ESCC.RU (ECHO) - Educational courses on the ECHCO program. The site was opened in 1998. Take advantage of the unique methodology for learning English, German, French, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Polish.

How works

Choose one of the directions of training, buy materials for individual passage or sign on the course. The administration offers the opportunity to create an individual schedule of classes, hire a tutor. Duration and number of classes per week are determined by you. At the end of learning, you must pass the exam. The cost of one module for the study of any language is 1 199 rubles, the price for full course Depends on the number of modules and varies from 6,000 to 17,000 rubles.

In addition to learning languages, you can master different specialties. The administration offers more than 80 courses for self-study at the lightning destinations: design and painting, cutting and sewing, accounting, practical psychology, hairdresser art and verse, guitar, cooking, photoshop, other destinations, see the training catalog or in the price list.

How to start learning from Eshko

After signing the papers, pay the service for the service provided. Register on the project website, specifying your identification data and student number from the contract. Select learning speed: the number of sent logs and modules. Video, audio, graphic materials are sent on physical media: CD. The text is provided as a magazine. Every month there is an intermediate certification, at the end of the program you need to pass the exam. Additional education You can get by honeying a private tutor through the personal account functionality.

affiliate program

Monetizing your traffic from Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, receiving a remuneration of from 22 to 57 rubles for one given student who has arisen. Paid learning referral from Ukraine will bring you 269 rubles.

The administration provides adaptive lending under mobile devices, banners, ready-made texts for the site and email. To get promotional materials, contact the manager through the Personal Cabinet menu. The time of transferring funds to the main balance of 20-30 days, the output is carried out on request on the WebMoney wallet or Yandex.Money, at least 250 rubles. Collaboration is conducted through partner networks: 7OFFERS, Admitad, ActionPay, Tradeleads.


  • showing money
  • do not correctly indicate the cost
  • materials are weak

Ordered materials for learning business English. I do not understand why to fool people, pointed out the cost of 209 UAH 9 ACTION), and in the end I had to pay 276 UAH. On the phone voiced that I paid the entrance fee, but at the same time on the site indicated that payment without an entry fee. I have not seen such a lashotherm. A and also books I would appreciate the maximum of 20 UAH.


  • Only the price


  • waste of time

European School of Correspondent Learning, I took courses from this school two years ago, to honestly a waste of time.

I took the course office manager, almost everything I read there, I already know from the Internet, such a feeling that I did not write a course of training, but how to behave if you are an office manager, no specifications.

This is how this course looks like, they probably hired him to make psychologists who lead a blank conversation, about how not to feel silent and so on, in general, the complete. Constantly alone and the same letters with discounts that they send me to mail.

These discounts honestly all the time, and they write that this type of only 10 days will be discount, do not miss the opportunity. Previously, as it was laughed, and now it is sick, from all sorts of shares and nonsense, which is there in each phrase.

In addition, it was constantly bored with their calls, while I did not lose the phone, the number of which was recorded in their customer base. And they call all this concern about their clients, but do not need such annoying.

I even remember at the beginning, I saw the announcement with them, about what you can become their consultant, so after I saw the conditions, changed my mind and refused. The main condition was, if I am not mistaken to find ten disciples monthly, so it scared me at all, such a commitment.

I want to say one thing, I will no longer take any course there any course and not advise anyone. This is my opinion about this school, but to decide of course to you!


  • Free learning schedule
  • noteply
  • if you really learn.


  • Too expensive!

Start 2000x ... After graduating from school, 11 classes, I could not decide on future profession. Going before entering the university immediately into several courses, get a couple of universal specialties, and then determine exactly what is really "mine." But ... a person assumes, and the circumstances have. With a university for financial reasons, it did not work out, went to work. I spent my first money for Eshko courses.

