Impact of man on the environment

The more we take from the world, the less we leave in it, and ultimately we will have to pay our debts at the very moment that may be very unsuitable in order to ensure the continuation of our lives.

Norbert Wiener.

The person began to change the natural complexes at the primitive stage of development of civilization, during the hunting and gathering when he began to use fire. Domestication of wild animals and the development of agriculture expanded the territory of manifestation of human activities. As the industry develops and replacing the muscular force of the fuel energy, the intensity of the anthropogenic influence continued to increase. In the XX century Due to particularly rapid growth rates of the population and its needs, it has reached an unprecedented level and has spread to the whole world.

Considering the impact of man on environment, It is always necessary to remember the most important ecological postulates formulated in the wonderful book of Tyler Miller "Life in the Environment".

1. Whatever we do in nature, everything causes these or other consequences in it, often unpredictable.
2. Everything is interconnected in nature, and we live in it all together.
3. Life support systems of the Earth can withstand significant pressure and rude interventions, but everything has a limit.
4. Nature is not only more difficult than we think about it, it is much more complicated than we can imagine it.

All complexes created by man (landscapes) can be divided into two groups depending on the purpose of their occurrence:

- direct - created by targeted human activity: cultivated fields, garden-park complexes, reservoirs, etc., often called cultural;
- Related - not envisaged and usually undesirable, which have been activated or caused by human activity: swamps on the shores of reservoirs, ravines in the fields, career and dust landscapes, etc.

Each anthropogenic landscape has its own history, sometimes very complex and, most importantly, extremely dynamic. For several years or decades, anthropogenic landscapes can undergo such deep changes, which natural landscapes will not be experienced for many thousands of years. The reason for this is the continuous intervention of a person in the structure of these landscapes, and this intervention necessarily affects the person itself. Here is just one example. In 1955, when nine of every ten inhabitants of Northern Borneo became ill with malaria, on the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the island for combating mosquitoes - Malaria's carriers began to spray the Yadochimikat dieldrin. The disease was practically expelled, but the unforeseen consequences of such a struggle were terrible: not only mosquitoes were killed from Dieldrin, but also other insects, in particular flies and cockroaches; Then the lizards were killed, living in homes and fastening dead insects; After that, the cats, eating dead lizards, began to die; Without cats, the rats began to multiply - and people began to threaten the epidemic of plague. From this position came out, dropping healthy cats on the parachutes. But ... It turned out that Dieldrin did not affect the caterpillars, but destroyed those insects that they had eaten, and then the numerous caterpillars began to eat not only the leaves of trees, but also the leaves that served roofs for roofs, as a result began to crush the roof.

Anthropogenic changes in the environment are very diverse. Immediately affecting only one of the components of the medium, a person can change the rest. And in the first, and in the second case there is a circulation of substances in the natural complex, and from this point of view, the results of the impact on the environment can be attributed to several groups.

    To the first group These are exposeds, leading only to the change in the concentration of chemical elements and their compounds without changing the form of the substance itself. For example, as a result of emissions from road transport, lead and zinc concentration increases in air, soil, water and plants, many times exceeding their usual content. In this case, the quantitative assessment of the impact is expressed in the mass of pollutants.

    Second group - Impacts lead not only to quantitative, but also qualitative changes to the forms of finding elements (within individual anthropogenic landscapes). Such transformations are often observed in the development of deposits, when many elements of ores, including toxic heavy metals, are moving from mineral form in aqueous solutions. At the same time, their total content within the complex does not change, but they become more affordable for plant and animal organisms. Another example is the changes associated with the transition of elements from a biogenic form to abiogenic. So, a person when cutting forests, cutting down the hectare of a pine forest, and then burning it, translates from a biogenic form to the mineral of about 100 kg of potassium, 300 kg of nitrogen and calcium, 30 kg of aluminum, magnesium, sodium, etc.

    Third group- the formation of technogenic compounds and elements that do not have analogues in nature or not characteristic of this locality. There are more and more such changes every year. This appearance of freon in the atmosphere, plastics in soils and waters, weapon plutonium, cesium in the seas, the widespread accumulation of poorly decaying pesticides, etc. In total, about 70,000 different synthetic chemicals are used in the world. Every year about 1,500 new are added to them. It should be noted that a little is known about the impact on the environment of the majority of them, but at least half of them are harmful or potentially harmful to human health.

    Fourth group- Mechanical movement of significant masses of elements without a significant conversion of forms of their findings. An example is the movement of the masses of the rock in the development of deposits of both open and underground method. Footprints of quarries, underground emptiness and hotkeeples (hills with steep slopes formed by exhausted empty rocks) will exist on Earth many thousands of years. The same group also includes the movement of significant soil masses during dust storms of anthropogenic origin (one dust storm can transfer about 25 km 3 of the soil).

Analyzing the results of human activity, the condition of the natural complex itself should be taken into account, its resistance to influences. The concept of sustainability is one of the most complex and controversial concepts in geography. Any natural complex is characterized by certain parameters, properties (one of them, for example, is the amount of biomass). Each parameter has a threshold value - such a quantity, upon reaching which changes in the qualitative state of components occur. These thresholds have practically not studied and often, predicting future changes in natural complexes under the influence of a particular activity, you cannot specify specific scales and the exact time framework of these changes.
What are the real scale of modern anthropogenic influence? Here are a few numbers. Annually from the subsoil of the earth is extracted over 100 billion tons of minerals; 800 million tons of different metals are smelted; produce more than 60 million tons of synthetic materials in nature; Agricultural land contributes to the soils of more than 500 million tons of mineral fertilizers and about 3 million tons of various pesticides, 1/3 of which comes with surface drains in the reservoirs or is delayed in the atmosphere (when dissipating aircraft). For its needs, a person uses more than 13% of the river flow and drops in reservoirs annually more than 500 billion m3 industrial and utility drain. The listing can be continued, but also sufficient enough to realize the globality of human influence on Wednesday, and therefore the globality of problems arising in connection with this.

Consider the consequences of three main species economic activity A person, although, of course, they do not exhaust the entire complex of anthropogenic effect on the habitat.

