from. one
Development of children's abilities through research activities in geography lessons

What is the study begins? Surprised ... A child learns, perceives the world around himself as a matter of course and not subject to doubt. But once in the lesson asked the question: "Why is it exactly that, and not otherwise?". From now on, he, not content with ready-made schemes, is trying to find his answer. Here it is - the beginning of the search, the beginning of the study ... the unfortunate thirst for new impressions, curiosity, constant desire to observe and experiment, independent search for new information. And for this interesting search it is impossible to do without a teacher who creates a medium provoking the student on the emergence of questions and the desire to find answers, that is, on the manifestation of the traits of research behavior.

To teach children to think independently, to be able to put and solve problems, attracting knowledge from different areas of science - one of the most important objectives of education, and solve it can research activities of students.
For 10 years, solving the problem of knowledge strength and increasing the motivation to its subject, we include research activities in the learning process, under which I mean the activities of students related to the solution of a creative, research task with a pre-unknown solution.

The purpose of my activity is: creating conditions for the development of intellectual abilities of students through various forms research activities in geography lessons. Doing this type of activity, solving the following tasks :

- increase the level of independence of students and cognitive interest in the subject;

- strengthen the student's ability to research;

Create conditions for successful student self-realization;

Teach the use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and in everyday life;

Teach students to work with various sources of information;

Take out skills public speech, protect your work in front of the audience.

I organize research activities as in the lesson using a research method, for example, I implement often in homework Research issues and after school hours: for example: writing research workIt will stay at research work, to the preparation and design of which I pay a lot of attention. Each research work is creative work with the application of a research method, the basis of which in modern didactic system Related with an activity approach.

I start with the author, I look at the lessons, selecting such a student who knows how to work with the text of the book, select and summarize information, draw conclusions, analyze, show the initiative. It is important to make an error-free choice. And find, to offer not only active, confident children, with pleasure demonstrating their intellectual abilities, but also offer intellectually passive with broad erudition, but fearful and inert. What and often happens in my practice. With certain support, such children get a wonderful result. Difficulties arise at first, but when work begins, and then success comes, children have persistent motivation. And if the topics of research work are fascinating, interesting, then children experience a creative rise, which moves them to success. Research is a fascinating, creative, but always time consuming.
Work on the creation of this product takes place in several stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory. Select the topic and project objectives, familiarity with the essence of the project technology.

Stage 2. Planned work. Determination of information sources; Planning methods for collecting and analyzing information.

Stage 3. Research. Collecting information, the solution of intermediate tasks; Adjustment of the Plan and the content of the study as the information collected is handled.

Stage 4. Analytical. Analysis of the collected information. Formulation of conclusions. Registration of the result.

Stage 5. Reporting. Rehearsals and advice on the protection and presentation of the product.

Stage 6. Information. Protection and presentation. Acquaintance with the results obtained and the finished training product. Ready research project seems to be in shape: report and presentations

I want to stay on choosing a research topic. This is the most difficult problem that I have to solve me when organizing research activities. It is quite difficult to find interesting, promising topics that promise high results. Dream for every teacher - so that the student himself find a promising topic for his research. But it is difficult - it is very often it turns out that the result received has long been known. You have to read a lot and follow the events occurring in the world, the district and the city. I was lucky that a long connection was established with the staff of the Museum of History and Archeology of the city, which offer many interesting materials for a new research on local history, as well as children are not passive to my proposal.

From the point of view of the student, research is the possibility of maximum disclosure of its creative potential. This activity allows you to express yourself individually; try your hand and attach your knowledge in creating research work; Replenish your portfolio, show the result of the achieved result and benefit the class, school.
from. one

Topic 2. How to spend a sociological study

Sociology cannot exist, without mining the empirical information of the most different plan - about the opinion of voters, leisure of schoolchildren, the ranking of the president, the family budget, the number of unemployed, the birth rate. The first thing the researcher uses official statistics published in journals, bulletins, reports. With the missing information, it deres with a sociological survey, where subjective opinions of people are clarified (they are called respondents in the survey). Answers mathematically averaged, summarized data are represented in the form of statistical tables, are derived and explained by regularities. Final Final - Building scientific theorywhich allows you to predict future phenomena and develop practical recommendations.

Research program

A sociological study begins at all with the compilation of the questionnaire, as is customary to think, but with the study of the problem, the extension of goals and hypotheses, the construction of the theoretical model. Only then sociologist passes to the development of the toolkit (most often it is really a questionnaire), then to the collection of primary data and their processing. And at the end stage - again theoretical analysis, because the data must be correct, then-there in accordance with the extended theory, interpret and explain. Only after that follows practical recommendations.

Today, an empirical study refers to the collection of primary data conducted according to a specific program and using the Rules of Scientific Conclusion, which provides a representative information upon the disposal of scientists. The technology (technique and methods) of data collection is responsible to the question "as data obtained", and the data themselves represent the result of research search and answer the question "What is received in the study". The strategy of an empirical study is given by the research program, which includes the theoretical model of the subject of the research, the empirical scheme of the research object, methods and methods of obtaining data, analysis and interpretation of data, but does not include a scientific report, which describes the results.

