* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:


Net profit:

Payback period:

Training centers are a popular business area, the potential of which is only just being revealed in Russia and in which free and profitable niches can be found. What is needed to open an educational center?

Rapid development of business in the educational and educational centers is a worldwide trend. The concept of lifelong learning makes people use the services of training centers throughout their lives - from preschool education and until retirement age. Modern educational platforms make possible a minimum entry threshold and ensure good profitability of this business.

What is a modern training center

Modern The educational center is a complex business. Let's consider the main directions of its activities.

If 10-15 years ago the training center was a specialized educational organization, engaged in training students in any activity or several related areas of activity, then currently the training center is, in fact, a training and consulting company.

The modern learning process can be both group and individual. The individual training process is closer to the provision of consulting services, where experts provide training in accordance with the specific objectives of the client. Also, the process of group training becomes closer to individual training, since the training program changes flexibly in accordance with the wishes and objectives of the students. Training programs, in this case, become aimed at solving certain practical problems, there are many of them, each of them specifically expresses the requirements of a certain group of clients.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Another difference of a modern training center is that its clients are not only individual students, but business structures that want to improve the professional training of their employees in any area. Such work, when the client of the training center is a business, is called the B2B segment (business to business) and is currently the main driving force the entire training industry, since if an individual student pays for his training on his own and, accordingly, has limited financial resources, then a business has much fewer such restrictions.

It should also be noted that training centers have already become not just additional education, but constant companion any professional. Fast development scientific and technological progress and the accumulation of knowledge throughout the world does not allow a professional to keep abreast of all modern trends. On the other hand, the pace modern life leaves no time for independent development, it is much easier to take short-term training courses and get the best set of knowledge in the profession, which has already been selected by professional teachers, based on world experience and the best practices used.

Another trend that defines fast development training centers in the modern period, is a constant change in the most popular and relevant professions and areas of activity. Many professions that were in demand 10-15 years ago are losing their relevance or are being supplemented with new functions that were previously unusual for them.

The most simple example is the profession of accountant. Previously, this was a specialist in accounting, but now the profession of an accountant is inseparable from computer technology This also includes the use of legal reference systems, specialized accounting programs, reporting programs and data exchange tools. Software is taking over and automating more and more accounting functions, but is forcing accountants to increasingly become software specialists. And there are thousands of such professions with similar trends. All these specialists need constant vocational training on the basis of training centers.

Forms of organizing the work of the training center

There are currently two main forms of organization educational process. This is online and offline training. The choice of this form, or rather, which form will prevail in the activities of the training center, largely determines its organization and operating principles.

Online learning (in English online or e-learning) is distance learning, when training is conducted using the Internet in real time using conferencing programs or the listener watches already recorded video material.

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Offline learning is a classic type of learning, when the student learns online classroom, usually as part of a group and the trainer or teacher interacts directly with the students.

Let's consider what are the advantages of one and the other form of training.

Advantages of online training for a training center:

  1. First of all, it saves costs on the maintenance and equipment of training premises.

  2. The first advantage leads to the second advantage: prices for online training can be lower due to cost savings, meaning more people will be able to take advantage of your training programs.

    Using an online learning model, your training center can attract students from all over the country and even the world, significantly expanding its audience and, accordingly, its financial flows without significantly increasing costs.

    A comfortable learning environment for students who can study in a convenient place and time also helps to increase the audience of your courses and increase your profits.

But there are almost no benefits for the training center from conducting direct, offline training. The costs are higher, the audience that can be attracted is smaller. But there are a number of nuances. It is more difficult for people of a higher age category to study online. This occurs both due to the prevailing psychological attitude towards direct learning, and to the lack of experience and knowledge when working with a computer. It should also be taken into account that intermediate testing of knowledge is difficult to conduct online, especially final tests, based on the results of which a certificate of completion of the courses is issued. Of course, such a document can be provided to everyone who paid for the course, but this will significantly reduce the value of taking your courses in the eyes of students. One should not discount the fact that direct teaching provides better contact with the lecturer.

And finally, it should be taken into account that training courses provide students with the opportunity to acquire new contacts that are potentially useful in business terms, which is an important incentive for many students to take offline courses.

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Thus, it is advisable to combine the advantages of online and offline training, combining these forms of training in such a way that your training center receives maximum profit.

The most profitable areas of study for a training center

The choice of direction for training is very important for the success of the created training center. It should be noted that you can teach anything - from manicure techniques to working in the cryptocurrency market. Of course, you, as the organizer of a training center, do not need to understand all the areas yourself. Your main task is to organize a business. Finding the best trainers or teachers, especially since you can offer part-time work, not full-time, is not difficult.

As for Russia, the market additional education is estimated at more than 100 billion rubles. Almost seven million citizens of the Russian Federation are enrolled in additional education courses.

According to market participants, the most popular courses are those lasting up to one month.

The entire market of additional education in Russia can be divided into two large parts: additional education for children and adolescents, and additional vocational education.

With additional education for children, everything is simple. The greatest demand among training centers is for centers engaged in preparation for a unified state exam(USE). This is understandable, since without special preparation for the Unified State Exam it is very difficult to score enough points to enter a higher educational institution. In second place in demand for children and adolescents are various language classes, especially courses in English, which is associated with the traditionally low level of its teaching in regular secondary school. Next come artistic and sports education. The areas of additional art education. Both classical drawing courses and modern areas, such as photography or acting, are popular there.

