Details Created 03/22/2017 16:22 Author: Imaeva Asiya

In days spring break The entire reading community in our country celebrates Children's and Youth Book Week. For the first time, the children's book celebration “Book Name Day” was held on the initiative of children's writer Lev Kassil on March 26, 1943.

As part of Children's Book Week 2017, the following events were held:

Vaskino-Tuyralinskaya rural library, Crimea-Saraiskaya rural library, Potapovo-Tumbarlinskaya rural library.

Alexandrovskaya Rural Library

March 17, Alexander Library, for students primary school, a literary matinee was held to mark the opening of Children's Book Week. The guys went on this exciting journey together with the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons. Together with Vovka from the Thirtieth State and Puss in Boots, we looked for the Golden Ray on the pages of the Magic Book. On their way they met and gave wise advice, Two from the casket, Carlson and Baby, Postman from the poem by S.Ya. Marshak, dirty boy and Moidodyr, Hedgehog and Nuzyavochka, Cinderella, Thumb Boy. The children solved crossword puzzles, answered quiz questions, guessed music from cartoons, and talked about careful handling of books. In conclusion, the Queen of the Book once again invited all readers to visit during the holidays a magical house called the Library. A book exhibition “How to be able to read well” was organized.

Vaskino-Tuiralinskaya Rural Library

On March 21, the Vaskino-Tuiralinskaya rural library held a competitive game program “Hello, Book Week.” The book exhibition “Book Name Day” was organized in the library. Young readers went on an exciting journey through the pages of books, guessed riddles, participated in the “Collect a proverb” competition about a book, and read excerpts from famous poems and a selection of rhymes for them, became participants in interesting games,competitions, quizzes.

Crimea-Sarai Rural Library

On March 20, during the spring holidays, the head of the Crimea-Sarai rural library held the opening of Children's Book Week.

She designed the book exhibition “We are calling you to a good fairy tale.” Introduced the history of the Children's Book Week. We took a trip through fairy tales to the country of Lukomorye. We held a warm-up game “Add the name”, competitions: “Fairytale crossword”, “Name a fairy tale”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Find your mate”, guessed from a fragment of a fairy tale, and also played in the field of miracles.

Potapovo-Tumbarlinskaya Rural Library

On March 21, the Potapovo-Tumbarlinskaya rural library hosted literary competition“The Kingdom of Books - The Wise State”, timed to coincide with children's book week and spring school holidays. The children happily answered quiz questions, recited their favorite poems by heart, remembered proverbs and sayings about books and the rules for handling books. At the end of the event, everyone received sweet prizes.

"Book Week" during the holidays. In the Maryevskaya rural library for pupils kindergarten"Bell" was a travel game "Visiting a fairy tale." First, the librarian conducted a tour of the exhibition - the installation “Mountain of Fairy Tales”. Then the guys took turns taking a toy from the exhibition; they had to remember what fairy tales these heroes were from. For example, mouse, bear, fox and so on. The librarian suggested that the children play this game at home or in kindergarten. On the eve of the 135th anniversary of the birth of K.I. Chukovsky watched the cartoons “Fedorino Woe” and “Moidodyr”. After watching cartoons, we played a guessing game. The librarian told the child in the child's ear what fairy-tale character he was portraying, and the rest guessed. The competition turned out to be very fun. Much depended on the artistry of the child, but everyone did it. The librarian wished the guys all the best and see you again.

As part of Children's and Youth Book Week 2017 - March 28, the Pestravsky District Children's Library hosted an interregional library event “I owe everything good in me to books,” which is dedicated to the life and work of the great writer Maxim Gorky. The children's library was visited by pupils and teachers of I.A. Stalnov. and Bolyasova N.A. GKU SO "Chapaevsky SRCN". Previously, the students took books and prepared drawings based on the writer’s works, which decorated the book exhibition of the brilliant writer. Librarians Sakhnova S.A. and Petrova Yu.M. prepared a presentation about the life and work of M. Gorky and introduced the children to detailed biography writer, after which they held a quiz. SRCN student Vadim Lukin expressively recited a poem about the Motherland and then all together read aloud the story “The Case of Yevseyka”, got acquainted with the filmed work “Sparrow”, after watching it, the children heatedly discussed what they saw and drew the appropriate conclusions that they need to take the words seriously and attentively seniors The children were interested in everything and everyone promised to visit the library. Literary readings create the ability to work with text, expand the reader’s horizons, and promote general development child.