All the stages of the sociologist are reflected in its main document - the program of sociological research.

The program refers to the type of strategic documents scientific researchwhose purpose to present a common scheme or plan of the future event is to present the concept of the entire study. It contains theoretical substantiation of methodological approaches and methodological techniques to study a particular phenomenon or process.

The basis of a sociological study, its quintessence is a research program. It concluded all the wisdom of the scientist, is all the fact that he is capable - his qualifications in choosing a problem, subject and object of study, building a sample and toolkit, organization of the field stage, analysis and interpretation of the data collected.

It is impossible to say for sure: from the program the study begins or the study ends. The program is the beginning of one and the completion of another stage of work. It is always replenished, refined, refined. She is the know-how of every particular scientist. If you want, a way to make money. And the better, it is original, it is drawn up, the more reliable in the work, the more money it brings to your Creator. That is why good programs in sociology - for gold weight.

The Sociological Study Program includes a detailed, clear and completed statement of the following nodal moments: the methodological part - the wording and justification of the problem, the purpose of the goal, the definition of the object and the subject of the study, the logical analysis of the basic concepts, the formulation of hypotheses and research tasks; The methodical part is the determination of the surveyed aggregate, the characteristics of the methods of collecting primary sociological information used, the logical structure of the toolkit for collecting this information, the logic circuits of its processing on, computer.

The following main stages of the study of the study program are distinguished:

Formulation of the problem.

Definition of goal, tasks, object and subject matter.

Logical analysis of basic concepts.

Advance hypotheses.

Determination of selective aggregate.

Drawing up tools.

Field examination.

Processing and interpretation of the data obtained.

Preparation of the scientific report.

Formulation of the problem. Research and program preparation begins with the correct formulation of the problem. In the study, the social problem acts as a kind of state of "knowledge of ignorance" of certain parties (quantitative and qualitative characteristics) of the phenomenon or process. The social problem is called existing in the reality itself, in the environment around us the contradictory situation, which is massive and affecting the interests of large social groups or social institutions. It may be the ignorance of the causes of the growth of youth crime, increasing the unemployment or a decrease in the living standards of the population, reducing the demand for domestic household equipment, deterioration in the political rating of the head of state, exceeding emigration over immigration, etc.

In order to formulate the problem of research, sociologist seeks to accurately express the problem situation (and the real contradiction defining it) and at the same time not to give excessively wide and abstract definitions. Most often, the initial problem, which is usually abstract, in the course of the study constantly narrows and by the time of the exit to the "field" acquires a clear, completed view. It is advisable to return several times to the formulation of the problem. If the problem is not "trimmed" to the necessary sizes, there is always a danger that the sociologist will look for an answer to the solution of one, and not many problems, and it began to be as it should not solve any one.

It is inappropriate to study several problems within one study, as it complicates the toolkit and makes it unnecessarily bulky, which in turn reduces, firstly, the quality of the information collected, secondly, the operationalization of the study (which leads to the aging of sociological data).

Definition of goal, tasks, object and subject matter. The objectives of the study can be conditionally separated on the main and additional. The main suggests a response to its central question: what are the ways and means of solving the problem under study? Additional tasks help to find out the circumstances associated with the main problem, factors, reasons.

The object of sociological research in a broad sense is the carrier of a particular social problem, in narrow - people or objects capable of providing the sociologist the necessary information. Most often, the object is the social group - students, workers, single, teenagers, etc. If, for example, the causes of failure to disqualify in the university are studied, then students and teachers are in an equal measure.

The subject matter includes the directions and properties of the object, which are in the most complete form express the test problem (the contradiction hidden in it) and are subject to study. The reasons for disquality in the university is a subject of research. It represents the concentrated expression of the relationship between the social problem and the object of the study.

Logical analysis of basic concepts. This section of the Programs provides for such methodological procedures, without which it is impossible to implement a single study concept in the toolkit, which means to realize its goal and check the correctness of the hypotheses extended. Their essence consists in the logical structuring of the basic concepts that determine the subject of the study. Logical analysis involves an accurate explanation of the content and structure of the initial concepts, and on this basis - the identification of the ratio of the properties of the phenomena. Subsequently, it will help correctly explain the results. The result of this procedure is the theoretical model of the research subject, which we will also speak more about.

Advance hypotheses. Their aggregate reflects the wealth and capabilities of the theoretical concept, the general focus of the study. The hypothesis is a scientific assumption put forward to explain the studied phenomena and processes that must be confirmed or refuted. Pre-exit hypotheses can predetermine the internal logic of the entire research process. Hypotheses are clearly or implicitly expressed assumptions about the nature and causes of the occurrence of the problem.

For example, if in the course of the analysis of the causes of failure to failure in high school, assumptions about 1) low quality teaching of a number of objects, 2) to distract students from studying for additional earnings, 3) undemanding administration for performance and discipline, 4) miscalculations in a competitive admission to the university, It is them that should be checked. Hypotheses should be accurate, specific, clear and concerned only the subject matter. From how hypotheses are formulated, it often depends on how the research methods will be. Thus, the hypothesis about low quality teaching requires an expert survey, and the hypothesis about the distraction of students on the accuracy - the usual survey of respondents.