Determine a list of the most popular courses for additional vocational education much more complicated; their list is too extensive. The majority of students in this segment (about 44%) updated their knowledge of a profession previously acquired in the higher or secondary education system. The students of these courses were professionals actively working in their main specialty, for example, accountants, auditors, lawyers. Courses aimed at training and additional training of education and health workers are in great demand.

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Considering the industrial nature of the most popular areas of activity of the training center, we can note that the leading sector here is mining, which is associated, on the one hand, with the rapid technological development of the industry, and with the presence in this industry of sufficient financial resources, which, according to statistics, made it possible to involve almost every third of their employees in the field of additional education.

It is worth paying attention to such areas of additional education as Internet marketing, graphic design, logistics and corporate management, that is, those areas in which higher education can't keep up modern trends development.

Speaking about additional professional education, one cannot fail to mention the concept continuing education, very popular in developed countries. In short, this concept provides for education “not for life, but throughout life.” According to this indicator, Russia lags significantly behind developed countries. In the Russian Federation, no more than 20% of workers participate in the process of continuous education; in the countries of the European Union this figure is twice as high. Thus, the potential for the development of additional professional education is enormous; the market should grow at least twice.

Therefore, let’s consider what trends exist in the market of additional professional education in developed countries, since the trends that exist there will soon be in demand in our country, we need to prepare for this in order to occupy our niche in advance.

First of all, these are courses related to business administration and management activities. For example, these include courses aimed at developing analytical skills, tools for making decisions in difficult situations, training to increase productivity and manage your own time. Training centers specializing in the development of management skills and leadership qualities for women. In Russia, this area is poorly developed; gender in education in our country, as a rule, is not welcomed, but it is a global trend. It is worth taking a closer look at this direction.

Very popular abroad professional courses culinary art, psychological development and repairs.

So which direction should you choose as more profitable? There is no exact answer to this question. You cannot choose the specialization of a training center based on which areas are most in demand now - by the time you enter the market, you will have to compete for clients with training centers that will already have a strong reputation in this segment. Choose those areas of specialization of the training center that either allow students to retrain and get a more modern specialty, or earn more money in their specialty. Well, and, of course, fill your leisure time. Cooking courses are especially popular these days.

Legal aspects of creating a training center: licenses, certificates, permits

Let's start with the most important point - do you need a license for a training center? This is a complex issue from a legal point of view. In practice, this area of ​​business is regulated federal law"On education in Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ and the federal law "On licensing of certain types of activities" dated May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ. Do not look at the fact that the laws were adopted a long time ago. Every year they are supplemented and clarified, the practice of their application , due to the ambiguity of the wording, is quite complex. Without going into legal complications, we will answer this question simply.

A license is required for a training center. The exception is the case when teaching is conducted by an individual entrepreneur personally. He has no right to hire employees. As a rule, this is a tutoring activity. But the format of the training center that we are talking about in this article is different - we assume the creation of a training center with several teachers working on a permanent basis and several training programs. In this case, a license is required.

Of course, there are “legal” options to circumvent this law. One of them includes, for example, a scheme according to which each tutor enters into a separate agreement with students, and the training center enters into an agreement with each tutor or teacher for the rental of premises. The option is ambiguous from a legal point of view. We strongly do not recommend using this option without consulting with a qualified attorney in your area, as the actions of regulatory authorities may be completely different.

Therefore, we will consider what is needed to obtain a license for a training center. It all starts with choosing the organizational form of the training center. According to the law, these can be educational organizations and organizations providing training. Educational organizations are non-profit organizations (ANO, NOCHU, CHUDO and others). Organizations providing training are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, including those with employees. We will choose the second option, since we are still going to carry out commercial activities, and the requirements for obtaining a license are lower.

Obtaining a license for an organization providing training is not particularly difficult. We will not dwell on this in detail, in general the scheme is as follows: obtaining an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor and the license itself from the Department of Education. Naturally, to obtain these documents, simply applications are not enough; a fairly large list of documents is also attached to them. You can obtain this list from employees of these bodies. The fee for obtaining a license is 7,500 rubles. Make sure to obtain this list in advance, as there are special requirements for premises for different types training centers. For example, a children's training center must have at least three toilets: for boys, girls and for staff. And this cannot be organized in every room, so be careful.

If you do not want to go through this entire procedure yourself, then specialized organizations will help you. The period for obtaining such a license takes about three months, the cost of the service is from 30 thousand rubles.

There are some difficulties in choosing the OKVED code. The main code will be OKVED section P “Education”. But choosing a subsection can be difficult. It all depends on many factors: the duration of the courses, the form of organization, the type of services provided. In this matter, we strongly recommend that you consult Rosstat or Rosstandart in your region, or contact the appropriate law firm for advice. Various regulatory authorities may have complaints on this issue, so it is better to clarify all the nuances in advance.

Investments, profits and financial performance of the training center

Let us immediately determine that the issue of investment and profitability of a training center depends on many factors. If you are planning to start with online courses and conduct them yourself, then the investment will be from 50 thousand rubles. All you need to do is purchase a computer with Internet access, register an individual entrepreneur and spend a certain amount on advertising. In this case, advertising will work best in in social networks. Preferably on Facebook. But it all depends on the focus of your courses. For example, Instagram would work better for cooking courses.

If your activity is related to offline learning, then first of all, you need a premises that meets certain requirements for educational institutions. The cost of renting such a room may not be very high, since its area can be from 25-30 square meters. Repairs may be needed, but this is all individual.

