Task 7.

Complete the sentences by adding the missing words. Retell the text as you remember.

(If it is difficult for students to complete the task on their own, the speech therapist can use pictures. When reading sentences, the speech therapist should highlight the incompleteness of the sentence with the appropriate intonation. When students answer, monitor the correct agreement of the verb with the noun.)

a) It came running... . Hidden... . Blown... . I hesitated... . Darkened. . . . Watered. . . . It thundered. . . . It sparkled. . .

Words for reference: cloud, sun, wind, dust, forest, rain, thunder, lightning.

b) Cloud... Sun... Wind... Dust... Forest... Rain... Thunder... Lightning...

Agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number

Lesson notes

Subject. Agreement of an adjective with a noun.

Target. Teach children to correctly agree an adjective with a noun in gender and number.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist asks students what date, day of the week, month it is.

II. Formation of adjectives. Making up phrases.

The speech therapist asks questions to students without requiring a detailed answer:

What is the weather today? (Good.)

Why good? (The sun is shining, it’s warm, there’s no wind, there’s no rain.)

What day is it like when it's warm? (Warm.)

What day is it like when the sun is shining? (Solar.)

And when there is no wind? (Windless.)

Speech therapist. Let's find out what day it is today. (The day is warm, salty, windless.) How can we say about the weather, it has the same tricks? (The weather is warm, sunny, calm.)

Lesson objectives:

strengthening the skills of determining the gender and number of an adjective in agreement with a noun;

development of skills to correctly change the form of an adjective (ending) in agreement with a noun.



“Agreement of adjectives and nouns in number and gender”

Lesson objectives:

strengthening the skills of determining the gender and number of an adjective in agreement with a noun;

development of skills to correctly change the form of an adjective (ending) in agreement with a noun.

Lesson objectives:

1. help consolidate the ability to form phrases “adjective + noun”;

2. promote activation and enrichment of vocabulary;

3. promote education cognitive activity to the Russian language as to academic subject, self-control when performing written and oral tasks;

4. development of spelling vigilance..

During the classes:

I. Psychological attitude.

Smile clear nature,

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year.

Blue, glittering skies

Still transparent forests,

It's like they're turning green.

A call gathers us

What a wonderful lesson!

II. Updating basic knowledge.

What is the weather today?(Nice, sunny, warm, windless.)

How can we talk about today if it has the same signs? What day is today?(The day is warm, sunny, windless.)

What is the sky like today?(Cloudless, clean, blue.)

What time of year does this weather happen?(In spring.)

So, what's the weather like?(The weather is spring.)

How can we talk about the day?(Spring day.)

About the sky? (Spring sky.)

About days? (Spring days.)

Which part of speech words helped us accurately and vividly describe today's weather?

What do you know about a noun?

What do you know about adjectives?

A noun denotes an object, and an adjective is a sign of an object, that is, a sign of a noun. You and I already know that these two parts of speech are closely related.

Listen to a story from the book “Fun Grammar” (student presentation).

Translated from Latin, “adjective” means “something thrown”, “added”, “attached”. Adjectives answer four questions: which one? which? which? which? - depending on what nouns are next to them.

Each question is for only one gender of noun. Adjectives are tricky, they “adjust”, join, adapt to the gender of the noun. The gender of the adjective is determined by the gender of the noun. The number is also determined by the noun.


III. Formation of new knowledge and skills (setting a learning task)

So, adjectives, as you know, “adjust”, join, adapt to nouns.That is, the adjective agrees with the noun in gender, number and case. This feature is called coordination.

Who can help me formulate the topic of the lesson?

“Agreeing adjectives with nouns.”

What tasks will we set for ourselves?

Guys, recently 2nd grade students wrote an essay. Here's one of them. This is a boy's essay.

What do you think the teacher said to the boy?

Why do you think so?

It’s true that there were mistakes in the essay.

What mistakes did the boy make?

The boy has errors in agreeing an adjective with a noun.

To correct mistakes made in an essay, you need to know and act. We need a certain algorithm of actions.

