Lesson - a fairy tale

The double role of the letters e, e, yu, i.

Teacher Lachugina E.V.

Purpose of the lesson: help to understand new topic children.

This topic, as experience shows, causes great difficulties for children, so for the explanation it is important to include vivid fairy-tale images and establish associative connections between the rule and the plot of the fairy tale.

The first part will help you remember which letters can represent two sounds (they are iotized).

The second part will help you remember that these letters indicate the softness of the previous consonant and in these cases represent one sound.

Today we will work with unusual letters in the Russian language: e, e, yu, i.

Their originality lies in the fact that they can play a dual role: denoting one or two sounds.

They also indicate the softness of the consonant

What happened in the Alphabet Kingdom.

In a certain kingdom, in the Alphabet State, there lived a letter Y. One day she went into the forest and there she met two scary, hairy monsters who immediately decided to eat her. Letter Y She ran at full speed, and the monsters rushed in pursuit of her. Suddenly the first monster growled: “ I eat her! I eat her! In the language of monsters it is " yay" means "grab, catch", and " her" It means the same thing to them as it does to us. It turns out that the monster shouted: “Catch her! Grab her! " I yu her!- answered the second monster. And that meant: " I behind YU bku HER I’ll grab it!” Because in the language of monsters " I" means the same as ours, and the skirt is called in abbreviation - Yu; The word “I’ll grab” was simply swallowed by the monster as it ran.

But the letter Y ran great. Neither alive nor dead, she flew into her house, and everything was ringing in her ears: “ I eat her

Years have passed. Letter Y got married and had 4 daughters - 4 letters. To sing about her salvation, my mother called them this:

I am Yu Ye Yo

Each daughter was a little like her mother.

The letter I sounded like [y"a]

The letter Yu sounded like [th "u]

The letter E sounded like [y"e]

The letter E sounded like [th "o]

Guys, listen to the words APPLE, SKIRT, HEDGEHOG, FIR - and you will hear the sound [th"]

So all 4 letters : I am Yu Ye Yo- denoted two sounds, the first of which was the sound [th"]- in honor of my mother.

Letters I am Yu Ye Yo were special and did not resemble anyone else, because no other vowel could denote two sounds at once.

But then one day trouble happened in the Kingdom of Alphabet. Out of nowhere, the sorceress Otverdina flew in and unleashed a terrible disease on all the consonant sounds: they all petrified - they became hard. And no one knew how to treat hardening - petrification.

Having learned about this trouble, the letters I am Yu Ye Yo They rushed to beg the sorceress Otverdina to cast a spell on the unfortunate consonants, but Otverdina was firm and inexorable. “No way,” she kept saying. - Unless... You give me a ransom. Let each of you give me the most precious thing you have - sound [th"]" "We agree!" - they answered immediately I'm Yu Ye Yo

They felt so sorry for the enchanted consonants. “Okay,” said Otverdina. - From now on it will be like this: when each of you stands up after a consonant, it loses its dear sound [th"], but the consonant becomes soft.”

So and it happened. Now that the lettersI, Yu, E, yo appear in the word aftercovowel, they lose sound[th"], but agrees immediately softens . Next to the disenchanted soft consonant

I sounds like A, Yu sounds like U, E sounds like E, and E - like O.


Our letters could not help only consonantsW, F, C- they are Always solid.

Then I'll follow suit I, Yu, E, Yo followed by two more letters:AND And b. They also learned to soften their consonants. True, they didn’t have to sacrifice anything - they didn’t have a favorite sound[th"]. Here's how AND And b soften the consonants: DRINK, POUR, SWEET, ZERO, STUMP, MEASLES.

True, letters I, Yu, E, Yo they haven't lost their precious sound forever[th"]. When they are not next to consonants, they still represent two sounds.

    This happens when lettersI, Yu, E, Yo come at the beginning of the words: they have no oneneed to be softened and not you need to give Otverdina your sound[th"]. Therefore, at the beginning of the word the letters I, Yu, E, Yo denote, as before, two sounds. Listen for yourself: YAMA, BRIGHT, YOUNG, SOUTH, FOOD, GO, YOLKA, RUFF.