Opening of "Book Week" during the holidays. In the Maryevskaya rural library for junior classes The fairy tale marathon “Wise Lessons from Fairy Tales” took place. First, the librarian conducted a tour of the exhibition - the installation “Mountain of Fairy Tales”. Then the guys played a game where they had to name the fairy-tale hero who appears in different fairy tales and list. The competition turned out to be very fun and funny. In the presentation “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, you need to to the question asked or description, guess the fairy tale character and the name of the fairy tale. Then they answered the quiz questions “Who gave helpful advice", they needed to find out the hero of the fairy tale to whom these words belonged. On the eve of the 135th anniversary of the birth of K.I. Chukovsky watched the cartoon “Confusion”. While watching the cartoon, the guys laughed and joked. Then answering the quiz questions “How much?” The children had to remember mathematics and quickly count the characters or remember their ages; it turned out to be not easy, but they coped with this task. I must say that the children know fairy tales well, everyone took an active part and the fairytale marathon was fun and interesting. They are all users of our library and read a lot. The children were on vacation and the librarian wished them to have a good rest and play fairy-tale games with their parents, and come up with questions themselves.

As part of Children's Book Week, young readers of the Tyaglo-Ozersk rural library made a “Journey through the book universe.” Librarian Serebryakova N.V. introduced the children to the history of the creation of the “Book Name Day” holiday and invited them to go to the Land of Books to meet with a good, smart book. Together with the children we visited the “Island of Fairy Tales”, where we remembered what people travel on fairy tale characters, who their favorite fairy tale heroes turned into or were enchanted, found out which of the literary heroes went to the country of the Monkeys, who lived in the country ruled by Prince Lemon, who visited the Moon, and who unexpectedly found themselves in a house on the roof, and much more. The children gladly took part in the intellectual literary lottery and showed how erudite they were, then the children were invited to go to the book fair “The vast and great world of magical children’s books, where children could choose their favorite books and read them.

At the end of our meeting, we concluded that it is very difficult to live without a good book, especially for those who read a lot and want to learn a lot of new things.

FGBDOU "Development Center child - children's garden No. 1387" UDPRF

Middle group project No. 2
Topic: “Book week based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak”

Gainanova A. I.
Bolotenkova O.E.

Moscow, 2017
Educational project in secondary group No. 2 “Book Week”
One of the priority problems of our society is introducing children to fiction. Unfortunately, in our age of informatization, children’s attitude towards books has changed, and interest in reading has begun to decline. According to numerous studies, already in preschool age Children prefer watching TV and computer games to books.
The problem of maintaining interest in a book, in reading as a process, is more relevant today than ever. There are no ready-made recipes for teaching a child to love books, because teaching the complex art of reading and understanding a book is very difficult.
WITH early years You need to teach your child to treat a book as the greatest value, to hold it correctly in his hands, to leaf through it correctly, to know its place on the bookshelf, to remember the title and author. The book helps the child explore the world and develop curiosity. The book is not only a source of knowledge - it is called upon to fulfill the tasks of moral and aesthetic education, awaken love for native language, to the native country, to its nature and people, to develop a sense of beauty. A child’s life becomes fuller and more meaningful because it includes characters from children’s books. When working with children, we should pay a special role to illustrations in understanding the text. They help the baby understand the text read.
We see that throughout the preschool period there is an active development and improvement of the ability to perceive literary works, the formation of interest and love for books, that is, the child is successfully developing as a reader. A thoughtful selection of books for children's reading is determined by what inevitably influences the child's literary development, the formation of his literary experience at the stage of preschool childhood, and the development of an attitude towards books. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, perception fiction aimed at developing interest and need for reading books.