1. Industrial exposure

Industry - the largest industry of material production - plays a central role in the economy of modern society and is the main driving force of its growth. Over the past century, global industrial production has increased more than 50 (!) Once, and 4/5 of this growth falls for the period from 1950, i.e. The period of active introduction into the production of achievements of scientific and technological progress. Naturally, such a rapid growth of the industry, providing our well-being with you, first of all affected the environment, the burden on which has increased repeatedly.

The industry and produced by it products affects the environment at all stages of the industrial cycle: starting from the exploration and production of raw materials, its processing into finished products, waste and ending with the use of finished products by the consumer, and then its liquidation due to further unsuitability. At the same time, there is an alienation of land for the construction of industrial facilities and entrances to them; constant use of water (in all industries) 1; emissions of substances from raw material processing into water and air; seizures of substances from the soil, rocks, biospheres, etc. Loading for landscapes and their components in the leading industries are carried out as follows.

Energy. Energy is the basis for the development of all industries, agriculture, transport, communal communal economy. This is a branch with a very high development rates and a huge scale of production. Accordingly, the share of the participation of energy enterprises in the area of \u200b\u200bnatural environment is very significant. The annual consumption of energy in the world is more than 10 billion tons of conditional fuel, and this figure is continuously increasing 2. To obtain energy, either fuel - oil, gas, coal, wood, peat, shale, nuclear materials, or other primary energy sources - water, wind, sun energy, etc. Almost all fuel resources are non-renewable - and this is the first stage of impact on the nature of the energy industry - irrevocable seizure of mass substances.

Each of the sources when it is used is characterized by specific parameters. pollution of natural complexes.

    Coal - The most common fossil fuel on our planet. When combining it into the atmosphere, carbon dioxide is received, flying, sulfuric anhydride, nitrogen oxides, fluoride compounds, as well as gaseous products of incomplete combustion of fuel. Sometimes in volatile ashes, extremely harmful impurities are contained, such as arsenic, free silicon dioxide, free calcium oxide.

    Oil. When burning liquid fuel into the air, in addition to carbon dioxide, sulfur and sulfuric anhydrides, nitrogen oxides, vanadium compounds, sodium, gaseous and solid part-burning solid products are coming. Liquid fuel gives a smaller amount of harmful substances than solid, but the use of oil in energy is reduced (due to exhaustion of natural reserves and the exceptional use of its transport, in the chemical industry).

    Natural gas -the most harmless of fossil fuels. When combining it, the only substantial atmosphere polluter besides CO 2 are nitrogen oxides.

    Wood Most of all used in developing countries (70% of the population of these countries is incinerated by an average of about 700 kg per person per year). The burning of wood is harmless - carbon dioxide and water pairs fall into the air, but the structure of biocenoses is disturbed - the destruction of the forest cover causes changes in all components of the landscape.

    Nuclear fuel. The use of nuclear fuel is one of the most controversial issues of the modern world. Of course, nuclear power plants to a much lesser extent than thermal (using coal, oil, gas), pollute the atmospheric air, but the amount of water used at nuclear power plants is twice the consumption at thermal stations - 2.5-3 km 3 per year. At a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1 million kW, and the thermal discharge at the NPP per unit of energy produced is much larger than the TPP in similar conditions. But especially hot spores cause problems of radioactive waste and operational safety nuclear power plants. The colossal consequences for the natural environment and the person of possible accidents on nuclear reactors do not allow to relate to nuclear energy as optimistic as it was in initial period using a "peaceful atom".

If we consider the effect of recycling fossil fuels on other components of natural complexes, then it is necessary to allocate impact on natural water. For the needs of cooling generators on power plants, huge water intake is performed: for the production of 1 kW of electricity, it is necessary from 200 to 400 liters of water; Modern TPP with a capacity of 1 million kW requires 1.2-1.6 km 3 of water during the year. As a rule, water fence for cooling systems of energy plants is 50-60% of the total industrial seizure of water. The return of wastewater heated in cooling systems causes thermal pollution of water, as a result of which, in particular, solubility in oxygen water drops and the vital activity of aqueous organisms that begin to consume more oxygen is activated.

The following aspect of the negative impact on the landscape during the extraction of fuels - alienation of large areas, which are destroyed by vegetation, the soil structure changes, water regime. This applies primarily for open fuel production methods (in the world about 85% of minerals and building materials is obtained in an open way).

Among other primary energy sources - wind, river water, sun, tides and sings, underground heat - water occupies a special place. Geothermal power plants, solar panels, wind turbines, tidal-tidy power plants have the advantage of minor environmental impact, but their distribution in modern world While quite limited.

River watersUsed by hydroelectric power plants (hydropower plants) transforming water stream energy into electrical, practically do not have a pollutant environmental impact (with the exception of thermal pollution). Their negative impact on the environment is another. Hydraulic structures, primarily dams, violate the regimes of rivers and water bodies, prevent the migration of fish, affect the level of groundwater. Digitly affect the ecology and reservoirs created to level the river flow and the uninterrupted supply of hydropower plants. The total area of \u200b\u200bonly major reservoirs of the world is 180 thousand km 2 (land has been flooded), and the volume of water in them is about 5 thousand km 3. In addition to the flooding of land, the creation of reservoirs strongly changes the mode of river flow, affects local climatic conditions, which, in turn, affects vegetable cover on the shores of the reservoir.