Due to the lack of time to attend full-time courses, I decided to study remotely. I ordered several free trial lessons - about 7 pieces, they came for a month. Upon receipt by mail, nothing had to pay, "trial" - 100% free. The interested in the interested students, becoming a "student" Eshko. I subscribed to the post office - filled out the form, sent it to the usual letter. Parcels with lessons come every month by mail, payable by cash on delivery. So, get and not pay the courses will not work. In the first parcel you get a "contract", and then send it to a regular letter. In the contract you specify your passport details, hereinafter, you are assigned a student number. In each premise, in addition to the main material (magazine with a lesson), it contains a blank envelope - to send a homework to check. And audio cassette if it language Course. At that time there were still audio cassettes, yes yes).

I would not say that Eshko is a solid deception and fraud. This is not true. Lessons are quite informative, competently compiled. If not to be lazy, do it every day, not to throw, for six months - a year (depends on the course) get real knowledge possible! Daily classes, optimally, for hours. About 20-30 minutes a day - this is a lies, of course. But there is a significant drawback in the correspondent learning system. This is the financial party. Each course consists of a variety of lessons, and therefore, from a variety of parcels. Each parcel is worth the money: lesson + mail collection + brand on the envelope to send a homework. The amount every time came out round. You can redeem the whole course with a small discount at once (if finances allow) and only monthly send to check homework. At the end of the course, the student receives a certificate. He has no legal force and get a job, presenting it, it is unlikely to succeed. It's more likely, for yourself, your little victory ... Now, in the era of the Internet, such a form of learning is already irrelevant, I think. Pay huge money, as it was another 10 years ago, it's not worth the courses.

This is a full paragraph. Bored, stupid and uninteresting. Besides expensive

Neutral Reviews


  • will eat all and everything if you yourself want


  • prices are a bit high

used herself (I went through the course french) And I really liked it. First, you do not need to walk anywhere, you will be sent home. Secondly, there is a distribution that allow you to listen to an internal speech. Thirdly, you can call your teacher if there are some questions. Of course, grammar is weak here: Pour generalBut to communicate this is quite enough. But accurately helps enrich vocabulary. The main thing is conscientious to all tasks. Want to add that almost all of my friends went at least some Eshko courses and they really liked it, and the main thing was useful.

I mastered English with Eshko and a course of management ... I really like it, everything is easy, just, understandable ... And the main thing is not expensive! The only thing that strained, permanent hiking by mail.

In the "Eshko" I studied 1.5 years on the course "Spanish for beginners." He studied the Spanish exclusively for himself, in his whim, was not going to apply it anywhere else. What bribes is the price. Especially if you get on any shares. Personally, I paid 700 rubles per month with postal expenses. Considering that in our city the tutor service per month for 8 classes is at least 2,500 rubles, the savings in this case are not good. In addition, you take when it is convenient for you, no one cares you. Within a month, from the moment of receipt of the parcel, you perform two lessons and hand over, respectively, two controls. The material is fed very affordable, if there are some questions, you can write to your teacher, it all collapse on the shelves. There is an audio recording of a lesson on which you can listen to the correct pronunciation of words. After each 8th lesson, the intermediate control comes on which to write off (as can be done in ordinary lessons, just a training notebook) will not work, it is necessary to turn on the brain and think. But there are also their cons.

Firstly, I lacked significantly conversational practice. Write an essay using all the rules I learned how to apply this knowledge in the colloquial fluent speech is not very working.

SecondlyIf something missed, the answer you will not get right away. Or you are looking for an answer independently on the Internet, or wait for the response of the teacher. I also want to note that a number of courses (playing guitar, yoga, cooking, knitting, etc.) It's easier to study this way online, not remotely on textbooks, but immediately in practice. Yes, and now such training videos and articles on the Internet went. In any case, I am glad that I took advantage of such an opportunity, I received initial knowledge, which I will try to develop further independently.


  • affordable price
  • discover when convenient
  • the material is set out available and understandable.
  • you can consult with the teacher
  • you organize yourself


  • a little bit
  • no spoken practice

Recently acquired a complete set "English for children." Very happy, the price is available, and it is useful for me (I teach with him). Another advantage is that it is not necessary to walk anywhere, everything is sitting at home on the sofa. If something is not clear, then you can always ask a question to your teacher and it will surely answer and will explain everything in a simple and understandable language. I am glad that the learning technique is very light and child perceives it without any problems. Even there is a guide for parents, which cannot but please. Well, the most important thing is that my child likes it very much!