Type, type of project: short-term, creative pedagogical, artistic and speech.
Topic: “Children's Book Week.”
Project duration: 1 week (from 25.03 to 03.04)
Children's age: middle group(children 4-5 years old).
Goal and objectives of the project:
Introduction to practice various forms and methods of working with literary works, promoting the familiarization of children with books for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity of children;
Reveal knowledge of children's fairy tales through various types of games;

Cultivate a desire for constant communication with books and caring for them
Continue to develop children's interest in books;
Learn carefully, listen and hear the work;
Formation of interest and need for reading books;
Cultivate a desire for constant communication with the book and caring for it.
Deepening children's individual literary preferences and aesthetic taste;
Development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity in the process of introducing preschoolers to literature;
Developing children's skills of cooperation with peers and adults in the process of joint activities.
Expected results from the project:
Increasing children's interest in fiction.
Unlocking the creative abilities of schoolchildren.
Development of coherent speech, thinking, imagination
Parents' awareness of the importance of books in raising children school age.
Expansion of interaction preschool and families.

Preliminary work with children:
- themed design of the group room,
- addition of corners (book corner, social and moral corner, environmental corner, creativity corner, mental development, theater corner) with new materials (books and games from mother’s and grandmother’s childhood; books of various contents, purposes, design),
- drawing together with parents the characters of your favorite fairy tales,
- reading children's fairy tales, stories, poems,
- selection of poems and preparation expressive reading for memorization,
- selection of illustrative material to introduce children to the artists whose works are featured in the books,
- selection of portraits of poets and writers.
Working with parents
Involve parents in joint creativity as part of “Book Week”;
Involving parents in creating conditions for developing children’s interest in books at home and in kindergarten;
Increasing parental competence in the process of children's reading.
Individual conversation “What books are read at home”
Printable information for parents.
Attributes and inventory:
portraits of children's writers;
portraits of writers and storytellers;
attributes for role-playing games;
audio recordings of works;
printed board games;
illustrations for works;
- recommendations for parents,
- illustrations with characters from your favorite fairy tales, stories, poems.
projector and tape recorder.
Venue: group room
Project implementation stages
Before the Book Week, a developmental environment was created in the group. Exhibitions of books on the following topics: “Smart books”, “ Fairy tales", "My favorite book", a long-term plan of events for continuous educational activities; a conversation was held about the upcoming holiday.
Children and parents were given homework:
- re-read your favorite books,
- draw your favorite characters.
Preparatory stage
Activities of a teacher
Introducing children into a problematic situation.
Formulating the problem.
Formulation of assigned tasks.
Design of a book exhibition.
Children's activities
Entering the problem.
Discussion of a problematic situation.
Accepting tasks, making additions.
Practical stage
Activities of a teacher
Organization of children's activities:
- cognitive-speech;
- artistic and creative;
- gaming;
- collaboration with parents.
Children's activities
Active participation in all types of planned activities.
Final stage
Activities of a teacher
Organization of an exhibition of products for children's and adult creative activities.
Organizing a performance based on the fairy tale “About the Stupid Mouse.”
Children's activities
Participation in the preparation and staging of a fairy tale.

Long-term plan for holding “Book Week” in the middle group.

Days of the week
Activities during the day

Day one “And the book has a name day”

1. Conducting a conversation on the topic “It’s the book’s name day!” – a message from the teacher about where and when “Children’s Book Week” was born;
acquaintance with the history of the creation of the book;
2.Game “Recognize the hero of the fairy tale” - with
using multimedia presentation.
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about
fairy tales read.
3. Travel through the exhibitions “I love this book!”, “My favorite book!” (opening day of covers

1. Role-playing game “Shop”. Plot "Bookstore".
2.Repair of “sick” books in the book corner “Knizhkina Hospital”.
3. Outdoor game “Cat and Mouse”
4. Board games “Collect and guess”, “Correct the mistake”

Day two “Tili-bom-tili-bom, the cat’s house caught fire”
(the first half of the day)
1.NOD "Visiting the writer S. Ya. Marshak"
2. Didactic game“It is possible - it is not possible”;
3. Outdoor game “Mice dance in a circle.”
4.Watching the cartoon “Cat House”

1.Reading the work “Cat’s House”;
2. Didactic game “Recognize the hero by description”
3.Drawing “Cat House”
4. Outdoor game “Who is faster”

