For students junior classes, especially for first-graders, it is sometimes very difficult to adapt to the conditions of their new school life. Hence, poor academic performance, confrontation with classmates, and the child’s reluctance to go to school/do homework, etc. And the main task of parents is to help the child cope with a difficult load for him. Faced with this problem, every parent looks for their own ways to solve it. But creating a proper daily routine for a primary school student from the first day of school would help avoid most of these problems.

Why do primary school students need a daily routine?

One should not neglect the organization of the working day, especially for children, starting from school years. Compliance with a certain routine leads to the fact that the child’s energy is not wasted, it is distributed in doses and is enough for all types of activities. At the same time, the vitality of the body increases, fatigue is minimized and strength is quickly restored.

Compilation correct mode day depends on individual characteristics schoolchildren: health status and characteristics of a particular age. The schedule should include the following main elements in a certain order:

As the child adheres to the daily routine, he will develop the habit of doing everything at a certain time, the body will turn on the internal clock and subsequently all actions will become a habit.

How to create a correct daily routine for a schoolchild

Morning exercises: will invigorate the body and help recharge its performance. The duration of charging depends on the student’s health, so this issue must be resolved individually.

Water procedures: include taking a shower after gymnastics, hardening dousing with water of contrasting temperatures and morning hygiene procedures - washing and brushing your teeth. As for the hardening procedure, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist; do not force events in order to avoid colds.

Sports activities: visiting gaming sports sections, swimming pools, games on fresh air.

Nutrition: Meals must be organized in such a way that the child has a hearty and hot breakfast, a full lunch of hot dishes and vitamin salads, and a late dinner. Eating at the same time will ensure smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doing homework: they need to be planned without postponing this process until the evening, when the child is already tired and the work will not be effective. After a short rest, about an hour after lunch and a walk, you can begin to do your homework with renewed vigor. In this case, you need to take breaks to rest for a few minutes.

Completed homework gives you every right to take a walk and get some fresh air. You can spend at least two hours playing in the yard. This is the optimal time to give your brain a rest by switching to another activity and breathing in fresh air before going to bed. The duration of sleep for a primary school student should be 9-10 hours. The time of waking up and going to bed should be set at the same time, as this will teach the body to quickly fall asleep and wake up.

Schoolchild's daily routine by hour for the week

Daily routine, including the main routine points:

Student actions Time
rise 06.30
Gymnastics, water procedures 06.30 — 07.00
Breakfast 07.00 — 07.30
Getting ready and going to school 07.30 — 07.50
Lessons at school 08.00 -12.00
Walk 12.00 -12.30
Dinner 12.30 -13.00
Walk 13.00 -14.00
Rest 14.00 -14.30
Doing lessons 14.30 -16.00
Walk 16.00 -18.00
Dinner and free time 18.00 -21.00
Going to bed 21.00

Table of the daily routine of a primary school student by hour

Naturally, the schedule must be adjusted in accordance with what the student is doing in addition to academic classes (attending sections, clubs, etc.), but the mandatory items must be present in it.

Schoolchild's daily routine on weekends

If a daily routine has been introduced in a family, then it must be carried out daily, there cannot be days off for it and holidays. Naturally, on Saturday and Sunday it will be adjusted without taking into account going to school and doing homework. But it is not recommended to exclude the main points from it. You can move your wake-up time up one hour later, replace your school time with a weekly family activity, or replace your homework hours with going to the movies with friends. But all other points must remain unchanged.

Daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift

There is a very inconvenient form of training for everyone - in the second shift. But this is an objective reason that schools cannot yet refuse due to workload. Accordingly, the daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift will be different. It’s just that all the activities that are mentioned in the approximate schedule after lunch need to be moved to the first half of the day, observing their duration: that is, getting up at 7 o’clock in the morning, gymnastics, shower, breakfast, and then a walk, doing homework, lunch, study sessions, dinner, evening walk and sleep. Having got used to this distribution of time, the student will not experience discomfort from studying in the 2nd shift.

