Lyudmila Grigorievna Puchko. Story multidimensional medicine.

Academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies, Candidate technical sciences, a radiophysicist, a specialist in space communication systems, devoted about forty years to studying the human body and developing methods of self-knowledge, self-diagnosis and self-healing.

In November 2003, Lyudmila Grigorievna was elected full member International Engineering Academy (MIA), and in December 2004 - a full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering.

Today L.G. Puchko is known as a scientist who formulated a new approach to the preservation and restoration of human health. She is the founder of the method of self-knowledge, self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person, called the term “Multidimensional Medicine”.

What made a candidate of technical sciences, a radiophysicist, a specialist in space communication systems, take up the problems of medicine and health?

Let's go to the original source:

“More than thirty years have passed since the moment when I, a technical specialist in space communications systems, did not suspect that I was destined to deal with problems completely far from my own. professional activity, due to severe necessity, has entered this thorny path of searches and discoveries in the field of knowledge of the human body, its diagnosis and healing.

It all started with an analgin tablet, which I took to get rid of another headache attack, which at that time visited me quite often. I thought that this was a natural process associated with overwork, as my Ph.D. thesis was nearing completion and I had to work very hard. Usually the pill helped, but here, on the contrary, the headache intensified. She didn't get through the next day either. After successful defense dissertation, the headache began to recur almost every day, taking on a chronic form, and I had to seriously take care of my health. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the headache did not go away for more than ten years, and I suffered until I learned how to eliminate energy plugs in the channels, which, as it turned out, were described by ancient Chinese medicine, but unknown to us at that time. Traffic jams were the cause of my chronic headache. But it will happen in 10 years, and then...

Then I chose a completely natural and, as it seemed to me, reliable path - the path of traditional medicine. A huge number of medical tests, tedious studies, usually time-consuming, and as a result - the most controversial diagnoses. Whatever the doctor, then a new diagnosis, although these were not ordinary doctors, but highly qualified specialists awarded all kinds of titles and awards.

In order to have an accurate diagnosis, I even decided to go for a far from safe operation - a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid. As a result, a diagnosis: vegetovascular dystonia... The diagnosis is comprehensive, universal and absolutely meaningless.

By that time, having studied a fair amount of medical literature (professional and popular science), I still did not find an answer to the question - how can I still treat vegetovascular dystonia. Relatives advised me to rest more, travel, change the climate, and then, they believed, everything would pass. However, I understood that something had broken in my body, some system was out of order and it would not be possible to fix it with simple rest, climate therapy, separate meals, vegetarian food, active movement, which I tried to do. At that time, I still had confidence in "absolute" medical knowledge, and my search for the "best" doctor continued.

Fate was merciful to me and introduced me to two doctors who were members of Stalin's former collegium of doctors. One of them, Ilya Artemovich Slobodyannik, remained safe and sound, because during the period of the persecution of doctors he was in China. He was, indeed, a brilliant physician, mastering the seven specialties of orthodox medicine and a diploma in acupuncture from China. At 86, he had a phenomenal memory, keeping in mind the diagnoses of all his many patients. He made the diagnosis using the method of superficial acupuncture, passing a special hammer with a bundle of needles through the energy channels and observing the response of the channels - Yang or Yin, that is, an excess of energy in the channels or a lack. He was in no hurry to make a diagnosis: he gathered statistics of one-time observations of the body, carried out every day, and only then made a conclusion - what is the general potential of the body's vital energy, what is the imbalance of energy - and named the disease that accompanied this imbalance in one channel or another.

Of course, he did not tell me anything about his methods, and I did not know anything about oriental medicine then, but I realized all this later, when I myself began to study Chinese medicine. Ilya Artemovich talked a lot about the "miracles" of healing them using the methods of oriental medicine. He had rich experience in treating such famous politicians as Churchill, whom he literally raised to his feet in four sessions for Yalta Conference when Churchill twisted sciatica. He treated Marshal Zhukov, Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito, children of English magnates, whose fathers gave our country several tanks as a token of gratitude. Ilya Artemovich told many instructive stories about acupuncture treatment, constantly emphasizing that mastering the method requires long-term training and practical work under the supervision of experienced specialists. In China, it takes at least 10 years. Only then can we hope that the doctor will heal, and not cripple the patient. He said bitterly that modern medicine had committed suicide, "dividing a person into parts" and therefore not being able to make a correct diagnosis. He diagnosed me with a urinary tract disorder. But he did not have time to cure me - Ilya Artemovich died unexpectedly, poisoned by mushrooms.

Mr. Chance brought me to Stalin's second personal doctor, B. Gurevits. He returned from the concentration camp, crippled but alive, and consulted at the Fourth Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health, at the same time receiving patients at his apartment in the famous "House on the Embankment". He was a man with pronounced extrasensory abilities (then this phenomenon was not yet known) - he made a diagnosis 10 minutes after the examination. He prescribed treatment mainly according to the method of Tibetan medicine: more than 25 herbs at one time, of which any one was sure to help. Later in "Chjud-shi" [Badmaev P.A. Fundamentals of medical science in Tibet Chzhud-Shi. M., "Science", 1991] I read that each person has his own herb that can heal him. And I was lucky later to meet with the ingeniously simple method of finding this herb, developed by the modest French pharmacist G. Lessour, and, indeed, to observe miracles of healing. But it will be later ... And now, after several months of herbal treatment prescribed by Gurevits for disorders of uric acid metabolism, I really felt relieved, but there was no complete recovery, and my husband and I (he was also treated by him) stopped the treatment . It was ineffective.

In search of a remedy for headaches, I began to engage in various oriental systems (mainly Hatha yoga) and master various methods of auto-training. However, Hatha yoga did not give me much: my head continued to hurt, and no matter how much I inspired myself, using various formulations of auto-training, the headache still did not go away.

Fasting for three weeks according to the method of Yu.S. Nikolaev (on the same water), which I spent three years in a row at annual intervals, briefly gave me a feeling of relative health. About two months after fasting, everything returned to normal.

The method of Porfiry Ivanov (dousing with cold water) did not help either. With P.K. Ivanov, we managed to personally meet and be treated at his farm.

Trying out the unique Japanese Nishi system did not improve my condition much and for a short time.

Having exhausted all the then known methods of alternative medicine, I turned for help to the Bioelectronics laboratory, which in the late 70s was organized by the Society. A.S. Popov to study the phenomenon of extrasensory perception. This laboratory worked on a voluntary basis, and getting there for an appointment with psychics (and the entire elite of Moscow psychics gathered there) was very difficult: you either had to be a psychic yourself (and I am not), or, by virtue of my profession, be useful in the study of a mysterious biofield unknown to anyone at that time. The selection was made by a commission, consisting mainly of psychics, according to criteria known only to them. Basically, they looked at the color of the aura and on it, as in ancient East determined the psychophysiological state of a person. But I realized this much later. And then, entering the room where this commission was hosting, I appeared before the eyes of people who began to silently look at me, without asking any questions. This went on for about 10 minutes. Then I was asked to leave, and five minutes later the chairman of the commission came out and, enthusiastically shaking my hand, said: “You have no idea what a wonderful aura you have!” At that time I did not know what an aura was, and, having an unprepared consciousness and natural caution, I even decided not to visit this laboratory. But my decision was overcome by the same headache, which, as always happens in extreme situations, reminded me of itself.

My five-year study of the phenomenon of extrasensory perception began, and at the same time treatment with the best psychics in Moscow - B.A. Ivanova, N.A. Nosov, TV studio announcer V. Balashov. I felt very good after each session, but, alas, not for long: two weeks, maximum three. Then everything returned to the previous level, and another session was required to achieve normal well-being. This went on for about a year.

By this time, I, being appointed to the position of assistant head of the laboratory, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences A.G. Spirkina and having access to the closed catalog of the library. IN AND. Lenin, intensively studied the extrasensory phenomenon from classified publications of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, as well as the state of affairs abroad in the development of equipment that captures the reception of individual components of the biofield - electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic. In our country at that time, similar developments were only outlined. Later, this direction was headed by the now academicians Gulyaev and Kaznacheev, but at that time our report, together with A.G. Spirkin at the Institute of State and Law, made in the section of philosophy, was met with hostility by venerable philosophers who refused to perceive this phenomenon, despite the presence of Juna. “Shame on you, Alexander Georgievich, to talk such nonsense!” - they turned to A.G. Spirkina.

From the publications, I realized that a person has several bodies - dense (physical), intermediate (etheric) and five subtle bodies. With the help of hypnosis, subtle bodies can be separated and directed to any point in time and space, which, in fact, was done by our medicine in late XIX century [Larionov I.K. Intra yoga. M., "Prometheus", Moscow State Pedagogical University. IN AND. Lenina, 1991.], when subtle bodies were separated under hypnosis, a wax figure placed nearby was saturated with them, then the patient's physical body was pricked with needles - it did not feel pain, but the wax figure was pricked - the patient screamed.

