1. Akopov V. S., Asatryan R. S., Breusov A. V., Kokueva Zh. M. Methodological foundations of management: A textbook for teachers and students of technical and economic universities. - M .: MSTU im. N. E. Bauman, 78 p.

2. Bykova V. G. Monitoring in an educational institution. / / Head teacher, 2004, No. 6, 7, 8.

3. Vasilyeva T. P., Elizarova E. M., Kiseleva Yu. A., Raginskaya V. N. Intra-school control: organization, planning, analysis. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. - 222 p.

4. Grebenkina L. K., Antsiperova N. S. Technology of managerial activity of the deputy director of the school. - M.: Pedagogical search, 2000. - 160 p.

5. Grinchenko I. S. Modern means of assessing learning outcomes. - M.: Prospect, 2009. - 132 p.

6. Zvereva V. I. How to make school management successful. - M.: Pedagogical search, 2004. - 158 p.

7. Zvereva V. I. How to assess success in management // Head teacher, 2007, No. 5.

8. Kobernik O. Monitoring as a way to manage the quality of education // Public Education, 2002, No. 9.

9. Konarzhevsky Yu. A. Intraschool management. – M.: New school, 2007. - 158 p.

10. Konarzhevsky Yu. A. Pedagogical analysis of the educational process and school management. - M.: Pedagogical search, 2005. - 80 p.

11. Lebedev O. E. Modernization of education management: perspectives and problems: Methodological guide for introspection of management problems. - St. Petersburg: SP6APPO, 2006. - 96 p.

12. Lizinsky V. M. Once again about diagnostics and control. // Head teacher, 2007, No. 6.

13. Lizinsky V. M. Ideas for projects and practice of school management. - M.: Pedagogical search, 2000. - 160 p.

14. Makarova T. N. Educational process: planning, organization and control. - M .: Pedagogical search, 2002. - 160 p.

15. Moiseev A. M., Kapto A. E., Lorensov A. V., Khomeriki O. G. Innovations in intra-school management. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. - 229 p.

16. Orlov A. I. Management. Textbook. – M.: Izumrud, 2003. – 298 p.

Control as a means of managing an educational institution.

1.1 Basic functions of management.

In the classical view, the category "management" is wider than the category "management", as it applies to various types of human activity. Any management process contains two interrelated parts: the management object (the subject of action application) and the management subject (the part that performs a purposeful action). Management is a conscious purposeful activity of a person, with the help of which he arranges and subordinates elements of the external environment to his interests. Management is diverse and exists in a variety of forms. It can be technical management, state management, ideological management, management of social processes, management of educational processes and, finally, economic management.

If we are talking about a technological system, then they say “management”, and if we are talking about an organizational structure (with human resources) - this is management.

Management means a field of activity related to the organization of the work of people or enterprises of various kinds. At the same time, it is a field of knowledge within which the possibilities of effective management are studied.

The English word "management" (management) is not translated into Russian literally. It is customary to translate it as "management", and "manager" - as "leader". It originally referred to the art of managing horses and comes from the verb to manage, which roughly means "to drive around horses" and, in turn, goes back to the Latin manus - "hand".

The special place of management in a market economy is due to the fact that it is he who must ensure the connectivity, integration of production, economic processes, internal resources and the external environment, enhance adaptability, competitiveness. Knowledge of the basics of management, methods of building an organization, decision-making is the key to the effective operation of an enterprise.

The essence of management is expressed in its functions, that is, those tasks for which it is intended. There are four main functions: planning, organization, motivation, control (Figure 1).

Picture 1 ? Four primary management functions.

Planning. The "number one" function of management is generally recognized as planning. Planning is deciding what the goals of the organization should be and what needs to be done to achieve them. Implementing it, the entrepreneur or manager, based on a deep and comprehensive analysis of the situation in which the company is currently located, formulates the goals and objectives facing it, develops an action strategy, draws up the necessary plans and programs. Figuratively speaking, we are talking about determining “where we are currently, where we want to go and how we are going to do it.” Planning is a continuous process of studying new ways and methods to improve the activities of the company due to the identified opportunities, conditions and factors, since new ones are formulated to achieve the goals.

The implementation of the developed plans and programs is included in the content of other functions, and, above all, the functions of the organization. organizational function closely related to the planning function. Its essence was excellently expressed by the great commander A. V. Suvorov: "Every soldier must know his own maneuver." If an officer fails to organize his subordinates into a coordinated combat unit, he dies along with everyone else. For an ordinary manager, the situation is better - in the worst case, his company will go bankrupt. A firm that has many different plans, in the absence of a coherent scheme (structure) for putting them into practice, is doomed to failure.

The organizational stage is the stage of creating real conditions for achieving the planned goals. We are talking about creating (forming) the structure of the company and providing it with everything necessary to solve the problems identified at the first stage of the management process - the planning stage.

Since all the work is done by people, this function determines who exactly should perform each specific task, as well as what resources will be required for this. The leader delegates tasks and authority or takes responsibility for the result.

There are a number of principles that should guide the implementation of the organizational function:

§ detailing the goals that were identified in the course of planning;

§ determination of the types of activities necessary to achieve these goals;

§ assigning various tasks to individuals (division of labor) and grouping them into manageable work groups or units;

§ coordinating the various activities assigned to each group by establishing working relationships, including a clear definition of who is in charge (one subordinate cannot have two bosses), that is, each member of the group must know what he is obliged to do and in what time frame , as well as who manages (manages);

§ unity of purpose - each member of the organization works for the common good, that is, no one should act against the goals of the organization;

§ scope of control, or scope of management - each manager is responsible for the actions of the employees he manages.

In order for the business to be successful at the enterprise, high activity and good quality of work of its employees are necessary. Therefore, it is very important to interest them in such an attitude to work, to create appropriate motives. This requires determining what they want and choosing the most appropriate for the enterprise and effective for the staff way to meet the identified needs, that is, encouragement. The other side of motivation is punishment, which also sometimes has to be applied to employees who have committed violations of technological or production discipline. Motivation- this is the activity of the manager, aimed at activating the employees of the company in terms of increasing the efficiency of their work in order to achieve both personal goals and the goals of the company. Motivation is the implementation of actions that ensure the performance of work in accordance with the official duties delegated to employees.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, it was believed that people would always work better and harder if there was an opportunity to earn more. However, experts show the failure of a purely economic approach. Motivation is the result of a complex set of needs.

The motivation of labor relations is a set of incentives that encourage employees to work actively. For these purposes are used:

§ stimulation, that is, inducing employees to be active with the help of external factors (material and moral);

§ proper motivation, that is, the creation of an internal motivation for workers to work. The main ones here are the interest in work, the need for labor activity and satisfaction from it.