When teaching their child to follow a certain daily routine, it would be very appropriate for parents to set an example and take part in this process. Then the addiction will go faster, and the rating of parental authority will increase significantly.

In cramped conditions or offended?

It’s already quite difficult to keep children’s attention, and even more so in the evening! – mathematics teacher Tatyana Sergeevna complains. - As soon as you turn to the board to write down the conditions of the problem, they are already distracted: one is looking out the window, the other is yawning...

The mother of eight-year-old Alyosha is in tears:
“I’ve been at work since the morning, constantly worrying about how he ate without me, whether he did his homework, whether he forgot to lock the door.”

For students primary classes especially difficult. They didn’t have time to adapt to the new conditions, and then, like in the movies, “Bang - second shift!” Older guys have their own problems: they don’t want to go to bed early, but they have to get up no later than seven, otherwise they won’t have time to do their homework. It’s good that SanPiN (sanitary rules and regulations) prohibit second-shift teaching of first-graders, fifth- and final-graders...

Is it possible to completely abandon the second shift, for example, to “inflate” the classes so that they can sit in cramped conditions, but not be offended? Many schools do this. But SanPiN is on guard here too: the class should consist of no more than 25 people.

IN recent years has increased greatly: there are more subjects, programs have become more complex. Therefore, schools are introducing innovative educational technologies. But no innovations are provided for students in the second shift - although it has been proven that mental activity in the afternoon hours is significantly lower than in the morning. Maybe physiologists, teachers, psychologists can help?

Shall we play?

All the literature written by scientists over the years of shortage of school places tells parents and teachers what is most important. Indeed, if your child must, like most of his peers, pass the second shift test, you can’t think of anything else.

When following the regimen, they produce conditioned reflexes at a specific time: children fall asleep quickly, get up easily in the morning and do not lose their ability to work all day. At first, of course, parents will have to be patient in order to teach their son or daughter to live by the clock: put them to bed and wake them up on time, do gymnastics together, have breakfast, sit them down for homework...

Surely among your friends there are those who manage to work, play sports, and pay enough attention to home, and there are those who always complain about the lack of free time. Think about it: after all, there are exactly 24 hours in a day for everyone, but some themselves command time, while others obey it. Talk to your child about this. Better yet, offer him this game: let him take a picture of his day, describe it down to the minute. For example, I walked for 40 minutes, did math for 25 minutes, and so on. Then help him identify where time is wasted and plan for tomorrow.

From complex to simple

There are no concessions for students during the second shift. Teachers have instructions on how to optimize the school schedule taking into account the “physiological functions and performance of students.” It prevents exceeding the permissible load. Subjects that require intense mental work are not planned for the beginning and end of the week. But on Tuesday and Thursday, the student needs to be especially focused in order to solve difficult problems in physics and mathematics. The schedule for each day is built according to the principle “from complex to less complex and completely simple.” For example, the first lessons are mathematics and physics, and the day ends with biology and. The same principle should be used when doing homework: start with written subjects and end with oral ones.

If the child is one of those who sway slowly, it is better to do the opposite. The pace of classes should be quite high. Primary school students only need to spend one and a half to two hours a day on lessons. In the fifth-sixth grade this time increases to two and a half hours, in the seventh - to three. Students in grades eight through 11 can study from home for up to four hours a day. Exceeding these indicators has a detrimental effect on health and academic performance. Children begin to complain of weakness, headaches, and become nervous. Lack of sleep, lack of fresh air and movement take their toll. Often a tired child sits down at the TV screen to “rest” and watch everything. But in fact, watching TV or the computer after school only contributes to a further increase in fatigue. Doctors recommend watching TV no more than two or three times a week: for younger schoolchildren - about an hour; in middle and high school age - about one and a half to two hours.

Lunch is on the table!

