Nikolay Lavrentiev, RIA Novosti Ukraine

The current government does not give up attempts to impose new heroes on the people by substituting historical concepts. On the Day, a photo documentary dedicated to the contribution of Ukrainian nationalists to the victory over fascism was opened in the center of Kyiv.

According to the exhibition organizers, the contribution of Ukrainian rebels in the fight against Nazism remains little known.

“Our fellow countrymen were forced to fight for other people’s interests and even kill other Ukrainians dressed in the uniforms of different empires. But almost 100 thousand young boys and girls challenged both totalitarian regimes - Nazi and communist. They became warriors of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army,”— said the director of the Institute of National Memory of Ukraine Vladimir Vyatrovich.

The first part of the exhibition "Rebels against Nazism" presents following topics: “The origins of the anti-Nazi position of the UPA”, “Ukrainian resistance movement”, “Ideological confrontation between the UPA and the Third Reich” and “Ukrainian nationalists in German concentration camps”. The second part of the exhibition "Rebels against Communism" will be opened in October on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the UPA.

At the same time, according to the historian, director of the Ukrainian Politics Foundation Kostya Bondarenko, fascism is significantly exaggerated.

— After Ukrainian nationalists became disillusioned with their old concept that fascist Germany would come as a liberator and give Ukraine independence, starting in 1942 they took an anti-German position. However, they still tried to avoid direct clashes with the Nazis. All the anti-Hitler activities of the nationalists boiled down to defeating the German army; it was more like passive resistance. Under the cover of darkness, attempts were made to attack warehouses and prisons. This, of course, can be called partisan activity, but it can hardly be compared in any way with that carried out by the Kovpakovites, Saburovites, Fedorovites and others. On the one hand, the nationalists did not have the material support that the “red” partisans had. On the other hand, the nationalists understood that their numbers were not enough for a full-fledged confrontation. To say that some significant damage came from the nationalists German units, not necessary. Perhaps their largest battle with German troops took place in Volyn, but even this cannot be compared with the raids carried out by the “Reds”. It is impossible to completely deny the participation of the UPA in anti-German activities, but at the same time it is stupid to say that nationalists played a key role in the victory over Nazism.

Please remind me what your position is in relation to the troops fascist Germany occupied by nationalists until 1942.

— Before this time, there was a concept according to which Adolf Hitler. Different nations who did not have their own statehood, such as the Slovaks or Croats, received independence from the hands of Hitler. Accordingly, Ukrainian nationalists dreamed that the Fuhrer would also grant independence to Ukraine in exchange for allied actions. By and large, this is what everything was heading towards, if not for the actions of Stepan Bandera in February 1940.

What do you mean?

— Let me remind you that in August 1939, the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Andrei Melnik met in Vienna with the chief of the Abwehr, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. He conveyed to him the words of the German leadership, so that Melnyk should prepare for the declaration of independence of Ukraine, prepare the Constitution and other attributes. They say that soon there will be a war with the Soviet Union, with Poland, and a Ukrainian state will be formed, absolutely totalitarian in its essence. But in February 1940, a split occurred in the OUN into supporters of Melnik and supporters of Bandera. Each of the groups conducted its own negotiations with the German leadership, as a result of which the Germans became convinced that the Ukrainian nationalist movement was too frivolous to engage in such a matter as the proclamation of a state. Until 1942, nationalists tried in every possible way to prove to the Nazis that they could be relied upon and that they would make good allies. Only after the Germans began repressing a number of nationalist figures did the transition to a policy of resistance begin. Moreover, it was not the “Banderaites” who were the first to come to this policy, but the “Melnikovites”.

Do you think the idea of ​​fighters against fascism will take root in Ukraine?

— Perhaps the mythology regarding the UPA’s fight against the Germans will take root. But the idea that it was the nationalists who were the main winners and central part dramatic picture of the liberation of Ukraine will never take root. No matter how hard Ukrainian politicians and businessmen try to hide from history.

Nationalists are preparing to fight back " Immortal Regiment»

The main spiritual and unifying holiday of our people – Victory Day – is approaching. Despite the efforts of the neo-Banderists, citizens of Ukraine are also going to march the Immortal Regiment along the streets of their hometowns and villages that were lost in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, in particular, more than 5.5 million civilians and 2.5 million dead at the front - a total of 8 million people.

