Highly skilled snipers were worth their weight in gold during World War II. Fighting on Eastern Front The Soviets positioned their snipers as skilled marksmen, noticeably dominant in many ways. The Soviet Union was the only one that trained snipers for ten years, preparing for war. Their superiority is confirmed by their “death lists.” Experienced snipers killed many people and, undoubtedly, were of great value. For example, Vasily Zaitsev killed 225 enemy soldiers during Battle of Stalingrad.

10. Stepan Vasilyevich Petrenko: 422 killed.

During World War II, Soviet Union had more skilled snipers than any other country on Earth. Because of their continued training and development during the 1930s, while other countries were cutting down their specialist sniper teams, the USSR had the best marksmen in the world. Stepan Vasilyevich Petrenko was well known among the elite.

His highest professionalism is confirmed by 422 killed enemies; The effectiveness of the Soviet sniper training program is confirmed by accurate shooting and extremely rare misses.

During the war, 261 marksmen (including women), each of whom killed at least 50 people, were awarded the title of outstanding sniper. Vasily Ivanovich Golosov was one of those who received such an honor. His death toll is 422 enemy killed.

8. Fedor Trofimovich Dyachenko: 425 killed.

During World War II, 428,335 people are believed to have received Red Army sniper training, of whom 9,534 used their qualifications in lethal experience. Fyodor Trofimovich Dyachenko was one of those trainees who stood out. Soviet hero with 425 confirmations, received a medal for outstanding service “high heroism in military operations against an armed enemy.”

7. Fedor Matveevich Okhlopkov: 429 killed.

Fedor Matveevich Okhlopkov, one of the most respected snipers of the USSR. He and his brother were recruited into the Red Army, but the brother was killed in battle. Fyodor Matveevich vowed to avenge his brother. Who took his life. The number of people killed by this sniper (429) did not include the number of enemies. Which he killed with a machine gun. In 1965 awarded the order Hero of the Soviet Union.

6. Mikhail Ivanovich Budenkov: 437 killed.

Mikhail Ivanovich Budenkov was among those snipers that few others could only aspire to. Amazingly successful sniper with 437 kills. This number did not include those killed by machine guns.

5. Vladimir Nikolaevich Pchelintsev: 456 killed.

This number of casualties can be attributed not only to skill and skill with a rifle, but also to knowledge of the terrain and the ability to properly camouflage. Among these qualified and experienced snipers was Vladimir Nikolaevich Pchelintsev, who killed 437 enemies.

4. Ivan Nikolaevich Kulbertinov: 489 killed.

Unlike most other countries during World War II, women could be snipers in the Soviet Union. In 1942, two six-month courses attended exclusively by women yielded results: almost 55,000 snipers were trained. 2,000 women took an active part in the war. Among them: Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who killed 309 opponents.

3. Nikolai Yakovlevich Ilyin: 494 killed.

In 2001, a film was shot in Hollywood: “Enemy at the Gates” about the famous Russian sniper Vasily Zaitsev. The film depicts the events of the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942–1943. A film about Nikolai Yakovlevich Ilyin has not been made, but his contribution to the Soviet military history was just as important. Having killed 494 enemy soldiers (sometimes listed as 497), Ilyin was a deadly marksman for the enemy.

2. Ivan Mikhailovich Sidorenko: approximately 500 killed

Ivan Mikhailovich Sidorenko was drafted in 1939 at the beginning of World War II. During the 1941 Battle of Moscow, he learned to snipe and became known as a bandit with lethal aim. One of his most famous deeds: he destroyed a tank and three others vehicles using incendiary ammunition. However, after an injury received in Estonia, his role in subsequent years was primarily teaching. In 1944 Sidorenko was awarded the prestigious title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

1.Simo Hayha: 542 Killed (possibly 705)

Simo Haiha, a Finn, is the only non-Soviet soldier on this list. Nicknamed “White Death” by the Red Army troops because of its camouflage disguised as snow. According to statistics, Heiha is the bloodiest sniper in history. Before taking part in the war he was a farmer. Incredibly, he preferred an iron sight to an optical sight in his weapon.

