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SUBJECT WEEK of geography, history of biology and ecology AT SCHOOL No. 21.

Will take place from February 27 to March 3! The events will be presented by: Geography Pluzhnikova V.N. History of Timerbulatova E.P. and Dmitrieva O.A. Biology Oblomova L.A. and Morsakova V.I. Ecology Oblomova L.A.

We greet you! Geography is a way of life, thought and behavior.

"GEOGRAPHY" is your guide on the path to the present in this life. We will open the world to you in all its boundless diversity and help you show all the versatility of your individuality.

Hello, geography! Hello, geography! I send you greetings! I'm waiting for you and I'm glad that there is such an object! Hello, geography! I need you so much! Like air to a man, And water to all fish. After all, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know anything. I wouldn’t know the islands, Selva, countries, cities, Rivers, mountains and seas, And you, my country.

History is one of the oldest sciences. Since a person has a past, he has an interest in it.

The word "history" came to us from ancient times. In ancient Greek, the word “historia” meant a story about the past, about what was learned.

“Biology is the science of life, it helps to understand the world and oneself in this world”

Biology is a science that studies life in all its manifestations. She explores the diversity of organisms, their structure, life processes, chemical composition, relationships with environment and many other diverse manifestations of life.

Biology is a whole world... Lev Zilber.

Ecology is interesting for everyone

Ecology is serious! Ecology is the science of the interaction of an organism with its environment. We need to learn how to interact correctly - from an ethical standpoint - with the entire world of embodied and non-embodied beings around us. Simply put, you need to learn to love them.

Erase random traits and you will see a beautiful world!

Our world in all its manifestations!

Thanks to these sciences, we know everything about the world we live in! We invite you to take part in the events of the subject week: Geography: 5th grade - Defense of the project “Continents of the Earth”. 6th grade - “Lesson entertaining geography" 7th grade - Streets of our city - conversation. 8kl. – Unique Lake Baikal – presentation for grades 9-10. - unique places on our planet.

History 7-8 grades. – Competition for history experts. 11th grade – Presentation of the project “They suffered the difficult fate of soldiers.” A wall newspaper “Symbol of the Subject”, geography, biology, history, and ecology is being prepared for all subjects.

Biology and ecology 5-6kl. – Poetry competition on the topic: “My friends at home.” 6-7 grades – Quiz “What do you know about the environmental situation in Balakovo.” 8-9 grades – presentation competition on the topic: “Global ecological problems of our planet." 10th grade - Competition for biology experts.

We invite everyone to take part in the events. We wish you success!

Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce students to the symbols of their state; with their history of formation and development; with the history of the Russian flag.
  • Learn to compare materials from various historical sources and draw conclusions;
  • To contribute to the awakening of true patriotism in the souls of children, revealing to them true national values.


images of coats of arms of Russia, coats of arms of Russian cities, family coats of arms; flags; T.S. Golubeva “State Symbols of Russia”; E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplin “Introduction to History”; video recording “This place is the Kulikovo field”, I.K. History of Great Rus' from the beginning of centuries, E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplin “Journey into history”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

U.- Today we have an unusual lesson with many guests. Let's welcome them, and as hospitable hosts, we invite you to walk with us along the path of the history of the emergence and development of the symbols of our state

II. Repetition of what has been learned.

U.- Guys whose cards work independently. CARD No. 1

Write in the table which animals symbolize the qualities listed below:

CARD No. 2

Using the color graphs, fill in the coats of arms with the following colors.

U.– Let’s start our excursion by turning to the origins of heraldry and explaining what the science of heraldry does?

D. Heraldry is a science that deals with the collection of information about various coats of arms, their description and the rules for drawing up new ones.

U.- Each state, region, city has its own sacred symbols that a person must honor and respect. Before you are the coats of arms of the cities.

U.- Tell and show which one you remember and liked.

U.- Very often we hear the expressions in speech: “Big Motherland, small Motherland, what does this mean”?

D.- Our city of Pugachev is a small Motherland, that corner of the earth where we were born, where our home is located.

Small Motherland -
Island of Earth
There are currants under the window,
Cherry blossoms
curly apple tree,
And under it there is a bench,
Affectionate, sweetheart
My motherland!

U.- You know that our glorious city has a coat of arms. Please tell us what it looks like and what it symbolizes.

U.- And there is an even smaller Motherland. What would you classify as a small Motherland?

