Correctional and developmental lesson on moral education S.V. Morgacheva, teacher, MBOU "Beyskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type" Topic: "Truth and lies." Objectives: 1. Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the concepts of “truth” and “lie.” 2. Education of such moral qualities as “honesty”, “truthfulness”. 3. Speech correction. To develop students' thinking, memory, attention. Equipment: multimedia, colored envelopes with cut-out proverbs, cards with words, emoticons (good, bad mood). Progress of the lesson: 1). Organizational moment. Hello guys! Together again you and me. Get ready to work and listen to me. A). Emotional mood of children (choice of emoticons according to their mood). Slide 1 (smiley) - I invite everyone to hold hands and look at each other. The circle is a symbol of unification. When a person looks into the eyes of another person, it is very difficult for him to tell a lie. Let's all try to be open, honest, and of course smile at each other today. 2. Introduction to the topic. A). Exercise to develop logical thinking (work in pairs). - Guys, on your tables there are envelopes with the task: -make a proverb out of words; -read and explain the meaning of the proverb. Slide 2 (proverbs) 1. Tell the truth, do the truth. 2. There are many lies, but only one truth. 3. A lie does not make a person beautiful. 4.You can’t hide the truth in a bag. 5. Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie. 6. No matter how you hide the truth, it will still come out. (read all the proverbs) 3. The main part. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. - What are all the proverbs about? (about truth and lies) - Guys, why are the envelopes on your tables different colors? Can't you guess? - What are the proverbs in the blue envelopes about? (about the truth). How does a person who tells the truth feel? (calmness, tranquility…..), that’s why the color of the envelope is pleasant, calm. - What are the proverbs in the red envelopes about? (about lying). What does a person who tells a lie, lies, feel? (worry, anxiety.....), that’s why the color of the envelope is bright, restless. - Name the topic of our lesson (children’s answers: truth and lies). That’s right, the topic of the lesson: “Truth and lies” (Slide 3) - Today we will talk about such concepts as “truth” and “lie”, we will select words close in meaning to them, we will talk about the important moral qualities of a person that have been valued at all times , can manifest themselves in real life, let’s figure out what is easier, to tell the truth or to lie. - What do you guys think, what is truth? (children's answers: truth - honesty, sincerity.... .). (Slide 4) - In Ozhegov’s dictionary, TRUTH is what corresponds to reality, truth. (children repeat the definition) - What do you guys think, what is a lie? (children's answers: lie - deception, untruth, lies, fiction.....). (Slide 5) - In Ozhegov’s dictionary, a LIE is a deliberate distortion of the truth, untruth, deception. (children repeat the definition) 1).Task: the words “Truth” and “lie” are located on the board, select words close in meaning to them and explain your choice. Sincerity, deception, truth, fiction, slander, honesty, pretense, frankness, reality, justice, lies, untruth. - Well done! 2) - Listen to S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Nakhodka”. (Slide 6) I ran out into the street, walked along the pavement, turned left around the corner and found a wallet. Four compartments In a heavy wallet, And in each compartment there is a nickel on a nickel. And suddenly, along the same street, along the same pavement, a girl walks towards you with her head bowed. And sadly looks at her feet, As if along the way She needs to find something important On the street. This girl does not know that I have in my hand, Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet. But then trouble happens, And I stand trembling: I don’t find my favorite knife in my pocket. And suddenly I see a girl walking along the pavement, a girl holding my knife and asking: Is yours? I take the knife confidently, I put it in my pocket. A girl walks by, doesn't know anything. And sadly looks at her feet, As if along the way She needs to find something important On the street. This girl does not know that I have in my hand, Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet. I rushed after the girl, and I caught up with her, and I asked the girl: - Yours? Tell me, is it yours? “Mine,” said the girl. I walked with my mouth open. Give it back! I thought that someone would find it. - What feelings does the poem evoke? (feelings of pity for the girl..). Why? Don't you feel sorry for the boy? - Why didn’t the boy give away his find right away? - How do you think the boy acted? (honestly) - Think about what made the boy act honestly? (feeling of shame...) - What would you choose: the bitter truth or the sweet lie? Why? (If you don’t tell the truth, you will be ashamed. A lie can be sweet, but it is always punishable. The truth is strongest). PHYSICAL MINUTE (Slide 7) Exercise “True or not?” Children stand in a circle and hold hands, the teacher is in the center. He explains that if what the teacher says is true, the children raise their hands up and shout: “Yes!”; if it is not true, then they lower their hands and shout: “No!” There are fireflies in the field, right? Fishes swim in the sea, right? The calf has wings, right? The pig has a beak, doesn't it? There is a peak to the mountain, right? There are doors to the hole, right? A rooster has scales, right? The tree has leaves, right? There are books on the shelf, right? Baba Yaga has a broom, doesn’t she? 4. Reinforcement (Slide 8) a). Solving situations. - Everyone knows that lying is bad. Have you ever told a lie? - What will you do if:  You are late for class.  Didn't arrive at school on time.  Lost replacement shoes.  They took someone else’s mittens.  Didn't do your homework.  Violated discipline. - Well done! I hope that you will tell the truth more often, without fear, and that you will avoid lies. 5. Final part. Summing up the lesson. Reflection - What is the topic of our lesson? - What qualities are valued in people at all times? (honesty, truthfulness) - Has everyone chosen for themselves what to do in a given situation? - Truth and lies, just like good and evil, walk side by side. And sometimes it is difficult to choose the right solution. - At the end of our lesson, I would like to give you a reminder with the rules of honest behavior. (Slide 9) Said - do it. If you're not sure, don't promise. If you were wrong, admit it. Just say what you think. If you can't tell the truth, explain why. Just act honestly. - How do you feel after our lesson? (change or not change the emoticon) (Slide 10) - Did you like our lesson? - Well done! Thanks for the work.