This fact speaks of the paranoid split consciousness of the authorities. Back in 2015, on the eve of Victory Day, photographs of inscriptions on the walls of the Reichstag made by soldiers of the Red Army were published on the official Facebook page of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Donbass, Poltava, Kyiv, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk - all these inscriptions have been preserved in the same form as in 1945. “This is another evidence of great contribution Ukrainian people in Victory, which cannot be erased or forgotten,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. And on May 8 of that year at a ceremonial meeting Verkhovna Rada P. Poroshenko said that no one has the right to monopolize the victory over Nazism, and without Ukraine there would have been no victory in World War II.

At the same time, this year a bill has been prepared to ban the celebration of May 9 from 2018. So with whom? current government– with Ukrainian accomplices of German Nazism or with those citizens of Ukraine who participated in the defeat of the Third Reich?

How are the “two Ukraines” preparing for these dates, still, as in all the years since the collapse of the USSR, incompatible in their beliefs and mental preferences?

While power and strength are on the side of the state revolutionaries, the renaming commission under the mayor of Kyiv Klitschko, after a meeting with representatives of the public, decided to rename Marshal Zhukov Street into Kuban Ukraine Street. The name “Kuban Ukraine” was proposed by the Nazis of the Azov Corps, led by People’s Deputy Biletsky. In this regard, publicist Nyura N. Berg sarcastically suggests “dissolving the parliament and appointing the Azov battalion as parliament instead, that is, simply in fact.”

Also, on April 26, the Kyiv “people’s representatives” at a meeting of the permanent commission of the Kyiv City Council on issues local government, regional and international relations, agreed on a draft decision to declare 2017 on the territory of Kyiv “the year of the UPA” (Ukrainian Insurgent Army - banned in Russia). Within the framework of this “year” it is proposed to “conduct relevant thematic informational, educational, cultural, artistic and other events in educational institutions, draw a series scientific and practical conferences, organize exhibitions archival documents, material monuments and photographic materials.” The corresponding document was developed because this year marks the “100th anniversary of the beginning of the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917-1921.” Also this year, Bandera’s followers are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (banned in Russia).

Some Kiev residents also celebrated Hitler's birthday on April 20. Unofficially yet, but taking into account the trend, the Fuhrer’s name day may well be declared a holiday and a day off in Ukraine in the near future. Residents of the capital reported on social networks that Ukrainian admirers of Nazism desecrated Kyiv by scattering “greeting cards” to Adolf Aloizych throughout the city. “All the benches in the local Great Patriotic War park (near the Darnitsa metro station) are covered with leaflets congratulating Hitler on his birthday,” writes a Kiev resident. – Similar leaflets are also pasted on memorial plaques and on granite right at the entrance to the park. During my hour-long walk, the janitors (who were in the park mowing the lawn) removed more than one sticker.”

Political scientist V. Kornilov, who is actively studying newspaper archives of the occupation-collaborator Ukrainian press during the Great Patriotic War, published the following reminder on his Facebook page: “On April 20, 1942, as you understand, the newspapers of occupied Ukraine were filled with congratulations to Hitler. But the most obsequious toasts, of course, were published in the OUN and Ukrainian newspapers. nationalists. For example, “Vidrodzhennia” came out with the headline “Glory to Adolf Hitler - the fighter for the New Europe, our Liberator!” Judging by this article, Hitler is both a great orator, and a great sovereign, and great commander, which is waging “a war for a just order in Europe and for a better future for the European peoples.” The author (I suspect that he is the editor-in-chief personally) promises that the Ukrainian people will also “go towards a new, better future within the framework of the New Europe. New story the Ukrainian people will also begin in the name of Adolf Hitler the Liberator.”

The historian recalls that the editor-in-chief of this Nazi newspaper, Mykhailo Voskobiinyk, stood at the origins of the “independence” of Ukraine, in 1991, on behalf of the “diaspora,” he handed over the “blades of power” to Kravchuk. Whatever the origins, such is the “independence”.

It is precisely noted: this is why “Independence” was created. It’s a pity that many people didn’t understand this in the 1990s. And what’s even more amazing is that many people still don’t understand. “Svidomo” have always been faithful servants of Russia’s enemies. At the beginning of the 20th century, they diligently served Austria-Hungary and Germany. When Austria-Hungary collapsed, they remained at Germany's beck and call. Then they organically switched to serving the United States. Nothing has changed today.