The essence of the fourth classical function of management is control. It is designed to identify impending dangers in advance, detect errors, deviations from existing standards and thereby create the basis for the process of adjusting the company's activities. The main task of control, therefore, is not to search for "scapegoats" for the mistakes made, but to determine the causes of the latter and possible ways out of the current state, that is, the prevention of possible deviations. In classical management, the control function should be understood as a type of management activity, thanks to which the organization can be kept on the chosen right (correct) path by comparing its performance indicators with established standards (plans). There are three aspects of control:

Establishment of standards (technology, regulations);

· measurement of what has been achieved and comparison with the plan;

Correction of deviations from planned indicators.

There are three types of control:

§ Preliminary control. In organizations, ex ante controls are used in three key areas. In the field of human resources, control is achieved through the analysis of those business and professional knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform specific tasks of the organization, in the field of material resources - quality control of raw materials, in the field of financial resources, the preliminary control mechanism is the budget.

§ Current control. It is carried out in the course of work and allows you to exclude deviations from the plans and instructions. The most common target is employees.

§ Final control. As part of the final control, feedback is used when the work has already been completed. The purpose of such control is to prevent errors in the future.

All control systems have always been based on the idea of ​​feedback: they compare real achievements with predictive data. The creation of all control systems should be based on the following main requirements-criteria:

§ the effectiveness of control - the success, usefulness of control is determined;

§ performance of control tasks - control should identify coincidences or deviations in the organization's management system, help eliminate deviations and develop effective solutions;

§ Determining the boundaries of control – control measures cannot be carried out without restrictions;

§ timeliness of control - the time interval between measurements or assessments should correspond to the controlled phenomenon;

§ flexibility of control - adaptation to real conditions is necessary;

§ ease of control - control should correspond to the capabilities of people;

§ Appropriate to the type of activity – an inappropriate control mechanism may mask rather than reveal information.

In management practice, there is a kind of control technology (Figure 2). However, whatever control technology is used, its ultimate goal is to serve the various plans and goals of management.

Figure 2? Control technology.

There are three distinct steps in the control procedure (Figure 3) .

Figure 3? control procedure.

In the future, the composition of these management functions was supplemented.

For the first time, the main types of management activities were described and formalized at the beginning of the 20th century by the "father of scientific management" Henri Fayol. He argued that to manage means to plan, organize, dispose, coordinate and control (Figure 4). In the classification of management functions by A. Fayol, a fifth function has been added - coordination.

Figure 4? Control functions of A. Fayol.

He argued that the enterprise lives and works thanks to the people employed on it, and their joint activities must be managed. Therefore, it is of great importance coordination function labor activity of people. The essence of the coordination function lies in the work of production units, managers and specialists and the elimination of interference and deviations from the specified mode of operation.

The goals of coordination are the establishment of interaction in the work of production units, managers and specialists and the elimination of interference and deviations from the specified mode of operation.

Coordination is carried out by holding meetings, personal contacts between managers, agreeing on work plans and schedules, making adjustments to them, linking work between performers.

To perform the coordination function, it is necessary to create an effective feedback system, that is, to obtain data on the results. The feedback system allows management to identify unforeseen problems and adjust their behavior so as to avoid deviating the organization from the most effective path towards its goals.

All of these functions do not just form a single whole, they are intertwined with each other, penetrate each other, so that sometimes it is difficult to separate them. The implementation of all of them is planned, organized, coordinated, motivated, controlled. They are implemented using certain methods, that is, ways to bring them into execution.

An analysis of the literature showed that management functions can be modified and detailed in the process of division and specialization of managerial work, therefore, an extended classification of management functions is used in the management of an educational institution.

1.2 Basic control functions educational institution

The well-known researcher of school problems V. I. Zvereva considers management as the activity of the heads of educational institutions aimed at ensuring the optimal functioning of all its subsystems, transferring each of them to more high level development . As M. M. Potashnik points out, in the concept of "management" they single out the purposefulness of activities, the development and implementation of management decisions in the interaction of subjects pedagogical process in order to achieve optimal results.

Intraschool management is a purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective patterns in order to achieve an optimal result. The interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process develops as a chain of sequential, interrelated actions or functions: goal-setting and planning, organization, control, regulation and correction, as well as a number of others, the implementation of which is carried out on the basis of an objective, in-depth and detailed pedagogical analysis that characterizes the scientific approach to a comprehensive consideration life of an educational institution.

The need to highlight the management functions applicable to the new socio-economic system of the school is proved by the fact that the modern leader has to transfer the school to the development mode. Taking into account modern conditions, the following grounds can be distinguished for determining the functional composition:

1) systemic considering any organization as a set of interrelated and interacting elements that are focused on achieving specific goals in a changing environment;

2) process, considering management as a continuous series of interrelated management functions;

3) information, providing for the provision of managers and executors with information for decision-making;

4) communication, providing a system for establishing links and interactions for the exchange of information between two or more people;

5) coordination, providing a system for establishing the interaction of elements of various levels in accordance with their powers;

6) motivational stimulating the process of stimulating oneself and others to activities to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization.

The identified grounds are sufficient to determine the composition and content of school management functions, taking into account its specific features as a socio-pedagogical system. Among them are information-analytical, motivational-target, planning and prognostic, organizational and executive, control and diagnostic, regulatory and corrective functions. Functional management links are considered as relatively independent activities. Meanwhile, all of them are interconnected and successively, gradually replace each other, forming a single management cycle. Underestimation of any of the functional elements leads to a change in the entire management process and a decrease in its final results (Figure 5) .

Informational - Motivational - Planned

analytical target predictive



Control - Organizational -

diagnostic performing

Figure 5? The relationship of control functions

The activity of performing functions is a process that requires certain resources and time. It was the process approach to management that made it possible to see the relationship and interdependence of management functions. The management process reflects the recommended sequence of functions, or rather the sequence of starting actions to perform functions, since the implementation of multi-loop feedback leads to the simultaneous implementation of functions. The quality of the previous stage is a necessary condition for ensuring the quality of the subsequent stage (function). This expresses the interdependence of functions. The commonality of these management functions is emphasized by their repetition or cyclicity in management processes, so these functions can be called typical elements of the management cycle.

Among the selected management functions as activities, the system-forming factor of this composition will be the goal. Under the influence of motives and goals, the information-analytical basis of the management process of any pedagogical system is formed. Motivational-target setting serves as the initial basis for forecasting and planning activities, determines organizational forms, methods, means of execution decisions taken, serves as a norm for monitoring and diagnostic evaluation of actual results, allows you to regulate and adjust the pedagogical processes, behavior and activities of all its participants.

