"For only in death does duty end"

The last words of the Dreadnought Vittorio, who stood to the death against the hordes of orcs.

First of all, I want to thank Guard MrOrionto for the review mask and for the incentive to write mine.

Space Marines(Space Marines) - elite soldiers raised from early childhood. Emissaries of the orders select future paratroopers from among the most physically developed, fast and agile children of millions of worlds in the Galaxy. Their innate abilities are developed through intensive training, psychic suggestion and genetic changes. The culture and organization of the Space Marines are monastic-like, but there are many characteristic features various schools of martial arts and military cultures of all times and peoples.

In keeping with their elite status, Space Marines are equipped with equipment commensurate with their superhuman abilities. They wear power armor, giving them perfect protection and allowing them to survive in the most hostile environments, and are armed with the most powerful types of weapons, such as the bolter. Space Marines are noticeably taller than the average human - in their power armor they are, different sources, have a height of 230 to 300 centimeters.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

History of the Space Marines

More than ten thousand years ago, when the Earth was attacked by the Chaos gods, Emperor a plan for the liberation of humanity has emerged. Together with researchers, the greatest minds of that time, he revealed the secrets of life and changed it at his own discretion. He created twenty superhumans whose capabilities were equal to and sometimes superior to his own. Emperor assumed that they would be able to assist him in uniting all of humanity into a single empire under his leadership and protection.

But the plan Emperor became known to the gods of Chaos. They found out in Emperor a man equal to them in strength, to whom they could not cause any harm. An enemy who will not stop until they destroy themselves. With these twenty he would become invulnerable. The Chaos Gods attacked while the superhumans were in their incubation chambers. Emperor established psychic protection around them, but the Chaos gods were able to destroy it and steal supermen from Earth and carried them into space. Fortunately, they were not destroyed in the process, but scattered throughout space until they ended up in human worlds, where they were adopted by local residents.

Emperor patiently searched for his lost creatures until he found them and brought them into his service. They were to become Primarchs - the patriarchs of the Space Marines. Using the genetic material of the Primarchs, Emperor created implants that distinguished paratroopers from ordinary people. As a result, all Marines began to have almost all the capabilities inherent in the Primarchs, with the exception that the Primarchs themselves could independently crush entire armies of Warp demons. Unfortunately, some skills were lost during the creation of the paratroopers - for example, levitation and invisibility.

The Primarchs led the Space Marine Legions to conquer the galaxy and created the Imperium in the form we now know. But the influence of the forces of Chaos continued to affect some Primarchs, expressed in eternal fatigue, the desire for personal power, which led to their downfall. The rebellion was led by a Primarch Luna Wolves Legion by name Horus.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

In time Horus Heresies many legions went over to his side. In the ensuing terrible war, Primarch fought against Primarch, Space Marine against Space Marine, man against man. The bloodiest battle was the battle for ownership of the Earth, where Emperor led the decisive assault spaceship Horus. The traitor was killed, but with him died one of the greatest Primarchs - the Primarch Blood Angels Sanguinius And you Emperor received serious injuries incompatible with life. After the victory Emperor was placed in the Golden Throne, which supports his life, where he remains to this day. The followers of Horus were banished to a region of space known as Eye of Terror. Of the original twenty Primarchs, only nine survived Horus Heresy, the rest were killed or went over to the enemy. The Primarchs helped To the Emperor build the Imperium. The gene bank was replenished with their organs to create new Space Marine Chapters. Despite their long lives, the Primarchs were not immortal; the last of them died after fourteen centuries. There are many legends about their exploits, many of them are kept in the Space Marine Chapters. In our time, the Primarchs are ranked among the pantheon of saints, along with Emperor. Their graves are visited by pilgrims, and their relics are sacred.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z
Space Marines
...After graduation Horus Heresies Imperium remained in a state of weakness and ruin for quite a long time. The Traitor Legions were driven into Eye of Terror lick their wounds, but even without the forces of Chaos, the Imperium would be surrounded by enemies who were just waiting for the opportunity to grab the throat of a defeated lion in order to tear off a fatter piece for themselves. But worse than external enemies was uncertainty about the loyalty of friends. The betrayal of the truest of the loyal, the Primarchs, who turned their souls to Chaos, instilled fear and uncertainty in the hearts of the people of the Imperium. High Lords Terra, those who took the place of those immersed in stasis Emperor and those who ruled in his name began their activities with the reorganization of the army and navy, so that the monstrous fire of the Heresy would not happen again. First of all, the entire fleet was subordinated directly to the Supreme Lords, and officers began to be appointed to the positions of admirals only with the unanimous approval of the entire Council of the Supreme Lords. All shelves Imperial Guard lost their means of space travel in order to prevent the spread of heresy or rebellion from world to world. Legions Titans, squads of huge, god-like, war machines, under the command Adeptus Mechanicus Mars, were broken into small units and scattered throughout the Imperium. But more than others, the High Lords were concerned about the fate of the Space Marine Legions. Considering that the Legion consisted of more than one hundred thousand Space Marines, this was a huge force and enormous power for the Primarchs. None of the High Lords dared question the loyalty of the loyal Primarchs, but they were cautiously told that they were not eternal and who knew what would happen in the future after their death. The Primarchs themselves were also High Lords, and the dispute was about to erupt into a conflict that threatened civil strife. Hot and impulsive, Primarch Space Wolves Leman Russ, even threatened to put other lords to death for the very thought of possible betrayal of the loyal Legions. The most reasonable of the Primarchs put an end to the dispute, Roboute Guilliman, Primarch Ultramarines. One day he entered the council chamber and brought with him a large, thick book bound in dark bronze. On the cover, in heavy Imperial Gothic font, was written: Codex Astartes(Index Astartes). This book contained instructions and rules for the new system of organizing paratroopers. The legions were ordered to be divided into small units called Orders. Each Order was required to have its own name, its own form of combat armor, its own fortress-monastery, in which the Order was supposed to preserve its genetic heritage and educate new members. The size of the Order was limited to a thousand paratroopers, divided into ten companies of ten sections each. The squad was divided into two combat units of five people each. The huge book contained many other regulations and rules on the organization and existence of the Orders. The Code regulates weapons and ammunition, equipment and armor, the education of young paratroopers and funeral rituals. This is how the modern structure of paratroopers was created. Nine loyal Legions were divided into Orders and only nine of them retained the names of their former Legions. The rest created their own symbols and colors, and over time, their signs ceased to be surrogates of the previous symbols of the Legions and were filled with feeling and meaning. Today, the Space Marines are at the forefront of defense and at the very forefront of the Imperium's attacks. One Space Marine Order is capable of resisting an enemy many times superior in numbers, protecting the planets of the Imperium, or destroying the armies of entire worlds and even small empires with one attack. Of all the planetary units of the Imperium, the Space Marines are the only ones with their own interstellar transport and warships. This allows them to be the Emperor's most mobile and deadliest punishing hand.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The head of each Order is its Master. This great hero, who went through hundreds of battles and stained his weapons with the blood of thousands and thousands of enemies. Genetically enhanced paratroopers live longer than other people and therefore the Master of the Order is most often its oldest warrior. The names of the Masters of the most powerful and glorious Orders are known throughout the galaxy. Dante, Master of the Order Blood Angels, the oldest of the Space Marines, he is over 1,100 years old, Azrael, Supreme Grand Master of the Order Dark Angels, Old Wolf Logan Grimnar, Supreme Master of the Order Space Wolves, and, of course, Marneus Calgar, Master of the Order Ultramarines, winner of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth.

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Space Marines from A to Z

Two more senior officers of the Order stand next to the Master and share with him the hardships of commanding troops on the battlefields. This is the Master Chaplain and Chief Librarian. The Chaplain is the spiritual leader of the Order. He is the guide and chief priest of the Cult Emperor and Primarch in the Order. Every Marine is a fanatical follower of the Cult Emperor, and each of them in moments of need turns to To the Emperor and to his prophets, the Primarchs, with prayer, so that they strengthen the will and determination of the warrior in battle. Each of the chaplains of the Order not only helps in the performance of religious rites in the Order, but also zealously monitors the purity of the faith and thoughts of their flock. For the chaplains never forget that Chaos has touched each of the Primarchs and its breath is invisibly present in every paratrooper, in everyone who has undergone genetic modification in the image and likeness of the Primarchs. By the power of their faith, their will, and sometimes their weapons, they return the lost to the true path. Librarians are somewhat the opposite of chaplains. Librarians are space marines with psionic powers. They are more familiar with Chaos than any other human being, for the psyker's power lies in the gift of calling upon the power of the warp space in which the daemons and gods of Chaos dwell. By the force of their will they place at their service a force that is hostile to all living things. Librarians can unleash mighty blows with the raw power of the warp, drive daemons back into the warp, and imbue their swords with powerful energy that makes their strikes irresistible and crushing like a hurricane. Despite the fact that paratroopers are much superior to ordinary people, their armor and weapons further enhance this difference. Paratroopers cannot do without equipment like tanks and ships. Techmarines monitor this in the Orders. They, like any other paratrooper, give their allegiance To the Emperor and the Imperium, but in addition to this they are also adherents of the Cult of the Machine God, the center of which is Mars, a planet in the system ancient earth. After training at the Chapter's fortress-monastery, the Techmarines head to Mars, where they learn from the Tech-Priests how to maintain the war materiel of the Space Marines. In battles, Techmarines repair equipment right on the battlefield, under enemy fire. Like all their brethren, Techmarines are excellent warriors, and their weapons are even more advanced and effective, for in addition to the blessing Emperor the favor of the Machine God rests on their blades.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Each of the Orders has its own home world, on which it maintains its own fortress-monastery. It is from this world that the Order's chaplains recruit recruits to fill their ranks. Many Orders not only are located on the planet, but also help to govern and protect it. For example, the Order Ultramarines rules a small empire consisting of more than a dozen planets, the center of which is the planet McRage(Macragge). They maintain strict order in their domains and protect their subjects from invasions from without and rebellions from within. It is this small empire itself McRage became an insurmountable obstacle to the Tyranid hive fleet "Behemoth". The order Blood Angels has no world of its own, and their fortress-monastery floats in the void of interstellar space, making a long journey from star to star. All Blood Angels recruits come from the savage nomadic tribes of the planet Baal, where the winged child, the Primarch, was brought to life during the Great Crusade. Blood Angels Sanguinius. On some planets, several Orders recruit their recruits at once, without having a fortress-monastery on it. Such is the case with the hive world of Necromunda, which is known far beyond the Segmentum Obscurus for its gang wars. Four Orders are recruiting here at once - Imperial Fists, Purple Stars, Mourners And Black wings. It was on Necromunda that the captain was born Imperial Fists Lesandro D'Arquebus, who became famous for his campaign with the Inquisitor Jack Draco And Melinda, an assassin from the Callidus Temple, into the mysterious and until then inaccessible Black Library of the Harlequins of the Laughing God of the Eldar. Each recruit is carefully selected before being brought to the fortress-monastery for training and genetic enhancement. The path from a common man to a space marine is long and full of difficulties, trials and pain. Not everyone passes it. Those who cannot withstand training or genetic enhancement are deprived of their memory with all due honor and turned into servitors, cyborgs in service in the fortress-monastery. This is also a kind of honor and tribute. Those who pass all the tests become full members of the Order and carriers of genetic amplifiers. Each paratrooper has two hearts, their bones are stronger than alloy steel, their eyes see in the dark and in the fog, and their ears allow them to hear what the wind whispers to the grass on the other side of the waterfall. A Space Marine's ribs are fused into a solid carapace across his chest and sides, a carapace capable of withstanding a lasgun blast or a blow from a chainsword. The strength of the paratroopers became legendary. But genetic enhancement carries dangers. Chaos does not sleep and is always happy to interfere with the genetic manipulations of the Apothecaries, the doctors of the Order. In the records of the Ordo Hereticus, a special Order within the Imperial Inquisition, which is designed to prevent the spread of heresy and mutations in the Imperium, there are references to at least seven cases where the forces of the Imperium, on the orders of the Inquisitors, completely destroyed Orders whose genetic heritage led to madness their members. Many Orders carry within them the seeds of the touch of Chaos, and each Order fights them to the best of its ability. For example, the Order Blood Angels 10,000 years of fighting the Black Rage and Bloodlust, diseases that are caused by visions of the death of their Primarch Sanguinia at the hands of Horus on his battle barge.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Despite everything, the Space Marines are the most elite of humanity's defenders. In the entire history of the Imperium, out of more than a thousand Orders, only five were crossed off the lists Administratum Imperius due to irreparable losses in battle. This means that every single paratrooper was killed and the fortress-monastery was stormed and destroyed by a thousand times superior enemy forces. But even after complete destruction in battle or after disappearing without a trace in the warp during an interstellar transition, marines sometimes return, overcoming the curses of Chaos and death itself. Throughout the Imperium, tales are passed from mouth to mouth of eerie apparitions in black power armor, lined with bones and skulls covered in thousands of years of blood, who appear out of nowhere during the most difficult moments for the Imperial Army. Silently they come from the void to spread terror and death among the enemies of the Imperium. They are called the Legion of the Damned.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

No one knows where they come from, where they disappear, why in battle they are surrounded by a silence akin to a grave, and why their armor and weapons are decorated with symbols of death and fire. Many seers and psykers have had visions of the nature of these warriors. Some said that these were those who were former members of the Order of the Fire Hawks, which disappeared into the warp. Others claimed that these were warriors of the two Space Marine Legions that disappeared during the Great Crusade, and the records of which were lost in the depths Administratum. But no one knows the truth. To the Master Chaplain Blood Angels to Lemartes is attributed to the words spoken to him after he and his Death Company were saved by black warriors from complete destruction by the Tyranid hordes on Canopus III: "I have seen their faces. I have seen the faces of my long-dead brothers. I have seen the agony in the eyes of those whose bodies were not given a proper burial. And now I know what hell the Space Marines go to. And I am glad of it. For now I know that even the darkness of my afterlife will serve the light Emperor" . According to legend, these are the words engraved on his grave.

