I think many in their lives are faced with a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and realize it, while others do it not so clearly, perhaps they did not even realize it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state scares us, the person tries his best to avoid it, not be in it. There are people who cannot be alone with themselves, it frightens them, although they do not even admit to themselves in fear. Characteristic signs fear of being alone with oneself - a person turns on music, TV, or just reads a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They easily remain alone with themselves if desired, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to worry, throwing, nervousness in silence.

What does a person feel while in a state of emptiness? The first and one and the most vivid feelings - this sense of the meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing except disappointment, everything that a person has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, insignificant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person has internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with this.

Man always strives to fill the void

A struggle, disagreement wakes up in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, to fill this void with external signs, or by cultivating internal spiritual qualities. Some begin fill your world with things and by this they show their significance, value, others are trying to become spiritual or just kind people Is their value. They assess themselves in this way, it does not matter whether this happens consciously or even a person does not realize that he sets his own price by things belonging to him, by the position occupied by him, or by internal qualities.

Why do we not want to be what we are, at what moment did the person himself, his soul, lose value? Perhaps because somewhere in the depths of our souls we believe that we cannot lose ourselves, our soul. Our mind understands that a soul can be bright or defiled, but it will not go anywhere, it will still be with us. A person does not feel fear of losing himself, I now do not mean to lose myself in life, I am now talking about myself as an object that really exists in our world. After all most of a person's fears are associated with losses, a person is afraid of death not because he can lose himself, he is afraid because he can lose his life. Or rather, not even so - we are afraid of losing what we have: a job, a position, a loved one, a car, health, the significance of our knowledge, experience, much more we can lose and hide behind the word life.

Fear of loss

It turns out that we are afraid of everything, everything that we can lose and the more we have, the more terrible it becomes to live. But in the life of people everything is given only for a while. Fear, in turn, causes discontent, disagreement, conflict. Now imagine how much of everything surrounds us, what we can lose, everything, everything that surrounds us, to one degree or another we believe that it belongs to us, even the air on the city streets to some extent we consider our property, do not believe ?

Do not believe that you consider the air to be yours? Imagine your outrage when it is announced to you that some company has bought all the air on the planet and now everyone who breathes has to give half of their income for the use of air. Now such a turn of events seems absurd and impossible, but this is not the point, the point is the reaction that will occur in us when this fact appears.

The fact is that we are afraid of losing everything about which there is information in our memory, all this causes conflicts, discontent in us, we are always filled with them almost every moment of our life, but we have gotten used to these states to such an extent that we simply do not notice many of them in ourselves. We are filled with these fears, discontent, and struggle. If a person is filled with these feelings, what can he sow into the world around him? Only what he is filled with, and if we consider that almost every person is in this state for most of his life, it is not surprising that we live in all this every day.

It turns out a vicious circle - we ourselves generate fear, conflict, discontent, sow it into the world, then we stumble upon the same thing sown by someone else and this in us generates a new conflict, discontent, and so continuously in every event that happens in life. Even if a person is aware of this situation and does not want to sow negativity into the world, restrains himself, he thereby also generates disagreement with what is. And disagreement with what is already there gives rise to violence - internal violence against oneself, and the result is the same thing, but under a different name.

A person who wants to become spiritually better, kinder, also gives rise to conflict and does the same thing as others, but under a different motto, but the actions themselves are also violence towards someone or yourself. This is how our world is arranged, which people have built for themselves and live in it. I have not yet met a single person who would be happy with everything and rejoice in everything that surrounds him, accepting the world as it is and would not try to change at least anything in it.

I hear more and more about "internal voids". from clients and acquaintances.

“It’s like I’ve got emptiness inside. It is even difficult for me to understand what I feel and what I want. I try to fill my time as much as possible with communication, books, TV, so as not to be alone with myself. Sometimes I eat, throw in food so that it is not so empty inside. But it doesn't always help. If it helps, not for long. But now the emptiness is growing. “- the client tells me.

Relevant? Let's figure it out.

CAUSES of inner emptiness can be from early childhood, and as a result of events in adult life.
1. IN CHILDHOOD, when “disliked” or “overloved”. In the first case (hypo-care), when the child's needs for love and intimacy are ignored, he chooses not to feel the pain of rejection, and at the same time it is better not to want or feel at all.
In the second case (overprotection), for the child many and often "want" the parents. Such a child not only does not form normal boundaries, but also breaks down the connection with himself, his emotions, desires.
2. In ADULT LIFE, if a person experiences unbearable emotions for a long time (loss loved one, betrayal, destruction of the familiar picture of the world, etc.), and in order to survive, unconsciously blocks his ability to feel.
Thus, the inner emptiness is never completely empty. It is always the result of crowding out the strong negative emotions(early or adult).

Even on initial stage when it is only possible to determine the reasons (see above) of its occurrence, to understand what repressed emotions it is filled with, the feeling of emptiness, as a rule, weakens.
The reasons were determined.
Now imagine your emptiness as an image. Better yet, draw this image, or tell someone about this image (preferably a close, confidant). WHAT DO YOU FEEL (imagining, painting, telling)? Most likely this is your repressed emotions.
These are the first steps. "Deeper" you can work with this in therapy.
No longer try to fill the void from the outside, but dive inside. Learn to hear your emotions and desires.

Aglaya Dateshidze reflected in her poem great about the "inner emptiness", in my opinion.

If you want to look, if you don't want to, don't look like that:
I was born with huge hole in the chest.
And so as not to scream in terror at night,
All the relatives decided not to notice.

The doctor, having examined the carpets on the wall,
Through me, informed me that there is no hole.
Mom hung the Christmas tree tinsel.
Dad told me to be ashamed of my blues.

I poured coffee into it, carried flowers,
To somehow escape from emptiness.
I put in there men, girlfriends,
Books, ideas, work and everything around.