Another significant expense may be the purchase of office and computer equipment, projector and other equipment necessary for the educational process. If your courses are related to computers and you need to equip each training place with them, then the cost of this can range from 300 thousand rubles for ten training places. In rounded terms, if we rent a room, it does not require significant repairs, and we equip each training place with a computer, then the cost of organizing such a center, including furniture, will be from 600 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to provide an operational reserve for several months to pay rent and wages until you reach operating profitability. The total cost of opening an offline training center will be from 1 million rubles.

As for expenses, the main part will be the salaries of teachers or experts who will conduct training. Profit will directly depend on the number of students in your courses and the number of teachers. Let's give an example. Suppose you organized an offline training center with three teachers, that is, for three programs. The duration of training is one month for all programs. The average number of listeners per program is 10 people. The cost of the course is 8 thousand rubles. Thus, your revenue will be about 240 thousand rubles. Expenses, taking into account rent, wages, taxes and advertising, will amount to about 180 thousand rubles. In total, your income will be about 60 thousand rubles per month.

As for online courses, with minimal investment and high-quality, in-demand course areas, we can get more than 50 people on the course. The profit from the course can be more than hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The payback period for a training center is on average about one year.

There are also less obvious ways to monetize online training centers. For example, you can earn money by providing completely free training. The model looks like this. Russian partners of Coursera provide their training courses for free, but charge a fee for passing certification and obtaining a certificate. Having prepared a not very significant number of courses in Russian and spending about 2 million dollars on their preparation, Russian division Coursera generated annual revenues of approximately $3 million. That is, it recouped its costs in less than a year. But these courses can bring profit for years.

Marketing and promotion of the training center

Here are a few basic rules that must be followed when promoting an educational or training center.

    Strive to sell your products to as wide an audience as possible: companies, children, their parents, students. For example, if we are talking about a children's center, then if you do not present your course to parents in a favorable manner, you will not acquire a client, and if you do not captivate the child in the first lesson, then he will not come again.

    The main promotion channel for a training center is virality, that is, a method of advertising when information is transmitted by the users themselves, in other words, “word of mouth”.

    Make upsells. Let's assume the past initial course, offer a more expensive advanced one, and then an expert one.

    Use social networks for promotion. They make it easy for users to share the information they like. Post on the pages of your training center not news and advertising information, but specific cases and solutions, let readers on social networks see the potential of your courses.

    Constantly receive feedback from my listeners. This will not only allow you to make your courses increasingly useful and effective, but will also increase customer loyalty. Be sure to ask trainees to review their courses on your website or social media page.

Franchise and online platforms for a training center

Even if you are planning to open an offline training center, you need to add an online component to its program in order to expand the audience and attract new clients. Modern special platforms allow you to do this easily and with almost no investment.

For a small fee, you will not only get all the tools you need to conduct online training, but also the ability to receive payment and make upsells. Many sites have a free period for conducting several online seminars. You can easily and without investment evaluate the effectiveness of this form of training.

Also, to make starting a business easier, especially if you have not worked in this business before, purchasing a training center franchise can help you. Often, companies that offer franchises provide not only already developed courses, but also clients, independently providing advertising activities for your training center, and also provide legal and accounting support.

To summarize, we conclude that the creation of a training center is a promising business, the potential of which is only just being revealed in the Russian market. Effective methods online learning can minimize investments, and the attracted audience will provide good profitability.

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Nowadays it has become very popular to receive additional education, both in the field of one’s profession and additional self-education for adults and children. Demand creates supply, so opening a training center for additional education is quite a good opportunity to earn money. Let's consider all the stages of how to open a training center?

How to open a training center - choosing a niche!

Decide in what format you want to teach and who?

Typically, additional education can be found in the form of courses, trainings, seminars, lectures, master classes, and educational marathons.

They are conditionally classified:

  1. According to training time.

The duration of the events depends on the declared program, which can last from several hours to several years.
This long-term training format includes foreign language courses, design and other disciplines. The program is divided into several levels of training, the duration of which on average is from 3 months to 2 years. Long-term training is good because long time Income will come from students in the form of monthly contributions.

Short-term training can be from several hours, like a master class, to 2 months, like an educational marathon or training.

  1. According to the subject of the courses, which can be:

Professional is an increase in level professional knowledge, or mastering new professions such as accountant, designer, florist, manicurist, hairdresser, bartender, etc.

General education - when they develop individual skills, for example, foreign languages, or upgrade personal qualities, the so-called personal growth trainings that are now popular.

Creative courses where they teach how to draw, sew, knit, make dolls, bead weaving, embroidery, wood carving and others, in a hobby format.

  1. Classification by audience age.
    They are divided into children, teenagers and adults.

Having decided on the training program and audience, we move on to the next step.

How to form a staff?

To ensure the life of the training center, you will need an administrator, an accountant, teachers, and a cleaner.

Teachers can be either full-time employees or invited from outside.

A specialized training center that teaches the same courses over and over again requires a permanent full-time teaching staff.

There are training centers that serve only as a platform for conducting educational programs. Nowadays this format is popular, when space is rented out for rent from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for holding educational events. In this case, teaching staff is not needed, an administrator or a cleaning lady is enough. The accountant is also a freelance outsourcer.

How to choose a room?

Mostly educational institutions are located in central areas, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open a training center profitably? Choose a central location instead!

An exception may be residential areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The premises must comply with sanitary standards.
Its size and layout depend on the chosen concept of the training center.