The renewal of the management of a general education school is associated primarily with the formation of a system of information and analytical activities as the main management tool. The need for information increases among school leaders, since when transitioning to self-government, the organizers of education are looking for ways to increase the efficiency of their management activities. Information should be, firstly, as complete as possible in its scope, and secondly, extremely specific. To create an integral system of information and analytical activities in schools, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its content, volume, sources, form information flows and bring them to the appropriate levels of management.

To create a data bank, all thematic information is divided into several blocks: the quality of knowledge and the quality of teaching; level of upbringing and educational work; work with teaching staff; working with parents, the public and businesses; organizational issues of creating conditions for education; the state of intra-school management; material and technical base; information about students and teachers.

The process of managing any pedagogical system means goal-setting and planning. The main task of the motivational-target function is to ensure that all members of the teaching staff clearly perform the work in accordance with the duties delegated to them and the plan, as well as in accordance with the needs to achieve their own and collective goals.

Forecasting and planning can be defined as an activity aimed at the optimal choice of ideal and real goals and the development of programs to achieve them. As one of the main management processes, planning at all levels must meet a number of fundamental requirements. They are as follows: the unity of the target setting and conditions for implementation; unity of long-term and short-term planning; implementation of the principle of combining state and public principles; ensuring the integrated nature of forecasting and planning; stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts. Planning allows you to predict the basic conditions, the stages of the formation of the individual and the team. Planning creates such an objective situation in which the maximum and versatile development of the personality, self-realization of its creative possibilities are possible.

In the entire chain of components of the management cycle, equally significant for the continuity and integrity of management, there is a special stage on which the quality of functioning and object development, ? organizational and executive function. It objectively belongs to each cycle of management, it carries the main potential for the social transformation of the school. To implement the decisions made, it is necessary to create organizational relations that ensure the movement of the system, the optimal interaction of its components. Organizational relations can be defined as connections between people arising from the distribution of powers and assigning them the functions of their joint activities. The constant interaction of the leader with colleagues, students gives the organizational activity a certain personality-oriented orientation. That is why intra-school management involves the organization of interpersonal interaction, the use of psychological techniques.

In conditions of greater independence, the control and diagnostic function of intra-school management should take a special place in order to stimulate the activity of the teacher and student. The combination of administrative and public control within the school with introspection, self-control and self-assessment of each participant in the pedagogical process is included in the practice of schools. Control is the active stage of the management process, when the achieved results are compared with what was planned. The basis of the entire system of control measurements is feedback.

The regulatory and correctional function makes adjustments using operational methods, means and interactions in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at the programmed level. Specific forms and types of regulation are very diverse and are determined by the specifics of the managed object.

In the management cycle, the initial point of contradiction in school management as a whole is the contradiction between the functions of organization and regulation. The function of the organization to a certain extent reflects the purposeful functioning of the school system in specific conditions. The task of the regulation and correction function is to maintain one or another level of organization of the system in a given situation. But as soon as the situation changes, the regulation function disturbs the stability of the organizational structure, bringing it into line with the new conditions.

Thus, the process of managing an educational institution consists in the implementation of the functions that any leader must perform. That is, the management of an educational institution is a process of information, planning, organization, motivation, coordination and control necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the school. Ignoring any management function leads in practice to a decrease in the effectiveness of management actions. Consider in the next paragraph the effectiveness of the management of an educational institution.

In accordance with the current legislation, education is a joint responsibility of the federal, regional and municipal levels of government and administration. This means that in the field of education, the competence of these levels should be delimited by law. Such a distinction is provided for in the Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation":

– Article 6. Powers of federal government bodies in the field of education;

- Article 7. The powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education, transferred for implementation to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- Article 8. Powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education;

– Article 9. Powers of local self-government bodies municipal districts and urban districts in the field of education.

A detailed description of the competence of an educational organization, given in Article 28 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", contains 22 specific points.

The designated competencies of the federal, regional and municipal levels of government and educational organization management bodies can be attributed to the management functions of educational organizations.

Some modern researchers of problems of management of educational organizations single out the most general control functions: information-analytical, motivational-targeted, planned and prognostic, organizational and executive, control and diagnostic, regulatory and corrective (Shamova, 2001). These functions represent a sequence of links that make up the management process for all self-managed systems. They are interconnected and gradually replace each other, forming a single management cycle. Underestimation of any of the functional elements leads to a change in the entire management process and a decrease in its final results. Let us dwell on the conditions for the implementation of these functions.

1. Information and analytical function.

To create an integral system of information and analytical activities in schools, it is necessary first of all to determine its content, volume, sources (who reports), form information flows and bring them to the appropriate levels of management. Next, you need to decide in what form and where this information will be stored and how it will be used. For each of the subsystems - control and managed - there are three levels of information:

1. Administrative and managerial(director, deputy for educational work, deputy for extra-curricular and out-of-school work, deputy for administrative and economic part, dispatcher, etc.).

2. Collective collegiate(school council, teachers' council, methodological council, methodological associations, departments, public organizations).

3. Student self-government.

Accounting for the cyclical information needs of school leaders, teachers, and public self-government bodies makes it possible to plan information processes in advance. The sequence of requests for information on a particular topic should find a place and application in the current and forward planning work of the school, which will positively affect managerial decision-making. At the same time, it is important to remember that timely, reliable, complete information encourages school leaders and teachers to take action. Group and individual needs and motives require the introduction of an information support system in schools and other educational organizations.

Motivators and ways to stimulate the emergence of information needs and motives will be a change in the type of teacher’s work, the organization of control as a service, the results of control (diagnostics, testing), planned and at the request of the teacher, work to generalize the experience, traditions of the teaching staff (creative reports, exhibitions, promotion of teaching staff, etc.).

The managerial activity of school leaders and self-government bodies is formed in the process pedagogical analysis information about the activities of each link of the school in the whole.

Pedagogical analysis information is called the management function, aimed at studying the actual state of affairs and the validity of using various methods, means to achieve goals, as well as an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms for transferring the system to a new qualitative state (Shamova, 2001).

In management activities, there are such types of analysis, how:

– aspect analysis, which is aimed at studying any one aspect educational activities(for example, using visual aids to develop cognitive activity students; studying the teacher's work system for checking homework; studying the features of group work of students in the lesson, etc.);

brief analysis - suggests general study educational activities;

– detailed analysis – is aimed at a detailed selection and discussion of all components of the educational process (for example, the definition of educational, didactic, psychological, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the lesson, etc.).