Creation of a Space Marine

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Space Marine Legions were the means of establishing the Empire in the early wars, putting it on the galactic map. By the end of the Age of Strife, Earth remained the only independent planet, only recently freed from the volatile warp storms. With the sudden disappearance of these storms, space travel became possible again for earthlings. Over the course of two hundred years, Earth's military forces have conquered an Empire that spans half the galaxy. This was the Great Crusade.

The research and development that led to the creation of the Space Marines began in the thirtieth millennium immediately before the Great Crusade. The work was carried out in laboratories built deep underground. The goal of the work was to create a caste of perfect soldiers, distinguished by superhuman strength and fanatical devotion. The first of these were used by the Emperor in his conquest of Earth, subduing the various barbarian tribes and rival factions who competed for control of the planet. Later, the Emperor created twenty entities - the Primarchs. It is not known exactly what the Emperor expected from the Primarchs, when they were still babies, a powerful tornado of Chaos carried them away from Earth and scattered them across the galaxy. Imperial geneticists continued their research and created the first true Space Marines, while other scientists developed the first power armor and bolters.

During the Great March, the Emperor found Primarchs, each of whom, thanks to his superhuman complexion and abilities, occupied a ruling position in the culture into which he found himself. It was discovered that the genetic data of the Primarchs could be used to greatly speed up the process of growing the organs and genetic material needed to create the Space Marine Legions. This event is known as the First Founding. Twenty Space Marine Legions were formed, each led by a Primarch, and his genetic data was used to create the soldiers of the Legion he led. After the Primarch Horus rebelled against the Emperor, the Legions were divided into smaller military formations. This event is known as the Second Founding. These formations are called Orders and consist of approximately a thousand battle brothers each.

Geneseed and zygotes
There are nineteen different genotypes corresponding to nineteen different superhuman organs surgically implanted into the Space Marine's body.

Most Orders have existed for thousands of years. During this time, the genotype of some of them underwent mutations. This led to changes in the very nature of artificially grown organs. Such changes can sometimes render the implanted organ useless. In other cases, changes in an organ may reduce its effectiveness or cause side effects. But whatever the result, it will be the same for the entire Order - all space marines belonging to the Order have implanted organs grown with the same genotype.

As with organs that have undergone mutations, many Chapters have lost one or two genotypes due to accidents, genetic incompatibilities, or some other reason. Very few Chapters have retained all nineteen implants. However, all have an implantable shell (stage 19). It is the implanted carapace that makes a Space Marine a Space Marine, as opposed to other implants, training or psycho-surgery.

Below are nineteen implants created in ancient times by the Emperor's scientists. Each of them is very complex and due to the fact that many implanted organs only work correctly when others are present, so the elimination or mutation of one of the implanted organs can affect the functions of the others. For these reasons, implanted organs must be constantly monitored, and many Marines must undergo corrective surgery or chemotherapy to rebalance their metabolism.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Stage 1 - Second Heart

The simplest and most self-sufficient organ. The second heart is capable of accelerating blood flow or maintaining all vital functions of the body, even if the first heart is destroyed. The organ, implanted into Marines at Stage 1, allows them to survive on a planet with a low percentage of oxygen or when seriously injured.

Stage 2 - Ossmodula (Bone Tissue Modulator)

The organ has the shape of a tube; despite its small size, it has a very complex structure. The bone tissue modulator makes diagnostics and releases hormones necessary for the formation of the skeleton, as well as to prevent tissue rejection. At the same time, specially synthesized hormones increase the ability of developing bones to absorb silicon, which is contained in large quantities in the preparations included in the paratrooper’s diet. Within two years after implantation, the femurs are significantly strengthened, in highest degree the chest becomes ossified (this is caused by the growth of the ribs, forming a solid mass of intertwined bone plates), and the paratrooper’s skeleton as a whole also increases.

Stage 3 - Biscopeia

This small, almost spherical organ is implanted into the chest cavity, its task, like the Bone Tissue Modulator, is to release hormones. The presence of biscopeia stimulates the growth of muscle tissue throughout the body.

Stage 4 - Gemastamen

This tiny organ is implanted in the aorta. Gemastamen has two purposes. It performs diagnostics and, to some extent, controls the organs implanted in Stages 2 and 3. The organ also changes the composition of the Marine's blood. As a result, the blood more efficiently supplies the body with oxygen, which is necessary for the additional biological equipment that the paratrooper carries within himself!

Stage 5 - Larraman Organ

About the size of a golf ball, this dark, fleshy liver-like organ is implanted in the chest cavity and connected to many blood vessels. The organ produces and contains so-called “Larraman bodies”. If a paratrooper is wounded, these bodies are released into the blood. They cling to leukocytes and are transported by them to the wound. When they come into contact with air, Larraman bodies form a durable film that replaces the skin and stops bleeding.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Stage 6 - Cataleptic knot

This brain implant is usually inserted into the base of the skull through a hole drilled into the skull bone. The pea-sized organ influences circadian sleep rhythms and the body's response to its absence. Usually, a paratrooper sleeps as much as an ordinary person sleeps, but if he is unable to sleep, then the cataleptic unit turns on. A person with such an implant is able to sleep and remain awake at the same time, which is achieved by successively “switching off” different areas of the brain. This cannot replace regular sleep, but it increases the survivability of the marine by allowing him to be alert while resting.

Stage 7 - Preomnor

The preomnor is a large organ implanted into the chest cavity. The organ is a preliminary stomach, allowing the Marine to eat many poisonous or inedible substances. In fact, no digestion occurs in preomnor. Separate sensory tubes admit possible poisons and neutralize them or, if necessary, isolate the preomnor from the gastrointestinal tract.

Stage 8 - Omophagy

This is a very complex implant. It is, in fact, part of the brain, although located in spinal cord between the occipital and thoracic vertebrae. Four nerve sheaths, called neuroclea, are implanted between the spine and the wall of the prestomach. Omophagy absorbs genetic data contained in animal tissues, such as memory functions, accumulated experience and innate abilities. This gives the Marine the ability to have extraordinary survivability. He can learn while eating. If a Marine eats a piece of an animal, he gains some of its memories. This can be very useful in an alien environment. By chance, the presence of this organ gave rise to various rituals of eating flesh and drinking blood, for which some Orders gained their fame, and it also gave names to such Orders as Bloodsuckers, Flesh Tearers, etc.

Stage 9 - Accessory Lung

This is another very large implant. The accessory lung or "third lung" is cylindrical in shape and gray in color. Blood flows through the organ through connecting vessels implanted into the Marine's pulmonary system. Air enters the trachea through the sphincter. In toxic atmospheres, the sphincter closes the trachea and stops normal breathing, protecting the lungs. The accessory lung is capable of releasing oxygen from a poorly oxygenated or toxic atmosphere. And most importantly, no harm is caused to the additional lung, thanks to its efficient systems neutralization of toxins and regeneration.

Stage 10 - Occulob

This small organ is shaped like a snail larva and is located at the base of the brain. It provides hormonal and genetic stimuli that allow the Marine's eyes to respond to optical therapy. The Occulob does not improve a Marine's vision, but it does allow technicians to make additions to the growing retina and its light receptors. An adult Marine has significantly better vision than the average person, and can see in semi-darkness almost as well as in daylight.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Stage 11 - Liman's Ear

This organ allows the Marine to consciously amplify or reject various background noises. Hearing improves, and the paratrooper cannot have attacks of nausea, and cannot become dizzy due to severe disorientation. Liman's ear is indistinguishable in appearance from an ordinary human ear.

Stage 12 - Pri-an membrane

This flat, round organ is implanted on top of the exposed brain. Then it begins to grow into the brain tissue until it becomes one with it. This organ is useless without subsequent chemotherapy and special training. However, a specially prepared paratrooper can enter a state of temporary stasis (pri-an membrane - membrane of suspended animation - editor's note). This can be a conscious action or happen automatically if the Marine is seriously injured. A paratrooper can remain in this state for many years, even when receiving wounds that would otherwise be fatal. Only with appropriate chemotherapy and hypnosis sessions can a paratrooper get out of this state - he cannot get out of it on his own. Brother Silas Err of the Order of the Dark Angels was in a state of stasis for 567 years, and only then was brought out of it, this is the longest period of stasis with a successful return of all recorded at the moment (d.321 M.37).

Stage 13 - Melanochrome or melanochromic organ

This black organ is shaped like a hemisphere. The authority monitors external level radiation, various types radiation and, if necessary, launches chemical reactions, darkening the skin to protect it from ultraviolet radiation. It also provides some protection from other forms of radiation. Differences in melanochrome genotype from Chapter to Chapter have led to variations in the hair and skin color of Marines, and in some Chapters all Marines have the same appearance, such as the albino warriors of the Death Phantoms Chapter.

Stage 14 - Oolitic bud

This red-brown organ is shaped like a heart and enhances the Marine's circulatory system, allowing other implants to work more efficiently. The oolitic kidney cleanses the blood very quickly and efficiently. The second heart and oolitic kidney can work together to perform emergency detoxification, during which the Marine is unconscious. At this moment, blood circulates through the veins at a very high speed, passing through the oolitic kidney. This allows the paratrooper to survive by ingesting such poisonous and poisonous gases that even an additional lung cannot cope with.

Stage 15 - Neuroglotis

While the preomnor protects the marine from eating anything lethal, the neuroglotis allows him to test the contents of food by tasting it. This organ is implanted in the palate. By chewing food or simply taking a bite, a paratrooper can feel a large number of natural poisons, chemicals and even the characteristic odors of some animals. To some extent, the Marine can also track a target by relying solely on his sense of taste.

Stage 16 - Mucranoid

This small organ is implanted in the intestine, where its hormonal secretions are absorbed by the colon. These secretions begin to change the sweat glands. These changes usually have no effect on the Marine until they are activated by specific chemotherapy. As a result, the paratrooper begins to sweat an oily, cleansing substance that coats the skin. This protects the Marine from extreme temperatures and provides him with some protection in the vacuum. Mucranoid chemotherapy is standard procedure in long-term space travel and vacuum combat.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Stage 17 - Boettcher's Gland

A pair of identical glands are implanted in the lower lip near the salivary glands or in the jaw itself. Boettcher's gland works in the same way as the venom gland in snakes, synthesizing and storing deadly poison. The gland allows the Marine to spit blinding contact poison. Due to the presence of the gland, the paratrooper himself is immune to this poison. Among other things, the poison also has corrosive properties. A paratrooper who is captured and thrown behind bars can literally “gnaw” his way to salvation in a few hours.

Stage 18 - Progenoids (Protogenic glands)

There are two such glands. One is located in the neck, and the other is deep in the chest cavity. These glands are very important for the survival of the entire Order. Each of them grows inside the Marine, collecting hormonal secretions and genetic material from other implants. In the fifth year, the cervical gland matures and is ready for removal. In the tenth year, the mammary gland matures and also becomes ready for removal. The gland can be removed at any time after it has matured. These glands are the only source of the Order's genotypes. Once mature, each contains one genotype of each zygote implanted into the paratrooper. After surgical removal, each of the progenoid glands must be carefully prepared, the genotypes stored in it are checked for the presence of mutations, and only completely healthy ones are stored. Under certain storage conditions, selected genotypes can be kept indefinitely.

