On the eve of Victory Day, we asked the youngest (under 25 years old) employees of our group of companies what May 9 means to them.

Specialists working in different companies of the Sotsium holding shared their thoughts about the upcoming holiday.

Vladislav Glezdov, 22 years old, electrician of linear communication structures in the linear technical department, SOCIUM-TELECOM

Hthen for you, as a representative of the younger generation, does Victory mean today?

Gone are the days of the 50s, when the Victory of 1945 was marked by the unbridled joy of peaceful life. Life without fear of bombing, hunger, devastation. Today, the great victory of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers is felt and empathized by us, subsequent generations, as a holiday of freedom and goodness.

For the younger generation, May 9 is a great holiday. The holiday that was given to us strong people. And we owe it to them that we now live a prosperous, calm life, not knowing the monstrous humiliations and deprivations that befell our ancestors on the battlefields and in concentration camps, in the hungry rear and on the front line. We can enjoy the peaceful sky above our heads. We, that is, our entire young generation, will forever remember and honor the memory of the great warriors and with gratitude wish all participants, veterans, home front workers health and long life.

Does your family celebrate Victory Day and remember your relatives who fought? Do you think the tradition of celebrating May 9 is not interrupted with the passing of front-line soldiers? And do you think it should be celebrated so widely every year?

Whether or not to celebrate this holiday is the business of every person, every family. But you definitely need to remember it!

Victory Day is one of our favorite, touching, great holidays. In our family this holiday is definitely celebrated. We are watching the Victory Parade; we go to concert venues in parks. We also congratulate the veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War: we give carnations and say warm words of gratitude for the peace they gave us. And, of course, we lay flowers at the Eternal Flame memorial and at the monuments of heroes who participated in the war. At the festive table we remember our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who lived at that time. Some fought on the front line, while others “forged” victory in the rear. Some died on the battlefields, others returned home victorious. Our heroic grandmothers and great-grandmothers worked in the rear, in hunger and cold, endured enemy occupation, illness, and the loss of loved ones. And all together they survived and defeated the enemy!

The tradition of celebrating May 9 should under no circumstances be interrupted with the passing of this resilient generation. This holiday is a gratitude to those people who gave their lives, persevered and gave us a bright future. I believe that this day simply needs to be remembered every year. It shows solidarity between generations. When older generation surrounded by special attention when the whole country salutes the soldiers who fought for our freedom not only on the fields of this war.

May 9 in Russia is a big and meaningful holiday. We will definitely celebrate it with the whole family; as always, watch the Victory Parade, films about the Great Patriotic War.

This year we will also try to celebrate it. At the festive table we will listen to the stories of our grandparents about the post-war period. If they are not near us, we will call and congratulate them. We will watch documentaries and art films about this war; Let's go for a walk in the parks, and if along the way we meet veterans and war participants, we will certainly congratulate and thank them.

Everything that we were taught at school, that we learned from films and books, we will tell the next generation - our children and grandchildren. Let's remember some of the testimonies our parents and grandparents told us. After all, it was their closest relatives - fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers - who were participants in those great victories at the front, in the rear, in post-war years, during a difficult period of overcoming devastation and hunger.

We want to say our heartfelt thanks and wish health to those who gave us life without war - veterans and home front workers. Everyone must do this, regardless of whether their ancestors fought in this war or not. Liberator warriors, you will always remain an example to follow.

Celebrating this victory, we pay tribute to our people; we bow our heads to all the heroes for all previous victories throughout the existence of our great people.

Viktor Titov, 21 years old, 3rd year student at College of Communications No. 54 named after P. M. Vostrukhin. Currently undergoing internship in the corporate networks department, SOCIUM-TELECOM

Destruction Hitler's Germany and its allies in Europe achieved as a result of joint actions Soviet Union and his Western allies. Paying tribute to all fighters against fascism, it should be recognized that the main merit in the defeat of Nazi Germany belongs to the USSR.

Undoubtedly, for every prudent resident of our country, May 9 is a great day, a holiday with capital letters. A victory that came at such a high cost, at the cost of 25 million lives, means a lot to me. The historical and global significance of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War lies not only in the liberation of one’s territory and preservation of the integrity of one’s Motherland, but also in the liberation of the peoples of Europe from fascist enslavement. As a result of the victory, the international authority of the USSR grew immeasurably, becoming a world power, without which no important issue could now be resolved. These are reasons to be proud of our Motherland.

In our family, unfortunately, Victory Day is not celebrated so widely, perhaps because the relatives who fought did not achieve significant success in terms of medals. I only know about my great-grandfather: he was a tank driver and died in 1941, I don’t remember the exact place. As long as the ideas of our leadership regarding Victory Day coincide with the thoughts of the people, and as long as veterans are alive, the tradition of celebrating Victory Day will not be interrupted, and May 9 will be celebrated so widely every year. In my opinion, it’s probably not worth it every year and so widely in difficult economic conditions.

For the last couple of years, May 9 and the May holidays have been associated with writing coursework. These May holidays will apparently be spent writing the WRC.

But, naturally, I will talk about the Victory first of all, if there are no new victories. It's certainly worth doing this.

Alexander Tyumenev, 20 years old, 3rd year student at College of Communications No. 54 named after P. M. Vostrukhin. Currently undergoing internship in the corporate networks department, SOCIUM-TELECOM

May 9 is a great day. This is inexhaustible pride for many peoples who united against the threat and were able to win. Thanks to their feat we live free life and enjoy the peaceful sky above. We have a future! And I'm grateful for that.