Stacked candy and chocolate
Tons. And then lettuce.
Husband, child, car, your dreams,
Bright trinkets, smartphone, crosses.

Later illness. Looking around with hope
With a devoted look, I was looking for, well, where is that friend,
Prince, healer, guru or saint,
Who will help me to cope with emptiness.

I was immediately ready to let in loving
The first comer, but not herself.
Like a hungry dog ​​in a kennel
It’s like a beggar woman at the front door.

It's a shame to think what you did, where you slept
With whom she spent the night, what she ate, what she lied about.
As the next morning, having made a decent appearance,
She told everyone that it didn't hurt at all.

In brand new dresses
I secretly dreamed that I was finally not me.
Dyed her hair incorrigible
Zealously tried to break any prohibition.

Years go by, and I'm looking for an answer again.
I am happy in different ways, and sad about the patient.
There will be no paradise. But it seems like a light
Shines into my soul. And the poet speaks in it.

Well, when there is not enough daylight,
The beam seems to break through from me.
Through my hole, like a magnifying glass of days,
People nearby see themselves more clearly.

They themselves come and often thank.
They always say something to me.
Children kiss the edges of the void
And they secretly trust me with their dreams.

Someone (this really surprised me!)
He even confessed his love to my emptiness.
Somehow the artist came and, with his mouth open,
He told me that he had not seen such voids.

Someone noticed that the quiet emptiness
He takes everyone into his arms. And then
A miracle happens in her. And if you get up
Without moving, it begins to heal us.

I would like to tell you that everything is good
And that the hole will be closed just like that.
But excuse me, I definitely won't lie,
I don't know how to patch it.

The wise say, by the age of forty,
There, in the place of the hole, a scar remains.
If the weather favors us mortals,
Then he almost does not ache and does not hurt.

Maybe after many days
I will calm down and become a little wiser.
Even one day I will understand that a hole and sadness
Exactly the size of God. And I will smile.

Exactly the size of a soul. And, slowly,
I realize that this is the soul.

Empathy is a person's sixth sense

Inner emptiness

Mental apathy

I think many in their lives are faced with a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and realize it, while others do it not so clearly, perhaps they did not even realize it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state scares us, a person tries his best to avoid it, not to be in it. There are people who cannot be alone with themselves, it scares them, although in the very fear they do not even admit to themselves. Typical signs of fear of being alone with oneself - a person turns on music, TV, or just reads a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They easily remain alone with themselves if desired, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to worry, throwing, nervousness in silence.

What does a person feel while in a state of emptiness? The first and one of the most vivid feelings is the sense of the meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing except disappointment, everything that a person has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, insignificant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person has an internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with this.

A struggle, disagreement wakes up in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, to fill this void with external signs, or by cultivating internal spiritual qualities. Some begin to fill their world with things and by this they show their importance, value, others try to become spiritual or just kind people - this is their value. They assess themselves in this way, it does not matter whether this happens consciously or even a person does not realize that he sets his own price by things belonging to him, by the position occupied by him, or by internal qualities.

Having examined her condition, she compared it with a feeling of lightness, unencumbered. This was not a flight or a liberation. “It's just easy, it's just necessary,” she said. Then she added a little scared: “But it shouldn't be like that, right? I'm kind of empty. And I feel good. But an empty one is a dummy. It sounds kind of disgusting. I don't like to say it. "

Immediately after what was said, the woman's fears followed. She was unaccustomed and incomprehensible what to do with this emptiness. The answer "to fill" was a revelation for her, seemingly obvious, but very new. And here she, for the first time, managed to talk about what she WANTS with a smile, not disappointment.

Her desires, so distant and unattainable, brought her only bitterness, longing and often pain. And now she was able to feel them, to feel the possibility of their implementation. She seemed to taste them, groped, listened. For the first time she admitted that her desires are not empty, not hopeless, but have the right to be.

AFTER, a little later, forces appeared that she herself did not suspect. Strength for the realization of such a desirable and meaningful. In practice, it turned out that "fear has big eyes" ... were. Before, everything seemed so complicated, labor-intensive. And now it came into her life so easily and correctly. And, most importantly, she was delighted with the feeling that she was the mistress of everything that was happening. And how had she not noticed before that everything was so simple?

Is emptiness good or bad? Is emptiness a "good fellow" or a "loser"? Should I be afraid of her? Should we strive for it? Sometimes such a condition can frighten and deprive you of strength, and lie down with a heavy load or a gray veil over your eyes. But when the emptiness inside is the result of "cleared" territory, it becomes paramount. After all, thanks to her, we get the opportunity to bring to our territory only what we really need, what is really important and desirable.

Is it easy to cleanse yourself of unnecessary things? Is it easy to get rid of debris and dirt? All our meetings between DOs were difficult, painful, sometimes even scary. Memories, emotions, thoughts - it seemed they would never end. All of them, as one, were overwhelming, unpronounceable, terrible-looking, frightening. It was unpleasant to even approach many topics, let alone discuss, but feel ...

Emptiness itself can only become valuable after you can compare. When there was only one unused trash around, and now - an empty, clean room. Decorate as your heart desires. Imagine, fill.

Such emptiness is healing. She gives a powerful influx of strength and desire to act. But to empty yourself, say goodbye and let go of the remnants of the past - you have to decide on this, you will have to invest in it.

The emptiness inside prevents you from living or how to find meaning

You go to work, study, make plans, everything suits you and suddenly everything loses its meaning. What was useful yesterday is unnecessary today. Where does the emptiness come from and how not to deal with it? How to feel the joy of life during such a spiritual "abyss"? What needs to be done to combat the inner cold and emptiness? If you find a "desert" inside yourself - it's time to plant a "blooming garden". Read to the end and the feeling of emptiness will no longer remain inside you.