In the practice of the work of the modern school, there are also:

– parametric analysis. The content of this type of analysis is the study of daily information about the progress and results of the educational process (the study of current academic performance, student discipline, attendance at lessons and extracurricular activities, the sanitary condition of the school, compliance with the class schedule, etc.);

- thematic analysis. The content of this analysis is the study of certain areas of educational processes (for example, the system of work of teachers, class teachers in the education of moral, aesthetic, physical, intellectual culture; the activities of the teaching staff in the formation of an innovative environment at school, etc.);

- final analysis. It is held at the end of the academic quarter, half year, academic year. The final analysis is aimed at studying the main results of educational activities, the prerequisites and conditions for their achievement. Information is made up of data from parametric and thematic analyses; quarterly, semi-annual examinations; from these official reports, certificates submitted by teachers, class teachers, representatives of the school administration, public organizations. The content basis of the final analysis of the work of the school for the academic year is the leading areas, for example:

The quality of teaching - the correspondence of professional training of teachers to the requirements of a developing school;

Implementation of educational programs and state standards;

Use of active forms and teaching methods;

Implementation of the educational potential of the lesson;

Development of individual inclinations and abilities of the individual;

Compliance with the standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

The quality of knowledge, skills, skills of students - volume, depth, consistency, strength, awareness;

Typical gaps in students' knowledge and the reasons for their occurrence;

computer literacy of students,

The degree of development of cognitive interests,

The level of upbringing of schoolchildren;

The state and quality of methodological work at school;

Efficiency of work with parents and the public;

The state of health of schoolchildren and sanitary and hygienic culture;

The performance of the School Council, the Pedagogical Council, etc.

Conducting an objective, in-depth, final analysis serves as the basis for developing a school work plan for the new academic year.

2. Motivational-objective function.

The main task of the motivational function is to ensure that all participants in the educational process perform work in accordance with the powers delegated to them. To enable social motives, it is recommended to create conditions for communication between participants in the educational process, form the spirit of a single team, periodically hold meetings, not destroy informal groups, and stimulate the social activity of teachers outside the school. In order to actualize the motive of self-expression, it is necessary to create conditions for the participation of members of the educational process in the creative, research activities, implementation of innovative projects, encourage initiative.

The tactful help of the manager contributes to the creation of positive motives; personal example of competence, activity, honesty, fairness; rewarding the efforts of participants in the educational process.

The function of goal-setting is to form an ideal idea of ​​the final result of the activity of the entire system on the way to this result. The overall goal is determined on the basis of a comparison of the results of the pedagogical analysis of the state of the controlled system and the requirements for it.

J. L. Morrissey showed that management objectives should reflect the following main provisions:

Specify the desired end result;

Specify a given deadline for achieving the goal;

To specify the maximum value of the allowable expenditure of forces, means, time and energy;

To give, where possible, a quantitative description of the required result of the work, necessary to confirm the fact of achieving the goal;

Specify only “what” and “when” should be done, without going into details of “how” and “why” it should be done;

Respond directly to the intended purpose of the functional duties of this performer;

Be understandable to everyone who will work to achieve the goal;

Be realistic and achievable, but not easy;

Provide a greater return on investment of time and resources than other possible goals;

Be feasible within the available or expected time budget;

Eliminate or minimize the possibility of double responsibility for the result of joint work;

Comply with the basic principles and methods of the scientific organization of labor;

Coincide with the interests of the performers and not cause conflicts in the organization;

Be fixed in writing;

Be agreed by the manager in a personal conversation with subordinates.

Achieving the intended goals requires the subject to set a clear goal-setting about the tasks that he is going to solve.

Targeting technology takes on various forms. The main ones are: mastering the goals set by society; turning motives into goals; replacement of goals when the planned result is not obtained or is not fully achieved; transformation of unconscious motives into conscious goals.

3. Planning and forecasting function.

The planning and prognostic function of management provides activities aimed at the optimal choice of ideal and real goals and the development of programs to achieve them, at coordinating forecasts and plans at all levels of management.

Planning in school management is decision making based on pedagogical analysis data. Planning must meet certain requirements:

The unity of the target setting and implementation conditions;

Unity of long-term and short-term planning;

Implementation of the principle of combining state and public principles;

Ensuring the integrated nature of forecasting and planning;

Stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts;

Purposefulness - taking into account the past experience of the school, setting private goals in the activities of teachers, class teachers, public organizations;

Perspective (provides directions for the school's activities for the future);

Complexity - the use of a variety of means, forms, methods, activities in their unity and interconnection;

Objectivity - taking into account the conditions for the functioning of the school, the capabilities of the teaching and student teams.

One of the effective ways to improve this type of activity is the introduction of complex-targeted planning (or complex-targeted programs).

The following types of planning are common in the practice of schools:

Perspective plan of the school for 3-5 years;

Plan of educational work of the school (annual);

Graphic plan of organizational, methodological and extracurricular activities(an extract from the annual plan, for example, for a quarter);

Schedule of intraschool control;

Plans of public organizations.

AT perspective plan the following sections are shown:

Topics of teachers' councils and meetings of methodical associations;

Trade union meetings and production meetings;

Meetings with the director;

Prospects for updating the educational process, the introduction of pedagogical innovations;

The school's need for teaching staff;

Professional development of teaching staff (courses, seminars, trainings, courses on a self-supporting basis, etc.);

Development of the material and technical base and educational and methodological equipment of the school (construction work, acquisition of funds information technologies, replenishment of the library funds, visual aids, equipment renewal and design of classrooms, etc.);

Social protection of teachers and students, improvement of their life, working and rest conditions.

The long-term plan is consistent with the plans of the local municipal government.

Annual Plans are compiled in May-June, approved by the pedagogical councils at the end of August. A change in the plan during the year is made in extreme cases, each change is notified to the pedagogical council. The annual plan covers the entire academic year, including summer holidays.

The preparation of the annual school work plan goes through several stages:

Study of new normative, instructive documents; theoretical and teaching materials on development and education in general and planning in particular by the principal, his deputies and heads of school services (first academic quarter);

Creation of an initiative group to develop and adjust the structure of the draft plan, determine the sources and forms of collecting the necessary information under the guidance of the school principal (second academic quarter);

Analysis of the information received, hearing reports on the work of members of the commission and heads of school departments; identifying the causes of emerging difficulties and ways to eliminate them in the future (third academic quarter);

Preparation and discussion of the draft plan (end of the fourth quarter).

At the first meeting of the School Council in the new academic year, the work plan of the school is approved.

current plan is drawn up for the academic quarter, is a specification of the school-wide annual plan.