Determination of selective aggregate. It is asked by the object of study (for example, examination of students, pensioners, depositors of Sberbank, enterprise employees). The difference between the object and the selective set is that the second is smaller in volume and represents a reduced copy of the first. If the object of the study covers tens of thousands of people, then selective aggregate - hundreds. Therefore, the majority of sociological studies have not solid, but selective: on strict rules, a certain number of people reflecting on socio-demographic signs of the structure of the object being studied are selected. In the language of sociologists, this operation is called sample. The research program carefully describes the sampling project, which may be refined.

The draft sample indicates the principles of allocation from the object of the combination of people (or other sources of information), which will subsequently be covered by a survey; The technique of survey is justified; Approaches to the definition of the accuracy of the information received (it is necessary in order to make sure the degree of legality of the propagation of the obtained conclusions on the entire object of the study).

The methodological part of the Sociological Research program also includes the characteristics of methods and methods for collecting primary information (questionnaire survey, interviews, document analysis, observation); The logical structure of the methodological instrument used, from which it is seen to identify what characteristics, one or another block of questions is sent to the identification of the object of research; The procedure for the location of questions in the tools. The toolkit itself is attached to the program as an independent document. Sometimes here include logic circuits for processing collected information, showing the intended range and depth of data analysis.

When we proceed to the construction of a sociological research program, the most difficult and important thing that predetermining the general success is, perhaps, the creation of the theoretical model of the research subject (TMPI).

The theoretical model of the subject of the study is a combination of abstract objects describing the problem field, which fell into the scope of your theoretical interest and which within itself represents a single logical integer.

The theoretical model of the subject of the study is the main guide to the sociologist in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bempirical information. It resembles a city plan, without which the tourist is pointlessly wanders in the streets of the streets. The theoretical model binds into a single integer a) the concepts with others, b) some facts with other facts, finally, c) facts and concepts among themselves. First of all, it includes abstract concepts that are logically linked to each other. Then they are translated into a set of specific, observed signs.

So, the central moment of developing the research program is the creation of the theoretical model.

Typicity, probability, statistics

Sociology is called science on socially typical phenomena.

This is the only science that knows about what he thinks and what the average person wants. Indeed, with the help of quantitative distributions of answers in the questionnaire, sociology reveals the typical opinion of a large group of people. But how does she manage to do it?

The facts collected in an empirical study received the name of the data in sociology. Data - primary information obtained as a result of a sociological study: respondents' answers, expert assessments, results of observation in the tr. Data can be defined as a set of variables attributed to the units of research - objects (people, things, institutions).

In a broad sense, the term "data" is applicable to the results of not only empirical, but also theoretical research. The difference between them is as follows. Sociologist-empiric uses its own data, that is, the results of the survey or observation personally conducted.

In contrast, a sociologist theorist uses other people's data, that is, the results of a study conducted by someone published in the press. Own data was called primary data, other - secondary data.

The primary data is called the statistical information obtained in an empirical study that has passed well-known mathematical processing and expressed in the form of tables with the distribution of respondents' responses.

As a rule, those and others represent the result of the study with the help of mathematics. Processing of sociological information is called mathematical and statistical data transformation, which makes them compact, suitable for analysis and interpretation.

Special mathematical procedures are called an empirical study belt. They are based on the theory of probabilities, which determines the technology of compiling a selective set and electronic data processing. It is closely adjacent to the procedure of empirical generalization, called even statistical conclusion. It is based on the induction - conclusion from the facts to some hypothesis (general approval).

Statistical conclusion is an inductive generalization, built on the basis of mathematical processing and summation of a certain set of units of the study. We interviewed 1500 voters and found out that more than 60% of older people (over 60) in the last election voted for the Communists. In this case, the statistical connection of two variables was studied: age and electoral behavior. From here you can make a statistical conclusion: the greater the age of the respondent, the higher the likelihood that he will vote for the Communists. And vice versa.

We received the statistical output after processing the questionnaires and analysis of primary data. This is a quantitative conclusion. In contrast, the other two, previously discussed type of output - logical and theoretical hypothetical - are qualitative. The relationship between them is as follows. In the preparation of the research program, the scientist theoretically postulates (builds the theoretical hypothesis) the possibility of communication between two variables - age and electoral behavior. Later, when he made up the questionnaires and conducted a study, a statistical outline is built in mathematical processing. These are two sides of the same medal, the first (age) serves as a trial project, theoretical layout of the possible connection of two variables, and the second (electoral behavior) is its empirical confirmation.

