
German by origin, Catherine II tried to feel Russian. "I wanted to be Russian so that the Russians love me" - this principle of Catherine began to confess on arrival in Russia. After becoming an empress, it acts in the interests of the Russian state.

In the internal policy of Catherine II (1762-1796), outstanding great transformations, collected in 1767 in Moscow a commission to compile new deposits. Ekaterina developed for this commission, which laid the ideas of Montesquieu, Beckakaria and other enlighteners. But in Russia XVIII century. These ideas were impossible to implement these ideas. The war-started war with Turkey put an end to the work of the Commission.

Also, its policy was aimed at expanding the noble privileges (the complained grarp of the nobility of 1785) and the strengthening of the serfdom (distribution of 800 thousand peasants in the fortification), although the empress itself shared the principles of enlightenment: a look at serfdom as antihuman and harmful and harmful Point of view. But to raise the question of the abolition of serfdom, on which the landlord was held, she did not want, and could not. Catherine was convinced that the relationship between the peasants and their owners is generally quite satisfactory.

Under the impression of the pogromov produced by the rebels during the Pugachevshchina, Catherine conducted administrative reforms, established instead of the previous 20 provinces 51 with the division of them on the counties. In new institutions, the first organized nobility received the primary administrative importance.

Legislative activity is considered in this abstract Catherine II.: Transformation of the Senate, the development of "punishment" and the organization of the laid commission, reform in the economic and social spheres, a change in the administrative device.

The task and purpose of the study is to establish the advantages and disadvantages of reforms conducted by the Empress. To find out the reasons that contribute to reform activity and interfering with their realization.

As a material, such sources of information are attracted as the articles of the journal "Teaching History at School", which characterize reforms against the city (by A. Belov) and the laid commission (N. Pavlenko). Also, the monograph "History of Catherine Second" (author A. Brikner) and training editions of L. Milova, edited by A. Sakharov. The materials taken in Onlain Library "" were used as Internet resources and on the site dedicated to Russian history.

1. Evaluation of Catherine's activities in domestic historiography.

The "Golden Age" of Catherine The second is one of the most interesting stages of the Russian Empire - in recent decades, the Company's attention was in the focus. The explanation of this seems that the identity of Catherine II, its ideas and acts are inextricably linked with the transformation era, when Russia once again became the path of European enlightenment. If the "Century of Peter was a century not light, but dawn", which made a lot of "in external, material relations mainly", then in the accomplishments of the second half of the XVIII century, by definition S.M. Solovyov, "Clearly visible signs of matureness of the people, the development of consciousness, appeal from external to the internal, appealing to themselves, on their own.

Ekaterina II, in the lifetime of his deeds, the title of "Great". Improved in almost all spheres of life of a huge state of transformation did not carry in themselves the grana of the "revolutionary" began and was based on the worldwide strengthening of the absolutist state, further hardening the dominant position of the nobility, the legislative consolidation of the non-equivance of the company's defective division when "the legal status of all others The estates were subordinate to the interests of the state and preserve the domination of the nobility. " IN. Klyuchevsky had every reason to argue that the Empress "did not touch the historically established foundations of the state system." According to a modern researcher O.A. Omelchenko, the real meaning of reforms in Russia of the century "enlightened absolutism" consisted in a solid statement of the "legitimate monarchy", which is the only one able to implement the public needs "in the bliss and well-being of each". The true content of the above formula was concluded in the well-known Catherine-written diploma to nobility of 1785, which satisfied almost all previously expressed claims of this class, putting a point in the long-term process of legislative execution of his rights and privileges. This legislative act finally elevated the nobles over other estates and layers of society. The Catherine Epoch truly became the "golden age" for them, the time of the highest celebration of serfdom.

2. Legislative activity of Catherine Great.

The goal of Peter and Catherine had one: to civilize Russia according to the sample, represented by Western European states, but the difference in the activities of these two famous sovereigns of the XVIII century was that Peter, finding something bad in Russia, seeing better in the West Europe, directly tolerated this is the best, in his opinion, to Russian soil. Ekaterina The II II in its conversion activities was held mainly by the principles earned in its time European Nauku, and he was constantly coped, which is possible for Russia for its special conditions. The most influential people in the reign of Catherine II were: at the beginning of the reign - the Orlov brothers, Prince Grigori Grigorievich and Count Alexey Grigorievich Chesmesky. External relations were headed by Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin; But besides external intercourse, none of the important internal issues decided without Panin; He was the educator of the heir to the throne of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich. At this time, the value of the prince of Gregory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, which paid attention mainly to the south. At the end of the reign, the most influential person was the prince of teeth, and flameless and brands were headed by external affairs. From the prosecutor's prosecutors of the Catherine Time, Prince Vyazemsky was remarkable; Of the people of spiritual - Moscow Metropolitan Plato.

Having joined on russian throne, Catherine II began its reign with the fact that it formulated the primary tasks for their activities:

you need to enlighten a nation to be managed.

It is necessary to introduce good order in the state, support society and force it to comply with the laws.

It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police in the state.

It is necessary to contribute to the flowering of the state and make it abundant.

It is necessary to make the state formidable in itself and inspireing respect for neighbors.

2.1. Transformation of the Senate.

Initially, the Empress needed a little in state affairs needed a qualified help of experienced advisers. At the same time, it was not satisfied, which occupied the highest government body - the government of the Senate - in the system of control system of Elizabeth and Peter III. Catherine clearly did not satisfy the nature of the power of this institution. In a letter A. Vyazemsky - a new prosecutor General of the Senate - Empress with jealousy, wrote that the Senate "left the borders" that he assigned to him the right to publish decrees, distribute the ranks, in one word, makes "almost everything." The result of the Empress is a result - the strengthening of the imperial power in the weakening of the Senate - was achieved, according to Catherine, firstly, the creation of the Special Council of Trusted Sanitary Sandages, secondly, the reform of the Senate itself. The project on the Council of Catherine instructed the Count N. I. Panin, who took a prominent place at the beginning of her reign.

The project of Panin turned out to be absolutely not as much as I wanted to see it Catherine. Panin, sharing the ideas of I. I. Shuvalov about the need to introduce some "fundamental" in Russia, indispensable laws, did not speak an open opponent autocracy. He only searched for legal guarantees from the inevitable autocracy of the arbitrariness, domination, to the detriment of the state and subjects, favorites, when "the work of cases operated more power than the power of state places." It was indeed a serious political problem. Reniece of the All-Russia Favorites passed from contemporaries before his eyes, and the new sovereign immediately appeared his favorite of Grigory Orlov with brothers. But the proposal of Panin to create the Imperial Council did not like the Empress. Panin suggested to improve the management system "reasonable" to divide the power of the government "between some small number of chosen to the same persons", which would allow "to protect the autocratic power from the hidden sometimes the kidnappers oni." Here, Catherine, apparently, saw the threat of autocratic power. It seems that this fear was founded. The Imperial Council in the editorial office of Panin acquired great importance in legislation. One of the provisions of the draft institution of the Council allowed him to interpret it so that the Empress had the right to sign the decrees only after approval by the Council. There were other positions of the project that could be interpreted in two ways.

In 1763, the Senate was transformed. It was divided into six departments: the first was headed by a prosecutor general who conducted state and political affairs in St. Petersburg, the second - court in St. Petersburg, the third - transport, medicine, science, education, art, fourth - military-land and Military affairs, the fifth - state and political in Moscow and the Sixth - the Moscow Judicial Department.

2.2. "Okaz". Claimed Commission.

Catherine II views system was reflected in its main political essay - "AUTO", written for the laid commission of 1767 as a program of action. In it, the Empress outlined the principles of building a state and role state institutions, Basics of lawmaking and legal policy legal proceedings.

The main feature, the main thought of her views was the desire to promote the happiness and welfare of the people. Catherine was convinced of the need to replace the despotic arbitrariness. Thoughts on the responsibility of the sovereign to the subjects were summarized. Brikner indicated that the main feature, the main thought of her views was the desire to promote the happiness and welfare of the people. Catherine was convinced of the need to replace the despotic arbitrariness. Thoughts on the responsibility of the sovereign to the subjects were summarized. Several times before the "big commission" of 1767 was the idea of \u200b\u200brevising and drawing up laws by convening large meetings.

From the very first time of his reign, she tried to apply the idea of \u200b\u200bthe well-being of the people, legality, freedom; without reducing no work, not the time she studied very carefully issues of legislation and administration, and paid special attention to general rules Persising and liberalism. Voltaire noticed once, in 1764, that the motto of the Empress should serve a bee; She liked this comparison; She loved to call her empire.

Ekaterina II, according to her own words, "in the first three years of his reign, he learned that the great ancientization in court and violence, therefore, and in justice, constitutes a disadvantage in many cases of legalization, in the other - the great number of these, at different times issued Also, the imperfect distinction between the urgent and temporary laws and the amount of all that, after a long time and frequent changes, the mind in which the former civil arrangements were drawn up were, now many were completely unknown. Laws; moreover, the difference between the times and customs not at all with the present "still multiplied with the difference. To eliminate this deficiency, Catherine from the second year of his reign began to prepare the order.

In December 1766, a manifesto on the intention of the Empress was announced next year in Moscow a commission to compose this project. Deputies in the Commission were kept to send from the Senate, Synod, all the Board and the Office for one; from each county where there is a nobility - one by one; from the inhabitants of each city - one by one; from one-bedrooms of each province - one by one; from infantry soldiers and different services of serving people and others, Landminia containing, from each province - one deputy; from state peasants from each province - one by one; from none peoples, whatever law, baptized or unresolved, from each people with each province, one deputy; The definition of the number of deputies of Cossack troops is entrusted to the highest commanders of them. Each deputy received from his voters to the authority and punishes about the needs and requirements of their society, who became the choice of five voters. In total in 1767-1768. The commission was attended by 724 deputies, more than 33% - nobility, 36% - urban, about 20% - rural population. Deputies across the order should have been given to the Empress the opportunity to "better find out the needs and sensual disadvantages of both" every place and the whole people as a whole. "

"Okaz" included 20 chapters divided into 526 articles and, as indicated by Nikolai Pavlenko in the article "Catherine Great. Chapter II. Enlightened monarchy p.2. The laid commission "- №6 - 1996" concretized the notion of unlimited power: the monarch is a source of any state power, only him owns the right to publish laws and their interpretation. "

Pavlenko draws attention to the fact that it is weaker in the "Aactions" developed peasant question. The fate of the fate of the population remained beyond the framework of the Catherine essay. It is very deaf about the serfdom, and you can only guess that it is about him - in Article 260, the Empress expresses the thought: "There should be no need to do the general number of liberated."

