Why is it necessary to study ecology?

Question 2

1. To understand at least a little how life on Earth works (isn’t it interesting?), to understand what a miracle this ecosystem is, how everything is interdependent in it and... draw a conclusion about the inevitability of the death of humanity ... if humanity does not come up with and accept for unconditional implementation effective rules of the human community that ensure its sustainable development.

2. It is necessary to study ecology because environmental factors are increasingly becoming limiting in the socio-economic development of states and their individual regions, including many regions of Russia. The health of the population is deteriorating, the number of genetic abnormalities is increasing, people's life expectancy is shortening, the natural environment is degrading, natural sources of raw materials are being exhausted, etc. The unsystematic, wasteful and destructive nature of environmental management gives rise to new and increasingly acute problems. ecological problems. When saving modern trends a violation of the sustainable development of human society and the subsequent environmental catastrophe and ecological collapse seem inevitable. Human - component living nature, and if nature steadily degrades, then not only most animal species will die, but also humanity.

3. Man, as the “king of nature,” does not have the right to think selfishly and care only about his survival on this planet; he is obliged to preserve all of nature in all its diversity.

4. Ecology needs to be studied in order to know what you need to know to protect nature.

1.5 Environmental manifesto(according to N.F. Reimers - 1933-1993)

Nature. For millennia we fought against it, conquered it, and mercilessly destroyed it.

But it is not nature that needs our protection. We need her protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all of Nature to live. She - Nature - was and always will be stronger than man, for she gave birth to him. He is just a moment in her life. She is eternal and endless.

The biosphere is seriously ill. She was amazed by the human intervention in her life. Crazy technology crushes nature, shreds the biosphere, crushes humanity, poisons the Earth.

This journey is over. The century of reckless exploitation of nature by man is behind us. Nature requires reproduction. Handling the planet requires deep knowledge and wise caution. They are a symbol of ecology.

Is our NO:

· Any wars,

· Any battles with Nature,

· Illiterate technocratism and voluntarism in environmental management,

· Mischief in demographics,

· Technocratic gigantism, which always heralds the beginning of the end,

· Everything that is opportunistic and does not promise real economic, social and environmental benefits for the future of centuries, and only in this totality of benefits, and not otherwise,

· Anything that threatens the Earth's biosphere threatens people, every person.

Is our YES:

· Peace and tranquility,

· Love and respect for Nature - the foundation and condition of human life,

· Preservation of the biosphere of the type in which it arose and develops Homo sapiens,

· Maximum conservation of living species, habitats,

· Resource-saving, economical and low-waste technologies,

"closed" production cycles,

· New biologized ways of agricultural development,

· Factories without smoke, factories without toxic waste, cars without suffocating exhaust,

· Silence,

· Sober demographic strategy,

· Ecological culture.

A new era is coming. A global revolution is on the threshold - a peaceful revolution of ecology. Its goals are the survival of planet Earth. Green light to everything that saves life's resources.



Course “For biology teachers on the basics of ecology”

Wide environmental education and education of the population are absolutely necessary for the survival of human society in conditions of a worsening environmental crisis that threatens to increase the degradation of the biosphere. This is one of the priority tasks set by the world community and international organizations and most clearly reflected within the framework of the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (1992).
Ecology as a science that is the basis rational environmental management, has the potential to indicate the possibility of preventing or overcoming a crisis.
The objectives of environmental education are not only to familiarize the population with the system of existing knowledge and experience, but also to form people’s ecological worldview. It combines conviction based on knowledge and understanding of the laws of nature with ethical standards and social responsibility. Environmental education has fundamental social significance, uniting people in the face of common danger and in caring for the future. Environmental education in Russia has been approved by a number of legislative acts and has become the educational practice of many educational institutions. Despite the fact that a general state system of continuous environmental education has not yet been formed, environmental education of schoolchildren in many regions of the country is becoming increasingly widespread. There is an obvious need for highly qualified teaching staff. A teacher, methodologist or educator with appropriate training in an environmental specialty is absolutely necessary for competent, strategically thought-out and effective learning

children of all age categories who need to be seriously prepared for the further continuation of their environmental education within the framework of their future profession.