Why these experiments did not force official medical science to think about the multilevel system of the human body, not limited to studying only the physical body, was not clear.

Of course, I really wanted to see with my own eyes the possibility of the phenomenon of separation of subtle bodies. And so such a case presented itself. In the laboratory of bioelectronics, a new technique for separating thin bodies was developed by I. Meshalkin. He demonstrated it on a young man, isolating his astral body and launching it into the library of Ivan the Terrible, the search for which was then carried out. The young man with his astral vision saw the old bindings of books, read freely in Old Slavonic, which completely shocked everyone present at this session, then described the furniture in the apartments of those present, etc.

It was so incomprehensible that I, being a vulgar materialist with purely technical thinking before this session, after the session overcame this state in myself and reached a new level - recognition, understanding and awareness of the existence of the Higher Mind. After this change in consciousness, I, the granddaughter of an Orthodox priest, at the age of forty, received the rite of baptism.

However, the solution to my headache problem has reached a dead end. My head turned out to be a hard nut to crack: it did not succumb to any sessions of hypnosis, extrasensory influence, autogenic training and various traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment. And, when I was completely desperate to understand something in my body, I suddenly came across Jean de Langre's book "A Practical Guide to the Do-In System" [Jean de Langre. A practical guide to the DO-IN system (book 1.2). USA, 1974]. It described in popular language the entire ancient Chinese system of energy channels (meridians) and provided all the meridian diagnostics, accessible to the understanding of any person, as well as the methodology for self-healing using the techniques of bioenergetic massage. When I closed the last page, the diagnosis of my disease was ready: it was an energy plug in the bladder channel (although there was no pathology from the side of the kidneys and bladder). This is where the violation of uric acid metabolism comes from. The diagnosis was made according to the meridian theory very simply: you need to find painful places on the body and see which meridian they belong to. Since my headache began with acute pain above the bridge of the nose (I was even diagnosed with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve), and these were the first points of the bladder canal, it was clear that a “plug” had formed in this canal. God, how easy it was eliminated! It was only necessary, rubbing the palms against each other, to touch, as if to clear the line of the channel in the direction of the energy flow (from the first point to the last). But this had to be done not at any time, but during the period of its maximum activity, which for each channel is two hours at a strictly defined time of day. My channel worked from 15 to 17 hours. I immediately started treatment, that is, bioenergetic massage. To be honest, I did not really believe in a good result: there are too many systems, complex and difficult, I have tried, and all to no avail. And it's so easy here! But after two weeks of bioenergetic massage, the headache let go of me and has not been repeated for many years.

I believe that every modern person should learn the structure of his body, first of all, study the energy channels in order to learn in a timely manner to recognize which organ gives him a signal, calling for help. The Do-In system, born forty centuries ago, has stood the test of time, gained international recognition and is today taught in colleges and institutes of many foreign countries. We are unfortunately behind. In this publication, I sought to fill this gap by supplementing the description of the disorders of the external course of the channels described in the Do-Ying system with functional disorders due to energy blockages in the internal course of the channels given by Tabeeva [Tabeeva D.M. Guide to acupuncture. M., "Medicine", 1980] and Luvsan [Luvsan G. Traditional and contemporary aspects oriental reflexology. M., "Science", 1986]. In addition, this publication describes a radiesthetic method for finding energy plugs in the channels, as well as a systemic algorithm for eliminating these plugs in optimal ways, one of which, as in my case, may be bioenergetic massage.

Each person also needs to study resuscitation points and points of influence in urgent cases in order to help themselves or another person in trouble at any time. These points are given in Section 9.25 of this book.

Energy channels are only a part of the energy body, although they are very important. There are also energy centers (chakras) and "wonderful" meridians that are part of the self-regulation system, which psychics have not learned to turn on, and, as a result, they do not achieve stable results - the disease returns.

All this gradually lined up for me in a single model of the energy body, with a report on which I first spoke in 1983 at the Moscow House of Scientists. Now I understood that each person can, with his own biofield, using contact bioenergetic massage, which is very simple in practical application, eliminate the most complex functional disorders that are inaccessible to treatment by methods of orthodox medicine. I was often convinced of this by the example of relatives and acquaintances, who, having mastered this massage, could relieve themselves of the most difficult conditions.

But fate was preparing a new test for me, as if leading me to new knowledge, now far from Eastern medicine.

A tumor... It was discovered in my district polyclinic during the regular medical examination and was immediately sent for a consultation to a radiological laboratory at one of the medical institutes of the USSR Ministry of Health. There I was registered and observed for five years for a tumor, without giving any medical treatment, except for hormonal drugs, which I immediately refused.

Five years of an uncertain and painful state... And finally, a new find: two books that came to us from Germany [Mlaker R. Spiritual pendulum (research results). M., 1978; Nilson G., Polyansky E. The magic of the pendulum. M., 1978.] about the radiesthetic method (the so-called work using a pendulum). The method of work (and this is the most important thing) was not described there, but the areas of application related to the study of channels, chakras, the determination of spoiled products, etc., were described, although not in great detail, however, enough to understand that the radiesthetic method ( we will further call it the R-method for brevity) makes it very easy to find energy plugs in the channels and opens a new page in the diagnosis of diseases of the organs themselves. Comparison with available x-rays and descriptions of ultrasound showed that the R-method quickly and accurately detects any damage in the body, ranging from organic to functional. I quickly received confirmation that I had a tumor. But how to treat it?

And so Mr. Chance sent me for review the brilliant work of the French pharmacist G. Lessour [Lessur G. Pendulum method for diagnosing diseases and microbial penetrations. Paris, 1934]. It contained tables of wavelengths emitted by acute, dormant (latent), slow (sluggish) infections (terminology according to [Zuev V.A. Third face. M., "Knowledge", 1985]), which could only be detected by R -method. The following was a simple and accessible method for finding a plant that emits waves of the same wavelength as that of an infection. Ingestion of this plant in small (homeopathic) doses after one and a half to two hours during the day reliably and accurately killed this infection, releasing the energy blocked by the infection.

Having closed the last page, I immediately decided to test this method with the help of my dog ​​Malyshka, who at that moment was lying in the corner, sick, with a dry nose. Taking a bundle of wool from her and spreading a centimeter, as described in the book, I quickly determined the wavelength of the infection with the help of a pendulum. It was Koch's wand, and the plant that I identified by radiesthesia, and which it was (this is the whole secret) that was supposed to kill the infection, was a eucalyptus leaf. After placing ten piles of various herbs on the floor to confuse Baby, I began the experiment. The little girl walked among the herbs for a long time, sniffing, as if estimating what she should eat, and went up ... to the eucalyptus, bit off a small piece from the leaf, chewed it and went to her corner. An hour later, she came back and ate the same amount. This was repeated three times. In the evening she, cheerful and healthy, with a wet nose, ran around the apartment, as always, caressing me. I was shocked by the result.

My impatience has reached highest point when in the morning, barely getting out of bed, I immediately took a centimeter and began to examine my bun of hair. And immediately she went to 51 cm - in the table under this figure there was a transcript: cancer, serious tumors, ulcers. Having picked up a plant by the same method (it turned out to be sea buckthorn), I immediately began to take one berry in two hours during the day. A day later, the effect was amazing - a colossal surge of energy. So, the dormant infection took away the lion's share of energy, forcing me to live at half strength, and now it is killed. For reliability, I put a dry berry on the tumor and so passed with it for a month before the next examination. My pendulum did not show tumors in a month, but I had to make sure by thermography methods.

And here I am in the radiology lab. The operator carefully examines the image, but... What is it? - There is no tumor! He could not believe his eyes, and, deciding that the device was not working, he sent me to the doctor. The doctor examined me for a long time and carefully, probing the place where the tumor was. The tumor has disappeared.

How did you do it? She asked looking at me intently.

I did not explain to her that it was obtained using the radiesthetic method. It seemed to me that she had a conservative mindset, and she would not believe it anyway.
So, another illness was overcome, I was removed from the register in the radiological laboratory. I had to make more than one hundred observations of the infectious plan of my relatives, friends, and numerous acquaintances before I came to the conclusion: the method is ingeniously simple, effective, absolutely safe, and most importantly, publicly available. It can be used to diagnose any infectious diseases, as well as early diagnosis of cancer.

Many discoveries in the field of understanding the energy structure of the human body were made using the P-method. They are all described in the book. The main thing that has been done is to develop an algorithm for system diagnostics, that is, an algorithm for identifying the causes of damage to all seven human bodies and eliminating these damages by means individually selected for each organism.