Department of Education of the City Administration of Krasnoperekopsk, Republic of Crimea

MBDOU (nursery - kindergarten) No. 4 " Goldfish»

Lesson-conversation summary

with children middle group

on the topic “About truth and lies”

based on the work of V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Developed and carried out

teacher Zhikhareva N.D.

Krasnoperekopsk, 2014

Target: continue to teach children to treat their peers and adults kindly; give ideas about positive impact on a person of such a moral category as truthfulness, the destructive effect of the habit of deception based on an analysis of the characters’ actions folk tales, fairy tales by Vasily Sukhomlinsky “Little Fox” and proposed moral situations. Discuss with children some manifestations of incorrect behavior; practice solving moral problems and situations. To develop children's analytical thinking, their memory, attention, coherent speech, and ability to think. Enrich the dictionary with definitions (truthful, deceitful, dirty). Cultivate an uncompromising attitude towards lies in all its forms.

Material: fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Cat and Cockerel”, “Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Goat and the Seven Little Goats”, “Goat-Dereza”, Vasily Sukhomlinsky’s fairy tale “The Little Fox” (adapted for reading to preschoolers), riddles about the Cat and the Cockerel, a proverb about truth and injustice, moral situations, pictures, didactic game"True-Injustice", toy cat and cockerel, hats for the fox and the cat, the Bible, outdoor game "Fox and the cat".

Progress of the lesson

Children, tell me, do you like fairy tales?

I love them very much too. And today I want to invite you to visit a fairy tale on a forest lawn.

Children enter the fairy tale room, look at the trees, bushes, hut, and yard.

Guess who is alive in this hut?

Who with a tail and ears,

Who has paws with pillows,

As it goes, no one hears,

Hunting mice?

Yes, that's right, cat.

A tail with patterns flies onto the fence.

Boots with spurs, Ku-ka-reku - congratulates everyone.

Of course cockerel

Maybe you guessed what this fairy tale is called? ("Cat and Cockerel").

The children, Kitty and Cockerel probably went into the forest to get firewood. While they are gone, let's read the book they left on the stump. Sit comfortably and listen carefully.

Reading the fairy tale "Little Fox" by Vasily Sukhomlinsky(Conversation on the content of the tale)

1. Where did Little Fox go every morning?

2. What did it come up with so as not to go to kindergarten IR?

3. What did mom do when she realized that Little Fox was deceiving her?

4. Why did Little Fox quickly get ready for kindergarten?

Children, as you understand from the fairy tale, the little fox deceived his mother. What does the word deceive mean? (-tell a lie, lie).

What other fairy tales do you know in which the Foxy resorted to deception? (- "Kolobok", "Cat and Cockerel", "Fox-Sister and Gray Wolf", " Zayushkin's hut ").

What words can describe the Little Chanterelle depicted in fairy tales?

Didactic exercise"What kind of fox?.." (- Cunning, dirty, dishonest...)

