• Although William Genrikhovich Fischer (1903–1971) is the most famous Soviet intelligence officer post-war period, not very many people know this name. After all, he is a resident Soviet intelligence in the USA in 1948–1957, went down in history as Rudolf Ivanovich Abel. Most of the biography of the legendary intelligence officer still remains classified as “top secret”. This book reveals to the reader the maximum possible information about the biography of William Fisher. While working on the book, writer and journalist Nikolai Dolgopolov, winner of the All-Russian Historical and Literary Alexander Nevsky Prize and the SVR Prize of Russia, communicated with many people who knew William Genrikhovich. The narrative includes unique memories of the daughters of William Fisher, his colleagues - the already deceased heroes of Russia Vladimir Barkovsky, Leontina and Morris Cohen, as well as other famous intelligence officers, including some whose names still remain “closed”. The book is dedicated to 90th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.
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    • Genre:
    • The book of the French scientist J.-P. Nerodo is dedicated to the heir and successor of Gaius Julius Caesar, the most famous ruler, creator of the Roman Empire - Princeps Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD). Its peculiarity is that the author seeks to reveal not the image of the politician, but the secret identity of this mysterious person. He tears off the mask that the first emperor wore all his life, and does it with purely French ease, excitingly and freely. Nerodo thoroughly studied all the sources relating to the life of Gaius Octavius ​​- Caesar Octavian - Augustus, and looked into inner world this man who had three names in succession. The book is supplied with rich illustrative material. Translation was carried out according to the publication: Jean-Pierre Neraudau. Auguste. Paris. Les Belles Lettres, 1996.Ouvrage publi? avec l "aide du Minist?re fran?ais charg? de ia Culture - Center national du livre. Published with the help of the French Ministry of Culture ( National Center books).
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    • Genre:
    • Vera Alekseevna Smirnova-Rakitina studied book graphics courses and studied painting for several years. Began publishing in 1933. In 1955, her book “The Tale of Avicenna” - a doctor, scientist, philosopher - was published. The great encyclopedist of the East Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Latin - Avicenna) was born a thousand years ago, in 980, and lived less than 60 years, but his memory he lives on to this day.
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    • Genre:
    • Adam Smith is the founder of classical political economy. This book contains a deep and detailed presentation economic theory Smith, which does not contain deliberate simplifications in the name of popularization, is combined with a fascinating plot structure, which gives the book, in addition to its scientific value, the dignity of a work of fiction. The book gives the emotional pleasure of imaginative knowledge of historical reality.
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    • Genre:
    • The heroic death of Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov, who led the defense of Sevastopol in September 1854, which contemporaries called “Russian Troy”, and Kornilov himself “a hero worthy Ancient Greece“, - made a strong impression on both the participants in the defense, and on Emperor Nicholas I, and on everyone Russian society, and even to Europe of that time. But many major events biography of the vice admiral before the dramatic events Crimean War(1853–1855), his activities as an outstanding military organizer, theorist, strategist, innovator of military art at sea, preparing Russian fleet new glorious field, remained, as it were, in the shadow of serious interest (with the exception of rare specialists military history). This book successfully fills this gap. This is the first detailed study in our historiography of the life and work of an outstanding naval commander and person, a patriot of Russia.
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    • Genre:
    • Horatio Nelson (1758–1805), the son of a village priest, devoted himself to the sea from the age of twelve, went from cabin boy to vice admiral, becoming the youngest captain of the British fleet and the most famous naval commander in world history. Nelson's romantic love story for the beautiful Lady Hamilton brought him no less fame than his brilliant victories at Aboukir and Trafalgar. The author unfolds a fascinating and true story the life of the famous admiral, without hiding the fact that in his life there were black pages, failures, and years of inactivity and oblivion.
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    • Genre:
    • Maurice Lever's novel, written in a light language tinged with irony, tells about the life of the famous American dancer - the “divine” Isadora Duncan. The author successfully maneuvers between the vicissitudes of her artistic career and the follies privacy. The reader will be able to immerse himself in a world of strong passions, wonderful spiritual impulses, flights of creative inspiration...
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    • Genre:
    • Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, like his sons Konstantin and Ivan, - the brightest representatives movement, called "Slavophilism" - left a significant mark on Russian culture and public life. The most significant works of S. T. Aksakov, “Family Chronicle” and “Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” which are included in the treasury of Russian literature, are filled with love for their native land and its history. literature of the 19th century century. The famous critic and literary critic Mikhail Lobanov soulfully tells about the life of this amazing family and, above all, its head - Sergei Timofeevich, about the unique warmth and sincerity that characterized their relationship.
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    • Genre:
    • This writer became a legend during his lifetime. It would seem that he is one of the largest young Soviet prose writers, who became American, and then, finally, international - he is widely known. But this is an illusion. Difficult fate and the work of the famous author of “Colleagues”, “Star Ticket”, “Burn”, “Moscow Saga” and other popular stories and novels - Vasily Aksenov - have always been the topic of gossip, denunciations, tales, and myths. His numerous stories, poems, essays, interviews are still of interest today. Dmitry Petrov's book is the result of work with hundreds of texts, dozens of people - relatives, friends, enemies and critics of Aksenov. This is a brave attempt to tell the truth about him. Or maybe make Aksenov an even bigger mystery?..
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    • Genre:
    • Emperor Alexander I can undoubtedly be called the most mysterious and controversial figure among the Russian sovereigns of the 19th century. A Republican by conviction, he served for a quarter of a century Russian throne. The conqueror of Napoleon and the liberator of Europe, he went down in history as Alexander the Blessed - however, contemporaries, and later historians and writers, accused him of weakness, hypocrisy and other vices unworthy of a monarch. Finally, the circumstances of his death are mysterious. Alexander talks about the mystery of Emperor Alexander in his book famous writer and publicist Alexander Arkhangelsky.
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    • Genre:
    • For more than two thousand years, there have been debates about the life and achievements of this man, who lived a short but unusually bright life in the world, full of victorious battles, hardships, suffering from wounds and hardships, feasts and all kinds of pleasures. Some speak of him as Alexander the Great, others as a cruel and pathetic drunken tyrant. One thing is certain: he left an indelible mark on the history of mankind. The author of the book, the famous French explorer Paul Faure, himself walked the route of Alexander the Great’s campaigns. He tried to lift the veil of mystery shrouding the personality of this either hero or demigod, and told the reader about his discoveries.
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    • Genre:
    • The book is dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding Russian mathematician and mechanic, academician L. M. Lyapunov (1857–1918), who developed a number of scientific directions, which have not lost their significance today. The strict and general theory sustainability is recognized throughout the world, and the methods developed by Lyapunov underlie most modern research sustainability. Using archival materials, the author recreates the life and creative path A. M. Lyapunova in the background scientific life Russia of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, closely intertwined with the destinies of his brothers - composer S. M. Lyapunov and academician-Slavist B. M. Lyapunov.
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    • Genre:
    • Andrey Turkov, a famous critic and literary critic, presents to readers one of the first modern times biography of Alexander Tvardovsky (1910–1971), his own version of his fate, around which controversy continues. As a poet, the author of the famous “Vasily Terkin,” the most uplifting work of the war years, Tvardovsky is popularly loved. As the long-term head of the “New World”, under which the magazine took a course towards criticizing the Stalinist leadership of the country, exposing the whole “truth, dry land, no matter how bitter” about collectivization, repression and the war itself, publishing the “hazing” works of V. Nekrasov, V. Grossman, A. Solzhenitsyn (the book does not ignore the complexity of the relationship between the latter and Tvardovsky) - he is still at the center of heated discussions. In the direction of the magazine, a number of critics and party leaders saw “inflated criticism”, belittling the victory in the war and the achievements of socialism, the weakening of the foundations of the state, as well as “the great delusion of the poet.” A. M. Turkov, defending Tvardovsky’s position, shows him as a passionate, honest, principled literary and public figure who thought about the people’s interests. The book is polemical, just as the figure of its hero is still polemical, just as the recent history of our country itself is polemical, the epic comprehension of which lies ahead.