These can be either large rooms or small classes. A prerequisite is a bathroom, a room-kitchen where employees can relax at lunch or students can have a snack during the educational process.

What equipment is needed?

The main equipment is tables, chairs, a board or flipchart, a projector, and stationery.

Depending on the subject of the training center, you may also need training methodological material, computers, toys for children and carpeting on the floor.

How to make it official?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. A license is not required to conduct educational activities in the course format. Only there must be mandatory registration with the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of training programs of the center;
— documents for the presence of highly qualified teaching staff;
— documents for premises that meet all sanitary standards;
— documents to provide the learning process with everything necessary;
— information about the registration of a non-state educational institution.

What will the costs be?

It’s difficult to say a specific number, because... The cost of rent and employee wages differ significantly from region to region.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let’s summarize what they consist of:

  1. Renting a premises may require additional repairs;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. Staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Some expenses can be reduced on salaries. For example, pay salaries based on the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on the promotion methods. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to create your own website right away; it is enough to advertise on social media. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper on initial stage than investing in a website.

How should you promote your training center?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting the support of employment centers that can refer you to you for retraining. Post advertisements on city forums.

For children's centers it is necessary to place advertisements on forums and magazines for mothers. In children's entertainment centers. He can even go through nearby houses and post an ad at the entrance.

Where to make money: 5 unique business ideas that will help you get rich! How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays? Working methods from Anatomy of Business!

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:


Net profit:

Payback period:

Training centers are a popular business area, the potential of which is only just being revealed in Russia and in which free and profitable niches can be found. What is needed to open an educational center?

The rapid development of business in the segment of training and educational centers is a global trend. The concept of lifelong learning makes people use the services of training centers throughout their lives - from pre-school education to retirement age. Modern educational platforms make possible a minimum entry threshold and ensure good profitability of this business.

What is a modern training center

A modern training center is a complex business. Let's consider the main directions of its activities.

If 10-15 years ago a training center was a specialized training organization engaged in training students in any activity or several related areas of activity, now the training center is, in fact, a training and consulting company.

The modern learning process can be both group and individual. The individual training process is closer to the provision of consulting services, where experts provide training in accordance with the specific objectives of the client. Also, the process of group training becomes closer to individual training, since the training program changes flexibly in accordance with the wishes and objectives of the students. Training programs, in this case, become aimed at solving certain practical problems; there are many of them, each of them specifically expresses the requirements of a certain group of clients.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Another difference of a modern training center is that its clients are not only individual students, but business structures that want to improve the professional training of their employees in any area. Such work, when the client of the training center is a business, is called the B2B segment (business to business) and is currently the main driving force of the entire training industry, since if an individual student pays for his training on his own and, accordingly, has limited financial resources, then the business has much fewer such restrictions.

It should also be noted that training centers have already become not just additional education, but a constant companion of any professional. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress and the accumulation of knowledge throughout the world does not allow a professional to keep abreast of all modern trends. On the other hand, the pace of modern life does not leave time for independent development; it is much easier to take short-term training courses and get the best set of knowledge in the profession, which has already been chosen by professional teachers, based on world experience and the best practices used.

Another trend that determines the rapid development of training centers in the modern period is the constant change in the most popular and relevant professions and areas of activity. Many professions that were in demand 10-15 years ago are losing their relevance or are being supplemented with new functions that were previously unusual for them.

The simplest example is the accounting profession. Previously, this was a specialist in accounting, but now the accounting profession is inseparable from computer technology - this includes the use of reference and legal systems, specialized accounting programs, reporting programs and data exchange tools. Software is taking over and automating more and more accounting functions, but is forcing accountants to increasingly become software specialists. And there are thousands of such professions with similar trends. All these specialists need constant professional training at training centers.

Forms of organizing the work of the training center

At the moment, there are two main forms of organizing the educational process. This is online and offline training. The choice of this form, or rather, which form will prevail in the activities of the training center, largely determines its organization and operating principles.

Online learning (in English online or e-learning) is distance learning, when learning is carried out using the Internet in real time using conferencing programs or the listener watches already recorded video material.

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Offline training is a classic type of training, when the student is trained in a classroom, usually as part of a group, and the trainer or teacher directly interacts with the students.

Let's consider what are the advantages of one and the other form of training.

Advantages of online training for a training center:

  1. First of all, it saves costs on the maintenance and equipment of training premises.

  2. The first advantage leads to the second advantage: prices for online training can be lower due to cost savings, meaning more people will be able to take advantage of your training programs.

    Using an online learning model, your training center can attract students from all over the country and even the world, significantly expanding its audience and, accordingly, its financial flows without significantly increasing costs.

    A comfortable learning environment for students who can study in a convenient place and time also helps to increase the audience of your courses and increase your profits.

But there are almost no benefits for the training center from conducting direct, offline training. The costs are higher, the audience that can be attracted is smaller. But there are a number of nuances. It is more difficult for people of a higher age category to study online. This occurs both due to the prevailing psychological attitude towards direct learning, and to the lack of experience and knowledge when working with a computer. It should also be taken into account that intermediate testing of knowledge is difficult to conduct online, especially final tests, based on the results of which a certificate of completion of the courses is issued. Of course, such a document can be provided to everyone who paid for the course, but this will significantly reduce the value of taking your courses in the eyes of students. One should not discount the fact that direct teaching provides better contact with the lecturer.

And finally, it should be taken into account that training courses provide students with the opportunity to acquire new contacts that are potentially useful in business terms, which is an important incentive for many students to take offline courses.