The second shift is not a reason to switch to eating chips and hot dogs. If the body does not compensate for energy costs, the child’s growth and development are at risk. We must make sure that he eats hot food before school. A full-fledged regime requires sitting down at the table four to five times a day at intervals of 3.5 to 4 hours. The rational ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a schoolchild’s diet is 1:1:4 or 1:1:5. It is better if two thirds of the carbohydrate volume is presented in the form of starch (potatoes, cereals, bread), and one third in the form of sugar (including in drinks, fruits and berries). Do not give your child more than 70-75 grams of sweets per day. Let the main principle of family nutrition be variety, but not excess of food!

If parents do not want their child to study during the second shift, they can contact the school principal. He is obliged to help find a place in another school where teaching is conducted in one shift.

The optimal routine for a schoolchild

Of course, parents can use trial and error to develop the best daily routine for their child. But it is better to trust the competent opinion of scientists and check the regimen with a scientifically based table.

Type of activity/leisure Age
8-9 years 10 years 11-12-13 years 14-15-16-17 years old
rise 07.00 07.00 07.00 07.00
Gymnastics, shower, making bed 07.00 - 07.30 07.00 - 07.30 07.00 - 07.30 07.00 - 07.30
Breakfast 07.30 - 07.50 07.30 - 07.50 07.30 - 07.50 07.30 - 07.50
Walk 07.50 - 08.20 07.50 - 08.20 07.50 - 08.20 07.50 - 08.20
Cooking at home. assignments 08.20 - 10.00 08.20 - 10.30 08.20 - 11.00 08.20 - 11.30
Lunch about 11 o'clock
Free activities, reading, music, foreign language, help around the house 10.00 - 11.30 10.30 - 11.30 11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 12.00
Walk 11.30 - 13.00 11.30 - 13.00 11.30 - 13.00 11.30 - 13.00
Dinner 13.00 - 13.30 13.00 - 13.30 13.00 - 13.30 13.00 - 13.30
Road to school 13.30 - 14.00 13.30 - 14.00 13.30 - 14.00 13.30 - 14.00
Classes 14.00 - 18.00 14.00 - 19.00 14.00 - 19.30 14.00 - 20.00
Walk, outdoor sports games 18.30 - 19.00 - - For children 13-15 years old 20.30 - 22.00
Dinner and free activities 19.00 - 20.00 19.30 - 20.30 20.00 - 21.00 For children 16-17 years old 20.30 - 22.00
Getting ready for bed, washing 20.00 - 20.30 20.30 - 21.00 21.00 - 21.30 For children 13-15 years old 21.00 - 21.30
For children 15-17 years old 22.00 - 22.30
Dream 20.30 - 07.00 21.00 - 07.00 21.30 - 07.00 For children 13-15 years old 21.30 - 07.00
For children 15-17 years old 22.30 - 07.00

Raisa Genkina

Lesson schedule requirements

With a properly designed lesson schedule for high school students greatest number points should fall on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday, and for primary and secondary students - on Tuesday and Thursday.

Subjects with the highest number of points in the schedule junior schoolchildren should occur in the second or third lesson, and for middle and older students - in the second, third and fourth.

The schedule is drawn up incorrectly if the highest score falls on the first and last days weeks, or if their number is the same for all school days.

Parent's notebook

The head of the press service of the Moscow Department of Education, A.V., answers the question. Gavrilov.

-At the school where my son studies, the security work is not very well organized. Anyone can easily enter the building, although we regularly donate money to pay for the services of the private security company. Despite parents' complaints, the situation does not change. Moreover, the school director refuses to provide documents confirming that this private security company has the right to guard the school. Is this a violation? Where can we go for help?

What do parents need to know? Firstly, a copy of the contract for the provision of private security services must hang in a visible place in the school. Secondly, this private security company must be included in the list recommended by the Moscow Department of Education. Thirdly, payment must be made only through a bank. If parents are not satisfied with the work of the security guard and do not find understanding with the director, they can contact the district education department or the city inspectorate under the Department of Education.