The opening of the commissioned commission took place on July 30, 1767 by the service in the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin. The Chairman of the Commission was elected Kostroma Deputy General-Annef AB. Bibikov. Then the deputies were read by "Okaz". Since, after reading the "punishment", the deputies did not come to the head, they decided to present the Empress, following the example with Peter I, the title "Great, Mother of the Fatherland" title. Ekaterina "modestly" adopted only the title of "Mother of Fatherland". Thus, the most unpleasant issue of Catherine is the question of the illegality of its advantage of the throne. From now on, her position on the throne, after such a gift, the representative assembly, was much more durable.

With the election of 18 private commissions, working weekdays of deputies began to comply with Ekaterina: instead of the expected calm business exchange of views - a rapid debate around the voter orders, when none of the parties wanted to give anything. The persistence of the nobles, defended their sole rights to the ownership of peasants, was divided by all the arguments of deputies from citizens and state peasants. In turn, the merchants defended the monopoly to engage in trade and industry and put the question of returning the rights of peasants to the factories taken in 1762. There was no unity and in the most dominant class - the contradictions opened between the nobility of the central provinces and national outflows. Representatives of the latter or desired to equalize with the first (Siberia, Ukraine), or to defend previously acquired privileges (Baltic States).

The number and anti-dvorany speeches grew - in 1768 there were about six dozen. In their more acute criticism, unavailable for other estates of the privileges of the nobles were subjected. It could not discern the leadership of the Commission. Invented output: by order of Bibicova, deputies at meetings slowly and clearly read all the laws on property rights from 1740 to 1766, read Cathedral crown 1649, three times read the "Okaz" and about six hundred decrees. The work of the Commission is actually paralyzed, we were looking for only a congestive reason to terminate it. The reason was found with the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war in 1768. The Commission "Temporary" dissolve. The reason for the dissolution is not only and not so much in the growth of anti-dvorany speeches, but in the disappointment of the empress. As the modern historian A.B. Kamensky, "She clearly overestimated his subjects. "She clearly overestimated their subjects. The legislative parliamentary work that did not have a legislative parliamentary work, they ... generally reflected the general low level of political culture of the people and were not able to rise over narrow-sized interests for the interests of the general - state. "

But still the work of the Commission can not be called useless. The Empress made a conclusion: "The commissioning commission, former in the meeting, filed a light and information about the entire empire, who we have and about whom they should". " And it was at the meetings of the Commission for the first time in Russia, the question arose about the need to reform the existing system.

2.3. Economy.

To the second half of the XVIII century. In the feudal economy of Russia, serious changes occurred. The establishment of the All-Russian market, the active participation of the country in international trade led to an increase in commodity-money relations.

Come to power, Catherine Great start Since dating with the state of public affairs and, above all, finance: "The treasury is exhausted, excessive costs are multiplied, from which unicredentally involve in the state of non-psychod ..."

The economic development of new territories stimulated the growth of entrepreneurship. Although the main supplier of goods continued to protested landlords, the industrial market was expanded. This process was facilitated by the final liquidation in 1754 of all internal customs.

The strengthening of the state power of the Empress began with the secularization of church lands in 1764. Revenues from this process came to the state budget, the peasants were translated into the category of economic, and later attached to state peasants.

In the middle of the XVIII century there is a banking system. In 1754, a state borrowed bank opens, consisting of a noble borrowed bank with an authorized capital of 700 thousand rubles. and merchant bank. In 1769, banknotes were created mainly by introducing paper money into circulation. The first paper money appeared in 1769, and their introduction pursued a goal, on the one hand, to displace copper coin from the appeal, and on the other, to ensure the replenishment of financial reserves in connection with the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war. The previously entered bills only in part saved the situation, and the establishment of paper money was a radical output from the position. Despite control, focused in the hands of governors and governors, the activities of all these offices were unsuccessful, and they gradually began to close. In 1786, the appliances banks were renamed one state appliance bank. In 1796, the state borrowed bank was founded, which was issued by loans to landowners from nobles to improve their farm. He issued a loan for estates, houses and factory for a period of 20 years at 8% of annual nobles and for 22 years under 7% of cities.

In the policies of "enlightened absolutism" of the 60s. The XVIII century is also important to note the organization of free economic society. Interested in the production of bread and other cultures for sale, the landowner no longer wanted to put up with a constant crouch and overall low yield. And the only way to combat this ailment, he saw in the expansion of sowing areas, i.e. Increase the operation of serfs. The government tried to prevent it. This served as the main goal of a free economic society formed in 1765. His founders were Sanovnikov G.G. Orlov, R.I. Vorontsov and D.R. The society began to publish its "works", which regularly went out from 1766 to 1855 (about 30 volumes), where various works on economics, agronomy, selection of crops, animal husbandry and other sectors of agriculture printed.

2.4. Provincial reform.

The peasant war revealed the most vulnerable link in state system Management - local authorities. As it turned out, they were not able to provide "silence and calm". And at the end of 1775, the Empress writes Voltera: "I just gave my Empire" Institution on the provinces ", which contains 215 printed pages ... and, as they say, it is not inferior to" punishment "...". It used the provisions of 19 projects compiled by large dignitaries, and the punishes to the deputies to the laid commission.

According to the project, Russia has now been divided by 50 provinces instead of the previous 23. The division criterion was not the ethnic community of the population, but its number: 300-400 thousand inhabitants were provinces, 20-30 thousand - County. In each province was an average of 10-15 counties. The usual provinces did not.

The governor stood at the head of the province, in whose hands all the branches of the provincial administration were gradually focused. He had in his jurisdiction of the entire government part in the province, supervising the first places, the police, most of the financial management, and also actively intervened in the actions of the criminal court, there was civil proceedings under his closer observation. Of course, the separation of the speech authorities was not going.

Two-three provinces headed the governor-general or governor - a new position. He was obeyed even located within the vicarity of field divisions of the regular army.

In the course of a decade stretched for a decade (1775-1785), the reforms of solid restructuring were subjected to borders, both provinces and counties, sometimes excluding the economic characteristics of the regions. Difficulties were also created with the definition of county centers that would respond their intended purpose. The output was found in the ad 215 settlements The city, most of whom were more like a village.

The income and expenses of the province, industry and trade were the official of the State Chamber. As a result of the reform, a number of other new institutions that were absent in the previous structure appeared. The most significant among them was the order of public charity, which was managed by schools, hospitals, allests, orphanages. Another new administrative education was a conscientious court, which is significant from the administrative system of England. Six assessors from the nobles, citizens and the unlocked peasants, according to the idea, had to soften the unjustified cruelty of the law or to replenish the not regulated by the last position. The main task of the court was in reconciliation of conflicting parties. Contemporaries characterized the work of the conscientious court in the conditions of Russia of the pole "puppet game" and more rely on other judicial authorities.

N. D. Chechulin indicates that the provincial reform led to a significant increase in the cost of the content of the bureaucratic apparatus. Even according to the preliminary calculations of the Senate, its implementation was to lead to an increase in the total expenditures of the state budget by 12-15%, but this was reacted "with strange frivolity". Shortly after the completion of the reform, chronic budget deficits began, which never managed to eliminate until the end of the reign.

2.5. Plotted diplomas and nobility of 1785

In 2013, there were 228 years since the creation of the two most famous legislative acts of Catherine of the Great - the humiliated posture of the nobility and cities. According to many modern historians, It was in these documents that the political program of the empress, which she consistently carried out throughout the time of staying in power was mostly found in the greatest extent.

Catherine II considered the development of the city, urban life and society, urban economy as an opportunity to improve and intensify the lives of the whole state with the help of active entrepreneurial activities. On the basis of cities, the development of a free (uncovered) population was assumed.

A.V. Belov, the author of the article "Reforms of Catherine II and the Russian City: The population and the city inhabitants" believes that "the grade has become the main regulatory act that determined the structure of urban society, his rights and a system of self-government up to the great reforms of Alexander II." She allocated a group of persons who were announced by citizens officially and received special rights (by origin) on the craft, trade, self-government. Another, for example, peasants, on the contrary, it was forbidden to participate in this activity.

The task facing Catherine II was to implement the internal stratification, the legislative department of urban inhabitants and the definition of their composition, right and status. "City inhabitants" were divided into predominantly trading, mainly crafts and the intelligentsia and "participants of urban self-government", as small owners who did not have significant funds and engaged in any kind of activity.

The most privileged residents of cities were merchants. Depending on the size of capital, merchants shared on the guild. The lack of assignments to the guild automatically deprived merchant titles and privileges. By the nature of the classes close to the merchants stood nonresident and foreign guests, as well as famous citizens. They represented a group of very different urban residents united by privileges: had the right to own factories, factories and any vessels.

The workshops and handicraft councils consisted of "city inhabitants" who wished the "craft and needlework to produce." Their members had the right to "make all sorts of work on their skill," but only with the aim of "delivering themselves to food", i.e. Do not go to the level of merchants of the 3rd Guild. The stop or shop could not consist of less than five masters. He headed elected by the "Starish Management". All the councils elected for one year the handicraft head, which had one voice in the city Duma. Unlike merchants and "Posad", the number of which continuously grew, the number of "workshops", on the contrary, continuously decreased. One of the reasons is the discrepancy between the brought Western schemes to Russian realities.

In addition to the "city inhabitants" in the city there was a considerable number of persons not referred to urban estates. These are state and military employees, nobles, peasants, clergy and representatives of intermediate social groups, such as gyms.

According to the literacy, the courtyards living in the city were released from personal files and services. But, having real estate in the city, they were obliged for them "in the urban office to carry civil gravity equal to other breasts." Officials and military were dismissed from all urban duties, provided that they are not engaged in the Meshchansky fishery. The peasants, without referring to the cities of "pros", were often the most active participants in handicraft and trade activities, which constituted the important feature of the development of Russia. The grariness allowed rural residents to come to cities freely, but they could only trade in their county town and extremely produced by their products. They were allowed to have crafts of the bog.

Primary and benefit grades Russian Empire Or, as it is called in the scientific literature, the pledged diploma has completed the city of urban society. She equalized all the groups in matters of urban self-government, but noticeably distinguished them according to the graded economic opportunities and social privileges.

The pledged grarity of the nobility is a systematic arch of all rights and privileges, which for decades one after another received nobles in the XVIII century. It confirmed the liberty library from the mandatory public service, Freedom from the payment of filters, in the noble houses of troops, from applying bodily punishment nobles for any crime. At the same time, the exclusive advantage in possession of settlements was confirmed, i.e. Earth and peasants. The estates of the nobles were not subject to confiscation, even if the owner turned out to be a criminal, they were transmitted to the heirs. The pledged diploma was fixed behind the nobles the right to engage in trade, to have in the cities of the house, to build industrial institutions, etc.

An important point in the literacy was the codification of noble governments. The nobility with the Ober officer Chin was the right to organize noble societies in counties and provinces. The right to be elected to elected posts in the province or the county was now only nobles that have income in no less than 100 rubles. The estate self-government of the noble corporation was limited and supplied under the control of state power.