IV. Discovery of new knowledge.

What proposals will there be? What needs to be done to correctly agree an adjective with a noun? (Children's guesses)

Conclusion. Follow the following algorithm:

determine the gender of the noun;

choose the appropriate question for the adjective: masculine – WHAT?, feminine – WHAT?, neuter – WHAT?

change the form of the adjective to suit the question.

SAMPLE: sun (bright, bright, bright): sun - s.r. - WHICH? – bright; sun - WHAT? – burning, round, yellow.

So, what should you do to correctly write the endings of adjectives?

This rule can be formulated in a humorous form:

Don't want to stay on your toes

Check the endings with a question.

V. Primary consolidation.

Assignment: using the algorithm, select an adjective for the noun.

The weather... (rainy, rainy, rainy).

Rain... (fine, light, light).

Cloud... (dark, dark, dark).

Wind... (cold, cold, cold).

Air... (fresh, fresh, fresh).

Cloud.. (white, white, white).

The sun... (bright, bright, bright).

Mood... (joyful, joyful, joyful).

VI. Independent work with self-test against the standard.

Now pay attention.

New test.

Insert endings

In these phrases.

These adjectives “lost the ending.” You must insert the ending.

morning ___ fog

mushroom ___ rain

long awaited ___ telegram

red ___ pencil

winter____ nature

night_____ sky

modern___ cinema

rich ____ harvest

fashion ____ blouse

Check your work.

Who completed the task easily?

Who's having trouble? Which?

VII. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

“Who will select more words-attributes for words-objects?”

Put a question to these words.

Sample: birch - white-trunked, curly, Russian, young - what kind?

The weather... (sunny, good, rainy, cold, clear).

Rain... (fine, cold, drizzling, warm, torrential).

Cloud... (dark, low, black, heavy).

Wind... (cold, warm, piercing, gentle, strong).

Air... (fresh, hot, frosty).

Cloud... (white, snow-white, blue, light, airy).

The sun... (hot, bright, burning, yellow).

Mood... (good, cheerful, anxious, joyful, bad).

VIII. Reflection on activity (lesson summary).

So, we have done a lot of work on coordinating adjectives with nouns. Now we can help a 2nd grade student.

Help me edit the boy's essay.

"Spring has come. A white cloud floats across the sky. The sun is shining brightly. The white snow is melting. A warm wind is blowing. People are happy about spring!”

Independent work of students followed by testing.

So guys, what did you work on in class today?

How do adjectives agree with nouns?

(In gender, number and case)

Where can you apply new knowledge?

What went well?

What else needs to be worked on?

Today we will receive useful information about the adjective in Spanish (Nombre adjetivo). Adjective Spanish is divided into two large subgroups:

  • qualitative adjectives (calificativos):
  • relative adjectives (relativos):

    el plan anual (annual plan),
    la región agrícola (agricultural region),
    el día estival (summer day)

This group of adjectives is similar in meaning to adjectives in the Russian language. They denote the quality, properties and attributes of the object or phenomenon that they describe.

Qualitative adjectives have 3 degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, superlative.

For example:

Relative adjectives

This group also indicates the attribute of an object, but at the same time an indication of its relationship to a person, phenomenon, action or another object is required.

These adjectives are formed from the already existing names of objects, actions or phenomena through which they express the attribute. They may indicate:

  • the material from which the object is made (ferreo - iron);
  • circumstances of time, place... (madrileño - Madrid);
  • attitude towards a person or animal (felino – feline);
  • attitude to an object or concept (marítimo - marine)
  • relation to an action or concept (corriente - current).

In modern Spanish the preposition is often used de + noun, instead of one adjective, if they talk about the material from which the item is made: la caja de carton(cardboard box) instead la caja cartonera.

The peculiarity of Spanish adjectives is that there are many more qualitative adjectives than relative adjectives. And, on top of that, the Spanish language does not have possessive adjectives such as mother's, grandmother's, father's and the like.