Required telephone numbers
Moscow Department of Education 369-7332
District education departments
Eastern educational district 963-5535
Western educational district 249-0886
Zelenograd educational district 535-7521
Northern educational district 456-0732
North-Eastern educational district 210-0706
Northwestern educational district 947-8886
Central educational district 951-4167
South-Eastern educational district 350-0722
Southwestern educational district 120-3156
Southern educational district 118-1535

Most parents are interested in their child's daily routine. Especially if we are talking about a seventh grader, because during this difficult period of growing up, it is important to balance the time devoted to study and entertainment.

It is rare that a mother and father do not worry about their child and how he spends his time when they are not at home. Many have encountered the problem when only late in the evening and after a conflict does their son or daughter sit down to do their homework. This situation is connected not only with the general busyness of parents, but also with the fact that they do not know how to properly create a daily routine for a 7th grade student. How to properly allocate time so that lessons are learned, and hobbies are not forgotten, and at the same time you do not have to give up mandatory rest.

Such planning is necessary for the right balance between study and entertainment, because being too busy affects not only school success, but also your overall health. Chronic overwork, as well as idleness, do not allow the child’s talents to fully develop; he becomes withdrawn and aggressive. Only an optimal balance will allow your son or daughter to study well and remain an open and friendly student.

It is important for parents to make sure that the seventh grader does not stand up close to the time he leaves the house. Exercise and a full breakfast will give him strength for subsequent achievements.

The best time to do homework is 16-18 hours, and it is important to take a break every half hour, get up, rest your eyes and unload your muscles. First of all, you need to complete simple tasks, and only then move on to the most difficult ones. In normal mode, homework should not last longer than 3 hours.

It is better to devote the time immediately before bed to rest, this will calm the nervous system. Watching movies, talking with parents, hobbies - best activities for a student's evening.

An approximate daily routine for a 7th grade student should look like this; the time may vary depending on the lesson schedule.

0 – 7.0 – getting up and morning exercises. It is important to plan the time so that the student has the opportunity to have a full breakfast, and does not rush around the house, stimulating his nervous system, which has not yet recovered from sleep. 5-10 minutes of light exercise will give you a boost of energy for the whole day and partially compensate for subsequent immobility. Bends, turns of the body, swinging arms, squats and walking in place are the required minimum.

0-7.0 – breakfast. It must take place, despite the lack of morning appetite. A cup of tea with porridge or cottage cheese is the best option. Even if the child resists, it is necessary to persuade him, otherwise after the first lesson he will feel hungry and cookies, sandwiches and sweets, which are harmful to the stomach, will be used.

0-4.0 is the usual class time; if the school schedule is different, this must be taken into account when drawing up the daily routine.

0-6.0 – coming home and having a mandatory balanced lunch. After this, the child can recover for a walk or sports section. It is better to give preference to active pastime.

0-9.0 – dinner and homework. Of course, the volume of tasks may vary from day to day, but it is better for the child to get used to the fact that this time is always devoted to lessons. A suddenly free half hour or hour can be spent reading school literature. If you have some free time left, you can take a walk in the air and relax. During the same period, a backpack or bag should be packed for the next school day, and clothes should be prepared so that this does not take up precious morning time.

Schoolchild's daily routine


according to the model

What do you need to know?

  1. Daily routine - this is a rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day.
  2. A daily routine is necessary to ensurehigh performance throughout the entire waking period.
  3. The regime is built on the basis biological rhythm of the body's functioning.

Increased performancenoted from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. .

Second rise at 16 - 18 o'clock lower intensity and duration.

Basic elements of a schoolchild's daily routine

  1. Educational activities at school and at home
  2. Active holiday with maximum exposure to the fresh air
  3. Regular and adequate nutrition
  4. Physiologically complete sleep
  5. Free activity of individual choice.

! When organizing a regimen, one should take into account the state of health and functional features of this age period. With a clear daily routine, a habit is formed when a specific time is a signal for appropriate actions.

At 6-7 years old noted increased sensitivity to unfavorable external factors and rapid fatigue during training.

At primary school age The processes of ossification and growth of the skeleton, development of small muscles of the hand and functional improvement of the nervous system continue.