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War many soldiers and officers of the Red Army became. It is perhaps difficult to single out military specialties that would be especially prominent when awarding military awards. Among famous Heroes The Soviet Union has sappers, tank crews, pilots, sailors, infantrymen and military doctors.

But I would like to highlight one military specialty that occupies a special place in the category of feat. These are snipers.

A sniper is a specially trained soldier who is fluent in the art of marksmanship, camouflage and observation, hitting targets with the first shot. Its task is to defeat command and communications personnel and destroy camouflaged single targets.

At the front, when special military units (companies, regiments, divisions) act against the enemy, the sniper is an independent combat unit.

We will tell you about the sniper heroes who made a significant contribution to the common cause of victory. You can read about women snipers who participated in the Great Patriotic War in ours.

1. Passar Maxim Alexandrovich (08/30/1923 - 01/22/1943)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, a Soviet sniper, killed 237 enemy soldiers and officers during the fighting. Most of the enemies were eliminated by him during the Battle of Stalingrad. For the destruction of Passar, the German command assigned a reward of 100 thousand Reichsmarks. Hero Russian Federation(posthumously).

2. Surkov Mikhail Ilyich (1921-1953)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, sniper of the 1st battalion of the 39th rifle regiment of the 4th rifle division 12th Army, sergeant major, holder of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star.

3. Natalya Venediktovna Kovshova (11/26/1920 - 08/14/1942)

Participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

On the personal account of sniper Kovshova there are 167 killed fascist soldiers and officers. During her service, she trained soldiers in marksmanship. On August 14, 1942, near the village of Sutoki, Novgorod Region, she died in an unequal battle with the Nazis.

4. Tulaev Zhambyl Yesheevich (02(15/05/1905 - 17/01/1961)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sniper of the 580th Infantry Regiment of the 188th Infantry Division of the 27th Army of the North-Western Front. Sergeant Major Zhambyl Tulaev destroyed 262 Nazis from May to November 1942. Trained more than 30 snipers for the front.

5. Sidorenko Ivan Mikhailovich (09/12/1919 - 02/19/1994)

The assistant chief of staff of the 1122nd Infantry Regiment, Captain Ivan Sidorenko, distinguished himself as the organizer of the sniper movement. By 1944, he personally killed about 500 Nazis with a sniper rifle.

Ivan Sidorenko trained more than 250 snipers for the front, most of whom were awarded orders and medals.

6. Okhlopkov Fedor Matveevich (03/02/1908 - 05/28/1968)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

By June 23, 1944, Sergeant Okhlopkov killed 429 Nazi soldiers and officers with a sniper rifle. Was wounded 12 times. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin were awarded only in 1965.

7. Moldagulova Aliya Nurmukhambetovna (25.10.1925 - 14.01.1944)

Participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), corporal.

Sniper of the 54th separate rifle brigade 22nd Army of the 2nd Baltic Front. Corporal Moldagulova destroyed several dozen enemies in the first 2 months of participation in battles. On January 14, 1944, she took part in the battle for the village of Kazachikha, Pskov Region, and led the soldiers into the attack. Having broken into the enemy’s defenses, she destroyed several soldiers and officers with a machine gun. She died in this battle.

8. Budenkov Mikhail Ivanovich (05.12.1919 - 02.08.1995)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, senior lieutenant.

By September 1944, Guard Senior Sergeant Mikhail Budenkov was a sniper in the 59th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 21st Guards Rifle Division of the 3rd Shock Army of the 2nd Baltic Front. By that time, he had 437 enemy soldiers and officers killed by sniper fire. He entered the top ten best snipers of the Great Patriotic War.

9. Etobaev Arseny Mikhailovich (09/15/1903- 1987)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Civil War 1917-1922 and the conflict in the Chinese East railway 1929. Knight of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star, full holder of the Order of the Patriotic War.

The sniper killed 356 German invaders and shot down two planes.

10. Salbiev Vladimir Gavrilovich (1916- 1996)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, twice holder of the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree.

Salbiev's sniper account includes 601 killed enemy soldiers and officers.