“The fascists, who are not in Ukraine, decided that Eurovision alone on May 9 would not be enough,” writes publicist Eva Merkuryeva on Facebook. – Pan Mykola Kokhanivsky, Gruppenführer of one of punitive battalions, - the same character who was proud of the burning of Odessa residents on May 2, put forward the initiative to attack Kiev on Victory Day “ Immortal Regiment" Now he hastily convenes fellow Nazis from the OUN, the “Right Sector” (banned in Russia - Red.) and other gangster groups with Bandera in their hearts and “wolf hooks” on their pans. This event is called menacingly - “Death Regiment”. But quite in the spirit of Freud: the fascists always ultimately have a mortal regiment. I am especially happy for the Eurovision guests. They will have to see with their own eyes natural fascists on the streets of Kyiv.”

Muscovite Yunna Moritz, a native of Kyiv who survived the Great Patriotic War, writes on Facebook with her characteristic expression of a “poet” (as the master calls himself): “...The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine asks citizens not to go out St. George's ribbons May 9th! Why doesn’t it ask to go out in police uniforms with swastikas and other bracelet? Why doesn’t it ask you to go out with shovels and dig a hole for yourself? Why don’t the ECHR, OSCE, UN, Amnesty International and all other human rights organizations of the European Union and the United States speak with a united front, with a single voice against such a discriminatory, illegal “request” that not only violates, but exterminates Human Rights? And why do snipers target such “requests”? They attack the Honor, Valor, and Human Dignity of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and World War II!!!”

Again, for the third time, the Nazis encroached on the monument to Army General N.F. Vatutin, liberator of Kyiv from the Nazi invaders, commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front. The monument was erected on the grave of the hero (buried on April 17, 1944) in Mariinsky (formerly Soviet) Park, next to the parliament building, so the Nazis violated not just the monument, but also the grave.

This time they hung a sign on the monument to Vatutin with the inscription “Executioner destroyed by Ukrainian nationalists” (pictured).

Kiev publicist Miroslava Berdnik writes in LiveJournal: “The police did not interfere with the revenge of the heirs of the collaborationists for the liberation of Kyiv from Nazism. I have long proposed to the regional authorities of Russia, Belarus, other CIS countries or the EU to buy monuments of the Soviet and Russian period from Ukrainian local princelings. Since the demolition of “occupation” Soviet and Russian monuments is supported at the state level and proclaimed as a national idea, the only question is: how long will it take, with the deterioration of the political and economic situation, to distract and harass the people with the demolition of monuments? When a monument over the grave of an outstanding Soviet military leader, the youngest 38-year-old front commander, who did not live to see the Victory only 80 days - Ukrainian from Uman Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky in Vilnius, installed with the inscription “To Army General Chernyakhovsky from the Lithuanian people”, they wanted to demolish the general’s ashes so that he would not be desecrated , had to be reburied in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery. But to save the monument, the Russians developed a whole special operation: the monument, which the Lithuanians were preparing to saw up and melt down, was rescued from nationalist captivity, taken from Vilnius and installed in Voronezh.

I propose to the regional authorities of Russia to announce Operation Save historical heritage Russia – transport the Ukrainian monument.” It's not that much money.

Cities and towns in Russia and Belarus could enter into agreements with cities (towns) that they would pay the cost of future dismantling and some reasonable amount to the budget settlement(or a corrupt official). And transport the monument. Since the monuments are on the balance sheet of local councils, there should be no problems.”

The thought is quite sober. Let us recall that both in 2005, under the Orange Yushchenko, and in 2015, already under the junta, the authorities were set on this destructive idea - the demolition of the monument to Vatutin, the author of which is the famous sculptor Vuchetich. The daughter of the famous military leader has already spoken out on this issue more than once, asking to move the monument to Russia, there were also initiatives from fellow Belgorod residents, because in Belgorod there is an avenue named after Vatutin, and in the region there is a house-museum of the front commander, Nikolai Vatutin was born here.

Kharkov resident Elena Berezhnaya (a public figure in the Opposition Bloc circle, the mother of People’s Deputy I. Berezhnaya) announced on her blog an action in the spirit of the “Immortal Regiment” on Victory Day in Kyiv. On May 9, everyone is welcome to bring portraits of their relatives and friends, participants in the Great Patriotic War, as part of the “No One Is Forgotten!” Nothing is forgotten! will be able to walk from the Arsenalnaya metro station (collection from 9.30 to 10.00) to the Park of Eternal Glory. “We invite to the action all citizens who have the honor and remember the Great Feat of the Heroes - the Liberators of the world from fascism,” writes E. Berezhnaya. – This action has been agreed upon with the authorities providing public order and local government."