Thus, the presence of the main types of plans allows you to coordinate the activities of pedagogical, student and parent teams. These plans are strategic in relation to the work plans of teachers and class teachers.

Based on the school plan, a calendar plan organizational, methodological and extracurricular work for the current quarter (separately for the teaching and student team). The horizontal lines indicate the weeks and days of the academic quarter, the vertical lines indicate the organizational forms of work with teachers and students, the names of those responsible for this form of work; subject (content) of the work; deadlines; forms of control.

4. Organizational and executive function.

This function involves the implementation of the decisions made by specific people: teachers, children, parents, members of the public. The subject of organizational activity (organizer) solves a number of issues:

Preliminary selection of performers, their distribution by place of work, by time, by sequence of entry into the collective business;

Motivation for upcoming activities, instruction, formation of conviction in the need to fulfill a specific assignment;

Ensuring the unity of actions of the teaching and student teams;

Providing direct assistance in the process of performing work;

The choice of forms of stimulation of participants in the activity;

Evaluation of the progress and results of a particular case.

In this work, a special role is played by the personal qualities of the leader - his professionalism, general and pedagogical culture, interest in the affairs of the school, teachers and students, the ability to set goals and achieve their solution.

Methods that determine the organizational and executive activities of school leaders should take into account the specificity of the object and subject of management in the system of interactions (relations) and be divided according to purposefulness (direct and indirect), forms (individual and collective), methods, means and influences (moral, material, disciplinary, etc.). For optimal achievement of the goals of the organization, they can have a variable combination.

5. Control and diagnostic control function.

Intra-school control is a type of activity of the managing subsystem of an educational institution to establish the compliance of the results of the school with the needs of the developing personality of the student and national requirements (standards). It allows you to identify the need to make a management decision in cases where the actual state of affairs does not correspond to the planned one. In this case, control performs the function of feedback between the control system and control objects (subsystems) of the school.

The objects of intraschool control are the following areas:

studying proccess(quality and progress in the implementation of basic educational programs and federal state educational standards; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; state of teaching academic disciplines; teacher productivity; work with gifted children, etc.);

educational process(the level of upbringing of students; the state and quality of organization of extracurricular educational work; the effectiveness of the joint activities of the school, family and the public in educating students; work with pedagogically neglected children, etc.);

work with teaching staff(implementation of normative documents and adopted decisions; methodological work; advanced training; certification of teachers; ensuring a favorable psychological climate, etc.);

conditions of the educational process(labor protection; sanitary and hygienic state of the school; provision with educational, methodological reference literature, visual aids, TCO, etc.).

Let us consider the varieties of intraschool control most commonly used in the practice of schools.

Thematic control is aimed at an in-depth study of any specific issue in the system of activities of the teaching staff, a group of teachers or an individual teacher. The content of thematic control consists of various areas of the pedagogical process, private issues, but studied deeply and purposefully.

Frontal control is aimed at a comprehensive study of the activities of the teaching staff, methodological association or individual teacher. Due to the complexity, a large number of people checked during frontal control, it is advisable, as practice shows, to use no more than 2-3 times in the academic year. In the frontal control of the activities of the school, all aspects of the work of this educational institution are studied: general education, organization of the educational process, work with parents, financial and economic activities, etc.

Depending on who or what is subjected to control, the following forms are distinguished:

personal control over the work of an individual teacher, class teacher, educator. It can be thematic or frontal. In the activities of a teacher, personal control is important as a means of self-management of the teacher, as an incentive in his professional development;

class-generalizing control is applicable in the study of a set of factors influencing the formation of a class team in the process of educational and extracurricular activities. The subject of study in this case is the activities of teachers working in the same class; the system of their work on the individualization and differentiation of education; development of motivation and cognitive needs of students; dynamics of student progress by year or within one year; the state of discipline and culture of behavior of students, etc.;

subject-generalizing control is used in cases where the state and quality of teaching a particular subject in one class, in parallel classes or in the school as a whole are studied. To carry out such control, representatives of both the administration and methodological associations of the school are involved;

thematically generalizing control has as its main goal the study of the work of teachers in different classes, but certain directions educational process. For example: the use of local history material in the learning process; development of cognitive interests of students; formation of the foundations of the aesthetic culture of students in the lessons of the natural cycle, etc.;

complex-generalizing control is used in the implementation of control over the organization of the study of a number of academic subjects in one or more classes. This form prevails in frontal control.

In the process of intra-school control, methods such as the study of school documentation, observation, conversations, oral and written control, questionnaires, and the study of advanced pedagogical experience, timing, diagnostic methods, i.e. methods that allow obtaining the necessary objective information. The choice of forms and methods of intraschool control is determined by its goals, objectives, features of the object and subject of control, and the availability of time.

The following are subject to intra-school control: requirements:

systematic(regular control; the creation of a control system at the school that allows you to manage the entire course of the pedagogical process);

objectivity(verification of the activities of a teacher or teaching staff, carried out in accordance with the requirements of state standards and educational programs based on the developed criteria);

effectiveness(control results determine positive changes; elimination of identified shortcomings);

competence(knowledge of the subject of control, possession of its methodology; the ability to see the advantages in work and possible shortcomings, to predict the development of control results).

The introduction of pedagogical diagnostics based on information and analytical activities into the practice of teachers, educators, school leaders and methodologists helps to consider all the phenomena of school life through the prism of a pedagogical analysis of their causes. This allows you to save any participant in the process of education and training from formalism in the analysis and evaluation of the activities of the student, teacher, head of the school.

Pedagogical diagnostics (in this case) is the simultaneous operational study and evaluation, regulation and correction of a process or phenomenon at the level of a student's personality, the activities of a teacher or a school leader. Correct diagnosis of causes characteristics and other objective data creates conditions for the success of the actions of the teacher and leader in the application of a certain set of methods, means and psychological and pedagogical influences, as well as for ensuring a single state basic level of knowledge, skills and upbringing of schoolchildren.

6. Regulatory-corrective function of management.

The task of the regulation and correction function is to maintain one or another level of organization of the system in a certain situation. But as soon as the situation changes, the regulatory function disrupts the stability of the organizational structure, bringing it into line with the new conditions.

Correction is impossible without establishing the causes that cause deviations in the expected, projected results. Signs of such deviations are unreasonably drawn up plans and errors in them, weak forecasts, lack of necessary and timely information, erroneous decisions, poor execution and shortcomings in the system for monitoring and evaluating results.