The multifaceted activities of teachers of different specialties naturally contribute to the overall system of environmental education, which is the result of the efforts of the entire teaching staff. But every teacher, without a doubt, must himself be well prepared and broadly oriented in this area. Unfortunately, not all modern educational institutions provide full-fledged environmental education.

educational standards

on teacher training. The proposed course includes a range of the most key topics and applied issues of modern ecology. Course curriculum

Newspaper no. Educational material

Lecture 1. Why should you study ecology?
Lecture 2. Organism and environment

Lecture 3. Ecological adaptations

Test No. 1(due date: November 15, 2004)
Lecture 4. Environment-forming role of organisms

Lecture 5. Biocenoses

Test No. 2(due date: December 15, 2004)

Lecture 6. Populations

Lecture 7.
Ecosystems Lecture 8. Biosphere Final work. Final works, accompanied by certificates from

educational institution

Ecology is one of the most relevant sciences of our time. Hopes are associated with it for the survival of humanity in an increasingly complex world and for the possibility of a new round of development. The word “ecology” is very popular now both in everyday communication and in media mass media, and in the speeches of politicians. However, not everyone understands its true meaning. Most often it is used in the sense of “state environment"and relate exclusively to a person, his health and living conditions. In fact, ecology is a complex, branched science, the focus of which is the laws of sustainability of living nature, the connections of organisms with each other and their environment, allowing them to survive, develop and withstand changing conditions. These connections support common system

life on Earth - from bacteria to humans. Humanity as a biological species appeared on the planet as a result of the long evolution of living nature. Although Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) is a new, highest stage of evolution, human society obeys all basic natural laws and is completely dependent on the state of life on Earth. This simple circumstance truly began to be realized only in the second half of the twentieth century, when the threat of a global environmental crisis was approaching. Giant technical power modern humanity

and the rapid growth of the population on the planet, called the “demographic explosion,” have become the reason that large-scale degradation of nature is taking place before the eyes of living generations. These destructions affect not only specific regions, but are beginning to manifest themselves on the scale of the entire biosphere. Humanity is approaching a limit that threatens its survival on the planet. It is living nature that created and maintains the entire human life support system on Earth. Food, clean fresh water, oxygen in the air, an ozone screen over the Earth that protects from the harmful short-wave cosmic radiation of the Sun, fertile soil, biological cycles of substances processing waste, a number of climate components are the basic resources and conditions for human existence that are provided by the biosphere. Human biology is adapted specifically to the modern stage life on the planet.

It is difficult, for example, to imagine the possibility of its existence in the conditions of the distant past, at least in the Cambrian period, when there was little oxygen and a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the ozone screen was weak, there was no vegetation on land and constant erosion of the soil created instability of the boundaries of watercourses and coasts. Modern society in addition to meeting biological needs, it uses a huge amount of natural resources for the development of industry, transport, agricultural production and construction. World mineral production by the beginning of the 21st century. is about 10 billion tons annually. This is hundreds of times more than what is removed from the bowels of the Earth due to natural processes - the activity of volcanoes and seeps on the ocean floor, and is close to the volume of matter that is carried into the seas by all the rivers of the world. Human energy consumption has increased 100-fold over the last century. If current rates of energy production continue, it will take only two hundred years for it to equal what the Earth receives from the Sun.

Currently, 40% of river flow is used for economic needs. 30 billion tons of waste are produced annually, which is equivalent to the weight of a mountain range, and in industrial developed countries and regions, so much air oxygen is burned that the vegetation of these territories does not have time to supply it. Human activity on the planet, as first stated at the beginning of the twentieth century. IN AND. Vernadsky, becomes a force on a geological scale. Thus, the risk of disruption of the biosphere balance sharply increases, which affects the fate of humanity itself and the evolution of life. Local disasters caused by human economic activity are multiplying on Earth: erosion and decline in soil fertility, reduction in forest area, proliferation of deserts, accumulation of waste, shortage