Statistical conclusion - the area of \u200b\u200bprobabilistic knowledge. The probability is the numerical characteristic of the extent of the possibility of the emergence of a random event with certain certain, which can repeat the unlimited number of times. It is studied in the theory of probability - a section of mathematics in which the probabilities of some random events find the probabilities of other events associated in any way with the first. Mathematical statistics - Science of mathematical methods of systematization and use of statistical data. Relying on the theory of probabilities, it allows you to evaluate, in particular, the required sampling volume to obtain the results of the required accuracy in the sample examination. One of the main tasks of probability theory is to determine the patterns arising from the interaction of a large number of random factors.

The tool for establishing such patterns is the law large numbers, stuck that the cumulative action of a large number of random factors leads, with some very general conditions, to the result, which is almost independent of the case. It also serves as a tool for identifying sustainable properties in social phenomena and processes. The law of large numbers is applied by sociologists in all statistical calculations, without it, empirical sociology is unthinkable. The law is indispensable when analyzing the percentage distribution of respondents (respondents). If a sociologist chooses a fairly large number of observations, that is, asks many people, and each observation does not depend on each other or all of them from some common cause (in other words, when the respondents do not affect the questionnaire), then he reveals Sustainable communication, mass process. On the law of large numbers, the procedure of a sample survey in sociology is being built (its principle: about many to judge on the basis of knowledge of few).

When we find a quantitative measure, then automatically go to the world of probabilistic statements. We can say that with a reliability of 60-70%, women tend to choose a man with a marriage partner with higher education. Here is a percentage that replaces the blurred formulations of the "Some" type, "most" or "part", shows the degree of probability of the occurrence of this event. Science can also be mistaken in forecasts. A person is unpredictable in his actions, even less predictable masses of people who, uniting, often behave wrong, would have led the sum of the scattered individuals.

All sociology, if we talk about its mathematical apparatus, is built on probabilities described in percentage distributions. We say: 72% of the voters of this district will vote for the candidate M. This means that with a probability of 72% of voters in the upcoming elections will give preference to him. Add a sample error here, let's say 5%, and we can argue that voters voting per M with a probability of 72 ± 5%.

The probability of probability indicates, firstly, on the limited possibilities of science itself, secondly, on the unpredictability, the variability or variability of the behavior of the object of study, thirdly, about the high culture of the scientific research, which expresses itself to the requirement to carefully judge reality.

So, the results of the sample study are subjected to mathematical processing. After that, they take the form of numerical expressions that describe one or more facts. Several facts built into the overall statistical series may indicate the following: a) trends, b) patterns and less frequently c) law.

The pattern, that is, the measure of the probability of the occurrence of some event or phenomenon or their relationship, acts as a subject of a sociological study based on the generalization of statistical facts. The pattern indicates how, in most cases, typical representatives of this social group behave in typical situations.

The weak species of regularity is a tendency showing the main direction of the development of events, an approximation of a real process to objective patterns. With repeated imposition of various trends, a steady connection is found, which is formulated as a law. The laws express what exists objectively, that is, regardless of the consciousness of people, their statistical calculations and calculations. The law is imprinted by the essence of the phenomenon, so they serve as the subject of theoretical sociology.

As we see, the concepts of trends, patterns and law reflect a repeating and sustainable connection of social phenomena. But the tendency determines only the possibility, a kind of propensity of certain events to develop in this direction, and regularity - the same opportunity has already become a real fact (the connection of events), which has become the status of the need. The trend and patterns characterize the mass processes that manifest themselves on average. This means that individual deviations in one way or another are mutually ruling.

Laws, as we know, is stronger, generally, if you can express it, patterns. In order for the pattern to grow into the law, it is necessary to carry out a huge variety of research and prove that in all countries and in all epochs, the oldest age, the more active people vote for the left. But in the USA and in Western Europe Older people do not syndize the communists at all. So, the regularity we open, firstly, is limited in time and in space, secondly, it will never be a general law. In addition, it is impossible to theoretically prove a tough connection between older age and sympathies of the Communists. Therefore, our regularity in addition to universality will be absent and the other sign is the need.

Fundamental examination

Most of the sociological studies have not solid, and selective: on strict rules, a certain number of people reflecting on socio-demographic signs of the structure of the object being studied are selected. Such a study is referred to as selective.

The sample survey is a way to systematically collect data on the behavior and installations of people by surveying a specially selected group of respondents who give information about themselves and their opinion. It is more economical and no less reliable method, although it requires more sophisticated techniques and technology. Its base is a selective aggregate, which is compiled on the basis of its reduced copy - the general population.

The general population is considered to be the entire population or the part of it, which sociologist intends to explore. The general aggregate is all the one who is going to learn a sociologist using a reduced copy (selective aggregate); The combination of those people who have one or several properties to be studied. Often, the general aggregates (they are also called populations) are so large that the survey of each representative is extremely burdensome and expensive. These are those on whom theoretical interest of the sociologist (theoretical in the sense that the scientist can only learn about each representative of the general population can only indirectly, based on information on the selective aggregate).

The general population is a lot of those people whose information seeks to get a sociologist in their research. Depending on this, how wide there will be the topic of the study, the general aggregate will be as wide. Example: a sociologist wants to know the opinions of people about the situation in the country. As a general population, people who this topic affects and which have formed their opinion. Children, disabled, diplomatic workers, as well as mentally retarded are excluded. The remaining and make up the general population.