Stage 19 - Carapace

This is the last and most important implant. In the tanks where it is grown, it appears as a film of black plastic. This film is removed from the living environment, cut into sheets, which are implanted directly under the skin into the paratrooper’s torso. Over the course of several hours, the implanted sheets harden and send numerous nerve endings inside the Marine. After a few months, the shell is fully formed, and nerve sensors and transmitting sensors are inserted into it. These artificial connection points connect to the power armor. Without black shell, a paratrooper's armor is absolutely useless.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z
Differences between Orders
Each organ performs its own specific functions, which are described above, and although the Apothecaries and surgeons of the Order can perform the necessary operations for implantation, they very often do not understand the exact purpose of each organ.

The processes used are very ancient. The procedures were passed down from generation to generation, becoming more and more ritualistic and incomprehensible. Because of this, the effectiveness of each organ varies from Order to Order. It all depends on the state of the Order's genotype and the level of degradation of the surgical procedures. In some Chapters, genotype mutations, poor surgical procedures, and inappropriate postoperative conditions have altered the function of some implants. For example, the Bloodsucker's homophagy genotype has mutated so that all paratroopers of this Order experience a monstrous thirst for blood. In other Orders, individual organs have either long ago lost all their functions or are completely absent.

Reproduction of zygotes
The genotype can only be obtained from the progenoid implants of a living (or just deceased) Marine. For these purposes, Marine Apothecaries carry a special device called the Reducer, which they use in the field to remove progenoids from a dead Marine. The purpose of progenoid implants is to provide the Order with genotypes. It is impossible to obtain zygotes in any other way. Therefore, the set of genotypes of each Order is unique. The genotype has great religious significance for the Order, representing its future. Without a genotype, the Order has no future. The disappearance of any genotype means that the corresponding zygote is lost forever. The disappearance of Stage 18 or 19 genotypes most likely means the end of the Order.

Since each Marine has only two progenoid glands, the rate at which the Chapter can recruit new Marines is strictly fixed. It may take many years for the Order to recover from heavy losses. The genotype often becomes unsuitable if the Marine is exposed to strong radiation or other genetic influence. Progenoids also differ between Orders, so some Orders recover faster than others.

Foundation of new Orders
According to the charter, each Order is obliged to send 5% of its genotype to the Adeptus Mechanicus on Mars. This "tribute" has two purposes. Firstly, it allows the Adeptus Mechanicus to monitor the vitality and well-being of each Chapter. Secondly, it supplies the Adeptus Mechanicus with the genotype needed to create new Orders.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

A new Order cannot be created overnight. For each zygote, a suitable genotype must be selected. After this, the zygotes are grown in a favorable biological environment and then implanted into human slaves. These slaves must not have any mutations and be biologically compatible with the zygotes. Slaves spend their lives in stationary experimental capsules. Although conscious, they are completely immobilized and serve only as shells for the development of various zygotes. From the first slave, two progenoids are obtained, which are implanted into two slaves, from which four progenoids are obtained, and so on. It takes about 55 years of constant organ reproduction to create a thousand healthy sets of organs. This process must be sanctioned by the Head of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and subsequently by the High Lords of Terra, speaking on behalf of the Emperor. Only the Emperor can give permission to create a new Order.

Recruitment and dedication
Implants greatly change the physical and mental state of a paratrooper. Many of these changes are caused by hormonal secretions and growing organs. Implants may not function completely or may not be effective at all if they are implanted into a paratrooper who has reached a certain age. It is vital, therefore, that recruits are young enough. Tissue compatibility is also very important, otherwise the organs will not be able to develop correctly.

The third point is psychological fitness. The cataleptic ganglion, occulobus, and pryan membrane will only reach a working state through stimulating mental processing, so the recruit must be susceptible to this kind of influence.

Only a very small proportion of people satisfy these conditions and are able to become Space Marines. They must be male because zygotes are attached to male hormones and tissue types, hence the need for tissue compatibility and psychological examination. If the result of all tests is positive, then the candidate becomes a neophyte. After organ implantation and appropriate chemical and hypnotic treatment, he becomes initiated. Before joining the ranks of full-fledged brother paratroopers, the initiate undergoes serious training. Initiates typically become full-fledged Marines between the ages of 16 and 18, however by this time, due to hormonal changes caused by the processes of creating a Space Marine, they are already fully grown and physically mature. And wartime stress can speed up these processes too.


Although the Orders carefully select only suitable candidates, not all neophytes survive to become initiates. This is partly due to a decline in knowledge, which makes pain-relieving procedures less effective than they once were and surgery completely unsatisfactory. In many Orders, surgical operations are highly ritualized and are very often accompanied by spell readings, prayers, periodic fasting, as well as all sorts of mystical rites that replace medicine. For example, the organ implanted into Space Wolves at stage 17 has undergone mutations, causing their incisors to continue to grow throughout their lives, turning into predatory fangs over several centuries. Long Fangs are not only a traditional attribute of the Order, but also play a role in its organization, for example, veterans of heavy weapons units are called Long Fangs.

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Another Order about the characteristics of the genotype of which there are rumors is the Blood Angels. They often fall into a state known as the Black Rage and become berserker warriors, thirsting for the blood and raw flesh of the enemy. The Blood Angels constantly seek a way to rid themselves of this curse - the Curse of Sanguinius. But at the same time, the Death Companies recruited from such paratroopers are very valuable attack units that are almost impervious to pain and are capable of tearing apart the enemy with their bare hands.

Another good example of genetic deterioration can be found in the Order of the Black Dragons, whose bone modulator is not functioning properly. Which leads to the appearance of bone growths on the head, as well as blade-like processes from the shoulder and forearm. Both the Death Companies of the Blood Angels and Marines with similar developments are formed into a separate unit known as the Dragon Claws. They sharpen their additional protrusions and coat them with adamantium, turning them into deadly melee weapons.

If the implant fails to develop properly, the Marine's metabolism will become out of sync. He may fall into a state of catatonia, or vice versa, hyperactivity. Either way, he'll probably die.

Losers who survive almost invariably suffer mental cataclysms, degenerating into maniacs or babbling idiots. When the Order is in full force, such losers are put out of their misery. However, if the Order is experiencing a shortage of paratroopers, then these unfortunates are often allowed to live, and even formed from them special units. Those who show uncontrollable manic tendencies are assembled into suicidal assault teams.

Some Orders deliberately prepare such creatures, and even go so far as to implant damaged zygotes into some initiates. This is very dangerous, and such practice is prevented by Imperial Decree. But old traditions die hard.

Physical training

stimulates the development of implants and allows them to be tested for effectiveness.

Mental Processing

A Marine is more than a person with extraordinary abilities. Paratroopers also have outstanding mental abilities. Along with the body receiving 19 implants, their minds are changed, releasing the powers hidden within. These are, first of all, mental abilities, more extraordinary than even the physical characteristics described earlier. For example, a Marine can control his senses and nervous system to a high degree, and consequently endure pain that would kill a normal person. The Marine can think and react at lightning speed. Memory training is also an important part of mental processing.

Some paratroopers develop photographic memory. Obviously, paratroopers vary in intelligence just like other people, and their individual mental abilities also differ.

Thus, some of the most best warriors Imperium, the adamantium link in the armor of the Imperium.

Psycho-chemical and other conditions

Implantation takes place together with chemical treatment, the creation of certain psychological conditions and subconscious hypnotherapy. All these conditions are essential if the paratrooper is to develop properly.

Chemical treatment

Before initiation, a paratrooper undergoes constant testing and training. The implanted organs must be checked very carefully, imbalances corrected, and any sign of spoiled development eliminated. This chemical processing decreases after the initiation process is completed, but never stops completely. To maintain a stable metabolism, paratroopers periodically undergo chemotherapy throughout their lives. This is why their power armor contains medical diagnostic equipment and a drug preparation module.


As the super-enhanced body grows, the Marine must learn to use his new skills. Some of the implants, especially Stage 6 and 10 implants, can only function with proper hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is not always as effective as chemical treatment, but it can produce significant results. If a paratrooper is taught to manage his own metabolism, then his dependence on drugs will decrease. The procedure is performed in a machine called a hypnomat. Marines are placed in a state of hypnosis and subjected to visual and auditory processing to awaken their minds to subconscious control of metabolic processes.

Space Marine units and equipment:


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Trained by the Adeptus Mechanicus in the arcane rites of the machines, Techmarines are essential to the survival of any Space Marine Chapter. It is they who care for the spirits of the Order's weapons and equipment, and also keep the technological secrets that bind man and machine together, turning him into an instrument of the Emperor's wrath. Deep within the machine temples, they craft weapons and armor for their battle-brothers with great skill and reverence.

Techmarines use a wide variety of arcane equipment and tools not normally available to other brothers. Many Techmarines are equipped with a Servo Arm, a specialized secondary arm attached to the Techmarine's armor and linked to their nervous system. These arms can be equipped with laser cutters, power saws, energy drills, or other arcane tools that help the Techmarine maintain and repair vehicles on the battlefield. Their gloves are also often heavily modified to include more delicate tools or even specific forms of mechadendrites. Many Techmarines remove the organic components of their arms and replace them with enhanced prosthetics that allow for better communication with any machine they serve, some even going further and implementing mechanical interfaces that allow the Techmarine to communicate directly with the machine spirit.

Out of respect for their training on Mars and the close bond that exists between Techmarines and the Adeptus Mechanicus, Techmarines traditionally repaint their armor red, although one pauldron always retains the original colors of the Chapter.

Techmarines understand better than anyone the possible risk of angering the spirit of their wargear and are diligent in ensuring that the symbol of the Chapter remains pure and unobscured. Although the Iron Priests of the Space Wolves, despite training on Mars, desperately show their independence, always maintaining the original color of their armor.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Each Space Marine Chapter must recruit new warriors to replace its losses and maintain combat effectiveness. The recruiting process may vary depending on the Order, but in general it is the same. Regardless of the traditions of the Order, the recruit must be young, since in early age The rejection rate of implants that transform an ordinary person into a space marine is quite low. However, implantation is only the beginning of a multi-year process of genetic change, during which normal person turns into a full-fledged space marine. During these years the recruit serves as a Space Marine scout. He is already a space marine, but is not yet much different from a human.

During his service, a scout must learn a lot. He must not only get used to the numerous biogenetic changes introduced into his body, but also comprehend the litanies of battle that will give him strength and strengthen his will. Gradually, the recruit will comprehend the rituals of his Order and learn the most effective use of weapons on which his life in battle will depend. But he will gain the most important skills and experience when he takes part in battle for the first time. Scouts are not as durable or as experienced as Space Marines.

However, they can be used during the most important battles along with the Space Marines and this is not so uncommon. Indeed, each Order has its own own stories about brave scouts who were forced to go to the front line in critical situations. However, Scouts are typically used as light infantry. Their duty is to sneak into enemy positions or act as scouts ahead of the main forces. If they are conducting an operation in enemy territory, their tasks include setting traps for an unwary enemy, observing the enemy's movements, and gathering as much information as possible about their plans. They can also infiltrate an enemy base and capture the commander to obtain information or sabotage equipment, ammunition, and food supplies. Strike quickly and brutally, the Scouts complete their mission and disappear before the enemy can strike back.

If a candidate falls into the ranks of recruits, he must pass a test, the essence of which varies from Order to Order, as soon as he passes it, the implantation process begins. Thus, he takes his first steps towards becoming a full-fledged Space Marine. The Scout falls under the command of a Sergeant, who oversees his development and training, and also leads the Scout troop into battle. Since the scouts are not yet ready to act independently, they join one of the companies. They live at the location of the Tenth Company. Here they eat, sleep, train, and also study the legends of their Order. Only when a scout has proven his worth in battle does the sergeant award him the rank of Space Marine and thereby declare him ready to transfer to another company.

Tactical squad

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Tactical squads are the backbone of the Space Marine army. They are designed to fill whatever roles the battlefield dictates to them; they hold positions, provide fire support, or plunge into the bloody frenzy of close combat, depending on what the ever-changing theater of war requires.