A. Brikner argues that it is impossible to say that the empress is carefully engaged in a negligence. She loved the generalizations, reflected on the general nature of politics, sociology, philosophy of law, unless in the form of an exception entering the details of the legal issues. But still she was able to achieve some success in legislative activities. Firstly, Catherine graduated from Peter, she held the provincial reform, according to which the country was divided into provinces (not in terms of territories, but in the population). But we know that people surrounded by Empress during her travels could show her the whole country in an extremely advantageous light. Therefore, she hardly had the opportunity to make an accurate concept of the present position of Russia; Seeing a lot, so to speak, on a festive form, in an artificial atmosphere, with extraordinary lighting, and besides, fond of its characteristic with optimism, Catherine fell itself a false understanding of the impaired success of his administrative and legislative activities. Thanks to Catherine, by the end of the XVIII century, they increased their foreign trade by 4 times! The first banks appeared, as well as paper money - assignment. Internal trade was more free, allowed to open their manufactory without a special government permission.

According to A. Sakharov, "consistent, without sharp fluctuations in the policy of the Empress, most impressed by the nobility and urban states." As mentioned earlier, it is connected with the cities of the pledged diploma and the establishment of the class management.

In general, the whole life and activities of Catherine II were subordinated to the formula: "Sequence in Acts". The main line of its 34-year-old reign was stability, although, as I wrote by V.O. Klyuchevsky, of these, 17 years of the struggle of the "external and internal" accounted for "for 17 years of rest."

Information sources.

1.Belov, A.V. Reforms of Catherine II and Russian City: Population and city inhabitants // Teaching history in school - №4 - 2010 - p.15-20.

2. Brikner, A.G. History of Catherine Second / A.G.brikner. -M: OOO "AST Publisher", 2004.-843, c .- (Classical Thought).

3. Milov, L.V. History of Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries / L.V. Milov, N.I. Tsimbaev; Ed. L.V. Milova. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 784 p.

4. Pavlenko, N. Catherine Great. Chapter II. Enlightened monarchy p.2. Mounted Commission // Teaching History in School - №6 - 1996. - C.32-36.

5. Sahars, A.N., Morozova, L.E., Rakhmatullin et al. / History of Russia: in 2 tons. T.1: from ancient times until the end of the XVIII century. - M.: LLC "Publisher AST": ZAO NPP "Ermak": LLC "Publishing Astrel", 2005. - 943 s.: Il.

6. Solovyov, S. Russian history. Xlix. Internal activity of Catherine II.

: [Electronic resource]. 2013. URL: (reference date: 25.11.13).

7. [Electronic resource] // History of the Russian Empire. Internal and foreign policy of Catherine II. URL: (Calling date: 11/25/13).

Catherine II sincerely believed that she really managed to achieve prosperity, if not all, then at least most of her subjects. Russia with it has become strong and powerful, and new laws were to provide universal prosperity. Historians called her reign of the time of "enlightened absolutism." Also called the Board of its contemporaries - Friedrich II in Prussia, Joseph II in Austria and some others. But over time, in the correctness of this definition, more and more doubt occur. On the one hand, some believe that it applies not only to Catherine, but also to some of its predecessors and successors. On the contrary, others are not confident that the political system of Russia of this time can generally be called absolutism. But not in the title matter. It is much more important to understand what was the time in Russian history. Meanwhile, the opinions and contemporaries and descendants were divided into this regard, and sometimes the most radical way was separated.

The most famous criticism of Catherine from her contemporaries was, of course, the famous historian Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Shcherbatov. The person educated and talented, he, like many of his peers, was a passion for philosophers-enlighteners and freebies, but with the ideas of social equality preaching and those and others, to reconcile their spirit of proud aristocrat, convinced of the usefulness of serfdom, he failed. In search of the ideal, he turned to the distant past of Russia, as it seemed to him, found him and involuntarily began to compare with what he saw in front of his own eyes. The comparison was not in favor of the Great Empress. In addition, the vulnerable pride of a person who believed that he was worthy of being one of the first persons of the state, but saw his place busy people Random, that is, having fallen on it due to the case. And now the Yakaterininsky courtyard of Shcherbatova is becoming the Ekaterininsky courtyard for an exorbitant luxury, the chase behind which leads, in his opinion, to the fall of the morals. "Her Moral," Catherine Shcherbatov accused, "stands on the basis of new philosophers, that is, not approved on the firm Camera of the Law of God, and therefore there is a oscillation on the oscillations. In contrast, its vices are ... Lovely and completely entrusted to his pets, performed pomp in all things, proud to infinity, and not able to force themselves to such things that she may be bored, taking everything on themselves, has no care for execution And finally, the change of change that rarely and one month the system is the same in the argument of the board. "

If Shcherbatov was on convictions of a conservative and moral ideals tried to find in Doparyrovskaya Rus, then among noble youth, there were a lot of people who, reading the same books as Catherine, made them completely different, radical conclusions. "Who would be so much orally, when the Fatherland is suffering to look with cold blood? - Whether in a letter to the friend of the children's games Paul Petrovich Prince A. B. Curakina Colonel and Flegene Adjutant P.A. Bibikov. - It would be very ridiculous, but the heart is breaking down and seen in all its blacks the unreachaous position of all, but there are no power to eat and having an active strength ... I confess to you as a person who has always opened his heart, which is demanded to me All my philosophy, in order not to quit everything to hell and go home to plant a cabbage ... "Another, who also did not see anything Otradny in modern reality, free-dimensor, Yaroslavsky Posher I.M. Picky, drafted to commit suicide, wrote in a suicide note that "the most disgust for our Russian life is the most prompting that has forced me to solve my fate."

But there was a different point of view. great poet Derzhavin raised Catherine in his famous sides:

Rumor goes about your actions,

That you are not a proud nimalo;

Courtesy and in business and jokes,

Pleasant in friendship and firm;

That you are indifferent in assault

And in the glory is taver

That renounced and wise to hear.

Also say it is not difficult

As if demanded permanent

You and the truth to speak.

Tears of pleasant rivers

From my soul depth.

ABOUT! Kohl happy people

There must be your destiny

Where the angel is meek, the angel peaceful,

Hidden in lightness porphyry,

From Heaven Nisposlan Skipte to wear!

There you can spite in conversations

And, execution is not afraid in dinners

For the health of the kings not to drink.

Unheard of also the case

Worthy of you alone

That you are bolden by the people

About everything and attaching both at hand

And know and think you allow

And do not forbid about yourself

And the right and not talking;

As if the most crocodiles

Your all the vastity of Zoilam,

Always inclined to forgive.

There for the name Felitsa can

In the line, write up

Or portrait careless

Her to earth to drop.

There weddings are not sooty

In the ice baths, they are not fried,

Do not click on the mustache wine;

Princes are not Clocht

Love that they do not laugh,

And the soot do not make merage.

Another poet on the pages of the magazine "Everybody" formulated the thought, which many were repeated for many frets: "Peter Rossam gave the body, Catherine - Souls."

A very little time passed after the death of Catherine, and in Pavlovskaya, when the life and fate of a person again began to depend on the change of the mood of the sovereign, discontent about certain actions or, on the contrary, the inaction of his mother began to be forgotten and the myth about Catherine time As about the "golden age". Edit "according to the law and the heart of the grandmother of our" swore, going on in 1801 to the throne, her favorite Alexander I. What this meant practically, he imagined, apparently, not too clearly and soon encountered the same obstacles to which His predecessor stumbled. But with him even more became those who were disappointed with the slowness and the moderation of reforms and who with youthful maximalism was ready to cross all the legacy of the previous decades.

Such was the young Pushkin with his "Tartuf in a skirt and crown." "The reign of Catherine II, he believed, was a new and strong influence on the political and moral state of Russia. Easured to the throne plot of several rebels, she enriched them at the expense of the people and humiliated anyone's restless nash. If you reign - it means to know the weakness of the soul of human and it use, then in sections of Catherine deserves surprise of offspring. Her magnificence was blinded, he was attracted, generous tied. The most sustaining of this cunning woman approved her dominion. Making a weak ropot in the people, accustomed to respect the vices of their rulers, it was excited by a vigilant competition in higher states, for no need had no mind nor merit, nor talents to achieve a second place in the state ... humiliated Sweden and destroyed Poland - here are the great rights of Catherine on Gratitude to the Russian people. But over time, history will evaluate the influence of its reign on the morals, it will open the cruel activity of its despotism under the larger of meekness and tolerance, the people who oppressed by the governors, the treasury, crueling with lovers, will show important mistakes to her in political economy, insignificance in legislation, disgusting philosophy of relations with philosophers Her century - and then the voice of the seduced Voltaire will not save her glorious memory from the curse of Russia. "

These lines were written by Pushkin in 1822, and a few more than another wonderful Russian thinker - N.M. Karamzin, referring to the Emperor Alexander, wrote quite different: "Catherine II was the true premieze of Petrov's grandeur and the second educational institution of Russia. The main thing of this unforgettable monarchy is that it softened the autocracy, without losing his power. She caressed the so-called philosophers of the XVIII century and captivated by the character of the ancient Republicans, but wanted to command how the earthly God - and commanded. Peter, violenting the customs of the people, had a need for cruel - Catherine could do without these, to the pleasure of his tender heart: For it did not require anything opposed to their conscience and civilian skills from Russians, trying to unlimited the Other state or glory to her - victories, legislation, enlightenment.

Years and Pushkin, seriously engaged in studying history XVIII. The centuries and a terrified "rebellious and merciless", apparently, changed his mind, and at the pages of his "captain's daughter", completely different Ekaterina appeared in front of the reader and the fair Empress. Other Pushkin P.Ya. Chaadaev, the most gloomy critic of the historical past of Russia, believed that "unnecessarily talking about the reign of Catherine II, wearing such a national character, which, maybe, never a single people have ever identified to such an extent with their government as the Russian people in these years victories and prosperity. " Surprisingly, in such an assessment there were people of various convictions. So, Decembrist A.A. Bestuzhev believed that "the merits of Catherine to enlighten the Fatherland of Notices", and Slavophil A.S. Homyakov, comparing the Catherine and Aleksandrovsk epoch, made the conclusion that "with Catherine Russia existed only for Russia," while "under Alexander it is made some kind of service for Europe". "How strange is our fate," PA thought Vyazemsky. - Russian was raised to make the Germans from us; German wanted to remake us in the Russians. " And he also recalled the luxury of Catherine Pores with Nostalgia:

Ekaterina Century, her luxury courtyard.

The constellation of the names of Felitsa's sopales,

Folk tales of brilliant pages,

Santers, leaders, choir of chosen singers,

Heracks of the victories of Derzhavin and Petrov -

Everything was enjoyed in life, in the movement and in the verbs.

- 79.20 KB

Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidov

(Chair name)


Yaroslavl, 2012.