Throughout almost the entire history of mankind, nature has been stronger than it and has always restored the damage it has caused. Now we are at a stage when the destructive processes caused by the consumption of biosphere resources are beginning to exceed the restorative forces of living nature. The entire life support system of human society on the planet is affected. The modern world is faced with the need to dramatically change the economic system, taking into account, first of all, the laws of sustainability and development of life. This gigantic task requires the efforts of the entire human society, including international organizations, individual states, corporations, companies, enterprises and the personal activities of each person. From the middle of the twentieth century. The United Nations has begun developing international programs to deepen the scientific basis for understanding and predicting biosphere processes. The First World Intergovernmental Conference in 1977 in Tbilisi set the world the task of universal environmental education.

The only alternative to the spontaneous development of society, which has brought the world to the brink of a global environmental catastrophe, is a conscious reorientation of the economy and way of life towards a path that does not contradict, but is consistent with the laws of living nature. Humanity finally realizes that it is part of it and must be integrated into the common natural system in such a way that not only does not undermine its future, but also has the possibility of long-term sustainable development.

To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to know and deeply understand the connections and patterns to which life on our planet is subject.

Humanity's influence on the biosphere consists of billions of small and large acts, from the actions of specific people to the policies of states and international communities. Universal and continuous environmental education is becoming a necessary condition of modern times. Starting from school, it should accompany a person throughout his life in all areas of his activity. Linking environmental, social and economic problems

is regularly discussed by the world community within the framework of the United Nations and UNESCO - the UN educational, scientific and cultural organization, as well as UNEP - the UN Environment Program. Major international forums on these issues took place in 1972 in Stockholm, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro and 2002 in Johannesburg. The concept of “sustainable development” was formed and recommendations were developed for the governments of all countries on the implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the living environment on the planet and preventing environmental disasters. These measures cannot be delayed, since the degradation of nature is occurring at an accelerating pace and, according to various estimates, humanity has only a few decades left to correct the situation. The years 2005–2015 were declared by UNESCO as the decade of environmental education for sustainable development. Ecology as a scientific field of biological knowledge began to take shape in the nineteenth century. Name new science given in 1866 by the famous German naturalist Ernst Haeckel. It is made up of two: Greek words logo – science and oikos

- house, dwelling, environment, location. In natural science, knowledge gradually accumulated about the lifestyle of different species, about their dependence on living conditions, adaptability to the environment, and many amazing discoveries were made. In the 18th century This, still scattered, information was united under the name “natural history” of organisms. By the middle of the nineteenth century. new data required generalization and analysis. The first empirical rules and laws were formulated, reflecting the relationship of organisms with their habitat - climate and other conditions. Interest in this topic increased after the appearance in 1859 of Charles Darwin’s doctrine of as a result of the struggle for existence as the main mechanism of the origin and evolution of species. E. Haeckel, characterizing the emerging ecology, pointed out that it was designed to study the connections of organisms with each other and the physical environment or “all those intricate relationships that Darwin conventionally designated as the struggle for existence.” Even earlier (1809) the influence of “conditions” on historical change species proclaimed by the author of the first evolutionary doctrine

J.B. Lamarck. Thus, the interpenetration of the ideas of ecology and the evolutionary development of living nature began already in the 19th century, although their real connection becomes clear only in our time. Initially, the basis of ecology was the study of the lifestyle of individual species, their adaptations, the ability to withstand adverse environmental factors, the ability to survive and leave offspring, the similarities and differences of species according to these characteristics. In modern science, this section of knowledge is called

autecology (literally “ecology itself”) and is an important part of its other divisions. The initial interest in individual species and organisms is not accidental.