Agreement of adjectives with nouns

A Spanish adjective always has a noun next to it that it describes. In most cases, a noun comes before an adjective. The adjective also agrees with the noun in gender and number. An adjective, agreeing in gender with a noun, has the same ending as the noun (not counting some exceptions, more on them later).

If the noun is feminine, then the adjective will have the ending -a. With a masculine noun there will be an adjective with the ending - o. They are called adjectives with two endings.

For example:

el papel blanco (white paper)

la mesa blanca (white table)

Adjectives of the same ending are characterized by ending with any consonant or vowel except – o. Their endings do not change depending on the gender of the noun.

For example:

el libro común (general book)

la causa común (common reason)

el papel verde (green paper)

la mesa verde (green table)

la casa grande (big house)

el país grande (big country)

All adjectives with the final suffix –ista are classified as adjectives with the same ending:

socialista (socialist)

idealista (ideological)

Adjectives that indicate nationality end in a consonant in the masculine, and adjectives that end in - an, - on, - or, in the feminine add the ending - a:

For example:

el periódico inglés (English newspaper)

la revista inglesa (English magazine)

el baile andaluz (Andalusian dance)

la canción andaluza (Andalusian song)

The position of the adjective relative to the noun (before or after) can change the meaning of the entire expression.

This applies to the following adjectives:

Spanish version of the word

Translation in position before a noun

Translation after a noun

recently acquired

recently made






For example:

un buen hombre ( a kind person)

un hombre bueno (a good man)

un triste empleado (ordinary employee)

un empleado triste (sad employee)

It should be remembered that if these adjectives are combined with an adverb or some other word, then in this case they appear after the noun, regardless of the meaning expressed. It would be correct to say Juan es un hombre muy bueno(Juan is a very kind person). Instead of a phrase Juan es un muy buen hombre.

Truncated forms of adjectives

Sometimes qualitative adjectives are used before a singular noun. In this case, you should use the truncated form of the adjectives grande (great, big), malo (bad), bueno (good).

For example:

el gran hombre (great man)

un buen camino (good road)

el mal libro (bad book)

The adjectives bueno, malo can be used in a truncated form only before masculine nouns.

When describing the qualities of a group of nouns, an adjective usually agrees in gender and number only with the first noun from the group:

En el barrio hay nuevos almacenes, peluquería y cine (The block has new shops, a hair salon and a cinema).

Spanish adjectives are not as difficult as they seem. Lexical meaning you need to memorize, of course, but the use and agreement with nouns with practice becomes automatic, and you easily use them in speech. In studying any foreign language practice of using it in conversation is important.

You can also familiarize yourself with the rules for using adjectives here

Good afternoon, dear student!

Today I would like to write a little about the adjective name in Russian.
For Russian-speaking people, an adjective denotes a characteristic (of a person or an object), but the most important thing that needs to be remembered and always known is that the adjective agrees in gender, number and case with the noun. What does this mean, you ask? Adjectives are almost always used in a sentence together with a noun, for example:

Nice dress(A beautiful dress) = beautiful is an adjective + dress is a noun
In this sentence, an adjective and a noun are paired. So, before determining the form of the adjective and putting the correct ending, we must look at the noun that is paired with it - we need to determine the number, gender, case. In our example, the noun is singular, neuter and nominative.

To correctly put endings in adjectives, let's decline a few examples by case:

1. Nominative- Nominative case

This is new AND I bag - This is a new bag

2. Genitive- Genitive case
I don't have new WOW pencil - I don"t have a new pencil

In this example, we see that the word “pencil” is in the genitive case, accordingly, we put the adjective in the same form and, if the adjective is in the genitive case, it takes on the ending - WOW, because "pencil" is masculine.

3. Dative- Dative case

I approached the beautiful WMD tree - I came to the beautiful tree.

IN dative case the adjective will end with the ending OMU, because neuter noun "tree".