A Space Marine assigned to a Tactical Squad must first and foremost be competent in all aspects of warfare. As such, a Marine must serve in several campaigns with Assault and Devastator squads before earning a permanent position in Tactics. This promotion must be earned with blood and can take years or even decades, depending on the skills of the candidate in question. Not every Space Marine is able to make this transition. Many demonstrate a talent or obsession for one aspect of combat that is valuable in its own way, but which becomes a hindrance to the adaptive role of the Tactical Squad. Other battle-brothers lack the mental agility to accept the fluidity of the Tactical Squad's role.

As befits such versatility, the Tactical Squad uses all sorts of weapons. In addition to the standard Space Marine weaponry of the bolt pistol and grenades, the Tactical Squad employs bolters, fierce weapons of vengeance made famous on countless millions of blood-soaked battlefields.

This massive anti-personnel firepower is complemented by heavy weapons such as a missile launcher, lascannon or heavy bolter, and in some cases a flamethrower or meltagun. Since these weapons are selected to suit the requirements of each landing, and are also rotated among all squad members except the Sergeant, each Tactical Squad Space Marine must be trained and proficient in the use of any weapon that his squad goes into battle with.

Of all the Space Marine combat units, the Tactical Squad makes the most use of the transport fleet, often delivering surgically precise strikes or capturing strategic points with the help of fast Cleavers or Rhinos. Several Chapters - most famously the Angels of Fury, the Raven Guard and the Legion of the Night - have modified their combat doctrine to accommodate these tactics. Each tactical squad is led by a grizzled sergeant who has survived and thrived through decades or even centuries of difficult and brutal campaigns. It was vital that a Tactical Squad be led by a man of insight and courage who could see an opportunity in battle, and it was not unusual for a Tactical Squad sergeant to be seconded from the elite First Company. This ensures that the backbone of the Order's fighting forces is led by its most experienced warriors.

Assault Squad

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Assault squads excel in head-to-head combat. Equipped with jump packs, armed with bolt pistols and chainswords, they roar across the battlefield like avenging angels, rushing towards the enemy with little regard for the dangers that threaten them. Typically, a Space Marine is assigned to an Assault Squad after exemplary service in the ranks of the Devastators. By this time he has gained combat experience in the crucible of war and can be counted on to hold his own in the face of the enemy. Now he must forge himself in the cruelest arenas of war, to prove his worth in the melee of close combat, face to face with the enemy, so close that you can smell his blood.

The Codex Astartes instructs assault squads to march in the first attack wave, delivering irresistible blows to the weak points of enemy battle formations. Opposing infantry are destroyed by chainswords and bolt pistols, enemy tanks by cumulative blasts and melta bombs. To deliver an irresistible and irresistible blow at a certain point, crush the enemy without mercy and then move on to the next target, this is the tactics of the Assault Squad Space Marines. This tactic is inelegant, but very effective. The enemy who tries to test the limits of the Assault Squad's power will be sadly mistaken.

The Jump Pack is as dangerous as any other weapon carried by a Space Marine of this squad. Jump packs give the Assault Squad mobility, allowing them to cross any terrain quickly and without interference, or even parachute from low-altitude aircraft. warship"Thunderhawk" In the hands of a skilled commander, an assault squad is an excellent weapon. Assault Marines can drop unexpectedly on an enemy commander convinced he is safe among his troops, serve as a highly mobile counterattack unit, or perform vital reconnaissance in combat zones unsuitable for Scout deployment. In certain circumstances, the Assault Squad is used as bait, luring enemy forces into prepared defensive positions, or leading them away to buy time to complete preparations or evacuation.

The assault squad is responsible for the bloodiest and most dangerous missions. Often operating far ahead of the rest of the army, Space Marines of the Assault Squad are constantly under threat of flanking, encirclement, or simply being outnumbered by the enemy. To avoid this, the Assault Squad Commanding Sergeant has direct access to vast streams of data and tactical patterns, commanding and controlling the communications through which the Space Marines coordinate their deployment and combat operations. An Assault Sergeant, even if he is currently fighting for his life knee-deep in corpses, must not only be aware of the current situation, but also anticipate any further or possible developments that threaten to leave his squad in a precarious situation, surrounded and scattered in a sea of ​​bloodthirsty enemies. If this happens, only indomitable power and iron will will allow the Space Marines of the Assault Squad to cut their way through the enemy ranks and achieve victory.

Ravager Squad

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Devastators are the most heavily armed of all Space Marine squads, trained to engage enemies from great distances and with monstrous firepower. Primarily serving in a fire support role, Devastators provide covering fire to Tactical and Assault squads, quickly and mercilessly destroying their counterparts in the enemy ranks or enemy armored vehicles and other heavily armored targets.

Unlike other Space Marine squads, Devastators operate without leaving their positions except to advance, retreat, or gain a more advantageous position. This does not mean that Devastators cannot be flexible on the battlefield; each squad is assigned a Rhino armored personnel carrier specifically for such movements. However, it is undoubtedly true that Devastator squads are almost always assigned to position-holding missions, since they provide destruction from a greater distance and with greater firepower than others battle brothers.

Most Devastator squads are made up of Space Marines who have only recently completed their service to the Chapter as Scout squads. Although they had participated in dozens—perhaps hundreds—of operations as rookie Marines, serving in a Devastator squad would not only be their first time fighting in power armor, but would also mark their first combat with the main force. space marines.

Newly assigned to a Devastator squad, a Space Marine is equipped with a bolter and grenades, both of which he will become proficient in using during his service. Its primary tasks are to provide short-range fire support, target identification, and general operation as support for more experienced brother paratroopers carrying the squad's heavy weapons. Only when the newcomer proves himself to be a steadfast and reliable warrior, capable of faithfully holding his target and remaining cool in the very heart of battle, is he entrusted with the heavy weapons from the Order's arsenal. Devastator squads most often carry four types of heavy weapons into battle. Equipment ranges from the common heavy bolter and rocket launcher to the more exotic multi-melta and plasma cannon. The preferred heavy weaponry scheme of a Devastator squad varies from squad to squad and from Chapter to Chapter, although all members must be highly trained in the use of any weapon of war they may be called upon to carry.

Most Space Marine Chapters equip their Devastators with a variety of weapons, as prescribed by the Codex Astartes. This allows them to better cope with any, even the most unexpected, threats. A single Devastator squad is capable of playing a variety of roles on the battlefield by simply splitting into anti-tank and anti-infantry teams. Even so, some Space Marine Chapters have redefined the role of their Devastator squads to focus on opposing a specific type of enemy. For example, the Crimson Fists, whose tactics naturally changed due to the almost complete destruction of "Waaah!" Snagrod are leaning towards providing a hail of anti-personnel rounds, offered by a four-heavy bolter formation. While the Salamanders and Imperial Fists use their Devastators equipped with multi-meltas and lascannons to smash through the monstrously thick armor of enemy tanks and fortifications.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

For every Space Marine Chapter, having a future means carefully guarding and preserving the organic implants intended for initiation into a Space Marine. The genetic history of the Chapter is carefully monitored and recorded to avoid deviations and ensure that the healthiest gene-seed is used to create a new Space Marine. Each Space Marine carries two reproductive organs called Progenoid Glands. Throughout a Space Marine's life, they collect and store material from the Marine's other implanted organs for later retrieval. If a Space Marine dies, Progenoids can be extracted and used to grow new implants. Thus, even in death, a Space Marine gives life to his Chapter. It is the Apothecaries who bear the most important task of preserving the genetic purity of the Order and extracting the Progenoid glands of fallen battle brothers.

Whenever the Chapter goes into battle, the Apothecaries go with them. They are formidable warriors in their own right, their sacred purpose lies at the very heart of battle, and to protect themselves in the line of duty. Once a Space Marine falls, the Apothecary will take care of him. Apothecaries are skilled medics, and are equipped with a wide range of tools, such as the reducer and narthecium. Narthecium is a largely automated device equipped with sensors, probes, narcotics and drugs. With its help, the Apothecary can perform surgical operations in combat conditions with a good chance of success, which relies, among other things, on the superhuman durability of the Space Marine. If all the Apothecary's efforts to save his fallen comrade are in vain, he will bring him the Emperor's Mercy to ease his suffering, after which, using a reducer, he will extract the warrior's Progenoid Glands so that he can continue to live thanks to the creation of a new Space Marine.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Librarians of the Space Marine Chapters are powerful mystical warriors, the embodiment of spirituality, possessors of amazing energy of crushing power. They are an integral part of the Adeptus Astartes, consummate warriors who use their enhanced psychic abilities, wisdom and knowledge to act as diviners and provide telepathic communication between Space Marine Chapters. But such power comes at a price, so only those with enormous willpower are able to withstand the harmful effects of psychic dangers and become Librarians. For every trained psyker, there are many psykers who lack the strength of their own to protect themselves from the eternal curse of Chaos. Among those psykers who are powerful enough to have full control over their abilities, the most trained and powerful are the Librarians of the Adeptus Astartes.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marine Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of the Adeptus Astartes. In battle, Chaplains fight alongside their Space Marine brothers, chanting liturgies and inspiring their warriors to great deeds. Dressed in black ceramite power armor with masks in the form of skulls, the chaplains evoke horror and fear with their very appearance. Appearing in the hottest spots of the battlefield, they inspire ordinary paratroopers with their faith and rage. They always go ahead, believing that war in the name of the Emperor is the best proof of serving him. When fighting, Chaplains destroy their enemies with joy and glee, offering prayers to the Emperor and the founder of the Order.

Space Marine Chaplains are important members of the Chapter, and are respected by their fellow Marines. Their life is closely connected with the life of the entire Order. They oversee the training of every Space Marine from his earliest years. They are the first to welcome young recruits who join the Order as neophytes, and supervise their training in basic doctrines and rules. Chaplains teach recruits the cult beliefs of the Order, and ensure that recruits memorize all required hymns and liturgies. Chaplains are known for their sternness and short temper, but there is no doubt that they have a high sense of duty and responsibility for their fellow Marines. In battle, they fight with sacred inspiration and passion, without ceasing, however, to vigilantly monitor the state of mind of their comrades.

As already stated, Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of the Chapters, ensuring that Space Marines fulfill their oath of service to the Chapter with honor. They offer praise to the Emperor and Primarch for their own existence and the creation of the Adeptus Astartes as such, although the manner of such praise may vary from Chapter to Chapter. All Marines revere the Emperor as their own creator and savior of humanity, but almost all Chapters consider him nothing more than a powerful and great man. However, some Orders even consider their own Primarchs to be gods or demigods. The rest of the Orders, however, treat the Primarchs as higher, albeit mortal, beings, powerful heroes of times long past.

The central shrine, in which prayers are offered and rituals are performed, is called the Reclusium and is located within the fortress-monastery of the Order. This temple is a place of cultural and spiritual unity. This sacred site contains ancient artifacts and relics. Fragments of the Primarch's armor and items of combat equipment of the Order's heroes are often kept in temples. Standards of companies and Orders are hung on the walls. Chaplains conduct services in the Reclusiums, raising the morale of the Space Marines with impassioned sermons. Battle barges and ships have special pulpits that serve the same purpose. In such armored rooms, paratroopers can perform the necessary rituals and offer prayers when they are away from the fortress-monastery of their Order. In addition, the warriors of most Orders are scattered throughout the galaxy, fighting in numerous campaigns that can last several hundred years. However, it should be noted that the very presence of a chaplain already inspires warriors to heroic deeds, so the presence of a formal chapel on the ship is not necessary. Chaplains always accompany brother paratroopers on crusades, providing spiritual guidance to warriors wherever they are. And wherever the chaplain is - in the Reclusium, on board a spaceship or in the thick of battle, he is always ready to offer the necessary prayer and perform any appropriate ritual.

Holy Dreadnought

At the forefront of Space Marine attacks are the Dreadnoughts, mighty machines that strike fear into all the enemies of the Imperium. On the battlefield, they are the very embodiment of death, striking the enemy with energy fists and shooting them with powerful weapons. There are only a few opponents in the galaxy that can adequately resist these terrible machines.

The height of dreadnoughts is three times human height. Among all the war machines that fight on the battlefields of the 41st millennium, they are the most ancient. Some Dreadnoughts are even around ten thousand years old, dating back to the days of the Great Crusade when the Emperor was still found among the common people. The art of making dreadnoughts has long been lost. The sorcerous technologies necessary for this miraculous rebirth turned into mythical rituals, and each dreadnought of the Order acquired the status of a precious relic. Dreadnoughts are the living embodiment of the Machine God, reflecting the ultimate fusion of biology and mechanics into a single whole. The memories of pilots within the shell of a Dreadnought typically span several thousand years, and as such, these elder warriors are a link to the Chapter's past heritage.