Causes of the feeling of emptiness

When you understand “I can no longer fight indifference to everything,” then it's time to give yourself a moral shake-up. It is important to understand why life has ceased to boil inside you, and you resemble a squeezed lemon. Psychological decline cannot arise just like that - it has a justification. Why has ordinary life turned into a kind of gray mass, where there is neither joy nor a sense of freedom? Life turns into a black and white movie when a person is morally exhausted. Routine, eternal vanity gradually takes energy.

If the first year of office work with a strict boss was bearable, then after three years you don't want to just get out of bed and even think about the trip to work. The presence of stress is another factor that can drive a person into a corner, take away any desire to act. Fear of sudden changes, loss of something, critical situations for which we are not ready - this instills a feeling of loneliness and devastation.

The emptiness inside is often the result of shocks. How can you think about the positive when a friend betrayed you or, on the contrary, you let him down? When you were creating a project all night to attract investment in your business, and your competitor bribed investors and won. Shock is a lot of stress that throws a person out of their way.

When unplanned situations replace important goals, psychology can not stand it. Usually, after such a shake-up, a person says “I can't take it anymore,” and he has a frightening feeling of emptiness in his soul. The acute period is over, but the consequences of it leave a disastrous imprint. Here the difficulty arises to come to the usual rhythm of life and again want to act for new results. If you lose what you have been saving for so long, what you cherished, your hands automatically align, and silence ensues inside.

There is an emptiness inside, but what to do next? Under the influence of indifference, longing, apathy, depression sets in. Under its influence, a person acquires the status of “hopelessness” and a complete lack of initiative to do anything. Therefore, as soon as the emptiness has entered the soul, it must be driven out by all efforts. Otherwise, a person ceases to be a person, and his life becomes like a mess. In order not to completely alienate relatives, friends, prospects of being happy in such a state, you need to distinguish true reasons from false ones. Often, emptiness is a feigned state into which we lure ourselves, due to the following reasons:

  • Lack of attention or lack of privacy. "I'm so lonely / lonely, nobody loves me." You need to go to a meeting to communicate with interesting people and do not withdraw into yourself.
  • The whole day at work is completely exhausting, and then you just have to lie on the sofa and watch TV. Work requires a responsible approach, performance of duties, which sometimes go "against the grain" of the employee. It is important to be willing to contribute or think about looking for a more interesting job. We ourselves create the framework in which we experience oppression.
  • The long wait for success gradually takes up energy. After a while, any desire to achieve goals disappears. When you do not feel the result, the effect of your actions, you gradually lose interest. You need to reconsider your views on the venture or pay attention to another type of activity.
  • "I can no longer live in poverty, I do not want to be with these people, I deserve / -in the best." Lack of benefits, dissatisfaction with communication makes every day gray, and a person a pessimist. Just what did you do to live in prosperity and be surrounded the right people? It is important to take steps to get out of the social bottom.

I think many in their lives are faced with a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and realize it, while others do it not so clearly, perhaps they did not even realize it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state scares us, a person tries his best to avoid it, not to be in it. There are people who cannot be alone with themselves, it frightens them, although they do not even admit to themselves in fear. Typical signs of fear of being alone with oneself - a person turns on music, TV, or just reads a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They easily remain alone with themselves if desired, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to worry, throwing, nervousness in silence.

What does a person feel while in a state of emptiness? The first and one and the most vivid feelings - this sense of the meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing except disappointment, everything that a person has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, insignificant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person has an internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with this.

Man always strives to fill the void

A struggle, disagreement wakes up in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, to fill this void with external signs, or by cultivating internal spiritual qualities. Some begin fill your world with things and by this they show their significance, value, others are trying to become spiritual or just kind people - this is their value. They assess themselves in this way, it does not matter whether this happens consciously or even a person does not realize that he sets his own price by things belonging to him, by the position occupied by him, or by internal qualities.

Why do we not want to be what we are, at what moment did the person himself, his soul, lose value? Perhaps because somewhere in the depths of our souls we believe that we cannot lose ourselves, our soul. Our mind understands that a soul can be bright or defiled, but it will not go anywhere, it will still be with us. A person does not feel fear of losing himself, I now do not mean to lose myself in life, I am now talking about myself as an object that really exists in our world. After all most of a person's fears are associated with losses, a person is afraid of death not because he can lose himself, he is afraid because he can lose his life. Or rather, not even so - we are afraid of losing what we have: a job, a position, a loved one, a car, health, the significance of our knowledge, experience, much more we can lose and hide behind the word life.

Fear of loss

It turns out that we are afraid of everything, everything that we can lose and the more we have, the more terrible it becomes to live. But in the life of people everything is given only for a while. Fear, in turn, causes discontent, disagreement, conflict. Now imagine how much of everything surrounds us, what we can lose, everything, everything that surrounds us, to one degree or another we believe that it belongs to us, even the air on the city streets to some extent we consider our property, do not believe ?

Do not believe that you consider the air to be yours? Imagine your outrage when it is announced to you that some company has bought all the air on the planet and now everyone who breathes has to give half of their income for the use of air. Now such a turn of events seems absurd and impossible, but this is not the point, the point is the reaction that will occur in us when this fact appears.

The fact is that we are afraid of losing everything about which there is information in our memory, all this causes conflicts, discontent in us, we are always filled with them almost every moment of our life, but we have gotten used to these states to such an extent that we simply do not notice many of them in ourselves. We are filled with these fears, discontent, and struggle. If a person is filled with these feelings, what can he sow into the world around him? Only what he is filled with, and if we consider that almost every person is in this state for most of his life, it is not surprising that we live in all this every day.

It turns out a vicious circle - we ourselves generate fear, conflict, discontent, sow it into the world, then we stumble upon the same thing sown by someone else and this in us generates a new conflict, discontent, and so continuously in every event that happens in life ... Even if a person is aware of this situation and does not want to sow negativity into the world, restrains himself, he thereby also generates disagreement with what is. And disagreement with what is already there gives rise to violence - internal violence against oneself, and the result is the same thing, but under a different name.