D. Family.

U.- Pay attention to the exhibition of family coats of arms and try to penetrate the secrets of each family. Those who wish will tell us about their coat of arms.

D.(They talk about their family coat of arms).

III. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

U.- All families are different, but what unites us is that we live in the same state and our state also has a coat of arms.

U.- Do you think citizens of our country should know the history of the origin of the symbols of our state?

U.- Today we will talk about the symbols of our state.

U.- I invite you to the 15th century hall.<Рисунок 1>

Teacher's story:

In this century, the coat of arms of Russia, a double-headed eagle, soaring over the country on its powerful wings, has personified our state for more than four centuries. There are few long-lasting coats of arms in the world! The adoption of this coat of arms is associated with the name of Ivan 3 Vasilyevich (1404-1505), Grand Duke of Moscow. The double-headed eagle as a state emblem appeared in Rus' together with Sophia Paleologus, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor, who became the wife of Grand Duke Ivan 3

Initially, according to Byzantine tradition, the eagle was golden in color with its wings down. And only since the 17th century the eagle raises its wings. And under Peter 1, the gold color was changed to black.

As Russian territories grow, symbols of new urban lands are added to the coat of arms. The double-headed eagle as the Russian coat of arms existed until 1918, after which it was abolished and replaced by the coat of arms of the USSR.

On the threshold of the 21st century, the double-headed eagle again becomes a symbol of Russia.

IV. Working with text:

U.- You have a text on your table; after reading it, you will learn about the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

a) TEXT.

The state coat of arms of the Russian Federation is a red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle with spread wings raised upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and one large crown connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, and in the left is an orb. On the chest of an eagle in a red shield there is a silver rider in a blue cloak, striking with a spear a black dragon overturned and trampled by a horse/<рисунок 2 >

U.- Guys, in the text you came across the words scepter and power. Who can explain the meaning of these words (vocabulary work on the board: scepter and orb).

D. The Greek word for scepter means a staff decorated with carvings and precious stones - a symbol of royal power.

U.- On the coat of arms, the eagle has two heads, three crowns, a scepter and an orb in its paws, and what do they symbolize?

U.- And he will introduce you to this in more detail: (additional material prepared by students).

D. b) Additional material:

“The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the eternity of Russia, a symbol of preserving the purity of the Orthodox faith among the Russian people, a symbol of deep respect by our people for their historical roots and national history. Two heads of an eagle remind of the historical need for Russia to defend itself from the West and the East, and three crowns above them, fastened with a single ribbon, symbolize the blood brotherhood and common history of the 3 East Slavic peoples - Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. The scepter and the orb in the talons of the eagle are a figurative expression of the inviolability of the state foundations of our Fatherland. The chest of the eagle, protected by a shield with the image of St. George the Victorious, indicates the sovereign. succession of Russia from Muscovite Rus' and to Moscow as the collector and protector of Russian lands.”

U.- Two eagle heads, what do they remind you of?

V. Physical exercise.

You're probably tired
It's time to rest
I suggest fatigue
Take off for a physical education minute.

We stood up straight with our arms extended along our torsos - like an eagle in the 15th century. We looked to the right, to the left, to the west, to the east. Smoothly raise your arms up and lower them down. We fly over the country on our powerful wings, checking to see if everything is in order.

U.- We move to the next room. There are two panels in front of you, what are they called?

D. Flags.

U.- What word does the word “flag” come from?

D. From Greek word, which means to burn, burn, illuminate.

U.- Since ancient times, the Eastern Slavs - the Rus - had their own words to designate flags. – What is this word and what does it mean?

D. Banner, pole, stick, pole.

U.- Old Russian banners were also called banners. Now we will watch the video, and you will see what banner inspired the warriors and what was depicted on it?< Рисунок 3>

U.- So what inspired the warriors?

D. They were inspired by the banner given by Sergius of Radonezh with the words: “Here is an incorruptible weapon! May it serve you instead of helmets.”

U.- This banner - the banner was dark - crimson, scarlet, as colors were called then.

The color of the flag is never chosen at random. Even Russian tsars, when approving the flag, must take into account the ancient traditions of the people, with their favorite colors.

In Russia, first of all, the black-gold-white flag has the right to exist, since it borrows the colors of the state emblem: black - the sovereign eagle; the golden background of the coat of arms, adopted by Ivan the Third, the white color of the clothes of St. George the Victorious, which has long been revered in Rus' as a symbol of sacrifice in the fight against the enemies of the Fatherland. This flag existed until the time of Peter the Great.