    When the letters I, Yu, E, Yo happens to come after vowels, theySame denote two sounds, because vowels do not need to be softened. Vowels are not hard or soft, right? Listen to how they soundletters I, Yu, HER ambassador of vowels : MY, NECK, SINGING, ROYING, HOWLING, WHICHING, YOURS, MINE.

    And more letters I, Yu, E, Yo denote two sounds after the separatorsb And Kommersant After all b And Kommersant They don’t represent any sounds at all, so why soften them! They specifically separate the consonant and the lettersI, Yu, E, Yo, so that these kind letters do not accidentally soften them! Listen to how they soundI, Yu, E, Yo after separators b And Kommersant: HUG, DRUNK, DRINK, SEW, CONGRESS, WENT, BLOW, GUN, UNDERWEAR.

These are the amazing events that happened in the Alphabet Kingdom.

Now, guys, let’s summarize our research, let’s try to create a table

The double role of the letters e, e, yu, i (artist letters)

[uh, oh, uh, a]

Two sounds

[th] + [e, o, y, a]

After consonants

1.At the beginning of a word

2. After separating b and b

3. After a vowel

Tired? I suggest you play a little. If the vowels represent two sounds, girls squat; if there is one, then boys squat.

Cabin boy, bread, barrier, chandelier, stump, cranberry, memory, gun, lake, monument, blizzard, beets, cabin, stump, button accordion.

Now let’s move on to the exercises that we will perform in writing in a notebook.

1.Distributive dictation (work in pairs)

Exercise. Arrange the words in 2 columns:

1) the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 1 sound,

2) the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 2 sounds.

Honey, food, anchor, cabin, forest, warmth, tree, shadow, people, blizzard, pouring, flying, strap, pit, button accordion, river, bathhouse.(slide13)

2.Exercise - puzzles.

Exercise: guess the word, write it down, determine how many letters and sounds there are in the words.

    What does a bear love most in the world? (honey)

    What fish starts with E? (ruff)

    Where do the birds fly? (south)

    The youngest sailor on the ship ?(cabin boy)

3. Exercise 312 in the textbook.

Well done boys! And you coped with this task perfectly.

Final discussion on issues

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What difficulties did you encounter during your work?

Did you enjoy the lesson?

Homework assignment.

D.Z exercise 314, paragraph 61 pp. 142-143

I. The letters e, e, yu, i can represent combinations of sounds

th + o; th + y; th + a.

II. The same letters e, e, yu, i after a consonant letter denote one vowel sound e, o, u, and the softness of the previous consonant.

The letters e, e, yu, i represent two sounds:

1. If they are at the beginning of a word.

spinning apple

2. If they come after a vowel.

let's eat cabin

3. If they come after the separator
b or b.

family shooting


The letters e, e, yu, i at the beginning of a word, after a vowel and after the separating words b and b indicate 2 sounds - й e, й у, й о, й а.

The letters e, e, yu, i after a consonant indicate one vowel sound e, o, u, and the softness of the previous consonant.

There are no sounds yu, i, e, e, but there are u, a, e, o.

Syllable – This is part of the word, pronounced with one exhalation, a push.

Accent – is the pronunciation of a syllable with greatest strength vote. apple, day

Russian accent has a varied character.

Phonetic analysis words are characteristics of speech sounds in a word.

Order phonetic parsing.

1. Syllables, stress.

2. Vowel sounds: stressed and unstressed; what letters are they designated by?

3. Consonant sounds: voiced and unvoiced, hard and soft, what letters are indicated.

4. Number of sounds and letters.

My native country is wide.

native 2 syllables native – 6 letters, 7 sounds.

r – r – consonant, voiced, hard

o – a – vowel sound, unstressed

d – d – consonant, voiced, hard

n – n – consonant, voiced, hard

a – a – vowel, stressed

i – th – consonant, voiced, soft

a – vowel, unstressed.

yeast – 6 letters, 5 sounds, because 2 letters g – one long sound and.

long – 7 letters, 6 sounds, because 2 letters n form one long n sound.

laughs - laughs, 3 syllables, 7 letters, 7 sounds.

m – m – agree, ringing, soft

e – i – vowel, unspoken.

e – i – vowel, unvoiced.

o – vowel, stressed

with c – agree, firm, deaf.