Selective aggregate - a reduced model of the general population; Those who sociologist distributes questionnaires who are called respondents who finally represent an object of sociological research. In other words, these are a lot of people whom sociologist polls.

Who exactly to the general aggregate, determine the objectives of the study, and whom to include mathematical methods in the selective combination are solved. If a sociologist intends to take a look at the Afghan war through the eyes of her participants, all the military-Afghans will enter the general aggregate, but he will have to interrelicate a small part - selective aggregate. In order for the sample to accurately reflect the general population, the sociologist adheres to the rule: any warrior Afghan, regardless of the place of residence, place of work, the state of health and other circumstances, should have the same probability to get into the selective totality.

As soon as the sociologist decided on who he wants to poll, he determined the basis of the sample. After that, the question of the sampling type is solved. They are divided into three large classes: a) solid (census, referendums), b) random and c) non-random. With solid or less, everything is clear, it is not even a sample, because all units from the general aggregate are interviewed. It is more difficult to deal with the latest two classes. Each of them is divided into several types (types). Random include: 1) probabilistic, 2) systematic, 3) zoned (stratified), 4) nesting. Unauthorized: 1) "spontaneous", 2) quota, 3) Method "Basic Massif".

To provide representativeness, a complete and accurate list of units of selective aggregate is required. This list forms the sample base. Elements intended for selection are called selection units. Selection units may coincide with units of observation, since the observation unit is considered an element of the general population, from which the information is made directly. Usually, the observation unit is a separate person. The selection from the list is best to produce, numbering units and using a table of random numbers, although a quasi-random method is often used when each n-item is taken from the list of simple.

If the sample base includes a list of selection units, the sampling structure implies their grouping for some important features, for example, the distribution of individuals by profession, qualifications, sex or age. If in the general aggregate, for example, 30% of young people, 50% of middle-aged people and 20% of the elderly, then in selective aggregate, the same percentage proportions of three ages should be observed. Through ages can be added classes, gender, nationality, etc. For each, percentage proportions are established in the general and selective set. The discrepancy between the structure of two aggregates leads to an error of representativeness. Thus, the sampling structure is the percentage proportions of the signs of the object, on the basis of which the selective set is made.

Lecture # 7.

Theoretical studies

Methods and features of theoretical studies

Analytical research methods are used for research

physical models describing functional connections inside

or outside the object. With their help establish mathematicalizing

simplicity between model parameters. These methods allow you to hold

deep research object and set quantitative accurate

communication between arguments and functions.

Any physical processes can be explored analytically

or experimentally. Analytical dependencies are matema

pressure model of physical processes. Such a model may be

presented in the form of equation or system of equations, functions, etc.

But mathematical models are inherent in serious disadvantages:

1. To carry out reliable experience requires

boundary conditions. Error in their definition leads to modification

the process under study. So, when calculating the MKE, the task of the active load determines the solution in some region, leads to infinite temperature or stresses ....

2. Frequently find analytical expressions reflecting _______

the blowing process is difficult or impossible at all. So analytical expressions can be known for the simplest forms - half-space ... ..

3. When simplifying the mathematical model (assumption) is distorted

physical essence of the process. So often the thermal conductivity problems are solved with constant coefficients of heat capacity, thermal conductivity ....

Experimental research methods allow more deeply

and to study in detail the process under study. However, the results of experiment

cop can not be transferred to another process close to physical

entity. This is due to the fact that the results of any experiment

reflect individual characteristics Only the studied process. Of

experience still can not be determined which factors have a decisive

impact on the process if you change different parameters at the same time.

This means that with an experimental study, each

the critical process should be studied independently. Experiment

tax methods allow you to establish private relationships between

by belt in strictly defined intervals of their change.

Thus, analytical and experimental methods have

their advantages and disadvantages, and it makes it difficult to solve practical

tasks. Therefore, the combination of the positive sides of both methods is

it is promising and interesting.

Probabilistic statistical research methods. When

the use of these methods is used by a mathematical apparatus. Faith

a yatnotype is the process of change in time characteristics.

or the state of some system under the influence of random factors.

Methods of system analysis. System analysis - This is a cargo

methods and techniques for studying complex objects - systems, which

some are a complicated set of interacting

between items. The essence of the system analysis is to identify

ties between the elements of the system and establishing their effect on

the behavior of the system as a whole.

Systemic analysis usually consists of four stages:

1. Statement of the task. Define the goals, objectives of the study and

criteria for studying the process. This is a very important stage. Wrong

or incomplete setting of goals can reduce the entire subsequent

2. Dissection of the boundary of the system and determining its structure. Everything

objects and processes related to the goal,

two classes are available: Actually the system and an external environment. Distinguish

closed and open. Influence of the external environment in a closed system

the topic can be neglected. Then the structural parts of the system and

set the interaction between them and the external environment.

3. Drawing up a mathematical model of the system. First determined

the parameters of the elements and then use one or another mathematic

the device (linear programming, the theory of sets, etc.).