The biological component present in the dreadnought is not physically human. This is one of the Elders, a mighty hero, a space marine who received during the battle mortal wounds and given the honor of being placed in the armored sarcophagus of a dreadnought. The burial of the eldest brother is accompanied by a long ritual, in which his brother Marines, Techmarines and Apothecaries of the Chapter participate. For a Space Marine, the opportunity to transform into a Dreadnought is the greatest honor, and as such these elder warriors are held in high esteem among the common Marines. The Elder's remains are immersed in amniotic fluid and surgically placed inside an armored sarcophagus, where mechanical sensors allow him to receive information about the world around him. Thus, he is able to fight for the Emperor for many more centuries, never leaving his metal body until his death.

In battle, Dreadnoughts are deadly foes, charging relentlessly towards their opponents with a hail of bullets bouncing off their adamantium armor. Powered by electricity, the bundles of muscle provide a Dreadnought's propulsion and also allow them to fire a variety of weapons, attacking their foes with all the ferocity they acquired as Space Marines. Besides the fury of a true fighter, they are also very wise people, who accumulate knowledge over the centuries, which helps them solve the most complex tactical problems during battle. Almost nothing can stop an attacking dreadnought, and their melee weapons can tear apart even an enemy armored tank. Dreadnoughts are very difficult to destroy and, in most cases, only complete destruction of the sarcophagus can kill the pilot. Destroyed dreadnoughts are left on the battlefield only as a last resort. Usually, space marines are ready to give their lives, recapturing a fallen dreadnought from the enemy, in order to then bury the pilot in the burial grounds of the Order. The remains of the metal shell are then carefully restored to full functionality, after which they await their new owner.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Rhino armored personnel carrier is the backbone of every Space Marine Chapter's fleet. With the optimal balance of armor, transport capacity and maneuverability, the Rhino allows Space Marines to rapidly transfer their troops, urgently send commands to positions of strategic importance, or conduct targeted strikes on enemy defense lines.

Like most technology used by the Imperium, the Rhino's Standard Template Designs date back to the earliest days of the colonial era. Little has changed over the millennia, as one of the greatest strengths of the Rhino model is its simple design and the ease of finding alternative ways to assemble and adapt fuel systems. In the past, much of the Imperium's war machinery was based on the Rhino model, but knowledge of its design and maintenance has now been forgotten. Only the Space Marines and a few other Imperial organizations can maintain the number of Rhinos that meet their needs.

The main advantage of the Rhino is its short duration and ease of repair. The fact is that most Rhinos contain elementary self-healing systems that can restore basic systems and control systems even after such serious damage that for many of these Vehicle they would be irreparable.

But such catastrophic damage is rare because the Rhino's design is incredibly strong. Given only time and the necessary supplies, a skilled Techmarine can "exit" even the horribly broken hulk of a machine, re-sanctifying it in the eyes of the Omnissiah and reviving it for the righteous wars of the Chapter.

As a result, many Rhinos remain in service for several thousand years. During this time, almost every component and armor plate will be replaced or found to be in need of significant repairs, but the venerable Rhino name and designation will live on.

The Hammer of Nocturne is the oldest Rhino in existence, and belongs to the Order of the Salamanders. It is said that this venerable transport once carried the legendary Primarch Vulcan. This happened during the siege of Devlin's citadel, when the Primarch decided to make a foray through the gates of the surrounded Imperial fortress into the very center of the Word Bearers' forces. The "Hammer of Nocturne" served the Order for over eight thousand years and is now placed in the Salamanders' reliquary. It is a great honor for a Techmarine to care for the scarred hide of a Hammerhead, whose every need is treated with devotion. At the beginning of each new century, the Techmarines of the Order gather in the reliquary, and the Master of the Forge presses the rune to activate the Hammer engine. They say that the Salamander must die if the engine does not start the first time.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Predator is the main battle tank of the Space Marines. The Rhino chassis was used as a base for the Predator, equipped with more powerful armor and a turret mount for heavy weapons due to the elimination of the transport compartment. As a result, the space landing force received an armored mobile tank that is equally capable of holding a position and leading a tank assault on the most fortified areas of enemy territory.

The effectiveness and survivability of the Predator's design has been proven by its long history. In fact, according to the records of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this type of tank contributed to the establishment of human dominance in the galaxy back in the Dark Age of Technology. In those days, its decent firepower coupled with reinforced armor played a decisive role in containing the threat posed by alien races, most notably the bestial Orcs and the mysterious Eldar. Therefore, each Predator continues the story of one of the most magnificent weapons of war serving the Imperium; a service that was not tarnished during the dark days of the Horus Heresy, purges and occlusions. Not surprisingly, the Predator has become the emblem of armored might, and its appearance became as much a symbol of the Imperium as the aquila on his indestructible adamantium armor.

The Predator is a universal tank that can be equipped with several weapon options. Currently, the Space Marine Chapters use two main types of this tank. The Annihilator model features a turret-mounted autocannon, ideal for suppressing enemy light vehicles and infantry, while the Annihilator's twin laser cannon is deadly against enemy heavy vehicles. The firepower of both Predator variants can be further enhanced by sponson-mounted Heavy Bolters or Lascannons, ensuring that the Predator is never without the right weapon for the situation.

Most Orders strive to maintain a balance between these two modifications, although some still prefer one of the models. The Conquerors are perhaps the most striking example of this choice. Their Predator fleet consists entirely of the Annihilator model, which shifts the main responsibilities for destroying infantry to the Whirlwinds and the Crusader model Land Raiders.

It is rare for a Space Marine Chapter to deploy all twenty or so Predators as an independent unit. The main function of this tank is to provide fire support to the Order's infantry. To further emphasize the tank's importance, each Predator created is given a name that reflects its role as protector of the Order's brothers.

Indeed, the personal name of a Predator may remain in the memory of a Space Marine Chapter long after the names of the crew have been forgotten by all but the archivists. This is partly not surprising, since each individual Predator tank can serve the Order for many thousands of years under the control of large number crews who attribute a noble personality to their armored vehicle. The Heart of the Resistance, the Guardian of Orar, and the Blade of Honor figure prominently in the lore of the Ultramarines, and their destruction is mourned as much as the deaths of the Chapter's great heroes.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Being largely the mobile strike force of the Imperium, the Space Marines do not often bother with the use of stationary artillery. However, the Codex Astartes recognizes the need for destructive fire support, especially in encounters with large or mobile enemy units. It is important to suppress the forces of such an enemy at a distance, before he has the opportunity to realize a numerical advantage over the Space Marines. It was for such missions that the Whirlwind self-propelled artillery mount was created.

The Whirlwind was designed on the basis of the Rhino transport and is now a lightly armored tank equipped with several multiple rocket launchers capable of targeted fire at enemy positions. Thanks to the target detection and tracking system, the Whirlwind can hit camouflaged and fortified objects with amazing accuracy. The standard equipment of the installation includes solid-fuel fragmentation missiles, fired two at a time in one programmable salvo. The complex telemetry equipment of the "Vikhrya" guarantees maximum efficiency of artillery shelling and gives better results than the use of conventional fragmentation shells.

In addition, the Whirlwind installation is capable of firing incendiary projectiles of the Castellan class. In this case, the filling of the explosive warhead is replaced with a flammable chemical mixture, which, upon explosion, covers the battlefield with a wave of all-consuming flame. Even the most fortified positions are unable to protect the enemy from prolonged fire from Castellan shells - unless the enemy is burned alive in the fire, the terrible acid fumes will immediately turn his insides into a bloody mush.

Any Space Marine commander values ​​maneuverability and stunning firepower, which the experienced crew of the Whirlwind can demonstrate. Bombardment of enemy fortifications, fire support, barrage fire - the use of this installation will give amazing results in any situation. The artillery strikes of the Whirlwind inspire fear in many opponents. History knows many examples when the leaders of the orcs used large detachments of warriors only to detect and destroy the batteries of the Whirlwinds. However, these detachments fell into traps set by a wise commander, who foresaw such a development of events. Some Chapters enhance the psychological effects of artillery fire by modifying the shells to make terrifying, piercing sounds as they streak across the sky. Sometimes only this is enough to drive the enemy out of hiding and allow the Space Marine forces to continue their offensive unhindered.

"Land Raider"

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Land Raider is based on the almost mythical technology of the Standard Template Designs, or STC, and its design predates the rise of the Imperium itself. It was rediscovered by the technomage Arkhan Land at the dawn of the Imperium.

Exactly when the Imperial Land Raider first entered combat is now the subject of ongoing debate among Imperial archaeologists. Some argue that it was during the Siege of Delebrion when the Land Raider first unleashed the wrath of its laser cannons, others point to the massive tank battle on Calisto Platinum and say that the Land Raider drew first blood during this conflict that raged on planet at the beginning of the Emperor's Great Crusade. The Land Raider's popularity within the Imperial forces was overwhelming. The entire factory world of Anvilus IX was completely repurposed for Land Raider production, and the project spread throughout the galaxy.

In those days, the Land Raider was used by almost all human forces, including the Space Marines and the Imperial Army. During the first two hundred years of operation, there was not a single battlefield that did not experience the mettle of this fearsome military mechanism. After Warlord Horus bombarded Isstvan V with viral warheads and the Great Heresy swept the galaxy, Anvilus IX was captured by traitorous Tech-Priests, causing the supply of Land Raiders to suddenly dwindle to a trickle from the handful of Factory Worlds still loyal to the Emperor. At that time, many of the Factory Worlds decided to secede from the Imperium rather than join either side. With the threat of a siege on Earth by the Commander-in-Chief's forces, the Emperor decided to withdraw all Land Raiders from his loyal units for the exclusive use of the Astartes Legions who were in the thick of the battle.

The Land Raider was vital to both sides during the bitter battle that would seal the fate of the Imperium. It was one of the few vehicles that could, when used in sufficient numbers, contain and even destroy the massive titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus, while its ability to fight in virtually any imaginable combat zone, including the seabed and the most corrosive atmospheres, meant it would be up to par. no longer than any other combat vehicle. The heresy was eventually crushed by the Emperor's sacrifice, but with the Emperor's ascension to the Golden Throne, no one dared to rescind His order for the exclusive use of Land Raiders by the Space Marines. Thus, it has remained unchanged for the past ten thousand years.

The Land Raider is ideal for the highly mobile warfare waged by the Adeptus Astartes. Just like the Space Marines, the heavily armored Land Raider is capable of fighting in virtually any environment, including dangerous conditions. environment, complete vacuum or high gravity of planets. The Land Raider provides significant protection when transporting a squad of Space Marines, and carries enough heavy weaponry to provide significant fire support once its passengers are deployed onto the battlefield. On death worlds and other hostile environments, the Land Raider's onboard reserves allow Space Marines to replenish the environmental and energy systems of their power armor, giving them greater operational headroom.

In combat, the squad is usually unloaded, leaving the Land Raider to fight on its own. The variety of weapons of the Land Raider allows it to perform various combat missions on the battlefields. Mostly used as a mobile command post, its thick armor can withstand almost any field weapon. In this role, multiple Land Raiders can form a defensive line against an enemy counterattack or create a virtually impenetrable enclave within enemy-held territory. Its twin laser cannons are the best anti-tank weapons for vehicles of this size, so the Orks are often referred to as "Kan-Blastaz" Land Raiders. Combined with heavy bolters, the Land Raider's firepower can take out entire squadrons of light transports and tear apart heavily armored infantry units.

The Land Raider is superior to almost every other battle tank in the Imperium. Its ability to transport troops means that it can have its own infantry support, no matter how deep behind the front lines it is forced to operate. The Land Raider carries on board everything necessary for the needs of its crew and passengers, including medical equipment, life support systems and a shrine to ensure spiritual purity. Triple, redundant data banks of analytical engines and communications equipment provide superior command and control capabilities, allowing the Land Raider to serve as a mobile base for squads, giving them excellent combat capability deep behind enemy lines.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Land Speeder used by the Space Marines is an advanced example of the Standard Template Design discovered shortly after the Horus Heresy. The ancient technology used to create the repulsion platform allowed the Land Speeder to glide through the planet's gravitational field and maneuver at low altitudes inaccessible to conventional aircraft.