I a – vowel, unstressed.

oral oral, 2 syllables, 6 letters, 5 sounds.

y – y – vowel, stressed.

s – s – agree., deaf., firm.

n – n – agree., ringing., firm.

s – s – vowel, unvoiced.

th – th – agree., soft., ringing.

40. Vocabulary – This is the vocabulary of a particular language, that is, the words of the language.

Lexicology – This is a branch of the science of language in which vocabulary is studied.

Word - it is the basic unit of language that is studied in lexicology.

Sounds, words, sentences - these are the basic units of language. Words serve in the language to name objects, actions, quantities, and characteristics of an object.

Lexicon – this is the stock of words and expressions of the same person.

Lexical meaning of the word – this is its meaning, meaning, this is what the word means.

The word has 2 meanings: lexical and grammatical.

Polysimy – This is the polysemy of the word.

Single meaning words - these are words that have one thing lexical meaning.

Polysemantic words - These are words that have several lexical meanings. Polysemantic words name different objects, signs, actions that are similar in some way.

Differences between unambiguous And polysemantic words

1. An unambiguous word names one object (sign, action), and a polysemantic word names several.

2. An unambiguous word has one lexical meaning, while an ambiguous word has several lexical meanings.

Topic: The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

Subject: Russian language

Class: 5 "B"

Teacher: Tchaikovskaya E.N.

Date: December 12, 2012

Lesson objectives:

    Continue working on the topic “Phonetics”.

    Find out why iotated vowels play a dual role in the language.

Lesson objectives.


    Teach children to distinguish positions in which the letters e, ё, yu, i indicate one sound, indicating the softness of the preceding consonants, and in which - two.

    Continue working on developing transcription skills.


    Develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge on the topic “Phonetics” in the practice of writing.

    Work on the development of students' speech.


    To instill in children a desire to help their classmates with their work.

    Bring up Attentive attitude to linguistic phenomena.

Equipment: signal cards, presentation, texts for independent work, tests.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time . (Hello, guys. Sit down. Today we have an unusual lesson, a creative one. Let’s open our notebooks and write down the number.) (Slide No. 1)

II. Working on calligraphy . (Write a capital and a small letter E.)

III. Motivation for learning. (Guys, listen to the poem.)

How often do we, hoping for chance,

We don’t learn the rules and don’t read books.

And look - now you already had to

To be considered illiterate, but this is not prestigious.

What is our life? Game or lottery?

Or maybe a fight for every transition?

Grab your lucky ticket quickly

But not everyone is lucky in the game.

Therefore, in order to deceive the villainous fate,

Dare, learn and everything is for sure.

Let the ignoramuses play the lottery

And the bet on knowledge will always win.

Teacher: Guys, how did you understand the meaning of this poem?

Student answers.

Teacher: To become smart and clever, when studying the topic “Phonetics” you should pay attention to very interesting letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya. And today’s lesson is dedicated to these letters. These letters are not simple, but very mysterious. Look at the board and write down the topic of the lesson. The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, Y. (Slide No. 1)

Teacher: So please look at the board. What sounds represent letters E, E, Yu, I? That's right, they represent two sounds. [y'e], [y'o], [y'u], [y'a]. (Slide No. 2) But in some words the letter “th” tries to hide. And he does it very well. Look at the blackboard.

Here are four words. (Slide No. 3)

m e l [m’ uh l]
e d [m’ O T]
Yu to [l’ at To]
I d[r' A T]

Let's write it down phonetic transcription these words and tell you what sounds the letters represente , e , Yu , I .

Let's compare the recorded transcription in the notebooks with the board. Are you doing everything right? (Slide No. 3)

Where are the letterse , e , Yu , I in the words of this column? (After a consonant .)
– How many and what sounds do they represent? (
One sound [uh, oh, uh, a] .) There is no letter “y”. The sound [th'] was hidden. M.V. Lomonosov called such letters “hidden”.
– What consonants come before vowel sounds? (
Soft .)