Introduction .................................................................. ......... ..3

1. Characteristics of Catherine II ......... ......................................7

1.1. Childhood and youth Ekaterina before arrival in Russia ....... ............ 7

2. Activity Catherine II ............... .................................. ..15

2.1. The first reign period until 1773 ....... ..................... 15

2.2. The second period of the Board, autocratic, after 1775 ... ... 21

3. Conclusion ........................................................ ............. ..25


The Board of Catherine II imposed a print on all subsequent cultural development of Russia. The age of its rule is called an age of enlightened absolutism. Catherine managed to enlighten his subjects and bring the Russian culture to Western. It also contributed significant changes in the mechanisms of government management.

Evaluation of the activities of Catherine II caused sharp disputes among historians, both Russians and non-Russian. After Peter I, only Catherine II caused such contradictory opinions. Among the contemporaries of Catherine, the second were both her supporters and opponents.

The most sharp and complete expression of the views of the people of Ekaterina We are found in the well-known note "On the damage of morals in Russia" of Prince Shcherbatov, who served at the court of Catherine II, the historically and publicist, a person of the educated and patriot with solid beliefs. The author wrote a note about himself, not for the public, and gathered his memories, observations and reflections on the moral life of the Supreme Russian Society of the XVIII century in this work., Having finished the gloomy picture of them with the words: "... a deplorable state, about which Tokmo should ask God, so that the best reign of this was evil was exterminated. "

The Board of Catherine II continued more than three and a half decades (1762-1796). It is filled with many events in the internal and external affairs, the implementation of the ideas that continued what was done in Peter Great.

According to V. O. Klyuchevsky, Ekaterina II: was the last accident in the Russian throne and conducted a long and extraordinary reign, created a whole era in our history "and, you can add in historiography. This "last chance" XVIII century. I could not leave indifferent either my contemporaries or descendants. For more than 200 years, the attitude towards Catherine II was ambiguous, but few people challenged the importance of her reign for the good of Russia.

Sources such as Bilbasov V. A. The history of Catherine was used in the course work. Historian and journalist, V. A. Bilbasov devoted the history of Catherine II, the rest of his life, after the government in 1883 closed "for the harmful direction" the famous newspaper "Voice", which he edited 12 years. The materials collected by the historian allowed to submit to the Russian society the image of Catherine-Women, which are completely different from crowd apocryphic tales generated by a long ban on access to personal documents of the empress. Despite the fact that Bilbasov, using all available domestic and foreign sources, argued the innocence of Catherine in the death of her husband, the disclosure of many details of the life of the imperial family was considered inappropriate. The author had to go to significant cuts and withdrawals from his work so that the book would see the light. In subsequent years, reader interest in the prohibited book did not weaken. Finally, in 1900, Bilbasov's work was published in Berlin in Russian in a full author's editorial office without censorship. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1900th Edition.
It rarely note the fact that even in the Soviet period, Catherine II monument, on a par with the worshiped Bolsheviks, Peter I, did not leave his pedestal, remaining the only monument to the monarch-woman in the state, where the reigning dynasty was suspended by a violent way.
And this is despite the fact that its so many-sided personality can not be tested under a certain stereotype: for some Catherine II -Proveed the sovereign, for others - Thianka, crushing the "peasant souls", for someone - loving specials that confused in the account of lovers. For researchers, the history of the reign of Catherine II was, remains and, apparently, will remain one of the favorite objects of research.

In domestic historiography, the Personality of Catherine II was considered both in special monographs and articles on solely transformations of its reign or its biography and in the work of a general nature concerning the history of the XVIII century, the history of diplomacy, culture, literature or in the works dedicated to its reignifications or favorites. By the beginning of the XXI century. A bibliography on this issue has almost 600 titles.

However, interest in the history of Catherine time does not weaken and only for last years Several new major research came out. Most publications were dedicated to anniversaries or anniversary of certain reforms.

The greatest number of work saw the light in the last quarter of the XIX - early XX century. (centenary anniversary of giving "pledged diploma" nobility and cities, a 100-year-old anniversary of the death of the Empress - the right time to summarize her long reign; the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanovs).

A distinctive feature of the reign of Catherine the second, in terms of its gradual not violent transformations, was that the consequence of the cleansing of the autocracy from the "impurities of the Tharatism" was the calm of the hearts, the successes of the pleasures of secular, knowledge, reason.

All historians agree that, having risen on the throne, the Empress met numerous difficulties. First of all, Catherine's rights to the throne were extremely dubious. The spouse of the overthrown emperor and the mother of the heir had, at best, the reason to be rentheated to the adulthood of Paul, who was 12 years old per year. Not to mention the fact that disputes about the father of the heir (among several candidates there was never Peter III) continue historians to this day, Catherine was a stranger.

Contemporaries, who knew Catherine personally or in letters, who were taken to disassemble her character, were usually crazy. Vasily Klyuchevsky, noting this fact, it believes that "Catherine was simply smart and nothing more if only this is a little. She had a mind not particularly thin and deep, but a flexible and cautious, smart, smart mind, who knew his place and time and not cololol Eye to others. Catherine knew how to be smart, by the way, and in moderation. But the personal interests were, quite obviously, Catherine. She was needed fame, "We needed loud things, large, for all obvious successes to justify their accesses and earn the love of subjects, to acquire which she, she did not neglect anything."

One of the best congestion congestion Catherine II - S.D. Barskov considered the main weapon of the queen lie. "All my life, from early childhood to a deep old age, she used this weapon, owned them as a virtuoso, and deceived parents, governess, her husband, lovers, subjects, foreigners, contemporaries and descendants."

Henri Troyia is a famous French writer and historian - for his long creative life, about hundreds of volumes wrote, and almost half of them is dedicated to Russia. In his book about the reign of Catherine, the most important political and cultural events of the Great, as well as the most vivid episodes of the turbulent personal life.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the biographies and political activities of Catherine II.

Setting this goal led to the need to solve a number of tasks:

It is stepwise to consider the main periods of the life of Catherine until arrival in Russia.

Analyze the first period of the reign of Catherine II to 1773.

Estimate the key points of the second period of the rule of the Empress (after 1775).

The object of study of this course work is the historical and political portrait of Catherine II. The subject is the features of her personality and the peculiarities of the Board.

In this paper, a method of historical reconstruction of events during the reign of Catherine was used.

1. Characteristics of Catherine II.

1.1 Childhood and Youth Catherine until arrival in Russia

Ekaterina II was born on April 21 (according to the old style) of 1729 in the city of Shttttin. Now it is called Szczecin and is located in Poland, and in that distant, Prussia belonged. He served the Prussian king and the father of the girl, the prince of Christian August Anhalt-church, who had the rank of Major General of the Prussian Army and commanded the regiment quartished in Shattoth. Mother - Johanna Elizabeth, from the kind of Holstein-Gottorp, accounted for a cousin to the future Peter III.

The Duke of the Cherbstsky's Duke was poor, in childhood Catherine had just lived, played with children, she was not called the princess. Already from early childhood, there were features that distinguished it later as a Russian empress is independence, enterprise, love for male cause. The peers recalled that the ficker (that is, Sophia - the Lutheran name of Catherine) was always ahead of all and usually closer to the boys than to the girls. It was a healthy, full of vitality of nature, the face, remembered her in childhood, confirm this: it was well folded, with a noble posture, the expression of her face was ugly, but influential, with an open look made her appeal to attractive; Such Catherine remained to old age 1.

Perhaps the most reliable portrait of Catherine II left the English ambassador in Russia Lord Böklinghamshire. In notes, belonging to 1762, he wrote: "Her imperial majesty is neither small, nor high; the appearance of her majestic, and it feels a mixture of dignity and ease, from the first time causing respect for her and gives them to feel Himself freely. She was never a beauty. The features of her face are far from so thin and correct to make something that is considered true beauty; but beautiful complexion, live and smart eyes, pleasantly outlined mouth and luxurious, shiny brown hair Create, in general, such an appearance, to which a very few years ago, a man could not take indifferent. She was, and now it remains that he often likes and binds to him more than beauty. It is folded extremely good; neck and hands Wonderful beautiful, and all members are formed so elegant that it is equally suitable for both female and male suit. Her eyes are blue, and their liveliness is softened by the tomotor of the gaze in which there is a lot of sensitivity, But there is no lethargy. It is difficult to believe how skillfully drives it riding, right by horses - and even hot horses - with agility and courage of grieving. It is perfectly dancing, gracefully fulfilling serious and light dances. In French, she is expressed with grace, and they assure me that she speaks Russian as well as in her native german languageAnd and has both the critical knowledge of both languages. She speaks free and argues exactly "2.

Her parents invited Catherine in the governess Frenchwoman Mrs. Cardel; The court preacher nerar, the teacher of the cleaning of Laurent and the dance teacher were also French. From among teachers, princesses are known only three Germans - Wagner - a teacher of German, Luther - lawpatch and music teacher RELLING. Of all the teachers, Catherine II loved only to Mrs. Cartel, and teachers Wagner generally directly called the fool.

Ekaterina received a home education. He studied English and French, dancing, music, basics of history, geography, theology. She grew a greasy, inquisitive, playful and even a bad girl, loved to jumper and suggest their streets. Parents were dissatisfied with the "boyish" behavior of his daughter, but they also satisfied them - Frederick took care of the younger sister August. Her mother called her in childhood.

1.2 Ekaterina Great - Princess

On August 21 (September 1), 1745, at the sixteen age, Catherine was notified with Peter Fedorovich, who turned 17 years old and who was a secondary brother. The first years of their life, Peter was not at all interested in his wife, and married relations between them did not exist. Ekaterina will write this later: "I saw very well that the Grand Duke doesn't like me at all; Two weeks after the wedding, he told me that I was in love with the Maiden Carr, Freillane Empress. He said Count Diviera, his cameraman, that there was no comparison between this girl and me. The Divier claimed the opposite, and he was angry with him; This scene originated almost in my presence, and I saw this quarrel. The truth is to say, I spoke myself that with this man I will certainly be very unhappy, if you lend to the feeling of love for him, for which they paid so badly, and what will have to die from jealousy without any benefit for anyone. So, I tried from pride to force myself not to jealous to a person who does not love me, but not to be jealous of him, there was no other choice as not to love him. If he wanted to be loved, it would be not difficult for me: I was inclined from nature and is familiar to perform my duties, but for this I would have to have a husband with common senseAnd my did not have this "4.

Catherine continues to engage in self-education. She reads books on history, philosophy, jurisprudence, Wolter, Montesquiece, Tacita, Beil, a large number of other literature. The main entertainment for her was hunting, horse riding, dances and masquerades. The absence of marital relations with the Grand Duke contributed to the appearance of lovers from Catherine. Meanwhile, Empress Elizabeth expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of children from spouses.

