beings of the world that are instructed to fulfill the important mission that you have already been notified as participants in the great experiment and the stage of its ending. Our example will be associated with your perception of your "I" as something separate and finite. You are so arranged in duality that you do not see all the expanses and horizons of being and the universe. This is an intentional truncated view of view and intentionally narrowed focus. It was done for your most active immersion into the matter and the speedy receipt of new experiments during immersion. Now we are moving upwards (figuratively speaking) from the density layers of matter to a higher spatial existence. And on the way out of duality, from dense layers of matter you need to be freed from the experiments of duality, restructure the knowledge of the knowledge you already accumulated, give your own "I" task to free yourself from everything that no longer serves you.

You remind you in the present moment of the traveler who decided instead of dragging a huge luggage with him on the journey, take only everything you need. Understanding that everything else necessary on the journey is always on the way - can be purchased or received, without leaving the journey. This is an important point on which we stop in more detail.

Your crystal structures are based on the entire luggage of knowledge and skills you need. All the verge of skill accumulated by you in duality is there. But there are also the experiments that you have already worked, but I didn't even go to the end. And these are these experiments, being embedded, embedded in your crystal structures, are at the current moment of your enference to the upstream by the luggage, the "suitcases", which prevent you from traveling.

How does this affiliate with our main theme - the central programming crystals of the planetary crystal lattice? How does the luggage in your crystal structures affect the state of the PC? The most direct !!!

Your condition reflects the condition of the entire crystal structure of the planet and on the contrary, the crystal structure of the planet affects your crystal structures. Everything is interconnected and everything is interdependent.

And here we are approaching the very important work that you, as people-crystal, are invited to spend in advance until September 22 by this year.

We invite everyone to communicate with their support group, with their teachers and mentors and talk to them about the possibility of holding such work, about her relevance for your specific "I". It is an individual work, and passes individually for everyone. We give only general instructions and movement directions.

Talking with your team support, we suggest you to retire for meditative work. By time, it can be different, someone will need 10 minutes, and someone - for an hour.

So, immersed in the center of your heartcope, urge teachers and mentors to help build the most optimal crystal structure of the system of your experiments. You will see in the moment your work that personnel and events of your life will pop up in your heartbone. This means that you are invited to work out the specific moments of your life on the planet Earth. How to work out? The answer is simple. By accepting and forgiveness, and release, as well as filling with life-giving energies, you can work with the universal energies of reunification, with the pink energies of the Great Central Sun. Who is able to work with the plasma, call plasma energies. You can work with a purple flame of Saint-Germa. The main thing is that you understand that you are working with flames that are based on the cleansing elements. Thus, you work with your experiences with whom you will be left to part. You can work at once all the experiments. You may need several sessions. The main thing is that all work walked for you with pleasure, without tension. This work is carried out with the joy of liberation and gratitude to everyone who participated in your earthly experiments. Therefore, do everything, not in a hurry, with a sense of gratitude and pacification.

Thus, you will help your crystal structures get rid of that baggage and cargo, which they already do not need. And finishing the work on liberation, thank your team of support, your teachers and mentors for help and participate in this work.

Dear friends, do not consider this work and this exercise for empty work. You build up your finest and clean crystal connections, and these links will configure you to conson with central programming crystals during collaboration September 22 S.G.

Know our dear: the light program that goes through the central programming crystals is energy information from the Great Central Universal Sun. This is a newly created program (evolutionary plan) for your further cosmic development as spiritual and reasonable creatures.

We are waiting for you on your sessions, call upon - not to postpone your liberation and cleansing from unnecessary and worked out experiences in the near future.

Hug you, our crystalline relatives - tremble and love -

Your teachers and mentors, friends and relatives