And what words can be said about Kolobok, Cockerel, Bunny, who believed in Chanterelle? What are they? (-Trusting, honest, not always obedient, helpless...)

Physical training according to Zheleznova’s method.

Children, maybe you know other fairy tale characters who also resorted to deception? (- Wolf, Goat).

In which fairy tales does the Wolf appear as a character who cannot be trusted? (- “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Goat and the Seven Little Goats”).

In which fairy tales is the Goat a deceiver? ("Goat-Dereza"). You and I already know that the Fox, the Wolf, the Goat-Dereza cheated in order to have some benefit from it.

And what happened to those characters whom they deceived - with Kolobok, Cockerel, Bunny, the kids? (They got into trouble, into the teeth of predators, and had big troubles).

So they were wronged. This is why untruth is called injustice.

In some places in our lives we have to deal with deception. What do you think, children, is it pleasant when you are deceived?

How do you feel about such people? Yes, they are unpleasant to us. People say; “Truth does not like lies.” Remember what proverbs you know about truth and injustice.

A little truth will outweigh all the lies.

If you were wrong, admit it.

You'll go around the whole world with lies, but you won't get back.

But listen to what happened in one kindergarten.

Moral situation

Kolya brought paints to the kindergarten for drawing classes. He wanted to paint so much that he quietly, while no one was looking, opened the red paint and dipped his finger into it. Paint dripped onto the table, the floor, and the new carpet. Kolya quickly closed it and washed his hands with soap. There was no trace of red paint left on the finger, but there were red stains on the table and carpet

Children, who splashed paint on our new carpet? - asked the teacher. But no one answered her. Silence reigned for a long time. Kolya never confessed.

Children, what do you think: is not confessing something perfect a deception or not?

How would you handle a similar situation? Why?

Working with a painting

Children, look at this picture. I'll start the story and you will continue.

The children were playing in the room with a ball. The boy threw it hard, and the ball flew onto the table and knocked a vase off the table. She fell and broke... (Mom came into the room and saw this).

Who did it? - she asked. The boy shifted his blame onto (cat, ball,

little sister)...

Do you think shifting your blame onto someone else is deception or not? What would you do?

What do you think, children, would a lie’s face be beautiful if we could draw it? (Children's answers).

Try to portray it using facial expressions.

Did you like each other? Why?

In fact, lying is very ugly, lying is ugly and not good for our soul, and the Bible says that lying is a sin.

And here the Cat and the Cockerel returned from the forest. They brought you apples because you worked well, and also because they promised never to cheat. Although they are tired, they want to play their favorite game “Sly Fox” with you.

After the game, the children treat themselves to apples.

Topic: “Truth and lies”

Purpose of the lesson: give the concept of truth and lies, teach children to tell the truth.


Educational: developing an understanding of the concepts of “truth” and “lie”

Developmental: skills formation cognitive activity, the ability to observe, listen, draw independent conclusions, develop communication skills children, develop logical thinking

Educational: education of moral qualities: honesty and justice.



The bell has already rung!

The lesson begins!

Now everyone turn around

And smile at each other!

Smile at me, guests

And take your seats!


Guys, today we have a very interesting topic, I think you will help me identify it after I read you a fairy tale about two sisters, whose names were Truth and Lie.

Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, there lived two sisters. One was called Truth, the other Lie. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are cunning, resourceful. The people loved the truth, but avoided Lies, since it prevented them from living and working honestly.

Let’s say, the people begin to sow grain in order to grow a harvest, and the Lie is right there: “Why should you work and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind itself will blow them away.” An honest person does not listen to her, you know, he works,

and the lazy one will like this advice: he will lie down under a bush and fall asleep. The work is somehow completed, he deceives himself, the harvest is gone and he won’t be in his field.And this is hunger for the people . People began to think about how to get rid of Lies. The truth really reproached and shamed her, but at least she knew that she was lying and deceiving herself. The people decided to drive her out.

Since then, Lies have been wandering around the world and doing their dirty deeds. She still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of her from the earth. People try to be friends only with the Truth. But if a person at least once opens his heart to Lies, then it will settle there and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.


What is this fairy tale about? (About two sisters: Truth and Lies)

What did you like most about this fairy tale? (Is it true)


What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Indeed, today we will talk about truth and lies (slide1)

In the most distant times, these concepts worried the people, and great sages thought about their meanings. Let's try to figure out what the truth is and what a lie is?