Here a natural question arises, which already belongs to the category of philosophical questions. Is it possible at all from the huge number of factors influencing a person (social, natural, cosmic, hereditary, factors of past incarnations and others) to establish exactly that factor or group of factors that led to the disease state of this particular organism? The brilliant work of the American physicist Ren Hubbard “Dianetics. modern science mental health” [Hubbard R. Dianetics. Modern science of mental health. M., "New Era Publications Group", 1993.].

In accordance with the concept first formulated in Dianetics, starting from the moment of the formation of the first germ cell, there is a continuous recording of all the sensations of the embryo, including painful ones, as well as a recording of the background accompanying these sensations, which is stored in our gigantic storeroom of memory. - in the subconscious. Nature, creating a person, at the same time laid down in him a record of all the causes of damage that could manifest in the future in the form of diseases in the event of certain associative circumstances. The subconscious of every person is brilliant: it remembers and knows everything that happened to the body, and what methods should be applied to heal this body. You just need to learn how to consciously contact the subconscious and extract the necessary information from there. This is the system of diagnostics and healing inherent in the very nature of man.

However, all existing methods connections with the subconscious, including the classical methods of dianetic therapy developed by R. Hubbard, known in our country and abroad, turned out to be far from safe, and most importantly unsuitable for independent use. The radioaesthetic method rendered an invaluable service here too.

It turned out that the P-method can not only simply and absolutely safely communicate with the subconscious by detecting recorded damage there, but also when reading information from our pantry memory, the subconscious can tell you exactly what is the most optimal and in a safe way repair these damages. This is truly a radioaesthetic phenomenon of the 20th century. Why 20th century? After all, we know that people used the radiesthetic method in ancient times. But to find real reasons damage to all seven human bodies, which led to a painful state of the body, and most importantly, to select individual methods of healing, using the connection of consciousness with the subconscious of each individual person, became possible only in our time after using the discovery of the diagnostic and healing system inherent in the very nature of man, and use of modern knowledge about the structure and function of the human body as a single biological system.

The R-method, which is very popular abroad, is practically unknown to a wide range of people in our country, and even more so is not available for independent use, although practically every person has latent radiesthetic abilities. Abroad, it is used by various segments of the population, ranging from housewives, who use the P-method to select food products that have useful radiation for them, operators who, holding official positions in various companies, carry out a wide variety of orders - the search for mineral deposits, water, determining the places of geopathic radiation, selecting personnel for employment, etc., and ending with priests who use this method to determine the level of spiritual development of people.

While lecturing at the Moscow House of Scientists on the R-method of restoring health, I encountered great interest great circle people who have a medical education (practitioners, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, biologists), and those who do not have special medical training, but who have passed through various health systems through their personal experience. In one of the research institutes of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), I was asked to give a series of lectures with trainees practical application R-method. Here, for several years, I read the course "Radioesthetic method of restoring health." Feedback from course participants on the use of the radiesthetic method in their personal practice (a very small part of the available ones) is given at the end of the book.

After many years of lecturing, developing and testing methods, it became necessary to publish a book that would allow a wide range of people to independently master the R-method and use it in everyday life. This book is truly a collective work of many people, advice, ideas, results personal experience and whose disinterested help I highly appreciate ... "

"Doctor!" heal yourself. Lyudmila Grigoryevna Puchko did not authorize any legal or natural persons for diagnosis or treatment according to the methodology developed by her.

(taken from the book "Biolocation for all. A system of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person (introduction to multidimensional medicine)"
publishing house "ANS", Moscow 1999-2010).

Since 1999, Lyudmila Grigoryevna has been actively collaborating with the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Nepokoichitsky Gennady Anatolyevich, the general director of the ANS Publishing House. Their joint scientific work was highly appreciated by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Engineering. Copyright for the results of their joint scientific and practical activities were registered on May 28, 2010 by the Agency for Trademarks, Inventions and Copyrights.

1. “Biolocation for everyone”, L.G. Puchko.M. 2000-2010
2. "Multidimensional medicine", L.G. Puchko, 1999-2010
3. "Radiestetic knowledge of man", L.G. Puchko, 2005-2010
4. "Multidimensional Man", L.G. Puchko, 2007-2010
5. “Multidimensional medicine. New charts and symbols. Complete atlas,
L.G. Puchko, 2010,
6. "Complete encyclopedia Life and health of women", ch. editor G.A. Nepokoychitsky, 2001-2010, in 2 volumes.
7. "The Complete Encyclopedia of Life and Health of a Man", ch. editor G.A. Nepokoychitsky, 2004-2010, in 2 volumes.
8. "Big Encyclopedia Life and Health of a Man", ch. editor G.A. Nepokoychitsky, 2006-2010
9. "Introduction to Multidimensional Medicine", the general title of a series of TV shows (a set of 3 DVDs), hosted by G.A. Nepokoychitsky, 2007-2008

Lyudmila Grigorievna Puchko died at the age of 74 on 10/24/2010. She was buried at the Preobrazhensky Cemetery in Moscow (Preobrazhensky Val St., 23, Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad metro station).

Materials taken from the website of the ANS publishing house -

The owner of the rights to the trademark "Multidimensional Medicine" is the ANS publishing house. Read more here:

  • What hurts: the soul or the body? Why does it hurt?
  • What infections and ailments are dormant in our body and are waiting in the wings to “pounce” on us?
  • How to prevent the development of the disease?
  • How to heal a suffering soul or body?
  • How to defeat what is still considered incurable - hereditary diseases?
  • How to protect yourself and loved ones from the destructive and overwhelming impact of "negative" personalities?
  • Is it possible to eat this or that product, wear this or that clothes, these or those jewelry, use this or that cosmetics?
  • What does our body lack for normal functioning?
  • Is it possible to build a house on the chosen place?
  • How to safely arrange furniture in your home and office?

You can get answers to these and many other questions on your own by carefully and thoughtfully reading the books of Lyudmila Grigoryevna Puchko.

Exists ingeniously simple method known to mankind since ancient times, through which any person, not possessing extrasensory sensitivity, using the modern level of knowledge about the multilevel structure of a person, can,

one side, open for myself diagnostic system embedded in the nature person, and using it, on one's own detect damage in all your 7 bodies, that is, find out causal relationships of their diseases

on the other hand using the same system eliminate found damage, not resorting to the most complex ancient Eastern and modern Western methods, which, we repeat, are far from safe and not very effective in practical application.

What is this method?

This so-called radiesthetic method, better known as dowsing. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means " sensation of waves«.

What essence this method?

Approximately 25% biologically average people when setting up(focusing attention) on a certain object and receiving radiation from it spontaneously, spontaneously formed ideomotor act and if in hand this person has a frame, a pendulum, a vine, or just a flyer, then she starts rotate. This so-called radiesthetic effect known to mankind since 8th century BC. It is this figure that dates back to the rock paintings depicting the figure of a man holding vine.

The radiaesthetic effect was known on all continents to various peoples, ranging from Polynesians, Peruvians, Indians and ending with Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Greeks, Druids, Slavs, etc.

It was used by different segments of the population, ranging from emperors, kings, kings, priests and ending with mining workers, for various purposes.

Yes, known historical facts , when King Solomon, Catherine II, the father of the reformer of the Catholic Church Martin Luther, who was a mining worker, used the radiesthetic method. M. Lomonosov, I.-V. Goethe, other prominent personalities.

Dowsers(in modern terminology, radiesthesia, dowsers or simply operators) used the radiesthesia effect when searching for minerals, water, missing people, etc.

In the end 19th century R-method has become used for the first time in Germany for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Today in Germany, the R-method is the first in the world put into practice medical clinical examinations of patients, individual selection for them medicines, medicines, herbs, etc.

At present, the R-method applied in clinics in England and France.

It is known that sensation of waves inherent in all living organisms on Earth (plants, animals, insects, fish, etc.). Of course, it is also to any person. But its manifestation in a biologically average person (with the exception of operators) is not recorded due to the fact that the accepted level of radiation in a biologically average person lies below the sensitivity threshold of his biological system: this is, as it were, a subthreshold level.

The question arises whether it is possible in some artificial way raise reception sensitivity, and then the radiesthetic effect could be recorded in any a person far from psychic abilities.

This technique was found, and it consists of selection of pendulum metal. By experience it was proven that five metals - aluminium, copper, titanium, brass, bronze- can raise the sensitivity of receiving radiation in a biologically average person.

With the right choice of one of these metals, which can be done using a very simple technique outlined below, any biologically average human almost through 15 minutes maybe open in itself capabilities to receive radiation discovering the radiesthesia effect.

The radiaesthetic effect can be found in almost 95-98% of people. The exception is people with a large number of alien energy structures (damages in the aura), in which, before awakening the radiesthetic effect, it is necessary clear aura from these structures.