In January 1705, Peter 1 issued a decree granting a white-blue-red flag to commercial merchant ships.

Each of the Russian monarchs made their own amendments to state symbols. During the reign of each of them, noticeable changes took place in Russian society, and the country's borders expanded.

The final question about the white-blue-red flag was decided under Nicholas II on April 9, 1896. A special meeting at the Ministry of Justice decided: the “people’s” or “state” flag for the entire empire, including Finland and Poland, should finally be considered white - blue-red and no other. All previous black-yellow-white flags were subject to immediate replacement.

I have already told you that with the change of power in Russia, changes appear in state symbols. So: with the establishment Soviet power The national flag becomes a red flag with a hammer and sickle.

Another uncertainty with this state symbol arose in 2000.

By decision State Duma and the President, Russia entered the 21st century with a white, blue and red national flag.

VI. Work in groups.

U.- The national flag of the Russian Federation is an official symbol of state power, expressing the idea of ​​unity and sovereignty of the state. The description of the state flag and the procedure for its use are determined by the Federal Constitutional Law. According to Russian everyday concepts, the color red means: courage, heroism, fire. Blue - sky, spirituality, faith. White – peace, purity, truth, nobility.< Рисунок 4>

U.- Each color symbolizes something, you will learn about this from the text. You will work in groups, you need to find the answer to your question. (1 row, which means red, 2 – blue, 3 – white.) check.

U.- One person is selected from each group to answer the question.

U.- Guys, now we’ll check whether you listened carefully to me and my assistant guides.

U.- In front of you is a tree that symbolizes the development of heraldry. There are numbered signs with questions on it; you have to answer the questions asked.

U.- And the rest will be consultants; the textbook material on page 83 will help them with this.

  1. What color was 1 Russian flag?
  2. Who issued the decree granting flags to commercial merchant ships?
  3. What was decided by a special meeting at the Ministry of Justice in 1896?
  4. Color of the flag under Soviet rule?
  5. With what flag did Russia enter the 21st century?

U.- Guys, where in your life have you seen confirmation of how citizens respect the symbols of the state?

U.- Now you guys will work in pairs. You need to solve the crossword and find the keyword. Whoever does it will signal us.

1. Crossword


1.Herold translated from German means...
2. Reverse side of the coin.
3.The edge or side of the coin.
4. A word that comes from the verb “to chop”


1. Symbols of the state

(1. Herald, 2. Carving. 3. Edge. 4. Ruble.) Key word: COAT OF ARMS.

2. Crossword:


1.Form of the coat of arms.
2.Symbol of success, prosperity (flower)
3. Front side of the coin.
4.Name of an ancient Russian coin.


1. Symbols of the state

Answers: (1. French. 2. Lily, 3. Obverse. 4. Nogata.) Key word: FLAG.

3. Crossword:


1. Symbol of fearlessness, ferocity.
2.Resident of Rome.
3. A word that means “I warn, I warn.”
4. Special science that studies coins.


1. Symbols of the state.

Answers: (1. Vulture, 2. Roman, 3. Moneo, 4. Numismatics). Keyword: HYMN.

U. What keywords did you get?

D. Coat of arms, flag, anthem

U.- Coat of arms, flag, anthem - how can they be called in one word?

D. Symbols of the state.<Рисунок 5>

U.- For any modern state, its symbols exist in trinity.

VII. Lesson summary.

U. The symbols of the state are the history of the country, and its present day. They express the features of the country’s historical path, its distinctive features among other countries. All existing and existing symbols of the state must be treated with respect, honored as monuments of the past and the heritage of our time. Encroachments on the state emblem and flag in all countries of the world are perceived as a sign of disrespect and hostility towards the country and its people.

Our excursion has come to an end. – What new have you learned?

VIII. Homework.

U.- At home, I invite you to get acquainted with works that describe how during the war, risking their lives, they saved the banner. I also ask you to find in the periodical press an interpretation of the tricolor of the Russian flag and the three crowns on the coat of arms.

IX. Ratings.

U. Thank you for the lesson. Well done. Tell yourself: I’m great, I thought, I tried, I made discoveries.

City Administration of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay

high school №7

Intellectual game"Alphabet" by

history, geography, biology.