Work description

The Board of Catherine II imposed a print on all subsequent cultural development of Russia. The age of its rule is called an age of enlightened absolutism. Catherine managed to enlighten his subjects and bring the Russian culture to Western. It also contributed significant changes in the mechanisms of government management.
Evaluation of the activities of Catherine II caused sharp disputes among historians, both Russians and non-Russian. After Peter I, only Catherine II caused such contradictory opinions. Among the contemporaries of Catherine, the second were both her supporters and opponents.


Introduction ......................................................................................... ..3
1. Characteristics of Catherine II ................................................7
1.1. Childhood and youth Ekaterina before arrival in Russia ....... ............ 7
1.2. Ekaterina Great - Princess ............................................. ..9
2. Activity Catherine II ..................................... ............ ..15
2.1. The first reign period until 1773 ....... ..................... 15
2.2. The second period of the Board, autocratic, after 1775 ... ... 21
3. Conclusion ........................ .. .......................................... ..25


According to the figurative expression V. O. Klyuchevsky "Catherine II: was the last accident in the Russian throne and held a long and extraordinary reign, created a whole era in our history" and, you can add in historiography. This "last chance" of the XVIII century. I could not leave indifferent either my contemporaries or descendants. For more than 200 years, the attitude towards Catherine II was ambiguous, but few people challenged the importance of her reign for the good of Russia. Rarely celebrate the fact that even in soviet period The monument of Catherine II, along with the revered Bolsheviks, Peter I, did not leave his pedestal, remaining the only monument to the monarch-woman in the state, where the reigning dynasty was stopped by a violent way. And this is despite the fact that its such multifaceted personality can not be tested under a certain stereotype: for some Catherine II -Proveed sovereign, for others - Thianka, crushing "peasant souls", for someone - loving specials that have confused in the account of lovers. For researchers, the history of the reign of Catherine II was, remains and, apparently, will remain one of the favorite objects of research. In domestic historiography, the Personality of Catherine II was considered both in special monographs and articles on solely transformations of its reign or its biography and in the work of a general nature concerning the history of the XVIII century, the history of diplomacy, culture, literature or in the works dedicated to its reignifications or favorites. By the beginning of the XXI century. A bibliography on this issue has almost 600 titles. However, interest in the history of Catherine time does not weaken and only in recent years there are several new major research. Most publications were dedicated to anniversaries or anniversary of certain reforms.

The greatest number of work saw the light in the last quarter of the XIX - early XX century. (centenary anniversary of giving "pledged diplomas" nobility and cities, a 100-year-old anniversary of the death of the Empress -The time to summarize her long reign; the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanovs).

Obviously, in our politically and economically unstable time it is very difficult to choose the right path of the country's development, so the answer to the question of the right path in our story, which, as is known, is repeated, can be found in the activities of Catherine II, where the leadership of future action is hidden rulers. Therefore, the study of the opinions of historians, both modern and contemporaries Catherine Great especially relevant in our time.

    Golden Age Catherine Great

The Golden Age of Catherine II is one of the most interesting stages of Russian history - in the last decade, the focus of the Company's attention was in the focus. The explanation of this seems that the identity of Catherine II, its ideas and acts are inextricably linked with the transformation era, when Russia once again became the path of European enlightenment. If the "Century of Peter was a century not light, but dawn", which made a lot of "in external, material relations mainly", then in the accomplishments of the second half of the XVIII century, by definition S.M. Solovyov, "Clearly visible signs of matureness of the people, the development of consciousness, appeal from external to the internal, appealing to themselves, on their own. The essence of the change of change was figuratively conveyed by the prominent Ekaterininskoy Welject I.I. Beletskaya in the words addressed to the Empress: "Peter the Great created in Russia people; Your Majesty is vague in them the souls. " Another difference from Petrovsky transformations, especially marked by a number of contemporaries, was also no less significant: Catherine II "Krotko and calmly finished the fact that Peter the Great was forced to establish forcibly". And this is one of the foundations of the stability of society, which distinguished the reign of Catherine II. As I wrote N.M. Karamzin, a consequence of purification of autocracy from "Pershes of Tirantism" there were "Clearance of hearts, the successes of the pleasures of secular, knowledge, reason."

Meanwhile, within seven decades after October 1917, history

Russia is the second half of XVIII., The history of the reign of Catherine II, was presented biased. However, the negative characteristics of Catherine II take their beginning from a long time. Her junior contemporary, A.I. Ribopierer, touching the literature directly afternoon, wrote that "Catherine, so powerful, such a favorite, so praised during his lifetime, was uncomprisingly crowded to death. Daring writing, poisonous pamphlets spread to her lies and slander. " The Pushkin characteristic of Catherine - "Tartuf in a skirt and crown" is known. We believe that such judgments have an emotional one in some cases, and not the actual basis, and in others - strongly politicized intent and emanate from the enefes of the Empress for

rubes of the country, dissatisfied with the rigidly conducted by the foreign policy of Russia, consistently defending national interests.

Ekaterina II, during life, the title "Great" has been lifeling. Of course, Soviet historiography did not accept this assessment, and only at the end of the 80s. XX century spoke to the recognition of its outstanding role in the history of Russia. Referring to the time of the Board of Catherine II, historians fairly allocate two points: the epoch by the eyes of contemporaries and the specific results of its activities that affected and on the subsequent development of the country.

Regarding the first, limit to the sincere exclamation of N.M. Karamzin: "And I lived under her scepter! And I was happy with her board! " one

As for the success of the Board of Catherine, we emphasize the main thing: almost in all spheres of life of a vast state of transformation did not carry in themselves the grana of the "revolutionary" beginning and was based on the worldwide strengthening of the absolutist state, further strengthening the prevailing position

the nobility, the legislative consolidation of the non-equivance of the current division of society, when the "legal status of all other classes was subordinated to the interests of the state and preserving the domination of the nobility." IN. Klyuchevsky had every reason to argue that the Empress "did not touch the historically established foundations of the state system." According to a modern researcher O.A. Omelchenko, the real meaning of reforms in Russia of the century "Enlightened Absolutism" consisted in a solid statement of the "legal monarchy", which is the only able to implement the public needs "in the bliss and well-being of each". The true content of the above formula was concluded in the well-known Ekaterininsky verbal diploma to the nobility of 1785, which satisfied almost all previously expressed claims of this class, putting a point in the long-term process of legislative execution of his rights and privileges. This legislative act finally elevated the nobles over other estates and layers of society. The Catherine Epoch truly became the "golden age" for them, the time of the highest celebration of serfdom.

    "Intended Plans" Catherine

The illegality of the addende on the throne of Catherine, as neither paradoxically, had its undoubted advantages, especially in the first decades of reign, when she "had to be hard, great services and donations ... to pay the fact that the kings are legitimate are without difficulty ... this is the most needed Partly Spring of the Great and Brilliant Affairs of it. " So painted (and not one) N.I. Greek, expressing the opinion of the educated part of society. IN. Klyuchevsky, speaking about the program of activity of Catherine II, which took power, and not received it according to the law, the emphasis was also done at the same moment: "The power captured always has the nature of the bill of exchange, which is waiting for payment, and in the mood of the Russian society Catherine had to justify various and Dissenters expectations. " Bill, as the time has shown, was repaid on time.

Researchers have repeatedly noted that Catherine II, in contrast to his predecessors and predecessors on the throne after Peter I, climbed on it, having a current political program of the social device. As can be judged by the only surviving draft note, they did not go beyond the common plants traditionally declared in the "Century of Enlightenment" and did not contain any specific developments:

"one. You need to enlighten a nation that should be managed.

2. You need to introduce good order in the state, support

society and make him observe the laws.

3. It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police in the state.

4. It is necessary to promote the flowering of the state and make it


5. It is necessary to make the state formidable in itself and inspired

respect for neighbors. "

The Empress is known how to embody "Plan" to life: "Hurry up is not necessary, but you need to work without rest and try every day to eliminate obstacles as they appear; Listen to all patiently and friendly, to express comprehensive and diligence, to earn universal trust in justice and unshakable hardness in the application of rules that are recognized as necessary for the restoration of order, tranquility, personal security and legitimate use of property; All disputes and processes to transfer to court chambers to provide patronage to all oppressed, have no malice on enemies, nor addiction to friends. If the pockets are empty, it is right and saying: "I would give you to give you, but I do not have a penny." If there is money, it does not interfere with

the case to be generous "2. Catherine was confident that with strict guidelines with these rules, success will be provided. In this regard, the response of the Empress to the question of L.-F. Segure, as she managed to reign so calmly. "The means to the most ordinary," answered Catherine. - I set myself the rules and drawn the plan: I act on them, manage and never depart. The will of my, once expressed, remains unchanged. Thus, everything is determined, every day is like the previous one. Everyone knows what he can count on, and does not worry empty "3.

However, the achievement of "stacked plans" from "collectors

russian lands, "as Catherine II S.M. Solovyov, one: "do so

so that people think that they themselves want this ... "" And indeed,

Snipped by N.I. Greek, - Catherine knew how to use this rule perfectly. All Russia was confident that the Empress, in all his affairs, only fulfills the desire of the people. " But the secret of "use" of this obvious at first glance the rule was still. It reveals from the conversation

V.S. Popova, the ruler of the office of G.A. Potemkin, with the Empress: "I spoke with surprise on the blind obedience, with which the will of her everywhere was fulfilled, and about that zealfold and jealousy, with whom she tried to please all with her."

    Opinions of historians about the period of the Board of Catherine II

Despite the significant number of publications and the increased interest of historians for the period of the reign of Catherine II, historiography on this topic is practically absent (with the exception of brief and fragmentary information in the "essays of the history of historical science"). Some researchers believe that the historiography of Catherine II can be divided into two directions - a pre-revolutionary configured to her, very benevolently and Soviet, in which it was usually given opposite characteristics. The recent culprit is usually called M. N. Pokrovsky. Thanks to his negative assessment in the address of Catherine, "Not a single commendable word was heard, and it was magnified by a non-part-party hypocriter, skillfully hid his true feelings and thoughts, trying to survey the monarchin enlightened, then the trust in confidence in the French enlighteners, then a conservative, Striving suppress the French revolution. "

In Soviet historiography, certain issues of its reign received very positive evaluations; Neither the "bourgeois" nor Soviet historiography has created a holistic concept, which determines the nature of Catherine II transformations, allowing them to give an objective comprehensive analysis. In recent studies on this issue, a brief essay of historiography of Catherine II Dan in the monograph of A. B. Kamensky "From Peter I to Paul I".