In my family, we always celebrate Victory Day, remembering our great-grandfather, who fought on the border of Ukraine and Russia. And there is a short story about his exploits. He began serving when he was about 25 years old; the war began when he was 27. During the fighting, he and his colleagues were captured and put in a barn, they placed guards and left. We all know our dilapidated sheds, which usually contain a lot of rubbish, luckily this one was just like that. He and his comrades managed to get out through the roof, neutralize all the enemies and go on the offensive. One of his comrades wrote about this to my great-grandmother. Unfortunately, no more letters were received.

Almost everyone has a relative who fought in the war, and for everyone he is an example, a hero who gave us what we have.

Of course, it needs to be celebrated widely! It is very important to remind people of the history of war and victory, and such a big holiday is like a tribute to all the people who risked their lives for us.

On the morning of May 9, I will go to Red Square to watch the parade of equipment and aviation. The latest technology will be shown there, which in the near future will be able to protect our country from possible attacks. I will also look at the colorful fireworks. I'm sure it will be interesting and not boring.

The main thing is to never forget about the exploits of our heroes, and we will definitely cultivate the same sense of respect for them in our children and grandchildren!

Sergey Filimonov, 21 years old, 4th year student at National Research University MAI, technical support service engineer on duty, SOCIEUM-TELECOM

For me, May 9 has always been, is and will be a Great Day. From the stories of my grandparents, I know what they had to go through, what they experienced. For me, May 9 is not just Victory Day, it is the day on which the largest war ended, and in which millions of people died, thanks to them we are now living.

In my family, Victory Day is celebrated by the whole family gathering at the table, telling stories and discussing any issues related to the family, and after dinner, grandfather talks about the war... I believe that the tradition does not pass and will not pass, and this holiday should be celebrated so widely !

I spend the morning and afternoon of May 9 with my family, in the evening I go for a walk to the center with my girlfriend, and at 21.00 I usually go to observation deck Sparrow Hills.

I will tell my children about the price at which this victory was achieved. Of course, it’s worth doing, I can’t express in words why, I just know for myself that it’s necessary.

Ivan Chapkin, 24 years old, system administrator of the corporate networks department, SOCIUM-TELECOM

What does Victory mean to you, as a representative of the younger generation, today?

Celebration of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. I am grateful to all of Russia, which courageously defended its borders, despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, winning such a significant victory for us.

Does your family celebrate Victory Day and remember your relatives who fought?

Of course, this is a single holiday for all of us; my great-grandfather fought, and fortunately returned home.

Do you think the tradition of celebrating May 9 is not interrupted with the passing of front-line soldiers?

May 9 will be relevant as long as we remain human. We must remember those who won the peaceful sky above our heads.

And do you think it should be celebrated so widely every year?

There is no one to remember them except us. Moreover, they are deliberately erased from history. So, if you don’t want only the edge of your sleeve to remain in the frame, celebrate as much as you can. Who besides us?

I will visit my grandparents; I plan to visit any holiday events, organized in Moscow.

What will you tell your children about the war, about Victory? And is it worth doing, in your opinion?

I will try to unobtrusively and truthfully tell how everything really happened, without distorting the story.

Prepared the work Shobanova Daria Valerievna, born in 1992, 2nd year student at VSTGU.

Human memory always remembers the dear ones

Fathers, husbands, loved ones, sons,

She is unable to forget the soldiers of war,

That they gave their lives to their Motherland.

Once again, a great holiday is approaching - the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. On this day our hearts will beat in a special way. Let us bow low and salute the veterans who have survived to this day. First of all, let us remember the soldiers who gave their lives in the fight against the enemy. And it is very important that these memories do not sink into oblivion, but remain forever for us, our descendants. I would like to tell you about my grandfather, Philip Vasilievich Dryanov.

His fate, like all life, is interesting, unusual, full of life's challenges. For me, my grandfather has always been and remains the most dear person. Everyone in the family respected and loved him. Although I don’t remember my grandfather at all, but from the stories of my relatives I know that he was a good man. He was strict, but not evil. He never raised his voice to his wife and was always worried about his children.

Dryanov Philip Vasilievich was born in the village of Urlyk, Kyakhta aimag in 1920. He came to the village of Sugar Factory after the Great Patriotic War. All his life, grandfather was known to the people around him as a hardworking and honest person. He suffered a lot of grief and suffering, but he valued life and strived to live. His companion was a simple village girl, Domna Prokopyevna. They created a large and friendly family in which six children grew up and were raised - Elizaveta, Boris, Sergei, Anatoly, Konstantin, Zoya. Boris, unfortunately, is no longer alive. Philip Vasilyevich and Domna Prokopyevna tried to help all their children. These were helpful people, modest and strict, and it could not be otherwise.

I learned that my grandfather was in captivity when I was still very little. Then I didn’t attach any importance to it. Now, having matured, many things become clear to me. Captivity and captivity of the enemy is an inevitable historical factor in any war. This topic is extremely delicate and subtle. It concerns the honor and dignity of a person who experienced all the hardships, humiliation and horrors of fascist captivity.

Grandfather’s memory did not retain the names of the camps where merciless fate threw him. Three trophy cards, from the three camps he was in, preserved few details. The first was a prisoner of war camp in the city of Telni. Since 1942, grandfather and other prisoners were transferred to the Aachen camp, where he remained until October 1944. After the opening of the second front, grandfather was released and on May 9, 1945, on Victory Day, he was enlisted in engineer unit No. 708 of a separate engineer battalion, where he served until 1946.