11. Pchelintsev Vladimir Nikolaevich (30.08.1919- 27.07.1997)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, sniper of the 11th Infantry Brigade of the 8th Army of the Leningrad Front, Hero of the Soviet Union, sergeant.

One of the most successful snipers of World War II. Destroyed 456 enemy soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers.

12. Kvachantiradze Vasily Shalvovich (1907- 1950)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, sergeant major.

Sniper of the 259th Infantry Regiment of the 179th Infantry Division of the 43rd Army of the 1st Baltic Front.

One of the most successful snipers of the Great Patriotic War. Destroyed 534 enemy soldiers and officers.

13. Goncharov Pyotr Alekseevich (01/15/1903- 31.01.1944)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Senior Sergeant.

He has more than 380 killed enemy soldiers and officers as a sniper. He died on January 31, 1944 while breaking through enemy defenses near the village of Vodyanoye.

14. Galushkin Nikolai Ivanovich (07/01/1917- 22.01.2007)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Russian Federation, lieutenant.

Served in the 49th Infantry Regiment of the 50th Infantry Division. According to available information, he destroyed 418 German soldiers and officers, including 17 snipers, and also trained 148 soldiers in sniper work. After the war he was active in military-patriotic work.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, commander of the sniper company of the 81st Guards Rifle Regiment, guard lieutenant.

By the end of June 1943, already the commander of a sniper company, Golosov personally destroyed about 420 Nazis, including 70 snipers. In his company, he trained 170 snipers, who in total destroyed more than 3,500 fascists.

He died on August 16, 1943 at the height of the battles for the village of Dolgenkoye, Izyum district, Kharkov region.

16. Nomokonov Semyon Danilovich (08/12/1900 - 07/15/1973)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War and Soviet-Japanese War, twice holder of the Order of the Red Star, Order of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner.

During the Great Patriotic War, he destroyed 360 German soldiers and officers, including one major general. During the Soviet-Japanese War, he destroyed 8 soldiers and officers of the Kwantung Army. The total confirmed count is 368 enemy soldiers and officers.

17. Ilyin Nikolai Yakovlevich (1922 - 08/04/1943)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, sergeant major, deputy political instructor.

In total, the sniper had 494 killed enemies. On August 4, 1943, in a battle near the village of Yastrebovo, Nikolai Ilyin was killed by machine gun fire.

18. Antonov Ivan Petrovich (07/07/1920 - 03/22/1989)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, shooter of the 160th separate rifle company of the Leningrad naval base of the Baltic Fleet, Red Navy man, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ivan Antonov became one of the founders of the sniper movement in the Baltic.

From December 28, 1941 to November 10, 1942, he destroyed 302 Nazis and trained 80 snipers in the art of accurate shooting at the enemy.

19. Dyachenko Fedor Trofimovich (06/16/1917 - 08/08/1995)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, major.

By February 1944, Dyachenko had destroyed 425 enemy soldiers and officers with sniper fire, including several snipers.

20. Idrisov Abukhadzhi (Abukhazhi) (05/17/1918- 22.10.1983)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, sniper of the 1232nd Infantry Regiment of the 370th Infantry Division, senior sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union.

By March 1944, he already had 349 fascists killed, and he was nominated for the title of Hero. In one of the battles in April 1944, Idrisov was wounded by a fragment of a mine that exploded nearby and was covered with earth. His comrades dug him up and sent him to the hospital.

Snipers are the army's elite. Not every military man is capable of becoming a true professional in eliminating the enemy. After all, a sniper is distinguished primarily not by phenomenal accuracy, but by a steely character. A real pro can hit a target at a great distance from an unusual weapon and an awkward position. As Vasily Zaitsev and Simo Häyhä did, for example.

As soon as Vasily was at the front, he proved himself to be an excellent shooter. Moreover, even distance did not affect his accuracy. This confirms the elimination of 3 German soldiers from 800 meters.

At first, Zaitsev shot from a simple “three-ruler”. Using this weapon, he managed to destroy 32 fascists. And then, along with the medal “For Courage,” he was awarded a real sniper rifle.

