There are several stages of business development

  • The first stage is to get the first result, skills and abilities to generate revenue and profit. During this period of development, it is necessary to master the basic tools of attracting a client, organizing promotion and sales of a product. At this stage you are 200% involved in your business. It doesn't work without you. It absorbs all the strength and energy, time. But you earn some money and fully strive for sustainability, consolidation of the result, and think about how to ensure growth.
  • At the second stage, the business is able to generate revenue more steadily, there are already employees, you have somehow defined the functions and orders are coming, but you understand that the control system is not ideal, there is no confidence in the correct distribution of functions, there are clearly losses, unwanted losses, but solve these tasks are carried out mainly “manually” with personal deep immersion. Business still consumes a lot of time and effort, to the detriment of family, health, and other personal goals.

    The third stage is when you understand that business is a system, and you need to have the knowledge and skills to build system management. You understand that global business practice, industry leaders have survived the first and second stages for many decades and reached modern methods building management systems that allow you to set up processes, functions, responsibilities, powers, and necessary procedures at a high professional, expert level. It is this approach that allows serious projects to expand into regions, scale up their activities, build a system where the owner is involved less and less in operational management, while the business grows and does not lose efficiency and its position in the market is only strengthened.

It is the Third Level approaches that will be discussed at our intensive course. You don’t have the opportunity now to take an in-depth MBA course or hire expensive consultants. You want to understand the basic knowledge and approaches yourself in order to understand how to build a system for your business, taking into account its specifics and your interests as the owner. You don’t know how to trust different consultants and don’t understand whether you really need them.

You understand that no one but you can set up all the processes and systems in your company as you need, but you don’t understand where to start, how to clear up the accumulated wave of problems.

These are the questions we will consider with you during the intensive course. During these two days, you will gain basic knowledge and skills that will allow you to move more confidently and independently in the task of building a clear, coherent business system capable of solving your problems without destroying your time, emotions, and strength.

During the intensive course, we will immediately begin working with the key tasks of building your system, begin to analyze your situations, write specific documents and procedures, formulate the necessary solutions, and analyze the most common mistakes along the way.

A special educational product called mini-MBA. The first such programs appeared before the crisis of the late 2000s, but it was during the recession that they flourished. Mini-MBAs attracted attention because, as business schools promise, « in such programs you can get an MBA degree for much less money and spending much less time.”

Features of mini-MBA programs

Having analyzed the Russian mini-MBA market, we can say with confidence that the MBA in these programs is only in name. No matter how high-quality the training is here, mastering the curriculum of this MBA program in three months or six months (which is how long mini-MBA courses usually last) is impossible. Therefore, Russian mini-MBA programs are advanced training or professional retraining programs intended for managers and usually have a specific industry or functional focus (specialization).

Business schools, in principle, do not hide this fact, directly indicating what diplomas and certificates participants in these programs will receive upon completion (shorter programs are about professional retraining, longer ones are about advanced training).

Many schools offer classes on an individual schedule, and some even distance programs, such as Moscow Business School, Synergy and the Moscow School of New Economics). Is it true, magic word An MBA still does its job, and the cost of such programs is still higher than the cost of traditional professional retraining or advanced training.

In Moscow, such programs are offered by a number of universities, including a mini-MBA from Moscow State University. RUDN mini-MBA programs have been very popular for a long time, but now RUDN University does not offer a mini-MBA.

MSU mini-MBAs are offered in a dual degree format in conjunction with American Business Studies.

Cost of mini-MBA programs

The cost of mini-MBA programs varies quite widely. Mini-MBA in Moscow costs from 40 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. The most inexpensive programs are offered by the Moscow School of New Economics - mini-MBA Professional - here you can study for 35 thousand rubles. At Moscow Business School, programs cost 50 thousand rubles. These are all distance programs. The cost of a full-time mini-MBA is significantly higher. In Synergy, for three months of training (72 hours) you will have to pay from 105 thousand to 180 thousand rubles, in MIRBIS the cost of a 7-8 month program is 116 thousand rubles. In the same price category of the REU program. G.V. Plekhanov.