The ancient method of radiesthesia, combined with modern knowledge of the structure and function of the human body as an integral biological system, as well as with the experience accumulated by mankind over thousands of years, can rightly be called radiesthetic phenomenon of the 20th century.

Working with a pendulum - practice

1. Sit in convenient chair at the table.

2. Attach to the pendulum a thread.

3. Draw on a piece of paper a circle and split it into four parts.

4. To relax, exclude any extraneous thoughts, focus in the upcoming lesson.

5. Take the thread of the pendulum with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand at a distance 3-10 cm from the point of attachment of the thread to the pendulum.

6. Comfortable put your elbow on the arm of a chair or on a table. (For some, it may be more effective to keep a hand on the canopy).

7. Hang the pendulum above pattern so that the distance between the pattern and the tip of the pendulum is about 1 cm.

8. Finger of the second hand swing pendulum. Then, after a few swings of the pendulum, stop it at center drawing and mentally or aloud ask the question: “ What pendulum movement does the word mean "Yes"? After several repetitions of the question, the pendulum will begin to swing. in some direction. Designate in the figure this is the direction of the word "Yes«.

We must wait for the pendulum to swing calmly minutes fifteen. If during this time the pendulum does not move (as if from a blow), necessary interrupt the experiment and repeat it on other days, in different time days, changing places of experiment, length and color of the thread, metal of the pendulum. It is desirable to carry out the experiment in the absence of people and animals.

Second preparatory stage

Ask subconscious questions:

- I can do I work?

- There is whether Akasha (Akasha is one of the cosmic forces, upon the appearance of which it is forbidden to work with a pendulum)

- Must do I work?

When answering " Yes" on the 1st and 3rd questions and Not" on the 2nd th can start work.

You can ask a clarifying question fig.13("Radiestetic knowledge of man" - book 3):

Through how many full hours will Akasha appear?

Then: How much minutes? Which first number?

Then: what second number? (Akasha is missing for about 2 hours 30 minutes and then appears on 24-28 minutes. Then disappears again this is indeed time.)

At negative response to 1st or 2nd question, you can check the reason for the ban on Fig. 79 (“Radiestetic knowledge of man” - book 3)

If it is possible to eliminate the cause, for example: pendulum pollution. Then, having eliminated it, it is necessary again try to ask permission to work. Otherwise postpone try another time.

Check pendulum for contamination can be as follows: if calm state in your hand a pendulum not hangs still and incessantly rotates means polluted.

Clear his can in three ways:

1) Rinse under running water cold water 2 minutes

2) During the rotation of the pendulum pronounce many times the word I cleanse", until the moment complete pendulum stops.

3) Make movements: as if you are something pluck from each finger and what was torn off shake immediately on the floor with three clicks fingers. So with each finger right hand with the left hand, then symbolically with elbow right hand, also with three clicks. Then from fingers and elbow left hands with the right hand.

Then you take the pendulum in your right hand, and with your left hand form hole(first clench it into a fist, and then unclench your fist until the tips of the thumb and forefinger touch). Lower the pendulum into the resulting “well” and slowly pull out, as in the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh "in and out". As soon as the pendulum was taken out, left with your hand make three clicks closer to the floor. Then again lower the pendulum into an open fist and continue according to the scheme. That's the way to do it three times. Checking immobility pendulum. When need repeat the cleaning procedure.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies L.G. Puchko is well known to readers from four previous monographs published by the ANS Publishing House under the heading "Discoveries of the Future". These are the books "Biolocation for All", "Multidimensional Medicine", "Radiestetic Knowledge of Man", "Multidimensional Man".

New book by L.G. Puchko "Multidimensional Medicine. New Questions and New Answers" is a continuation of the author's dialogue with readers, which was started in the first book from this series "Multidimensional Medicine in Questions and Answers".

There are many more letters in this edition, where people who have mastered the basics of Multidimensional Medicine talk about amazing cases of self-healing. Their algorithms for eliminating the most complex diseases are undoubtedly of great interest to creatively thinking followers of L.G. Puchko. Some letters from readers included in new book, the author calls "gold placer folk wisdom".

Thanks to the huge number of letters from readers, L.G. The Puchko system of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person is constantly being improved and is becoming more accessible to many people.

The book is intended for everyone who is interested in alternative medicine, as well as for everyone who wants to become healthy and happy.

Ludmila G. Puchko
Multidimensional medicine. New questions and new answers


Letters from readers, which are printed in this book, I can without exaggeration call a golden scattering of folk wisdom. These are letters from people who, in our difficult Russian life, were able to find a worthy way out of the most difficult life situations using the radiesthetic method.

My assumption comes true that the correctly used method of radiesthesia has practically no boundaries for revealing the boundless possibilities of a person's personal potential, as well as its application in various areas of human life. I am grateful to all the authors of the letters for opening up new facets of the unknown for me.

I was particularly struck by the letters of pensioners (see letters No. 2 and No. 3). Do you know, dear Nadezhda Alekseevna and Galina Khalimovna, that the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, several centuries before science did this, discovered the period of human development in the embryonic state, described by the science of embryology only a few decades ago. In fact, you opened a new page in embryology with your radiesthetic experiment, using vibration series, without even knowing it.

I am very grateful to the reader Galina Ivanovna P. (letter No. 5) for the clarity and accuracy of the formulations of the appeal to the subconscious when solving her complex everyday problems with the radiesthetic method. These formulations will no doubt be of interest to many readers in their attempts to resolve similar questions.

Letter No. 1 is magnificent, and not only for its style of presentation, but also for the instructive technique that the author herself developed and applied to combat internal subconscious aggression (overcoming oneself). The use of this technique enables the author of this letter, Suzanne I. (Perm), to solve complex everyday problems.

And of course, I am grateful to Lyudmila Pavlovna G. (Latvia). Working as a nurse in intensive care, she discovered a number of r / e techniques that led to absolutely amazing results, returning people and even animals in a dying state to a full life. What is worth only one story of a patient who, 3 years ago, after a stroke, lost his speech and ended up in intensive care, where Lyudmila Pavlovna worked with him using the method of Multidimensional Medicine. The doctors no longer hoped for his recovery, but during the next round to the doctor's polite question: "How do you feel?", the patient opened his eyes and clearly said: "Wonderful." Lyudmila Pavlovna modestly devoted only two lines of her poem to this story, but she told me in more detail at our meeting at the seminar for "advanceers." In this collection, G.A. Nepokoichitsky decided to publish her speech (letter No. 39).

I express my gratitude to Alexandra M. (Barcelona, ​​Spain, Letter No. 35) for her development of a private algorithm for untying the karmic knot with her ex-husband. I confess that her letter inspired me to create a basic algorithm, more general, "fateful", as I call it. With its help, one can determine the karmic incompatibility of not only a person with a person, but also a person with the organization in which he works, with his place of residence, place of rest, etc. Thank you again to Alexandra M. for the excellent letter.

As you know, Multidimensional Medicine is a fusion, a synthesis of the knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine, ancient and modern esoteric knowledge and the agnostic experience of all world religions (meaning the 7 main world religions - Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen- Buddhism). Historically, it is also known that all these directions have developed separately from each other for centuries, never intersecting, sometimes entering into an irreconcilable struggle with each other, which ended in wars.

It is quite natural that people starting to study Multidimensional Medicine will inevitably have at the initial stage not only questions about mastering purely practical work, but also questions of a philosophical, religious, "ideological" and other nature, as well as questions related to the development of the conceptual apparatus used in Multidimensional Medicine. Letter No. 43 is an example of such questions. I was pleased to realize that not all of our modern youth has a clearly expressed consumer thinking, which is of a "glamorous" nature. There are still young people who are concerned about the purification of the Cosmos on the subtle plane and the solution of other natural problems. This makes me happy.

In the reader's mail, I even met a letter with a message about the decoding of symbols that occur synchronously with the appearance of tourists on the Mount of Reason. I wrote about these symbols in the book "Radioesthetic Knowledge of Man" (see p. 239 "Arkaim's phenomenon"). Who would have thought that these symbols would be deciphered by a veteran from a nursing home, Muslim Galimova Dana Zayrullovna. I want to express my deep gratitude to her and I think that her achievements will find application in radiesthetic work.



L.G. Puchko








Publishing house ANS

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including memory storage devices and printers, without the written permission of the publisher.

Puchko L.G.

Multidimensional medicine. New charts and symbols. Full atlas / L.G. Puchko. - P 90 Moscow: ANS: AST, 2015 - 368 p. – (Discoveries of the Future) Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies L.G. Puchko is well known to readers from four previous monographs published by the ANS Publishing House under the heading "Discoveries of the Future". These are the books "Biolocation for All", "Multidimensional Medicine", "Radiestetic Knowledge of Man", "Multidimensional Man".