Early models of the Land Speeder were poorly protected, but millennia later, the design was reinforced with light adamantium armor. The armor is installed not for the protection of the crew - power armor provides much better protection than the most reliable Landspeeder armor - but to protect the fragile control units, without which the Landspeeder is nothing more than a large piece of machined metal, unable to fly.

All Space Marines are trained to fly the Land Speeder in squadrons as part of their assault squad training, but the Land Speeder is most often flown by Battle Brothers capable of withstanding the craft's speeds. Most Land Speeder pilots are regarded by their Battle-Brothers as daredevils. Indeed, no person in his right mind, no matter how brave, would perform all the dizzying maneuvers at low altitude during combat that the device is capable of. Landspeeder pilots, without hesitation, fly close to the tops of rocks, maneuver between trees, fall into a steep dive or do a “barrel roll”, avoiding enemy fire. Considering the mental and physical stress required to perform such maneuvers, the fact that very few Land Speeders have been lost due to pilot error can only be attributed to the superhuman reflexes and endurance of the Space Marines piloting the Land Speeders.

A flexible choice of weapons allows the Landspeeder to be used for a wide range of combat missions, from lightly armed reconnaissance and scout landings to tank hunting and other search and destroy missions.

The Landspeeder's gravity drive does not support flight at high altitude, but allows for a controlled descent from the upper atmosphere. This allows the Land Speeder to launch from a Stormhawk gunship at high altitude and attack an unsuspecting enemy from above.

Although Land Speeders are more often used to support other types of troops, they can (and are) also used for massive attacks. Several Space Marine Chapters regularly use high-speed and virtually unstoppable waves of Land Speeders to break through defense lines, into which Rhino armored personnel carriers carrying tactical units then rush in. After which the Landspeeder flotilla turns around and attacks the next target, again causing destruction.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Each company of a Space Marine Chapter is under the command of a captain. Each captain is a seasoned veteran, an experienced strategist who has proven his skill in battle as a member of the First Company of the Order or by excellent service in his company until the death of his predecessor.

In addition to their position within the Order, each captain is also given one or more honorary titles, denoting command of a particular company or acceptance of specific duties. Some, such as Watch Master and Recruit Master, are common titles in the vast majority of Space Marine Chapters. Other titles arise from the history and doctrines of the Order. The Captain of the White Scars' Fourth Company traditionally holds the title of Master of the Hunt, and the Order of the Aurora Claws has no fewer than five Master Bombardiers in its command hierarchy.

The captains of the Space Marine Chapters are masters of the battlefield, able to read its ebb and flow as ancient sailors read the oscillations of the sea. It is not enough for a captain to simply be a skilled fighter - every Chapter boasts enough of them - he must also have a superhuman understanding of strategy and tactics, as well as the intelligence to use them in the ever-changing arena of battle. Each Space Marine squad is a weapon, and the captain must skillfully use each, both individually and together.

It is often said that, in military terms, each Space Marine is worth a dozen Imperial Guardsmen. Under the control of an experienced captain, this ratio increases tenfold. Such power is not used lightly or recklessly, but with the clarity brought by meditation. Every Space Marine lost in battle is a heavy blow to the Chapter, and if casualties cannot be avoided, lives must be sacrificed for good reasons and with honor.

A Space Marine Captain is not only a master of war, he must also be a master speaker and diplomat. While most Imperial commanders are more than happy to receive assistance from the Space Marines, there are those whose arrogance must be overcome by negotiations to prevent the chaos of a battle in a troubled area from turning into a disaster due to unnecessary fighting.

Not that a Space Marine captain would abandon other methods of cooperation over minor infighting - as Kaivaan Shrike of the Raven Guard quickly resolved the dispute in his favor by executing the wavering Lord Cardinal Dostok without a second thought. More subtle methods of persuasion and negotiation are often used in grim situations - punitive measures can be taken when the crisis has passed. A Space Marine does not kneel for no reason, but the will of the Emperor is above any personal feelings. The task comes first. Humanity will be saved from its own mistakes, world by world, if necessary.

Assault Squad equipped with jump packs necessary for quickly approaching the enemy. Additional upgrades include flash grenades and melta bombs.

Devastator Squad with Heavy Bolter equipped with weapons to suppress large detachments of enemy infantry. The weapon has a limited range and takes time to deploy in combat.

Ravager Squad with Plasma Cannon effective when necessary to dislodge enemy infantry or equipment from fortified positions. The weapon has a limited field of fire and requires time to deploy in combat.

Scout troop- Shotguns or sniper rifles are available as upgrades. Additionally, any of these upgrades grant the Disguise ability. A sergeant can be added to the squad, which makes it possible to use fragmentation grenades.

Tactical Paratroop Squad- Infantry capable of performing a wide range of combat missions. Various weapon upgrades are possible.

Terminator Squad- veterans of thousands of campaigns, are

the most powerful heavy infantry. Extremely durable, immune to suppression, and capable of teleportation.

Assault Terminator Squad- the same as terminators, but without ranged weapons. In return, they have enormous potential and are practically indestructible in close combat.

Units not included in the games:

"Land Raider Crusader"

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Crusader-pattern Land Raider, used by many Space Marine Chapters, first appeared with the Black Templars during the Ierulian Crusade in 645.M39. Preachers from Missionarus Galaxia were the first to appear in this system, which had long been isolated, and wished to return it to the Light of the Emperor.

But these worlds flourished and had already lived for centuries without the interference of a regime alien to them. The first missionaries were killed and their ships destroyed. But others followed. And they didn't come alone. With them were the Black Templars from the Ierulian Crusade. Led by none other than the great tactician, High Marshal Ludoldus, a veteran of Vincilus's bloody Crusade and organizer of the Morator Crusade, the Black Templars crushed the resistance of the border worlds and headed towards the central planets of the system.

The peripheral worlds quickly fell, but the hive world itself, Ierulas, proved to be a true fortress. Countless assaults were carried out by the Black Templars - each entailing heavy casualties, but with no sign of the end of the campaign. Despite this, it was only a matter of time before famine and lack of water would end the resistance. But Ludoldus was not happy with this decision. At a meeting of the castellans, he declared that the crusade would only be ended by the blade of a chainsword or the bolt of a bolter.

Faced with such thorough defensive structures, the paratroopers could not change the course of the war until they discovered ancient techno-magic in the depths of one of the captured hive cities. After studying tattered scrolls and illegible holo-blueprints, Marine Artisan Simagus discovered something that would allow him to develop one of the Imperium's most fearsome tanks, the Crusader-pattern Land Raider.

The Crusader was created specifically to break through the defenses of a well-entrenched enemy. The enlarged passenger compartment made it possible to deliver a large squad of Space Marines or Terminators directly into the heart of the enemy, and the fragmentation charge launchers mounted on the armor filled the air with deadly shrapnel. Several other Chapters requested the information needed to modify the standard Land Raider into the Crusader as soon as word of its success spread. In 763.M39, the "Crusader" model was officially recognized by the tech-priests of Mars (essentially an empty formality - by this time the drawings had already spread to hundreds of Orders).

"Crusader" allowed the Black Templars to penetrate deep into the hive cities of the Traitors, who simply had nothing to oppose their deadly attack. Each of the spire cities fell during the first siege, and a month later the remaining hives that remained in enemy hands surrendered to the mercy of the Black Templars.

"Land Raider Redeemer"

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The most grueling of the battles is fought among the rubble-strewn and treacherous surroundings of a ruined city. In such conditions, poorly equipped and uncoordinated troops can hold off the galaxy's finest warriors for months. Opposing sides lurk in a labyrinth of ruined structures, taking refuge among the rockcrete ruins and using thousands of vantage points to snipe the enemy. For the Space Marines, whose ideal is a lightning war, won before the defender understands that there is a need to fight at all, this situation is unacceptable: the enemy must be driven from his stronghold and this must happen quickly. In such battles, only fire will cleanse the enemy's nest. It was for the sake of such battles that the Land Raider - Redeemer heavy tank was created.

Since the Crusader was a modification of the original Land Raider, the Redeemer became the next stage in the evolution of this tank model. The Redeemer retains the Crusader's assault cannon and frag grenade launchers, but its creators ditched the pair of Hurricane sponson bolters for huge flamethrowers that send a seething stream of burning promethium into the thick of the enemy. United with complex systems When directed by the Redeemer, these firestorm weapons are capable of burning out even a well-protected bunker system from the inside in a matter of seconds.

The Redeemer first saw the light of day among the ruined cities of Grisen, a once prosperous planet torn apart by civil war, which could last for millennia. And all because of a clerical error in the labyrinths of the Imperium's bureaucracy. The situation on Grisen would have gone unnoticed if a mid-level official had not discovered that the planetary tithes were about eight thousand years late. In order for imperial law to reign again on Griesen, a regiment of the Imperial Guard was immediately raised. When it became clear that the regiment was unable to suppress the resistance of the planetary forces, the expeditionary force of the Order of the Fire Lords under the command of Captain Yarik Foros joined the battle.

At first the Space Marines had little success. The natives were so well fortified that even the most destructive orbital bombardments did not cause much damage to their positions. However, an Imperial directive stated that Grisen should be returned to the fold of the Imperium, as the world would provide an excellent base for recruiting the Imperial Guard. This kept Foros from ordering the exterminatus of the planet.

Putting aside his growing sense of discontent, the captain ordered his Techmarines to create a weapon with which he would win the war. Within a week of the first modifications to the Land Raider, the Fire Lords took the capital of Grisen. Within a month, the planet's largest faction was suing for peace, and Grisen was once again part of the Imperium.

After the Grisen campaign, Foros distributed schematics for a new tank model. Endowed with a sarcastic mind, he named the new specimen "Prometheus" in honor of the god from the ancient legends of Terra who brought fire to people. He only changed the designation to "Redeemer" when he learned that the name had already been taken by the Salamanders for their version of the tank. However, the very first "Redeemer" still serves in the Second Company of the Fire Lords, and the name "Prometheus" still glitters on its flanks and is honored in the Chapter's archives.

"Land Raider Prometheus"

"Prometheus" is a rather rare model of the famous Space Marine "Land Raider". Only a few Chapters possess the Prometheus, which is typically used as a command transport due to its sensors and additional communications equipment. The presence of these systems allows commanders to better coordinate both the attacks of individual units and the actions of the entire army.

The Prometheus's weaponry is perfect for its role as a command tank. It is equipped with four twin-linked heavy bolters, which, while lacking the firepower of a regular Land Raider, are ideal for destroying heavy infantry and light tanks. An improved tracking and target acquisition system provides additional advantages, especially against fairly difficult targets such as enemy skimmers. All this makes the Prometheus a very flexible means of warfare, while at the same time allowing it to serve as a headquarters transport.

Its origin remains a mystery, but the similarity between the Prometheus and Tartarus models cannot be denied. There are rumors that Prometheus is the result of developments by the Order of the Salamanders. This seems to be true, since the Salamanders have more Prometheans at their disposal than any other Order. But wherever they were created, it is known that their total number is very small. For example, the White Scars have only four such tanks at their disposal for the entire Order.

The most famous battles involving Prometheans recorded in the annals of the Imperium took place during the Masali Campaign. The Eldar forces then attacked the citizens of the Imperium who were under the jurisdiction of Ultramar. They attacked Masali with monstrous cruelty, killing every person who crossed their path. Why the ordinary agricultural world was attacked with such fury is still a mystery. But whatever the reasons, the Ultramarines' response was lightning fast - with typical efficiency - an army was sent from neighboring Ultramar.

The Eldar fought with choreographic precision, delivering blow after blow to key points of the Ultramarines' army, such as ammunition depots and supply bases, driving the Space Marine forces into deep defensive positions and weakening their positions on Masali.

It was at one of these bases that Commander Sicarius oversaw the loading of weapons as the Eldar attacked the warehouses. Sicarius had only two squads, the Landspeeder and his personal Prometheus, while the Eldar outnumbered Sicarius' forces by at least three times. Using "Prometheus" as defensive line and placing squads on both sides of it, Sicarius blocked the Eldar's path to the warehouses, but they calmly continued to approach. It was then that the Prometheus showed itself - its four twin heavy bolters mowed down all the approaching guards. Thanks to his advanced target acquisition system, he was able to aim his bolters at the Eldar jetbikes supporting their main force, which had always been a major challenge before. Regular bolters posed little threat to the Eldar vehicles, but the Prometheus' heavy bolters destroyed them without difficulty.