Day three "Poems"
(the first half of the day)
1. Travel through the exhibition “Funny Poems” - reading poetry.
2. Examination of illustrations for works.
3. Modeling “My favorite hero”
4. Didactic game “Collect a picture”

1. Reading the poem by S.Ya. Marshak “About toys”;
2. Outdoor game “Find your house”;
3 Dramatization of the fairy tale “Gloves”
4. Didactic game “Find the fairy tale heroes”;

Day four “Professions”
(the first half of the day)
1.Life Safety “Fire. Dangerous items";
2.Reading the fairy tale “Fire”, “Mail”, “About an Unknown Hero”
3. Didactic game “Who needs what for work?”;
4.Watching the cartoon “Fire”

1. Mathematical game “Help the Postman”;
2. Outdoor game “Find yourself a partner.”
3. Didactic game “Fold the picture”
4. Choreographic fantasies based on production. Marshak.

Day five “About animals”
(the first half of the day)
1. A journey through the exhibition “Tales of Animals” - examination of books that differ in content, design, focus;
2. Liter. Leisure
3. Outdoor game “Blind Man’s Bluff with a Bell”;
1. Didactic game “Say a word” * 2. Didactic game “Which fairy tale is the hero from?”;
3. “Tell your favorite fairy tale” (children’s stories);

Activities with parents:
1. Drawing your favorite literary characters.
2. Individual conversation “What books are they reading at home”
3. Exhibition of favorite home books.
4. Replenishment of the group library.
5. Printed information for parents:
“How to teach a child to love books”
“Recommendations for cultivating love and interest in books”
6. Making baby books.
Result of the project:
1. As a result of the project, children became acquainted with the work of children's writers.
2. Children learned to recognize writers and poets in reproductions and photographs.
3. The children met the illustrators of a children's book.
4. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.
5. The children learned how to repair books.
6. Children were created creative works according to the works read.
7. The children watched performances based on the works they had read, performed by professional actors.
8. Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on nurturing a love of reading.

In the Zasosenskaya model children's library, at the literary festival "Knizhkin's birthday is the best day of the year" - the opening celebration of Children's Book Week, the children, according to good tradition, met with their favorite book characters and learned about the history of the holiday. And then Queen Book invited me to take part in an entertaining literary quiz, “A Journey Through the Book Universe.”

Children's Book Week opened at the Kalinovskaya Model Library with a theatrical performance "Hello, Children's Book!" The hosts of the holiday spoke about the history of the holiday - the birthday of Children's Book Week and invited readers on a miraculous journey through the book Galaxy. Young experts answered slide quiz questions by visiting the “Cognitive” planet, and on the “Anniversary” planet they got acquainted with the anniversary books.

At "Ecological" - it was necessary to help planet Earth, which was in trouble - the guys grew a flower of wishes and helped planet Earth defeat Evil and the Garbage Monster.

Readers of the Verkhososensk Model Library were invited to the book buffet "Reading with Taste". The dishes at the buffet table were selected in such a way as to satisfy any reader's taste. The filling of “Sandwiches with Russian Classical Literature” consisted of questions on the works of Russian classical writers. Having answered them, the event participant could then enjoy the sandwich itself.

The dough for “Locally Baked Literary Cookies” was mixed with writers’ books native land. The guys showed their Creative skills in the book cartoon competition "Illustration for a favorite book." For this, they chose B. Osykov’s story “On the Black Sea” from the book “Once Upon a Time There Was a King Karnaus”, the poem “Kitten” by I. Chernyavskaya from the book “Pie”, etc.

After so much sweets, Book Cola with novels for girls came in very handy. The cola added a special flavor to reading passages from these books aloud.

At the end of the book buffet, young readers left “tips” in the form of reviews and wishes.

In the Cossack Model Library, young readers took part in the parade fairy-tale heroes"We live in our favorite books." The children met with their favorite literary characters from the books of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, E. Uspensky, N. Nosov.

A series of events took place in libraries dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the children's writer K. I. Chukovsky.
In the central children's library, pupils of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" became participants in the quiz game "How a miracle tree grows at our gate." From the librarian's story, the children learned about the life and work of their favorite writer, answered slide quiz questions, and carefully examined the books at the book exhibition "Tales of Grandfather Korney."