Character and ingenuity allowed Vasily Grigorievich to quickly grow from an excellent shooter to a professional sniper. He was distinguished by sharp eyesight, very sensitive hearing and endurance. In addition, Zaitsev had excellent knowledge of the terrain and chose positions for shooting that none of the enemy soldiers would have thought of.

Zaitsev shot more than 30 fascists with the usual “Three-line gun”

Zaitsev also had a duel, the same one that later became legendary. Vasily Grigorievich spoke out against the head of the Tsossene sniper school, whom the Soviet marksman himself called Major Koenig. The German arrived in Stalingrad with a clearly defined task - first of all, to eliminate Zaitsev. But the winner of that duel was Vasily Grigorievich.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, a Soviet sniper managed to destroy more than 200 German soldiers and officers.

For all of Finland, this sniper is a national hero. And the Soviet soldiers nicknamed him the White Death. In the Soviet-Finnish War (1939), he managed to fight for three months, but this time was enough for him to become one of the most successful snipers in history.

He has about 500 on his account. Soviet soldiers, whom he eliminated with a rifle. Häyhä killed more than two hundred more with a pistol and a submachine gun. But the exact number remains unknown. Firstly, the sniper himself counted only those who were definitely killed (confirmed). Secondly, he did not count those whom several shooters were firing at. Thirdly, it was simply impossible to accurately calculate the number of killed Red Army soldiers, because their bodies remained on the Soviet side.

In three months, Häyhä killed more than 700 Soviet soldiers

At the beginning of March, Häyhä was seriously wounded. An explosive bullet hit him in the face. The consequences are obvious: a disfigured appearance, a crushed jaw. The sniper woke up only on March 13, the day the war ended. By the way, Häyhä was eager to take part in the Second World War, but despite his past merits, he was still not accepted into the service.

After the war subsided, Simo was engaged in hunting and breeding dogs. He died on April 1, 2002 at the age of 96.

Rob was not distinguished by any special talent for shooting and served in the Canadian army with the rank of corporal. But he approached various training sessions very responsibly. And gradually Furlong developed his ambidexter abilities to the maximum extent possible.

Furlong's record lasted 7 years

In 2002 he had the opportunity to participate in military operation"Anaconda", which was carried out by the US-led coalition in Afghanistan. As it turned out later, this was Furlong's finest hour. He managed to destroy the enemy, accurately shooting from a distance of 2430 meters, which became a record.

The Canadian sniper's achievement lasted until 2009. The record was broken by Briton Craig Harrison, who hit the target at a distance of 2475 meters. By the way, this was all in Afghanistan.

Carlos dreamed of serving in the army. And at the age of 17 he ended up in the barracks. His colleagues greeted him with contemptuous grins. Of course! Hascock stood out from the crowd with an eccentric cowboy hat from which a white feather protruded. But the very first lesson at the training ground made his colleagues respect the guy from the American countryside. It turned out that Carlos has phenomenal shooting abilities.

Hascock had a huge price on his head.

And in 1966 he ended up in Vietnam, where he became a sniper. According to official data, during his service, Hascock eliminated about a hundred enemy soldiers. But in the memoirs written by his former colleagues, completely different numbers appear. Indirectly confirms the fact that Hascock has several hundred corpses on his account, the amount that the North Vietnamese government put on his head.

Sniper is one of the most difficult and unusual military professions. Although the most ordinary guys join it.

Find out the five toughest male shooters, whose accuracy and resourcefulness terrified the enemy.

5. Carlos Norman (05/20/1942-02/23/1999)

Source: top5s.net

One of the most famous snipers in the history of the US military. He became famous for his participation in Vietnam War. Considered one of the Corps' legendary figures Marine Corps USA. He has 93 enemy lives to his name.

4. Adelbert F. Waldron (03/14/1933-10/18/1995)

Source: top5s.net

Famous American sniper. Participated in the Vietnam War. Waldron holds the record for confirmed victories among US shooters. He has 109 victories. In the 1970s, Waldron taught sniper training at the SIONICS training camp in Georgia. One of the few who was twice awarded the Order for Distinguished Military Service.