Metallurgy . The impact of metallurgy begins with mining of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, a number of which, such as copper and lead, are used for a long time, and others - titanium, beryllium, zirconium, Germany - are actively used only in recent decades (for the needs of radio engineering, electronics , nuclear technology). But from the middle of the XX century, due to the scientific and technological revolution, mining and new, and traditional metals increased dramatically and therefore the number of natural disorders associated with the movement of significant mass rocks increased.
In addition to the main raw materials - metal ore - metallurgy quite actively consumes water. Exemplary digits of water consumption for needs, for example, ferrous metallurgy such: about 100 m 3 of water is spent on the production of 1 tons; For the production of 1 tons - 300 m 3; For the manufacture of 1 tons of rental - 30 m 3 of water.
But the most dangerous side of the impact of metallurgy on the environment - technogenic scattering of metals. With all the difference in the properties of metals, they all with respect to the landscape are impurities. Their concentration can increase in tens and hundreds of times without external environmental change (water remains water, and the soil is soil, but the mercury content increases in tens of times). The main danger of scattered metals lies in their ability to gradually accumulate in the organisms of plants and animals, which disrupts the food chains.
Metals fall into the environment almost at all stages of metallurgical production. The part is lost during transportation, enrichment, sorting ores. So, in one decade at this stage, about 600 thousand tons of copper, 500 thousand tons of zinc, 300 thousand tons of lead, 50 thousand tons of molybdenum were scattered around the world. Further emissions occurs directly at the production stage (not only metals, but also other harmful substances are ejected). The air around metallurgical enterprises smoked, it increased the content of dust. Nickel production is characterized by emissions of arsenic and large quantities of sulfur dioxide (SO 2); Aluminum production is accompanied by fluorine emissions, etc. The pollution of the medium is carried out by the wastewater of metallurgical plants.
The most dangerous pollutants include lead, cadmium and mercury, then copper, tin, vanadium, chrome, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt, nickel, antimony, arsenic and selenium.
In the changing landscape around metallurgical enterprises, two zones can be distinguished. The first, with a radius of 3-5 km, directly adjacent to the enterprise, is characterized by almost complete destruction of the original natural complex. There is often no vegetation, largely disturbed soil PokrovThe population of animals and microorganisms disappeared. The second zone is more extensive, up to 20 km, looks like a less oppressed - the disappearance of biocenosis rarely occurs here, but its separate parts are broken and in all components of the complex there is an increased content of pollutant elements.

Chemical industry - one of the most dynamic industries in most countries; It often appears new productions, new technologies are being introduced. But it is connected with the emergence of many modern environmental pollution issues caused by both its products and production processes.
This industry, like metallurgy and energy, refers to the number of extremely water bodies. Water participates in the production of most of the most important chemical products - alkalis, alcohols, nitric acid, hydrogen, etc. Up to 2800 m 3 of water is required to produce 1 tons of synthetic rubber, 1 tons of rubber - 4000 m 3, 1 tons of synthetic fiber - 5000 m 3. After use, the water is partially returned to the water bodies in the form of severely contaminated wastewater, which leads to weakening or suppressing the vital activity of water organisms, which makes it difficult for the processes of self-purification of water bodies.
The composition of air emissions of chemical enterprises is also extremely diverse. Petrochemical production pollute the atmosphere with hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons; production of synthetic rubber - styrene, divinyl, toluene, acetone; Production of alkalis - hydrogen chloride, etc. In large quantities, substances such as carbon and nitrogen oxides, ammonia, inorganic dust, fluorine-containing substances and many others are emitted.
One of the most problematic parties to the impact of chemical production is to spread in nature there were no previously existing compounds. Among them are especially harmful to synthetic surfactants - SVAV (sometimes they are called detergents). They enter the environment in the production and use of various detergents in everyday life. By entering the industrial and domestic runoff in the reservoirs, the SVEV is poorly delayed by treatment facilities, contribute to the appearance of abundant foam in water, give it toxic properties and smell, causes the death and rebirth of aquatic organisms and, which is very significant, reinforce the toxic effect of other pollutants.
These are the main negative impact on natural systems of the world's leading industries. Naturally, the influence of the industry is not exhausted: there is mechanical engineering using metallurgy products and the chemical industry and contributing to the scattering of many substances in the environment; There are water-branches such as cellulose and food and food, which ensure a large proportion of organic pollution, etc. Based on the analysis of the impact on the ecology of three main industries, it is possible to determine the nature and path of industrial pollution for any industry, for which it is necessary to know Production specifics.

To be continued

Photo M. Kabanova

1 General industrial seizure of water is about 800 km 3 per year with the magnitude of irrevocable losses of 30-40 km 3.

2 main consumers of energy are developed countries. For example, in 1989, 249 million Americans only used energy than 1.1 billion Chinese for all needs for air conditioning.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. The impact of man on the environment
  • 2. Basic sources of environmental pollution
  • 3. Recommendations for eliminating the effects of the influence of human vital activity
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Human activity has always had a fairly big impact on the environment, because It is very aggressive and actively destroying the power on our planet. From the very beginning of his development, he felt the owner of all that surrounds him. Natural balance is very fragile, so rapid activities can bring great harm to both the environment and humanity as a whole.

In order to fight against the impact of a person on the environment, it is necessary to find out the influence of human activity into separate sections of nature. This knowledge allows humanity to study the problem more deeply, find out what reasons served as a violation of the natural balance and the deterioration of the ecological state. Also, a deep study of nature allows you to develop optimal plans to correct the position on the globe for a shorter time.

Solving environmental issues, when taking into account the costs of research, the creation of new technologies, the re-equipment of production and the restoration of the destroyed natural systems is the most relevant topic today.

The purpose of the work is to study the impact of a person on the environment.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Reveal the effects of human impact;

Show main sources of environmental pollution;

The methodological basis of the work is the works of domestic authors.

1. Impact of man on the environment

Impact is the direct impact of man's economic activity on the environment. All types of exposure can be classified by four main types:



Indirect (indirect).

The deliberate impact occurs in the process of material production in order to meet certain needs of society. These include: mining of minerals, construction of hydraulic structures (reservoirs, irrigation canals, hydroelectric power plants (hydropower plants)), cutting down forests for expanding agricultural areas and to obtain wood, etc.

An unintentional impact arises by side with the first type of impact, in particular, the extraction of minerals in the open way leads to a decrease in the level of groundwater, to the contamination of the air basin, to the formation of man-made relief shapes (careers, heat, tail-storage). The construction of hydropower plants is associated with the formation of artificial reservoirs that affect Wednesday: cause an increase in the level of groundwater, change the hydrological regime of rivers, etc. Upon receipt of energy from traditional sources (coal, oil, gas), there is pollution of the atmosphere, surface watercourses, groundwater, etc.

Both deliberate and unintentional impacts can be straight and indirect.

Direct influences are in the event of the direct influence of man's economic activity on Wednesday, in particular irrigation (irrigation) directly affect the soil and changes all the processes associated with it.

Indirect impacts occur indirectly through the chains of interrelated influences. Thus, deliberate indirect effects are the use of fertilizers and directly influence the yield of cultures, and unintentional - the effect of aerosols on the amount of solar radiation (especially in cities), etc.

The impact of mining on the medium - diverse is manifested in direct and indirect effects on natural landscapes. The greatest impairment of the earth's surface occur in the open method of developing minerals, which accounts for more than 75% of the volume of mining.