Find out more about which programs mini-MBAs offered by Russian business schools how much they cost and how to adjust training to fit your schedule, you can always

Mini-MBA is a Russian marketing invention for the name of independent management training programs. After completing the mini-MBA course, students receive either a certificate of advanced training or a diploma professional retraining.

What does mini-MBA mean?

Courses positioned as mini-MBAs are not a shortened cycle of training for masters of business administration, but a separate type of training that can only be called the “namesake” of real MBA programs.

There are no general standards for the mini-MBA format, so each educational institution under this brand it can offer anything: short-term courses, week-long seminars, two-day trainings, 200-hour advanced training and six-month professional retraining. Accordingly, mini-MBA graduates become owners of any documents, but not an MBA diploma and do not receive a Master of Business Administration degree.

Russian mini-MBAs are not recognized abroad and are not considered MBA-related training.

Did you know that the Mini-MBA program with a volume of 512 academic hours can be completed remotely not in half a year, but in just 2.5 months external student?

For example, by choosing to study at an IPO in an MBA program with an internship in Prague, you get 3 days, full of interesting lectures and meetings, and competent assessment of your dissertation leading professors of Bohemia. At the same time you receive Russian diploma MBA+ 2 European diplomas MBA.

In Western business schools, specialized short-term courses are called seminars or managerial development programs, but not mini-MBAs.

Features of training and cost

Most experts believe that mini-MBAs in the Russian Federation are not much superior to ordinary retraining programs and advanced training courses in the field of production management, personnel, and finance. Nevertheless, representatives of Russian business schools focus on the fact that advanced foreign practices and teaching methods are used in training under mini-MBA programs, which is why high price courses.

The presence of a manager’s certificate of completion of a mini-MBA in Russia is, first of all, an indicator of prestige, but not a guarantee of the quality of training. The price of feigned significance ranges from 50 to 160 thousand rubles.

Mini-MBA programs, unlike classic ones, do not contain such disciplines as business etiquette, information Technology in entrepreneurship, foreign language, statistics, etc. Representatives of individual business schools claim that their mini-MBA is a kind of symbiosis of standard master's programs and trainings, in which all the main elements of a regular MBA are retained in an abbreviated format, but more interactive classes are added, and the time allocated for the presentation of theoretical knowledge is reduced to the minimum possible.

Of course, the knowledge gained within the mini-MBA cannot be called absolutely useless. Business schools often offer corporate training personnel of a particular enterprise. The content of the program can be adjusted in accordance with the needs of the customer organization. During the classes, employees will diagnose and analyze the state of the company. Often, students’ graduation projects become full-fledged consulting products, the use of which in practice significantly improves the functioning of the company.

Business schools with mini-MBA

Programs that can be classified as mini-MBA are offered by many business schools in the Russian Federation, including reputable participants in top international rankings and leaders of Russian rankings. But most of them honestly warn that they issue diplomas of professional retraining in which the word MBA does not appear anywhere (for example, Plekhanov Russian Economic University, although the term mini-MBA is used in the name of the programs) or IBDA RANEPA:

  1. IBDA RANEPA (“Growth Point.” Mini-MBA professional retraining program).
  2. REU im. G. V. Plekhanova (“Internet marketing and e-commerce”, Entrepreneurship for business owners”, “Analytical marketing”).
  3. Higher School of Management NRU HSE (“Company Sales and Marketing Management (Mini-MBA)”).
  4. Moscow Business School (MINI-MBA Professional, 7 modules - management: sales, logistics, projects, marketing, finance, personnel; General Management).
  5. MIRBIS (13 specializations from IT management to crisis management).
  6. RSHU (“Business Development in 6 Months”).
  7. MAB (“Effective Management” and 4 programs in personnel management, marketing, operations, finance).
  8. MBA School, Moscow (MBA School). The mini-MBA section offers fifteen 80-hour continuing education courses.


  • leadership and effective work manager;
  • operational, strategic management;
  • marketing and sales administration;
  • project and personnel management;
  • financial management.