After this, Sicarius pulled out his trump card - he gave the order to advance to the rest of his forces, located several miles away. The assault troops appeared at exactly the right time and, using their jump packs, landed directly behind the Eldar. "Prometheus" and the squads under its cover went on the attack. The battle was fierce, but the combat training and courage of the Space Marines allowed them to prevail over the surviving Eldar. Once the aliens were surrounded, their attack fizzled out, and they were all destroyed as mercilessly as they themselves destroyed the citizens of the Imperium.

To this day, the Prometheus remains a valuable piece of equipment for the Ultramarines.

"Land Raider Helios"

"Helios" is a minimally modified model of the standard "Land Raider" whose twin heavy bolter is replaced with a rocket launcher from the "Whirlwind". This replacement turns the regular Land Raider into a long-range artillery support tank.

This model was first created by Techmarines of the Chapter of the Red Scorpions when additional artillery support was needed during the Siege of Helios. The Red Scorpions' Whirlwinds alone could not generate the required fire density, and the Marines were reluctant to request support from Imperial Guard units.

The Whirlwind remains the standard siege tank for all Chapters for now, but the Helios is common in many of them, as the flexibility of this weapon option allows it to be used in cases where additional artillery support is urgently needed.

"Landspeeder Storm"

The Storm-class Landspeeder is a substantially redesigned version of the original model, sacrificing the standard heavy weapons for a slight increase in capacity. As a result, the device was able to transport small squads scouts, without losing speed and agility. Moreover, quiet engines and improved reconnaissance and search equipment make the Storm an ideal choice for scouts when launching covert precision strikes. Depending on the assigned combat mission, the Storm can be used as mobile fire support, assault transport, or a device for covert penetration into enemy territory.

To further enhance their effectiveness in strike operations, many Chapters replace the stock heavy bolter with a Cerberus launcher, a triple-barreled weapon that fires volleys of fragmentation, shock and flare missiles, after which the Scouts can only drop into enemy positions and finish off survivors.

Combined with its high speed, the Cerberus Launcher allows Scouts to launch swift and daring attacks against seemingly insurmountable enemy defenses with impunity.

So, waking up one morning, the mad ruler of Amara found his outer bastions unexpectedly captured by Howling Griffons and his own artillery batteries, now controlled by Space Marine Scouts, showering shells on the inner palace. This operation, carried out with such stealth and precision that neither a conventional drop in a landing module nor a desperate assault on Rhino armored personnel carriers could provide, became a turning point in the defeat of the Amar separatists and guaranteed the continued existence of the Storm-class Landspeeder model.

"The Champion"

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The Vindicator is a siege tank based on the Rhino, carrying the most devastating weapon in the Space Marine arsenal - the Destroyer cannon.

The need to mount a large-caliber gun on the Rhino's hull arose during the early years of the Horus Heresy, during the ferocious urban fighting on the streets of Rothern I. Traitor forces had transformed the labyrinths of passages and rockcrete structures into terrifying defenses, and loyalist forces needed to find a way to deliver weapons capable of destruction. bunkers in the right places among the cramped streets. The huge Thunderbolt guns were mounted on a converted and additionally armored Rhino chassis. Thus, the Vindicator was born - the main weapon of victory in the company on Rothern I and an essential part of the arsenal of any Space Marine Chapter.

Over the millennia since the Heresy, the Champion has been called upon again and again to bring the Emperor's justice to the enemies of humanity. The logic that led to the birth of the Vindicator is as solid at the end of the 41st millennium as it was ten thousand years ago. Among the weaving streets of hive worlds or other similar places, the Vindicator has no equal. Where other vehicles are quickly outflanked, the Vindicator can simply destroy the obstacle in its path and drive through the ruins.

Despite its overwhelming success, the Vindicator has undergone significant changes over the centuries. Moreover, there are a number of upgrades and technological tweaks made to this model over time. The most significant of these changes was the replacement of the bulky Thunderbolt weapon with the smaller, but no less powerful, Destroyer weapon. Many other changes have been made to the governance mechanisms; armor was changed, and a fire extinguishing system appeared on some models, creating from what was essentially a structure made from improvised means in the field into the workhorse of siege warfare that the Vindicator became by the end of the 41st millennium.

While Vindicators remained the kings of street warfare, their combat role expanded significantly as they became more widespread. For Space Marines, the relatively short range of the Destroyer cannon is not of decisive importance when conducting brutal close combat with armored units. It is very rare that there will not be a single Vindicator at the forefront of a Space Marine armored attack.

In major battles, a squad of Vindicators attack from the flank, bringing down their punishing might and supporting the Land Raiders. During small skirmishes, the Vindicator can itself be the spearhead of the battle formation, punching holes in enemy fortifications and paving the way for infantry.


Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

The vast arsenals of the Space Marines contain many varieties of combat vehicles. Some have been in use for thousands of years, while others like the Cleaver have only recently been rediscovered. The Cleaver is a heavily armed variant of the Rhino infantry transport, which sacrifices some of its transport capacity for the installation of turret-mounted weapons, usually in the form of twin heavy bolters or laser cannons.

Standard battle doctrine dictates that Cleaver transports should be deployed as fire support transports, escorting Rhino transports or infantry teams into the heart of the battle. Since Rhino transports are not so strong in terms of firepower, even a single Cleaver attached to them as an escort can significantly increase the effectiveness of the strike.

Impressed by its versatility, several Chapters began to employ the Cleaver in other areas, using them as mobile command centers and heavy reconnaissance cover.

Although the Cleaver has proven its effectiveness, some Space Marine Chapters still view it with distrust, claiming that it is a "new" technology that has not yet been sufficiently tested in battle.

There is a certain logic in this opinion - the "Cleaver" has been in use for only four thousand years, while the "Rhinoceros" and "Predator" fought even before the Horus Heresy. But the fact that most Chapters have adopted the Cleaver as the cornerstone of their operational doctrines proves that such suspicion is unjustified.

Someday in the future, the Cleaver may replace the Rhino as the primary transport for Space Marines. However, for this to happen, the Cleaver must prove its worth to the stalwarts of tradition, who will in turn demand the Cleaver prove its worth in the endless battle for humanity's survival.

Motorcycle department

Space Marines from A to Z

Space Marines from A to Z

Motorcycle squads of Space Marines perform assault missions where speed is essential, most often relying on intelligence gathered by Scout squads or Land Speeder crews during reconnaissance flights. Motorcycle squads attack at incredible speeds, using the element of surprise and unstoppable momentum, tearing into the enemy ranks and speeding into the distance as soon as the enemy regains the ability to act, only to turn around and attack again from an unexpected direction. The Motorcycle Squad's dagger strikes are like lightning—by the time the enemy hears them coming, the damage has already been done.

For a Space Marine motorcyclist to perform at his best, the superhuman rider and his iron steed must work flawlessly as one. Therefore, the Codex Astartes mandates that all Chapter Stormtroopers, Scouts and the entire Sixth Company must master the art of motorcycle combat as part of their training regimen.

Some Chapters go even further, and each of their paratroopers is required to train to ride a motorcycle, even if he has been a member of the First Company for a long time or has achieved a high rank. Few Orders can serve best example approach than the Order of the White Scars, which proudly makes Motorcycle Squads the core of any attack. Other Chapters are less enamored with the tactical value of motorcycle squads, preferring to send their stormtroopers into battle on Rhinos or Cleavers.

The Space Marine's motorcycle itself is quite crudely made. This is essential, as it must be powerful enough to carry a fully equipped Space Marine at breakneck speeds, yet controllable enough to provide a full range of deadly combat maneuvers. Even at low speed, meeting the combined mass of the motorcycle and the driver is not the most pleasant thing. Moreover, experienced Space Marine motorcyclists can boast of riding through rockcrete walls at full speed without harming their health or causing any inconvenience at all. The effect such a breakthrough has on manpower enemy is best left to the imagination.

For complex assault missions, it is common practice to enhance the firepower of the Motorcycle Squad by adding an assault motorcycle. Each assault bike is a frighteningly powerful mobile emplacement, with twin bolters mounted on the bike itself and a multi-melta or heavy bolter mounted on a sturdy sidecar.

The striking power of an Assault Motorbike is so intoxicating that many Chapters form entire squads of them, using them as fast fire support troops to complement Scouts, Stormtroopers or other Motorbike squads. Few Space Marine Chapters have enough assault bikes to form multiple squads. But when this does happen, as happened during the Third War for Armageddon at the initiative of the Order of the White Scars, such squads become an almost unstoppable force.

Dreadnought- Heavy walking combat vehicle. The sight of a Dreadnought destroying an enemy inspires nearby soldiers, temporarily increasing the damage their weapons deal. Has the "Emperor's Fist" ability, "Assault Cannon" and "Dark Age of Technology" upgrades.

"Predator"- Heavy tracked combat vehicle. Large-caliber weapons are effective against both infantry and vehicles.

"Rhinoceros"- Heavy tracked combat vehicle. Serves for transporting soldiers and allows replenishing the number of personnel.

Great Dreadnought- Heavy walking combat vehicle. A more powerful dreadnought. Effective in close combat. The sight of a Dreadnought destroying an enemy inspires nearby troops, temporarily increasing the damage their weapons deal.


ANGELS OF DEATH- infantry becomes temporarily invulnerable.

BLESSING OF THE OMNISSIAH- repair of all allied vehicles for a short time.

TERMINATOR SQUAD LANDING- teleportation of a squad of Terminators to the specified zone.

LANDING MODULE- calling a landing capsule with a tactical squad to reinforce nearby squads.

FOR THE EMPEROR!- the unit temporarily receives less damage

and becomes immune to suppressive fire, but loses

in speed of movement.

BLESSING OF LARRAMANA- immediate revival of all allied commanders who lost consciousness on the battlefield.

ORBITAL IMPACT- a strike from orbit with a large radius of destruction, crushing even the most resistant targets.

LANDING CAPSULE WITH GREAT DREADNIGHT- calling a landing capsule with the Great Dreadnought.

Please do not judge strictly. I don’t want to post comments, so I ask all questions and suggestions in PM.

The video demonstrates some of the capabilities of the Commander, Devastators, Stormtroopers, Tactics and Dreadnoughts.

“An open mind is a fortress with open gates.”

Librarian Isidore Ikesh

To increase knowledge about the world.

Primarchs(English Primarch) are genetically enhanced superhumans created by the Emperor to command the Space Marine Legions. All twenty children were created from the DNA of the Emperor himself. Their genetic material also formed the basis of the Legions they were to command.

The Great Crusade.
20 legions. The so-called Legions of the first foundation. Nothing is known about the two legions and their primarchs. The information was destroyed by the Inquisition.
Throughout the Great Crusade, all legions united and increased the size of the Imperium of Man. At that time, the Emperor was not revered as a god. During this period, the number of Legions was not strictly controlled. The legions were represented by Homeworlds, fortress bases and huge powerful armada fleets, often divided into several "fists".

Horus Heresy.
To continue the crusade to unite all of humanity's planets, the Emperor of Mankind appointed Primarch Horus as commander of all forces. This decision displeased the leaders of the Space Marines, especially those who themselves were aiming for this position. Horus was corrupted by the Chaos Gods and betrayed the Emperor. He convinced several Primarchs and their legions to come over to his side. These legions would go on to become the Chaos Space Marines and begin the war with the Imperium. The young human Empire was divided into many parts, in each of which there were fierce battles. Eventually, Horus overcame the resistance of the Imperial troops and struck Earth, trying to destroy the Emperor himself. A bloody and stubborn battle unfolded under the walls of the palace. Eventually, the Emperor, along with two loyal primarchs and a squad of the best marines in Terminator armor, teleported to the rebel headquarters. Primarch Sanguinius was the first to attack Horus and fell at the hands of Horus, but according to one version, it was he who found/made a hole in Horus’s armor. The duel between the Emperor and Horus ended disastrously for both sides. Horus fell at the hands of the Emperor, but the ruler of mankind was mortally wounded. To preserve the breath of life in the body of the Emperor, a gigantic life support complex was created on Earth under the leadership of the tech-priests of Mars - the Golden Throne.
If I’m not mistaken, they went over to the side of Horus, at the beginning of the Heresy, the 4th legion: Word Bearers, World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Children of the Emperor. (And in the end 9 legions.)

Second Foundation.
The Horus Heresy became an era of strife as the Imperium was nearly torn apart by civil war. Vast forces fell under the influence of Chaos, including at least 9 of the 20 Space Marine Legions. The heresy ended when the Emperor of Mankind defeated the leader of the traitors, Warmaster Horus, although he was mortally wounded in the process. As a consequence of this event, many weaknesses in the structure and organization of the Imperium were exposed. The High Lords of Terra decreed that massive reorganization was necessary to prevent catastrophes like the Horus Heresy.