Fairy tale Day "Tales of Grandfather Korney" was held at the Zasosenskaya Model Children's Library. Children took an active part in the competitions “Who sent the telegram?”, “Confusion”, “Riddles of Moidodyr”, based on famous poems and fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

The quiz "Guess the Fairy Tale" was conducted with the help of electronic presentation, as well as toys and objects from various fairy tales by Chukovsky.

The children attended the birthday party of Mukha-Tsokotukha, famous for her hospitality.

Book exhibition "Merry, good friend childhood" of the author's works, designed for the event, became an interactive illustration of his work.

In Palatovsky s/f No. 28, the youngest readers of the library took part in the travel game “Visiting Grandfather Korney.” The kids unanimously answered quiz questions and watched an animated film based on Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”.

To mark the 55th anniversary of the publication of V. Zheleznyakov’s book “The Eccentric from 6 B”, an online reader conference “We are responsible for our actions” was held with readers of the Zasosenskaya Model Children’s Library and the Nikitovskaya Model Library. The guys shared their impressions of the book they read and expressed their point of view about the actions of the main character, discussed the questions “Would you like to be friends with such a boy? Why?”, “Where do you think Bori’s eccentricity is manifested?”, “Which of your friends would you like to be your friend? Why?"

One of the days of the Week was dedicated to the Year of Specially Protected Areas.

The virtual eco-travels “Secure Pearls of the Belgorod Region”, “Walks in protected places Belgorod region".

A pleasant surprise for young readers of the Zasosen Model Children's Library during the spring holidays was the campaign “Literary Heroes Are Serving You.”

Traditionally, at the end of March, libraries host a children’s book week, or “book name day,” the purpose of which is to popularize reading among schoolchildren. The libraries of the MBUK "Gagarinskaya MCBS" were no exception and held a series of events.

On March 16, the opening event of the Children’s Book Week “Book Name Days” was held at the Central Children’s Hospital for preschoolers of the “Kolokolchik” kindergarten. At which the children learned the history of this holiday, played fun games “Book Engine” and “Collect a Fairy Tale,” answered tricky riddles, remembered their favorite fairy tales, and showed their ingenuity and their talents. Of course, we couldn’t do without watching our favorite cartoon “What is good and what is bad” based on the poems of V. Mayakovsky. There were 23 people present at the event.

On March 27, pupils of the “Solnyshko” kindergarten took part in the book express: “Sailing books to new discoveries.” The children were greeted at the festival by the Queen Book, Professor of Book Sciences, and in the country of Chitalia they had a meeting with the Book Astrologer. But before the country of Chitalia, the guys went through a long and thorny path. The kids began their journey from the Kingdom of Books, where they learned about the importance of reading and that books also celebrate their name days. Then everyone went on a trip to the “Toon Island”, where the fabulous Pencil taught the children “What is good and what is bad.” The next stop is the scary and mysterious “Cave of Poems”, which contained treasures - poems by children's writers. “The Mysterious Tree” was the next stage of the journey through the magical land. The kids had to solve all sorts of tricky riddles. Well, the last test on the way to the country of Chitalia was the furiously raging sea, which could only be crossed using magic rings. And the guys coped with this task perfectly, ending up in the country of Chitalia, where the Book Astrologer was already waiting for them with his fairy-tale questions, after guessing which the guys finally received the gift “Magic Chest”, which contained coloring books and pencils. The event was attended by 28 people.

On March 30, the Central Children's Library completed a series of events dedicated to Children's Book Week, holding a fairy-tale game “Brave Rescuers in the Country of Chukokkola” with children from the “Krepysh” kindergarten, dedicated to K.I. Chukovsky. An exhibition-portrait “He was awarded some kind of eternal childhood” was mounted. The books of this writer are like a trip to the Country Happy Childhood, it’s not difficult to go there: open a book, start reading - and you’ll immediately find yourself in this wonderful country. So the children were asked to check if they were familiar with Chukovsky’s works. They happily answered the questions of the “Confusion” quiz in unison, read books and watched the cartoons “Moidodyr” and “Telephone”. The event was attended by 25 people.