Live nature It is very complexly structured, and the first thing that catches your eye is the huge variety of different organisms that make it up. Of the living species, more than 1.5 million species have been described, which far from exhausts its modern wealth, since hundreds of new ones are identified every year, especially among small organisms. In the history of the Earth, species replace each other, and, according to paleontologists, the number of extinct ones exceeds the number of existing ones by about two orders of magnitude, i.e. hundreds of times. Such gigantic diversity is clearly not accidental; it shows a connection with the sustainability of life in general. Each species is associated with the environment in its own way, differing from others in many small and large features. Modern autecology has deciphered these connections not for all living species, but only for a very small part of them. This information is not only invaluable for theory, but also very directly related to human practice. The success of growing cultivated plants and breeding farm animals directly depends on the depth of our knowledge about their environmental dependencies. The same applies to commercial species, as well as to species used in

medical practice and other areas of human life. different forms anthropogenic impacts, the possibility of survival in new conditions, and be able to plan ways to preserve endangered forms. Species richness organic world– an inexhaustible source of new opportunities for business practice. This is demonstrated, for example, by the latest biotechnologies. The actively reproducing algae Chlorella, which has a high rate of photosynthesis, is used to quickly increase feed biomass and to enrich the air with oxygen. Sessile marine animals, ascidians, are bred in Japan to obtain vanadium from their bodies, since it has been discovered that ascidians are capable of concentrating this in significant quantities. chemical element from sea ​​water. Different types and strains of microorganisms are used to treat wastewater, eliminate soil and water contamination after oil spills, to extract metals from low-grade ores, and to obtain new medicines and vitamins. Even the potential of those species with which humans usually wage an irreconcilable struggle can be effectively used if we know their ecological characteristics well and can control their reproduction. For example, in Russia a technology has been developed for obtaining housefly larvae for efficient and rapid processing of waste from pig-breeding complexes. Large numbers of eggs are obtained from adult flies kept in insectariums and inoculated with manure placed on a slowly moving conveyor belt. After five days, the larvae transform the unsanitary waste into a crumbly humified mass, passed through their intestines and sterilized by external bactericidal secretions - a valuable organic fertilizer. Before pupation, adult larvae (“maggots”) are automatically removed from the substrate and used either as live food on poultry farms, in fish ponds, etc., or to obtain protein feed in livestock farming.

Previously precious pearls have now turned into quite affordable jewelry thanks to the technology of artificially growing pearls from specially bred mollusks. A number of species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and other game animals that are on the verge of destruction in the ocean are beginning to be bred in aquaculture, i.e. on sea farms. All of these activities require in-depth knowledge of the ecology of the species. Thus, autecology supplies invaluable materials for both theoretical science and practice.

In the 19th century. Another section of ecology has also taken shape, the focus of which is not on individual individuals and species, but on their regular communities. In 1877, the German hydrobiologist Karl Mobius, while studying the living conditions of commercial oysters in the North Sea, introduced the concept into science biocenosis.

Wildlife is divided not only into individual organisms and species, but also into biocenoses, i.e. such cohabitations of different types that are repeated in space and are typical for certain conditions. Thus, along with oysters live very specific species of sessile crustaceans, other mollusks, worms, fish, starfish, etc. Möbius emphasized that species coexisting together, on the one hand, are similar in relation to the leading environmental factors (water temperature, depth, salinity, soils, currents, etc.), and on the other hand, they are connected with each other by all kinds of relationships (food, competitive, mutually beneficial), so that the removal of any one species from the biocenosis affects the number and condition of others. Species have adapted to living together in the course of historical development. The doctrine of biocenoses was transferred to terrestrial life . They began to study in particular detail the patterns of composition of the land cover and, following this, General characteristics biocenoses: their species composition, structure, connections between species as the main mechanism for uniting them into communities, dynamism and sustainability. This is how it was formed biocenology – an independent section of ecology. It also includes special sciences about vegetation cover -.

phytocenology And. By exploiting nature, people greatly transform natural biocenoses, changing the conditions of their existence, removing and destroying a number of species or, conversely, introducing new ones from other areas of the planet.