Currently, the total area of \u200b\u200bland disturbed during mining (coal, iron and manganese ores, non-metallic raw materials, peat, etc.), as well as rowed mining waste, exceeds 2 million hectares, of which 65% fall on the European part RF.

It is estimated that during the extraction of 1 million tons of iron ore is disturbed to 640 hectares of land, manganese - up to 600 hectares, coal - up to 100 hectares. Mountain production contributes to the destruction of vegetation cover, the emergence of man-made relief forms (career, dumps, tailings, etc.), deformation of the plots of the earth's crust (especially under the underground method of mining).

Indirect impacts are manifested in changing the groundwater regime, in the pollution of the air basin, surface watercourses and groundwater, and also contribute to flooding and wiping, which ultimately leads to an increase in the incidence of the local population. Among the pollutants of the air is allocated, first of all, dustiness and gas supply. It is estimated that about 200 thousand tons of dust arrive from underground mountain buildings of mines and mines; Coal mining in the amount of 2 billion tons per year from about 4,000 mines in different countries of the world is accompanied by the release of 27 billion m 3 methane and 17 billion m 3 of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In our country, with the development of coal deposits, the underground method is also recorded by significant amounts of methane and CO 2 entering the air pool: annually in the Donbas (364 mines) and in Kuzbass (78 mines) is ejected by methane 3870 and 680 million m 3 and carbon dioxide - 1200 and 970 million m 3.

Mountain production negatively affects surface watercourses and groundwater, which are strongly contaminated with mechanical impurities and mineral salts. Every year about 2.5 billion m 3 contaminated shaft waters is pumped out of coal mines on the surface. With open mining works, high-quality stocks are depleted freshwater. For example, on the careers of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, infiltration from tailings prevents the reduction in the level of the upper waterline of the horizon by 50 m, which leads to an increase in the level of groundwater and the root of the adjacent territory.

Mountain production is negatively affected by the land, as industrial production waste, radioactive waste, etc. In Sweden, Norway, England, Finland are arranged in mine workings, organize storage facilities and gas, drinking water, underground refrigerators, etc.

In addition, a person began to provide a significant impact on the hydrosphere and the water balance of the planet. Anthropogenic conversion of the continents has already reached global scales, disturbing the natural regime of even the largest lakes and rivers of the globe. This was facilitated by: the construction of hydraulic structures (reservoirs, irrigation channels and water transfer systems), an increase in the area of \u200b\u200birrigated land, the flooding of arid territories, urbanization, freshwater pollution with industrial, municipal runoff. Currently, about 30 thousand reservoirs are built in the world, the volume of water has exceeded 6000 km 3. But 95% of this volume falls on large reservoirs. There are 2442 large reservoirs in the world, while their the greatest number Associate on North America - 887 and Asia - 647. 237 large reservoirs were built on the territory of the former USSR.

In general, while the reservoir area in the world is only 0.3% of land, but at the same time they increase the river stock by 27%. However, large reservoirs have a negative environmental impact: changing groundwater regime, their water area occupy large areas of fertile lands, lead to secondary soil salinization.

In Russia, large reservoirs (90% of 237 in the former USSR), having a mirror area of \u200b\u200b15 million hectares, occupy about 1% of its territory, but from this value, 60-70% are flooded lands. Hydraulic structures lead to the degradation of river ecosystems. IN last years In our country, a scheme for improving the natural and technical condition and improvement of some large reservoirs and canals has been drawn up. This will reduce the degree of their adverse effects on the environment.

The impact on the animal world - animals together with plants play an exceptional role in migration of chemical elements, which underlies the existing relationships in nature; They are also important for human existence as a source of food and various resources. However, the economic activity of a person greatly influenced the animal world of the planet. According to the International Union of Nature Conservation, since 1600, 94 species of birds and 63 species of mammals were extinct on Earth. Animals such as Tarpan, Tour, Summer Wolf, European Ibis, etc. disappeared. Especially suffered by the fauna of the ocean islands. As a result of anthropogenic impact on the mainland, the number of disappearing and rare animal species (Bizon, Vicunya, Condor, etc.) has increased. In Asia, the number of such animals such as rhino, tiger, cheetah, etc. has declined threateningly.

In Russia, by the beginning of the XXI century, individual species of animals (bison, river beaver, sable, exhaust, Kulana) became rare, so reserves were organized for their protection and reproduction. This made it possible to restore the bison population, increase the number of the Amur Tiger, the White Bear.

However, in recent years, an excessive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, pollution of the oceans, and other anthropogenic factors adversely affect the animal world. Thus, in Sweden, the use of pesticides led to the death of first-all bird-predatory birds (sapsan, emptying, orlan-Belochvost, Filin, Eared Owl), the larks, rags, pheasants, partridges, etc. are killed in many Western European countries. A similar picture is died. Therefore, with an increasing anthropogenic load, many species of animals need further protection and reproduction.

Impact on the Earth Corre - a person began to interfere with the life of the earth's crust, being a powerful relief-forming factor. On the earth's surface there were technogenic form of relief: shafts, recesses, hillocks, careers, pitfalls, mounds, hotcocks, etc. There are cases of incubation of the earth's crust under major cities and reservoirs, the latter in the mountainous areas led to an increase in natural seismicity. Examples of such artificial earthquakes that were caused by filling with water of catlovin large reservoirs, are available in California, USA, on the Industan Peninsula. Such a type of earthquakes was well studied in Tajikistan on the example of the Nucker reservoir. Sometimes earthquakes can be called up or downloading wastewater with harmful impurities deep underground, as well as intensive oil and gas production at large deposits (USA, California, Mexico).

Mountain production has the greatest impact on the earth's surface and subsoil, especially with the open mining method. As noted above, while the method is withdrawn by significant land areas, environmental pollution by various toxicants (especially heavy metals) occurs. Local fuses of the earth's crust in the areas of coal mining are known in the Silesian district of Poland, in the UK, in the USA, Japan, and others. The man geochemically changes the composition of the earth's crust, mining in a huge amount of lead, chrome, manganese, copper, cadmium, molybdenum, etc.