In the post-war years, people were careful not to talk about captivity even with each other. This was such a sensitive topic that some war participants who were captured kept this secret for many years, although they were rehabilitated. Grandfather didn’t always talk about it either. This is what my eldest daughter Elizaveta Filippovna, my aunt, remembers: “Father never remembered these terrible years.

Even if they simply asked about the war, how it was there, the father cried and was silent. The family tried to avoid discussing this topic. It was very difficult for him, it was difficult to say anything about that terrible ordeal. And we all not only loved our father, but also respected him. We learned that my father went through the whole hell of captivity from Nelly Dmitrievna Korobenkova’s book “The Black Wing of Captivity.” It all had to be kept and experienced in secret! Everyone cried, they felt sorry for the father. So he died with this pain in his heart.

I remember my father as a strict man, but not evil. He helped almost everyone build their houses. And it's not that simple. We planned to build a house in the fall. But there was a hitch: they built the house to the floor, but the master refused. So the father went silently, found another master, and the house was completed on time. I didn’t like to put off planned things for a long time.”

And here’s what my mother, Zoya Filippovna, remembers: “My father was a very worried person. I always thought: what is this war for? How much grief do wars bring to any person? After all, only God knows what the Russian people had to endure: soldiers, wives, mothers, old people, children.”

I completely agree with my grandfather's reasoning. No room in human life fascism and any of its manifestations must not be allowed. An example for me is my grandfather, who all this time carried a burden of sadness, humiliation, and grief. I believe that modern youth not very well raised by her parents. The main thing is to teach children to work, take care of them, their health, and instill in them love and respect for their parents. And the children themselves need to not only be loved, but also protected.

I think our family is truly unique and simple at the same time. My grandparents, aunts and uncles, and parents survived the hardships of life and lack of money. After all, in the post-war hard times they worked for workdays on the collective farm, they did not know how much or what they had earned. They were not afraid to work even during perestroika, when they were not paid for their work and pensions were not paid. They are not afraid of difficulties and current economic crises; they believe that the main thing is to work. Don't sit idle.

They will live worthy of their grandfathers in other times, since they are accustomed to work and this work is in the blood of the Dryanov family. All the children in my grandfather’s family are hard workers: Elizaveta Filippovna worked all her life on the Rassvet collective farm as a milkmaid, now she is a good housewife, my mother works in a store as a salesperson. Sons Konstantin and Anatoly live in Bichur, son Sergei lives in the village of Pokrovka, there was also a son Boris, now deceased. There are six children in total. The family is very large, many children and grandchildren. Up to one hundred and fifty relatives gather at significant family holidays. Many of my grandfather’s grandchildren studied well at our school. Now I am studying, my granddaughter, Shobanova Daria.

I believe that in modern world The main thing is to gain knowledge, live like a human being and remain human until the end of your life, help people, benefit the state and society. Well, for now my main task is studying. Now I am in 11th grade, soon the time will come to choose my path, my path in life. I will try not to let my relatives down.

Years pass, but people’s wounds somewhere in their chests do not heal. And they still have the same dreams: how they shoot and kill, how they get wounded, how they are captured, how they starve. If only this could be erased from memory!

How nice it would be if grandfather were alive now. I would have many questions for him, the answers to which are interesting not only for me, but also for the history of our village. After all, people who were captured are different from people who fought at the front. There is a lot of mystery in them. Such people have a lot of strict wisdom and at the same time kindness, life experience and fierce intransigence towards unjustified cruelty, which my grandfather experienced at one time.

Philip Vasilievich died on February 21, 1996. My family and I now live in his house. Life goes on.

We, the young generation of Russia, will always remember the heroic exploits of our people during the Great Patriotic War. The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts. We will never forget those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations. Victory Day is one of the holiest holidays for all of us. It is very important that young people imagine the greatness and significance of this Victory.

In this photo, war veterans and home front workers of the Sewing Factory village celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Dryanov Philip Vasilievich among the participants.

As long as we remember our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the heroic feat will live on...


teacher of Russian language and literature Kolodezhnaya G.L.

Municipal educational institution Bichurskaya average comprehensive school №5

In order for a child to be able to truly experience all the tragedy and heroism of the history of the Great Patriotic War, fertile soil is needed in which these seeds will be sown - a developed cultural layer. Culture is not given to a child upon birth; it is instilled through proper upbringing. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to raise a real person in a child - thinking, empathetic, kind...

A story left in the heart

My grandmother told me this true story about the events of the Great Patriotic War - the only time in her life and only to me.

Nazi military formations, including Italians and Romanians, settled in the territory of the occupied Donbass. While settling in the occupied territory, they drove civilians out of their homes. No one stood on ceremony with the locals - homes were seized, and the modest belongings of the owners were simply thrown out of the windows. As a result, people were forced to huddle in several families in one room, separated by curtains - such housing was called a “corner”.

Grandfather went to the front at the beginning of the war, grandmother remained the only breadwinner of the family. The family was poor, and soon all the more or less decent things in the house were exchanged for food, because hunger began. They ate quinoa and potato peelings... My mother was three years old when the war began, and her little sister had recently been born. Having lived until the middle of the war, she never learned to walk due to systematic malnutrition... One day, having gone in search of at least some food, her grandmother could not return: during a raid she was caught by police and sent to a concentration camp. The children were left in the care of their old mother-in-law.