The effectiveness of organizational regulation is measured primarily by the extent to which it is possible to organize the processes to be managed with its help. In this direction, the days of diagnostics, regulation and correction held in schools are effective.

Thus, among the allocated management functions as activities, the goal will be the system-forming factor. Under the influence of motives and goals, the information-analytical basis of the management process of any pedagogical system is formed. The motivational-target setting serves as the initial basis for forecasting and planning activities, determines the organizational forms, methods, means of executing the decisions made, serves as the norm for monitoring (examination) and diagnostic evaluation of actual results, allows you to regulate and correct pedagogical processes, behavior and activities of all its participants. .

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Expand the essence of the educational organization according to federal law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

2. Justify the factors influencing the development of an educational organization.

3. What is meant by the pedagogical system? List the main features of a general education school as a pedagogical system.

4. What forms a socio-pedagogical complex?

5. List the levels of management of the education system of the Russian Federation. Define within each of them the subjects and objects of control.

6. Define the education system of the Russian Federation.

7. What is the purpose of intra-school management. What management tasks are being solved to achieve this goal?

8. Present a model of the control system of a comprehensive school.

9. Substantiate the information-analytical, motivational-target, planned-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic, regulatory-correctional functions of management.

10. What management functions are vested in federal bodies, bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of education?

Lecture No. 7. Innovation and innovation in modern school

Lecture plan:

1. The essence of pedagogical innovations.

2. Classification of innovations. Criteria for pedagogical innovations.

3. Innovative pedagogical activity.

Keywords: innovation, innovation, innovation process, innovation, reform, innovations in the field of education, pedagogical innovations, criteria for pedagogical innovations, innovative pedagogical activity, levels of innovative activity of a teacher.

1. The essence of pedagogical innovations

Education is a social function and therefore cannot but reflect the changes taking place in society. We can say that the level of development of the education system is a consequence or result of a certain level of development of society. The transformations taking place in society have necessitated a radical renewal of the education system, methodology and technology for organizing the educational process. The introduction of innovations is the main way to improve the efficiency of education. Therefore, the desire to use innovations in educational institutions is becoming widespread. The need for new knowledge, for understanding the concepts of “innovation”, “new”, “innovation”, “innovation process”, “innovative activity”, etc., has become aggravated.

The concept of " innovation"is of Latin origin (in - in; novus - new) and in translation means "update, novelty, change", i.e. the introduction of something new, the introduction of novelty.

Innovation- a phenomenon that carries the essence, methods, methods, technologies of organization and content of the new.

Innovation is the process of mastering (implementing) something new.

Innovation process reflects a complex activity for the formation and development of the content and organization of the new.

Innovation is defined both as an innovation and as a process of introducing this innovation into practice, a process of purposeful, organized activity of people-innovators.

For example, the school introduced a new position of deputy director for scientific and methodological work. This position is an innovation in the organizational structure of school management. Actions to introduce and master this innovation at school are nothing but innovation. In this way, innovation can be considered as a process of search (development), distribution, implementation (development) and implementation of innovations.

Innovations in education are not only pedagogical, but also social problems. The very fact that educational activities are of particular interest to society suggests that society is also interested in innovations in this area. Innovations in education have the same purpose as innovations in society - they should promote development and progress.

Today, a huge number of innovations of various nature, focus and significance are being introduced in the field of education. Large or small state reforms are being carried out, innovations are being introduced in the organization, content, methodology and technology of teaching.

It is necessary to distinguish between reforms and pedagogical innovations.

reform called innovations that are organized and carried out by the government.

reform results there may be changes in the social status of education, in the structure of the education system, in the content of education, in the internal organization of the school's activities.

To innovations in education include the following changes:

- in the social status of education and the level of financing of the system;

– in the structure of the education system;

– in the use of information technologies in education, in technical support educational process;

- in the forms and methods of teaching.

Let us consider in more detail the presented innovations in education.

1. In the course of time, the social role and social position of education may change. History gives us examples. In the early 80s. almost all graduates of secondary general schools aspired to enter universities. And after only ten years - in the early 90s. - the prestige of education has fallen, the number of people wishing to enter the institute has sharply decreased. The reason for this situation was a change in the attitude of the state to education, and the latter is determined by the share of funding allocated by the state to the education system.

2. The structure of the education system (the structures of the ministry, departments of education at the regional and district levels) is a very mobile element. Changes in it, especially in recent times, occur very often and are not always positive. The subjective factor has a very strong influence on the structure of education - desires, aspirations, beliefs and, at the same time, miscalculations of individuals.

4. Changes in the internal organization of school activities involve the creation of schools of a certain type - boarding schools, schools with an extended day, schools without classes, as well as the organization of educational activities (grouping students depending on success in individual subjects, organizing classroom teaching, distance learning etc.).

5. Innovations in the field of "teacher-student" relations largely depend on the level of development of society. The characteristic of typical mass school relations is a reflection of the characteristics of relations in society. Many outstanding teachers have become innovators as a result of being ahead of their time in developing, for example, more humane human relations in classrooms and schools, despite the fact that society as a whole was not yet ready to accept humanism as a fundamental principle of communication.

6. Innovations in teaching methods include: group training, various forms of individual work, various forms of team training, the introduction of developmental training systems, open learning and etc.

7. Changes in the equipment of educational institutions and the use of information technologies in education include: the use of audiovisual and other means of didactic technology (transparencies, films, microfilms, players, tape recorders), computer programmed learning, radio broadcasts, television. The use of audiovisual and computer technology in the lessons requires the introduction of a new methodology for organizing training. Buildings and equipment of premises for educational institutions are a necessary element of the educational process, but they are not a determining factor in the innovation movement and development of education.

However, not all innovations in education can be interpreted as pedagogical innovations. Pedagogical innovations are the result of the activities of people within the education system.

Pedagogical innovations- innovations that are developed and carried out not by state authorities, but by employees and organizations of the education and science system.

Thus, changing the social status of education, raising its status and increasing funding cannot be called pedagogical innovations. It is rather the result of some social processes, reforms or changes in the political orientations of society, i.e. result of political reforms. Changes in the equipment of educational institutions and the construction of buildings also cannot be called purely pedagogical innovations - it is rather the result of the introduction of innovations in the field of computer technology, production teaching aids, architecture, construction, etc. Changes in the structure of the education system also cannot be called pedagogical innovations. It is rather an innovation in the field of education management. In part, managerial innovations also include innovations in the internal organization of school activities.

Thus, only changes can be attributed to purely pedagogical innovations:

- in the internal organization of the school;

- in the relationship "teacher-student";

- in teaching methods.

AT modern world along with the growing influence human capital the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of society is increasing.