On March 27, 2017, the Chernogubtsevsky rural branch held a competition of literary experts “Childhood Books”. The book holiday is a holiday for all reading children, a holiday for childhood, a holiday for writers, publishers and librarians. This is a holiday of inquisitive children and adults who are in love with books, a holiday of new literary discoveries and fun adventures.

During the event, the children actively participated in a competition of experts: younger readers based on the works of K. Chukovsky, and older readers based on M. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” A quiz was held on the fables of I. Krylov. The exhibition-recommendation “Bells of Childhood” was created. 17 people took part in the event.

In the Karmanov Library On March 23, 2017, a literary and gaming lesson “These books are the best and they are a great success” was held for middle school children. The following exhibition-exposition “Mysterious, enigmatic, funny adventures” and an exhibition-advertising “These books are the best” were prepared for the event.

Adventure is great! Books about them were presented at the exhibition: “Robinson Crusoe” by D. Defoe, “Gulliver’s Travels” by D. Swift, “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” by A. Nekrasov, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key” and many others. Librarians conducted a quiz “Through the Pages of Your Favorite Books” with the questions:

What was the name of the hero who overcame all difficulties after a shipwreck?

Who gave Pinocchio five gold coins?

What was the name of Captain Vrungel's senior mate?

What did Alice see through the looking glass? and others.

The event continued with the appearance of Basilio the Cat and his constant companion Alice the Fox, who tried to lure gold coins from Pinocchio, and Baba Yaga tried to re-educate them and force them to read the necessary books.

The event turned out to be educational and interesting, the children enjoyed participating in the “adventures” and taking books home. There were 22 people present.

On March 27, 2017, the Karmanovsky rural branch, in partnership with the Yauza social shelter, held a game-performance “A detective is on the trail” for the children of the shelter. The narrative exhibition “Where Miracles Live” was created.

The event began with a fun theatrical performance “The Royal Missing”. A certain fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by a wise king who loved to read fairy tales and had his own library, which contained many books. One day the king had a misfortune: his most beloved Silver Book of Fairy Tales disappeared, and it was stolen by the Robber, who also loved to read. An extraordinary detective, Baba Yaga, comes to the aid of the king. Together with the guys, she quickly finds the missing item, and the game “Special Signs” helps find it. The performance included many different competitions: “Steel Tooth”, “Stand in a Circle”, “Little Red Riding Hood” and others. Children enthusiastically participated in competitions, read poetry, and danced. The event was fun and interesting. 16 people took part.

On March 29, the Sergo-Ivanovo rural branch hosted a competitive game program for schoolchildren “The Miracle whose name is a book.” The head of the branch told the children about the history of the “Book Named After” holiday, and then everyone took an active part in games, sprint competitions and quizzes “What does this mean?”, “Who lives where?”, “Add a proverb”, “Check your ingenuity." A book exhibition-recommendation “Country called “Childhood”” was organized, where books were presented, the heroes of which were children. 13 people took part.

On March 31, the city branch of the MBUK "Gagarinskaya MCBS" hosted a literary festival "Tales of Grandfather Korney", which was attended by children of the kindergarten named after Yu.A. Gagarin and their parents.

A literary quiz “Tales of Grandfather Korney” was held, and a book exhibition of the same name was presented to the attention of children. The children were asked to remember the heroes of fairy tales in the game “Fun Auction”. In the competition “Add rhymes to the lines...” children tested their knowledge of the works of K.I. Chukovsky, and then answered with pleasure “Riddles - jokes” and “Riddles - horror stories”. In the next task, “Who’s knocking on my door?” children and adults had to recognize the hero and answer whether he was good or bad and why. During the literary quiz, it turned out that the children knew and read the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky well.

Then we conducted a physical exercise “Barabek” (How to tease a glutton from English folklore, translated by K. Chukovsky). Refreshed, the guys began to select things that fit only their fairy tale (the presenter named their fairy tale). The following things are suitable for the fairy tale “Moidodyr” - (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, comb). Etc.

The next task was for the parents: answer quiz questions about Chukovsky and his works.