I was interested in a foreign language. On the advice of friends appealed to Eshko.
First ordered a trial training course in English. I liked.
And I satisfied me this training In many aspects. This classes B. free timeThe teachers do not stand above the head. To be clear and I could master the material at home. Everything was right here. The only thing that was required from me is the power of will to make yourself do.
I pleased that the curator teacher was fixed to me. There is no feeling that you paid money, you gave you a course and safely forgot about your existence. Here everything is scratched. Lead to the end.
In general, what I wanted, and this is knowledge, I received.

He studied at English courses for mid-level. Previously held the test for its definition. The program is designed for 11 months with payment once a month. Regularly have to receive parcels with educational materials (disk and magazine with high-quality printing). Each log contains material for 2-4 weeks. independent work. In the 1st parcel there was a convenient solid folder for magazines.
On the site on sale there is additional educational literature. On web seminars, it is convenient to directly ask a question to the teacher. Provided online correspondence. There is a system of homework, which need to be performed by a certain period. The teacher enshrined behind me checked and exposed estimates. Homework can be performed simultaneously on the site or writing (in this case, you need to send scans to check). Check takes at least 3 days. The supply of material in the benefits is good, highly disassembled grammar.
Successes in study directly depend on the effort and self-organization spent. Serious minus courses are a complete lack of spoken practice. Courses are well suited to obtain theoretical knowledge, but to speak free will not work.

Before proceeding to classes, I ordered a trial lesson to begin to understand what it was - Eshko courses. I always attracted me italian language, such a musical and emotional, but there was no opportunity to study it, they were not taught at school, there are no courses nearby. Therefore, I chose the "Italian for beginners" course.
After acquaintance with the free lesson ordered a full course of study. It is very convenient invented. You simply pay for training, you get all the necessary materials by mail. All that is required is every day at a convenient time for me to devote at least half an hour. True, sometimes it comes out more. That I can not master the material, then the pronunciation is not given. But especially for such moments there is a specially attached teacher, it provides real assistance in all difficulties.
My efforts gave their fruits. After half a year of intensive classes, I began to understand what the heroes of popular films are told without translation, although with difficulty. And Italian songs are now for me not just music, but a completely meaningful text. I say still disgusting, but I continue the classes.

I like that Eshko allows you to do yourself at home. With adequateness and perseverance, it turns out to achieve good results. Financial costs are minimal, if compared with individual lessons and courses online.
There are various courses on the official website. I chose - "English for mid-level". In the future, I plan to purchase for the highest level. There are English courses for children.
Training is focused on independent classes. After payment of the course, the materials come to the specified address. When choosing a course, you need to focus on your initial level of knowledge. If there is absolutely no preparation, you need to start with basic lessons And only then go to the average level.
Training can be carried out in a standard or accelerated rhythm. For myself chose a standard rhythm. It involves getting 1 module per month + audio and video materials. Send after payment bills. The term of learning my course is 20 months. The cost of each 999 rubles. Materials can be obtained and paid in stages or choose a single receipt and payment. Training information is presented as clear to perception and rapid assimilation.

He taught in Eshko german. The result was no worse than the usual full-time courses or from classes with a tutor. And for money there was a good savings. Especially given the fact that special shares are often held and the discount system is developed. Payment I take a single and installment. Methods Mass - Maps, Classic Bank Translation, Communication Salons, Electronic Money (WebMoney, Yandex, Kiwi), Russia's post. A set of training materials is purchased separately. It will be sent in paper by mail.
Before starting training, a free introductory test for determining the level of preparation was held. Training in Eshko has at the same time a few weighty advantages. Everything happens at home, you do not need to spend time and go somewhere. Training schedule is compiled individually. Mandatory for daily training you need to spend 30 minutes, everything else is on your own. Personal Area The site is quite comfortable. It is most convenient to make payment directly in it, the money on the account is displayed instantly. Previously, there was a very useful blog on the site, but recently there is a full lull. The testimony that I received on the basis of learning is normally perceived by employers.