Fields, gardens, pastures and hayfields, seeded meadows, forest plantations, greenhouse crops, city parks and public gardens are artificially created biocenoses, in which, nevertheless, natural laws continue to operate. Ignorance of them and inability to use them sharply reduces the sustainability and productivity of these communities. For example, chemical control of pests that multiply en masse in fields and gardens often leads to exactly the opposite results: after a while they give a new, even higher surge in numbers, and poisons used in even larger quantities pollute the environment and the food produced, which has a negative impact on public health. At the same time, there are already many examples of successful use of natural enemies of pests instead of poisons. These methods are called “biological”. The more we know about connections in biocenoses, the more opportunities we have to manage them. IN wildlife There are almost no biocenoses left unaffected by human influence: neither on the bottom of the seas and oceans, nor in the forests of the tropical and temperate zones, nor in the mountains, nor in the territories of former steppes and savannas, nor in the tundra and deserts. Even in nature reserves, where human intervention in the life of nature is prohibited, there is a gradual change in natural communities as a result of the so-called background air pollution from industrial emissions, the transformation of animals and flora in the surrounding areas, difficulties in migration and dispersal of species. Vegetation and animal populations change especially dramatically near cities, in urbanized areas. Here new, previously non-existent biocenoses arise, where main role

These transformations of living nature as a result of human management on Earth are already a fait accompli. Only the study and competent use of biocenotic laws will make it possible to maintain the relative stability of the surrounding living world without undermining, but using those connections that have been formed over millions of years. The laws of biocenology dictate to us the basic rules for protecting nature and the human environment.

Another section of ecology took shape in the first third of the twentieth century. We are talking about population ecology , i.e. territorial divisions of the species. The English ecologist Charles Elton drew attention to periodic “explosions” in the numbers and invasions of alien species. Population ecology studies, first of all, the patterns underlying the reproduction and dynamics of populations under different environmental conditions, and the methods of species’ exploration of new space. It turned out that these processes largely depend on intraspecific relationships and on the demographic structure of populations (i.e., the ratio of individuals of different sexes and ages). It has been discovered that mechanisms (very different in different species) can operate in populations to remove the threat of overpopulation. When studying populations, the importance of information connections in living nature was especially clearly revealed. The science that has been developing since the second half of the twentieth century has also given a lot to the understanding of population laws. the science of animal behavior – ethology, which opened surprisingly

complex world relationships between individuals within a species. Population ecology is not only a guide to action in protecting rare and endangered species, combating pests and disease spreaders, and maintaining optimal numbers of commercial species. General population laws also apply to human society. It is not for nothing that the first forecasts of urban growth were made back in the 17th century. The most pressing problem modern times – the rapid growth in the number of people on the planet. One of the main differences between humans and representatives of the animal kingdom is the complex social connections that permeate society. However, sociality in various forms

is also common to animals. Tracing the evolutionary development of these relationships allows us to better understand our own nature. It is through the social connections of humanity, with awareness of environmental laws, that one can find reasonable ways population planning. By the middle of the last century, ecology appeared new section introduced into science in 1935 by the English geobotanist A. Tansley to designate the unity of biocenoses and their physical environment, from where living organisms ultimately receive matter and energy. A related concept - biogeocenosis– put forward in 1940 by Academician V.N. Sukachev. Understanding the close connection between living and inanimate nature has long been inherent in natural scientists. Also V.V. Dokuchaev developed these ideas in his doctrine of Russian black soil at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. However, the real development of ecosystem research began only in the 1950s, after the principles of quantitative accounting of energy and substance flows through communities were developed. The priority work was carried out by hydrobiologists, and then the study of terrestrial ecosystems began from these positions. In ecosystem ecology, special attention is paid to assessments of biological production, i.e. quantity

organic matter , synthesized in communities from inorganic over a certain time. No less important is the rate of circulation of substances involved in the processes of synthesis and decomposition. The first decades of active research showed that productivity different parts.

land and ocean are very different, and made it possible to determine the “ceiling” that humanity can count on in the use of living natural resources. Many important things were also revealed in the study of maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems. The laws of their development (succession) have been discovered, leading to changes in the physical conditions of the environment (humidity, microclimate, the formation of soils of a certain type, etc.) due to a change in the composition of biocenoses in the same area, up to the establishment of a balanced cycle of substances. These studies make it possible to assess the recovery capabilities of wildlife after disturbances and provide the key to managing community development processes. The Earth's ecosystems, large and small, are interconnected by material and energy flows into a single global formation -

Thus, over about a century and a half, ecology gradually covered all the main levels of the organization of life: organisms - species with their populations; biocenoses are ecosystems, including the biosphere as the largest ecosystem on the planet.