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Thus, it is advisable to combine the advantages of online and offline training, combining these forms of training in such a way that your training center receives maximum profit.

The most profitable areas of study for a training center

The choice of direction for training is very important for the success of the created training center. It should be noted that you can teach anything - from manicure techniques to working in the cryptocurrency market. Of course, you, as the organizer of a training center, do not need to understand all the areas yourself. Your main task is to organize a business. Finding the best trainers or teachers, especially since you can offer part-time work, not full-time, is not difficult.

As for Russia, the market for additional education is estimated at more than 100 billion rubles. Almost seven million citizens of the Russian Federation are enrolled in additional education courses.

According to market participants, the most popular courses are those lasting up to one month.

The entire market of additional education in Russia can be divided into two large parts: additional education for children and adolescents, and additional vocational education.

With additional education for children, everything is simple. The centers that prepare for the Unified State Exam (USE) are in greatest demand among training centers. This is understandable, since without special preparation for the Unified State Exam it is very difficult to score enough points to enter a higher educational institution. In second place in demand for children and adolescents are various language courses, especially English courses, which is due to the traditionally low level of its teaching in regular secondary schools. Next come art and sports education. The areas of additional art education are especially diverse. Both classical drawing courses and modern areas, such as photography or acting, are popular there.

Determining the list of the most popular courses for additional professional education is much more difficult; their list is too extensive. The majority of students in this segment (about 44%) updated their knowledge of a profession previously acquired in the higher or secondary education system. The students of these courses were professionals actively working in their main specialty, for example, accountants, auditors, lawyers. Courses aimed at training and additional training of education and health workers are in great demand.

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Considering the industrial nature of the most popular areas of activity of the training center, we can note that the leading sector here is mining, which is associated, on the one hand, with the rapid technological development of the industry, and with the presence in this industry of sufficient financial resources, which, according to statistics, made it possible to involve almost every third of their employees in the field of additional education.

It is worth paying attention to such areas of additional education as Internet marketing, graphic design, logistics and corporate management, that is, those areas in which higher education does not keep up with modern development trends.

Speaking about additional professional education, one cannot fail to mention the concept of lifelong education, which is very popular in developed countries. In short, this concept provides for education “not for life, but throughout life.” According to this indicator, Russia lags significantly behind developed countries. In the Russian Federation, no more than 20% of workers participate in the process of continuous education; in the countries of the European Union this figure is twice as high. Thus, the potential for the development of additional professional education is enormous; the market should grow at least twice.

Therefore, let’s consider what trends exist in the market of additional professional education in developed countries, since the trends that exist there will soon be in demand in our country, we need to prepare for this in order to occupy our niche in advance.

First of all, these are courses related to business administration and management activities. For example, these include courses aimed at developing analytical skills, tools for making decisions in difficult situations, training to increase productivity and manage your own time. Training centers specializing in developing management and leadership skills for women are developing very quickly. In Russia, this area is poorly developed; gender in education in our country, as a rule, is not welcomed, but it is a global trend. It is worth taking a closer look at this direction.

Professional courses in cooking, psychological development and repair are very popular abroad.

So which direction should you choose as more profitable? There is no exact answer to this question. You cannot choose the specialization of a training center based on which areas are most in demand now - by the time you enter the market, you will have to compete for clients with training centers that will already have a strong reputation in this segment. Choose those areas of specialization of the training center that either allow students to retrain and get a more modern specialty, or earn more money in their specialty. Well, and, of course, fill your leisure time. Cooking courses are especially popular these days.

Legal aspects of creating a training center: licenses, certificates, permits

Let's start with the most important point - do you need a license for a training center? This is a complex issue from a legal point of view. In practice, this area of ​​business is regulated by the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ and the federal law “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ. Don't look at the fact that the laws were adopted a long time ago. Every year they contain additions and clarifications; the practice of their application, due to the ambiguity of the wording, is quite complex. Without going into legal complications, we will answer this question simply.

A license is required for a training center. The exception is the case when teaching is conducted by an individual entrepreneur personally. He has no right to hire employees. As a rule, this is a tutoring activity. But the format of the training center that we are talking about in this article is different - we assume the creation of a training center with several teachers working on a permanent basis and several training programs. In this case, a license is required.

Of course, there are “legal” options to circumvent this law. One of them includes, for example, a scheme according to which each tutor enters into a separate agreement with students, and the training center enters into an agreement with each tutor or teacher for the rental of premises. The option is ambiguous from a legal point of view. We strongly do not recommend using this option without consulting with a qualified attorney in your area, as the actions of regulatory authorities may be completely different.

Therefore, we will consider what is needed to obtain a license for a training center. It all starts with choosing the organizational form of the training center. According to the law, these can be educational organizations and organizations providing training. Educational organizations are non-profit organizations (ANO, NOCHU, CHUDO and others). Organizations providing training are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, including those with employees. We will choose the second option, since we are still going to carry out commercial activities, and the requirements for obtaining a license are lower.

Obtaining a license for an organization providing training is not particularly difficult. We will not dwell on this in detail, in general the scheme is as follows: obtaining an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor and the license itself from the Department of Education. Naturally, to obtain these documents, simply applications are not enough; a fairly large list of documents is also attached to them. You can obtain this list from employees of these bodies. The fee for obtaining a license is 7,500 rubles. Make sure to obtain this list in advance, as there are special requirements for premises for different types of training centers. For example, a children's training center must have at least three toilets: for boys, girls and for staff. And this cannot be organized in every room, so be careful.