/ lesson-game By history of Kazakhstan, 10-11 grade/

History and Social Studies Teacher:
Dubogrey Natalya Grigorievna

The prototype of this game was TV Broadcast"Alphabet". To broaden the horizons of students, consolidate their knowledge in the subjects of history, history of Kazakhstan, biology, geography, I prepared questions for the game. Then the game continued; our school’s subject teachers developed questions for all subjects. The game is also interesting and universal in that it can be played with different categories of players: parents of students (at an event for parents) and school graduates (at a Homecoming Evening). In this publication I propose questions on the subjects: History of Kazakhstan, (), Geography (), Biology ().Target:

    Expanding students' horizons, deepening and concretizing knowledge of history, geography, and biology. Activation cognitive activity students by subject.
Preparatory work. To play you need to prepare:
    Three teams prepare a name, motto, greeting and creative task. The teacher prepares visuals for the game:
    a board in the form of an alphabet, 19 letters and 5 game nominations; chips of 3 colors and a musical sign (all floor); ties according to team colors; cube on 6 sides, signs from 1 to 6; circle with 8 sectors:
    red is history, green is biology, blue is geography.
Rules of the game:
    3 teams of 3 participants play. The spectators in the hall are divided into 3 sectors - this is the players' support group. Each team will introduce their team and greetings at the start of the game. Before the game there is a draw. The playing team throws a cube into the center of the game board and moves according to the letters by the number of dropped symbols. The question is asked depending on the color, nomination and letter the team is on. If the move falls into the game nominations, the team:
    copper pipes – allows passage;
    musical lyre – performs a creative task;
    ladder – moves 10 steps forward;
    black cat – 5 letters back;
    flame - returns to the start.
    If at the finish line there are fewer symbols remaining than the number of symbols on the cube, then the team answers flash questions.
History Questions Annex 1 A The Entente is a word from the French “Entente cordiale” meaning “cordial agreement”, a bloc of England, France and Russia.Anarchists - they believed that a stateless system could be established through a general strike, which they considered as a social revolution.Anna Ioannovna - the period of her reign is characterized by the term “Bironovschina”.B

Bolshevism is a political movement in the Russian revolutionary movement that arose in the 20th century, led by V.I. Lenin.Brezhnev L.I - Leader of the Communist Party of the USSR, Secretary General. Central Committee of the CPSU from 1966–1982.IN Vienna communism - Domestic policy The Soviet state in conditions of civil war.The Provisional Government is the highest executive, administrative and legislative body, existing from March 2 to October 25, 1917. To Russia.

G Civil War 1918–1920 (fight of 2 colors).Heraldry is the science of coats of arms.Genealogy is a science that studies family ties.An anthem is a song dedicated to one’s homeland, a symbol of the state.D Dual power is the simultaneous existence of two opposing powers. In Russia in 1917 there were 2 such governments.Democracy - Power of the people.Dictatorship - Unlimited political, economic and ideological power exercised by a strictly limited group of people or one person.E Emelyan is the name of Pugachev.Yeltsin B.N. - first president of Russia.Z The stagnant period is a period from the late 60s to the 80s, marked by the desire of politics, the Soviet leadership for stability, and the refusal of any changes in the life of the country.AND Intervention is the violent intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state.Industrialization is the transformation of large industry into the main producing sector of the economy.History is the science of the past.Empire is a monarchical state from Lat. Power.TO

Coalition is a union of states, political parties, organizations concluded to achieve common goalsThe Battle of Kursk is the main battle of the summer campaign of 1943.The cult of personality is the excessive exaltation of someone.L League of Nations - created in 1919. International organization.Liberalism is an ideological and political movement that advocates evolutionary changes in society through reforms.M

Monarchy is autocracy; form of government of the state.Monopoly is the exclusive right to something.Modernization – (from French: modern, newest) process of renewal.The Mensheviks are representatives of the political movement in Russian social democracy at the beginning of the twentieth century.N

Numismatics - the science of coinsNATO is an organization of the North Atlantic Treaty, a military-political alliance.NEP is a cycle of economic measures to overcome the economic crisis, which replaced the policy of “war communism”.ABOUT

Oprichnina is a set of internal political measures carried out by Ivan the Terrible in order to strengthen the personality of the authorities.The UN is an international organization created to maintain and strengthen peace throughout the world.