In pre-revolutionary historiography, there was interest, first of all, to the socio-political aspects of the history of the second half of the XVIII century, to economic transformations and legislative acts of that time. A separate niche occupied publications on the personal life of the Empress, the history of court secrets and favoritism. However, most of the work of this area did not differ in a scientific and critical approach. If you try to give the overall characteristics of views

pre-revolutionary historians on the Board of Catherine II, then it can be divided into two groups: those who "evaluated the reforms of Catherine pretty highly, considered them as an important stage in the development of Russian statehood, the country's Europeanization, the formation of civil society elements" and those who have more critical To the results of its transformations. In the Soviet period, we can talk about the occurrence of the third stage in the study of the heritage of Catherine Great. Soviet historians paid more attention to questions about the estates, the struggle of the peasants against serfdom, legislative acts of Catherine, aimed at strengthening the existing system, the origins and basis of absolutism in Russia. The identity of the empress itself, as a rule, remained in the shade.

Let us dwell on some of the most important transformations of Catherine II, which caused the greatest number of studies.

Board of Board Catherine Second, and related to that ...). So during board Catherine Political ... -1775) established in Russia in the first decade board Catherine There were more than 40 folk people in the country ...

Municipal General Education

Basic secondary school

Village Golygino


to the district contest on history

"Multifactor approach to the analysis of the historical process

Russia in the works of domestic historians XVIII - XIX centuries. "


"Catherine II. And her time in the works of domestic historians XVIII XIX. BB. "

student 9 Class

MOU OOSH D. Golygino


Ogurtsova Alla Olegovna,

teacher of history

MOU OOSH D. Golygino.

year 2009

1. Introduction ......................................................... p. 3.

2. Catherine II. ..................................................... four.

3. Historians about Catherine II. .................................... p. 7.

3.1. N. M. Karamzin ........................................................................ 7.

3.2. S. M. Solovyov ....................................... ... p. eight.

3.3. V. O. Klyuchevsky .................................... ..master. 12.

3.4. S. F. Platonov ....................................... ... p. sixteen.

4. Conclusion ................................................... ... p. twenty.

5. Literature ...................................................... p. 21.

6. Applications .................................................................................. 22.

1. Introduction

Theme of my work: "Ekaterina II and its time in the works of domestic historians of the XVIII - XIX centuries." Ekaterina II ALEKSEVNA (04/21/1729 - 06.11.1796.) - russian Empress. Going to the throne, Catherine II tried to implement a program of transformations in the economic and political life of Russia.

Relevance My work is that in 2009 there are 280 years since the birth of the Empress. Many historians of the XVIII - XIX centuries. Dedicated their work on Ekaterina II. She was not indifferent to the fate of the history of Russia, so she contributed to the development of history and historiography.

Methods of my work - visits to school and rural libraries; conversation with the teacher; study of literature; Work with reference books and dictionaries.

The purpose of my work: Reflect the time of Epoch of Catherine II in the works of domestic historians of the XVIII - XIX centuries.


Collect material for your work;

As possible to learn about the life of Catherine II;

Show Catherine II as a strong ruler of the Russian Empire;

Explore the literature of historians of the XVIII - XIX centuries;

Talk about the biography of historians of the XVIII - XIX centuries;

2. Catherine II. .

Ekaterina II ALEKSEVNA (04/21/1729 - 11/06/1796) - Russian Empress from 06/28/1762. Catherine II, in the magician of Sophia Augustus Frederica, was born in the city of Stttethin in Pomerania. Her father was Christians August Angultie Cercvsky, a leaving from the impoverished Prince of Northern Germany, Major General of the Prussian Army.

In 1744, she was sucking her to the heir to the Russian imperial throne, the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. In February 1744, at the invitation of Elizabeth Petrovna, she, together with his mother came to Moscow, where the Empress was with her yard at that time. After a few months, Sophia Augustus adopted Orthodoxy and received a new name - Ekaterina Alekseevna. Wedding with Peter Fedorovich took place on August 21, 1745 in St. Petersburg.

From the very beginning, the relationship between young spouses did not work out. Peter was more interested in toys and soldiers than his young wife. Catherine did everything possible to win popularity at the court and in the guard: performed all Orthodox rituals, very quickly mastered Russian. Thanks to the mind, charm and natural clock, she managed to get the location of many elzabetan nobles. The influence of Catherine at the courtyard, among the guard and the nobility constantly grew.

Catherine thought the country could become a mighty and rich only in the hands of an enlightened sovereign. She read the works of Plato, Plutarch, Tacitus, the works of French enlighteners Montesquieu and Voltaire. So she managed to fill the gaps of his education and get a solid knowledge in the field of history and philosophy.

On December 25, 1761, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna died. Ekaterina Alekseevna's husband - Peter III joined the throne. The conspiracy of the court and guards, the center of which became the center of Ekaterina Alekseevna, was gradually against him, and the head of the Orlov brothers became the center of Catherine. On June 28, 1762, a palace coup happened. Based on Izmailovsky and Semenovsky Guards regiments, Catherine removed from the power of his spouse, and she proclaimed the empress.

The rite of sacred coronation was committed on September 22. On the same day, there were two all-storey manifestas. The first is the liberation of all religious, eliminating the murderers and exiled in an indefinite cautor, the abolition of the death penalty. The second confirmed the rights and advantages given by the Empress Elizabeth by Petrovna Russian army.

Going to the throne, Catherine II tried to implement a program of transformations in the economic and political life of Russia. In 1767, in Moscow, a laid office began its work on developing a new Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. By the beginning of the work of the Commission, Catherine prepared "Agan", designed to become the basis for creating deposits. The most suitable form of government for Russia, the empress considered an absolute monarchy. At the same time, in her opinion, it was necessary to introduce laws that would protect the basic rights of subjects. The Empress insisted on the need for equality of all before the law. But Catherine was not going to deprive the nobility, which was her support, his main wealth - the fortress peasants. She did not think about the will of the peasants - there were only general reasoning about the humane treatment of landowners with peasants.

In Catherine, elected courts appeared in Russia. They were elected separately for the nobles, for urban residents and for state peasants. (Serf tried himself.) The court should become vowels, and no one could be convicted without his decision. In "Aactions", Catherine performed an opponent of torture and the death penalty. She defended the need for trading development of trade and industrial activities, the construction of new cities, making order into agriculture issues.

From the very beginning of the work of the Commission, acute contradictions were revealed between representatives of various class groups entering her. In 1768, the activities of this body were suspended, and then discontinued at all.

After suppressing the uprising E. I. Pugacheva reforms were continued. On November 7, 1775, a "institution for the Office of the provincial All-Russian Empire" was published. His goal was to strengthen the administrative apparatus in the field and to give the provincial nobility to the suppression of peasant uprisings. The number of provinces increased from 20 to 51. Each of them was divided into the counties. The provincial population was 300 - 400 thousand inhabitants, and the county - 20 - 30 thousand.

The main merit of Ekaterina II in the field of enlightenment and culture was the creation of primary education systems in Russia for children from all classes, except for fortress peasants. Medical assistance also became a state of state. Each city was obliged to have a pharmacy and hospital. Catherine One of the first in Russia made himself vaccination from smallpox. So it was the beginning of vaccination.

On April 21, 1785, "humble diplomas" of nobility and cities were published. The nobility was given the exclusive right of ownership of peasants, lands and subsoils of the earth; The right to base plants and factories and wholesale to sell everything that is produced in their patrimonies; The right to make a bidding and fairs on your lands. Nobles were exempted from taxes and corporal punishments. County nobles once every three years have to be collected in central city County and choose the local administration from their environments. Cities received the right to elected self-government.

Catherine II conducted an active foreign policy. As a result of two successful Russian-Turkish wars, 1768 - 1774 and 1787 - 1791. Russia departed the Crimean Peninsula and the entire territory of the Northern Black Sea region. Russia received an exit to the Black Sea, and she no longer threatened raids crimean Tatars. Now it was possible to master the black membranes. On the Black Sea, a Black Sea Fleet was created.

In 1772 - 1795 Russia took part in the three sections of the Commonwealth, as a result of which the territories of Belarus, Western Ukraine, Lithuania and Kurlenia joined the Russian Empire.

Ekaterina II was extremely concerned about the beginning of the revolution in France in 1789. The execution of Louis XVI in 1793 caused her indignation. The Empress allowed French emigrants to enter Russia and provided them with open financial support. All trade and diplomatic relations with France were broken. The preparation for the war began, which ceased after the death of the Empress in 1796.

Before the death of Catherine II, he tried through the head of Paul to convey the imperial throne to his grandson Alexander Pavlovich. But Alexander did not want to join the quarrel with his father, and a number of influential dignitaries were prevented by the dying Empress to implement this last political intrigue. Ekaterina died on November 6, 1796. She was buried in the Petropavlovsk fortress. At the Russian throne, her son Paul was entered.

3. Historians about Catherine II.

3.1 . N. M. Karamzin.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (12/01/1766 - 22.05.1826) - Russian writer, publicist, historian, journalist, critic, member Russian Academy (1818), Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1818), a valid Stat adviser (1824).

N. M. Karamzin was the son of the landowner symbirian province. He studied at the Simbirsk Guest House of Foviel, then went to Moscow, where in 1775 - 1781. He studied at the House of Professor of Moscow University I. M. Shaden. In Moscow, he became close to Masons (A. M. Kutuzov, A. A. Petrov, Ya. Lenz), was familiar with the publisher N. I. Novikov. Through them, Karamzin joined the English classical literature, works of French enlighteners, translation and publishing activities.

In 1791 - 1792. N. M. Karamzin published the Moscow Journal, which became the center of Russian sentimentalism, there he first published a story "poor Lisa"; In 1802 - 1803. - Literary and political magazine "Journal of Europe".

In con. 1790s marked Karamzin's interest in professional history of history. In 1803, Karamzin received an instruction from Alexander to write a history of Russia and began to receive a pension as a public servant.

Karamzin defended the inviolability of the monarchy as a traditional political structure of Russia. In 1816 - 1829 The main historical work of Karamzin "The History of the Russian State" was issued. This multi-volume work aroused great interest in Russia, prompted the Russian educated society to in-depth study of domestic history. Karamzin writes about Catherine II: "She softened the power, not losing his power." With it, Russia finally strengthened as the Great World Power.

3.2. S. M. Solovyov.

Solovyov Sergey Mikhailovich (05/05/1820 - 04.10.1879) - Russian historian, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1872)

S. M. Solovyov was born in the priest's family. In 1842 he graduated from Moscow University. In the years of study, he experienced the influence of views of T. N. Granovsky, studied the philosophy of G. Hegel. In 1842 - 1844 He lived abroad and was a home teacher of Count A. P. Stroganova. Led lectures at the universities of Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg. In 1845, S. M. Solovyov began to read a course of lectures on Russian history at Moscow University and defended the master's thesis "On the attitude of Novgorod to the Grand Princes", and in 1847 - the doctoral dissertation "The history of relations between Russian princes Rurikova". Since 1847, he became a professor of Moscow University.