GAME : Select words from the list that are similar in meaning. Students take turns going to the board and sorting the words into two columns.


So, let's try to define what truth is.

Truth is what is true, the truth.

What is a lie?

A lie is a deliberate distortion of the truth, a lie.

“Be true to your nature! - exclaimed Shakespeare. “Don’t lie, say what you think and feel.” This is the basic principle of honesty, but often people violate it. Each of you has probably heard from your parents and teachers that lying is bad.

But do you know why it's not good to do this? Have you tried to figure out why people start lying? For what purpose are they doing this?

Children's reasoning : with the best intentions, so as not to upset parents;

out of cowardice, fearing consequences;

from selfish calculations, trying to gain something for oneself;

out of frivolity, accidentally, without thinking about why they do it.

    WORKING WITH PROVERBS. Now let's work in pairs.

On your tables are words, glue and a sketchbook sheet. You need to collect a proverb from these words and stick it on a scrapbook sheet.

You lied once, they won’t believe you another time.

He who lies himself does not believe others.

The world is true.

Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie

You can't hide an awl in a bag

    Discussion of situations

1 Now I will read you L. Tolstoy’s story “The Boy and the Wolf”

The boy was guarding the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to shout: “Help, wolf! Wolf!" The men came running and saw: NOT TRUE! As he did two and three times, a wolf really came running. The boy began to shout: “here, here quickly!” Wolf!" The men thought that he was always deceiving him again - they did not listen to him. The wolf sees that there is nothing to be afraid of: he has slaughtered the entire herd in the open.


What is this story about?

Why do you think the boy deceived everyone?

Why, when the wolf actually came running, did no one come to the boy's aid?

How did the boy’s deception affect the fate of the herd?

WHICH PROVERB FROM OUR LIST IS SUITABLE FOR THIS SITUATION? (Who lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow).

-No. 2 (Video) Listen to the verse by Y. POLONSKY. attention to the screen.

There you go! I broke the cup!

Who should I lie to?

Like Valerka or Masha?

Or just run away?

Lie, cheat and hide -

This is a bad thing to say.

No, it's better for me to confess

Let them scold a little.


What happened?

What did the girl want to do?

Why did the girl change her mind?

Did she do the right thing?

WHICH PROVERB IS APPROPRIATE? (Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie)

3 "Which is easier?" V.A. Oseeva A story for children about lies

(I turn on the video)

Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed.

They go home - they are afraid:

- It will hit us at home!

So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?

“I’ll say,” says the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.

“I’ll say,” says the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and you don’t need to invent anything.”

So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, look, the forest guard is coming.

“No,” he says, “there are wolves in these places.”

The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, and for the lie - twice as angry.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - coming to visit.

Mother found out the truth. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.

And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His mother grumbled at him and forgave him.

Which proverb is appropriate?

What does this proverb teach us?

Indeed, it’s easier to tell the truth, and if you don’t lie, then your conscience won’t torment you

Game “True or False” (Physical Minute)

Children go to the board, take turns reading statements (true or false) and distribute them into “true and false” baskets.

Cones grow on a birch tree.

A wolf can sit on a tree.

It snows in winter.

If the fish good mood, she sings.

If a boy is in a good mood, he wags his tail.

If the house gets boring, he goes for a walk.

ZHI, SHI write with the letter I.

CHU, SHCHU write with the letter Y.

Yesterday was Thursday.

Elephants can fly

Our earth is flat.

Writers write books.

The rooster plays the piano.

Apples barely grow.

Lies are usually used for selfish purposes.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.

Lying can cause harm to others.

4 Situation

Yasha was too lazy to learn a poem for the holiday. When he was asked to read, he could not read a single line.

To avoid being scolded, Yasha lied that he had lost a piece of paper with a poem on the street. But when the children went outside, the piece of paper fell out of Yasha’s jacket pocket. The girl Valya noticed him.

- So here is a piece of paper with a verse! - she exclaimed.

-- No! “This is a note from my grandmother,” Yasha lied again, hiding the piece of paper in his pocket.

Which proverb is appropriate for this situation?

Little lies lead to big ones

Scene I turn on the video

What do you guys think, is it fair to call Vasya a sneak? After all, he told the truth.

What should he have done?

What would you do if you were Sasha, who broke the pot?

4. Consolidation

(Drawing up rules of honest behavior)

I suggest you draw up rules of honest behavior.

1) Said - do it.

2) If you’re not sure, don’t promise.