While ecology covered only questions of the “natural history” of species and the life of biocenoses, it, in fact, remained part of the biological field of knowledge. However, with the development of population and especially ecosystem ecology, it became clear that human society also obeys the fundamental laws of this science. This is evidenced by the emerging new field of knowledge before our eyes - social ecology

. The corresponding courses are already taught in many universities. Modern technocratic power is directed, in fact, against all those processes on which the dynamic stability of nature is based. As already mentioned, previously she was always stronger than a person, and her restorative abilities gave rise to ideas about the inexhaustibility of resources and the ability to use them without caring about the state of life around her. Humanity is now approaching a dangerous point and is capable of undermining the foundations of its existence on the planet. IN AND. Vernadsky, who developed the doctrine of the biosphere, where life is the most active and effective force transforming the upper layers of the planet, also discussed the concept noosphere - spheres of the mind. He foresaw that the evolution of life on Earth would soon depend almost entirely on human activity, and optimistically believed that a powerful flow collective intelligence

will cope with this task. ecology, on the one hand, provides the key to solving many problems related to the state of living nature, and on the other hand, it shows how complex, expensive and labor-intensive the ways of their implementation are often. The main difficulty is the unification of the efforts of all humanity, fragmented into states, different layers of society, poor and rich, educated and uneducated. In these conditions, general and continuous environmental education and awareness is an absolute necessity.

Environmental science now represents a huge field of knowledge, which continues to be developed by the works of specialist scientists. But knowledge of its most important foundations, from which follows an understanding of the consequences of any practical actions in relation to nature, should be mandatory for every member of society, regardless of his profession. In any workplace, from a tractor driver, a businessman, a teacher to a minister, a person must act environmentally wisely, caring not only about moment-to-moment benefits, but also about the fate of the next generations - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Environmental laws permeate our entire economic activity , both household and industrial: in industry, transport, agriculture

, forestry, medicine, mining, energy production, etc. Environmental knowledge is the basis of new technologies that save resources and biodiversity on the planet. One should only remember that the life of nature, which supports the life of all people on Earth, is the most important thing that should be the focus of human management in the biosphere. Questions and tasks for

independent work

1. What does the science of ecology study? To what extent does her research concern humanity?

3. What do biocenology and ecosystem ecology study?

1. Literature Chernova N.M., Galushin V.M., Konstantinov V.M.

2. Basics of ecology 10th (11th grade). Textbook for general education institutions. – M.: Bustard, 2005. Chernova N.M., Bylova A.M.

3. General ecology. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. – M.: Bustard, 2004. Meadows D.H., Meadows D.L., Rendes Y., Behrens V.V.

4. Limits to growth. – M.: Publishing house. Moscow State University, 1991. Miller T.

5. Life in the environment. – M.: Publishing house. Group “Progress “Pangaea”, 1993. Nebel B.

6. Environmental Science. T.1. – M.: Mir, 1993. Rudenko B.

Ecology is a science that studies the laws of nature, the interaction of living organisms with the environment, the foundations of which were laid by Ernst Haeckel in 1866. However, people have been interested in the secrets of nature since ancient times and had a careful attitude towards it. There are hundreds of concepts of the term “ecology”, including different times scientists gave their definitions of ecology. The word itself consists of two particles, from Greek “oikos” is translated as house, and “logos” is translated as teaching.

With development technical progress The state of the environment began to deteriorate, which attracted the attention of the world community. People have noticed that the air has become polluted, species of animals and plants are disappearing, and the water in rivers is deteriorating. These and many other phenomena were given a name -.

Global environmental problems

Most environmental problems have grown from local to global. Changing a small ecosystem in a specific place in the world can affect the ecology of the entire planet. For example, a change in the ocean current Gulf Stream will lead to large climate change, climate cooling in Europe and North America.