This book by L.G. Puchko “Multidimensional medicine. New charts and symbols. Complete Atlas” opens up new opportunities for those who use the Multidimensional Medicine methodology in their lives.

In the publication, the author collected, systematized and corrected all the information necessary for a full and effective work: the conceptual apparatus of Multidimensional Medicine, examples of fundamental principles, an algorithm for constructing vibration series, a complete set of diagrams of Multidimensional Medicine, etc.

The book for the first time presents new symbols (symbols of the proto-alphabet and symbols-crystals), the use of which will help to eliminate various problems, such as difficulties in interpersonal relationships, karmic "knots", etc. The practical use of these symbols has shown their high efficiency. The publication also contains the developed by G.A. Nepokoichitsky, methodology for conducting an experiment to determine the accuracy of radiesthetic work.

The atlas is convenient for copying pages, cutting out individual sheets and forming your own “personal atlas of Multidimensional Medicine”.

The book is intended for everyone who is interested in alternative medicine, as well as for everyone who wants to become healthy and happy.

ISBN 978-5-17-066511-2 (AST) (C: Bel) ISBN 978-5-17-87605-121-9 (ANS) © L.G. Puchko, 2010 © ANS Publishing House LLC, 2010–2014 ISBN 978-5-17-067190-8 (AST) (C: orange) © AST Publishing House LLC, 2015 ISBN 978-5-17-87605-122- 6 (ANS) Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2. Determination of the wavelength and numerical code of the pathogenic agent

Chapter 3

§ 3.1. Methodology for constructing vibration series.

§ 3.2. Vibration Row Technique


Chapter 4. Algorithm for self-diagnosis and self-healing of chronic diseases

Chapter 5

§ 5.1. Elimination of the Multidimensional Energy Management Structure (MUES).

§ 5.2. Removal of engrams.

§ 5.3. Elimination of the condensed experience system

§ 5.4. Elimination of ethereal (mental, astral) entities.

§ 5.5. Elimination of pathogenic infection

§ 5.6. Elimination of sources of pollution.

§ 5.7. Elimination of pathologies.

Organ pathology

Adhesions, scars

Sand and stones

Helminth stones

Solid structures of mucus

Description of the most common pathologies and work with them ........... 34 § 5.8. Elimination of program distortions in PPM, PBK.

§ 5.9. Restoration of programs in the PPM, PBK to the original level .......... 43 § 5.10. Checking the operation of the self-regulation system - elimination of spatial mismatch

§ 5.11. Elimination of a single collective mind (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa).

§ 5.12. Elimination of FM and FM-absorbing structures.

§ 5.13. Elimination of the birth curse

§ 5.14. Eliminate programs

§ 5.15. Restoration of the function of physical organs and glands according to the code of a healthy organism

§ 5.16. Restoring the position of the chakras when they are displaced (spatial mismatch)

§ 5.17. Restoration of the protostructure of the archival twin of the damaged organ.

§ 5.18. The final vibrational series of the restoration of the archival twin .......... 51 § 5.19. Untying "karmic knots"

§ 5.20. Determination of the accuracy of radiesthetic measurements

Experimental session on determining the accuracy of radiesthetic measurements

Chapter 7. How to use diagrams and new symbols


Appendix 1. Description of the main physiological structures

§ 1. Nervous system

central nervous system

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

§ 2. Endocrine system

§ 3. Cardiovascular system

§ 4. Respiratory system

§ 5. Digestive system

§ 6. Urinary system

§ 7. Reproductive system

Male reproductive organs

Female reproductive organs

§ 8. Musculoskeletal system

§ 9. Hematopoietic and immune systems

§ 10. Organ of vision

§ 11. Organ of hearing and balance

§ 12. Organ of taste

§ 13. Organ (system) of smell

§ 14. Organ of touch (skin, hair, nails, mammary glands)

§ 15. Reticuloendothelial system (RES) (macrophage)

§ 16. Fabrics

epithelial tissues

Connective tissues


nervous tissue

§ 17. Stress-insulin system (SIS)

§ 18. System of liquid media

§ 19. System of semi-liquid media (gels)

Appendix 2. The most effective Christian prayers used in the fundamental settings of the vibration rows

Appendix 3. A Complete Set of Diagrams Used in Multidimensional Medicine..........132 Appendix 4. New Symbols in Multidimensional Medicine

Proto-alphabet symbols

Crystal symbols (terrestrial and cosmic)



The system of self-diagnosis and self-healing described in Multidimensional Medicine is based on the natural ability of any person to dowsing.

If we talk about this topic in a technical language, then a person is the most complex, most perfect bioenergetic machine (device) created by the Higher Mind, working according to a personal program (genetic memory, karma, fate), capable of self-programming and programming.

Positive programs are education, upbringing, acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Negative programs (engrams) - evil eye, damage, curses, harmful environmental impact, etc., and as a result - biocomputer malfunctions and, as a result, failure of one or another block of the device (disease of the corresponding organ or human organs) .

The bioenergetic device (Man) has a unique ability to self-heal. This device (Human) works flawlessly in case of timely and sufficient (in terms of quantity and quality) energy supply to it and provided that it is correctly distributed between the blocks (organs of the human body). The sources of energy necessary to ensure the operation of the device (human body) are cosmic energy, the energy of the sun, earth, water, i.e. living Nature, as well as spiritual and material food.

If an insufficient or excess amount of energy enters the human body, an imbalance (disease) occurs. An imbalance in the distribution of energy between human organs can occur: due to failures in the biocomputer program, its operational and long-term memory (subconscious);

due to "energy" traffic jams in the energy supply channels of organs.

On the physical level these causes have consequences - diseases of those organs that experience a shortage or excess of energy.

Methods of Multidimensional Medicine allow revealing and eliminating deep energy-informational causes, as a result of which the human body is self-healing.

People who have mastered these methods come to understand that the health of any person on the physical (material) and spiritual levels is his wealth, his property, which is very easy to lose, but can and should be increased. How this is done is described in my books published by the ANS Publishing House under the general heading “Discoveries of the Future”.

"Biolocation for all", "Multidimensional medicine", "Radiestetic knowledge of man", "Multidimensional man. A new highly efficient algorithm for self-healing of humans and animals”, “Multidimensional Medicine in Questions and Answers”, “Multidimensional Medicine. New questions and new answers.

In this issue, I continued the theme of Multidimensional Medicine, paying special attention to the new diagrams and symbols used in this technique. In addition, this book provides all the necessary concise reference materials with reference to information from previous books on Multidimensional Medicine. This information must be read (i.e.

put into a personal biocomputer) for the successful development of the methodology of Multidimensional Medicine.

Deciphering the basic concepts Chapter 1.

Multidimensional medicine

–  –  –

The names of the organs and the structures that form them, which are part of the physiological systems, are given in accordance with the international anatomical and histological nomenclature.

Additionally, the composition of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) is presented, which is not included in the international classification, but is of great importance in the pathology of the body, the system of liquid media (SGS), semi-liquid media (SWS), the stress-insulin system (SIS) (see Appendix 1 of this edition).

3. "Etheric body"

The structural elements of the etheric body are:

- chakras (main and additional), which are energy centers in which the reception, accumulation and transformation of cosmic energy into vital energy (CHI or QI for the Chinese, KI for the Japanese, prana for the Indians) is carried out, feeding both the physical body and everything thin bodies.

There are 7 main chakras - they have Sanskrit names - Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishudha, Ajna, Sahasrara.

Mandalas ( graphic image chakras) with the image of petals, symbolizing the type of energies synthesized by the chakra, are shown in fig. 156 and 157 (see Multidimensional Medicine, pp. 37–89 for details). The main chakras and their connections are shown in fig. 155 (see Appendix 1).

There are 14 additional chakras. They are shown in fig. 158–162; and their description is given in the book "Multidimensional Medicine" pp. 48-56, as well as in the book "Multidimensional Man", p. 407;

- nadi channels. There are a total of 7200 of them.

Of these, the most studied are: Sushumna - controls the activity of the central nervous system;

Ida - controls the parasympathetic division of the ANS; Pingala - controls the sympathetic division of the ANS.

Chakras, main and additional, as well as nadi channels, are studied by introverted methods (clairvoyance, spirit vision, clairsentience, etc.), the Indo-Tibetan esoteric tradition and form the basis of the fundamental knowledge of the modern Indo-Tibetan branch of medicine (“Biolocation for All”, pp. 134– 174; Multidimensional Medicine, pp. 56-59);

- main channels (meridians) are a conditional association of biologically active points (BAP) on the body. The number of meridians is 14.

Most of them have the name of the organ to which they bring vital energy (CHI or QI) to feed it.