3) If you made a mistake, admit it.

4) Say only what you think.

5) If you can’t tell the truth, explain why.

6) Act only honestly.

If you follow the rules that we have drawn up in communicating with other people, then you can truly be considered honest guys

The truth becomes clear, no matter how hard a person tries to hide it. Only when everyone finds out about it does the person who lied become doubly ashamed and unpleasant. Therefore, you should always tell the truth. Once we hide the truth, we only make things worse for ourselves and those around us. Having told the truth, we experience relief in our souls.

5. reflection.

Guys, thank you so much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation touched each of you and left its mark. I wish you continued success.

Subject group lesson: Truth and lies.

Introduce the concepts of “truth” and “lie”; show the importance of honesty; find out what the consequences of lying may be for a person telling a lie;

Improve communication skills, develop students’ thinking, speech, memory, attention;

Raise such moral qualities personalities such as honesty, integrity and fairness.

Equipment: presentation, handouts, dictionaries, paper doll, seven-flowered flower.

Progress of the lesson:

Org. moment:

Hello my friends!
Together again you and me.
Get ready for work
And listen to me.
Now I'll give you a task,
To determine the goal
And during the lesson
Reveal all tasks to us.

Introduction to the topic.

To determine the topic of our lesson, I suggest watching a fragment of the cartoon “Pinocchio”.

Watch and answer the question “What happened to Pinocchio and why?”

View fragment.

What happened to Pinocchio and why? (Pinocchio grew a huge nose because he deceived, told lies - lied.)

A lie is a positive or negative quality? (negative)

Is there an opposite to lying? (Truth)

Now you can formulate the topic of the lesson. (Truth and lies) slide

It happens in the world,
Sometimes you can't tell:
The truth is with you
Or insinuating lies.
How to figure this out?
How to learn to live
So that only the truth is nearby,
Why not be friends with lies?

So Pinocchio asks us to help him figure it out so that his nose becomes the same.

Shall we help?

Let's go with Pinocchio in search of the Truth. Slide

Goal setting.

To help, the Fairy gave us hint questions so that Pinocchio would not forget anything. But because he didn't go to school. Pinocchio got everything mixed up. All the words in the sentences merged. You need to separate the words to find out what questions-hints the Fairy gave. (Everyone has appendix 1 on their desk)

What is the truth?

What is a lie?

Why peoplegut?

How does a lie affect a person? slide

These are the questions we will try to answer in our journey “In Search of Truth.”

Today there are two concepts
Let's look at it in detail
True and false
We call them in life

Vocabulary work.

Let's try to define these concepts.

There is a set of words on your tables. Discuss in pairs and select for each concept “truth” and “lie” words that are close in meaning. (Appendix 2)

True lies

The truth is not true

Reality is a hoax

Honesty is a lie

True story


What did you get? Did you come across any incomprehensible or unfamiliar words? (Explaining concepts together with children, based on their knowledge)

Try to use these words to give a complete definition of what it is, right? Lie?

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegov gives these concepts the following definition:

* Truth is what corresponds to reality, the truth.

* A lie is a deliberate distortion of the truth, a lie.

If deception is bad, then why do people lie and tell lies?

Working on a story.

The story of V.A. will help us answer this question. Oseeva “Which is easier?”

Listen carefully and think, why did the boys tell a lie? Slide

"Which is easier?" V.A. Oseeva. A story for children about lies.

Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed.

They go home - they are afraid:

It will hit us at home!

So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?

“I’ll say,” says the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.

“I’ll say,” says the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and there’s no need to invent anything.”

So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, look, the forest guard is coming.

No, he says, there are wolves in these places.

The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, and for the lie - twice as angry.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - coming to visit.

Mother found out the truth. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.

And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.

So why did the boys tell a lie? (were afraid)

Who had it easier: who lied or told the truth?

What can you call a boy who told the truth? (brave, because I wasn’t afraid)

Which one is better to be? Why?

People lie so that others don’t find out; they don’t want to admit their guilt, failure, or even crime. They want to be thought better of. And all these people are driven by fear. Therefore, if you tell the truth, you will be considered a courageous, honest person with a strong and strong character. Such a person will never take someone else’s property, he will always confess and tell the truth. This is his main difference from a lying and dishonest person.

So we answered another question: “Why do people lie?”

Are you guys all tired?
We'll take a little rest.

Physical education minute.