Thus, you can make a table (in Nominative case), which will reflect important changes in the endings of adjectives by gender:

Masculine (Male) Feminine Neuter (Neuter) Plural form
Which? Which Which Which
New YY New AND I New OE New EE
Star YY Star AND I Star OE Star EE
Good II Good AND I Good HER Good IE

Sometimes you can find the ending -Ой in the masculine column, for example,

Bad OH Bad

§ 1 Agreement of an adjective with a noun

Let's start the lesson with an observation.

From the TV program we will write down three names of TV shows that include adjectives, and also remember and write down three names works of art, including adjectives.

I found the following TV show titles: “ Local time", "Road ABC", "Miracles solar system", you will have to find other names that correspond to our task.

Of the titles of works of art, I propose to write down: “Mad Evdokia” (author of the story Anatoly Aleksin), the title of the story “Spring Changelings” (V. Tendryakov), the title of the story by V.A. Bakhrevsky "Dog in a Potato Field".

Let us determine the gender, number and case of nouns, which include adjectives, as well as the gender, number and case of adjectives.

Let's enter the obtained data into a table consisting of three columns, where

Column 1 is the name of works of art and television programs,

2nd - gender, number, case of the noun,

3rd - gender, number and case of the adjective.

Let's compare the results.


Gender, number, case of a noun

Gender, number and case of the adjective

"Local time"

time - avg., units, i.p.

(n.f. - local) - used in s.r., singular, i.p.

"Road ABC"

alphabet - zh.r., singular, i.p.

(n.f. - road) - used in f.r., singular, i.p.

"Wonders of the Solar System"

(n.f. - system) -
l.r., units, r.p.

(n.f. - sunny) - used in w.r., singular, r.p.

"Mad Evdokia"

Evdokia - zh.r., unit, in them. P.

(n.f. - crazy) - used in f.r., singular, i.p.

"Spring Changelings"

(n.f. - shifter) -
m.r., plural, i.p.

(n.f. - spring) - used in plural, i.p. The genus cannot be determined, because plural adjective

"Dog in a Potato Field"

(on the field
(n.f. - field) -
Wed r., unit, p.p.

(n.f. - potato) - used in Wed. r., unit, p.p.

What conclusion can be drawn?

By naming the characteristics of objects, adjectives explain nouns, and therefore morphological characteristics adjectives help him adapt to the noun.

Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number and case, i.e. have the same gender, number and case as nouns. If the noun is feminine, then the adjective takes the feminine form (road alphabet), if the noun is used in the prepositional case, then the adjective is used in the same case (in the potato field), if the noun is in the plural form, then the adjective takes the form plural: spring shifters.

Adjectives change according to gender, number and case. Even in the most difficult cases the adjective tells us the gender of the noun.

For example,

valuable parcel (adjective valuable in the feminine gender),

spacious lobby (masculine adjective spacious).

What if the noun is unchangeable? Cockatoo, coat, chimpanzee, penalty. Again, the adjective comes to the rescue, because by its form you can determine the gender of an unchangeable noun:

decisive penalty adjective in m.p.,

fashionable coat adjective,

funny cockatoo adjective in m.p.,

caring chimpanzee adjective in female form, here we are talking about a female chimpanzee.

In plural The gender of the adjective does not differ: spring shifters, spring birds, spring trees. Regardless of the gender of the noun in the singular (shifter, bird, tree), the form of the adjective is the same (spring).

§ 2 How the adjective appeared

An adjective is a very flexible word: it can adapt to any noun. There is a fairy tale about this by Sergei Schumacher “How the adjective appeared.”

The fairy tale tells that

I think this story will help you remember that adjectives agree with nouns in the forms of gender, number and case.

§ 3 Examples

Since the adjective agrees with the noun according to such grammatical features as gender, number and case, then these features can be determined by the gender, number and case of the noun.

Adjective + noun. You need to be able to find such phrases in the text.

Let's practice. Let's read an excerpt from D. Zuev's text about July:

July is the peak of summer. The hot afternoon trembles and trembles. The dense thickets of grasses and bushes do not stir in the shadows. In the golden haze there is a green mirage of the July landscape.