In 1863, Solovyov wrote the history of the fall of Poland, "in 1877 - the book" Emperor Alexander I. Politics, diplomacy. " He left several work on the theory of historical science ("observations on the historical life of peoples", "Progress and religion", etc.), as well as by historiography ("Writers of the Russian history of the 18th century", "N. M. Karamzin and his" The history of the state of the Russian "," Schlezer and the Antistoric Direction ", etc.). His lectures "Public readings about Peter Great" (1872) became an event in public life.

In 1864 - 1870 He held the post of dean of the historical and philological faculty, and in 1871 - 1877. - Rector of Moscow University. In recent years of life, he was the chairman of the Moscow Society for the history and antiquities of the Russian and director of the Armory.

S. M. Solovyov occupied moderate liberal positions, negatively belonged to the fastened right. Under the emperor Alexander II Solovyov taught the history of the heir, Nikolai Alexandrovich, and in 1866 the future emperor Alexander III. According to his instructions, the historian was "note about modern condition Russia, "which remained unfinished. He performed in defense of university autonomy, a certain charter of 1863, and was forced to resign in 1877, when he could not achieve this.

In 1851 - 1879. There were 28 volumes of the "History of Russia from ancient times" - the main work S. M. Solovyov. The "History of Russia" was enjoying great popularity and reprinted repeatedly. Until now, this work remains unsurpassed in its fundamental and the richest material.

According to Solovyov, Catherine considered the necessary knowledge of Russian history, with the initiousness and versatility of the mind, herself loved to deal with questions from her. A few minutes before his death was engaged in writing "notes regarding Russian history." What was done with her for Russian history? Old Muller was translated into Moscow, made the head of the precious archive of a foreign college, where he was completely in his field. Muller published Tatishchev, published the "core of Russian history" Mankiev, reported many materials for Novikov for his "Vivliophiks", Golikov - for his "Acts of Peter Great". Attempts from the collected materials to do something slender, write a Russian history, was the "Russian history of the oldest times" of Prince Shcherbatov. The author was a smart man, educated, hardworking, conscientious, but a new one and not cooked by Naudo to his work that was taken for him as an amateur only. Despite the work, Scherbatova occupies an honorable place in our historical literature. Walking in good faith and carefully for the course of the events of Russian history, Shcherbatov stopped on phenomena especially striking, not similar to phenomena, in the history of other peoples encountered, tried to explain them, approached them from different sides, became mistaken, but shed out the road to others, excited the dispute.

The hot spores started between Shcherbatov and chatter. General Baltin, a man with strong giving, has become famous for his objections to the book lecture on ancient and new Russia, published in Paris in 1784. Refuted the lecturer, which lowered ancient Russia, her story, boltin needed to protect it, to find bright parties in this life, in this story to which the era of the transformation was so hostile to now, repeating that the converter brought Russia from non-existence in being. The chatter was the easier to take protection ancient Russiathat society, create the harmful side of the conversion direction, was ready to exist in that life against which this converter direction was told. Botin, the first expressed the provisions on a strong degree of development of ancient Russian society, the provisions that later were repeated so often. So, considering the contracts of our first princes with the Greeks, Botin says: "In that time, the Russian rule had already had, on indigenous laws and in indispensable rules approved, the people were divided into different estates, each class was used by special rights, advantages and excellent; All had a court and massacre; Success had in trade in internal and external, navigation, arts, crafts and in the reasoning of the then century, in the deliberate enlightenment, "and so on. The dark sides of the Western society, transferred to Russia in the transformation era, gave a strong weapon in defense of the old against the new. Leclerk blames the Clause for the fact that it gives the Tyranian power to her husband over his wife; Bitinen exposes a damage of family morality in his time in the West and in Russia; Botin stands and for Russian, based on transfers to slavic the creations of the fathers of the church; He says that the use of French words in the conversation is not introduced by the need, but according to the escaped addiction to everything that is called French. Regarding the observation of the lecturer that in the ancient Russia was forbidden to enter foreign scientists to Russia, and the Russians - the entrance abroad for sciences, boltin directly stakes new Russia For a change to the worst: "Since the youth of the edge has become myself, and the upbringing entrusted to strangers, our morals have completely changed, with imaginary enlightement they planted in the hearts of our new prejudices, new passions, weaknesses, whims, who were unknown to our ancestors : Rogs in us love for the Fatherland, atticted to the deceic faith, customs. We were old forgotten, and did not adopted new and, becoming unlike ourselves, did not become what you wanted. This all happened from athleting and impatience: they wanted to do that for several years, for which the centuries are required; Began to build the building of our enlightenment on the sand, without making the foundation before him. Peter the Great thought that for the enlightenment of the nobles would be pretty forcing them to travel through foreign countries, but the experience justified the old people of our opinion, which instead of the expected benefit came out of that harm. Then I knew the great, which is needed to start a good upbringing, but to cum the journey to see the desired fruit. "

In the notes to the lecturer boltin several times and Prince Shcherbatova; He defended it, this was a dispute, as a result of which two volumes of bolt notes appeared on the story of Shcherbatov.

From the notes belonging to the reign of Catherine II, the most wonderful - Stats-Secretarians of the Empress: Katcharovitsky, Derzhavin and Mribovsky; Notes, these are all closer to introduce us with the nature of Catherine, her views and prompting; Then the notes of Princess Dashkova, known for his close relations to the Empress, with his literary works and the former President of the Academy; Finally, the notes of the poreshina, who was at the upbringing of the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich and described this education in detail, the conversation of the teacher, N. I. Panin, and other persons visiting the heir.

We saw that among the thinking people of the Ekaterininsky century was discontent with the direction of the first half of the century, the recognition of its harmful one-sidedness, but one of them to correct the case recognize the spread of the so-called philosophy, which destroyed the old prejudices; Others suspect this philosophy in the fact that it destroying prejudices, with the fact that the foundation of virtues together; Third of dissatisfaction with the epoch of transformation naturally go to the thought that this era is not right before it is desony of its Doping Rossia. The direction of these areas also existed the direction of mystical. Of the people of this mystical destination, Novikov, who began his activities, the publication of satirical journals, which went out with many in Catherine: The purpose of them was ridiculed by those flaws of society that weaken and comedy. Then Novikov began to publish a collection of historical materials known as the "Ancient Russian Wivlofiki". In Moscow, together with Professor, the University of Schwarz Novikov founded in 1781 Friendly scientist society , the purpose of which was the printing of educational books and the granite distribution of them on educational institutions. Near Novikov gathered many gifted and hardworking young people who were engaged in translations of books and participated in Novikov's publications; Among these young people was Karamzin.

Empress Ekaterina did not like mystics, did not love the secret Masonic societies, laughed at their members in their comedies; In her opinion, it was incomprehensible why people who declare that they would like to be near, surround themselves with mystery and darkness, while nobody prevents them from doing all sorts of good without focus. Novikov at the end of the reign was persecuted by political relations.

3.3. V. O. Klyuchevsky.

Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich (01/16/1841 - 12.05.1911) - Russian historian, historiographer and source.

V. O. Klyuchevsky was born in the family of a rural priest. In 1860, he graduated from the Penza spiritual seminary, in 1861 he entered the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University and graduated from it in 1865 with a gold medal.

In 1867, Klyuchevsky began to teach the story in the Alexander Military School, the Moscow Spiritual Academy and the Herier's Higher Female Courses. He wrote a historical study "Taken by foreigners about the Moscow State", in which he traced the process of folding a centralized state with the autocracy form of the Board. In this work, a new interest in economic plots and social history was manifested. Klyuchevsky considered climatic and geographical conditions as a permanent factor in history.

In 1872, he prepared the master's thesis "Ancient Russian lives of saints as a historical source." In 1882, V. O. Klyuchevsky defended his doctoral dissertation "Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia" In this work, he paid special attention social issues. He believed that classes in history could form not only on political, but also on a purely economic basis.

Problems of socio-economic history Klyuchevsky considered in the works of "History of classes in Russia", "Cancellation of serfdom", "The origin of serfdom in Russia".

Since 1882 Klyuchevsky - Professor of the history of Moscow University. He read the history of Russia since ancient times until the 19th century. Since 1889 - Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1900, Klyuchevsky received the title of Academician of History and Russian Antiquities, and in 1908 - the Honorary Academician on the category of graceful literature. Since 1880, Klyuchevsky was a member of the Moscow Archaeological Society, the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, the Moscow Society of the History and Antiquities of the Russian. Klyuchevsky as a member of the Cadet Party ran into the State Duma, but was not elected. In 1905, he participated in the commission developing a censorship charter.

In the 1900s, Klyuchevsky issued his "course of Russian history" in five parts, which covers the period from ancient times to great reforms. He recognized the exclusively evolutionary way of historical development and resolutely rejected the revolution. The driving forces of history, he considered personality, nature and society. The historian abandoned periodization of the reigns and laid two criteria for its periodization - economic and political. The main periods in the history of Russia on Klyuchevsky - the period of Dniprovskaya Rus, the specific and princely period, Moscow Rus and the imperial-noble period. Klyuchevsky created a scientific school that entered the history of historical science.

The reign of Catherine II, according to Kuevsky, is a whole era of our history, and historical epochs It is usually not closed within the human century, they do not end with the life of their ends. And the time of Catherine II survived its very much, at least after a four-year break, was officially resurrected by the manifesto of its second leader, who announced that he would reign by the laws and the heart of his grandmother. Ekaterina and her death praised and hurt, how they praise or blame a living person, trying to support or change his activities. And Catherine II did not pass so ordinary and sad kind of immortality - to disturb and quarreled people and by death. Her name served as a target for political sight in opponents or adherents of her political direction.

Catherine II left after an institution, plans, ideas, morals, with her brought up, and significant debts. Debts are paid, and other wounds caused by the folk body by her hard wars and its way to conduct "their little farming," as she loved to express about their finances, they have long shielded and even closed with scars of later origin.

The time of Empress Catherine II significantly changed the form and found out the tasks of collective historiography. Then she had an inclination to draw up free societies with the objectives of economic, educational, philanthropic, especially educational and literary. The idea that not all public needs were able to satisfy government agencies and for them with auxiliary means, and sometimes the substituents could serve as voluntary unions of individuals mounted as the same aspirations. The free economic society emerged "To promote agriculture and housekeeping in Russia"; There were or expected in St. Petersburg and Moscow and other societies with various purposes. With this direction of the minds, you can bind a curious attempt to the Empress itself to create for historical works of a transitional form from a government institution to a private society. By decree on December 4, 1783, she commanded to appoint under the supervision and observation of c. A. P. Shuvalov Several, it was 10, the person who would make useful notes about cumulative works ancient historySuperiorly related to Russia, making brief extracts from the ancient Russian chronicles and foreign writers on a well-known peculiar plan.