If you do not want to go through this entire procedure yourself, then specialized organizations will help you. The period for obtaining such a license takes about three months, the cost of the service is from 30 thousand rubles.

There are some difficulties in choosing the OKVED code. The main code will be OKVED section P “Education”. But choosing a subsection can be difficult. It all depends on many factors: the duration of the courses, the form of organization, the type of services provided. In this matter, we strongly recommend that you consult Rosstat or Rosstandart in your region, or contact the appropriate law firm for advice. Various regulatory authorities may have complaints on this issue, so it is better to clarify all the nuances in advance.

Investments, profits and financial performance of the training center

Let us immediately determine that the issue of investment and profitability of a training center depends on many factors. If you plan to start with online courses and teach them yourself, then the investment will be from 50 thousand rubles. All you need to do is purchase a computer with Internet access, register an individual entrepreneur and spend a certain amount on advertising. Advertising on social networks will work best in this case. Preferably on Facebook. But it all depends on the focus of your courses. For example, Instagram would work better for cooking courses.

If your activity is related to offline learning, then first of all, you need premises that meet certain requirements for educational institutions. The cost of renting such a room may not be very high, since its area can be from 25-30 square meters. Repairs may be needed, but this is all individual.

Another significant expense item may be the purchase of office and computer equipment, a projector and other equipment necessary for the educational process. If your courses are related to computers and you need to equip each training place with them, then the cost of this can range from 300 thousand rubles for ten training places. In rounded terms, if we rent a room, it does not require significant repairs, and we equip each training place with a computer, then the cost of organizing such a center, including furniture, will be from 600 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to provide a few months' operating reserve to pay rent and wages until you reach operating breakeven. The total cost of opening an offline training center will be from 1 million rubles.

As for expenses, the main part will be the salaries of teachers or experts who will conduct training. Profit will directly depend on the number of students in your courses and the number of teachers. Let's give an example. Suppose you organized an offline training center with three teachers, that is, for three programs. The duration of training is one month for all programs. The average number of listeners per program is 10 people. The cost of the course is 8 thousand rubles. Thus, your revenue will be about 240 thousand rubles. Expenses, taking into account rent, wages, taxes and advertising, will amount to about 180 thousand rubles. In total, your income will be about 60 thousand rubles per month.

As for online courses, with minimal investment and high-quality, in-demand course areas, we can get more than 50 people on the course. The profit from the course can be more than hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The payback period for a training center is on average about one year.

There are also less obvious ways to monetize online training centers. For example, you can earn money by providing completely free training. The model looks like this. Russian partners of Coursera provide their training courses for free, but charge a fee for passing certification and obtaining a certificate. Having prepared a small number of courses in Russian and spending about $2 million on their preparation, the Russian division of Coursera received annual revenue of about $3 million. That is, it recouped its costs in less than a year. But these courses can bring profit for years.

Marketing and promotion of the training center

Here are a few basic rules that must be followed when promoting an educational or training center.

    Strive to sell your products to as wide an audience as possible: companies, children, their parents, students. For example, if we are talking about a children's center, then if you do not present your course to parents in a favorable manner, you will not acquire a client, and if you do not captivate the child in the first lesson, then he will not come again.

    The main promotion channel for a training center is virality, that is, a method of advertising when information is transmitted by the users themselves, in other words, “word of mouth”.

    Make upsells. Suppose, for those who have completed the initial course, offer a more expensive advanced one, and then an expert one.

    Use social networks for promotion. They make it easy for users to share the information they like. Post on the pages of your training center not news and advertising information, but specific cases and solutions, let readers on social networks see the potential of your courses.

    Constantly receive feedback from your listeners. This will not only allow you to make your courses increasingly useful and effective, but will also increase customer loyalty. Be sure to ask trainees to review their courses on your website or social media page.

Franchise and online platforms for a training center

Even if you are planning to open an offline training center, you need to add an online component to its program in order to expand the audience and attract new clients. Modern special platforms allow you to do this easily and with almost no investment.

For a small fee, you will not only get all the tools you need to conduct online training, but also the ability to receive payment and make upsells. Many sites have a free period for conducting several online seminars. You can easily and without investment evaluate the effectiveness of this form of training.

Also, to make starting a business easier, especially if you have not worked in this business before, purchasing a training center franchise can help you. Often, companies that offer franchises provide not only already developed courses, but also clients, independently providing advertising activities for your training center, and also provide legal and accounting support.

To summarize, we conclude that the creation of a training center is a promising business, the potential of which is only just being revealed in the Russian market. Effective online learning methods can minimize investment, while attracting an audience will provide good returns.

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Many people, in the course of their lives, retrain for other specialties, as they have the opportunity to earn money in some field. Before opening your training center, you will need to decide on the specialties and courses that will be taught.

For people who cannot find work in their specialty, as well as for those who want to acquire new knowledge, small training centers are a good way out of the situation when work is urgently needed, but it is too late or beyond their means to spend many years on training. Short-term courses allow such people to acquire basic knowledge of a subject or master a specialty adjacent to their main one. These circumstances make the services of such small educational centers very popular, and, consequently, the activities of these educational institutions are capable of generating quite significant income for their owners.

For optimal use of training center space and the fastest return on investment, it is better to combine several areas of activity. In any case, you should not expect quick and large profits from the activities of the enterprise. Such a business will be able to generate profits after some time, which will be required for its establishment. But, with proper organization of the business and passion for its occupation, the training center can become a source of profit for its owner, bringing new, interesting events into life and will help you make useful contacts.