The management of an educational institution in modern conditions is a complex process, the components of which are the correct choice of goals and objectives, the study and in-depth analysis of the achieved level of educational work, a rational planning system, the organization of the activities of student and teaching teams, the choice of optimal ways to improve the level of education and upbringing , effective control.

School management is scientifically based actions of the administration and teachers aimed at rational use time and effort of teachers and students in the educational process with the aim of in-depth study of academic subjects, moral education, comprehensive development of the individual and preparation for a conscious choice of profession.

The solution of these issues depends on the ability of the head of the school and teachers to creatively use the latest achievements of science and best practices, on relationships in the team, on the activity of teachers and students in educational and educational work.

Rozanova V.A. describes the efficiency and competitiveness of modern organizations and the role of the psychological factor in their management in her works.

Lazarev V.S., Potashnik M.M., Frish G.L., Pidkasisty P.I., Slastenin V.A., Rogov E.I., Konarzhevsky Yu.A. devote their works to the problems arising in the management of educational institutions. , Shamova T.I.

The personality of a leader in management structures is considered by Ukrainian psychologists Bandurka A.M., Bocharova S.P., Zemlyanskaya E.V. Shipunov V.G., Kishkel E.N. pay great attention to the role of the leader in the management system.

The solution of theoretical and practical tasks management of an educational institution is gaining more weight due to humanization and democratization, the growing role and importance of protecting human rights and freedoms, the development of market relations, the formation of new social structures and forms of management. Therefore, in order to effectively influence the activities of subordinates, a modern leader needs a deep understanding of the basics of organization and management. Although these mechanisms in the modern management of an educational institution are still little studied, the results already available scientific research can significantly expand the manager's ability to create conditions conducive to the formation of the interest of team members in the productive work of the organization.

An analysis of the literature relating to issues of organization and management, a study of the experience of managerial activity shows that at present not enough attention is paid to the management of an educational institution, its qualities and performance, the requirements that modern rapidly changing society imposes on its leader.

Thus, the chosen topic "Organization and management of an educational institution" is relevant, since it considers the basics and modern mechanisms for the effective management of the teaching staff and has a large practical significance which lies in the possibility of improving the conditions of pedagogical work of teachers, increasing the efficiency of the management process of an educational institution by improving the professionalism of school leaders and their deputies.

Thus, the goal term paper is the study of the modern foundations of the organization and management of an educational institution.

object learning is the management system of an educational institution.

Subject- the process of organizing and managing an educational institution and its impact on the effectiveness of managing the teaching staff.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject, the following tasks:

1. To study the scientific, methodological literature, media materials in this area;

2. Define the concepts of "Management of an educational institution", "management system of an educational institution";

3. Identify the functions and principles of management of an educational institution;

4. Consider the management structure of an educational institution;

5. To characterize the management styles of an educational institution and determine the most effective style at the present stage of development of the educational space;

The study used the following methods: analysis of literature, study and generalization of the experience of management activities by an educational institution.

Chapter 1. The management system of an educational institution

1.1 The concept of managing an educational institution

The management process always takes place where it is carried out general activity people to achieve certain results.

Management refers to the systematic impact of the subject of management activity (one person, a group of persons or a specially created body) on a social object, which can be society as a whole, its separate sphere (for example, economic or social), a separate enterprise, firm, etc. in order to ensure their integrity, normal functioning, dynamic balance with environment and achieving the intended goal.

Since an educational institution is a social organization and it is a system of joint activities of people (teachers, students, parents), it is advisable to talk about managing it.

Social management is carried out by influencing the living conditions of people, the motivation of their interests, their value orientations.

Many scientists define the concept of "management" through the concept of "activity", "impact", "interaction".

As Pidkasisty P.I. notes, control- process impact on the system in order to transfer it to a new state based on the use of the objective laws inherent in this system.

Management as “influence” or “impact” is also defined by Shipunov V.P., Kishkel E.N. ., Bandurka A.M. .

"Under management in general, - writes V.A. Slastenin, - understood activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information. "And intra-school management, in his opinion, is a" purposeful, conscious interaction participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective patterns in order to achieve the optimal result" .

Rozanov V.A. notes that management is a system of coordinated activities (measures) aimed at achieving significant goals.

Since today the philosophy of "influence" in school management is being replaced by the philosophy of "interaction", "cooperation", the concept of "management of an educational institution" should be defined through the concept of interaction. So, under the management of an educational institution, we understand the systematic, planned, conscious and purposeful interaction subjects of management at various levels in order to ensure the effective operation of an educational institution.

Currently, the concept of management from the field of business is increasingly spreading to various areas of human activity, including education. However, the concept of management is narrower than the concept of management, since management mainly concerns various aspects of the leader's activities, while the concept of management covers the entire area of ​​human relationships in systems "managers-executors". Thus, the theory of school management, in particular, the teaching staff, is significantly supplemented by the theory of intra-school management.

The theory of management attracts, first of all, with its personal orientation, when the activity of a manager (manager) is built on the basis of true respect, trust in his employees, creating situations of success for them. It is this side of management that significantly complements the theory of intra-school management.

Speaking about the management of an educational institution, one should keep in mind control system, that is, apply a systematic approach to the theoretical understanding of managerial activity.

The management system is understood as a set of coordinated, interrelated activities aimed at achieving meaningful purpose organizations. Such activities include managerial functions, implementation of principles and application of good management practices.

1.2 Management functions of an educational institution

Key Management Functions- These are relatively separate areas of management activity.

The functional links of management are considered as special, relatively independent types of activities, successively interconnected stages, the full composition of which forms a single management cycle. The end of one cycle is the beginning of a new one. Thus, movement to higher qualitative states of the controlled system is ensured.

There are several functions of management of educational institutions. Lazarev V.S. distinguishes among them planning, organization, leadership and control. To these main functions Slastenin V.A. adds pedagogical analysis, goal setting, regulation .

A.M. Moiseev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining of Educational Workers, identifies three large groups of functions of managing an educational institution:

1. Management functions of maintaining the stable functioning of an educational institution;

Attachment 1

Linear-functional management structure of a modern educational institution

III level

(technical) Teachers Performers

IV level Pupils



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The article reveals the essence and content of the managerial activity of a teacher. The main stages and functions of managerial activity of a teacher are considered.

Key words: management, managerial activity of a teacher, managerial functions of a teacher.

Managerial activity of teachers refers to the basic types of professional and pedagogical activities carried out in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. This contributes to the achievement of the modern quality of professional training of future workers and mid-level specialists, the formation of a competitive personality of a college graduate.