After three months of working in a concentration camp in inhumane conditions, a transfer to Germany was scheduled. The grandmother begged to leave her, explaining with gestures that she had two children. And they took pity on her (and her younger brother, who was with her in the concentration camp, was sent to Germany, where he disappeared without a trace). Only when she returned home, it turned out that there were no longer two children - the youngest daughter died of hunger, not waiting just three days before her mother returned...

The mother, crushed by grief, went to the cemetery and began digging graves in the frozen ground. She took out the coffin, opened it and began to mourn her dead child. It is almost impossible to survive the pain of losing a child. It was even more bitter because, when leaving, the grandmother promised to return soon and the baby waited for her mother for many days, shuddering at every slam of the front door. But I didn’t wait...

The story is not for the faint of heart, is it? Now imagine that I heard this story as a little girl. I was born under a peaceful sky, watched a considerable number of heroic films about the war, and this story of my family told by my grandmother seemed so strange and scary to me... But, as an adult, I discovered that my grandmother’s story remained forever in my memory in the form of a scar on my heart who starts to get sick every time the conversation comes up with that terrible war.

Today, when I watch my children eat, I think about what a horror it is for a mother when your hungry child asks for food, but there is nothing to give him. And I feel a lot of pain inside, although I was born after the war and did not know hunger. And sometimes photos of children tortured during the war come to mind - and I shudder with horror.

Someone might say: “Well, why all these negative emotions in our peaceful life today?”

Perceiving the pain of war as your own is an inoculation against distortions of history. Let there be scars on your heart from the pain you have experienced, but this will not allow anyone to throw off your inner moral compass, it will never make you doubt the heroism of your grandparents! Having passed the pain of war through yourself, you begin to perceive the history of your people in the only correct way and identify yourself with them. And the desire to go far away in search of happiness disappears, but on the contrary, the desire appears to give all your talents and skills for the benefit of your native country and the Russian people.

Don't be late

While the child is small, we protect him from too cruel information about the world and people. But we must remember that the basis for a person’s upbringing is the age before puberty. Having entered a difficult transitional age, a child ceases to be a child - he gradually turns into an adult and breaks away from his parents. Teenagers form their own “pack”, in which the opinion of peers, and especially the leader, becomes orders of magnitude more significant than the opinion of adults - parents at home, teachers at school.

It seems that you can finally talk to an older child on an equal footing. But it may turn out that he will refuse to listen to you, moreover, he will express his opinion, which may turn out to be diametrically opposed to yours. Teenagers can be stubborn and difficult to communicate with, so the foundation of education must be created before entering a difficult age period. Of course, the teacher himself must possess all those wonderful qualities that he strives to instill in his pupil.

The continuity of generations

IN last years Numerous attempts are being made to rewrite the history of the Second World War and revise its results. We can say that the balance in the world that arose after the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War has been shaken... Therefore, today it is especially important to pass on to children and grandchildren real knowledge and memory of the Victory in the most terrible war in the history of mankind, about the heroism of our ancestors, to which we owe our present and future, life itself.

However, in the modern world, the psychological, intellectual, spiritual gap between generations is so great that society, perhaps for the first time in history, is faced with a situation where the experience of predecessors and historical memory It turns out to be very difficult to pass on the people to the younger generation. Let's take a closer look at how best to convey the memory of the Great Patriotic War to our children.

Our heroic story

A very important question: how to teach history to children? Actual history always contains betrayal, perfidy, and a sea of ​​blood... However, in order for children to want to be part of the people and identify themselves with them, it is necessary to show the most heroic pages of history that evoke real pride in their ancestors. This is exactly what they do in different countries world, and even if there is nothing to be proud of, they come up with legends. All the best is concentrated in one hero.

The history of the Russian people and state is truly heroic. However, today, when there is no state ideology, and there is an ongoing ongoing war against our country information war, they are trying to present us with absolutely... This state of affairs has been going on for the third decade and as a result has led to the fact that even at school children are told not about the heroism of our ancestors, but about the weakest and most difficult moments of history: about the heaviest losses and incompetent military leadership in the first days and months of the war, about barrage detachments that drove soldiers to attack on pain of death, etc.

Such incorrect presentation of information, when the facts of history are sometimes distorted beyond recognition - some important things and events are kept silent, while others, on the contrary, are presented in an overly exaggerated form - ultimately leads to the fact that children develop not pride in the Victory of the people, but desire to justify yourself. In the worst case, schoolchildren do not identify themselves with the victorious people at all and are ready to renounce their homeland and leave the country.

Therefore, raising our children in the spirit of love for the Motherland, passing on to them the historical memory of the Russian people is the question “To be or not to be?” for the entire Russian world! Today we all need to make every effort not to lose an entire generation, because today these are children, and tomorrow they are the Russian people. How can we help them feel with all their being pride in the exploits of their heroic ancestors? Knowledge of real, undistorted history, the formation of historical memory of the exploits of our people.

Celebration with tears in your eyes

Of course, we need to start with a holiday - the great Victory Day. Actively involve in this an important event even small children, starting from preschool age. On the eve of the holiday, introduce your child to the history of the St. George's ribbon, purchase flags and badges with symbols of May 9th. Show a photo from family archive and tell about relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War, adapting these family stories for the perception of a small child.