Imagine a situation where you are struggling with feelings of emptiness and aimlessness. Although you know a little about what you like and what you want to achieve in the future, you are still tormented by episodes of loneliness. When you say, “I have a feeling of emptiness inside,” what does that mean?

The feeling of emptiness inside is caused by a lack of love.

According to Dr. Margaret Paul, feeling empty inside is a state of mind caused by a lack of love. When you dislike yourself, ignore your feelings, and always try to attract the attention and approval of others, you may feel that you do not want anything in life, but there is emptiness inside.

All people are full of potential, but not all of them use this potential and thereby waste time and energy. They then try to fill the void with food, relationships, work, and things that should divert their attention.

Feeling empty encourages us to learn more about our inner feelings.

To understand why there is emptiness inside, we must learn to define it. Let's take a look at the most common symptoms of emptiness:

  • You don't understand who you are and what your purpose in life is;
  • You are full of negative thoughts;
  • You always seek approval from family and friends;
  • You don't know how to explain your feelings.

Sometimes emptiness is felt as an internal emptiness, vacuum or black hole.

It is very important to realize that emptiness is a state of lack. I will tell you that most people who struggle with chronic feelings of emptiness have had parents with whom they could not develop a close relationship. If you don't get enough love and attention as a child, you will begin to believe that you are not good enough. This means that the real cause of inner emptiness is lack of love.

As a result, this feeling can haunt us all our lives. Lack of belonging becomes a traumatic imprint that becomes so uncomfortable that we are willing to do everything possible to get away from this feeling.

Feeling empty can lead to depression.

While this feeling is not uncommon for many people, if left unattended, it can lead to a chronic disorder such as depression. In addition, people tend to get rid of this feeling with the help of alcohol and drugs, which increases the likelihood of addiction. This is why understanding what really matters to you will help you know why there is emptiness inside.

What to do if you don't want anything in life, but inside there is emptiness

Here are some tips from leading experts on how to recognize and deal with inner emptiness.

  1. Balance yourself.

According to family therapist Kaitlyn Slate, we need to focus on ourselves and spend more time thinking about our desires.

To bring your body and mind into a positive state, you can spend a few minutes meditating or exercising.

The easiest way to balance yourself emotionally and physically is to take a warm bath. Many studies have shown that bathing has many benefits, including pain relief, increased mobility, and improved psychological well-being.

  1. Meeting your needs with the help of others.

Everyone has needs, but when we think we can't get what we need, it makes needs painful. We believe that we have to satisfy ourselves, but sometimes it is important to take steps to get up and find someone who will satisfy this need for us. Asking for help can solve many life problems and can be the first step towards meeting your needs. For example, if you need a company, you don't have to waste your time figuring out how to start your own company. Just find a company.

  1. Appreciate what you have.

Another way to feel empty inside is gratitude. Research suggests that gratitude is a very important positive emotion that allows people to broaden their worldview and outlook on life, which further leads to building better social relationships and skills.

This means that people who feel grateful are more satisfied with their relationships with friends and family, and are also less stressed and much happier. Try to appreciate what is around you, noticing all the good things that we take for granted.

  1. Never stop learning something new.

Neuroscientists have found that learning new things has a motivational effect similar to dopamine, leading to emotional arousal. So every time you look at information that you previously knew, learn a couple of new facts. Another good tip is to change your environment. Even little things like changing the light or temperature in your room can have a positive effect on your emotional well-being.

  1. Ask for professional help if needed.

Many people cannot determine why there is emptiness inside, no matter how long they have been analyzing themselves and looking for a problem. The main thing is not to give up and find a good therapist who can help you find the reason for the inner emptiness in order to become whole again.

Finding the cause of inner emptiness can be a difficult and time-consuming process. But instead of distracting yourself by filling that void with things like shopping, food, alcohol, and drugs, you better find out what makes you feel empty in order to restore your happiness.

Morning routine to get rid of the feeling of emptiness within yourself.

Okay, great news now. Morning routines can help relieve feelings of emptiness. This is what you should be doing.

So you wake up. You may be having a good day or a bad day, one way or another, right now you should do the following:

10 minutes flexible exercise

This is a short set of exercises that will help your body release stress hormones and give your healthy neurotransmitters a recharge. Remember that exercise is stressful for the body, so they can increase cortisol and adrenaline. They will give the body the ability to adapt to stress, so they will reduce the amount of stress hormones, which will help get rid of the feeling of emptiness.

Write two positive predictions

A positive prediction for your day or future. It can be anything, for example, what can happen, positive emotions, the person you expect to see, the goal you want to achieve, etc.

No matter how large or small the prediction, write it down. If you feel particularly empty, take a look at the text. This will help create a positive outlook for your future.

Eat a comprehensive breakfast

I know what you are thinking. "Yes, breakfast can make my stomach less empty, but it won't make me emotionally less empty."

I understand you, let me explain ...

Basically, a perfect breakfast will help your body balance the hormone harmony scale and thereby relieve you of feelings of emotional emptiness.

So what is a set breakfast? I'm sure you really want to know.

Well, there are two key factors for a comprehensive breakfast that help fuel your brain for optimal mental health.

  • Factor 1 - A good balance of all three macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins). When your body gets the right ratio of all three elements, it ensures that your brain has a constant supply of energy.
  • Factor 2 - Include foods high in micronutrients that will help balance the hormone scale. Foods high in magnesium, zinc, and tryptophan will do this.

Make your routine a habit

Consistency is your greatest friend in this life. Try to do this every day. It usually takes 6 weeks to develop this habit.

But you have to start somewhere, so what matters is what you are doing right now, at this very moment, as long as you have motivational energy. So, I want you to get up, take a deep breath, exhale, then quickly plan your routine for tomorrow and write it down. Do it!

Once this routine becomes a habit, your perspective will become clearer and the feeling of emptiness will begin to fade.