    In the second half of April 1890, censorship permission was received to publish the first book in the series “The Lives of Remarkable People” - a biography of Ignacio Loyola. Thus, the first book of the ZhZL series was published in St. Petersburg approximately at the end of April - beginning of May 1890. Its author was journalist Alexander Alekseevich Bykov. The series was published until 1924 by the publishing house of Florenty Fedorovich Pavlenkov, and since 1915 only reprints of previously published books were carried out, but in 1933, on the initiative of Maxim Gorky, publication was resumed by the “Magazine and Newspaper Association”.

    We present to your attention several interesting facts about the series of biographical and artistic-biographical books “The Life of Remarkable People” ( ZhZL).

    A.A. Bykov: “I. Loyola: His Life and social activity" 1890

    1) The ZhZL library was a huge success with readers of all ages. The total circulation of pre-revolutionary books in the series was 1.5 million copies. The books were cheap, small in volume, but rich in content. Take, for example, the biography of Mikhail Lermontov, dated 1891, price 25 kopecks. Almost everyone could buy it.

    2) The Russian philosopher Berdyaev, the scientist Vernadsky, the poet and writer Bunin, the writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, one of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world, Maxim Gorky, as well as many others, read books in the ZhZL series.

    3) Russian bibliologist, bibliographer, popularizer of science and writer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin spoke about the ZhZL series of books: “ Not a single one of Pavlenkov’s works, according to my observations, can compare with the enormous influence that Pavlenkov’s published and almost completed (if it can only be completed) “Biographical Library”, or “The Life of Remarkable People” had on Russian readers of all strata, classes and ranks. of people"».

    4) The books in the ZhZL series were not published in 1911, 1916, 1918−1921 and 1923. The last reissue of Pavlenkov's series - the book "Pushkin" by populist critic Alexander Mikhailovich Skabichevsky - dates back to 1924.

    I. E. Grabar: Repin. 1933

    5) After finishing Civil War several attempts were made to organize a new large-scale biographical series, but only in the first half of the 1930s Soviet Union began to have a fairly powerful publishing and printing base, which made it possible to publish biographies in large quantities. And as we said at the very beginning, in 1933, on the initiative of Maxim Gorky, the ZhZL series was resumed by the “Magazine and Newspaper Association”.

    6) Starting from issue 127−128 in 1938 and to this day, the ZhZL series is published by the Young Guard.

    7) Books were published and did not stop printing even during the Great Patriotic War. The series was published under the title “Great People of the Russian People” ( 1943−1944; 14 issues were released) and "Great Russian People" ( 1944−1945; 14 issues were also published).

    8) The ZhZL series again became a striking phenomenon in the public life of the 1960s and 1970s. After the resumption of the series in 1933, in the first twenty years, 3-5 books were published per year, but with the onset of the Khrushchev thaw, from 1957, 20 biographical volumes were published annually, and from 1964, 45-55.

    10) Back in the 1950s, three main principles were formulated on which the majestic ZhZL library “stands”: scientific reliability, high literary level and entertainment.

    Cover design in 1956-1962

    Serial design of ZhZL from the early 1960s to the present

    Covers of books in the series. Photo by RIA Novosti, 1971

    11) In the early 90s, in the context of the collapse of the economy, the circulation of the ZhZL series fell, and the number of new titles sharply decreased. In 1992, 2 books were published, in 1993 - 3, in 1994 - 1, in 1995 - 3 again. The “reanimation” of the series happened in the late 1990s - early 2000s. About 40 new publications began to appear annually.

    12) In 2001, when counting the number of issues, it was decided to add 200 “Pavlenkovsky” issues to the already published 799 issues of the “Gorky” series and assign them double numbers. Therefore, the biography of V.I. Vernadsky, Peruvian G. P. Aksyonova, published as issue 1000 (800). On this occasion, an exhibition of ZhZL books was held in the building State Duma RF. The publishing house received congratulations from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    13) In 2007, the publishing house “Young Guard” was accused of “indulging the Orange Revolution” for publishing the book “Mazepa” by T. G. Tairova-Yakovleva.