The list of documents for licensing the business of a training center includes:

Application indicating educational programs;
- information about the staffing and sufficiency of teaching staff to teach the declared number of students;
- information about the availability of premises suitable for conducting educational activities;
- information about the provision of the institution with educational and methodological literature for each of the declared programs and material and technical equipment;
- information about teaching staff who will oversee the relevant educational programs;
- information about the founders and registration of the training center as a non-state educational institution.

Submitted documents are reviewed by the licensing authority within one month, after which a decision is made to grant a license or refuse to issue a license.

The budget for the opening and operation of the training center will include the following expense items:

Creation and opening of a training center.
- Licensing.
- Development of training programs, production of training manuals, manuals, presentations, etc.
- Creation of a training website.
- Creation of material and technical base.
- Support and development of the training center.
- Rent.
- Payment to teachers and staff.
- Promotion of the training center.
- Adding new professions to the license.
- Improving the material and technical base.
- Support of the training site.
- Creation and adjustment of new training programs.

The minimum set of equipment for a training center includes:

Projector - $1 thousand.

10 computers - about $3-3.5 thousand.

30 tables - $1 thousand.

20 chairs - $500

Wardrobe - $100

Fax - $100

Xerox - $200

Educational literature - $500

Total: about $6.5 thousand.

Investments in opening a training center with an area of ​​200 m2, designed to train 100-150 people per month, are about $13-15 thousand, the payback period is 6-10 months. The return on investment is on average 30%.

Income will directly depend on the volume of classes provided, the cost of training and the costs of maintaining the work of the center.

The expenditure part consists of the following items:

Rent or one-time purchase price of the premises and the costs of its maintenance;
- payment for utilities and telecommunication channels;
- the cost of the necessary furniture, equipment and equipment;
-salaries of employees and training personnel;
- advertising costs.

Business plan for a training center.

Your own training center is a modern option for business development. This is a simple solution that will require renting a room suitable for study, as well as organizing the work process itself. But before you start, it is important to monitor the market.

First, you need to note which areas are the most popular, which are not enough on the market, and decide on the direction. Thus, now there is a tendency towards the development of language and various software courses. And these are the areas that are worth pursuing.

It is important to add that parents often invest more in children. Therefore, when organizing courses, it is necessary to choose a direction that will be useful to the younger generation. But, again, it is important to calculate the fullness of the industry.

We choose teachers.

Choice good teachers will become a key decision in organizing a business. So, it is advisable to take on teaching lessons yourself. And also select a team of specialists. They can be difficult to find, because not every direction is 100% developed. Especially when it comes to computer courses. It is worth making sure that the staff is relatively young, suitable average age. He also had sufficient experience in both theoretical and practical skills.

You can find good teachers via the Internet or try to select among already established teachers at another center. Sometimes people who are highly qualified in a particular industry seek to diversify their chosen field of work or reach the peak of their career. And they come to the decision to share their knowledge. These are the categories that are best suited for teaching. And these are the ones that need to be found. In total, to start, it is better to select 2-3 teaching staff. Most often they are paid hourly.

It is worth preparing at least $5 thousand per month for salary payments.


To work and organize the educational process, you need to rent several premises. These could be offices in a business center. For this purpose, several rooms are taken on the 1st floor. One of them will be used for administrative purposes, and the other as a teaching place. The rooms themselves should have a fresh renovation, modern and comfortable furniture. It is worth creating the best working atmosphere possible. To do this, paint the walls in shades of brown, yellow or green. It is also worth paying minimal attention to accessories and decorative items. After all, nothing in the room should distract from the working mood. The premises must meet safety and sanitation standards and have fire safety equipment.

Requirements for the training center premises.

The monthly turnover of the training center is $10-15 thousand.

The main channel for attracting new students is advertising in print media. Advertising costs are approximately 10% of turnover, i.e. about 1000 dollars per month.

The training center itself should be located in a busy part of the city. It is important that it is convenient to get to it both in your car and existing means movement. It is advisable to make the office noticeable from the road side.

Depending on the rented space, which must be at least 30 square meters, the rental cost will be about $1.2 thousand.

Equipment and equipment of the training center.

As equipment you need to buy the following devices:

  1. Computers (preferably stationary ones with high power) - from $600;
  2. Printer - from $400;
  3. Xerox - from $350;
  4. Laminator - from $200;
  5. Phones - from $300.

Computers will need to be purchased in quantities of at least 12 units, especially if training will be carried out according to programs. That is why investments in business can be called quite high. When choosing all modern and powerful devices, you need to invest at least $6 thousand.

In terms of equipment, it is important to prepare tables and chairs, as well as a board and projector for teaching. In the administrative room itself, it is worth taking care of other office furniture. Such as cabinets, shelves and more.

On average, to organize the work of a training center it is necessary to invest about $10 thousand.

It is important to create good advertising on the Internet, because this is where potential clients are looking for chickens for themselves. And the first impression is formed with a well-designed website. It is important to regularly engage with the resource and create all the conditions for its profitable promotion. It is also worth preparing printed materials. This can include brochures, catalogues, business cards and other formatted information that may be of interest to both potential and existing clients. The office itself needs to be decorated from the street with business cards and signs. It is worth renting a banner to promote your services, you can organize the distribution of leaflets directly on the street, make a temporary promotion for the first payment to new clients, and also find favorable conditions for extending courses.