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War will take part in this action, as stated at a briefing in the Verkhovna Rada by the head of the Council of Veterans of Kyiv, Nikolai Martynov, according to whom, recently, the authorities have forgotten about their real heroes, since veterans’ pensions are not indexed, tariffs “knock you down” “The pension is 1500 - 1700 hryvnia, and you just have to pay almost all the money you receive for heating. He also said that veterans do not have enough money even for treatment. Let us note that the authorities treat UPA veterans and other World War II collaborators completely differently, who are constantly receiving some kind of pension supplements and other preferences.

On the morning of April 29, activists of the Faith and Memory movement hung a huge banner on Pobeda Avenue in Kyiv, from the Vozdukhoflotsky Bridge. The banner depicts the Kiev monument “Motherland” and the star of the hero city, the text of the banner reads: “Our Victory Day! Come to the March of the Immortal Regiment! Join us!!!

Caring T. Trebina in one of the social networks, in the group “Kharkov is our city!” truly cries out: “I read the chronicles of the day on various resources and understand that you and I, people, are to blame for what is happening to us now. We lived too calmly, waving our hands away from real events happening in life, in the hope that it will pass, and that what does not happen to us does not concern us. We respected our ancestors, but, as it turns out, only in words, and when the time came to raise our voices in defense of their honor and dignity, many of us simply avoided, in the hope that someone else would take their place in the ranks of defenders, and they will calmly wait for Victory and come to the next celebration of life with fireworks to say that with all their hearts they were with those who did not spare their bellies in the battle for the honor and dignity of the entire human race.

This is not naivety, this is criminal negligence, the result of which is hundreds of thousands of dead human souls, destroyed cities and villages of Novorossiya, lost Crimea, and trampled human dignity of the nation and nationality as a whole.<…>Every day I remember more and more often the veterans and fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. We are guilty before them.

We, with our indifference, our spinelessness, and non-resistance to evil, have allowed the reincarnation of the murderers of the human race already in our millennium. Donbass is taking the rap for all of us, it’s so bitter and painful to understand that we find ourselves in the position of passive observers.

Probably, during the years of that war, many felt exactly as I feel now. Not a betrayer, but a betrayer. I don't know how you feel, but I'm ashamed. I am ashamed in front of the memory of my deceased grandfather, in front of our guys who laid down their lives on the soil of Donbass. Forgive me, warriors of our native land, warriors of the GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR and DONBASS. A bright date is coming soon - VICTORY DAY, so let's pay tribute to the memory of our ancestors and remember them in words and deeds! Don't be silent, people, especially those who can and should speak and do. If you can’t remind me of your relatives, send them to me, I will talk... I won’t keep silent!”

Residents of Donbass cities controlled by Ukraine were invited to Donetsk on May 9 to take part in the “Immortal Regiment” action. V. Litvinenko, a teacher at the Donetsk Technical School of Industrial Automation, stated this on air on the Union TV channel. “If Ukraine prohibits it, welcome to us. May 9 at 11 a.m. gathering on Lenin Square. If for some reason you cannot come, but honor the memory of your fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and are proud that they liberated Ukraine and Europe from the Nazi invaders, you can send a photo with the history of your ancestor to the website of the youth organization “Young republic,” and the youth of Donbass are ready, in order to honor and remember these people, to carry their portraits through the streets,” said V. Litvinenko.

Previously Donetsk republics As part of the program for the Reunification of the People of Donbass, they began paying one-time assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in cities controlled by Ukraine.

There are also thinkers with proposals for brand takeover. Verkhovna Rada deputy Nadezhda Savchenko said on television that Ukraine needs to come up with its own action, similar to the Russian “Immortal Regiment,” and this propaganda should be handled by the Ministry of Information of Ukraine. “Our propaganda must be stronger. Here, in Ukraine, at least. Our government had to come up with something that would inspire people as much as this Russian action. An entire ministry was created for this - the Ministry of Information Policy, which included the godfather of the President of Ukraine, and how does it all end? The fact that budget money was diverted, but nothing was done,” Savchenko said.

All the time there are peculiar “exchanges”: in Mariupol, in the cemetery of the village of Volonterovka, vandals desecrated the monument on the grave of Red Army soldiers killed in 1943, painting it with Nazi crosses; and in Ternopil, on the contrary, unknown persons poured paint on the monument to the SS division “Galicia”.

In Nikolaev, as part of decommunization, the guards signs on the monument to tank liberators, located at the intersection of Central Avenue and 6th Slobodskaya Street, were painted over. Local police reported this.

...The May 9th holiday will exist, despite all the tricks of the pro-Bandera regime, which, apparently, will not be in power for long...