The event was bright and joyful, leaving happy smiles on the children's faces. All the fabulous wealth created by Korney Ivanovich, the kind and funny world of the wizard Korney Chukovsky will always be with us, because with us are his wonderful books, which are read by children of all generations. 33 people were present.

On March 31, 2017, the Baskakovsky rural branch held a literary lotto “Visiting Korney Chukovsky”, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the writer.

The head of the branch introduced the children to the biography of the writer, they learned his real name and surname. We got acquainted with the exhibition of one author, “Tales of Grandfather Korney,” and then found the hidden book after listening to the riddle.

The children took a very active part in the loud reading competition “I know this fairy tale”; they read out excerpts from Chukovsky’s fairy tales with elements of dramatization. We showed ingenuity in the “Confusion” competition, where we had to correctly assemble the names of fairy tales from syllables.

The “Things Lost” competition was fun, the guys determined which fairy tales the things were from (soap, washcloth, saucer, samovar, iron, thermometer and others), and some objects were “inhabitants” of several fairy tales and the guys guessed it correctly.

The event was very interesting and fun, the participants of the event showed excellent knowledge of the works of K. I. Chukovsky. There were 23 people present.

Tokarevsky rural branch held literary journey“Favorite childhood writer” for the 135th anniversary of the children's writer, critic and literary critic K.I. Chukovsky. The head of the branch introduced the kindergarten children to the works of everyone’s favorite writer from childhood. The children listened with great interest to excerpts from fairy tales, took an active part in the “Confusion” competition, and guessed by objects (toothbrush, saucer, money) which fairy tale it was from. All the children looked at their favorite books for a very long time. There were 10 people present.

“With a book along the road of childhood” - under this general name, events were held in the Klushinsky rural branch as part of the Week of Children's and Youth Books. During the Week, from March 24 to March 30, 2017, the library organized events of various forms and contents - exhibitions, reviews, conversations, loud readings, game programs, quizzes.

On March 24, Children's and Youth Book Week opened with the literary kaleidoscope “A Holiday for All Seasons.” A celebration of their closest and smartest friend, the book, was organized for the children, which was accompanied by a presentation. After viewing the slides, the children enjoyed participating in a competition program with games and riddles.

On March 25, the children made a literary journey through the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen. We got acquainted with the biography of the storyteller and expanded our knowledge about the writer’s fairy tales. We took part in competitions and answered questions in the “Magic Words” quiz.

Exhibition of books by poets of the day “Opening a book, we open the world”, “In the holy abode of nature”, “Both girls and boys all read these books”.

On March 28, the guys gathered in the library for environmental lesson nature “Green Miracle - Earth”, where they talked about the wealth of resources that the planet has, and that all these resources must be protected... The event was held in the form of a dialogue between a librarian and children. Together with the guys, we came up with several rules that will help keep our planet clean and beautiful.

On March 29, the library hosted literary reading fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. The children read the fairy tales “Rapunzel” and “Snow Maiden” and also solved a crossword puzzle.

Well, on March 30, at the end of the holiday week, the literary festival “Happy Birthday, Book!” was held. IN game form The guys remembered and repeated our good old fairy tales and cartoons, learned to think logically and draw conclusions. Illustrations from fairy tales were used to determine the work. The best readers of the library received certificates for good reading and friendship with books. 40 people took part in the events.

From March 27 to April 1, 2017, in the Baskakovsky rural branch, as part of Children’s Book Week, the “Happy Birthday, Book!” Campaign was held! All young readers who visited the library on these days left their congratulations and wishes to the “birthday girl” at a specially equipped stand. It was written a lot of words of gratitude and the most sincere and good wishes, the guys very touchingly, childishly thanked the book for what it is, so that the book is not forgotten, not torn, so that there are even more books and it lives for a long time! More than 30 people took part in the action.

The Children's Book Week holiday, according to its creators themselves, should very clearly demonstrate how important books from childhood are in a person's upbringing. A collection of your favorite fairy tales can leave an indelible imprint on your soul. Because it is the stories that are well known to many that make young children think for the first time about what evil and good are, why it is so important not to deceive their parents and always tell the truth. A book can develop all the main and fundamental character traits, and parents should definitely know this.

In total, 280 people attended the events dedicated to the opening of Children's Book Week.