4. Theoretical studies. When carrying out any theorem

treatment is pursued by several goals:

- generalization of the results of all preceding research and

finding common patterns by processing and interpreting

these results and experienced data;

- study of an object inaccessible to direct research;

- distribution of the results of preceding research on

a number of similar objects without repetition of the total volume of research;

- Improving the reliability of the object of experimental research.

Theoretical studies begin with the development of a working

The structure of the scientific research is, without anything, no creative work can do, closely related to a sectorate of the relevant knowledge. It is not so difficult to form it, as it may seem at first glance, the most important thing is to adhere to the logic of the presentation, otherwise the work will turn out as if torn into several parts.

When writing any diploma, dissertations, report and others creative work The structure is simply necessary. To begin with the allocation of the object of the study, to which the scientist dedicates several months of his life, and then the means of research that will be used to study the hypothesis studied. It is always important to understand what you are studying, otherwise there is a risk to get confused and make a bunch of useful, but absolutely not necessary work.

Why do you need such work?

The overwhelming majority of things existing now and the usual thing could not appear without prior surveys. This applies absolutely, since the invention of the bulb and ending with mathematical calculations of the planets orbits. The clear structure of the scientific research is 50% of its success, because when the scientist clearly understands the result to which he should come, all smaller goals as if they are lined up in a comfortable and understandable route.

Modern scientists are engaged daily by creating such work, and it is worth noting that they do not always exist in the form of familiar diplomas and dissertations. For example, with the help of some mathematical calculations managed to prove the existence large number Objects located behind the orbit of Pluto, which later in the formation of an appropriate justification obtained their name - the Oort cloud.

What does any research begins?

The initial stage in the structure of scientific research should be considered formulation of the problem. It is here that the creator of work is looking for the most interesting problem, and also clearly formulates the tasks of its work. If the author of this study has a supervisor, he can help with defining the topic of work, as well as with the correct formulation of a number of tasks related to it.

It should be noted that the formulation of a scientific problem must necessarily include work with source information. The speech is predominantly about collecting and subsequent processing of information about all methods for solving similar problems, as well as research results that were produced in this or related regions. It should be noted that additional data processing and their analysis must be carried out permanently - from the beginning to the end of your work.


The structure and maintenance of the scientific study at its next stage suggest the advancement of the primary hypothesis, which will be studied. This occurs only if the task of the work is formulated quite specifically, and all the initial data subjected to the latter implies a detailed study of information from the point of view of common and strictly professional scientific dogmas.

Science is a wonderful platform for creativity, which is why the working hypothesis is more often represented in several versions. The main task of the author of the work is to choose the most appropriate of them, while all the rest cannot be taken. In some cases, an additional experiment is required, it is with its help that it is much better to study the object of scientific work.

Theoretical stage

The third stage suggests a number of surveys. The structure of the theoretical level of scientific research consists mainly of the synthesis of a large number of patterns that are relevant for its object. Based on the material studied, the author should try to find completely new patterns that were not previously known. This can be done with the help of large quantities (linguistics, mathematics, etc.). For example, the unusual behavior of the planet and its satellites can talk about the presence of a number of another celestial body that has an appropriate effect.

At this stage, the author must find all possible links between the phenomena, which revealed the hypothesis during the analysis, as well as summarize the information received. Ideally, the working hypothesis must be partially confirmed using all data subjected to analysis. In the event that the assumption turns out to be erroneous, we can say that the theory has been formulated incorrectly or not fully.

If the logic and structure of scientific studies are observed by its author, then it should be with the help of analytical tools at least to confirm the hypothesis. The author received will easily be able to use the theory to be able to explain the phenomena that belong to the situation under study, as well as to predict the appearance of completely new ones.

What if an analyzed material could not help confirm the chosen hypothesis? The decision here each scientist takes independently, some prefer to finalize the initial assumption and adjust it, after which it is to collect additional data on the subject of research. Some scientists after recognizing their hypothesis disabled refuse to conduct scientific work, since they consider it unpromising.

The most difficult stage

The logical structure of the scientific research suggests that its author will have to hold a specific experiment or even a number of similar activities, the results of which will be able to confirm or refute the chosen hypothesis. Its purpose will directly depend on what character will be working, as well as from the sequence of all experiments.

Experiments that are conducted after performing theoretical surveys are obliged to refute or confirm the assumption of the researcher. If the theories are not enough, the practical stage with the execution of experiments is carried out in advance in order to dial the material necessary for analysis. Then theoretical work will appear completely new meaning - It will have to explain the results of the experiments carried out and summarize them for further work.


The fifth stage in the structure of scientific research will require the analysis of the results that were obtained as a result of experiments and theoretical searches. It is here that the hypothesis should find a final confirmation, after which it will be possible to form a number of assumptions about what value it can have in a person's life. At the same time, it can be refuted on the basis of the proceeded analytical workAnd it may well correspond to the goal of scientific work.