Anthropogenic changes in the earth's surface are also associated with the construction of large hydrotechnical structures. For example, by 1988, more than 360 dams were constructed all over the world (150 - 300 m height), of which in our country 37. The total impact of the weight of the dam, as well as the leaching processes lead to a significant sediment of their bases to form cracks (at the bottom of the dam Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP marked cracks up to 20 m long). Most of the Perm region is 7 mm annually, since the bowl of the Kama reservoir with a huge force presses on the earth's bark. The maximum values \u200b\u200band velocities of the surfactant drawdown caused by the filling of reservoirs are significantly less than in oil and gas production, large groundwater pumping.

Impact on climate - In some regions of the globe in recent years, these impacts have become critical and dangerous for the biosphere and for the existence of a person himself. Every year, as a result of man's economic activity, the receipt of pollutants into the atmosphere was: sulfur dioxide - 190 million tons, nitrogen oxides - 65 million tons, carbon oxides - 25.5 million tons, etc. Every year, when burning fuel, more than 700 million tons of dust and gaseous compounds are ejected. All this leads to an increase in the concentration in the atmospheric air of anthropogenic pollutants: carbon monoxide and dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, ozone, freon, etc. They have a significant impact on the global climate, causing negative consequences: "Greenhouse Effect", exhaustion of the "ozone layer", acid rains, photochemical models, etc.

An increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere led to global climate warming: the average air temperature rose by 0.5-0.6 0 s (compared to the pre-industrial period), and by the beginning of 2000 this increase will be 1.2 0 s and to 2025 can reach 2.2-2.5 0 C. For the Earth's biosphere, such a climate change may have both negative and positive environmental consequences.

To the first one can be: an increase in the level of the world's ocean (the current rate of water lifting is approximately 25 cm in 100 years) and its negative consequences; Violations of the stability of the "permafrost" (increase in soil flushing, the activation of thermal traffic), etc.

The positive factors include: an increase in the intensity of photosynthesis, which can have a beneficial effect on the yield of many crops, and in some regions - to the maintenance of forestry. In addition, such climate change can affect the river stock large riversSo, the water management in the regions. Paleogeographic approach (taking into account climates of the past) to this problem will help predict changes not only climates, but also other components of the biosphere in the future.

Impact on marine ecosystems - it is manifested in the annual admission to the water area of \u200b\u200bwater bodies of a huge amount of pollutants (oil and petroleum products, synthetic surfactants, sulfates, chlorides, heavy metals, radionuclides, etc.). All this is ultimately the degradation of marine ecosystems: Eutrophimation, a decrease in species diversity, replacing entire classes of bottom fauna for contamination-resistant, mutagenity of bottom sediments, etc. The results of the ecological monitor of the seas of Russia allowed us to rank the latter to the degree of degradation of ecosystems (in the order of decrease in changes ): Azov - Black - Caspian - Baltic - Japanese - Barents - Okhotsk - White - Laptev - Kara - East Siberian - Bering - Chukotka Sea. Obviously, the most vividly negative consequences of anthropogenic effects on marine ecosystems are manifested in the southern seas of Russia.

Thus, the unidirectional human activity may entail colossal destruction in a natural ecosystem, which will entail in the future high costs for recovery.

2. Basic Sources of Environmental Pollution

In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the interaction of society with nature has significantly complicated. The person got the opportunity to affect the course of natural processes, conquered the forces of nature, began to master almost all available rehabilitation and non-state-state natural resources, but at the same time to pollute and destroy the environment.

According to the World Health Organization (VOZ), from more than 6 million known chemical compounds almost used to 500 thousand connections; Of these, there are 40 thousand. Have properties harmful to humans, and 12 thousand is toxic.

Until the end of the XX century. Environmental pollution by waste, emissions, the stock waters of all types of industrial production, agriculture, utilities of cities have acquired a global nature and put humanity on the edge of the environmental catastrophe.

Human intervention in natural processes increases sharply and can lead to a change in the mode of ground and groundwater in entire regions, surface runoff, soil structure, intensification of erosion processes, activation of geochemical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, microclimate changes, and the like. Modern activities, such as the creation of hydraulic structures, mines, mines, roads, wells, water bodies, dams, deformation of sushi nuclear explosions, construction of giant cities, flooding and gardening deserts, and other everyday aspects of human activity have already caused significant visible and hidden disorders.

IN historical plan Several stages of changes in the biosphere of humanity, which led to environmental crises and revolutions, namely:

The influence of mankind on the biosphere as an ordinary biological species;

Intensive hunting without changes in ecosystems during the formation of humanity;

Changes in ecosystems as a result of processes that occur naturally: grazing of livestock, increased grass growth by burning autumn and spring dryness and the like;

Intensification of influence on nature by opening soils and cutting off forests;

Global changes in all environmental components of the biosphere as a whole.

The impact of a person on the biosphere is reduced to four main forms:

1) change in the structure of the earth's surface (swinging steppes, cutting down forests, amelioration, creation of artificial reservoirs and other changes in surface waters and the like)

2) Changing the composition of the biosphere, the cycle and balance of those substances that make it up (mining of minerals, the creation of dumps, emissions different substances in the atmosphere and reservoirs)

3) change of energy, in particular the thermal, balance of individual regions of the globe and the entire planet

4) Changes that are entered into biotypes (a set of living organisms) as a result of the destruction of certain types, the destruction of their natural places of existence, the creation of new breeds of animals and varieties of plants, move them to new seats of existence and the like.

Under the pollution of the environment, there is an admission to the biosphere of any solid, liquid and gaseous substances or energy (heat, sound, radioactivity, etc.) in quantities that harmfully affect humans, animals and plants both directly and indirectly.

Directly with pollution (contaminated river acceptors) are the main components of the ecosystem: the atmosphere; water; the soil.

The indirect facilities of pollution are components of biogeocenosis: plants; animals; mushrooms; Microorganisms.

Human intervention in the natural processes in the biosphere, which causes anthropogenic changes for ecosystems, can be grouped for the following types of pollution:

Ingredient pollution - contamination of the combination of substances, quantitatively or qualitatively hostile natural biogeocenoses (the ingredient is an integral part of the complex compound or mixture);

Parametric pollution is associated with a change in the qualitative parameters of the environment (the environmental parameter is one of its properties, for example, noise, radiation, illumination);

Biocenotic pollution lies in the effect on the composition and structure of the population of living organisms;

Statsianal-destructive pollution (the area of \u200b\u200bthe population's existence, destruction - destruction) causes a change in landscapes and environmental systems in the process of environmental management.