Let's draw a conclusion. (Slide No. 4)

If the letters e , e , Yu , I stand after a consonant, they mean one sound [uh, oh, uh, a] and soften the previous consonant.
So, the first role of letters
e , e , Yu , I - This is a softening of the consonant.

Let's observe the same letters, but in different positions. (Slide No. 4).

Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in the first column?

How many sounds do they represent?

Students' answers. By analogy, work is carried out with the remaining columns. Now write out the words of the first line separated by commas and underline the letters that represent two sounds.

Draw a conclusion from your observations.

Student answers. (Letters e , e , Yu , I at the beginning of a word, after letters ъ And b and before vowels they indicate two sounds)

Teacher: What double role do letters play?I am ? (Slide No. 5)

If the letters e , e , Yu , I stand between consonants, they denote one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant.
If the letters
e , e , Yu , I come at the beginning of a word, after ъ And b , after a vowel, they represent two sounds.

IV. Consolidating new material

Teacher : So, the secret of vowelsE Yo Yu Ya you guessed it. And now I want to check how you have learned the rule.

1. Phonetic analysis of words. Transcribe words. Determine how many sounds and letters there are in each word. (The words are written on the board.)

Sample: lighthouse - [ma y'ak] - 4 b, 5 stars.

south, button accordion, pouring, sat down.

V. Physical education minute

2. Working with signal cards. Game "1" or "2". Green card - one sound. Red card - two sounds.
Children use cards to show how many sounds the letters e, e, yu, and i make in words:

forest, Julia, hatch, cabin, day, shooting, bright, entrance, dog, anchor.

3. Working with the textbook. Exercise No. 307. Read the words in the box. Think about what these words have in common?

Student answers: The letter E in them does not soften the preceding consonant sound.

Teacher : All these words are borrowed, they can be found in dictionaries foreign words. Atelier, muffler, model, highway, parterre came from French, and the words sweater and tennis are from English. Make up a simple sentence using one of these words. WITH the last word Let's come up with a sentence together, as a class, using appeal. How is the appeal highlighted in the letter?

4. Checking the mastery of the material. Test.

Option I

1. Indicate a word in which the letter E makes two sounds.

a) chalk; b) hedgehog; c) brush

a) spruce; b) if; c) entry

and the city; b) slippery; c) three

a) drive through; b) purple; c) barks

a) drifting snow; b) border; c) aspen

Option II

1. Indicate a word in which the letter I makes 1 sound.

a) anchor; b) light; c) mint

2. Indicate which word has more sounds than letters.

a) filming; b) grater; c) reception

3. Which word has fewer sounds than letters?

a) stump; b) mug; c) viut

4. In which word are there 2 vowel sounds next to each other?

a) cut; b) washes; c) winnow

5. Which word has the sound [th]?

a) rowan; b) forward; c) army

Correct answers (Slide 6)

Option I

Option II

1. b) hedgehog

1. c) mint

2. b) if

2. c) reception

3. b) slippery

3. a) stump

4. b) purple

4. a) cut

5. b) border

5. c) army

“5” – 5 points.

"4" - 4 - points.

“3” – 3 points.

Peer review.

Evaluating a friend's work.

5. Linguistic task.

Name it in one word the following concepts, fill the grid. What letters represent two sounds?

    Seat attachment.

    A small essay for a magazine or newspaper.

    Something without which a bird cannot fly.


    Thickets of tall grass.

    Pure meat broth.







6. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, today in class we visited the sounds of speech, revealed the secret of the letters E, E, Yu, Z. We did a good job. It's time to take stock.

— What did you learn in today's lesson?

— What is the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I?

7. Homework.


  • Introduce students to the dual role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya, and the fact that these letters can represent one or two sounds. Teach students to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, E, Yu, Y. Work on students’ primary skills and abilities.
  • Review with students the softness of consonants and how it is indicated. Remember the spelling rules CHK, CHN, NC, RK, NSCH, RSCH, etc.
  • Remember what phonetics is and that it studies sounds and letters.
  • To instill in students an interest in Russian language lessons, a love for the Russian language, to cultivate the attention and activity of students in the lesson, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

Equipment: teacher's word, auxiliary writing on the board, illustrations, diagrams, tables, notebooks for reference signals, handouts, computer, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition.