Especially for "Century"

The article was published within the framework of social significant project“Russia and the Revolution. 1917 – 2017” using state support funds allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President Russian Federation dated 12/08/2016 No. 96/68-3 and on the basis of a competition held by the All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Rectors".

In World War II, Ukrainians suffered more human losses than Great Britain, Canada, the United States and France combined. Ukraine's human losses from the war, including those killed, died, died in concentration camps, evacuees, and those who left with the Germans, are estimated at 8-10 million lives. The number of Ukrainian victims can be compared with the population of modern Austria.

Therefore, Ukrinform has prepared an infographic about Ukraine’s contribution to the victory over Nazism.

Ukraine found itself at the epicenter of the war already in September 1939. Throughout World War II fighting swept across the entire territory of our state twice. Every third person died in the Red Army (compared to every 20th in the British Army). The result of the clash between two totalitarian regimes was unprecedented casualties among both the military and the civilian population of Ukraine.

Chronology of events:

March 15, 1939 - proclamation of independent Carpathian Ukraine. Within a few days it was occupied by the Hungarian army.

August 23, 1939 - signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The USSR and Germany divided spheres of influence in Europe.

September 1, 1939 - Germany attacked Poland. Thousands of Ukrainians fought in the Polish army against the Nazis.

September 17, 1939 - The USSR attacked Poland. The invasion ended with the annexation of Galicia and Volyn to the USSR.

November 1944 - the expulsion of the Nazis from the territory of Ukraine.

Until the mid-1950s - the struggle of Ukrainian rebels against Soviet occupation.


More than 6 million Ukrainians fought in the Red Army during 1941-1945. About 120 thousand Ukrainians met the Nazis in September 1939 as part of the Polish army. These were predominantly Polish citizens who came from Galicia and Volhynia, which were part of interwar Poland.

On fronts from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, from Norway to Egypt, Ukrainians fought as part of the armed forces of the United States (80 thousand), Britain (45 thousand), France (6 thousand) and other states. Mostly these were representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora of these countries.

During the 1942-1950s, the Ukrainian rebel army, through whose ranks about 100 thousand people passed.


As a result of hostilities in Ukraine, more than 700 cities and towns, 16.5 thousand industrial enterprises, 18 thousand medical institutions, 33 thousand schools, technical schools, universities and research institutes, 19 thousand libraries, more than 30 thousand . collective farms, state farms, MTS. Ten million people were left homeless. However, the most terrible were human losses, which, according to researchers, in Ukraine amounted to 8-10 million people (military - 3-4 million, civilians - more than 5 million).

Holocaust victims:

  • September 29-30, 1941 - 33,771 Jews were shot in Babi Yar;
  • in total, up to 1.5 million Jews died in occupied Ukraine;
  • more than 2 million were taken to forced labor in the Third Reich;

Victims Soviet repressions after the Nazis were expelled:

  • about 500 thousand repressed in Western Ukraine;
  • in May-June 1944 - 230 thousand were deported. Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Armenians and Greeks.

Thus, the total demographic losses of Ukraine, including those killed in battles, those who died in concentration camps, deportees, evacuees and emigrants, amounted to at least 14 million people.

Prepared by: Miroslav Liskovich, Igor Lyubshin

In World War II, Ukrainians suffered more human losses than Great Britain, Canada, the United States and France combined. Ukraine's human losses from the war, including those killed, died, died in concentration camps, evacuees, and those who left with the Germans, are estimated at 8-10 million lives. The number of Ukrainian victims can be compared with the population of modern Austria.

Therefore, Ukrinform has prepared an infographic about Ukraine’s contribution to the victory over Nazism.

Ukraine found itself at the epicenter of the war already in September 1939. During World War II, fighting swept across the entire territory of our state twice. Every third person died in the Red Army (compared to every 20th in the British Army). The result of the clash between two totalitarian regimes was unprecedented casualties among both the military and the civilian population of Ukraine.

Chronology of events:

March 15, 1939 - proclamation of independent Carpathian Ukraine. Within a few days it was occupied by the Hungarian army.

August 23, 1939 - signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The USSR and Germany divided spheres of influence in Europe.

September 1, 1939 - Germany attacked Poland. Thousands of Ukrainians fought in the Polish army against the Nazis.

September 17, 1939 - The USSR attacked Poland. The invasion ended with the annexation of Galicia and Volyn to the USSR.

November 1944 - the expulsion of the Nazis from the territory of Ukraine.

Until the mid-1950s - the struggle of Ukrainian rebels against Soviet occupation.