Let's write down the phrases corresponding to the adjective + noun scheme:

1 sentence - it is said (about what?) about July, there are no adjectives that explain the noun July.

Sentence 2 tells (about what?) about midday. The afternoon is (what?) hot.

The first phrase is hot afternoon.

Sentence 3 talks about thickets of grasses and bushes. The thickets (what?) are dense. Dense thickets - The second phrase.

Sentence 4 talks about a mirage. Mirage (what?) green. Mirage of (what?) landscape. Landscape (what?) of July. Mirage (in what? where?) in the haze. In a (what?) golden haze. We write down the phrases: green mirage, July landscape, golden haze.

The grammatical features of both the noun and the adjective in each phrase are the same. Adjectives have the same gender and case as nouns.

§ 4 Writing unstressed endings of adjectives

We may make mistakes in writing unstressed endings of adjectives:

spring.. shifters, in a potato.. field, solar.. system, in a golden.. haze, July.. landscape.

To correctly write the unstressed ending of an adjective, you need:

1. find out which noun it refers to;

2. ask a question from this noun to the adjective;

3. at the end of the question, determine the ending of the adjective.

We have already completed the first step earlier: we found out which nouns the adjectives refer to:

spring shifters,

in a potato field,

solar system,

in the golden haze,

July landscape.

Let's move on to step 2: ask a question from a noun to an adjective:

§ 5 Brief summary lesson

So, adjectives change according to gender, number and case, agree with nouns in the forms of gender, number and case. In the plural, the gender of the adjective does not differ; the gender is determined only for adjectives in the singular form. Unstressed endings of adjectives are determined by questions from the noun to the adjective. The endings -й, -й are not checked by questions.

List of used literature:

  1. Babkina M.V. Thematic and lesson planning for the textbook “Russian Language” for grade 5, edited by Bystrova E.A./Babkin M.V. - M.: LLC " Russian word- textbook", 2011. - 152 p.
  2. Gdalevich L.A., Fudim E.D. Russian language lessons in 5th grade: A book for teachers: From work experience. - M.: Education, 1991. – 176 p.
  3. Calendar and thematic planning “Russian language grade 5” according to the textbook: “Russian language grade 5.” Tutorial for educational institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. Kapinos V.I. Speech development: theory and practice of teaching [Text]: grades 5-7: Book for teachers / Kapinos V.I., Sergeeva N.N., Soloveychik M.S. - 2nd ed. - M.: Linka - Press, 1994.
  5. Knigina M.P. 5th grade. Tests: at 2 o'clock - Saratov: Lyceum, 2006. - Part 1. – 64 s.
  6. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M., 1983.
  7. Lvov M. R. Dictionary-reference book on the methods of the Russian language. - M., 1988. - 240 p.
  8. Nikitina E.I. Russian language. Russian speech. 5th grade. 19th ed., erased. - M.: 2010. - 192 p.
  9. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 1992.
  10. The program of the course “Russian language” for textbooks edited by Bystrova E.A. for grades 5-9 of general education institutions / ed. Bystrova E.A., Kibireva L.V. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Textbook", 2012. - 64 p.
  11. Romanova S.A. Thematic development of Russian language lessons. 5th grade. - M.: School - Press, 1999. - 176 p.
  12. Russian language 5th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  13. Russian language reference materials: tutorial for students Baranov M.T., Kostyaeva T.A., Prudnikova A.V.; edited by Shansky N.M. - M.: Education, 1993. - 287 p.
  14. Russian language. Textbook for students pedagogical institutes in specialty No. 2121 “Pedagogy and methodology primary education" In 2 parts. Part I. Introduction to the science of language. Russian language. General information. Lexicology of the modern Russian literary language.
  15. Russian language: textbook for 5th grade of general education institutions: at 2 p.m. Part 1 / Bystrova E.A., Kibireva L.V., Gosteva Yu.N. and etc.; edited by Bystrova E.A. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Textbook", 2013. - 280 p. - Federal State Educational Standard.