If you are experiencing feeling of emptiness then know that you are not alone in this.

Feeling empty experienced by many people, but most of them do not correctly understand the cause of this feeling. How do they explain this to themselves?

I feel a sense of emptiness because:

  • I don't get enough love and attention from a loved one.
  • I have no one, I'm a lonely man
  • I'm bored because my a loved one is NOT trying to fill my life
  • My job does not satisfy me
  • I'm not a successful enough person
  • I don't have enough money
  • I have no one to play with this weekend
  • I don't care about anything in life, life is boring
  • I don't get enough love, attention, or approval from other people.
  • I don't get enough sex

None of these statements indicate true the cause of the feeling of inner emptiness.

What do you usually do to fill your inner emptiness and fill your life? You may be trying to fill the void in the following ways:

  • Drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs, overeat or eat sweets
  • Watch TV, have sex, play computer games, work, go shopping, spend money, gamble, talk a lot on the phone, chat on the Internet
  • Manipulate other people in a variety of ways: get angry, blame, tell stories, take care of your goals.

There are many ways in which people try to fill their inner void. The feeling of emptiness may recede, but only for a while. Soon, it returns to your life again, and you are looking for new ways to fill your black hole.

The problem with all these methods is that with their help, people try to SUPPRESS in themselves feeling of emptiness, instead of influencing the true cause of this feeling.

The True Cause of Inner Emptiness

The only thing that can fill the void in your soul is love. The only thing that can cause you feeling of emptiness Is the absence of love.

But it is not the lack of love of another person for us that can cause us a feeling of emptiness, but the lack of love for ourselves. - that is what is the real cause of this feeling.

Feeling empty arises from a lack of connection with your spirituality. You have closed yourself off from Divine love and, therefore, you cannot love yourself through the knowledge of the truth and taking care of yourself.

A small child experiences a sense of emptiness if left unattended. Your inner child feels the same way if you don't give him your love. You will feel a sense of emptiness until you stop indulging in self-forgetfulness. Self-forgetfulness can be expressed in many ways. You can self-flagellate, ignore own feelings, find activities for yourself to drown out unpleasant experiences, shift responsibility for your feelings to other people, drink, smoke or take drugs. Thus, you yourself are the cause of your inner emptiness when you choose self-forgetfulness.

Your ego is filled with false beliefs about who you are. It can see you as inferior, unworthy, unattractive, weak, selfish, bad, the wrong person... Your ego is driven by deep shame that you are naturally inferior.

False beliefs can affect your entire life. If you believe that you are unattractive, you try to challenge other people or try to shift your focus to feel good and fill the void caused by self-forgetfulness.

To fill your inner void, learn to love yourself!

Who are you really? The truth is hidden in your higher self, in your spirituality. If you are open to spiritual self-knowledge, to know what is positive for you and for other people, then you are open to Divine love that comes into your heart and fills the inner emptiness.

It happens when you, instead of resisting unpleasant experiences and trying to avoid responsibility for yourself through addictive and controlling behavior, choose the spiritual knowledge of what is positive for you and for other people.

Today, choose spiritual self-knowledge and self-love (even if you don't believe that “THERE is something that will answer you”), and see what happens. You can feel love overwhelming your heart!

Breaking away from the memories of my three year old depression, I begin to return gradually to life. All these years I had no thought how to get rid of depression- I didn't even know that I had it - I just felt bad, but who in this life is good? You could take any easy online depression test to get that diagnosis, and I wouldn't be surprised at all. Apathy and Depression, so what? I was tormented by something else - my spiritual emptiness: I felt very empty, I tried to listen to this emptiness, to find answers to my questions. After all, they say - all the answers are inside. But I could not find them.

Esotericism, mysticism, Eckhart Tolle " New earth”And other books - this, of course, is interesting, but all these are drops, how can they fill my ocean of inner emptiness? I feel bad now, I do not want anything, I am even enveloped in fear that I am living, what am I really looking for in this world? The thoughts in my head are strange - what is happening to me? What should I do? I slide further and further away from the everyday reality of this world. Why can't anyone understand me? Why do I need all this? Coping with depression ? What should I fill spiritual emptiness? If you are depressed, feel bad and do not want to live, know that you are not alone. There are many of us. These are people with a sound vector. What separates us from other people? Sound specialists are capable of learning, have a deep inner world, and of course very sensitive to sounds! They do not like this noise of the city - the cry of children, the creak of the brakes, and the swearing of parents is, in general, horror. A squeaky bus, dogs barking, or a shout from the bosses - and a headache is guaranteed. We have to defend ourselves against this rough world, and very often sound people find salvation in music, they turn it on for the background. Someone puts on headphones in the subway, and someone has a tap with water at home, just not to hear the noise. Another thing is silence, in the evening at our favorite monitor at the table or on the couch with a laptop. Nightlife in silence is for sound people: surfing the Internet, watching a movie, distracting yourself from this noisy and wild life. Monitor light and three stars in the sky - this is happiness for sound professionals.

How to get yourself out of depression?

At some point, the Internet no longer fills us, and this makes it especially bad. The question about the meaning of life torments me, but there is no answer, and I no longer want to wait. I have read the entire Internet, and posts from the series “ how to deal with depression at home”Do not bear fruit. One gets the feeling that no one knows, no one can help. Mental pain and loneliness are very difficult conditions. Thoughts come (by themselves) about suicide, drugs - about anything, about anything, just to drown out this pain. In this state, a person is ready for almost anything that is offered to him, if only it becomes easier. The immersion in oneself is going on more and more, thereby moving away from everyday life, friends, study, work - this no longer fulfills, does not interest. It would be better to sit at home all the time or sleep for 12 hours. Sometimes you just want to lie and not move - to feel almost dead and to feel some kind of eternal depth inside yourself. Unfortunately, this emptiness intensifies the depression and it is important to understand, otherwise depression cannot be overcome.