Today, scientists count dozens of global environmental problems. We present only the most relevant of them, which threaten life on the planet:

  • - changing of the climate;
  • — depletion of fresh water reserves;
  • - reduction of populations and extinction of species;
  • — depletion of mineral resources;

This is not the entire list of global problems. Let's just say that environmental problems that can be equated to a disaster are pollution of the biosphere and. Every year the air temperature rises by +2 degrees Celsius. The reason for this is greenhouse gases. A world conference dedicated to environmental problems was held in Paris, at which many countries around the world pledged to reduce gas emissions. As a result of the high concentration of gases, the ice at the poles melts, the water level rises, which in the future threatens the flooding of islands and the coasts of continents. To prevent the impending disaster, it is necessary to develop joint actions and implement measures that will help slow down and stop the process of global warming.

Subject of study of ecology

On this moment There are several sections of ecology:

Each section of ecology has its own subject of study. The most popular is general ecology. She learns the world, which consists of ecosystems, their individual components - relief, soil, flora and fauna.

The importance of ecology for every person

Caring for the environment has become a fashionable activity today; the phrase “eco” is used everywhere. But many of us do not even realize the depth of all the problems. Of course, it is good that the vast humanity of people has become indifferent to the life of our planet. However, it is worth realizing that the state of the environment depends on each person.

Any inhabitant of the planet can perform simple actions every day that will help improve the environment. For example, you can recycle waste paper and reduce water use, save energy and throw garbage in the trash bin, grow plants and use reusable items. The more people follow these rules, the greater the chance of saving our planet.


On our planet, all living beings live in close relationship with each other and the surrounding world. In nature, everything is harmonious and interconnected: plants receive nutrients from the soil, animals need plant food, and humans need both food and resources. And if this balance in nature is disturbed, then an ecological crisis immediately arises. It is all these problems that ecology deals with.

Ecology is a science that studies living organisms and their habitat. IN modern world people do not always live in harmony with nature, and this can become an impetus for disturbing the balance of living organisms and nature. Therefore, it is very important that schoolchildren understand the relationship between man and nature, and anticipate what changes may occur under human influence. And if the environment has suffered, then a person should know what can be done to eliminate the environmental disaster. That is why ecology is a necessary and important science that must be studied from an early age.

The world around us needs our protection, and this requires knowledge.

Choose your class and study ecology online according to the regular school curriculum!

What does ecology study?

  • Living conditions of organisms in nature.
  • These conditions include Natural resources, climatic phenomena. And natural resources are water, land, plant and animal world etc. But sometimes disasters occur in nature that disrupt the surrounding life. To such natural disasters includes floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.

  • The relationship between living organisms and their environment.
  • This is the natural balance between different types living organisms, such as herbivores and plants, or predators and herbivores.

  • Forced changes in living conditions due to anthropogenic factors
  • If a person thoughtlessly harms nature by cutting down forests, plowing up the land, draining swamps, etc., then as a result of such activity the natural living conditions change, which has a detrimental effect on all living things.

The most interesting lessons a higher environmental standard is right here for you!

Why should a person study ecology?

The main goal of environmental science is to learn how to use the natural environment in such a way as not to harm it. After all, the nature around us works as a single mechanism and any incorrect intervention can disrupt all harmony and lead to irreversible consequences.

Scientific environmental tasks:

Explore the relationship between organisms and the environment. Find out how it affects natural environment on human life and health. What are the relationships between different populations? What influence does the environment have on the type of organisms and their number in a certain area? Natural selection among a population, etc.

Why should schoolchildren study ecology?

Children must understand that they need to follow environmental principles and try not to interfere with natural processes. And in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and not disturb natural mechanisms, it is necessary to have knowledge in this area. Studying ecology by schoolchildren will bring great benefits to the environment and will help preserve nature for future generations.

Training with the Knowledge Hypermarket

The Knowledge Hypermarket provides a lot of opportunities for studying ecology. The advantage of an online school is the opportunity to learn this subject using various elements interactive learning. Here you will find interesting abstracts, lesson notes, presentations, workshops and cases on this topic. With the help of the Knowledge Hypermarket, you can study this subject, repeat the material you have covered, fill gaps in environmental knowledge, or get to know this science more deeply.

Make sure that this is where the best materials on ecology are collected!