    14) To date, more than 100 million copies of books in the ZhZL series have been published.

    15) In 2011, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first man’s flight into space, Lev Danilkin’s book “Yuri Gagarin” was published, which became the one and a half thousandth volume of the “ZhZL” series.

    - “LIFE OF REMARKABLE PEOPLE” (ZZL), a series of scientific and artistic biographies of public figures, military men, scientists, literary and artistic figures. Published on the initiative of M. Gorky since 1933, in the publishing house “Young Guard” since 1938. 722 published... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (ZhZL) a series of scientific and artistic biographies of public figures, military men, scientists, literary and artistic figures. Published on the initiative of M. Gorky since 1933, in the Young Guard publishing house since 1938. 722 books have been published (1992). In 1890 1907 under that... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (“The Life of Remarkable People,”) series of biographies prominent figures. 1) Biographical library of F. F. Pavlenkov, published in St. Petersburg in 1890-1907 (reprints were published until 1914). The first universal collection of biographies... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (ZhZL), a series of scientific and artistic biographies of public figures, military men, scientists, literary and artistic figures. Published on the initiative of M. Gorky since 1933, in the publishing house “Young Guard” since 1938. 760 books have been published (1998). In 1890 1907 under the… encyclopedic Dictionary

    "LIFE OF REMARKABLE PEOPLE"- “LIFE OF REMARKABLE PEOPLE”, a series of biographies dedicated to outstanding Russian and foreign figures: 1) published by F. F. Pavlenkov in St. Petersburg in 1890-1907. Over 60 biographies of Russian and foreign writers have been published, including the first... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

    The lives of remarkable people Genre: Biographical book Country ... Wikipedia

    The life of wonderful people. Table Basic information about the Life of Remarkable People series is located on the Life of Remarkable People page. Here the books in the series are presented in table form. Catalog number Author Title Year Number of pages Circulation... ... Wikipedia

    - “The life of wonderful people. The biography continues" book series, published by the publishing house “Young Guard” in Moscow since 2005. Unlike the classic “ZhZL”, this series publishes books about living people. Issues of the series... ... Wikipedia

    - “The life of wonderful people. Small Series" is a series of biographical books published by the publishing house "Young Guard". Contents 1 List of books in the series 1.1 1989 1.2 1990 ... Wikipedia

    Books from the ZhZL series “The Life of Remarkable People. The biography continues" is a book series published by the publishing house "Young Guard" in Moscow since 2005. Unlike the classic "ZhZL", this series publishes books about living people. Issues of the series... ... Wikipedia

    “Krylov did not like to remember his youth and childhood. The wise old man realized that only in his fables would he outlive himself, his peers and grandchildren. He, in fact, seemed to be born at forty years old. In the period of full glory, he had already outlived his peers, and there was no one to learn the details of his young age. Krylov was not interested in what was written and said about him; he ignored his own biographies, Russian and French, sent to him for review. On one of them he wrote in pencil: “I read it. There is no correction, no straightening, no time, no desire.” He was also reluctant to answer oral questions. And we are interested, of course, in the smallest details of his life and childhood. The latter is even more interesting since all of Krylov, both by birth and upbringing, and by mentality and character, belongs to the last century. Twenty-five years have already passed since the day when all of Russia celebrated the centennial anniversary of the birth of the glorious fabulist. He was born on February 2, 1768 in Moscow. Later famous for his anecdotal laziness, Krylov began his life path among wanderings, labors and dangers. He was born at a time when his father, a poor army officer, was stationed with his dragoon regiment in Moscow. But Pugachevism arose, and Andrei Prokhorovich moved with his regiment to the Urals. A zealous warrior, Krylov’s father defended Yaitsky from Pugachev with extraordinary energy...