Rub all your palms,
Prepare for the clapping
If it's true, you clap
If it’s a lie, then you stomp.

Olya runs merrily
Along the path to the river,
And for this we need
Our Ole... horns
Olya takes berries
Two, three pieces,
And for this we need
Our Ole... pens
Olya listens in the forest,
How the cuckoos cry
And for this we need
Our Ole... drying
Olya is gnawing on kernels,
The shells are falling,
And for this we need
Our Olya... teeth.

While we were relaxing, the doll Lisa came to us. (The teacher shows a paper doll that is all crumpled and wrinkled). Slide. Something bad happened to her. She was at another school. There they offended her, deceived her, called her names. Look who she looks like. Every false word hurt her.

Can we change anything?

How can we help her? (to be sorry, to say something nice)

Let's try to say something good to her, while we ourselves smooth out her scars. One kind word - one smoothed scar.

Guys, now look at Lisa, she is already better, but has she become the same as she was? Why?

Remember how you offend each other during recess, when you are angry with each other. After all, by offending, deceiving, you cause pain. But the pain remains in the soul for a very long time and no compliments or apologies can smooth it out. Russian scientist Pavlov said, “You can kill with a word.” And I hope that before you tell a lie, or slander someone, call them names, you will think carefully about whether I will hurt this person.

The Lisa doll was very pleased with you, and in gratitude for this she gives you a seven-flowered flower.

There is a situation on every petal. If we solve all situations correctly, we will complete our journey.


What will you do if:

Got a deuce

They broke a beautiful vase,

Late for class

Didn't arrive at school on time

Lost a change of shoes,

They took someone else's mittens,

Didn't memorize the poem.

Well done! I hope that from now on you will tell the truth without fear, and you will avoid lies.


Let's think about whether we helped Pinocchio answer all the questions?

Let's remember them. Slide.

What is truth?

What is a lie?

Why do people lie?

How does lying affect a person?

We answered all the clue questions that the fairy gave us, but in order to return Pinocchio to his previous appearance, we need to say magic words, and since these words are magic, they are encrypted. Your task is to collect them letter by letter, starting with the letter “P” and going clockwise.

- “Always tell the truth” - in chorus.

So Pinocchio has returned to his former appearance, I hope this will be for him good lesson. Cartoon fragment.

And I would like to thank those guys who did the best job in searching for the Truth.

Did you guys like it?
Our unusual lesson. Remember all this,
Apply this in life.
Did you like it?
Tell me the truth
Don't denigrate yourself with lies.
The lesson has come to an end
The call is ringing.
Let's leave our desks together
Let's take a deep breath, like this...

Topic: “Truth and lies”

Purpose of the lesson: give the concept of truth and lies, teach children to tell the truth.




Guys, today we have a very interesting topic, I think you will help me identify it after I read you a fairy tale about two sisters whose names were Truth and Lies.

Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, there lived two sisters. One was called Truth, the other Lie. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are cunning, resourceful. The people loved the truth, but avoided Lies, since it prevented them from living and working honestly.

Let’s say, the people begin to sow grain in order to grow a harvest, and the Lie is right there: “Why should you work and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind itself will blow them away.” An honest person does not listen to her, you know, he works,

and the lazy one will like this advice: he will lie down under a bush and fall asleep. The work is somehow completed, he deceives himself, the harvest is gone and he won’t be in his field.And this is hunger for the people . People began to think about how to get rid of Lies. The truth really reproached and shamed her, but at least she knew that she was lying and deceiving herself. The people decided to drive her out.

Since then, Lies have been wandering around the world and doing their dirty deeds. She still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of her from the earth. People try to be friends only with the Truth. But if a person at least once opens his heart to Lies, then it will settle there and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.


What is this fairy tale about? (About two sisters: Truth and Lies)

What did you like most about this fairy tale? (Is it true)


What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Indeed, today we will talk about truth and lies

In the most distant times, these concepts worried the people, and great sages thought about their meanings. Let's try to figure out what the truth is and what a lie is?

GAME : Select words from the list that are similar in meaning. Children take turns going out and sorting the words into two columns.


So let's try to define what truth is.

Truth is what is true, the truth.

What is a lie?

A lie is a deliberate distortion of the truth, a lie.

“Be true to your nature! - exclaimed Shakespeare. “Don’t lie, say what you think and feel.” This is the basic principle of honesty, but often people violate it. Each of you has probably heard from your parents and teachers that lying is bad.