Currently, schools and kindergartens are organizing holiday concerts, parades military equipment, meetings with veterans, where everyone can come - be sure to take part in them. Watch the Victory Parade on Red Square together and festive fireworks, which are broadcast throughout the country.

For the last few years, on Victory Day there has been a parade through the streets of Russian cities and around the world - take part in the procession with your child, preferably the whole family. The memory of this significant event will last a long time, perhaps for life. Photos and videos of your participation in the procession will help you with this. But even more important is that special feeling of unity when, following in a large column of people carrying portraits of heroic ancestors, you can feel like part of a large whole - the Russian people.

Tell your child about the meaning of the Eternal Flame, lay flowers together Eternal Flame and the monument to the Unknown Soldier, which can be done not far from home. When the child grows up, you can organize an excursion to Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, to the memorial complex “Panfilov Heroes” in the Moscow region, visit Mamayev Kurgan and see the majestic sculpture “The Motherland Calls!” in Volgograd and other monuments dedicated to the heroism of our people, who won the Great Patriotic War.

But if we stop at this, then Victory Day will remain only a holiday for children born decades later. And we won’t see those very tears in their eyes that are sung about in the song “Victory Day”... To skip Great story of the Russian people and their Victory through the heart, it is necessary to receive sensory impressions - to get involved emotionally, to feel the pain of heavy losses, pride in heroism and the joy of the long-awaited Victory as one’s own.

Sacred pain

No matter how much we give children information about the Great Patriotic War and no matter how much we involve them in various activities, dedicated to the Day Victory, often this information remains formal. Without genuine involvement, without sensory living, it is impossible to instill in children the historical memory of the people. Flags, St. George's ribbons, tunics and caps with red stars, Balloons The tricolor is beautiful, joyful and pleasant. But it should “chill to the bones”, wound to the very heart, become an inoculation for life - against atrocity, against fascism, against the horrors of war. This means that it is necessary to go through mental trials, to see and hear what is unbearably painful to watch and hear, but absolutely necessary.

For younger schoolchildren, offer to read the series of books “Pioneer Heroes”, which tells about the exploits of children during the Great Patriotic War. Find other books about the war that tell about it truthfully, without distorting history. Listen together to war songs that leave few people indifferent. Watch films about the war with your child, both old and new, and discuss what you saw. About how en masse people volunteered for the front, how they caught spies and saboteurs, how teenagers stood at machines, making parts for tanks and airplanes... How the entire vast country lived with one hope, one goal - Victory! How everyone gave their maximum to bring victory closer.

Introduce an older child to documents from the Second World War - photos, videos, texts. In recent years, archives from the Great Patriotic War have been opened and become publicly accessible. Take a look at these sites with your child - read the descriptions of the heroism shown during the battles in the awards submissions. Take a look at the faces of the children of war in documentary photographs - hungry, frightened, deprived of parents and shelter, tortured to death. Together, read the siege diary of Tanya Savicheva or the diary of the Jewish girl Anne Frank. Read letters from front-line soldiers.

With older children, who are already mentally mature and ready to perceive adult information, you can watch documentary footage of military chronicles, testifying both to the bloody battles to liberate our cities from the Nazis, and to the cruel bullying of the fascists and those who supported them against the civilian population ...

The film is a shock, which is very painful to watch, but necessary. For anyone who sees this film and passes it through themselves, life will be divided into before and after. The film is a vaccine against cruelty, Nazism and the horrors of war.

Today we live under a peaceful sky, our children do not know hunger and hardship - they eat sweet cakes and watch American cartoons. However, genuine knowledge about the most brutal and bloody war in the history of mankind, which our people managed to win, is absolutely necessary: ​​at a minimum - to preserve ourselves, and at a maximum - to respect our roots, love our Motherland and create the future together.

So that the seeds of education sprout

Having engaged in the patriotic upbringing of a child, modern parents may encounter problems... The child may not want to hear about the war - such information feels difficult, painful, and requires leaving their comfort zone. Or even if the child listens and watches, he remains indifferent, not involved in what is happening on the pages of the book or on the screen. He does not identify himself with the heroes of this war and the Russian people. But don't despair.

In order for a child to be able to truly experience all the tragedy and heroism of the history of the Great Patriotic War, fertile soil is needed in which these seeds will be sown - a developed cultural layer. Culture is not given to a child upon birth; it is instilled through proper upbringing. In a small child, the cultural layer is not yet developed - familiarization with culture continues until adolescence. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to raise a real person in a child - thinking, empathetic, kind.

This happens mainly due to the fact that it creates psychologically very healthy and correct associative series, gives the right guidelines in life, builds up and strengthens the internal moral core. After all, culture is the unconditional value of human life, it is an internal prohibition on manifestations of cruelty towards other people. “The Little Match Girl” by Hans Christian Andersen, “Children of the Dungeon” by Vladimir Korolenko or “Without a Family” by Hector Malo - such works are selected in accordance with the child’s age and level emotional development, and thus the child’s soul works and develops.

If a person’s cultural layer is developed, then over time the seeds of education will sprout. And then you will find that “no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.” And our children and grandchildren will also cry on Victory Day.

If we truly engage with our children, only in this case will we have a future: we will be able to hand over the country and state to our grown-up children with peace of mind, with the confidence that Russia is the real Motherland for them, that they will preserve our great country and confidently will lead her into the future.