Their names are as follows: the channel of the lungs, colon, stomach, spleen - pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidneys, pericardium, triple heater, gallbladder, liver, anteromedian, posterior median. The course of the meridians is shown in fig. 163–177. The connection between the meridians, see fig. 189. The laws of energy circulation along the meridians, the connection of meridians with each other and the laws for constructing these connections, the set of Yin, Yang syndromes (insufficiency-excess of energy) formed when the circulation of energy through the channels is disturbed, as well as methods for diagnosing and eliminating energy blockages CHAPTER 1 8 » in the channels were studied by ancient Chinese medicine and formed the basis of modern Chinese medicine, as well as the basis of reflexology, which has become widespread throughout the world. A set of YinYang syndromes is presented in the book “Biolocation for All”, ch. 9;

- "wonderful" meridians are temporary circuits formed when the circulation of energy in one or more channels is disturbed. Their total number is 8. In fact, they are an apparatus for self-regulation of vital energy in the etheric body. "Wonderful" meridians (see "Multidimensional Man" § 2.3; "Biolocation for All" ch. 2) were discovered by ancient Chinese medicine and well studied by the modern Japanese system of Aku-Yoga, which combined the concepts of meridians and chakras. The course of the "wonderful" meridians is shown in Fig. 121–125 (for details, see Multidimensional Medicine, p. 59);

– additional channels were opened by a German doctor, MD, founder of the International Society of Electropuncture R. Voll. Their number is 8. They have the following names: lymphatic meridian, nervous degeneration meridian, allergy or vascular degeneration meridian, epithelial parenchymal degeneration meridian, connective tissue degeneration meridian, skin meridian, fatty degeneration meridian, articular degeneration meridian. The course of the meridians is shown in fig. 178–186 (for details, see Multidimensional Medicine, pp. 59–60);

- Muscle-tendon meridians. These meridians connect muscles and tendons; each of them is connected with the main meridian, the trajectory of which it repeats to some extent, but has a wider “path”, which runs superficially.

The number of muscle-tendon meridians is 12. All of them are paired. They have the same names as the main meridians (see Fig. 163-177).

There are no posterior and anteromedial meridians. Studied by ancient Eastern medicine (for details, see "Multidimensional Medicine"

- zones of craniopuncture. They play the role of command control panels. Their number is 21 (Fig. 120). Studied by one of the branches of Oriental Medicine C (PRC) (for details, see "Multidimensional Medicine" pp. 60-64);

4. Subtle bodies The total number of subtle bodies is 5 (astral and four mental).

The structure has been studied by various yoga systems, but general information about them are highly controversial. We have introduced 7 generalizing parameters that make it possible to identify thin bodies and find their integral damage. These parameters include: volume, structure, shape, synchronization, energy content, information content, vibration range (see Fig. 6).

All bodies are interconnected, synchronized, subject to the laws of the Macrocosm, while each body reflects a certain level of the Universe.

The totality of subtle bodies represents our essence, which is given to us at birth. In the future, under the influence of family and society, we turn into a person.


5. Psychobiophysiological homeostasis Just like the whole organism consists of 7 bodies, each cell, tissue, organ, organ system has 7 layers in space, namely: physical (the most dense, material), ethereal, astral and 4 mental layers .

In each space, consisting of 7 layers, a self-regulation system operates, the main task of which is to ensure homeostasis (constancy) of all 7 types of energies that fill this space.

The constancy of these 7 types of energies (physical, ethereal, astral and 4 mental) is called psychobiophysiological (PBF) homeostasis.

It is believed that the self-regulation system works normally if PBF homeostasis does not differ from the natural level, which is taken as 100%.

Any deviation from 100% indicates a functional disorder of the studied organ (tissues, organ systems, structures) (see Multidimensional Medicine, p. 92).

6. Consciousness. Central biocomputer (CBK). Peripheral biocomputer (PBC) Each cell, tissue, organ, organ system exchanges energy, information, matter with each other and with the external environment.

The exchange occurs through the appropriate channels, of which there are millions in the body (this number does not include exchange channels between cells).

The processes of exchange are controlled by consciousness at seven levels (intranuclear, intracellular, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, organism in the physical body and on subtle ones - ethereal, astral and 4 mental), as well as the Central Biocomputer (CBC) and the Peripheral Biocomputer (PBC). ).

7. Centers of consciousness The structure of consciousness control at all levels of control is represented by 7 centers of consciousness: Higher Intellectual, Higher Emotional, motor, instinctive, sexual, intellectual, emotional. Each center is conditionally divided into two parts: positive Yang (active, male, vital) and negative Yin (passive, female). The positive part controls all excitation processes in the body; the negative part controls all the processes of inhibition in the body (for details, see "Multidimensional Man" p. 190–193; "Multidimensional Medicine" p. 93).

8. Bioenergy-information model of consciousness control Exchange processes are automatically controlled by a biocomputer control network at 9 levels (intranuclear, intracellular, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organs in the physical body and at the subtle level (etheric, astral and four mental) of the body in in general, but this control can be brought to the level of consciousness.

The general bioenergy-information model of consciousness control, PPM and PBK are presented in fig. 1. (for details, see "Radiestetic knowledge of man" ch. 2).

9. Alien vibrations Causes of chronic diseases (with the exception of physical causes - trauma, ecology, etc.) - alien vibrations that penetrate into the space of seven layers of organs (tissues, cells) in the form of solitons that look like vortex structures and spread through throughout the body, creating strong cluster connections among themselves, or in the form of single waves, targeted to the habitat.

They destroy the structure of consciousness control, PBC and PBC, channels of energy, information, substances, and paralyze the work of self-regulation systems at any level, causing a stable chronic disease that lasts a lifetime.

The sources of these alien vibrations are engrams, programs, black magic structures, pathogenic agents, aural entities, etc. (see Fig. 14).

10. Archives of the subconscious A record of these alien vibrations in holographic form, together with an indication of the sources of their formation and the time stamp (when the recording was made and by whom) is stored in the archives of our subconscious and can be retrieved at any time using a unique r / e method in this regard .

The main tasks for detecting the root system of chronic diseases:

– identification of common mechanisms of damage to the system;

- revealing the destroyed structures of consciousness that control the system of self-regulation at seven levels of management;

- revealing the destroyed structures of consciousness that control the system of self-regulation at nine levels of control;

- identification of damaged channels of energy, information, matter;

– identification of physiological structures and thin bodies with deviations of homeostasis PBF from the natural level;

– finding the underlying causes of damage to the physical body and subtle bodies;

- identification of cluster relationships that support a stable pathology of the body;

- cleansing the body of alien vibrations by destroying them with the help of specially created by the joint work of consciousness and subconscious vibrational series.

11. Phantom of physiological structures In the practical development of "Multidimensional Medicine" we will use the phantom of physiological structures.

A phantom is a bioenergy-informational image, a wave trace of any structure.

On the molecular level wave traces were discovered when DNA molecules were illuminated with a nuclear beam in the laboratory of wave genetics, headed by P.P. Goryaev.

Real chromosomes and their phantoms were found to have very similar scattering spectra.


It was concluded that the DNA molecule has a kind of wave twin. It is present in every organ and organism as a whole.

A phantom is formed simply - just put a finger, a tuft of hair, a photograph on any drawing, and a bioenergetic connection is immediately created between a person and a drawing. That is, it is possible to find damaged structures by their phantom.

12. Archival double and its protostructures The next key concept is the archival double, which is an ethereal model of a nascent organism, that is, the primary source according to which the spatial development of a living organism takes place.

The archival double was first discovered by the English medium Hodson. The protostructures of the archival double are: the Higher Self, the gene apparatus of the spiritual body, the phantom of the whole organism, DNA cells, the phantom of thin bodies, the phantom of the physical body, except for the pulp and paper and consciousness structures, the phantom of each physiological system, including interstitial fluid, vitreous eye fluid .

It is according to these protostructures that the spatio-temporal development of the human body proceeds (for details, see "Multidimensional Medicine", pp. 4-6 and "Multidimensional Man", p. 455).

13. Integral karmic engram.

In the process of radiesthetic work, we will also use such a concept as an integral karmic engram - a set of records of sins in the individual's biocomputer in all incarnations, including the present.

14. Karmic debt (KD).

Without the removal of the karmic debt recorded in the causal body, and without the elimination of the records of KD in the causal body, it is impossible to be cured.

Karmic debt is unworked sins (in more than seven incarnations) that create karmic disease.

Wavelength Determination Chapter 2.

and the numerical code of the pathogenic agent Any pathogenic agent is usually characterized by 3 parameters: wavelength (cm), numerical code of the information component, numerical code of the energy component of pathogenic radiation.