P Perestroika - course new policy, modernizing the Soviet system.Five-Year Plan - Development Plans National economy, introduced in the book. 20s XX century.R Revolution is a radical upheaval.Republic is a form of government from Lat. Business and public.WITH Senate - on this square the Decembrists performed on December 14, 1825.Suvorov - Russian commander, generalissimo.Stalin I.V. - his real name Dzhugashvili, and the nickname is Cobra.The Senate is the body for governing the country in the absence of the king.T Totalitarianism is a political regime in society and the state.Terrorism is a form of political struggle carried out through the use of violence.Tereshkova V.V. – The world’s first woman astronaut.F Federation - a union of several states creating single state with common organs.power and control with the sovereignty of the participants.February revolution of 1917 as a result of which the autocracy was overthrown.Fascism is a political movement of a totalitarian type.I

Nuclear is a weapon first used at the end. Second World War.

Appendix No. 2 Questions on Geography
A. Adaptation - adaptation to changing conditions Apartheid - an extreme form of racial discrimination Australia is a continent and a state in the southern hemisphere Austria is a state center in Europe official language GermanAdministration - totality government agencies carrying out management functionsAborigines are the indigenous inhabitants of the country
B.Babier summer period dry sunny and warm weather in Europe and North AmericaBaikal - the world's deepest freshwater lakeBaltic - on Old Russian language this is the Varangian SeaBarometer - a device for measuring atmospheric pressureUnemployment - lack of employment of the population in economic activitiesBelovezhskaya Pushcha - a forest area on the border of Belarus and PolandWhite nights - a natural phenomenon
B. Great Britain is the country with the oldest constitutional monarchy in the world. Washington is the capital of the state in 1800. Located on the Atlantic coast, the Volga - in ancient times it was called Ra, in the middle. Century Itil, dl. Rivers 3530 km. Vietnam is a state in Southeast Asia on the Indochina Peninsula
G.Globus - model of the earth Freight turnover - the amount of cargo transported over a certain distance per unit of time Geology - a complex of sciences about the composition of the structure, the history of the development of the earth's crust.
D. Demography - the science of the laws of reproduction Money - the universal equivalent expresses the value of all goods Deficit - lack of something Chomolungma - the highest peak of the globe in Asia 8848 m.
E. Eurasia - the largest continent in areaYenisei - one of the largest rivers in SiberiaErmak - the explorer laid the foundation for the development of Siberia
I. Isotherm - lines on the map Yen - the monetary unit of Japan Import - input of goods, capital from abroad Indian - ocean 3rd largest in the world after the Pacific and Atlantic Islam - one of the world religions
K. Kongorka - a river crossing the equator twice Cartography - the science of geographical maps methods of their creation and useCaspian Sea - the largest endorheic lake-seaClimate - statistically long-term weather regimeCompanion - co-owner of the enterprise
Laguna is a shallow natural body of water connected to the sea by a narrow strait separated by a strip of land. Landscape- general form terrain Ice - water in a solid state Lithosphere - the outer shell of solid earth Lena - largest river V Eastern Siberia length 4400 km.
M. Megapolis - fusion of neighboring urban agglomerations Madagascar - an island on which the smallest monkeys live Reclamation - radical improvement of unfavorable land conditions Sea - part of the world's oceans separated by land
N.Skyscraper- High building several floorsNiagara Falls, whose name means thundering waterNorway is the longest state
O. Clouds - an accumulation of water droplets and ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere Ob - the largest river in Western Siberia Lakes - natural bodies of water in the depressions of the land filled with water Ocean - a continuous water shell of the earth surrounding the mainland and islands
P. Steam - water in a gaseous state Sand - loose sedimentary rock Platform - a large structure of the earth's crust Prost - the village of Chetyrchi is located on the banks of this river
R. Resources - means of reserve opportunities source of income Rivers - water flows in natural channels Rome is ancient state and the capital of the current state
SSaba - regional center in Tatarstan Savanna - zonal type of vegetation widespread in tropical forests and deserts Sargasso Sea - which Columbus came for the land
T. Taiga - coniferous forests in the northern temperate zone. HemispheresTyphoons - they do not threaten us, they occur from July to October from the Chinese - big windTiger - this is both a river in Asia and the largest catPacific Ocean - it was also called the great, the largest ocean on Earth
F.Farm - individual agricultural enterprise operating on its own or leased landFlag - official symbol of state powerFlorida - a state in the USA and a peninsulaFrance - a state in Western Europe
Yakutia - republic - Sakha Japan - this state is spread over 4 thousand islands Fairs - trades periodically organized in designated places Yalta - this city has been located in Crimea since 1145. Known as Jalita Jamaica - the name of this state in the West Indies, explains the name as belonging to linen