Next, it is necessary to sum up the results of scientific work, namely formulate them in such a way that it becomes clear whether they correspond to those tasks that were delivered by the author initially. This is one of the final stages of the structure of scientific and pedagogical research. If it had only theoretical character, then here the work of his author is completed.

In the presence of a practical part, as well as if scientific work was associated with technology, it includes another stage - the development of the results. The author must explain how the results of his research can be implemented in practice, and propose technological developments this process.


When writing any work, it is necessary to comply with the structure of the scientific research methodology. We are talking about the implementation of a number of knowledge in it. First of all, it is important to take into account all the facts that allow you to obtain information about the object of study, their relevance and truthfulness. The history of the subject, theoretical knowledge of him, the prospects for its development in the future - all this should be reflected in scientific labor.

When it is written it is important to take into account the fact that the studied elements can constantly change, and both for the best and worse. Due to this component structure of the methodology of scientific research, it is possible to select only those of them that have the greatest impact on the study of a particular object. The process of working on the study should be systemic, the author is obliged to accurately understand what result he should come and how exactly it can do.

Scientific Pedagogical Work

The structure and logic of scientific and pedagogical research, as you already know, consists of seven stages. Each of them is a self-sufficient unit in the overall mechanism of scientific work, and abandon any impossible. If labor is planned to submit a commissions consisting of professionals in the area to which the wording should be as clear and transparent as possible.

Pedagogy has a number of features that need to be taken into account in the preparation of scientific work. In particular, it is impossible to do without indication of teaching techniques that can be used to implement the proposed hypothesis. That is why the author of such work should have a certain experience in this area, which will allow him to talk with professionals on equal.

Work organization

The structure is quite simple. First, the theme of work is determined, it can be formulated independently or with the help of a supervisor. The second option is most often used, the first is more suitable for those scientists who have already made their name and can create work on their own. As a rule, Treaty is trying to give its applicants only the topic with which they can cope on the basis of their experience.

At the installation meeting, the head and author of the work by joint efforts form the topic and determine the composition of the parts of the study, the list of references for it. After that, the control point is assigned to which it will be necessary to prepare a certain amount of work, with whom the scientific director will have to familiarize themselves to provide feedback to the author.

The topic of scientific research, its principles and structure should be reflected in the work, otherwise it will not have any relation to science. As a rule, the first time in students does not work, it is not necessary to formulate them, that is why the works are sent to the alteration, the following control point is assigned.

Throughout the year, students should meet with their leaders in order for their scientific works truly interesting and voluminous. The protection of work at the university occurs in the presence of the Commission, which includes the head of the department, the supervisor, teachers of the department, as well as representatives of another university, in which similar theoretical issues are investigating.

Scientific method

When writing any theoretical work, it is necessary to approach the process from the point of view of science. The structure of the scientific method of the study consists of three components that must be present in it. The first of them is conceptual, under it understand the available idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible forms of the object of study.

The second is an operational, it includes all the standards, rules and methods of work, which negotiate cognitive activities carried out by the researcher. The third is logical, it is possible to fix all the results that were obtained in the process of active work of the author of scientific work with the object and means of knowledge. In addition, the work usually implements the methods of theoretical and empirical knowledge.

The first of them is the process of reflection of all occurring processes related to the study of the problem. It includes theories, hypothesis, laws, idealization, formalization, reflection, induction, abstraction, classification and deduction. The second suggests the presence of specialized practice, which will be directly related to the problem. It should be attributed to experiments, observations, scientific research, measurements.

What happens later?

As soon as the study for an interesting topic is completed, the defense has been successful, the question arises about what to do with him next. Options Weight, the easiest - to forget about it and switch to another activity, and it follows him, unfortunately, the majority. The minority chooses the continuation of work on this study, on the basis of the information obtained, a new hypothesis is created on the same topic, and the process is started again.

Work can also be used by other scientists that can be based on its analysis perfectly new theoryassociated with the object of study and then supplement it and make important opening. For example, on the basis of scientific work with a large number of astronomer mathematical data using a telescope, the starry sky fragment is examined in order to open a new star or a planet, and if the calculations are correct, the chance of successful search is increased at times.


The logic and structure of scientific research should be clearly traced throughout its length, especially this is important when working on those questions that are related to exact sciences - mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. If you feel that these two components are pretty "lame", you can ask for the help of your supervisor or more experienced colleagues who have repeatedly dealt with creating similar works and understand perfectly which components should enter them.

Remember that it is necessary to complete your research, even if it seems to you that it does not quite correspond to your interests. First, you will receive the experience required for writing. scientific Labors In the future, secondly, even if you doubt your actions, you will always come to the rescue of more experienced colleagues. And then, if you bring it to the end, you will be taken as a person who keeps the word, and it is expensive, especially in the scientific world.

What does a political study begins? The first step of political research is the choice of the problem of research. After determining the nature of the problems we want to deal with, and the nature of the results we want to achieve, then it is necessary to then more specifically formulate the task of the study.

After the research topic is defined, it is necessary to carefully analyze the various elements, or components, this topic and identify those that may be important for our research. To establish major behavior factors, it is necessary to use the ability to observe and draw conclusions, as well as analyze the previously conducted research on similar subjects, both own and executed by other researchers.