Eshko is a very large educational platform with a large number of courses. There is everything, ranging from language and photos to business and beauty spheres. Absolutely available for download free trial lessons and demo version. The learning technique is used. Training comes gradual from easy to complex. Knowledge gradually enjoy and firmly rooted in consciousness. Just to get a crust will not succeed. After each lesson, the homework is given, which must be completed during a certain time and send to the verification of a personal teacher. It is fixed behind each student and is available for consultation at any time.
Periodically, free webinars are held for the course listeners on the most difficult and relevant issues. If at the end of the course attestation tests are completed normally, then certificate is issued. It indicates the resulting assessment and number of hours for each subject. Cool thought - gift cards with different rates (1,500 - 5,000 rubles). They can be paid or yourself or together with friends. A gift is delivered to the recipient via SMS or email, you can still print a paper version.

Liked a large number of Materials that were sent to me immediately after registration. They are understandable and colorful, it is convenient to do. During classes, I can ask any questions to the teacher - if something is incomprehensible to the assignments sent to me. Replies, as a rule, the next day and it does not slow down my training. Vocabulary gave exactly the one who needs a newcomer. It is convenient that webinars are held. Sophisticated topics disassembled bones, clarify nuances of pronunciation. Best of all about my success on courses is testified by my conversational French - I say so far slowly, but I already understand my friends-French.

Chose Eshko due to the fact that I can do at home, in your free time. My course is for the average level of extra. After registration, various verification tasks have become available. A good help was the help of the teacher. I was constantly used online advice, set a lot of issues.
It was comfortable to study - I was not ashamed when I made mistakes, because only me and my teacher knew about them, and not the whole group. 3 months per hour per hour per day. I remembered everything that I taught at school, expanded the vocabulary. There is no planning to stop there. I want to move towards free knowledge of the language. With the courses of Eshko, this is done by the task.

I liked the trial lesson in Eshko - information is clearly structured, the presentation is clear and the duration of the lesson is small. In addition to the materials on the site, I get monthly parcels with educational literature, almost did not buy anything else. On disks are offered pronunciation lessons. Immediately copied the information on the laptop, and from it - in the player - I listen lessons while I go to work. He learned to understand, supplemented vocabulary - from school almost no knowledge left.
We are available webinars and I often call the teacher. An explanatory and patient woman who knows the object is fixed behind me. I started with the simplest - from English for beginners. He received a certificate of successful course passage and the beginning of the Middle Extra. For the price - it is profitable, individual skype classes are at times more expensive.

"English for beginners" for dummies will be folded. Unfortunately, all learning is built on independent study And there is no colloquial practice. There are a lot of grammar, you need to gain patience, because I still absorb everything with difficulty. Although I always had solid basic English. Now I am already well focused in the texts, perceive a little better for rumor and as a whole, the result of training is pleased.

Eashen Courses - Time Time Method distance learning In all sorts of areas of activity - from foreign languages \u200b\u200band psychology before programming and accounting. In total, the platform offers 86 species of educational courses, according to which the student is provided with all necessary didactic and practical materials.
The learning process at the selected course is carefully monitored by a personal teacher who systematically checks the performance of the homework, and also gives individual instructions. Just 20 minutes of training on Eshko courses per day allow you to get profitable, and most importantly - in demand profession!

Information about Eshko Courses

Year of foundation

Head Office Address:

308000, Russia, Belgorod, A / me 80, Eshko

Eshko is:

1. Accessibility of Knowledge
Eshko provides access to learning to everyone and everyone. Regardless of the place of residence, age and type of employment, students can learn the selected course in online mode at any time convenient for them.

2. 86 diverse courses
The platform is designed to remotely train not only English, French, Spanish, Chinese and many others. foreign languagesBut also professional (management, accounting, entrepreneurship, psychology), hobbies and computer courses.

3. Special learning technique
The supply of the material is based on the principle of natural learning of knowledge, and the carefully thought-out structure of lessons motivates students to continue their studies not only within the framework of the chosen course, but also at higher levels of complexity.