More than 6 million Ukrainians fought in the Red Army during 1941-1945. About 120 thousand Ukrainians met the Nazis in September 1939 as part of the Polish army. These were predominantly Polish citizens who came from Galicia and Volhynia, which were part of interwar Poland.

On fronts from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, from Norway to Egypt, Ukrainians fought as part of the armed forces of the United States (80 thousand), Britain (45 thousand), France (6 thousand) and other states. Mostly these were representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora of these countries.

During the 1942-1950s, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought in Ukraine, through whose ranks about 100 thousand people passed.


As a result of hostilities in Ukraine, more than 700 cities and towns, 16.5 thousand industrial enterprises, 18 thousand medical institutions, 33 thousand schools, technical schools, universities and research institutes, 19 thousand libraries, more than 30 thousand . collective farms, state farms, MTS. Ten million people were left homeless. However, the most terrible were human losses, which, according to researchers, in Ukraine amounted to 8-10 million people (military - 3-4 million, civilians - more than 5 million).

Holocaust victims:

  • September 29-30, 1941 - 33,771 Jews were shot at Babi Yar;
  • in total, up to 1.5 million Jews died in occupied Ukraine;
  • more than 2 million were taken to forced labor in the Third Reich;

Victims of Soviet repression after the expulsion of the Nazis:

  • about 500 thousand repressed in Western Ukraine;
  • in May-June 1944 - 230 thousand Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Armenians and Greeks were deported.

Thus, the total demographic losses of Ukraine, including those killed in battles, those who died in concentration camps, deportees, evacuees and emigrants, amounted to at least 14 million people.

Many pages were written into the heroic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War by Ukrainians who, together with other fraternal peoples Soviet Union in June 1941, they stood up for the defense of the united Fatherland and made a huge and invaluable contribution to the defeat of the fascist aggressors, Victory over them, while showing perseverance, courage and mass heroism, both at the fronts and in the rear.

The demand of Ukrainian ultranationalists to cancel the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War in the country, their assertion that, they say, “Ukrainians have no one or nothing to be proud of in this war” is an outrage against memory dead defenders Fatherland in that holy war, a deep insult to living veterans, dirty and cynical lies and distortion of historical truth, as evidenced by events and facts, the entire course and results of the war, starting from the bitter days of failures and defeats in initial period fascist invasion and ending complete liberation Ukrainian land from the German invaders.

When the Great Patriotic War began, we had a single Motherland - the Soviet Union, and the equal peoples of the USSR lived in a single fraternal family. And is undeniable historical fact that the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR on June 22, 1941 caused a powerful upsurge of patriotism among the Ukrainian population, which waged an irreconcilable struggle against the aggressor together with the entire Soviet people.

In the first days of the war, thousands of Ukrainians joined the ranks of the Red Army in accordance with the announced mobilization. In total, more than 6 million Ukrainians fought in the Red Army and Navy during the Great Patriotic War. Including, on the 1st Ukrainian Front - 200 thousand, on the 2nd Ukrainian Front - 66 thousand 352, on the 3rd Ukrainian Front - 140 thousand 882 Ukrainians.

The defenders of Kyiv and Odessa and other Ukrainian cities wrote bright pages in the chronicle of military glory, which helped the Red Army foil the plan for a lightning offensive German troops to Moscow, Crimea and the Caucasus. Of the 15 fronts that operated during the war, more than half were led by marshals and generals who were Ukrainians by origin; many successfully commanded armies, corps, and divisions. In the toughest battles he fully revealed himself. military talent A.N.Vasilevsky, N.F.Vatutin, A.I.Eremenko, I.S.Konev, R.Ya.Malinovsky, I.D.Chernyakhovsky, V.S.Rybalko and other military leaders.

Ukrainians fought heroically on all fronts, in all branches of the military and in the navies, as evidenced by their numerous exploits and state awards. Soldiers and officers received 2.5 million orders and medals out of a total of 7 million awards awarded to soldiers of the Red Army during the war.

The memory of the exploits of 2 thousand 72 Ukrainians who became Heroes of the Soviet Union during the war years will not be erased through the centuries. 32 Ukrainians became Heroes of the Soviet Union twice, and the famous fighter pilot Ivan Kozhedub was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times. Each of these heroes is a legend and the entire Soviet Union was proud of them. Let's remember some of these heroes.

The famous pilot Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union. He took part in 120 air battles and personally shot down 62 fascist planes. At the same time, he himself was never shot down during the entire war. He is rightfully considered the best ace not only of the Red Army Air Force, but also of all Allied aviation. On November 10, 2000, the name of I. Kozhedub was assigned to the Kharkov Institute of the Ukrainian Air Force.