3. Vasily Zaitsev (03/23/1915 - 12/15/1991)

Source: top5s.net

Sniper of the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Battle of Stalingrad between November 10 and December 17, 1942, he killed 225 soldiers and officers of the German army and their allies, including 11 snipers. He developed several sniper hunting techniques that are used by the current generation of snipers.

2. Francis Peghamagabo (9.03.1891-5.08.1952)

Source: top5s.net

Hero of the Second World War. Canadian Francis killed 378 German soldiers, was awarded a medal three times and was seriously wounded twice. But after returning home to Canada, one of the most effective snipers of World War II was forgotten.

1. Simo Häyhä (12/17/1905-04/1/2002)

The best snipers of World War II. German, Soviet, Finnish shooters played enough important role in wartime. And in this review an attempt will be made to consider those of them that have become the most effective.

The emergence of sniper art

Since the emergence of personal weapons in armies, which provided the opportunity to hit the enemy at long distances, accurate shooters began to be distinguished from soldiers. Subsequently, separate units of rangers began to form from them. As a result, a separate type of light infantry was formed. The main tasks that the soldiers received included the destruction of officers of enemy troops, as well as the demoralization of the enemy through accurate shooting at significant distances. For this purpose, shooters were armed with special rifles.

In the 19th century, modernization of weapons occurred. The tactics changed accordingly. This was facilitated by the emergence of During the First World War, snipers were part of a separate cohort of saboteurs. Their goal was to quickly and effectively defeat enemy personnel. At the very beginning of the war, snipers were mainly used by the Germans. However, over time, they began to appear special schools and in other countries. In conditions of protracted conflicts, this “profession” has become quite in demand.

Finnish snipers

Between 1939 and 1940, Finnish marksmen were considered the best. World War II snipers learned a lot from them. Finnish riflemen were nicknamed “cuckoos”. The reason for this was that they used special “nests” in trees. This feature was distinctive for the Finns, although trees were used for this purpose in almost all countries.

So who exactly do the best snipers of World War II owe to? The most famous “cuckoo” was Simo Heihe. He was nicknamed "white death". The number of confirmed murders he committed exceeded the mark of 500 liquidated Red Army soldiers. In some sources, his indicators were equal to 700. He was quite seriously wounded. But Simo was able to recover. He died in 2002.

Propaganda played its role

The best snipers of the Second World War, namely their achievements, were actively used in propaganda. Quite often it happened that the personalities of the shooters began to acquire legends.

The famous domestic sniper was able to destroy about 240 enemy soldiers. This figure was average for effective marksmen of that war. But due to propaganda, he was made the most famous Red Army sniper. On modern stage Historians seriously doubt the existence of Major Koenig, Zaitsev's main opponent in Stalingrad. The main achievements of the domestic shooter include the development of a sniper training program. He personally took part in their preparation. In addition, he formed a full-fledged sniper school. Its graduates were called “hares.”

Top marksmen

Who are they, the best snipers of World War II? You should know the names of the most successful shooters. Mikhail Surkov is in first position. He destroyed about 702 enemy soldiers. Following him on the list is Ivan Sidorov. He killed 500 soldiers. Nikolai Ilyin is in third position. He killed 497 enemy soldiers. Following him with the mark of 489 killed is Ivan Kulbertinov.

The best snipers of the USSR of World War II were not only men. In those years, women also actively joined the ranks of the Red Army. Some of them subsequently became quite effective shooters. About 12 thousand enemy soldiers were destroyed. And the most effective was Lyudmila Pavlichenkova, who had 309 killed soldiers.

The best snipers of the USSR in World War II, of which there were quite a lot, have to their credit large number effective shots. More than 400 soldiers were killed by approximately fifteen riflemen. 25 snipers killed more than 300 enemy soldiers. 36 riflemen killed more than 200 Germans.

There is little information about enemy shooters

There is not so much data about “colleagues” on the enemy side. This is due to the fact that no one tried to boast of their exploits. Therefore, the best German snipers of the Second World War are practically unknown in ranks and names. One can only say with certainty about those shooters who were awarded the Knight's Iron Cross. This happened in 1945. One of them was Frederick Payne. He killed about 200 enemy soldiers. The most productive player was probably Matthias Hetzenauer. They killed about 345 soldiers. The third sniper who was awarded the order was Joseph Ollerberg. He left memoirs in which quite a lot was written about the activities of German riflemen during the war. The sniper himself killed about 257 soldiers.