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology »

SOCIAL PROJECT “Let's look memory in the eye.”
Svetlana Dmitrievna Kolesnik, teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution "RSOSH No. 9"

Here the milestones fly by.

And the world is already twenty first century,

But descendants will remember sacredly

The feat of soldiers of the twentieth century!

Let these help preserve the memory

The year is 1945... The year is 2015.
Between them there are 70 years of peace and memory.

Memory is gratitude.

Memory is a duty.

Memory is life.

I remember, that means I live

Let's remember everyone by name,

Let us remember with our grief...

This is necessary - not for the dead!

We need this alive!

Robert Rozhdestvensky.
Dedicated to all generals,
To all colonels,
To all lieutenant colonels,
To all majors and captains,
To all sergeants and sergeants,
To all the rank and file,
To all home front workers,
Which their children
Their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren
Obliged forever
Green grass, blue river
Blue sky, silver air
Everything that is called life.

Project goals:

  • Educational:

  • Arouse children's interest in learning about their family history.

  • Study the historical past of our country.

  • Expand knowledge junior schoolchildren about the events of 1941-1945.

  • To introduce our fellow countrymen who forged victory at the front, who went to it and fell
in the struggle for the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War.


  • Develop a sense of pride in your family members

  • To cultivate respect for the exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, gratitude for their sacrifices in the name of peace on our Earth.

  • To form a clear idea of ​​the terrible danger posed by fascism, war, and crimes against human life.

  • Teach children to value peace and realize their role in maintaining peace on Earth.

  • Form a sense of patriotism.
Educational: Expand the field of knowledge, enrich lexicon students;

Develop an interest in studying history.

Hypothesis: In order to live in peace today, we have no right to forget the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Description of the problem

Is our time-time rapid social and economic changes, transformation of society - requires each person to affirm an active civic position. The strength of our state, the prosperity of its citizens, a stable economic situation primarily depend on the creative and intellectual potential of the younger generation, knowledge of the historical past, the heroic and patriotic traditions of our Motherland, the formation in younger schoolchildren of a sense of pride in the greatness of the country, respect for the older generation.

In 2015, the whole country celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, which allows us to take a fresh look at the origins and history of civic-patriotic education using examples of true courage and deep love for the Motherland. The centuries-old history of our people testifies that without patriotism it is unthinkable to create a strong power, it is impossible to instill in people an understanding of their civic duty and respect for the law.

Jr school age- the period when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid. The idea of ​​patriotism has always generated unprecedented energy that made it possible to resolve issues of historical importance. Today, patriotism is the most important factor in the mobilization of the country, necessary for its protection and revival. The event is designed to promote a sense of patriotism, respect for the heroic past of our Motherland, and teach us to value peace.

Organizing educational work, I am like classroom teacher I must take into account that our past includes a huge ideological and moral charge that helps make the human person proud of our Motherland, our people who, in mortal battles with enemies, defended the freedom and independence of the state. The memory of national heroes is sacred, the feat is immortal Soviet man, soldier and worker, in the Great Patriotic War.

That is why in work on patriotic education at school it is important to show the dedication and heroism of our people in the struggle for freedom, to show with specific examples, with facts from the biographies of students’ relatives.

Time is inexorable. Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans of that terrible war. But the memories of these people must be preserved.
The project “Let's look memory in the eye” proposes to form civic qualities in students, raise a patriot of their country, develop cognitive activity, deepen children’s knowledge about the historical and heroic past of the Motherland, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Introduces fellow countrymen who forged victory at the front, who went to it and fell in the fight for the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War.

Formation of UUD:
Personal actions: educational and cognitive interest in new material, self-analysis and self-monitoring of results,
Regulatory Actions: define a goal educational activities, plan for completing tasks, determine the correctness of a completed task based on a sample, learn to adjust the completion of a task in accordance with the plan, evaluate your task, correction.

Cognitive actions: be able to extract information presented in the form of text, illustrations, be able to obtain information from additional sources, pose a problem and solve it.
Communication actions: be able to work in a group, negotiate with each other, participate in dialogue, collective discussion, listen and understand others, give reasons for your opinion.


Project stages

Lesson topics

Practical activities


1. Drawing competition “We Preserve This Memory”

2. Brainstorm

"What do I know about the war"

3. Master class on the topic “Making postcards

for a veteran"

Drawing on a theme
Answers to quiz questions.

Distribution into groups, discussion of the general project plan, planning of work on the project in groups.

I I. Search and executive


3. Library lesson.

4. Extracurricular reading

5. “Our fellow countrymen-heroes.”
6. Mini-projects

"The story of war in my family"
7. “Page of the Book of Memory.”

8. Excursion to the Hall of Military Glory, school museum.

Excursion to the library.
Recitation of poems about the Great Patriotic War, reading works about the war.

Excursion to the school museum.

Practical lesson, work in groups, writing essays.

Protection of mini-projects

(story about the defender of his family’s homeland)

Design of the page together with parents.

Work in groups.

III.Summarizing (checking the quality of the project)

9.Rehearsal classes.

During the research, information is exchanged, analyzed, texts are edited, and consultations are held on the collection and processing of material. Work is underway to formalize the work.

IV. Project protection

Meeting of the musical and literary lounge “Both in memory and in the heart.”

Organization and conduct of extracurricular activities.

V. Final


Summing up the project.

Quiz, conclusions.

Information sources:

  1. Author's development
Materials, photographs from the archives of the school museum, school library, stories from relatives.