How to get rid of depression? To answer this question, you need to know a little about what depression is and where it comes from. Apathy for life and depression are very similar and these are the reasons for this.

People with sound vector very deep in nature. They are capable of learning, and neither school nor work is a big deal. Sound people feel special, or even geniuses from birth. And it really happens - someone studies for 2 hours and understands everything, and someone for 20 hours and cannot understand anything. Often the surrounding physical world seems too simple to the sound engineer; it weakly fills and does not satisfy sound desires. They feel that there is still something beyond the earthly - a kind of subtle sensation of something more significant and powerful, unknown, pushing us to search for it. A certain secret meaning - we feel it and want to reveal it. There is an interest in super abilities, mysticism, in the hope that this will be able to give an answer to an inner question. Is it so? Will it help cope with depression? Rushing about in search of the meaning of life and not finding it, the thread breaks and again comes complete apathy to everything.

Depression relief

Any problems from childhood?

How have parents influenced us as children? Are you constantly shouting? Did you always yell in your ear at school? Was there a constant noise around? There was no place to sit quietly in silence? Someone pulled at the hand, shouted, called him a brake. I remember that I sometimes curled up in a ball from heartache and covered my ears: I could not withstand this noise. I wanted to hide deep, deep in my inner world. The body temperature immediately rose, I wanted to disappear from this world for a while. And I wanted to be in inner silence - it is desirable to stay there forever ...

But thank God, during puberty, at the age of 12-16, hormones play inside, and we develop thanks to the lower vectors (anal, cutaneous, muscular and urethral): and the sound pressure has little chance to muffle libido. Although there are especially difficult cases when it becomes completely unbearable in life, and a person plunges into himself already irrevocably, and without leaving the world outside - the material world.

“I have depression” - what is the reason for this condition?

The inner world is metaphysical, and the outer world is physical, material. All people on earth balance between them, but because of the noise of the external environment, it is much more pleasant for sound professionals to be in themselves - to ponder some idea or concentrate on their feelings, than to watch and notice external changes, as the audience likes to do. Even when asked about the color of a T-shirt or trousers on the interlocutor, they are not able to definitely answer! This is how the whole life is lived inside! And the ears, especially the sensitive organ of the sound specialist, are arranged the other way around, to listen attentively to the outside world.

Above, stress can accumulate gradually or suddenly collapse: a sharp cry in the ears, a quarrel with someone. Stress is a word that has been taken to heart. Quite often, a quarrel or scandal between parents hit especially hard when the little sound person hears her. And it becomes bad - there is a subconscious awareness that the outside world is bad: suffering, noise, pain, anxiety, but inside there is silence, peace, comfort, security. This is how a choice is made: I want to stay inside, because it hurts so much to go OUTSIDE. This is how we withdraw into ourselves, gradually and not always immediately. And that's how depression comes in.

It is often said about sound people that they are "not of this world" - they always go about in their thoughts and do not notice anyone. Someone loves physics, someone loves mathematics - and someone does not care at all. They live without even knowing why. Someone can live like this all their lives. Apathy for life may seem like a natural state, as it comes on gradually. I don't want anything, I don't know what to do. Nothing pleases. What to do? And why? You can have a house, a car, and money, but really I don't care. If there is no desire, then there is no pleasure either. The outside world brings suffering! And someone does not stand it, and ends his physical life, making a big mistake, not reaching half a step to an internal answer.

How to get rid of depression? There is a way out of this state.

When our thoughts are directed not inward, not in ourselves, but at the world outside, we do not have depression. As you remember, it was the NOISE from the outside that led to apathy and depression, which forced the consciousness to focus inside and not go outside, to the outside. physical world.

The simplest characterization of depression: I don't want anything, life is not happy, I want to rejoice, but I can't. And unconsciously I choose the inner world because there is no suffering .... everything would be fine if the body did not bind to the material world, in which actions must also be performed.

The secret lies in our attention. While watching films or through playing, it becomes easier to become well - because we move all our attention from ourselves - outward to the heroes of a movie or game. When attention is removed from oneself, then the inner emptiness ceases to be felt. Never noticed that very often after watching a movie, you immediately want to go for a walk - to do something? Desires are awakening.

Lethargy, apathy, discouragement - is it worth going to a psychotherapist for the meaning of life?

How to get rid of depression? Psychotherapy for depression

I walked, the reception is led by a very emotional woman, trying to listen to me: I say that I have depression. Encourages, gives advice. He says that more sessions are needed, or better, several and at once. They cost a lot of money. It's hard for me to believe her, of course, it became easier - at least some kind of contact with the outside world, but how can she give me advice if I feel that I am smarter than her? She cannot contain my depth in herself. What advice can she give if she is unable to understand me? She says what is written in a university book, which I read a long time ago. That she will prescribe me pills that will dull me and bring me closer to death and turn off my brain. No. Thank you. The best that a psychologist can give is help to adapt in society or support, but we can only understand ourselves, no one can do it for us. Units in millions of psychologists can help. Unfortunately, modern psychology cannot provide answers to these questions and people in large masses suffer.

Society or loneliness?

Let me remind you that we can be happy only in society. As a single organism working for the common good, where everyone fulfills their role. The sound engineer has a preference to be alone because of subconscious fear - pressure on the ears, besides, by nature, sound people are very adapted to this. Very often, sound people even marry and get married because of the partner's voice. To remove this subconscious fear - to surround yourself with pleasant voices, quiet background music - is a good ecology for every sound specialist, especially in childhood.

From the point of view of system-vector psychology, the specific role of a sound specialist is to develop neural connections, to develop your brain. This happens while concentrating on external objects. In the days of primitive society - the night guard of the pack, focused on disturbing sounds from the outside, but now - penetration into the laws of the world order, the meaning of life, knowledge of one's psychic. Insomnia, headaches are symptoms that the sound engineer does not cope with his work, as nature directs him with a whip, to search for answers and fulfill his role.