The wavelength of any pathogenic agent (infection, engrams, programs, FM structures, COEX systems, etc.) can be calculated accurately from a formula and then checked against the diagrams (Figures 20.1-30).

–  –  –

Vibration rows have proven to be a highly effective method of removing various acute and chronic painful conditions of the body caused by the existence of distorted programs in the synthesized Multidimensional Human Model, as well as removing pathologies and were awarded two diplomas of the 1st degree at the 2nd International Congress "Spiritual and Folk Healing in ecology and medicine” (Moscow, February 18–20, 1999): “For a high professional level in the field of spiritual healing and traditional medicine”, “For achievements in the field of healthcare”, and also in 2006 the author was awarded a diploma of an international award "Leader of the Economic Development of Russia" for developments in the field of self-diagnosis and self-healing with vibration rows.

Vibration rows are the main method used in a multidimensional organism to eliminate the underlying causes that damage the human and animal organisms.

Vibrational series can be annihilating, liquidating, corrective, cleansing, healing, restorative, protecting and others.

Vibration rows used for different purposes differ in fundamental settings.

The construction of a vibrational series begins with writing a fundamental setting, which should reflect: the main goal of compiling the series, the underlying cause of the disease, the time of application, the identification of the underlying cause (, numerical code) of the overlay of the pathogenic structure, areas of damage, the main symptom, as well as the radiation of the elements and other ways (see fig. 41.1).

In order to correctly write the beginning of a fundamental installation and decide whether you are able to cope with the task yourself or whether you need to involve the Higher Mind (if you have a good channel of communication with it), you need to ask questions to the subconscious:

– What is the PBF-homeostasis of the communication channel with the Higher Mind?

– Is it necessary to attract Higher Light Ones space forces?

– Is it necessary to attract the Higher Mind + Higher Light Cosmic Forces at the same time?

Is it necessary to use prayers? Which?

Note. The most effective Christian prayers are given in Appendix 2. For other denominations, their own prayers are involved.

Examples of basic principles are given in chapter 5.

–  –  –

If the answer is yes, we create a vibration series by asking a series of questions to the subconscious. The vibration series is drawn by hand (it is not necessary to use tools) or on a computer screen according to the developed algorithm.

- In which figure does the vibrational series lie (hereinafter referred to as the fundamental setting), for example, eliminating foci with pathogenic pathogens 5 cm, 25 cm? (Fig. 11).

The procedure for obtaining an answer is as follows: create a phantom by placing a finger at the top of the diagram (a photograph or a bunch of hair of the examined patient indicating the date of the examination); we bring the pendulum to the center of the diagram and ask the above question. After some time, the pendulum will begin to oscillate and select a certain sector in which there is an image of a figure, such as a rectangle. If the “Others” sector falls out, you can use the r / e diagrams (Fig. 42–47) or the symbols in the margins of the book “Radiaesthetic Knowledge of Man”.

- “How many lines are in the vibration row (the principal setting is called, as in paragraph 1)?

According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 13), using the procedure described above, we determine the number of lines. For example, two.

We inform the subconscious:

– I work with the first line of the vibration series…

– How many characters are contained in the first line of the vibration series? According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 13), we get the answer: for example, 4. Further along the r / e diagram (Fig. 50), asking the subconscious mind:

– What is the first character in the first line of the vibration series? we get, for example, the answer: "Number". According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 13), asking the question:

– What number is the first character in the first line of the vibration series? we find, for example, the number 2. If the pendulum points to the sector “more than 9”, you need to determine how many digits are in this number, then sequentially determine the first digit, second, etc. or use the set diagram (Fig. 55 or 75).

We carry out similar work with respect to the remaining symbols of the first line of the vibrational series. Suppose they also turned out to be numbers: the second character is 5, the third is 7, the fourth is 9.

Then the first line will take the form: 2579.

We inform the subconscious:

- I work with the second line of the vibration series ...

We ask a question:

– How many characters are in the second line of the vibration row? Using the r / e diagram (Fig. 13), we find, for example, 5 characters.

According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 50), we determine the type of the first symbol, for example, a ray. According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 49), we determine the type of beam: for example, the sixth.

According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 50), we determine the type of the second symbol in the second line of the vibration series. We got, for example, a geometric symbol.

According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 44) we determine a specific geometric symbol, ALGORITHM FOR CONSTRUCTING A VIBRATION SERIES ... 15 for example, a square. If the sector “Others” fell out, it is necessary to refer to fig. 42–47, 52.

We carry out the same work with the rest of the symbols of the second line of the vibrational row.

Let the third character be a letter. According to the r / e diagram (Fig. 48), we determine a specific letter, for example, “s”.

Let the fourth symbol be the symbol "space". This means that after the third character it is necessary to leave an empty space, sufficient to write one character (geometric or numeric).

Let the fifth symbol be the “sign of the zodiac” and, according to the r / e diagram (Fig. 53), for example, the sign “Aquarius” fell out. Then the vibrational series in this example will take the form shown in Fig. 54.

If, when choosing a symbol (Fig. 50), the “Other” sector falls out, you need to turn to images (animals, humans, plants, etc.). The most commonly used symbols are shown in fig. 45, 46, 47 and in the margins of this edition. You can also use the symbols shown in Fig. 52 (Platonic solids).

For the convenience of users, the data bank of symbolism has been significantly expanded and is presented on the left margin of the book "Radioesthetic Knowledge of Man". This bank should be used as follows.

Take a close look at the symbols in order to enter them into the "subconscious files" along with the pages on which these symbols are depicted.

To select the desired symbol, ask the subconscious mind:

- On which page of the book is the symbol needed, for example, to build the figure of a row? Pendulum go through the table of contents of the book and ask:

the pendulum is set over each symbol of the selected page and a request is made:

- This symbol? The answer is in the "yes - no" system.

Further, the figure, which includes a vibrational row (in this example, a rectangle), is enclosed in a certain number of circles, symbolizing energy protective flows. You will determine their number according to fig.

13 or 75 by asking the subconscious mind:

– How many protective circles does the vibration series have (the principle setting is repeated)? Their number can reach any figure (units, tens and even hundreds). On fig. 54 shows the final view of the vibratory row with the number of guard circles equal to 3. The vibratory row can be drawn by hand, without any tools.

Status ABSTRACT of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Voronezh-2015 The work was carried out ... "" Russian State Pedagogical University them. A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg Reviewer M.N. Makeeva Key words and phrases: bilingualism;...»

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Puchko Lyudmila Grigorievna (February 19, 1937 - October 24, 2010) - Academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies, Candidate of Technical Sciences, radio physicist, specialist in space communication systems; She devoted about 40 years to the study of the human body and the development of methods of self-knowledge, self-diagnosis and self-healing.

In 2006, for the development of new approaches to (self)diagnostics and (self)healing of a person, the basics of which are set out in the books "Biolocation for All", "Multidimensional Medicine" and "Radiestetic Knowledge of Man", the author was awarded the International Prize with a diploma " Leader of the economic development of Russia. He is a co-author of the "Method of dowsing diagnostics of the pathology of an object", for which a patent of the Russian Federation has been issued.

Books (8)

Biolocation for everyone. System of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person

The book describes the system of (self-)diagnosis and (self-)healing of a person developed by the author and having no analogues in the world, based on the radiesthetic method (biolocation) and using all the most valuable of ancient oriental medicine, the achievements of modern medicine and fundamental science in general, the results research and practical experience of the author and his students.

Using this system, you can easily solve many practical problems, such as: is it possible to eat this or that product, wear this or that clothes, jewelry, use this or that cosmetics, build a house in a chosen place, how to safely arrange furniture in a house and office, etc.

Multidimensional medicine

New charts and symbols. Complete atlas.

This book by L.G. Puchko “Multidimensional medicine. New charts and symbols. The Complete Atlas" opens up new opportunities for those who use the "Multidimensional Medicine" methodology in their lives.

In the publication, the author collected, systematized and corrected all the information necessary for a full and effective work: the conceptual apparatus of Multidimensional Medicine, examples of fundamental principles, an algorithm for constructing vibration series, a complete set of diagrams of Multidimensional Medicine, etc.

The book for the first time presents new symbols (symbols of the proto-alphabet and symbols-crystals), the use of which will help to eliminate various problems, such as difficulties in interpersonal relationships, karmic "knots", etc. The practical use of these symbols has shown their high efficiency. The publication also contains the methodology developed by G.A. Nepokoichitsky for conducting an experiment to determine the accuracy of radiesthetic work.

Multidimensional medicine in questions and answers

The book offered to the reader is devoted to the analysis of fundamentally new methods of healing a person from a wide variety of diseases, which can sometimes haunt a person almost all his life. Thanks to a huge number of letters from readers, the system of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person being developed by L.G. Puchko is constantly being improved and is becoming more and more accessible to many people.