Age 11-14 years characterized by sudden hormonal changes and intensive growth. Happening rapid development internal organs: the heart grows faster than the lumen of the blood vessels, and juvenile hypertension occurs.

At 15-18 years old Puberty ends, and the predominance of general arousal and mental imbalance persists.

Morning exercises

It is no coincidence that morning exercises are called exercises; they relieve drowsiness and “charge” the body with vigor for the whole day.

Gymnastic exercises strengthen the functioning of the heart and lungs, improve metabolism, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

! The exercises must be performed in a certain sequence: firstsipping,then exercisesfor arms and shoulder girdle, then torso and legs. Finish chargingjumping and running, after which they docalming breath. Charging duration depending on age from10 to 30 minutes. The exercises gradually become more complex, and the pace of movements accelerates. It is advisable to change sets of exercises every 7-10 days. It is mandatory to ensure an influx of fresh air during classes.

In addition to exercise, physical education includes outdoor games . Outdoor games and sports are considered the best. The game improves motor skills and increases emotional tone.

In addition, outdoor games provide a good healing effect. Pay attention to swimming, skiing, cycling and other sections depending on your inclinations.

Team games are well disciplined: volleyball, basketball, football. Don't forget about dancing.

It is especially important for a child to stay outside in the evening before bedtime. It has been proven that the best regimen is 3-4 walks with a total duration of 2.5-3.5 hours.

! H I eat younger child, the more time he should spend outside .

Water procedures

After morning exercises, water treatments await you. For children school age after each physical workout you should take comfortable shower .

The temperature is gradually reduced: from 30 to 20-15 degrees at the end. This is a good hardening procedure. A contrast shower with alternating warm and cool water flows is possible. Nothing drives away sleep better than washing your face with cold water in the morning.

The weakest water procedure is rubbing, so you need to start water procedures with them.


Breakfast must be hot and quite substantial, accounting for a quarter of the child’s daily needs.

Meals should take place in a quiet, calm and friendly environment. There is no need to read books or talk while eating.

Lunch around 13-14 hours, dinner no later than 19.30.

Adherence to a regular eating schedule will ensure family meals, sufficient variety of dishes and no snacking.

After school, rest

Upon returning from school, the child should have lunch and be sure to relax . Afternoon rest will be about 1-1.5 hours, without reading books or watching TV. Weak and often ill children should devote this time to sleep.

During rest, the processes of restoration of substances in the tissues are enhanced, the metabolic shifts that have occurred are eliminated and proper performance is restored.

The largest Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov proved thatThe best rest is not complete rest, but the so-called active rest, i.e. changing one type of activity to another.

The best active recreation is physical activity, especially outdoors. Fresh, clean air strengthens the body, improves metabolic processes, the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and increases its resistance to infection.

The best types of mobile activities are movements chosen by the children themselves, performed by them with pleasure, joy, and emotional uplift. Such movements are outdoor games and sports entertainment (in the warm season - games with a ball, jumping rope, small towns, etc.; in winter - sledding, skating, skiing).

For outdoor outdoor games, first-shift students should be given time after lunch before starting homework. Total duration staying outdoors, including travel to and from school, should be For for younger students at least 3-3.5 hours, for older students - at least 2-2.5 hours.

In your daily routine, you should set aside time for freely chosen creative activity , such as designing, drawing, sculpting, music, reading fiction. On this for a day for younger students it takes 1-1.5 hours, and for older students - 1.5-2.5 hours.

Every schoolchild should be involved in feasible work around the house. The younger ones can be entrusted with cleaning the room, watering flowers, washing dishes; for older people - a walk with the kids, buying groceries, working in the garden, etc.


To prepare home lessons during the day schoolchildren junior classes need to spend 1.5-2 hours, middle classes - 2-3 hours, senior classes 3-4 hours.

With such a duration of homework, as special studies have shown, children work attentively, concentratedly all the time and by the end of classes they remain cheerful and cheerful.