You can, of course, wait for the end of the world, which was promised to us by the spectators soon and hope that everything will end in one fell swoop, and nothing will have to be done. But you can start taking the first steps in knowing yourself and getting out of depression, and feel the joy of life right now. The choice is yours...

The article was written based on the materials System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan ...

P.S. If you feel very bad now. - go out into the street or on the balcony - and look at the stars for 10-15 minutes and I promise your soul will become much easier ...

P.S. S."How to Get Rid of Depression?" November 17, 2014 A little less than two years have passed since I wrote this article, and the answer to the question so many have not been found. In society, more and more loneliness is observed in the eyes of people, the distance between each other is growing, the inner emptiness is increasing. Sound people are still in apathy and depression, suffer alone, and only one step is missing to realize themselves. Understand and discover for yourself that the external world is only a projection of internal perception. When concentration occurs inside, for the reasons listed above, then emptiness grows, loneliness grows, and the world outside seems empty, and in order to get out of this state you need to focus on the outside, on the outside world. It is not difficult, the answer to the question "How to get rid of depression?" simple. You need to start focusing on the people around you, using a systematic understanding of a person to understand him. We cannot allow the past and trauma to limit our life, the purpose of which is to reveal and know ourselves. These steps are simple, but difficult to do, I understand, I have been there myself, and I want to say that it is worth every effort.

For everything important in life you have to pay not with money, but with emotions, nerves and part of the soul. But at one moment you can find that there are no more emotions, the nerves are exhausted to the edge and there is emptiness in the soul. What to do when lost the true course and lost in life?

“It only seems that everyone is paid for with money. For everything really important, they pay with pieces of the soul. " Dmitry Emets

A feeling of emptiness in your soul, a heaviness in your heart, confusion in your head, but is everything bad in life? There are Hard times when everything gets boring. Life burns out everything inside, giving rise to depression, apathy, suicidal tendencies and indifference. At such a moment, you want to howl like a wolf, surrender and go limp with the flow.

But that's a bad idea. It gets worse, and depression and anger towards the whole world is progressing. You can't give up when you feel bad. You cannot tolerate when something does not suit you. You cannot betray yourself and your future.

The concept of the soul hides a certain immaterial essence of higher matters. It determines our sensations, thoughts, desires, feelings, psychology. In ancient times, the soul was divided into several parts: mind, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, voice, the ability to reproduce.

Now every religion connects the soul of a person with God, and the soul of every person is immortal. Once the soul of every person will find eternal peace in a distant place, but while he lives, this does not happen. His soul rushes about and searches for itself.

In life, every person experiences mental shocks and wounds. They say that the soul weighs 21 grams. But sometimes there is such a burden on the soul that it is beyond words. You feel terribly lonely and with an empty soul. Alone in the whole world. Not needed by anyone.

Reasons for emptiness in the soul

Often, some life issues cannot be resolved and develop into lingering problems. These difficulties stop a person and prevent him from fully realized. What are the main causes of mental distress?

  • Lack of love and good relationships
  • Life is too mundane and boring
  • Little money to maintain the desired lifestyle
  • Lack of friends, like-minded people and the right circle of friends
  • The intended goals cannot be achieved
  • Unfulfillment in career and business
  • Various defeats, difficulties and troubles
  • Lack of rest and tranquility

As a result of problems in one area, a person begins to have troubles everywhere. One problem creates another. Adversity, like a snowball, sweep away a person. As a result, he gets lost, becomes sad, and an empty space appears in his soul. It becomes very difficult, and indifference and anger fetter.

Recognize the cause of emptiness in the soul and solve it. No girl? Find a girlfriend. Not satisfied with the job? Change the old one to the new one. Don't like the looks? Take care of yourself, change your wardrobe and get into sports. Fight problems, don't feel sorry for yourself.

"A man has a hole in his soul the size of God, and everyone fills it as best he can." Jean-Paul Sartre

The lost state does not appear and is realized immediately. Important on early stage recognize these complexities and challenges. The hole in the soul betrays itself by the following signs. Multiple matches indicate voids.

  • It is impossible to meet the expectations of parents, relatives, acquaintances
  • Feelings of hopelessness in trying and inability to achieve goals
  • Trying to please others and be good to everyone
  • Thoughts of the meaninglessness of life and their uselessness appear
  • You find other people and circumstances to blame for all your troubles
  • You want to be perfect in everything and you don't give yourself the right to make the slightest mistake.
  • Phobias, fears and obsessive thoughts fetter all actions
  • You feel that you are wearing someone else's mask, playing someone else's role and living someone else's life
  • Blame yourself for past troubles and self-flagellation
  • Feel like a victim and constantly complain to everyone around you
  • Detachment from the stream of life and trying to stay away from it

Wrong Ways to Solve Mental Emptiness

"My Soul Hurts. If you start to heal, your liver starts to ache. " Semyon Altov

What does a person start to do when they choose the wrong strategy for dealing with difficulties? He does not solve his problems, but avoids them. It gets better for a moment, but then relapses happen. What are the wrong solutions?

Get away from life. A person is eliminated from problems behind pink glasses. He finds a different reality. This is the Internet, TV, social networks, shopping, computer and gambling. A person becomes more and more confused, not seeing the roots of all troubles.

Look for substitutes for happiness. Consuming sweets, alcohol, drugs and other distractions from real life substances. It clouds the pain of the soul, but only for a short time. Each time, a larger dose of a substitute for happiness is required.

Behave inappropriately. When there are many problems, a person begins to rush from side to side. Under the influence of emotions, makes erroneous decisions and judgments. As a result, he makes even more mistakes, behaving extremely inappropriately.

Look for the culprit. When there are many problems, a person begins to blame everyone around, the government, society, country, time. But shifting responsibility for your life onto others is extremely counterproductive. This threatens a complete loss of control over events.

We asked psychologists to give advice on finding ourselves and getting rid of problems.