Specialists in different ways classify pollution of the natural environment, depending on which principle is taken as the basis of the classification, in particular - by type of origin, in terms of the environment, according to the method of influence.

For the spatial distribution (size of the comprehensive territories), pollution is divided into:

Local pollution is characteristic of cities, significant industrial enterprises, areas of mining of certain minerals, significant livestock complexes;

Regional pollution covers significant areas and water areas that are subject to influence of significant industrial areas;

Global pollution is most often caused atmospheric emissionsextended to long distances from the place of their occurrence and create an adverse effect on large regionsAnd sometimes for the whole planet.

By type of origin:

Physical pollution are changes in thermal, electrical, radiation, light fields in a natural environment, noise, vibrations, gravitational forces caused by a person;

Mechanical pollution are different solid particles and items (discharged as unsuitable, seized, seized from consumption);

Chemical pollution - solid, gaseous and liquid substances, chemical elements and the compounds of artificial origin that come in - in the biosphere, the processes of substances and energy are established in violation.

Biological pollution - different organisms that have appeared due to the vital activity of humanity - bacteriological weapons, new viruses (HIV pathogens, legionnaire diseases, epidemics, other diseases, as well as catastrophic reproduction of plants or animals resettled from one environment to another person or by chance. Because above The characteristic of some environmental pollutants has already been given, we must dwell on the most characteristic of our state.

Among the ingredients of pollution - thousands of chemical compounds, especially heavy metals and oxides, toxic substances and aerosols. Different sources emissions may be the same for the composition and character of pollutants.

So hydrocarbons come to the atmosphere and when burning fuel, and from the oil refining industry, and from the gas producing industry.

The sources of pollutants are diverse, also numerous types of waste and the nature of their influence on the components of the biosphere. The biosphere is polluted by solid waste, gas emissions and stock waters of metallurgical, metalworking and machine-building plants. Huge harm is applied by water resources Stock Watches pulp and paper, food, woodworking, petrochemical industry.

The development of road transport led to pollution of the atmosphere of cities and transport communications with heavy metals and toxic hydrocarbons, and the constant growth of maritime transportation caused almost widespread pollution of the seas and oceans with oil and oil products. The massive use of mineral fertilizers and chemical plants protection has led to the appearance of pesticides in the atmosphere of ground and natural waters, contamination by biogenic elements of water bodies, watercourses and agricultural products (nitrates, pesticides, etc.). With mountain development on the surface of the Earth, millions of tons of diverse, most often phytotoxic rock rocks, which form groundcons and dumps are drawn up.

During the operation of chemical plants and thermal power plants, huge amounts of solid waste are also formed.

One of the successful pollution classifications was suggested by G. Peyson. It includes the type of pollution, its source, consequences and means of control. According to these features, the following types of pollutants are allocated, namely:

Stock Wats and other uncleans that absorb oxygen;

Carriers of infections;

Substances that represent the nutritional value for plants;

Organic acids and salts;

Solid stock;

Radioactive substances.

It is customary to distinguish anthropogenic pollutants that may be due to biological processes And those that are not destructive. The first comes to natural substances and therefore quickly disappear or destructive biological agents. The second are not included in natural substances, and therefore are destroyed by organisms in food chains.

Environmental pollution is divided into natural, which are caused by any natural, often catastrophic, reasons (volcanic eruptions, selene streams, and the like), and anthropogenic, which arise as a result of human activity.

The main anthropogenic environmental pollutants belong:

Substances that emit industrial enterprises;

Oil and petroleum products;


Mineral fertilizers;

Noises from production, transport;

Ionizing radiation;


Light thermal influences.

Thus, the sources of pollution are very diverse: among them not only industrial enterprises and the fuel and energy complex, but also household waste, waste of animal husbandry, transport, as well as chemicals that a person purposefully introduces to the ecosystem to protect beneficial producers and consumers from pests, diseases, etc.

man Environment

To date, environmental protection is put forward to the fore. The consequences of insufficient attention to the problem may be catastrophic. It is not only about the well-being of humanity, but about his survival. It is especially disturbing that the degradation of the natural environment may be irreversible.

The need to develop a new ecological concept of a nosporological path of development is dictated by the following reasons:

1. Until recently, there was no state policy in the field of ecology. Such a state of affairs becomes invalid during the transition to market relations, when environmental and economic interests enter into particularly acute contradictions.

2. The conditions for the survival of a person dictate it to the nosphorous path of development. For the first time, the term "noosphere" introduced academician V.I. Vernadsky into circulation, understanding under this reasonably manageable development of man, society and nature, the transition of all mankind in a new era - the nosphere. The foundation for noospheric development is the understanding that a person is part of nature and is obliged to obey its laws. The transition to noospheric development is the only way to rescue modern civilization from death.

3. There is a need to bring the norms of environmental right in accordance with the norms of international law, which implies the development and perception by the science and the right of the most effective international concepts and ideas in the field of environmental protection.

4. The main provisions of the new environmental concept should be the basis for the constructive interaction of government bodies and local governments, entrepreneurs and public associations to ensure a comprehensive solution to the problems of balanced economic development and improving the state of the environment. These provisions should be the basis for the development of long-term public policy, providing sustainable economic development of the country, subject to the environmental safety of society.

The protection of the human habitat, as one of the most important areas of the environmental concept, is closely related to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating favorable environmental conditions for the vital activity, labor and rest of the person. It is also one of the main tasks of environmental protection. At the same time, the right of citizens on a favorable environment is provided:

Creating favorable conditions for their livelihoods;

Providing the possibility of participating in the discussion of prepared decisions, the implementation of which may have adverse environmental impact;

Implementation of government measures to prevent environmentally hazardous activities, prevention and elimination of the consequences of accidents, natural natural disasters;

Providing reliable information about the state of the environment;

Improving the quality of food;

The ability to demand in court the abolition of decisions on the placement, design, construction, reconstruction and operation of environmentally dangerous facilities;

Other guarantees of citizens.