Multidimensional Man

Multidimensional person. A new highly effective algorithm for self-healing of humans and animals.

The book is devoted to fundamentally new methods of healing from the so-called incurable and incurable, chronic diseases that can haunt a person almost all his life.

Highly efficient algorithms for (self)diagnosis and (self)healing of a person are based on the hypothesis that has existed since ancient times that, along with the physical body, all living beings also have “subtle” bodies. Thus, the author considers any living organism to be “multidimensional”. It is assumed that these bodies have radiation in the microwave ranges. Unfortunately, at present there is no technical equipment capable of carrying out measurements at these frequencies, therefore representatives of modern scientific medicine deny their existence.

L.G. Puchko suggests that it is in the “subtle” bodies of a person that the underlying causes of diseases are located, without the elimination of which it is impossible to heal a person.

Radiaesthetic knowledge of man

Radioaesthetic knowledge of man. The system of self-diagnosis, self-healing and self-knowledge of a person.

In addition to eliminating existing problems in the body, in his new book, L. G. Puchko offers an algorithm for preventing the consequences of negative life situations, for example, family troubles, conflicts or work, etc.

Moreover, the author has developed an algorithm for optimizing the connections of the “Higher Self” of a person with other people, which will allow avoiding conflicts in society, defusing a tense atmosphere in the family and thereby preventing the very appearance of negative life situations that have such a detrimental effect on health.

This book can be a textbook for doctors of all specialties interested in alternative medicine and also for everyone who wants to become healthy and happy.

Human life and health in questions and answers of Multidimensional Medicine

The book Human Life and Health in Questions and Answers of Multidimensional Medicine is a collection of letters that combines two books: Multidimensional Medicine in Questions and Answers and Multidimensional Medicine. New questions and new answers.

This edition contains letters from people who have mastered the basics of Multidimensional Medicine. The authors of the letters talk about amazing cases of self-healing. Their algorithms for eliminating the most complex diseases are undoubtedly of great interest to the creatively thinking followers of L.G. Puchko.

Multidimensional medicine

Multidimensional medicine. The system of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person.

Multidimensional medicine is a fusion of the knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine, ancient and modern esoteric knowledge and the agnostic experience of all major world religions, which made it possible to systematically describe the multidimensional structure of a person, consisting of seven bodies - a physical and a six-layer energy frame surrounding the physical body.

The author has succeeded in developing an algorithm, with the help of which, using the radiesthetic method (biolocation), it is possible to identify in each person an individual record matrix in the wave form of chronic diseases caused by underlying causes, and eliminate them using the method of vibrational rows, which has no analogues in the world.

The method is easy to use, safe, effective and recommended for anyone who wants to get rid of complex chronic diseases, regardless of the duration of the disease.

Multidimensional medicine. New questions and new answers

“Multidimensional medicine. New questions and new answers” ​​is a continuation of the author's dialogue with readers, which was started in the first book of this series “Multidimensional Medicine in Questions and Answers”.

There are many more letters in this edition, where people who have mastered the basics of Multidimensional Medicine talk about amazing cases of self-healing. Their algorithms for eliminating the most complex diseases are undoubtedly of great interest to the creatively thinking followers of L.G. Puchko. Some of the readers' letters included in the new book, the author calls "golden scattering of folk wisdom."

Reader Comments

Irena/ 04/26/2019 in order to tell a person about Higher Matters, I slightly look at the Pythagorean numerical matrix.. if a person has come at the GROUNDING stage - me and my house - it is very inefficient to spend my strength on raising his vibration ... yes, it is possible and dangerous.

Yasana/ 22.04.2019 Hello. Seven years ago I tried to study the books of Lyudmila Puchko, but apparently I was not ready at that moment. Now I am rediscovering all this for myself. Because I work in an alternative medicine clinic. Bio-resonance testing. For some, this seems dangerous. Strange. Gentlemen, everything, as far as a person is ready to absorb this knowledge and apply. All in due time. Do not rush to conclusions.

Anna/ 02/14/2019 Half the street is engaged. Multidimensional medicine is a good idea and everything helps well.

Julia/ 23.11.2018 Rain / 7.05.2018. Tell me the name of Puchko's last book, which deals with self-defense

Michael/ 11/19/2018 I have not read these books, I became interested in this pseudoscience only now - when my wife ended up in a mental hospital after working on the methods of Puchko and Pavlov. Think ten times before doing this. Yes, and look at the photo / video - how Puchko herself looked, in my opinion, not very cool.

liya/ 10/31/2018 It is written in the Book of Fundamentals: Every flesh wakes up to heal itself.

Oksana/ 06/22/2018 An indicator that the country is starting to get rid of the legacy of the 90s and restore a healthy society will be when these figures are put in jail. You should at least look at these figures, at least on the video, their seminars. And compare them at least with the notorious fitness trainers. The appearance of these multidimensional people is clearly not healthy, both physically and mentally. And statements about the prolongation of youth from the lips of Puchko generally sound comical. Let's start with the fact that at the same seminars she looks terrible in every sense, she also died before even the average age in Russia. But for those who do not know how to look or think, this noodle is very suitable.

Konstantin/ 06/3/2018 Good afternoon - and who works in KHARKOV - ANSWER. And it’s difficult to work on your own - write to --- ( [email protected]) .

Rain/ 05/07/2018 Everything is not as simple as it might seem. This is work with the elemental forces of the other world. The so-called elementals (not to be confused with elementaries). When you create a vibration. series with the help of a pendulum (the pendulum is just a tool, the Spirit turns it, it can be pure or not, how to find out - Puchko writes in later books, this is very important), these elemental forces begin to work, exactly creating what was prescribed in the installation for the vibrational row. Yes, the effect is amazing, it cannot fail to impress (although there are people who do not "turn on" the pendulum). But then something happens that Puchko has not written in any of her books, but what Madame Blavatsky warns about: after the vibrational. the row is worked out, these elementals (inherently unconscious) begin to rush about chaotically at a terrible speed, thereby accelerating karma. the return of all diseases and the addition of new ones that I had not even guessed about. She writes that only Adepts of Magic (which can be listed on the fingers) can put a defense against this, and we mere mortals are unprotected. That is, the phenomenon has been produced, but no one can say what will happen next. no panacea has yet been found. Adepts keep their secrets so much that on Everest, where they have a real home, they can’t pass, drive, or fly, which is why it is considered the most dangerous in terms of the number of deaths. No one will be allowed to approach their habitat, except for those chosen by them (what was Blavatsky, for example). Therefore, I recommend using the Puchko method (only the latest books in which she already specifically talks about protection) if your relatives (not yourself because it's useless) there's a psycho. diseases, including schizophrenia. It's very eff. a method to relieve you and your family quickly and easily from the suffering of possession (you will see that schizophrenia is precisely the possession of unclean spirits that cling to the unclean thoughts of the owner), since it is in the case of a psycho. diseases of. medicine and the church are almost powerless, and it takes years and lives. In other cases, only in the most dangerous cases. Good luck.

Elena/ 29.04.2018 Good afternoon! Tell me please! Are there specialists who have mastered this method from Rostov-on-Don?

Andor/ 02/19/2018 Difficult.. But it works.... Thank you for the knowledge...

Galina/ 02/06/2018 Well, what are you writing nonsense, the books are laid out, open at least. I just started studying, of course my head is spinning, there is a lot of information, you can’t take it in a rush. For me, having gone through various practices, but without solving the main problems, this is a tool. Everything I have learned is confirmed in the book. And you have to learn how to work according to the method, and this is your own tool for life.

Cat/ 10/27/2017 My mom also worked out. I sat with a pendulum, cut out some circles with swastikas, burned something. In short, it ended badly. She began to fade, stopped eating, did not eat for 15 days. I was forced to call a psychiatrist. They took it, they took it away. Now it's normal. Crazy ideas do not attend. Ordinary pensioner. She bakes pies. Communicates with grandchildren. Conclusion: a person should not climb into pseudo-scientific spheres. It might end badly.

Anna/ 26.10.2017 The method is unique and unparalleled. Most importantly, you do not need connections and big money. Only hard work and the desire to become healthy! It really takes a lot of time, especially at first. IT'S WORTH IT! One of the advantages is that you can train when and with whom you want! You solve health problems for yourself, or loved ones, or animals! Or even better with the people around you! Always - freedom of choice! Who does not succeed - think carefully, read the materials of the forum. Theoretically - it should always be better, nobody should be worse in principle. Look for the reason in yourself. The author of the technique Puchko L.G. - a unique personality of our time! She gave the algorithm, and we can find its application in different areas. By the way, the technique works not only with health, but also with problems in other areas at the same time. Thank you very much Lyudmila Grigorievna!