Sniper terror

It should be noted that the Anglo-American allies landed in Normandy in 1944. And it was in this place that the best snipers of the Second World War were located at that time. German riflemen killed many soldiers. And their effectiveness was facilitated by the terrain, which was simply replete with bushes. The British and Americans in Normandy faced real sniper terror. Only after that allied forces thought about training specialized shooters who could work with an optical sight. However, the war has already come to an end. Therefore, the snipers of America and England were never able to set records.

Thus, the Finnish “cuckoos” once taught good lesson. Thanks to them, the best snipers of World War II served in the Red Army.

Women fought equally with men

Since ancient times, it has been the case that men are engaged in war. However, in 1941, when the Germans attacked our country, the entire people began to defend it. Holding weapons in their hands, being at machines and on collective farm fields, they fought against fascism soviet people- men, women, old people and children. And they were able to win.

The chronicle contains a lot of information about the women who received it. And the best snipers of the war were also present among them. Our girls were able to destroy more than 12 thousand enemy soldiers. Six of them received high rank And one girl became a complete gentleman soldier's

Legend girl

As mentioned above, the famous sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenkova killed about 309 soldiers. Of these, 36 were enemy riflemen. In other words, she alone was able to destroy almost an entire battalion. A film called “The Battle of Sevastopol” was made based on her exploits. The girl went to the front voluntarily in 1941. She took part in the defense of Sevastopol and Odessa.

In June 1942, the girl was wounded. After that, she no longer took part in hostilities. The wounded Lyudmila was carried from the battlefield by Alexei Kitsenko, with whom she fell in love. They decided to file a report on marriage registration. However, the happiness did not last too long. In March 1942, the lieutenant was seriously wounded and died in the arms of his wife.

In the same year, Lyudmila became part of the delegation of Soviet youth and left for America. There she created a real sensation. After returning, Lyudmila became an instructor at a sniper school. Under her leadership, several dozen good shooters were trained. This is how they were - the best snipers of the USSR in World War II.

Creation of a special school

Perhaps Lyudmila’s experience was the reason why the country’s leadership began to teach girls the art of shooting. Courses were specially formed in which girls were in no way inferior to men. Later, it was decided to reorganize these courses into the Central Women's Sniper Training School. In other countries, only men were snipers. During World War II, girls were not taught this art professionally. And only in the Soviet Union did they comprehend this science and fight on an equal basis with men.

The girls were treated cruelly by their enemies

In addition to the rifle, sapper shovel and binoculars, the women took grenades with them. One was intended for the enemy, and the other for oneself. Everyone knew what was going on with the snipers german soldiers treated cruelly. In 1944, the Nazis managed to capture domestic sniper Tatyana Baramzina. When our soldiers discovered her, they could recognize her only by her hair and uniform. The enemy soldiers stabbed the body with daggers, cut out the breasts, and gouged out the eyes. They stuck a bayonet into my stomach. In addition, the Nazis shot at the girl point-blank with an anti-tank rifle. Of the 1,885 graduates of the sniper school, about 185 girls could not survive to Victory. They tried to protect them and did not throw them into particularly difficult tasks. But still, the glare of optical sights in the sun often gave away the shooters, who were then found by enemy soldiers.

Only time has changed the attitude towards female shooters

The girls, the best snipers of World War II, whose photos can be seen in this review, experienced terrible things in their time. And when they returned home, they sometimes encountered contempt. Unfortunately, in the rear, a special attitude was formed towards girls. Many unfairly called them field wives. This is where the contemptuous looks that female snipers received came from.

For a long time they did not tell anyone that they were at war. They hid their rewards. And only after 20 years did attitudes towards them begin to change. And it was at this time that the girls began to open up, talking about their many exploits.


In this review, an attempt was made to describe those snipers who became the most productive during the entire period of the Second World War. world war. There are quite a lot of them. But it should be noted that not all arrows are known. Some tried to talk about their exploits as little as possible.