But do you know why it's not good to do this? Have you tried to figure out why people start lying? For what purpose are they doing this?

Children's reasoning : with the best intentions, so as not to upset parents;

out of cowardice, fearing consequences;

from selfish calculations, trying to gain something for oneself;

out of frivolity, accidentally, without thinking about why they do it.

    WORKING WITH PROVERBS. Now let's work in pairs.

On your tables are words, glue and a sketchbook sheet. You need to collect a proverb from these words and stick it on a scrapbook sheet.

You lied once, they won’t believe you another time.

He who lies himself does not believe others.

The world is true.

Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie

You can't hide an awl in a bag

    Discussion of situations

1 Now I will read you L. Tolstoy’s story “The Boy and the Wolf”

The boy was guarding the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to shout: “Help, wolf! Wolf!" The men came running and saw: NOT TRUE! As he did two and three times, a wolf really came running. The boy began to shout: “here, here quickly!” Wolf!" The men thought that he was always deceiving him again - they did not listen to him. The wolf sees that there is nothing to be afraid of: he has slaughtered the entire herd in the open.


What is this story about?

Why do you think the boy deceived everyone?

Why, when the wolf actually came running, did no one come to the boy's aid?

How did the boy’s deception affect the fate of the herd?

WHICH PROVERB FROM OUR LIST IS SUITABLE FOR THIS SITUATION? (Who lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow).

-No. 2 Listen to the verse of Y. POLONSKY

There you go! I broke the cup!

Who should I lie to?

Like Valerka or Masha?

Or just run away?

Lie, cheat and hide -

This is a bad thing to say.

No, it's better for me to confess

Let them scold a little.


What happened?

What did the girl want to do?

Why did the girl change her mind?

Did she do the right thing?

WHICH PROVERB IS APPROPRIATE? (Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie)

3 "Which is easier?" V.A. Oseeva A story for children about lies

Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed.

They go home - they are afraid:

- It will hit us at home!

So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?

“I’ll say,” says the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.

“I’ll say,” says the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and you don’t need to invent anything.”

So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, look, the forest guard is coming.

“No,” he says, “there are wolves in these places.”

The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, and for the lie - twice as angry.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - coming to visit.

Mother found out the truth. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.

And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His mother grumbled at him and forgave him.

Which proverb is appropriate?

What does this proverb teach us?

Indeed, it’s easier to tell the truth, and if you don’t lie, then your conscience won’t torment you

Game “True or False” (Physical Minute)

Children go out, take turns reading statements (true or false) and distribute them into “true and false” baskets.

Cones grow on a birch tree.

A wolf can sit on a tree.

It snows in winter.

If the fish is in a good mood, it sings.

If a boy is in a good mood, he wags his tail.

If the house gets boring, he goes for a walk.

ZHI, SHI write with the letter I.

CHU, SHCHU write with the letter Y.

Yesterday was Thursday.

Elephants can fly

Our earth is flat.

Writers write books.

The rooster plays the piano.

Apples barely grow.

Lies are usually used for selfish purposes.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.

Lying can cause harm to others.

4 Situation

Yasha was too lazy to learn a poem for the holiday. When he was asked to read, he could not read a single line.

To avoid being scolded, Yasha lied that he had lost a piece of paper with a poem on the street. But when the children went outside, the piece of paper fell out of Yasha’s jacket pocket. The girl Valya noticed him.

- So here is a piece of paper with a verse! - she exclaimed.

-- No! “This is a note from my grandmother,” Yasha lied again, hiding the piece of paper in his pocket.

Which proverb is appropriate for this situation?

Little lies lead to big ones

4. Consolidation

(Drawing up rules of honest behavior)

I suggest you draw up rules of honest behavior.

1) Said - do it.

2) If you’re not sure, don’t promise.

3) If you made a mistake, admit it.

4) Say only what you think.

5) If you can’t tell the truth, explain why.

6) Act only honestly.

If you follow the rules that we have drawn up in communicating with other people, then you can truly be considered honest guys

The truth becomes clear, no matter how hard a person tries to hide it. Only when everyone finds out about it does the person who lied become doubly ashamed and unpleasant. Therefore, you should always tell the truth. Once we hide the truth, we only make things worse for ourselves and those around us. Having told the truth, we experience relief in our souls.

5. reflection.

Guys, thank you so much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation touched each of you and left its mark. I wish you continued success.