Graduates become owners not only of Russian documents on professional retraining, but also EDLEA diplomas with an appendix. International diploma from the European Association responsible for the accreditation of distance learning courses, looks very respectable, but there is no hint of connection with MBA programs:

In its own CBS diploma there is a mention of the MBA standard, but the mini prefix negates the claim that it belongs to the Masters of Business Administration brand family:

The course organizers claim that their mini-MBA program is recognized not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the EU. But so far, not a single case has been recorded where a graduate of a Russian MBA of a reduced format without receiving quality education in the UK, Europe or the US would be hired by a large overseas company.

"From the MBA-Intensive course PwC Academy everyone can take as much as they need. Each module of the course, in addition to classroom training and homework to it, supported by a verified list of materials for independent reference. In my practice, I have not seen a better presentation of material on finance - this is exactly what every manager needs in order to talk on equal terms with accounting departments, financial analysts management accounting, and this module can bring the greatest value to business owners and private investors in order to be able to calculate the effectiveness of their investments. I think that by opening the presentation of each module a year later, you can restore key knowledge in each area in 20 minutes, and this is a significant advantage of this course compared to other, longer MBA programs. »

Victor Pogrebnoy Head of Business Development and Sales Support, Citibank JSC

“Thank you to the PwC Academy Team for the MBA-Intensive program. For my development, these were 10 most effective weeks of 2014. Will explain...
Firstly, MBA Intensive from PwC is a balanced curriculum, methodology and presentation of material according to the best international standards.
Secondly, the MBA Intensive from PwC is a professional, active, involved teaching staff represented by Nadezhda Volkova, Irina Martynova, Irina Smirnova, Georgy Kovalev and especially the brilliant Yuri Sharovatov and Semyon Vorobyov.
Thirdly, the MBA Intensive from PwC is an excellent job by the organizing team represented by Olga Medvedeva and Irina Dementieva.
Fourthly, the MBA Intensive from PwC is a wonderful opportunity to study, communicate and work in groups with the best representatives of global Companies.
It is a must for all Managers who want to move from the Good level to the Great level.»

Kozak Nikolay Deputy E Commerce Director, Sportmaster HQ

« The program gave me the opportunity to look at my business from a professional management perspective. Previously, I made decisions based on the fragmented knowledge acquired at the University, personal experience and intuition. Now there is an opportunity to approach this from the point of view professional knowledge. Business is definitely a science that needs to be comprehended, constantly studied theory and honed the acquired knowledge in practice. There must be clear and measurable criteria for the correctness of the chosen strategies. And even to develop the strategies themselves there must be certain algorithms. All those businessmen who rely only on their intuition (although it is certainly necessary) will sooner or later find themselves in conditions of uncertainty.
I sincerely thank the teaching staff and the PWC company for the opportunity to receive knowledge about the main areas of business education in such a concentrated form. Now I see what I need to deepen to further develop my business and personal growth.
Also, I can't help but express my gratitude, perhaps, for the most valuable thing that I received in this course. Namely, for the fact that I met and had the pleasure of communicating with such versatile people who studied next to me. Over these three months, we have become a team to some extent. I would be interested in continuing communication, learning a lot of new things from my fellow students, and expanding my network of contacts. This»

extremely valuable and interesting in our time. Kalashnikov Pavel LLC "SnabWay"

“I am very pleased with the intensive course “Course For Business Leaders”. Both in form and content The program is aimed at top managers. The presentation is brief, without excessive theorizing, but at the same time it is systematic in nature. The topics cover all the main blocks necessary for enterprise management.
Training significantly increases efficiency, and in my opinion, it will be useful for managers at any stage of their career.
I would like to separately note highly professional teaching staff with big practical experience work in business. Due to the fact that most of theses illustrated with examples from real life, The learning process was dynamic and interesting.”

Shchagin Yuri Director of the Distribution and Marketing Department, A&T Trade/Muztorg Group of Companies

“I recommend the MBA-Intensive program. Course for business leaders" as a good opportunity to increase, activate and supplement the level of knowledge on the basic management skills that are necessary for a modern manager in his daily work. The course of modules is consistent and logical as a whole, while each stage is thought out and completed in its entirety. Strong teaching staff: professional level

Each of the trainers allows you to freely handle any questions on the topic of the module. Separately, I would like to thank Nadezhda Volkova for the correctly set level and tone of training, Semyon Vorobyov for his skill in easily presenting a heavy financial body of knowledge, Yuri Sharovatov for a logical, consistent, systematic presentation of creative and, for many, subjective material on personal effectiveness. Thank you PwC Academy." Vorontsova Natalya