A legend of the partisan movement in Ukraine, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Kovpak Sidor Artemyevich is the commander of the Putivl partisan detachment and the formation of partisan detachments of the Sumy region. He was awarded four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, Suvorov 2nd degree, many medals, as well as orders of Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Streets in many cities and villages of Ukraine are named after S. Kovpak.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Fedorovich Fedorov, commander of the Chernigov-Volyn partisan unit. Under his leadership, the scattered detachments of the Chernihiv region and Volyn turned into a formation that became a formidable force behind enemy lines (the formation included 12 partisan detachments, numbering 5,462 fighters). An outstanding operation carried out by the Chernigov-Volyn unit was Operation Kovel Knot. From July 7, 1943 to March 14, 1944, partisans under the command of A.F. Fedorov destroyed 549 enemy trains with ammunition, fuel, military equipment and weapons.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, captain Nikolai Illarionovich Semeiko, attack pilot. He made 227 sorties to attack enemy troops, personally destroyed and damaged 7 tanks, 10 artillery pieces, 5 aircraft at enemy airfields, 19 vehicles with troops and cargo, a steam locomotive, blew up two ammunition depots, suppressed 17 anti-aircraft artillery firing points. Killed in action over the skies of East Prussia on April 20, 1945.

Legendary intelligence officer "Major Whirlwind" - Hero of the Soviet Union Bereznyak Evgeniy Stepanovich. From the first days of the occupation, he worked underground and carried out special assignments from the command. The most important operation of E.S. Bereznyak’s group. was the discovery of a plan by the Germans to mine the Polish city of Krakow and save it from the explosion.

Hero of the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol, Hero of the Soviet Union, senior sergeant Nina Andreevna Onilova, commander of the machine gun crew. Personally destroyed hundreds of enemy soldiers. She died from her wounds at the age of 21.

Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Iosifovich Ocheret. At the age of 17 in 1943, he voluntarily joined the Red Army. He walked the battle route from the Dnieper to the Oder. He accomplished his feat on the Oder bridgehead, throwing himself under the tracks of an enemy tank with a grenade. The Hero was buried in the German village of Ney-Levin.

And many, many other Heroes, whose glory will not fade for centuries.

There were many battles for its liberation in Ukraine. One of them became largest battle in world history - the battle for the Dnieper and the liberation of Kyiv. According to the operation plan, five fronts operated along a front of 1,400 kilometers from Smolensk to the Sea of ​​Azov: 1st Belorussian (Army General K.K. Rokossovsky), 1st Ukrainian (Army General Vatutin N.F.), 2nd Ukrainian ( General of the Army Konev I.S.), 3rd Ukrainian (General of the Army Malinovsky R.Ya.), 4th Ukrainian (General of the Army Tolbukhin F.I.). In total, the operation involved 36 combined arms, 4 tank and 5 air armies, 2 million 650 thousand people, 51 thousand guns, 2 thousand 400 tanks and 2 thousand 850 aircraft.

As a result of the four-month operation, Left Bank Ukraine was almost completely liberated, several strategic bridgeheads on the right bank of the Dnieper were captured, and the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv, was liberated.

The Battle of the Dnieper is characterized by examples of mass heroism of the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. It is indicative that for the courage and heroism shown during the crossing of the Dnieper, 2 thousand 438 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, which is more than the total number of those awarded in the entire previous history of this award and 20% of the total number of those awarded this title for the entire war. Thousands of participants in the Battle of the Dnieper were awarded other orders and medals. Such a massive award in one operation was the only one in the entire history of the war. 65 military units received the name "Kievsky", and ten - "Dnieper".

One of the forms of active participation of the Ukrainian people in the defense of the Fatherland from the first days of the war became people's militias, in which people from 16 to 60 years old who were not subject to conscription into the army for mobilization could be enrolled. Largest quantity connections people's militia was formed in Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Donbass. During the defense of Kyiv, over 300 thousand people fought in the people's militia and destruction battalions. Up to 55 thousand people joined the people's militia of Odessa, over 17 thousand in the Poltava region, 200 thousand in the Zaporozhye region, 22.5 thousand in Kherson, 63 thousand people in Nikolaev. A people's militia corps was formed in Dnepropetrovsk, a division was formed in Kremenchug, and a corps was formed in Kharkov. By the end of June 1941, 651 fighter battalions (over 118 thousand people) had been created on the territory of Ukraine.