1. Spelling dictation:

Weight lyy, help schn And ki, about s ba, mo sti k, zo NTI k, bo rshch, days, river ah, gwo here To.

2. Questions:

  • How do these words indicate the softness of consonants?
  • What do you need to remember when looking at combinations such as: CHK, SHCHN, RSH?
  • What can you say by looking at the combinations of ZD, ST, NT in the words: carnation, umbrella, bridge?
  • Find a word with a questionable consonant at the root and check.
  • What section of the language are we studying? (Phonetics)
  • What does phonetics study?
  • How many vowels are there in Russian? What about sounds?
  • What sounds do you know? What sounds are vowels and consonants divided into?
  • What letters don't represent sounds? (b, b)

Teacher: This means that it also happens that words have fewer sounds than letters. After all, b and b do not represent sounds, and unpronounceable consonants do not represent sounds either.

Complete the following task: Determine how many letters and how many sounds are in these words?

Terrain, stumps, rye, sun.

III. Explanation of new material.

1. Teacher: IN primary school You guys only touched on the topic “The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I.” Today in class we will expand our knowledge on this topic (say goal number 1). We will take a deeper look at the dual role of these letters; Let's find out why the same letters can represent one sound and two sounds; Let's learn to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

Table 1

Meh ra- m’ [E] ra

By le t-pol’[O]t

TO lju in-cl’[U] in

Xia du-s’ [A] du

Questions for table 1:

  • Look carefully at the words, at the underlined spellings and tell me where the letters E, E, Yu, I are? (After consonants)
  • Pay attention to the transcriptions.
  • What consonants do they come after? (After soft)
  • So, in what case do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate one sound? (After consonants)

Teacher: Let's look at Table 2.

table 2

E m-[y’E]m

E lka-[y’O]lka

YU la-[y’U]la

I ma-[y’A]mA

Questions for table 2:

  • (At the beginning of the word)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, in what case do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds?

Teacher: Now let's look at Table 3.

Table 3

B oh ts-bo[y’ E]ts

Etc no m-pr And[ j'O]m

TO ayu So A[ y'U]ta

St oh t-st O[ y'A)t

Questions for Table 3:

  • Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in words? (After vowels)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, when do the letters E, E, Yu, I mean two sounds?

Teacher: Let's look at the examples in Table 4.

Table 4

From e bldg. ъ[y'E ] building

WITH e mka-s ъ[y’O]kA

IN yu ha-v b[ y'U]ga

Obez ya on both s[y’A]na

Questions for table 4:

  • Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in words? (After b and b signs)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, when else can the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds?

Teacher: We examined the tables and drew conclusions. Now let’s compare our conclusions with the textbook rule and answer the question: did we draw the right conclusions?

2. Work in notebooks for reference signals (OS). Drawing up a table diagram.

Table-scheme No. 1

Teacher: Before filling out table diagram No. 1 with examples, let’s do the following work: I will show you pictures with the names of objects, and you will fill in the tables with examples according to the arrows. I warn you, be careful!

See presentation for pictures.(slides 2–11).

Teacher: Let's check what we've written.

Question: Why didn’t you write down examples such as: frog, tulips, lion in the table diagram?

Teacher: And now, guys, let’s draw table diagram No. 2.

Table-scheme No. 2

IV. Consolidation.

1. Game “Who is faster?”(there are two boys and two girls at the board)

Exercise: write down the words, determine how many letters and how many sounds, underline the spelling pattern being studied.

Train, cabin, spruce, bale, hatch, entrance, pour, yak, lighthouse.

2. Exercise- puzzles.

Exercise: guess the word, write it down, underline the spelling, determine how many letters and sounds there are in the words.

A) What does a bear love most in the world? (honey)

B) In what words does the spiky letter E appear? (hedgehog, ruff, Christmas tree)

C) Guess the girl’s name from the first sounds of the words: sneak, thimble, aquarium. (Yana)

D) Where do birds fly in the fall? (South)

D) What does your mother say when she feeds you? (eat)

3. Cards with tasks are distributed: write out words from the poem based on the rule “Double role of the letters E, E, Yu, I”, determine how many letters and sounds there are in them, underline the spelling pattern being studied.