The second founding occurred seven years after Horus's defeat. The existing Space Marine Legions were broken up and reorganized into Chapters - smaller, more flexible formations.

One Order was ordered to leave the heraldry of the Progenitor Legion, while the rest, known as the Orders that followed the English. Successor Chapters, had to choose new names and heraldry. Most Legions split into five Chapters or fewer (weakened by the war), but the sheer numbers of the Ultramarines Legion helped create 23 successor Chapters.

The Space Marine Chapters are special military organizations of the human empire in Warhammer universe. There are a huge number of them, and a special code was created for them. Many of them remained unknown, while others, through the courage of their soldiers, immortalized their name in the world of constant galactic wars.

General information about orders

All fans of the Space Marine orders should know that they are divided into codex and non-codex. The first category includes those groups that take on faith and blindly follow every point of the Astartes - the manual for all legions (another name for organizations). When creating such a powerful military force, the emperor introduced clear rules in the book and created the structure of the orders. The first category of organizations agreed to all the rules, and they are called code ones. The second accepted only part of all the strict points, and therefore their name is non-code. Among the two types there are legions that have earned themselves immortal fame with a huge number of exploits.

Two prominent code organizations

The Space Marine orders are interesting in that among them there are no similar principles of life and internal rules. The most famous of all the legions are the Ultramarines - guardians of the code on top level. Their observance of the rules reaches almost religious worship, although they do have some retreat in the form of a detachment of Space Marine veterans. Their internal structure is reminiscent of ancient Greece, where there was freedom of speech and democracy. Rules for them are a means of life, and therefore they boldly go into battle to protect the territories of the empire.

The second no less famous legion in the list of Space Marine orders is the “Imperial Fists”. Members of this group are obsessed with discipline and character building. For them, any minor violation of internal regulations is a reason for severe punishment with the help of a special glove. This instrument affects the pain receptors of the brain, and the person experiences incredible torment. According to the “kulaks”, every person should go through such tests, because only pain makes you stronger. For this reason, many people voluntarily wear these gloves.

"Ravens" and "Salamanders"

At 40,000, the list of Space Marine Chapters is incredibly large, but none of them compares guerrilla warfare with the Raven Guard. This is a small legion, and its low popularity is explained by mutations that sooner or later occur with each member of the squad. Their skin becomes incredibly pale, and their hair and eyes become completely black. All secret operations and sabotage wars on enemy territory are carried out by this order. Despite their skin pigmentation, they are able to perfectly camouflage themselves and remain invisible in the right situation.

The Order of the Salamander is completely different from the Ravens in its statute. They love direct combat, but only at long range. Their gene code contains a slow reaction, and therefore they even make weapons personally for their fighters. Lizardmen respect fire and often use it in battle with thunder hammers and flamethrowers. Their differences are in the black skin of the soldiers and their humanism towards the common population. Other orders treat civilians with contempt, but the Salamanders' operations take into account their need for protection.

Angelic orders

All Space Marine Chapters have their stories, but the Dark Angels have one of the most tragic tales. This order remained coded only on paper, because few people know about the existence within it of the secret organization “Death Wing”. Its creation was due to the schism during the galactic war and the crusades. Many traitors have broken away from the organization and are hiding in the universe. Members of a secret group hunt them down and kill them. The presence of many secrets and secrets within the organization made all members of the legion distrustful with signs of paranoia.

The Order of the Red Angels has also earned itself a bad reputation, which is associated with genetic problems. The soldiers of this organization love the aesthetic approach, but the influence of genes is beyond their reason. To create a new member of the legion, it is necessary to inject blood into it with a particle of panarch, which is stored in special tanks. On the battlefield, angels often succumb to two destructive effects: Red Fury and Black Wrath. The first, in the heat of battle, makes you lose control of yourself, and the second, with echoes of the past, brings your mind to the brink of madness.

Notable non-code orders

In the Warhammer universe, Space Marine chapters can be a thousand strong, as the code dictates, but the Space Wolves completely defied its rules. They have thirteen companies, each of which has up to four thousand fighters. This enormous force is controlled by an old warrior named Logan Grimnar. For "wolves" the concepts of honor and valor are paramount. Their genetic code gives their bodies the characteristics of animals. Thanks to them, they reject the effects of Chaos and have heightened senses.

The second well-known non-code order is the Black Templars. These soldiers used to be members of the “Imperial Fists”, but decided to throw away the rules of the order and continue their independent struggle against all enemies of the Imperium. They are masters of hand-to-hand combat and excel at fighting in any terrain. Their hunt in fleets of 5-6 thousand never stops. The constant movement is explained by the lack of a personal base. The commander of this armada is High Marshal Helbrecht.

Third category of orders

In the world of Warhammer 40,000, Space Marine Chapters may also have a controversial status. Among these, the most famous are the Relictors and the Legion of the Damned. The first received this status due to their craving for Chaos artifacts. When the Inquisition found out about this, the head of the legion was executed, and other members of the army were sent on a campaign of atonement. Later, this conflict only intensified, the order was excommunicated from the community and almost destroyed by the Gray Knights. The remnants fled outside the empire.

The Legion of the Damned is a remnant of the Fire Hawks. They come to the aid of other Space Marines in the most difficult moments in the form of spirits. All this is thanks to the mutations of psychic influence that occurred after the Warp explosion. Most of the “hawks” then died or went mad, and the survivors acquired such abilities.

In order to survive in a universe immersed in endless wars, we need warriors capable of the impossible. In the world of Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Legions became just such fighters-representatives of the human race. Their bodies are genetically enhanced, the Space Marines wield the best weapons available to humanity, and their experience spans centuries of endless battles.

Space Marine fighters are superior to ordinary people in many ways. And this is no coincidence. In order to create such a warrior, a long process of genetic and mental changes is required. In addition, they also need to be trained. But the result is worth it. Space Marines are the epitome of military power Imperium of Man.

The Emperor began their creation back in the 30th millennium. At that time it was just proclaimed. The scattered human race could disappear under the onslaught of other civilizations and other races. The plan was very simple. The Emperor, being an immortal superman, wanted to use his own gene seed to create 20 Primarchs. Next, the Space Marine Legions were to be created from their gene seed. As a result the most powerful army Space Marines led by the Emperor and the Primarchs were to undertake the Great Crusade. Eventually, the entire galaxy would become part of the Imperium.

Chaos Intervention

The Emperor worked for several hundred years to create the gene-seed of the Primarchs. And by the time they were supposed to join their father, the forces of Chaos intervened. The gods united and struck a powerful blow. As a result, the Primarchs were scattered and their gene-seed altered.

As it turned out later, every Primarch received a mutation. So Sanguinius became winged, Alpharius was born with a twin brother Omegon, and Magnus the Red grew up one-eyed. But such mutations did not only appear in the bodies of the Primarchs. Konrad Curze received the gift of foresight, and according to one version, the Primarch of the 2nd Legion was able to control time.

To one degree or another, these changes subsequently influenced Space Marine Legions. Each of the fighters received from the Primarch, from whose gene seed they were created, and part of the Chaos curse. So the Blood Angels, led by Sanguinius, were forced to drink blood, and among the Thousand Sons of Magnus there were a huge number of psykers. But this became clear much later, when the Primarchs were found by the Emperor.

And at that time, instead of a victorious campaign, the Emperor had to go in search of the Primarchs. Fortunately, their gene seed was preserved in storage and Space Marine Legions were created. They were called Legio Astartes. Each fighter was weaker than the Primarch, but in many ways superior to ordinary people. Quality was sacrificed for quantity. Unlike the Primarchs, a legionnaire could be created in a couple of weeks. As a result, the skeleton, muscles, and the work of everyone completely changed. internal organs And nervous system. The fighters became faster, stronger and smarter. True, not everyone could withstand such changes. In the early stages, the mortality rate among candidates for space marines was quite high.

The Space Marine Legions were armed with bolter weapons that fired rockets, and were clad in power armor that not only protected, but also enhanced the abilities of their fighters. The Adeptus Astartes also used the most modern technology to conduct combat operations.

A total of 20 Legions were created according to the number of Primarchs. They didn't have names. Only numbers. And their armor was painted gray. Decades later, as the Emperor found the Primarchs one by one, Space Marine Legions came under their command. The fighters of the Legio Astartes obeyed the Primarch from whose gene-seed they were created.

The Primarchs grew up in amazing worlds, which also left their mark on them. Standing at the head of their legions, they brought something of their own. In addition, each of the Primarchs named their Legion and used different colors to decorate the power armor of the fighters. And if the first fighters of the Legions were recruited on Terra, the capital world of the Imperium, then later the Primarchs preferred to recruit reinforcements on their home worlds. Depending on the Primarch's skills and various circumstances, the Legions changed dramatically. This also affected the quantitative composition. It ranged from 10 to 250 thousand Space Marines.

Thus, Space Marine Legions have become for real invincible army. Each of the Primarchs occupied their own niche. Thus, for example, Rogal Dorn became a defense specialist, Magnus the Red became a powerful psyker and sorcerer, and Corvus Corax, Konrad Curze and Alpharius worked from the shadows through espionage, terror and assassination.

But in general, the structure of each Legion has been preserved. At the head was the Primarch and the headquarters of the Legion. Next came the division into Companies, then Battalions, Companies and Detachments. Due to the fact that the numerical composition of the Legions was not the same and inconsistent, the number of Detachments could vary greatly.

Success and fall

In the end the Emperor achieved his goal. All Primarchs have been found and Space Marine Legions began the Great Crusade. The worlds joined the Imperium one by one and it seemed there was no force that could stop the Space Marines. Over time, the Emperor retired from control of his army. He appointed Horus as warlord, firmly confident in the loyalty of the Primarchs and Legions. But it was not so.

Horus betrayed his father. He persuaded some of his brothers to support the uprising. Thus began the Black Crusade, during which the Primarchs and their Legions began war against each other.

At this point, only 18 legions remained, which were divided into 2 camps. The first is the loyalist legions that remained loyal to the Emperor:

  1. 1st - Dark Angels led by Lion El'Jonson
  2. 5th - White Scars led by Jaghatai Khan
  3. 6th - Space Wolves led by Leman Russ
  4. 7th - Imperial Fists led by Rogal Dorn
  5. 9th - Blood Angels led by Sanguinius
  6. 10th - Iron Hands led by Ferrus Manus
  7. 13th - Ultramarines led by Roboute Guilliman
  8. 18th - Salamanders led by Vulcan
  9. 19th - Raven Guard led by Corvus Corax

Confronted them Space Marine Legions those who sided with Horus and Chaos:

  1. 3rd - The Emperor's Children led by Fulgrim
  2. 4th - Iron Warriors led by Perturabo
  3. 8th - The Night Lords led by Konrad Curze
  4. 12th - World Eaters led by Angron
  5. 14th - Death Guard led by Mortarion
  6. 15th - Thousand Sons led by Magnus
  7. 16th - Sons of Horus led, oddly enough, with Horus
  8. 17th - The Word Bearers led by Lorgar Aurelian
  9. 20th - Alpha Legion led by Alpharius

What happened to the 2nd and 11th Legions is unknown. All information was destroyed long before the Horus Heresy. But you can collect fragmentary information and unconfirmed rumors. It turns out that, unlike the other Primarchs, these two, whose names were erased, did not obey the Emperor and openly opposed his Crusade. What happened to the Primarchs and Legionnaires themselves is a mystery. But some believe that the Primarchs were executed by Leman Russ, and the Space Marines of the destroyed Legions became part of the Ultramarines.

But these are just rumors, and in history Warhammer 40000 Space Marine Legions practically destroyed each other and humanity. Only through personal intervention was the Emperor able to change the situation. During the Siege of Terra, he fought with Horus and destroyed him. But he himself was mortally wounded. After this, the forces of Chaos were driven back, and the surviving Primarchs and Space Marines tried to protect what was left of the Imperium.

So that the history of such betrayal does not repeat itself, Space Marine Legions were disbanded. On their basis, they were created, which could no longer consist of several hundred thousand fighters. 1000 is the limit. The Space Marines continued their service, but the Legions were no more. Only 9 Orders adopted their names and traditions. The hunt continued for the legions and Primarchs who had gone over to the side of Chaos. The names of the traitors were banned, and their gene-seed was sealed. Thus ended the history of the Space Marine Legions .