Several basic provisions of the mechanism for implementing an environmental concept:

1. A constant and steady increase in the share of the state budget funds sent to environmental protection and natural resources, which contributes to an increase in the level of sustainability of natural zones ecosystems and provides people, social groups and society as a whole the right to accommodation in a clean natural environment.

2. The phased formation of the environmental environmental protection mechanism and natural resources providing sustainable reproduction.

3. Phased formation of the regulatory and legal mechanism that correlates the development of all areas of social production, its industries, individual enterprises and all members of the Company with the real state of natural resources and environmental conditions.

Thus, resolving issues of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection on the basis of a wide public awareness of the state of nature, economics, health care under the organizing activities of all state authorities and public organizations.


Unidirectional human activity may entail colossal destruction in a natural ecosystem, which will entail in the future the high cost of recovery.

Sources of pollution are very diverse: among them not only industrial enterprises and fuel and energy complex, but also household waste, waste of animal husbandry, transport, as well as chemicals that a person purposefully introduces to the ecosystem to protect beneficial producers and consumes from pests, diseases, and T .P.

The solution of issues of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection based on a wide public awareness of the state of nature, economics, health care in organizing the activities of all state authorities and public organizations.


1. Abat, A.A. Social Studies [Text] / A.A. Arabat. - M.: EX-PRESS, 2002. - 232 p.

2. Belov, S.V. Social Studies [Text] / S.V. Belov. - M.: high school, 2004. - 328 p.

3. Bondarenko, A.P. Social Studies [Text] / A.P. Bondarenko. - M.: Uniti, 2000. - 266 p.

4. Wozniak, V.Y. Ecological healing of the economy [Text] / V.Ya. Wozniak. - SPb.: Maeb, 2005. - 374 p.

5. Corableva, A.I. Environmental safety [Text] / A.I. Shipheva. - Rostov-on-Don, 2005. - 416 p.

6. Lavrov, S.B. Global problems of modernity [Text] / S.B. Lavrov. - M.: Infra-M, 2000. - 253 p.

7. Novikov, V.N. Ecology of nature conservation [Text] / V.N. Novikov. - M.: Higher School, 2004. - 246 p.

8. Romanov, V.V. Estimation of Ecosystem Pollution [Text] / V.V. Romanov. - Tver: TSTU, 2003. - 114 p.

9. Fedorenko, E.V. Social Studies [Text] / E.V. Fedorenko. - M.: Center, 2001. - 184 p.

10. Zwilyuk, Mr. Ecology Problems Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow [Text] / G. Zviilyuk. - M.: Uniti, 2002. - 226 p.

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The human effect on the environment is indisputable and obvious. It is necessary to honestly admit that the whole negative, which is observed in nature, is "thanks to" man. People are typical of any of their problems to decide without looking at the possible effects of environment. Many entrepreneurs put forward one single goal - receiving profit, leaving the care of ecology for later.

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Large changes occurring continuously in agriculture clearly demonstrate the influence of a person on the environment. Often they lead to large-scale and irreversible changes. For example, today under the agricultural fields, 10-12% of the area of \u200b\u200bearth sushi. Their increase, as scientists evaluate, will not be able to fully solve the food issue, but it is capable of catastrophic soil depletion. In some countries, the Earth has 30-70%, and their intensive exploitation has already led to environmental shifts. Without accepted urgent measures, humanity risks leaving the dead, not suitable for any of the land to their descendants.

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Currently, promising agricultural institutions have concluded that it is necessary to solve the problem of lack of food on Earth, it is necessary by removing highly productive rocks of animals and the same productive varieties of plants.

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The reasonable impact of a person on the environment will achieve equilibrium in nature and harmony, namely, progressive humanity is striving. Scientists create new high-tech claiming facilities, Modern large and humane work are used by experts to preserve rare and they are listed in the Red Book, they are not allowed to hunt. Of course, the best for them is to live in a natural environment, in reserves and reserves.

Standards of environmental legislation operate in all regions of the Russian Federation since 2002. But in 2016, FZ No. 7 has undergone some changes. As follows from legislative positions, all YUR. Persons and IPs who use objects of HB (adversely affecting nature) are obliged to replenish the state treasury with relevant deductions (NVOS). The fee for negative impact on the environment is a mandatory annual contribution of nature users, characterized as a coverage of damage caused by the nature and ecology of the country due to the use of NV objects in their business. The obligation to produce mandatory deductions to the treasury is established by Article 16 of the FZ No. 7.

The concept of compensation for clogging of nature involves the financial deductions of nature users to the budget of the country acting as a compensation for damage from environmental damage. The board is produced once a year or every quarter, depending on the ownership of the company. The established contributions are aimed at the urgency of JUR. Persons and IP adopt appropriate measures to reduce the degree of adverse effects emanating from the use of NV objects, including the revolution of environmental structures. Federal Law No. 7 contains some generalized requirements for the negative impact on the environment, as well as the rules and frequency of their deductions (Article 16 of FZ No. 7). Reimbursement of nature users are subject to transfer to the state treasury of the Russian Federation.

Guided by the same article 16 of the FZ No. 7, adversely influence:

  • emissions by constant resources into the atmosphere of radioactive and other clogging components and compounds;
  • discharges of radioactive and other clogging substances in stocks, as well as drainage channels;
  • saving and disposal of waste materials obtained during production activities.

For the above types of negative impact on the environment, both FZ No. 7 and the Government Decree No. 235 provides for a fee.

The procedure for filing a declaration-calculation on HB and payment of contributions

The calculation of compensation is reflected in the NVIOS Declaration, which is submitted to Rosprirodnadzor of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The deadline for submitting the document is set up to March 10 of the coming over the reporting period of the year. That is, the settlement declaration for 2017 by nature users should be sent no later than March 10, 2018.

The document reflects the calculation of the mandatory reimbursement, the payment period of which is determined by March 1 of the coming over the tax period of the year. It should be indicated that the fee for negative impact has various frequency, depending on the type of management. For example:

  1. Subjects of large entrepreneurial activity should make payment quarterly. Payment period is up to the 20th of the coming month after the reporting quarter.
  2. Subjects of small and medium entrepreneurial activities make payments every 12 months. The term no later than March 1 coming for the tax period of the year.
  3. If the subject just passed the registration on the beginning of entrepreneurial activity, regardless of its economy class, it should be made in the current period of negative impact on the environment as the result of the past year, that is, until March 1, the coming reporting period of the year.