Ukrainian partisans, who numbered up to 500 thousand people, made a great contribution to achieving Victory over the fascist aggressors. In total, more than 60 partisan formations, about two thousand detachments and numerous underground groups operated on the territory of Ukraine. The most powerful partisan formations were the formations of S. Kovpak and A. Fedorov.

As a result of enormous painstaking research work It was established that the forces of partisan formations in Ukraine killed and wounded about 500 thousand fascist soldiers and officers, destroyed 467 enemy garrisons, commandant's offices, headquarters, police bushes, blew up 4959 railway trains, destroyed 1566 tanks and armored vehicles, 211 aircraft, destroyed 461 military enterprise, 915 warehouses, 248 communication centers, 44 railway junctions, 607 railway bridges, about 2 thousand kilometers of telephone and telegraph communications were damaged.

The partisans provided significant assistance to the soldiers of the Red Army during the crossing of the Dnieper: in total, 17 thousand 332 Ukrainian partisans took part in the battle for the Dnieper, who attacked units of German troops, conducted reconnaissance, built crossings, and served as guides for the crossing units Soviet troops. The Battle of the Dnieper demonstrated the full strength and power of the partisan movement in Ukraine. Operation " Rail War", carried out by Ukrainian partisans from September to October 1943, significantly complicated the supply of German troops and forced the enemy to divert significant forces from the front to guard and ensure rear communications.

To combat partisan movement in Ukraine, the German command allocated 120 thousand soldiers and officers.

Overall Victory Soviet people over the fascist aggressors would have been impossible without the heroic work of Ukrainian workers, peasants, and intelligentsia, who made their invaluable contribution to the creation of the material and technical base of the Victory. In a short time, 550 people were evacuated from Ukraine to the East of the country. large enterprises 30 industries. They accounted for almost half of all capacities put into operation in the eastern regions of the USSR. Already in December 1941, the Kharkov Tank Plant produced its first products at a new location. In total, during the war the plant produced more than 35 thousand tanks.

“Everything for the front, everything for Victory!” - this slogan during the war years determined the content of the life and activities of the entire population of Ukraine. In industry, people worked in three shifts. The village harvest was under difficult conditions. Despite the fact that only women, children and old people worked in the fields, the pace of harvesting was 2-3 times higher than before the war.

Ukrainian scientists made a significant contribution to the Victory. A group of scientists led by E. Paton developed a method for automatic electric arc welding of T-34 tank hulls. New methods for melting armor steel were invented (I. Dobrokhotov). Scientists have modernized weapons and military equipment. Famous poets and writers of Ukraine (A. Malyshko, P. Tychyna, M. Rylsky, V. Sosyura, etc.) raised the patriotic spirit of the people.

Of course, the Ukrainian people, like other peoples of the USSR, paid a great price for the common Victory. Every Ukrainian family has experienced the pain of losing loved ones. According to various sources, the Great Patriotic War claimed from 8 to 10 million. human lives Ukrainians. In the battle for the Dnieper alone, 1.5 million people died. From 418 to 617 thousand people died during the liberation of Kyiv.

Every second Ukrainian who fought in the Red Army did not live to see the Victory, and every second of those who survived returned home disabled. The Nazis killed and tortured 1 million 256 thousand civilians, 1 million 366 thousand prisoners of war, took 2 million 109 thousand people to Germany into slavery. In general, every sixth resident of Ukraine died during the war. The pre-war population of the republic was restored only in 1960.

The war and temporary occupation caused colossal damage to the economy and national economy of Ukraine: 714 cities and towns, over 28 thousand villages, 16 thousand industrial enterprises, 18 thousand medical institutions, almost 33 thousand schools, technical schools, Universities. Only 19% of the pre-war number of industrial enterprises in Ukraine remains. About 30 thousand collective farms, state farms, and MTS ceased to exist. More than 40 thousand valuable works of art, historical relics and collections were also exported.

Direct losses caused to the national economy of Ukraine amounted to 285 billion rubles. The total amount of losses suffered by the population and national economy Ukraine, amounted to 1.2 trillion. rub.

These are the results of Hitler's rule in Ukraine according to the classic formula of “divide and conquer.”

Despite the opposition of ultranationalists, the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War took place in Ukraine on May 9. It couldn’t be otherwise, because Ukraine’s contribution to the Great Victory over fascism is great and priceless, and living veterans have the right to this holiday. The celebration of Victory Day plays a great role in passing on to the current generation of young people the best traditions of older generations, patriots of their land, our common Fatherland.