Appendix No. 3 Questions on biology Anatomy - Science that studies the structure of the body, its organs and functions. Vitamin deficiency - Lack of physiological active substances. Axon - Long process of a nerve cell Atavisms - Organs of ancestors Aromorphosis - Path of evolution leading to a general rise in the level of organization of organisms.
BBiology - The science of living organisms. Bacteria - Single-celled organisms, very small in size. Biosphere - Geological shell of the earth inhabited by living organisms. Proteins - Essential organic substances Biosynthesis - This is a matrix synthesis
Valeology - The science of health Type - The basic unit of classification of living organisms. Algae - A large group of lower plants Vitamins - Biological active substances Will - Conscious regulation in human behavior

Hygiene - The science of preserving and promoting healthGenetics - The science of the patterns of heredity and variabilityHemophilia - Incoagulability of blood (decreased ability of blood to clot) Fungi - Peculiar organisms that combine the characteristics of animals and plants. Genotype - The totality of all genes located in the chromosomes of an organism
DDonor - A person who gives blood. Dendrite - Short nerve processes. Wood - The main part of a tree trunk. Dinosaurs - Ancient land reptiles. Color blindness - An eye disease that does not distinguish colors.

Used Books:

1. Asfendiyarov S.D. History of Kazakhstan from ancient times. A.1993. 2. Terminological dictionary on the history of Kazakhstan3. Dictionary of terms and definitions in biology4. Dictionary of terms and definitions in geography5.Ғ.J. Bazarbekov. UNT tests on the history of Kazakhstan6. History of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day. In 5 volumes, vol. 2, A., 1998

Class: 10

Note 1: The duration of the lesson presented is 2*30 = 60 minutes, which is due to the block-modular technology of teaching in the gymnasium. However, by changing the duration of the lesson stages (possibly eliminating or increasing some of them), it is possible to achieve standardized time expenditures (45 and/or 90 minutes).

Target: formation of information and communication competence of schoolchildren through an activity-based approach to learning and integration of educational content.


1. To update and expand students’ knowledge in the subject areas “Heraldry”, “Vexillology”, “Numismatics” based on information about symbolism. Consider the meaning biological objects(animals and plants) as symbols in national and international emblems.
2. Develop the skills of collective thinking and evaluative activity of students; the ability to “read” flags and emblems of states, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make logical conclusions, and give reasoned answers; improve skills in developing, creating and presenting interactive and creative projects.
3. To cultivate the civic consciousness of schoolchildren, to develop respect for state symbols.

Personal educational task student: learn to apply theoretical knowledge about the biological symbols of the emblems of countries to “read” state symbols (coats of arms, flags) and practical development of their projects.

Implemented interdisciplinary connections: history, fundamentals of law, economic geography, economics, biology.

Basic pedagogical technology: design + block-modular.

Form: regulated discussion/lesson project.

Equipment, materials: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector, set of lesson presentations, assessment sheets, diplomas, certificates, cards (adapted testing), layouts (flags, coats of arms, banknotes), markers, felt-tip pens, glue, tape, stickers.

Event plan

1. introduction teachers. Topic, epigraph.

2. Lesson initialization: goal, personal educational task of the student. Instruction on the plan for the 1st part of the block – 3 min.

3. Theoretical module– 27 minutes

Presentation of team projects:
A) Heraldry, vexillology, numismatics – historical overview – 3 + 1 min.
* Definitions of the topic (team work with glossary)- 3 min.
B) The meaning of colors and symbols in heraldry and vexillology – 3 + 1 min.
* The meaning of the colors and symbols of the flag, coat of arms of Kazakhstan (workshop on “reading”)- 3 min.
C) Images of animals on state symbols of the world – 3 + 1 min.
D) Image of plants on state symbols of the world – 3 + 1 min.
* The meaning of biological objects on the state symbols of Kazakhstan from different eras (workshop on “reading”)- 3 min.
Evaluation activities of teams. Reflection – 2 min.

4. Practical module- 30 minutes

Instruction on the plan for the 2nd part of the block – 1 min.
A) Updating students’ knowledge.
Presentation of the educational film project “Creation of the European Economic Community as an example of successful integration of the countries of the post-Soviet space” – 3 + 2 min.
B) Project activities(development of layouts of the EurAsEC emblem) – 7 min.
C) Presentation and discussion of projects – 5 * (2) min. = 10 min.
D) Testing the assimilation of the material (marathon test) – 5 min.