4. Minimum time - maximum performance
It takes only 20-30 minutes per day on occupations, and the student independently makes a schedule of study by choosing the most appropriate learning mode.

5. Integrated learning approach
ECHCO provides students with an individual coach, as well as all the necessary training materials for comfortable learning.

6. Official document On the end of the course
After passing the final exam on the course traveled, the listener is given a testimony of the Special Sample Eshko.

Prices for training

Screenshots Interface Courses Eshko

Reviews of Eshko Courses

Grinina Ekaterina

For the sake of interest bought a course on the Eshko. With a discount, he cost me 600 rubles per month. Educational magazine I have always been looking forward to. True, to read it, a maximum of 2 hours went. The material was absorbed very easily, written all the available tongue. At the end, it was necessary to perform a practical task. The 1st job was terribly terribly, and at the same time it is interesting. I needed to smash the room into the zones. With this task I coped to "excellent."

Then the tasks became complicated. I learned to properly select sources of lighting, complement the dark areas with elegant flooring, lamps, diode ribbons, and even conventional candles. I didn't really like the lesson about the finishing materials, but during repair I will not be a profan.
It was interesting to get a color gamut of the room, combine furniture, cloth curtains, flowers, chandeliers, bras, etc. This is a good experience that I was useful. I even made a small permutation in the apartment, which expanded the space, bought several living colors that complement the interior, and just make a glance. Courses helped me expand the horizons, get out of the comfort zone and look at new design directions with other eyes.

Talalichina Varvara

In Eshko studying the EXTRA program (English medium language. I pay for courses 1 time per month, the parcel with training materials also comes once a month. Send a magazine and disk with new lessons. If you want to get more educational materials, you can order them on the site, The choice there is very decent. Prices are acceptable. After each lesson, they give a homework. It can be performed electronically, but I like the usual way - written: so the information is better absorbed and remembered and faster. The exercises are sent to check. After 2-5 days they are browsing And put an assessment.
Estimates are not quite standard as in school. They sound like that - "almost perfectly", "excellent", "well" and "excellent", with bad things have not come across. It is harder for me to grammar. It is necessary to delve into the essence and wait for help. You can ask a question online, but it will not compare with oral explanation. In my program, unfortunately, there is no colloquial practice, but I really want to talk to a professional, learn how to build suggestions and learn to respond to spontaneous questions.

Kurbatov Rosalia

Trial free lessonI downloaded from the site, I was impressed - it was compiled well and intelligently, and even though the whole theory outlined in it and the practice already knew, to regain the material was interesting. After the conclusion of the contract received by mail once a month a rather thick, well-illustrated magazine, where not only drawing techniques are styled, starting with elementary lighting, but also placed reproductions of great painters.
The information is described in detail, you decorate everything on the shelves, up to how to keep a pencil to get one or another barcode. It is absolutely not necessary to send your drawings to check in a paper version, enough scan sent by e-mail. And the creation of you remains, and all exhaustive comments and recommendations from the teacher will get on time.
The only thing that did not like is - coming is expensive. Thing is not worth educational material, and in the fact that at your own expense you need to buy consumables, ranging from Watman and ending with an etty. And it is impossible to minimize spending - in each new magazine there are new requirements for the presence of the desired drawing technique.

Somov Antonina

Always believed that it was simply impossible to combine pink and green colors so as not to cause a "blow to vision" is simply impossible until he was written on interior design courses in "Eshko". I will not say, of course, that now I am super-profi, but I received the main base of knowledge, and very good. It concerns not only the theory in terms of color combinations and architectural solutions, the ability to choose a stylistically uniform version of the premises, but also practices: I can easily calculate how much you need to buy rolls of wallpaper or laminate packaging for a certain quadrature, etc. I know what materials "Friend" with each other, which categorically conflict, which greatly helps to save on hikes in building materials stores.

I liked that by posting for courses, you do not just get paid for the training material package, with you spend real trainings with test tasks, mini-exams. According to the results of the inspection of which, you will explain your missions and errors, tell the path of their corrections. But the main thing - the knowledge gained and skills remain with you, they even can be used if desired when the profession is changed.