! If preparing homework is delayed, then educational material poorly absorbed. Immediately after school homework You can't cook! In these cases, the student, after mental work at school, without having had time to rest, immediately receives a new load. As a result, he quickly becomes tired, the speed of completing tasks decreases, and the memorization of new material deteriorates.

! The break between studying at school and starting to prepare homework at home must be at least 2.5 hours. Students will spend most of this break walking or playing outdoors.

! Students studying in the first shift can start preparing homework no earlier than 16-17 hours. When doing homework, just like at school, every 45 minutes you should take a break for 10 minutes, during which you need to ventilate the room, get up, walk, it would be nice to do a few breathing exercises.

In many cases, students have to prepare assignments when there is loud talking, arguing, or the radio in the room.

These extraneous external stimuli distract attention (which happens especially easily in children), inhibit and disorganize the smooth functioning of the body.

As a result, not only does the preparation time for lessons lengthen, but the child’s fatigue also increases, and in addition, he does not develop the skills of concentrated work, he learns to be distracted.

Interest classes

The child can use one and a half to two hours of free time for activities of interest (reading, drawing, playing, watching television programs etc.).

! Duration of watching TV shows - no more than 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week. L The best pastime would be a walk in the fresh air. Classes in hobby groups are very useful.

! A child can participate in no more than two clubs.

Approximate diagram of the daily routine of schoolchildren of the first shift (classes start at 8:30 a.m.)

Type of activities and recreation

Age of schoolchildren

7-9 years

10 years

11-13 years old

14-17 years old






Morning exercises

Water procedures

Bed cleaning, toilet

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30


7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

Road to school

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20






Hot breakfast at school

about 11 o'clock

about 11 o'clock

about 11 o'clock

about 11 o'clock







sleep or rest



Games and sports

outdoor activities





Afternoon snack














Dinner and free

activities (reading,

music lessons,

manual labor, help

family, activities

foreign language, etc.)




For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


Getting ready for bed

(cleaning clothes, shoes,











For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


! On weekends and holidays, the student’s daily routine should differ from the usual in that much more time should be provided for being outdoors, for visiting cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.

! Rest should be active - a hike in the forest, picking berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, collecting material for collections, a variety of outdoor games, swimming. Doable physical labor in the air, in the garden, is also useful.

! A properly organized daily routine for students during the holidays is the basis for proper rest and contributes to the complete restoration of the child’s body’s performance.

Durationvarious types of daily activities(in hours)











in circles














11 – 10,5


1 -1,5




11 – 10,5


1,5 - 2




11 – 10,5


2 – 2,5




10,5 -10


2 – 2,5




10 – 9,5


2,5 - 3




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9 -8,5


3 - 4




8 - 8,5

Schoolchild's daily routine

In order for a child’s body to develop correctly, it is important to pay attention to the schoolchild’s daily routine.

First of all, it is necessary to organize the sequence of various activities and free time. Not only the child’s mood, but also his overall health depends on the daily routine.

With chronic overfatigue, the growth and development of the child is inhibited, and the student’s health worsens. If the regime is followed, the child becomes more physically active and is more successful in school.

Adequate sleep makes it easier to perceive information in class and improves performance.

It is important to properly organize the student’s homework. The best time to prepare lessons is 15-16 hours. To restore performance, a break is required every 30 minutes. It is recommended to prepare lessons from easy tasks and move on to the most difficult ones.

First-graders often lack motor and physical activity, which leads to fatigue. Therefore, a schoolchild’s daily routine must include morning exercises and physical warm-ups while doing homework.

To prepare home lessons in the daily routine Junior schoolchildren should be given 1.5-2 hours, schoolchildren in grades 4-7 2-3 hours, high school students 3-4 hours.

It is not advisable to do homework before bed. Evening hours must be free and devoted to relaxation.

If you follow a daily routine, the central nervous system produces good habits, which greatly facilitate the transition from one type of activity to another. This is why it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain time of getting up and going to bed, eating, and doing homework.

Here is an approximate daily routine for a schoolchild: table

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