Responsibility for calculating the NVIP and payment

According to the rules of environmental legislation, it is obliged to pay the Declaration all JUR. Persons and IP performing their production activities using facilities that have an adverse effect on the environment. Taking into account the degree of environmental damage, the property of NV is distributed by categories, respectively and the calculation of contributions will be excellent. The method of calculation and the result obtained is reflected in the declaration.

Note that objects belonging to the IV category are not subject to the calculation of NVOS, that is, nature users are fully exempt from payment of the contribution. This means that such objects have distinctive features for the application of environmental damage:

  • do not produce radioactive emissions;
  • the volume of contaminants entering the atmosphere does not exceed 10 tons per year;
  • the economic activity of the enterprise does not affect the clogging of wastewater.

The level of danger of objects is determined by Rosprirodnadzor after the relevant assessment of the property of the enterprise.

As with all obligatory payments made to the budget, their CBC has been developed for a negative impact on the environment, which reflect the direction of budget funds.

For the incommodation of filing the declaration and payment of contributions, legislation provides for penalties.

Fine size is installed in this amount

  • officials - from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles;
  • legal entities - from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Contributions for NVOS.

For enterprises producing deductions to the budget for environmental damage, the corresponding CBC codes are provided, the negative impact on the environment of 2018 will be listed by nature users for the 20-type codes given in the letter of Rosprirodnadzor No. AC-06-01-36 / 6155 of April 11, 2016 of the year.

Table. CBK on NVOS.

In conclusion, we note that the main task of legislators regarding the NVOS fee is to stimulate enterprises to take care and restore environmental objects. In addition, the calculation of the board regulates the efficiency of the use of resource-saving sources.

Natural medium (nature) is a set of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects. Components of the natural environment - land, subsoil, soil, surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, vegetable, animal world and other organisms, as well as ozone atmospheric layer

and the near-earth outer space, ensuring the aggregate favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth.

By the end of the XX century. Environmental pollution by waste, emissions, wastewater of all types of industrial production, agriculture, utilities of cities have gained global character, which delivered humanity to the edge of the ecological catastrophe. Sources of pollutants are diversified, also numerous types of waste and the nature of their impact on the components of the biosphere. The biosphere is polluted by solid waste, gas emissions and wastewater of metallurgical, machine-building and metalworking plants. Huge harm is applied to water resources of wastewater pulp and paper, food, woodworking, petrochemical industries. The development of road transport led to the contamination of the atmosphere of cities and transport communications to toxic metals and toxic hydrocarbons, and the constant increase in the scale of maritime transport caused almost widespread pollution of the seas and oceans with oil and petroleum products, especially in the center of Europe.

The massive use of mineral fertilizers and chemical plants protection led to the appearance of pesticides in the atmosphere, soils and natural waters, contamination by biogenic elements of water bodies and agricultural products. When developing on the surface of the Earth, millions of tons of diverse rocks forming dusty and burning areas are extracted and dug. In the process of exploitation of chemical plants and thermal power plants, a huge amount of solid waste is also formed (grinding, slags, ashes), which are stored on large areas, having a negative impact on the atmosphere, surface and underground water. Replacing natural materials on synthetic leads to a variety of unforeseen consequences. The biochemical cycles include a large list of synthetic compounds that are not characteristic of virgin natural environments. For example, if soap falls in the reservoir, the basis of which is natural compounds - fats, then the water is self-cleaning. If synthetic detergents containing phosphates fall into the water, this leads to the reproduction of blue-green algae and the reservoir dies.

The development of road transport led to the pollution of the atmosphere of cities and transport communications to toxic metals and toxic hydrocarbons, and the constant increase in the scale of maritime transport caused almost widespread pollution of the seas and oceans with oil and oil products. The massive use of mineral fertilizers and chemical means of plant protection led to the emergence of pesticides in the atmosphere, soils and natural waters, contamination by biogenic elements of water bodies and agricultural products.

The main sources of oil pollution and petroleum products and surface waters are oilfields on land and continental shelf.

The cause of pollution is usually gross violations of the production technology, processing and distribution system of oil and petroleum products, various emergencies. The total mass of petroleum products, annually falling into the sea and oceans, is approximately estimated at 5-10 million tons. Petroleum products, falling into water, cause serious damage to water living organisms. Oil refining enterprises pollute the atmosphere such a dangerous compound as sulfuric acidwhich in large quantities is used in petrochemical technologies.

The impact of man on the natural environment is all types of human activity and objects created by him, causing certain changes in nature.

Multiple impacts on the natural environment can be consecrated in several groups:

  • - seizure of substances (mineral, organic, water, air) and energy (thermal, hydraulic, wind, soil, etc.);
  • - contribution to the nature of artificial substances and emissions, including waste of industrial and non-productive consumption, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, chemically active, toxic, radioactive, as well as more inert substances, thermal, sound energy emissions, etc.;
  • - the redistribution of the natural substance due to the unincounding and land reclamation, engineering training of land for construction, development, use;
  • - transformation of components or processes of nature, the construction of technical objects, accompanied by changes in landscapes (drying, wiping, watering, etc.), changes in the modes of natural processes (wind velocities, temperatures, precipitation, etc.).

In a territorial aspect, the impact of the following type may vary:

  • * spot focal (exposure to industry and settlements);
  • * linear network (transportation of transport);
  • * Area (exposure to agriculture).

The effects of exposure - changes in the state of the economy or the life of the population occurring under the influence of the changed natural environment. Similar consequences, as already noted, can be both positive for society and negative. Many changes in the natural environment are perceived by us as a deterioration of its quality, as well as the number of natural resources (primary consequences). They entail a deterioration in the health of the population and working conditions, the working conditions of the technique, the deterioration of quality and a decrease in the amount of products of the sectors of environmental management, etc. Analysis of the effects of anthropogenic activities on the natural environment pursues the following objectives:

  • - identification of basic types, scale, nature and tendency of manifestation of consequences in social and economic areas, the intensity of manifestation of consequences in the territorial and industry structure of the economy, especially in land use systems, as well as in the settlement systems
  • - establishing links between changes in the natural environment and natural resources and consequences in social and economic areas;
  • - zoning in the nature and scope of the consequences, identification of areas with the most severe economic and social consequences.