Director, Directorate for Personnel Selection and Development of TTK Company "MBA Intensive from PricewaterhouseCoopers is The best way in a short time, gain an understanding of the key functions of organizations, working with personnel and the skills required by a manager. An important advantage of the program is the selection of teachers. Each of them has extensive business experience. Therefore, theoretical material is always fully accompanied by real cases. This allows you to get not only general theory , but also an understanding of practical adaptation to different markets. The modules are equipped practical tasks

, helping to immediately apply the acquired skills in work. Therefore, the progress associated with the course becomes noticeable.” Tolokolnikov Alexander

“After completing my PwC MBA, I successfully launched 2 complex projects. Project 1 was in a large bank, it began under tight deadlines, and the deadlines for other projects depended on its implementation. In the first 1.5 months there were some serious changes and negotiations with the customer. During this time, communication was built with the customer, and new technical solutions were applied.
Project 2 started without a signed contract, the requirements were poorly formalized, and the deadlines were minimal. During the project, it was possible to formalize the requirements, which helped justify new deadlines, an increase in the budget, and division of the project into several stages. As a result, the contract was signed, the work was completed and paid for. »

Vitaly Kim Lead Project Manager, JetSoft

“I accepted the invitation to take the position of financial director of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency RUSADA Association. The knowledge and skills acquired while taking the PwC MBA course are very helpful in my work.”

Victor Bocharov Advisor to the General Director, Alfa Capital Management Company

“I began to see problems and solutions more clearly, which reflected in my productivity and usefulness to the company. This was noted by the shareholders of the company I work for.”

Dmitry Zhidko Investment Director, RAMO-M

“The expectations were: get to know the course and, if interested, go to full course MBA. And you know, I think I won’t go to the full MBA course, because here I acquired a sufficient amount of knowledge.”

Olga Zakharova financial analyst, Nestlé Russia LLC

“If in the first classes we were a group of students who came to the MBA-Intensive course, then by the middle of our course we turned into a team. And this is the result that I did not expect and which I received to my great joy.”

Alexey Shmakov Head of Sales and Marketing Department, JSC "VIKA MERA"

“I really liked the teachers Georgy Kovalev (project management), Semyon Vorobyov, Nadezhda Volkova. I am grateful to them for giving us such deep knowledge. My goal was to broaden my horizons, and I achieved this. And young people should consider this course as a start. I would go a second time.”

Tamara Garbuzova Head of the Department of Valuation, Economic and Investment Consulting, ACC EKFI

“Why PwC? Because I am familiar with the quality standard provided here educational services. Why an intensive course? Because I had a desire to gain knowledge and skills in a short period of time. I got what I wanted in a short time. Clearly. Specifically. Effective."

Vyacheslav Nechaev Vice President of the Department, UFS

“Extraordinarily useful. Who would I recommend to take these courses? I believe that these courses should definitely be taken by mid-level managers and specialists who want to grow further and feel empowered. Even if at their own expense, this will be a very good motivation, and they will really get what they want. »

Elena Remizova Deputy Head of Financial and Economic Department, SGK-A

“In our dynamic life, it is very difficult to find enough time for education. But it is even more difficult to obtain the maximum possible amount of knowledge in a short period. When I chose for myself educational program I was guided by the following factors: training should not interfere with work, it should help work efficiently, adequate cost and most importantly - the value of educational modules. All these characteristics were found in the MBA - Intensive course. Wonderful teachers, a wonderful group, convenient time for studying and the value of these courses for me personally - this is my most successful experience in education. Separately, I would like to highlight the educational modules themselves. The very structure of the module, the educational content and the format of its presentation left the most pleasant impressions. I thought that after training I would be able to build some work processes more effectively, but it turned out that I generally rethought everything I do, the approach with which I do it and the goals that I would like to achieve not only in work, but and in life. I didn't expect this effect. Thank you very much to the PwC Academy for those programs, for those discussions and for the answers that I was looking for and found from you.”

Bedretdinov Rinat General Director, ANO DPO "Online Education Center"