5. Summing up jury, awarding winners in nominations – 2 min.

6. Reflection.


– Hello, dear guests and members of creative groups.
No state at a high stage of its development is unthinkable without state symbols - the coat of arms and flag. Epochs and rulers change, and the emblems of states change along with them, as a mirror of the ongoing historical and political transformations. The name also changes appearance and the designation of money as a specific product of an independent state.
The coat of arms, flag, banknotes are carriers of symbolic images - these are geometric figures, astronomical objects, objects, architectural structures, portraits of iconic personalities of countries, etc. However, the object of our attention today will be biological symbols - animals and plants - in the state emblems of the countries of the world.
I present to your attention the topic (on the board) and the epigraph of our meeting (Slides 1, 2 Applications 1 )

The language of symbols is a true, universal, pan-human language, equally valid for all times and peoples.

V. Shmakov

The student’s personal educational task is to learn to apply theoretical knowledge about biological symbols to “read” state symbols (coats of arms, flags) and practical development of emblem projects. (Slide 3)
The form of our meeting was a regulated discussion: 4 creative groups previously worked on developing projects by “immersing” themselves in the topic. During the 1st module they will present their work; opposing teams and guests will have the opportunity to ask questions. Participants of the team presenting the project (but not speakers) have the right to answer questions. Upon completion of the presentations, we will evaluate the teams’ work in order to identify the winners in the categories “Golden Project”, “Informative Project”, “Creative Project”, “Practical Project”, “Promising Project”. (Slide 4)
During the lesson, a large amount of new information will be presented, so it is expected to take notes on new terms and concepts. This will be useful at the knowledge test stage at the end of the lesson.

Theoretical module

Presentation and defense of team projects:

If you want to know something new, read something ancient.

An old proverb.

A) Heraldry, vexillology, numismatics – historical overview. Discussion.

The oldest banknotes are Chinese (Tang Dynasty), dating back to the 8th century..

Banknote - paper currency. The concept is used to denote banknotes in everyday speech.
Bonds V modern world- This is paper money that has gone out of circulation.

Color has long become an aesthetic, cultural and – subsequently – political phenomenon.

N.V. Serov

B) The meaning of colors and symbols in heraldry and vexillology. Discussion.

Appendix 4 , Appendix 5 . The meaning of colors and symbols in heraldry and vexillology.

* The meaning of the colors and symbols of the flag, coat of arms, standard of the President of Kazakhstan (workshop on “reading”.(Slides 10-18)

Flash questions on slides for collective discussion:

1. The blue color of the flag is a symbol:

A) freedom and independence;
*B) general well-being, peace and unity
B) the power of the people.

2. The single color of the flag background means:

A) tribute to Turkic roots
B) a peaceful sky above the heads of the citizens of the Republic;
*B) the unity of Kazakhstan.

3. The national ornament on the left (along the shaft) represents:

*A) culture and traditions of Kazakhstan
B) the special importance of the development of culture in Kazakhstan
C) an aesthetic approach to the design of the flag.

4. Sun on the flag:

A) symbol of the President of the Republic
*B) source of life and energy
C) a symbol of hope for a peaceful life.

5. The image of the common home of all people living in Kazakhstan on the coat of arms symbolizes:

A) star
B) tulpar
*B) shanyrak.

6. The fact that our hearts and arms are open to representatives of all five continents is reflected on the country’s coat of arms in the form:

*A) five-pointed star
B) shanyrak
B) dome poles (uyk), diverging from the center.

7. The man on the Presidential standard:

A) Golden Man
*B) young leader of the Saka era
C) batyr as a symbol of the defender of the people.

8. A silver bracket with engraved in the state language is attached to the shaft of the standard:

A) the first lines of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
*B) last name, first name and patronymic of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and dates indicating the period of his election;
C) the main historical milestones of the Kazakh people.

9) Location of the standard of the President of Kazakhstan:

*A) office at the Presidential residence
B) Palace of Peace and Reconciliation
B) Baiterek.

The animal kingdom in its different breeds embodies different impulses of the human psyche.


C) Images of animals on state symbols of the world. Discussion.

Appendix 6 , Appendix 7 . Images of animals on state symbols of the world.

The beauty of plants is the common heritage of the world, that is, it is always macrocosmic.

V. Shmakov

D) Image of plants on state symbols of the world. Discussion.

Appendix 8 , Appendix 9 . Image of plants on state symbols of the world.