Basic costs.

The main costs will include the following:

  1. Teachers' salary - $5 thousand;
  2. Rental premises - from $1.2 thousand;
  3. Equipment and equipment - from $10 thousand;
  4. Advertising - from $1 thousand.

To create your own training center, you need to collect start-up capital in the amount of $20 thousand.

Profit and payback period.

The monthly income of the training center depends on the number of groups and the duration of the courses. For example, if you gather 2 groups for morning and evening classes. Their duration will be about 1.5 academic hours. The cost of the course will be about $100, and the course will last 2 months. If the group is full of 8-10 people, the monthly income will be $4 thousand. Half of them will immediately go to teachers. And the company's share will remain only $800. This option will extend the payback period by 1-2 years. But, if you immediately offer several course options and recruit at least 6 groups per month, then the payback period will pass in 5-6 months.

Clients and development options.

Depending on the chosen direction, clients will become adults who want to pull themselves up in the chosen direction. And also teenagers or children themselves of different ages. It is worth adding that for development it is important to offer different courses and programs. And also conduct regular market monitoring, which will allow you to select options for new offers. You should also not forget about ideas from foreign partners in this area.

Before opening an art school, you need to decide exactly what areas you will teach. Another problem is finding truly competent teachers.

Many people dream of starting their own business, because it is much more interesting than being an employee and not realizing their plans for years. Today, starting your own business is much easier than it was decades ago. If you have a great idea, entrepreneurial spirit and a small start-up capital, you can create a truly prosperous enterprise.

What kind of business is better to start? The answer is simple: the one that is closest to you, understandable and interesting. If you are not at all interested in medicine, there is no point in opening a pharmacy.

Certified teachers and university graduates are increasingly faced with the question: “How to open a training center?” Let's try to answer this question step by step.

Step 1. We draw up a business plan for the training center

You won’t go far without a business plan; it’s important to immediately write down everything that concerns your own business. Decide what type of training center you like. For example, you want to open courses foreign languages, applied sciences club or children's development center. This will determine whether your business needs a license or not (note: educational activities does not require a license in the form of courses).

You need to understand that business in the field of education is a responsible business. You must have a higher education and experience working as a teacher or tutor if you plan to teach classes yourself. Consider these points at the very beginning of drawing up your business plan.

Step 2. Select a room

The premises should be the next point in the question of how to open a training center. Naturally, it should be large, with a sufficient number of rooms. There must be:

  • reception area for registering for classes and receiving consultations;
  • several classrooms, well lit and ventilated;
  • a room for employees where they can relax and have a snack during lunch;
  • toilet and sanitary room where the cleaner will store the sanitary
    oh inventory.

If desired, you can add other rooms: a waiting room for parents (if you are thinking about how to open a training center for children), a dressing room, etc.

The location of the room depends on the direction of your training center. For example, if you want to open courses in applied sciences (programming, web design, etc.), it is better to locate your center next to sports schools, gyms or large companies.

Applied science courses are attended mainly by young people who can easily combine sports and attendance at educational programs.

But it is better to locate children’s centers near bus stops: it will be easier for parents to bring their children to classes. In addition, you should not rent premises above the second floor. If you rent an office in mall, it should be easy to reach.

Step 3. Buy furniture

The choice of furniture depends on the type of training center. But there are still some mandatory points. The purchase should be included in the business plan:

  • tables and chairs;
  • computer (if you organize applied courses, there should be several computers);
  • cabinet for storing educational literature;
  • printer with copier;
  • educational literature;
  • office supplies.

Again, look at your profile: a children's development center will need carpets to allow children to play freely on the floor, toys, including educational ones, and a computer or language center will need a projector and an interactive board.

Naturally, the premises should be redecorated to facilitate a pleasant pastime while studying.

Step 4. We select personnel and draw up a program

What is needed to open a training center, besides all of the above? Of course, find professional teachers. If you know teachers or are a practicing teacher yourself, great. Otherwise, you will have to search a little longer. Don’t forget to draw up a lesson plan and program; you will need this to obtain a license to open a training center.

Pay attention only to those teacher candidates who have the appropriate education and work experience. This is very important in order to create the “face” of your center or courses.

Step 5. Collecting documents for opening

What documents will you need to open a training center? There are quite a lot of them, because this is a serious business. So, the documents folder includes:

  • a list of educational programs of your center;
  • information about the availability of qualified teaching staff;
  • information about the existing premises that meet the standards for conducting educational activities;
  • information about the availability of the necessary educational literature and technical equipment;
  • information about the organizers of the training center and its registration as a non-state educational institution.

Of course, you need a license to open a business of this kind. Charlatans and simply unqualified individuals will not be allowed to organize an educational institution. But how to open a training center without a license, is there such a way?

Above, we already mentioned in passing that if you register your activities simply as courses (for example, design courses, programming courses, language courses), you do not need to obtain a license. But register as self employed, required.

Step 6. We are looking for clients and advertising our training center

So, you already know how to open a training center. It's time to take care of the clientele issue. To do this, it is worth doing advertising. Start with the Internet: your own page on social networks (preferably in several of the most popular ones), a topic on city forums - this is a prerequisite for running an advertising campaign.

Since nowadays almost everyone and everything has moved to the Internet, advertising there is not only the most appropriate, but also free. Then you can print advertisements, leaflets, prospectuses, but this is not necessary, because such advertising is not so effective now, and sometimes even irritates potential clients.