Public revival with a special force manifested itself then in Moscow, and the Moscow University was the focus. With it in 1781 it arose Free Russian Assembly. In 1782, a circle of Novikova and Schwartz formed Friendly scientist society, A few more professors of Moscow University were part of which was part of the Schwarz. The movement captured and the student youth. Schwartz arranged Meeting of university pets; The pets of the university noble guesthouse also began to be collected for readings and interviews. On the closure of friendly scientist society and free russian meeting Based on the university in 1789 Collection of lovers of Russian learning.

In the decree of Empress Catherine II, he shines the idea that the preliminary work of historiography, collecting and initial processing of historical material should be a friendly joint work of many on a certain plan. Moscow societies found the originating aspirations of private and officials To combine your strength for the educational case, focusing around the university, forming private auxiliary institutions with it. Not being specially historical, the named Moscow societies had a close relationship with the society of the history and antiquities of Russian. Chebotarev, fears and other early members of this society were part of the Volga Russian Assembly and a friendly scientist society and brought with them the direction and views of the Novikov Mug. Chebotarev, in addition, he worked on Russian chronicles, made out of them discharge, amounted to historical maps for the commission A. Shuvalov.

We have the right to say therefore, that the Moscow society of the history and antiquities of Russian arose quite historically, which have long been manifested in various forms. People who have thought about learning their native past, professional scientists and ordinary lovers, have long tried together to start collecting and processing monuments of antiquity. With the assistance of Miller, KN. Scherbatov and other Novikov led the publication of his " Russian vivliofika " By drawing up their notes regarding Russian history, Empress Catherine enjoyed materials that the Moscow Professor Chebotarev and Bars delivered, as well as the instructions of the "lovers of domestic history". Musina Pushkin and Major General Battle. Randomly made up amateur circles and friendly cooperations lacking only a constant form of a device and a solid attachment point. In the society of the history and antiquities of the Russian at Moscow University, this form was found, and this attachment point. Schlezer's proposal by Russian scientists was carried out because he met with a long time since the thought of thought. In the idea of \u200b\u200bthis society, the answer to the question affected by Karamzin, who started working on her " The history of the Russian state. " Regarding the foundation of our society, he wrote that 10 societies would not make what one person would do, completely dedicated to historical subjects.

Ekaterina II contribution to the development of national history is huge. With her, historiography begins to grow rapidly, which Catherine itself contributed.

3.4. S. F. Platonov.

Platonov Sergey Fedorovich (1860, Chernigov - 1933, Samara) - historian. Born in the family of typographic employee. After graduating from the St. Petersburg gymnasium, Platonov, who dreamed of literary activities, entered the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University. Under the influence of historians K.N. Bestumev-Ryumin, V.O. Klyuchevsky, A.D. Grada was carried away by history. In 1882, after graduation, the university was left to prepare for the professorship. Talent and exceptional performance allowed Platonov to write the dissertation "Ancient Russian legends and a story about the time of the XVII century. As a historical source", highly estimated by V. O. Klyuchevsky and awarded the Uvarovskaya Prize of the Academy of Sciences. In 1890 Platonov became the professor of the Russian history of the St. Petersburg University. His doctoral thesis was the book "Essays on the history of Discharge in the Moscow State of the XVI - XVII centuries.", Which Platonov considered "the highest scientific achievement of the whole life", determined his "place in the environment of figures of Russian historiography." He worked a lot over the publication of the sources of the beginning of the XVII century. "Russian Historical Library" - work that has been kept so far. Speaking briefly, it is clear, it is interesting to express the material, Platonov became one of the most prominent professors of the beginning of the XX century. Not taking liberalism V.O. Klyuchevsky (although the historical views of Platonov did not differ significantly from his views), conservative monarchism D.I. Ilovai and Marxism M. N. Pokrovsky Platonov believed that "there is no need to make any point of view in historiography; a subjective idea is not a scientific idea." In 1895 - 1902 was invited by a teacher of history to the Grand Princes. In 1903, a talented administrator and a teacher, Platonov headed the Women's Pedagogical Institute. In 1908 he became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. Written by the "Russian History Textbook for High School" (SPB., 1909 - 1910) became one of the best pre-revolutionary textbooks, the reissue of the events of Oct. 1917. By the October Revolution, it was negative, considering the Bolshevik program "artificial and utopian", but agreed to cooperate with the Bolsheviks, believing that in any power he should serve his people. He participated in the salvation of archives and libraries in Petrograd, headed the Archaeographic Commission, Archaeological Institute, Pushkin House, Library of the Academy of Sciences, etc. In 1920, he was elected academician. In 1930, he was arrested on the fabricated OGPU "Academic case" of historians (S. V. Bakhrushin, E.V. Tarl and others). So the legend began about Platonov, as a representative of the officially protective direction of historiography. He was exiled to Samara and died in a hospital from heart failure.

The historical importance of Catherine II activities, as Platonov believed, is defined quite easily on the basis of what we say about the individuals of Catherine policy.

We have seen that Catherine on joining the throne dreamed of broad internal transformations, and in the policies of the external refused to follow its predecessors, Elizabeth and Peter III. She deliberately retreated from the traditions established at the St. Petersburg court, and meanwhile, the results of its activity in their own essence were such that the traditional aspirations of the Russian people and the government completed themselves.

In the affairs of the internal legislation, Catherine II completed the historical process that began during temporary users. Equilibrium in the position of the main estates, in all its strength, with Peter Great, began to collapse in the era of temporarys (1725 - 1741), when the nobility, facilitating his state-friendly contesions, began to achieve some property privileges and greater power over the peasants - by law. We observed the incidence of noble rights during both Elizabeth, and Peter III. In Catherine, the nobility becomes not only a privileged class having the right domestic organization, but also a class dominant in the county (as a landowner class) and in general management (as a bureaucracy). In parallel, the growth of noble rights and, depending on it, the civil rights of the owner peasants fall. The flourishing of noble privileges in the XVIII century must be connected with the flourishing of serfdom. Therefore, the time of Catherine II was the historical moment when serfdom reached the full and most of its own development. Thus, the activities of Catherine II in relation to estates (not forget that the administrative measures of Catherine II were the nature of the class measures) was a direct continuation and completion of those evasion from the old-Russian system, which developed in the XVIII century. Catherine in his domestic policy acted according to the traditions, bequeathed from a number of its nearest predecessors, and brought to the end what they started.

On the contrary, in the policy of external Catherine, as we saw, was the direct sequence of Peter the Great, and not small politicians of the XVIII century. She managed, as Peter the Great, to understand the root tasks of the external Russian policy and knew how to complete what Moscow State Delibes were striking. And here, as in the politics of the inner, she brought to the end of his work, and after her, Russian diplomacy should have set itself new tasks, because the old were exhausted and abolished. If, at the end of the reign of Catherine, Catherine got out of the coffin of the Moscow diplomat of the XVI or XVII centuries, he would feel quite satisfied, as I would have seen solved satisfactory issues of foreign policy that was so worried about her contemporaries. So, Catherine is a traditional figure, despite its negative attitude towards the Russian past, despite finally, that she has made new techniques in management, new ideas in the public turnover. The duality of those traditions she followed determines and dual attitude towards her descendants. If one is not without reason, it is not that the internal activities of Catherine legalized the abnormal consequences of the dark era of the XVIII century, then others bow to the magnitude of its foreign policy. Be that as it may, the historical meaning of the Catherine era is extremely large precisely because the results of the previous history were summed up in this era, historical processes were completed, previously developed. This ability of Catherine to bring to the end to complete permission, those questions that the story put it makes everyone recognize the primary historical figure in it, regardless of her personal mistakes and weaknesses.

4. Conclusion:

Catherine II was distinguished by common sense, insight, cunning, the ability to understand other people and enjoy their advantages and disadvantages. All this looks like a harmonious combination of masculinity and femininity, inconsistency and sensitivity ... This is evidenced by her notes. By the way, determination, courage and considerable adventurism threatened her early death. She often undertakes desperate actions. Sometimes he showed violent emotions, clean female sentimentality and impressionable.

Before starting to manage other people, she learned to manage himself. In general, she knew how to stay a woman, demonstrate the best male qualities, including courage. And she was outstanding.

Output: Working on this topic, I saw Catherine II - the Great Empress. It is important to take into account the fact that, without being Russian from birth, she was able to not only live in Russia, but also to manage this great power. And yet, you can agree with Karamzin: "It softened the power, not losing his power." With it, Russia finally strengthened as the Great World Power. Historians, assessing her board, began to call it - the Great Catherine.


1. Aksenova G. and others. "Russia. Illustrated Encyclopedia, Moscow, 2007.

2. Balandin R. K. "Great Russian People", Moscow, 2002.

3. Brachev B.C. "Sergey Fedorovich Platonov // Domestic History", Moscow, 1993.

4. Ed. Bootroeeva V. P. and others. "Russia Power", Moscow, 2007

5. Verbickskaya L. A. "History of Russia XVIII century. Illustrated Encyclopedia, Moscow, 2002.

6. Klyuchevsky V. O. "Aphorisms. Historic portraits and etudes. Diaries, Moscow, 1993.

7. Klyuchevsky V. O. "Works. In nine volumes, "Moscow, 1989

8. Klyuchevsky V. O. "Historical Portraits", Moscow, 1991.

9. Platonov S. F. "Lectures in Russian History", Moscow, 1988.

10. Solovyov S. M. "Works. Book 18, Moscow, 1993.

Appendix number 1.

Title Empress

Catherine II. Alekseevna:

God's sustainable charity we, Catherine Second, Empress and autocratic, Moscow, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Queen Kazanskaya, Queen Astrakhanskaya, Tsarina Sibirskaya, Pskovskaya and Great Princess Smolenskaya, Princess Estland, Liflyandskaya, Korean, Tverskaya, Yugorskaya, Perm, Vyatkaya, Bulgarian and other, sovereign and great princess Novgorod Nodovskaya lands, Chernigovskaya, Ryazan, Rostovskaya, Yaroslavl, Belozerskaya, Udoryskaya, Obdorskaya, the Condioskaya and All Northern countries, the Lady and the Soviet of the Iverland, the Kartalin and Georgian kings and the Kabardian land, Cherkasy and Mountain Princes, and other hereditary sovereign and owner.

Appendix number 2.

Catherine II.

Appendix number 3.

Appendix number 4.

Appendix No. 5.

Presentation of letters Catherine II.

Appendix No. 6.

Venet of Catherine II.

Appendix number 7.

Manifesto Catherine II 1763

Appendix number 8.

Mr. Catherine II.

Appendix number 9.

Appendix number 10.

Coins of the XVIII century.

Appendix number 11.

Order of Catherine Great.

Appendix number 12.

Reskipte Catherine II.

Appendix №13.

The title page of the humble diplomas of Catherine II.

Appendix No. 14.

Appendix No. 15.

Monument to Catherine II.

Appendix number 16.

V. O. Klyuchevsky. N. M. Karamzin.

S. M. Solovyov. S. F. Platonov.