Course of the Lesson of Courage “Let's look memory in the eye.”

Opening speech by the class teacher:

Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts occur in which people die, residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc. are destroyed. But this cannot be compared to what World War II was like.
The summer of 1941 started off wonderfully. Summer promised its joys.
“Listen up everyone – summer is starting!” –
The first bugles sang about it!
First slippers, sneakers, boots
Again they trample on every blade of grass...

It was a time of peace, children played, grew up and no worries!

Dad was nearby. Mom was nearby. They played on the streets of their city. They had cheerful childhood. And they didn’t know what awaited them... War...

Student 1. At dawn on June 22, 1941 fascist Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. People were sleeping peacefully when bombs and shells rained down on their heads. The enemy was counting on a lightning war. Enemy aircraft carried out massive attacks on airfields, railway junctions, naval bases, military units and many cities of our country.
Levitan's recording "On the Beginning of War" is played.

Student 2. The Nazis decided to destroy our state, seize the lands and wealth of the USSR, exterminate as many as possible Soviet people, and the survivors - turned into slaves. By joining Soviet land, the Nazis committed monstrous atrocities and carried out mass executions.

Student 3. The whole country rose up. Everyone stood up who could hold a weapon in their hands, who could defend their Motherland. Yesterday's schoolchildren besieged military registration and enlistment offices, asked to go to the front, adding a year or two to their lives. And they left, never to return.

During the Great Patriotic War, our army fought six giant battles and about 40 major offensive operations.
A recording of the song “HOLY WAR” is playing

Teacher: Guys, why is the war called the Great Patriotic War? (student answers)
THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR is the largest war in human history. The word "great" means very large, enormous, huge. In fact, the war occupied a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted for four long years, and victory in it required an enormous effort of all physical and spiritual strength from our people.
It is called a Patriotic War because this war is fair, aimed at protecting one’s Fatherland. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, elderly people, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front line.


Student 4: The border guards were the first to take the hit. Despite the huge superiority of the enemy, the heroic border guards held out until the last bullet, until the last grenade, courageously defending every inch of their native land.


How many of those heroes there were

Whose names are unknown.

I took them with me forever,

To your unknown land, war.

They fought selflessly

The last cartridge was saved,

Their names are carried by the wind,

The sad wind of that war.



With the start of the shelling of Brest at dawn on June 22, the units located in the city were put on alert. At 7 o'clock the enemy broke into the city. The heroic defense of Brest began, which lasted over a month and was an example of the legendary valor and courage of Soviet patriots. Its defenders waged continuous battles for more than a month. The Germans were counting on the effect of surprise; they tried to capture the Brest Fortress on the move with one throw. In the first minutes, bridges, many buildings and warehouses, and military camps were destroyed by artillery shelling. Soviet soldiers began to resist. The plan for the lightning capture of the Brest Fortress failed.

Starting from June 23, the Nazis began to resort to tactics of attrition. Having surrounded the fortress on all sides, the Germans kept all approaches to the water under fire. For the defenders of the fortress, thirst and hunger became a difficult test, and there was a shortage of bandages and medicines. There were many killed and wounded soldiers.

Scattered small groups of defenders of the fortress resisted the enemy for a month, drawing the enemy forces towards themselves. On the night of July 5, the surviving soldiers tried to escape from the fortress. In the battle, some of the fighters died, but four managed to escape from the fortress.

On the 32nd day of the war, separate shots were still heard here and there, and one by one the defenders of the Brest Fortress fought the fascists.

The casemates of the Brest Fortress have preserved evidence of the courage and fortitude of its defenders. An inscription was found on the wall of the barracks: “I am dying, but I am not giving up. Goodbye, Motherland. July 20, 1941"


Student 1:

In the first months of the war, our Army was retreating. By July 10, the Germans had already captured the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova, and most of Ukraine. In three weeks, our troops lost 3,500 aircraft, 6,000 tanks, and more than 20,000 guns and mortars. Many of our soldiers died.


Hitler attached exceptional importance to the capture of Moscow. He believed that as soon as his troops entered Moscow - and Soviet people will be conquered. “I will wipe this damn city off the face of the earth, and on its site I will build an artificial lake.” The Nazis called their capture plan “Typhoon”. But these plans were not destined to come true.

By the end of September 1941, the Germans concentrated half of their soldiers on the central front. A large number of artillery, tanks and aircraft. Soviet soldiers fought difficult defensive battles. The whole country rose to defend the capital of our homeland. In three months of fighting, the enemy was driven back tens of kilometers from Moscow. The cities of Tver, Klin, Kaluga, thousands of villages and hamlets were liberated. This was the first victory of the Red Army since the beginning of the war. The Battle of Moscow showed that the Nazis could be defeated.


On September 8, 1941, the Nazis managed to close the blockade ring around Leningrad. The blockade of the city began, the longest and most monstrous in world history. It lasted 900 days and nights. The Nazis dropped bombs on the city and fired from long-range guns. The city residents had nothing to eat and little water. Only in winter did the road of life pass along the ice of Lake Ladoga, along which food was transported to Leningrad. But there were very few of these products. In December 1941, a worker could receive only 250 grams of bread per day, and children and the elderly received even less, 125 grams of bread. In the fall of 1941, people began to die every day from hunger. Food supplies were quickly running out. All that could be found was boiled sawdust, cut and ate leather shoes...