Task card

Everyone around is in fear:
Enraged Ogre
Announced that he will eat today
Wonderful lunch.

Teacher: Now let’s compare your notes with the notes on the board and correct the mistakes.

4. Independently perform exercises according to the textbook.

5. Check.

V. Lesson summary.


  • What topic did we study today?
  • When do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds?
  • When do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate one sound?

Lesson grades. Encouragement.

VI. Homework.

The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I

Let's find out how the letters e, ё, yu, ya differ from other vowels.

First, look at the transcription and determine what words are in front of you.

If you look carefully at the recording of these words (spruce, forest, linen, honey, water, dish, anchor, meat), you will notice that they contain the letters e, e, yu or i. But they correspond to different sounds! Why?

The whole point is that in Everyday life we regularly encounter various phonetic processes occurring in language. One of them is positional alternation of sounds, i.e. such an alternation (replacement) that depends on the place (position) of the sound in the word. A letter is a special sign that is used to indicate a sound in writing, because a sound can only be heard or pronounced. There are significantly more sounds in the Russian language than letters. Therefore, it is not surprising that some letters “have to” represent several sounds. This happened with the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

To figure out in which cases these vowels denote one sound and in which two, let’s do the following work. Let's pronounce the words and analyze the position in them of the vowels that interest us.

So. M[e]ra, floor[o]t, cl[u]v, s[i]du. In all these words, the letters e, e, yu, i denote one sound, they come after soft consonants.

Now let's look at the following examples: [ye]m, [yo]lka, [yu]g, [ya]sher. Here vowels are used to denote two sounds ([ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]), and stand at the absolute beginning of the word.

Another group of words: bo[ye]ts, pri[yo]m, ka[yu]ta, hundred[ya]t. In these words, the letters e, e, yu, i also denote two sounds, but are located after another vowel letter.

And more examples: ot[e]zd, s[yo]mka, v[yu]ga, monkey[ya]na. The vowels e, e, yu, i again denote two sounds, and in a word they come after ъ or ь.

Now, I think you can easily formulate a rule:

The letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word, after any other vowel, or after a hard and soft sign. These letters represent one sound when they appear after a consonant and indicate its softness.

Sounds denoted by the letters e, e, yu, i are called iotized, because the sound y or yot is involved in their formation. In transcription it is designated as [th], and sometimes as [j].

By studying the “Phonetics” section, we can see once again how rich, diverse and amazingly beautiful the Russian language is. But Russian is also considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. One of the difficulties of our language is that many words in it are written completely differently from how they are heard. It is necessary to take care of the beauty and correctness of your speech. Otherwise, you can end up in such an absurd situation, which the poet Alexander Shibaev writes about in his poem “Sad News”:

List of used literature:

  1. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. Russian language. Textbook for 5th grade. – M.: Education, 2008-2012.
  2. Stronskaya I.M. Handbook of the Russian language for students in grades 5-9. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Literature”, 2012.
  3. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language: Textbooks for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. educational institutions/ Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. – M.: Bustard.
  4. Arsiriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language: Book for students / Ed. L.P. Krysina - M.: Education, 1995.
  5. Kalmykova I.R. The mysterious world of sounds. Phonetics and speech culture in games and exercises. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998.
  6. Golub I.B., Kokhtev N.N., Rosenthal D.E. Russian language. Sounds, letters, words / A book about language for the curious. - M.: “MICH” with the participation of JSC “CENTURY”, 1998.
  7. Egorova N.V. Lesson-based developments In Russian. 5th grade. – M.: Vako, 2013.
  8. Vasiliev I.P. Russian language lessons for the textbook by S.I. Lvova. Teacher's manual. – M., 2013.
  9. Sychugova L.P. Lesson notes for Russian language teachers. 5th grade. – Vlados, 2004.
  10. Gribanskaya E., Novikova L. Control and testing work in Russian to the textbook “Russian language. 5th grade." Educational and practical manual. – L.: Exam, 2004.
  11. Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in 5th grade. Book for teachers - Genzher, 2000.
  12. I.B. Golub, D.E. Rosenthal. "Secrets of good speech." - M.: International. relations, 1993.