* The meaning of biological objects on the state symbols of Kazakhstan from different eras (workshop on “reading”). Remove the unnecessary concept in each group of words, explaining the meaning of the choice.(Slides 21, 22)

1) Grain - rays of the Sun - abundance - steppe - prosperity.
2) Eagle – freedom – aggression – powerful force – independence.
3) Tulpar – wings – Golden Man – dream – courage.
4) Leopard – rider – mountains – bracelet – golden eagle.

Team assessment activities(teams are invited to evaluate the activities of other teams by voting - attaching stickers containing a written comment to the sector of the corresponding team on the board). Voting for your own team is excluded. Based on the voting results, the winning team is awarded the “Golden Project” certificate.


Practical module

On October 10, 2000, the presidents of five countries - the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan signed the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC).
In 2006, the Republic of Uzbekistan became a member of the EurAsEC (on December 24, 2008, Uzbekistan suspended participation in the work of the EurAsEC bodies). Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan will rejoin the work of the single economic space as soon as their economies are ready and after fulfilling all necessary obligations.
We present to your attention the educational film project “Creation of the European Economic Community as an example of successful integration of the countries of the post-Soviet space” with text in English, which is due to the importance of the International Association being represented. (Slides 23, 24)

Note 2: Download the specified movie – educational project You can by following the link (viewing is possible only after downloading, but not on-line).

Demonstration of a film with student comments in English.

Appendix 10. Text of the film “Creation of the European Economic Community as an example of successful integration of the countries of the post-Soviet space” (Russian/English).

B) Project activities (development of layouts of the EurAsEC emblem) in groups: projects of the coat of arms, flag, banknotes. The general style is maintained. Particular attention is paid to biological symbols. (Slide 25) It also works creative Group adults.

Rice. 1-3. Working in creative groups

B) Presentation and discussion of projects. Mandatory reading of symbols, incl. biological. (Slide 26)

Rice. 4. Project protection Fig. 5. After the award ceremony

D) Testing the mastery of the material (adapted testing).

Option 1

1. Historical discipline that deals with the study of coats of arms, as well as the tradition and practice of their use.
2. Interpretation of coats of arms, explanation of symbols, emblems, mottos and other heraldic signs, i.e. reading them, deciphering their meaning.
3. An auxiliary historical discipline that studies out-of-use banknotes and bonds as historical documents reflecting the economic and political situation of society at that time.
4. An honorary personalized insignia of the head of state of a number of countries, rising at his place of residence.
5. A banknote made of paper, thick fabric (usually silk), metal or plastic, usually rectangular in shape.
6. A conventional image that is a symbol and distinctive sign of a state, city, clan or individual.
7. A heraldic color that symbolizes nobility, power and wealth, as well as Christian virtues: faith, justice, mercy and humility.
8. A heraldic monster popular in the Middle Ages. He was usually depicted with two wings, four legs, a long curled pointed tail, and a scaly body. In modern times, it is a symbol of Bhutan and Iceland.
9. Ancient heraldic symbols - symbols of triumph, victory and peace; to this day they are the most frequently depicted plants on coats of arms.
10. A heraldic color that signifies bravery, courage, love, as well as blood shed in struggle.

Option 2

1. An auxiliary historical discipline that studies the history of coinage and monetary circulation.
2. Paper money that has gone out of circulation.
3. A cloth of established sizes and colors attached to a shaft or cord, sometimes with an image of a coat of arms or emblem on it.
4. An auxiliary historical discipline that deals with the study of flags, banners, and standards.
5. A single flag product, which is made from expensive materials and richly decorated with embroidery, fringe, tassels, and ribbons.
6. Heraldic color is a symbol of caution, wisdom, constancy in trials, as well as sadness and mourning.
7. The mammal is the most popular heraldic symbol; present on the coats of arms of many countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, etc.)
8. Heraldic color - symbolizes nobility, frankness, as well as purity, innocence and truthfulness.
9. Flower – royal symbol France, meaning purity and light.
10. Symbolic colors representing Europe and Asia on the EurAsEC emblem.

Summarizing jury, awarding winners in the categories “Informative project”, “ Creative project", "Practical project", "Prospective project".


– What new did I learn in class?
– What might be useful to me in life?
– Has my attitude towards symbols of statehood changed?
– Have you become interested in further development of the topic?
– What symbols would I like to learn about in the future? (Slides 27,28)

Key to the test: