
Before choosing a test to take, you need to decide on your level of English proficiency, because each test and, accordingly, certificate is designed for a certain level of knowledge and confirms a certain level of knowledge. It is worth noting that various publications and textbooks, as well as educational institutions and similar organizations, break down the scale of English proficiency in different ways, but one of the most common is the following: Beginner (0 knowledge, that is, a beginner) - Elementary (elementary, basic knowledge of grammar ) - Pre-intermediate (the so-called "pre-intermediate" level) - Intermediate (middle) - Upper-intermediate (the so-called "pre-advanced") - Advanced (advanced). To accurately determine your level of knowledge, it is advisable not to take short 20-minute tests on the Internet, but to take a full test in one of educational institutions or language courses. Of course, you can find the corresponding test on the Internet, but then use exclusively foreign sources.

After passing the test and determining your level of language proficiency, you need to select the appropriate certificate. The most popular system for determining language proficiency is Cambridge, which controls the conduct and issuance of such certificates as YLE (certificate for children aged 7-12 years), KET (Key English Test - first stage, basic English), PET (Preliminary English Test - average level language knowledge), FCE (First Certificate in English - this test covers several levels at once, but to pass it (score at least 60%), you need to have at least lower-), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English - advanced English), CPE ( Certificate of Proficiency in English - if you pass this test, you confirm that you speak English at the level of an average educated Englishman).

Once you have compared your level of language proficiency and one or another certificate confirming this level, you should move on to preparation. Preparation should be based solely on didactic test materials and “mock” materials for the relevant test. The more difficult the exam, the longer the preparation for it.

It is worth noting that people very rarely take the time to take exams like KET or PET. These exams test basic or intermediate English proficiency and are therefore rarely required by employers or higher education institutions. Moreover, in the process of preparing for these exams, the student often notices that he can already try to take the next level exam - FCE, which is actually very popular and valuable.

Helpful advice

There is also an exam associated with Cambridge, IELTS (International English Language Testing System), which is issued regardless of whether you have scored a certain number of points, as is done when passing PET, KET, FCE, CAE, CPE. That is, IELTS covers a scale from 0.0 (I don’t know anything) to 9.0 (I speak English as my native language). This certificate confirms knowledge of British English and is highly valued in international organizations, universities, when hiring, as well as when immigrating to Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia).

In accordance with the current regulations in the territory Russian Federation legislation, it is possible for a notary to translate a document into English and certify the authenticity of its translation.

Notary: translation into English and basic standards for its implementation

According to the law, translation into English is carried out by a notary who knows the language and has a document confirming knowledge (diploma).

It should be taken into account that a thorough knowledge of foreign languages ​​is not mandatory for a qualified notary, and the existing knowledge may be imperfect. Therefore, translation in a notary office is often carried out by a specialist with the appropriate qualifications. The notary's signature is placed under the translation, which confirms its legitimacy.

The procedure for translation into English by a notary occurs in the following order:

  • the specialist translates the documents provided by the applicant;
  • the notary stitches the initial document (original) with a certified copy of the translation;
  • the translation is signed by the person who translated the document;
  • The translator's personal signature is certified by a notary.

The last page of the translation must necessarily contain information about the number of sheets in the document, about the notary who certified the translation into English.

Documents submitted for notarized translation have individual characteristics. If a citizen’s passport is to be translated, the notary files the translation with photocopies made of each page of the passport.

Original documents submitted for notarized translation must comply with the rules that are regulated at the legislative level:

  • Documents to be translated must not contain corrections, errors, or erasures. They are drawn up in accordance with accepted legal norms.
  • The original document for translation, consisting of several sheets (two or more), is numbered, stitched and sealed.
  • For translations of papers that are imported from the territory of a foreign state, or must be exported outside the Russian Federation, legalization is carried out (an apostille stamp is affixed). The country to which the translated document will be sent or from must support the provisions Hague Convention. Otherwise, consular legalization is required. To countries that were in the past part of Soviet Union, the rule does not apply.
  • The signatures of authorized persons on the corporate document to be translated are certified by a notary.

A notary, according to the law, does not certify the translation of a document representing an agreement drawn up by individuals.

When is a translation certified by a notary required?

Often the need to translate documents arises to open an account abroad, when sending a child to study abroad, when concluding agreements with foreign companies or government agencies another country.

A notary is engaged in the translation of documents belonging to individuals and legal entities:

  • various certificates (marriage, birth, divorce);
  • diplomas, certificates, official certificates from educational authorities;
  • documents related to official labor activity(work books, income certificates, powers of attorney and others);
  • documents from banking structures;
  • notary papers;
  • court orders;
  • ID cards (passports, driver's licenses, military ID cards, pension cards).

You should worry about document translation in advance. At the Notary's office and translation agency on Okskaya, you can translate a document and have it certified by a notary. Highly qualified translators with excellent education will translate documents of any complexity. The notary will certify the document legally and at a reasonable price.

It happens that Native students English School They ask: “Why do I need a certificate?” Certificate in English is a document confirming a certain level of foreign language proficiency . For some, it's just a piece of paper. But for others, this is an opportunity to get quality education abroad, a prestigious job in an international company, and start a completely different life.

There are several types of certificates for knowledge of a foreign language. In order to get them you need to make a lot of effort and pass international exams in English.

Let's find out together which international English language tests make it possible to obtain a certificate of language proficiency!

International exams and certificates for knowledge of English:

Exam KET (Key English Test)

The Key English Test is a first-class English language test determined by the University of Cambridge. It matches basic levels Elementary-Pre-Intermediate (A2) and is an excellent start to other exams at a higher level.

Testing includes reading, writing, listening and speaking. At each stage, the candidate is offered a variety of tasks: insert missing words into texts, answer questions on a particular topic, reproduce in writing what he heard, compose short story and conduct a dialogue with other test takers.

For rent KET exam candidates who understand everyday phrases, can talk about themselves and everyday situations, and communicate not only orally, but also in writing

The results are assessed on the following scale: “pass with merit”, “pass with special distinction” (pass with distinction), “pass” (pass), “fail”.

Having a KET certificate allows you to confidently improve your knowledge of the English language and prepare for passing the next international exams. Having passed the first stage, then it won’t be so scary!

ExamPET ( Preliminary English Test)

The Preliminary English Test is also established by the University of Cambridge. It is intended mainly for school graduates and language courses who seek to confirm the level English Intermediate(IN 1).

Testing includes reading and writing, listening and speaking. The assignments contain questions on the most different topics and possible answers to them, texts with gaps, sentences for which you need to choose grammatically correct or compose yourself. The candidate must also be able to retell what he heard and answer questions from short monologues and dialogues.

The PET exam is assessed on the following scale: “pass with merit”, “pass” (pass), “pass at level A2”, “fail”.

Receiving a certificate of completion of this testing confirms the ability to use English in Everyday life, in everyday situations, navigate through official documentation without delving too deeply into professional vocabulary. Having an international certificate in English of this type, there is a real opportunity to enter a foreign university and receive a good place work with the prospect of development: both your speaking skills and professional ones.

Exam FCE ( First Certificate in English)

First Certificate in English is an English language exam that is organized and conducted by a special unit of the University of Cambridge. This test confirms English proficiency at the advanced Upper-Intermediate level (B2).

The FCE exam takes place over two days - the total duration is only 5 hours - and consists of several stages. The candidate passes the reading, demonstrating understanding of the ideas of the text and answering questions about the material presented; writes an essay, letter, article or review on a given topic; after listening, retells what he heard, answers questions, etc.; in the conversational part, discusses a topic with other candidates, arguing his thoughts and entering into a discussion.

This testing is evaluated somewhat differently than other similar ones. The maximum result is score A, intermediate averages are B, C, the lowest, for which a certificate is not awarded, are D, E.

But having received the First Certificate in English, you can easily enter a prestigious university abroad, get a job high paying job. Another advantage is that the certificate does not have a validity period and there will be no need to confirm your knowledge of the English language. Although, as it says folk proverb: Repetition is the mother of learning, and it has never hurt anyone!

Exam CAECertificate in advanced English

Certificate in advanced English is an English language exam conducted by the already familiar department of the legendary educational institution Cambridge. Testing confirms English language proficiency at the Advanced (C1) level.

The CAE exam consists of reading, writing, listening and speaking parts. The tasks are basically similar to those described above, only they require the use of more words, composing complex sentences and complete answers to questions at each stage. The candidate must use English fluently, regardless of the topic offered to him.

The exam is assessed on the following scale: the maximum result is score A, intermediate averages are B, C, the lowest ones, for which a certificate is not required, are D, E. The validity of the certificate is unlimited, so maintaining and improving English rests on the shoulders of diligent students.

The CAE certificate is highly valued by global companies and leading foreign universities. Therefore, if you strive to win over an employer or administration, go ahead to knowledge and an international certificate!

CPE Exam (Certificate in proficiency English)

Certificate in proficiency English is one of the oldest Cambridge exams, which confirms the highest proficiency in English Proficiency level(C2).

Testing is carried out in five stages: reading, writing, listening, speaking and using English. As in the above exams, the candidate when taking the CPE reads different texts, answers relevant questions, writes various types of texts (articles, reviews, letters, essays), talks in detail about himself, conducts dialogues with other candidates, demonstrates knowledge English grammar and a wide vocabulary.

The exam is assessed on the following scale: the maximum result is score A, intermediate averages are B, C, the lowest, for which a certificate is not required, are D, E. The validity of the certificate is unlimited.

A certificate of this category is accepted with a bang! It guarantees that its owner communicates in English at the level of a native speaker and easily understands oral speech, written texts of any complexity (newspapers, magazines, business correspondence) and, in the end, thinks fluently in English.

IELTS exam (International English Language Testing System)

International English Language Testing System is the most popular test for English language proficiency. What level does the IELTS certificate confirm? Any! The fact is that the exam is assessed on a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is the lowest score that people who do not speak the language get, 2 is an insufficient user level, 3 is an extremely limited user, 4 is a limited user, 5 is a moderate user, 6 – competent user, 7 – good user, 8 – very good user, 9 – the most high level expert. That is, it is impossible to fail the test: there is no test, but you can earn a point.

Interestingly, to live in an English-speaking country you need to get 5-6 points, and to study - 7-7.5 points.

The IELTS certificate is valid for only two years, so in order to pass it again perfectly, you should not relax and abandon your English lessons.

The test taker goes through the following stages of the exam: reading, writing, listening, speaking, which, as we already know, consist of a number of questions on different topics, texts and audio recordings that need to be retold or written review material on them, application of one’s knowledge in colloquial speech and so on. At the same time, literally everything is assessed: vocabulary, grammar, content, pronunciation, understanding, orientation in materials.

The IELTS certificate is definitely not one of those that sits on a shelf collecting dust. Study abroad, work, permanent residence abroad + real knowledge of English - a formula for success.

TOEFL exam (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

Test of English as a Foreign Language is an American version of testing for knowledge of the English language. A TOEFL certificate is necessary for those who want to study at universities in the USA and Canada, work abroad or live there.

Today, there are several options for taking the exam: on paper, via a computer and online, which contain tasks for reading, writing, listening, as well as combined tasks.

The exam is scored on a scale from 0 to 120 points. By completing at least one task from each block, the candidate has every chance of getting a high score.

Like IELTS, the TOEFL certificate is valid for 2 years. After - new preparation, new exam, new results.

International certificates in English are an indicator of decent knowledge of a foreign language: the ability to navigate various topics, maintain a conversation, conduct correspondence, read correspondence, etc.

Do you want to pass your English exams and open the door to a bright future? We are offering to you Intensive approach to the point! Come to Native English School for grammar lessons, conversation clubs– study comprehensively and you will succeed!

Surely every student of English has at least once in his life thought about obtaining a certificate confirming his knowledge. At the same time, it is necessary that the resulting document be useful and not gather dust on a shelf next to Soviet encyclopedia. In this article we will tell you why you need a certificate of English proficiency, which document you should receive and how you can become the owner of a certificate of completion of English language courses at our school.

What types of English language certificates are there?

Certificates for knowledge of English can be divided into two large groups:

1. International certificate in English

Such a document can be obtained as a result of passing the TOEIC exams. These certificates are the most prestigious and multifunctional: you can use them both in Russia and abroad. Such documents have only one drawback - the exams are not cheap, and some of them are valid for only two years. In addition, international exams require lengthy, thorough preparation.

2. Certificates of completion of English language courses or schools

They come in two types:

  • Certificate of completion from an international English language school

    Such documents are issued by well-known brands like English First or International House, which have branches in many countries. The names of such schools are well known: most employers in countries where the brand has representatives know them. Typically, such schools issue two certificates: a standard certificate of completion of courses is issued free of charge, and for a fee you can obtain an international school certificate. The latter document is recognized in countries where there are branches of the school. However, companies still prefer the more prestigious international certificates that we mentioned in the first paragraph.

  • Scope of application:
    - work abroad;
    - work in Russia;
    - studying abroad.

    Test duration: 2.5–3 hours

    Certificate waiting period: up to 2 months

    Validity period: unlimited

    Cost: 3,600–11,000 rubles depending on the level

    Where to take it: at a certified center

    Level of knowledge required for passing: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced according to the exam option

    Feature: the certificate will be required to obtain the second higher education abroad, as well as for communication in the business environment

    How to get a certificate of completion of English courses at our school

    A certificate of completion of English language courses is the easiest document to obtain that can confirm your knowledge. At our school you can become the owner of such a certificate in the shortest possible time and completely free of charge. At the same time, you can take the test online at any time convenient for you by prior arrangement.

    Who can get a certificate from our school?? Every student is entitled to receive a certificate of completion of English language courses after completing ANY course at our school. To do this, you need to contact our managers, and they will select a time convenient for you. Testing is free. Please note: we certify not just the level of knowledge, but the fact that you have completed training at a certain level in our school.

    How is testing carried out?? Your knowledge will be checked by the school methodologist. The test takes about one hour and is completed online. All test tasks are based on the material covered, so as a result you will be able to check how well you speak English at a given level.

    When will you receive your test results?? Within one working day after passing the test, we will provide you with a certificate of completion of English language courses at our school in in electronic format. Electronic version The document can easily be attached to a letter with your resume or printed in a printing house. We can provide you with a printed certificate upon request. Each document has a unique number and will also indicate your score. A-D scale, where A corresponds to a score of 5 points, B - 4 points, C - 3 points, D - 2 points. You can read more about testing conditions on the page.

    Despite the fact that such a certificate is not quoted abroad, you can use it domestically, for example, present it to your employer or to the embassy for an interview. Moreover, this document will motivate you to further improve your knowledge.

    An English language certificate is a good help in almost any area of ​​life and a reason for pride. And we advise those who are learning English for work to pay special attention to obtaining this document. Whether you take an international exam or receive a certificate of completion of an English course, you will have an advantage when applying for a position. We wish you good luck in the exam!