Having received one or more research problems and the theory to be guided during the search for answers, it is possible to go to the next step - this PU operationalization. The transformation, or reformulation, relatively abstract theoretical concepts in specific concepts is understood. Oscaling involves the transition from the concept level (thinking of the problem) to the operational (development of ways to solve it). During this process, the concepts used are narrowed and the shades of the value are disappeared, reasoning becomes more accurate and significantly increase the possibilities to set out the results obtained clearly and unequivocally.

By choosing a problem and formulating the task of the study, you need to develop a research strategy. First, you should choose a method or a combination of methods that would allow you to ask those specific questions that are interested in, and this is necessary in accordance with the procedure of operationalization. The admissibility of this or that method of research is largely determined by what kind of problem we undertook to study. Secondly, in the process of research, it is necessary to refer to the real reality and determine the possibility of implementing the elected method or admission in the specific conditions that the case has to be dealt with.

So, the problem of research is defined. Now it's time to build theories. Building the theory helps determine whether the problem is correctly understood. That is why the creation of the theory is the first step of the research process. Inappropriate theory can lead to the fact that the work expended will be useless to solve the problem interested.

Regardless of whether we have or not at the beginning of any theory, the same facts can be obtained during the study. However, only facts that will be associated with each other through theory will help to move into understanding. Theories help to explain why the facts must be associated with this, and not otherwise, and make it possible to interpret the facts at certain frames and establish links between them.

The theory should not be treated as something complete. It should be considered as a tool, from time to time requiring revision and continuous improvement. The theory check occupies a central place in the process of research. During the test of the theory, you need to move from what was observed in the development of the theory, to the fact that it was not observed in order to find out whether the theory gives the right reflection of the real picture. Suppose, for example, what we want to build a theory explaining the behavior in the elections. Of the preceding research on this topic, it is known that higher education is in largely connected with participation in the elections. The longer a person studied, the higher the likelihood of such participation. Based on this observation, we include a suggestion that argues that a higher level of education contributes to a higher probability of participation in voting. We know that in Russia these factors are interrelated, and what is the case in other countries?

From the assumption that education increases the likelihood of participation in the voting, it can be concluded that a person with higher education will rather take part in the voting than the one who has only secondary education.

This assumption can be checked by comparing Russian data with data from other countries. If the data is different countries Consistent with the nominated assumption, it can be concluded that the theory adequately reflects the behavior of people. However, it is possible to gain a large or smaller confidence in the applicability of the theory, comparing the assumptions derived from it with their observations. It is more correct to say that we acquire confidence in the utility of theory as observations are accumulated, consistent with expectations from it, or hypotheses. The hypothesis is declarative assumptions about how things are in reality. She reports that we expect to see as a result of properly organized observations of events occurring in the real world.

Thus, a scientific research is a method for verifying theories and hypotheses by applying some rules for analyzing data obtained as a result of observations and interpretations of these observations in strictly specified conditions. The study begins with the theory and ends, as a rule, creating the theory, but a higher scientific level arising in the process of research.

Before making any serious study, it is necessary to make it a program that does not only describe exactly what and how it should be done, but also explains why you need to make every given step and why it needs to be done so, and not otherwise. Some research projects are search. They are designed to take a closer look at the phenomena to be explored, to give the opportunity to more accurately formulate problems and, perhaps, to build hypotheses. Such studies can play an important role when new phenomena or phenomena are being studied, which have not previously studied.

Some projects include descriptive studies. The latter are intended to give an accurate picture of some phenomena, which allows you to better formulate problems and hypotheses. A study that checks the hypotheses may be called explanatory research. Such a study is carried out when it is already quite aware of the phenomenon to start looking for an explanation of why this phenomenon is what it is.

Regardless of the specific purpose of the study, the research program should include the following main elements. one)

statement of research goals; 2)

the presentation of the hypothesis to be verified (if available); 3)

a detailed description of the organization and conduct of observations; four)

generalizing the discussion of the future analysis of the collected data.

Research objects for various practical purposes may be as numerous. In this regard, the question arises: what is a representative sample? Representative sample is the one in which all the main signs of the totality, of which this sample was retrieved, is presented in approximately the same proportion or at the same frequency with which this feature acts in this combination forming a sample, it is necessary to carefully close to ensure that Not only to select a sufficient number of objects from this aggregate, but also to take such a group that seems to be truly representative in terms of the characteristics distribution within a given population. So that neither the object of research - events, political statements, selection of news, political organizations, public opinion Or any other questions you are interested in, it is important to understand the defining role of the selection process and its impact on the importance and usefulness of the study.

More on the topic Preparation:

  1. 4. Preparation of materials for a criminalistic study of the letter
  2. Appendix 8 Material for preparing for a public speech. "Education in Japan: Features of the Japanese training system" (Travin V. V., Dyatlov V. A.)
  3. A. A. Szdnik Gender factor in political leadership (results of sociological research) General characteristics of the study