1. Do what you love

“The soul can only be raped up to a certain point. Then it just breaks like a leg bone. " Janusz Leon Vishnevsky

Often we do not what we want, but what we need to do. As a result, the soul hurts, and we do not find a place for ourselves. The best way add color to life and fill the void of the soul - this is doing your favorite things. What do you like to do? What hobbies and hobbies do you like?

Do what interests you, excites and likes. Doing what you love, your mood rises, positive thoughts appear, you are filled with optimistic emotions and happiness. Take some time for your passions. This will be an outlet from the gray everyday life and routine. Gradually you will be able to concentrate on the right things and goals.

2. Throw unattainable goals and unpromising projects

Under the influence of television and the internet, modern man, expectations from reality are very high. Future life presented at the level of the movie "The Great Gatsby" and private jet flights. But there are not so many millionaires and stars in this harsh world as it seems.

From youth, such an unrealistic bar and goals are set that cannot be achieved. High aspirations give rise to high disappointments, deep depressions, prolonged binges and emptiness in the soul. The cruel reality breaks the rose-colored glasses with the glasses inside. There is a feeling of emptiness in the soul and the person is paralyzed by apathy.

Some of your ideas, projects, plans and goals have no perspective. Forget about unrealistic and unattainable goals. It is often best to drop something on time to save energy, time and money. It could be a bad job, a mistaken profession, a hopeless relationship, or the wrong course in life.

Do not go to the bottom with a sinking doomed ship, which has long been rotten through and through and has an irreparable leak. No matter how much you scoop out water and try, everything is already a foregone conclusion. Save yourself in the boat, even if you lose something important. Better to be saved to start over elsewhere.

You will find other goals and dreams if you manage to recognize in time the futility of some undertakings. Throw unattainable goals and unpromising projects. Save yourself and your soul.

If you do not think and run forward thoughtlessly, then you can be where you least wanted. Try to dream, ponder, meditate, and other spiritual exercises. In a calm environment, ponder your life, desires, dreams, feelings, aspirations, goals and dreams.

Direct the streams of life towards the questions of interest. Why is there an emptiness in your soul and how to fill it? What do you live for, where do you go and what do you want? What is the meaning of your existence, what is your purpose and what is your mission in life? Believe in God and the emptiness of life without him. Trust your life and heart to your soul.

4. Set goals and challenge yourself

"The soul grows stronger by tests." Sergey Bodrov

Problems in life, relationships, work and other places. Depression, loss of strength and emptiness of the soul appear when we have not won for a long time, but only suffered defeat and misfortune. I would like to give up and send everything to the devil's grandmother.

But at this moment you cannot give up. Think about what you want. What do you dream about? Set new goals and challenge yourself. Run a marathon, learn foreign language, master new specialty, make your body athletic, change your job, move to another city, find new friends, arrange your personal life. Set yourself new goals for which you are ready to live on and fight.

Avoid people who criticize, blame, condemn and teach you how to live. Toxic people destroy self-esteem, health and psyche. They burn the soul with napalm, leaving it a soulless, empty and lifeless desert.

Communicate only with those good people that motivate, help and support. With which they share common goals, views on life, thoughts and dreams. Positive people will help you achieve what you want and keep company along the way.

Often we are attacked by apathy and the soul is empty when we hit some kind of ceiling. It may be invisible and unconscious, but it is quite real. It can be a dead end in career, relationships, friendships and life, when you don't know where to go.

At this moment, it is important not to indulge in depression and sadness, but to start digging the ground more actively. Read as much as possible, study, educate yourself and try new things. Make more tries, tries, tests. Seize new opportunities, create opportunities and take risks within reasonable limits.

You need to expand your boundaries, and for this you need to learn and develop. You either progress or fall into regression.

In the pursuit of happiness, we are often unhappy. We are too fussing and in a hurry to live that we do not see life itself. Fatigue, stress, depression, irritation and emptiness in the soul grow. The point is that we do not feel sorry for ourselves.

We ignore sleep, rest, illness, proper nutrition, sports, beauty care. All this gives rise to self-loathing, punches a hole in the soul and gives rise to self-pity. How to calm your soul and love yourself?

  • Update your wardrobe and dress beautifully
  • Take care of your appearance
  • Don't ignore your needs and desires.
  • Monitor your health
  • Give yourself time to sleep
  • Eat right, don't skimp on food
  • Get more rest, not just work
  • Please yourself with different little things
  • Go in for sports

Take care of yourself, loved one. No one will take care of you unless you do it yourself.

8. Don't give up on defeat

Often we are put out of action by one misfortune or several. This happens when the expected happy future collides with harsh reality... We experience shock, anger and fear for the future. Dreams fade away like a guiding star, and we find ourselves in the dark.

It is important not to give up at this moment. If you give up, it won't get any easier, only worse. Accept defeat and move on. If one road has led to a dead end, then you can always find another. Show persistence. Whoever did not give up did not lose.

The cause of emptiness in the soul can be excessive severity towards oneself and life. We do only the right and necessary things, but we forget about what we want. What does your soul want? What is she thinking and dreaming about? Give yourself some rest, joy and fun. Have fun and follow the impulses of the soul.

The emptiness and hole in the soul can only be filled with happiness and love. Enjoy life every moment. Enjoy weekdays, weekends, nights and morning hours. Life is short to sit with a boring face and wait for a miracle. Create opportunities and your own positive mood yourself. Smile more often, have fun, relax and have fun. Don't be sad, but be optimistic. Fill everything around with happiness and love.

10. Don't be afraid

Listen to music loudly, laugh until you drop, dance non-stop, have fun with friends, try the unknown, travel to the ends of the world, fall in love without memory, rest to the fullest, chase dreams, take risks for the sake of goals, enjoy emotions, do good, feel life in every cell your body and soul. Let your soul sing and be happy.

If the soul hurts, then it requires changes, happiness and love.