Many fell from weakness and died right on the street. The mass graves at the Piskarevskoye cemetery grew higher and higher. In November 1941, 11 thousand people died from hunger, in December 53 thousand. In January and February 1942 - 200 thousand Leningraders.

Autumn winter 41 and 42 years the most scary time blockades Winter brought not only hunger, but also cold. There was no heating or hot water, and there was no electricity in the houses. People began to burn furniture and books. Transport stopped running. Thousands of people died from hunger and degeneration. But life in the unconquered city continued. Women, old people, 13-14 year old teenagers worked at the factories; they replaced the fathers and brothers who had gone to the front. Leningrad helped the Army, produced military products, old men, women and children dug trenches, Leningraders took part in detachments air defense cities - they dropped high-explosive bombs from the roofs of houses, notifying people about enemy air raids. Soviet troops They repeatedly tried to break through the Blockade ring, but achieved this only in January 1943.

Over 641 thousand residents of besieged Leningrad died from hunger and shelling (according to other sources, at least a million people).

But the Leningraders survived and did not allow enemies into their city. Children besieged Leningrad now old grandparents. They will never forget those terrible days and that piece of bread the size of a matchbox and a mug of boiling water - this was their food for the whole

Lyrics of the song “Victory Day” -

Why do we need to remember the war?Because the feat of each of those who survived these years should live in our souls forever. The feat of a soldier boldly walking towards death; the feat of the home front workers, who worked day and night both in the field and at the machines; a feat of children who worked equally with adults, abandoning children's games.



Why is it important to remember the war?

Celebrating Victory Day has long become a tradition in our country. As everyone knows, any traditions have their own psychological meaning. It is through traditions that attitudes, moral values, knowledge and beliefs are passed on from generation to generation.

Celebrating May 9th makes us feel like we belong to the country, it makes us feel like a member Russian society, to feel that you are not alone. Through this holiday, a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland, and the concept of what is “good” and what is “bad” are instilled.

No one should forget all the horrorsGreat Patriotic War . The price that hundreds of people gave in this fight. To forget means to betray the present and the past. Our task now is to remember and honor the memory of those people thanks to whom we can be here.

Time has its own memory - history. And we must remember...
Our soldiers defended not only the country - many of the most different nations they saved from the threat of destruction. And they paid a terrible price for this salvation. We must not forget what was done for you so that you could live on Earth. It is important that words do not become worn out or lose their sharpness due to frequent repetition. So that in today's children, who may not have even seen a living front-line soldier (many great-grandfathers passed away before they were born), this memory of the past continues to live. That’s why we now so need the testimony of every eyewitness, every person who can tell live, first-hand, how everything was then...
We are a happy people: we were born under a peaceful sky, we did not hear the howl of bombs and the roar of cannonade, we did not see the horrors of war.

War... How much pain it brought to people. And only those people who managed to survive it can understand what a terrible meaning this word actually has. And it’s even impossible to convey all the horror that war brings. Its events cannot leave a single person in the world indifferent, no matter what he was and, of course, all those people who went through all its difficult trials not only have the right, they should be called heroes.

This war was the most terrible, the most cruel and destructive and the largest in terms of the number of victims in all centuries - 26.6 million people.

This war was the most difficult: not only Germany, but almost all of Europe fought against the Soviet Union. Following Hitler in June 1941, Italy, Romania, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia declared war on the USSR. Spain and Bulgaria collaborated closely with Germany. On the German side, formations and units manned by citizens of Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, the Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Albania, Luxembourg, Sweden, and Poland fought. In essence it was " Crusade the entire West against the USSR."

And yet we defeated many times superior enemy forces. And therefore we also call the victory in this Great War the Great.

The victory over fascism brought salvation to all of Europe, the whole world. But that’s not about that now. The victory brought salvation to the Russian people. I’m singling out the Russians now, because out of 8 million, 600 thousand died at the front Soviet soldiers and officers 5 million 756 thousand people - Russians; because the Russians are the titular nation, they make up 84% of the population of today's Russia, to say: in that war the life of a huge and great nation was saved, a great culture was saved. This means that the history of the Great Patriotic War and the Great Victory must be considered not only from the point of view of losses and suffering, but also in the categories of Joy and Happiness “with tears in our eyes”... Yes, it was a tragedy, but an optimistic tragedy. We won – and that’s the most important thing.

The lessons of the past must not be forgotten in order to prevent a repetition of nationwide grief in the present. We must be able to be grateful to veterans for greatest Victory, we need to cultivate a decent attitude towards our history and its lessons among the younger generation. After all, children are our future, they must pass on the memory of terrible events to their children so that they live in peace and harmony.

Let's answer this question together: do we remember? Raise your hands only those whose father, mother, brother or sister, grandfather or grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandmother and other close relatives whom you remember died in the Great Patriotic War. Please raise your hands!

We remember!.. We remember our relatives, we remember their friends and comrades - acquaintances and strangers, we remember Unknown Soldier! By death they trampled death, they found eternal life!.. Victory Day for them is the Day of the Resurrection from the Dead. They are alive as long as we remember them.

Let us bow deeply to the war and labor veterans of our university! Once there were hundreds of them, now twenty people are alive, fourteen of whom are standing next to us today!..

And the Victory Day on May 9 will be important for many generations of our descendants, and they will also watch the parade and war films, sing war songs, be proud of their ancestors and passionately wish that those terrible four years that our families and closest neighbors had to endure will never happen again. did not repeat.