The concept of "management" is identical to the English word "management" ("management" - management). This concept is the main one in management theory, as well as in pedagogical management.

In domestic science, the psychological and pedagogical aspect of management is traditionally considered within the framework of the activity approach (A.G. Asmolov, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein). Activity is a dynamic self-developing hierarchical system of interactions of the subject with the world, during which the mental image is generated, the implementation, transformation and embodiment of the subject’s relations mediated by the mental image in objective reality. The main types of human activity are communication, play, teaching and work. In turn, as a kind of labor activity, scientists consider managerial activity.

The concept of "management" has a number of interpretations: a category that denotes the process of transferring an object from one state to another; function, type of activity for managing people; a purposeful method of organizing social relations, a set of relationships that develop in the process of expression

botki, adoption and implementation of management decisions; purposeful activity of management subjects at various levels, ensuring optimal functioning and development of the controlled system, transferring it to a new, qualitatively higher level.

Issues of education management and training of specialists in the field of management in pedagogical science has always received great attention. In the studies of Yu.V. Vasilyeva, T.M. Davydenko, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakova, T.I. Shamova and others developed conceptual foundations for the development and formation of a person's readiness for managerial activity and systematized practical recommendations on managerial activities.

Management is considered as a process of influence of the subject of management on its object; interaction between the control and controlled subsystems; coordination of common goals, tasks, actions between subordinates and managers, as subject-subject relations (V.Yu. Krichevsky). On the other hand, management is characterized, first of all, as an activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up based on reliable information (I.F. Isaev).

Management is a purposeful activity of management subjects at various levels, ensuring the optimal functioning and development of the controlled system (subject), transferring it to a new, qualitatively higher level in order to actually achieve the goal with the help of the necessary optimal pedagogical conditions, methods, means and influences (P.I. Tretyakov).

© Grossman I.B., 2011

As a process, management is a method, technology, methodology, mechanism for implementing a plan in time, a sequential change in states, stages, stages of development, a set of actions of a leader to achieve results (A.M. Moiseev).

Other authors (V.S. Lazarev, A.Ya. Nain) associate the management process with the achievement of the goal. In this case, management is a purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object to transfer it from one state to another. The concept of "school management" includes the functions of management and the educational goal. School management is a special activity in which its subjects, through planning, organization, leadership and control, ensure the organization of the joint activities of students, teachers, parents, service personnel and its focus on achieving the educational goals of school development.

The importance of the appearance in the early 90s of the last century of the monograph by K.Ya. Vazina, Yu.N. Petrova, V.D. Belilovsky "Pedagogical management", since the conclusions of the named authors made it possible to substantiate pedagogical management as a theory of management in educational institutions. Considering pedagogical management at two levels - the head of an educational institution and a teacher - scientists conclude that only skillful management at these two levels will really provide the conditions for the development of the personality of the student and teacher. Management and pedagogical activity largely depends on the abilities and needs of the person in charge, whether it be a teacher or the head of an educational institution. Scientists rightly believe that effective management is possible only when it is built on the following principles:

Recognition of the continuous development of the team as the main goal of management;

Recognition of the originality, uniqueness of the individual and her rights to freedom, creativity;

Flexible combination of centralization and decentralization depending on the specific problem situation;

Orientation of management "bottom up";

Achieving agreement in collective activities;

Moral, economic encouragement of the initiative.

From this point of view, the goals of management activity are defined as follows. The purpose of the first level of management is to ensure the productive activities of teachers of an educational institution through the development and self-development of their creativity. The goal of the second level is legitimately considered to be the implementation of optimal management of the learning process with the maximum disclosure and development of the creative capabilities and abilities of each student.

Agreeing with representatives scientific school MM. Potashnik, we understand the managerial activity of a teacher as a continuous process of sequential actions carried out by the subject of management, as a result of which the image of the managed object is formed and changed, the goals of joint activity are set, ways to achieve them are determined, work is divided between its participants and efforts are integrated.

The foregoing allows us to assert that in the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no generally accepted interpretation of the concepts of "management", "managerial activity". This is due, first of all, to a qualitative change in the content and management functions of both educational systems (institutions) and the educational process in various types and types of educational institutions. All this predetermines the importance of studying the process of preparing future teachers of vocational training for management activities.

An analysis of the scientific literature in the field of education management suggests that most definitions of management have invariant features: the goal pedagogical management, the result of the activity of the educational system, the definition of motivational-value and regulatory components, the self-regulation of the educational system.

The management process consists of certain stages that are closely interconnected. The stages of management are implemented at the subject level as certain types of activities that are closely interconnected and successively, step by step replace each other, forming a single management cycle.

According to V.P. Simonov, each stage of the management of an educational institution is a special type of management actions aimed at

on the object of management, or special types of actions of the subject of management with information. This definition clearly substantiates the need for special professional training of future managers, whose activities are the subject and at the same time the product of managerial activity.

As a result of the study of the substantive foundations of the management of educational processes, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov revealed that the content of management is a separate part of management activity, its special type, a product of separation and specialization in management, and the management stage is a recurring process of implementing an integral system of targeted, interacting management actions performed simultaneously or in some logical sequence.

The allocation of stages of managerial activity is associated with the implementation of managerial functions. Each function corresponds to a certain stage and reflects a particular management task.

Management activity, like any activity, can be represented by a functional description. It is most fully substantiated in the works of T.I. Shamova, where the author identifies a number of functions based on the general theory of control. The teacher carries out information-analytical, motivational-target, planning and prognostic, organizational and executive, regulatory and corrective management functions.

The content of each management function is determined by the specifics of the tasks that are solved within the framework of the function. Thus, the information-analytical function is reduced to the creation of an information base on the state of control objects, conditions and parameters of the educational process. One of the main characteristics of any system, which ultimately determines the effectiveness of its functioning, is communicativeness, a characteristic of the information flows circulating in it (the content of information, the degree of its centralization, sources of obtaining, bringing it to the decision-making level).

If we talk about the managerial activity of a teacher, then this function is performed by him by collecting information about students (for example: at the input, current, at the output), its system

thematization and analysis. This work allows the teacher to build their future activities based on the information received.

The motivational-target function is associated with the ability to set and develop in students the ability to formulate and realize goals of a diagnostic nature that can be measured and evaluated based on the degree of achievement of the planned results. The formation of the motives of the subject occurs under the influence of norms, rules, patterns, existing in the culture of society. With the help of communicative communication, the subject learns the norms of behavior necessary for him to carry out professional activities, this process requires a combination of activity and adaptability of the individual, involves her creative efforts in the assimilation of the regulations adopted in culture.

Must be targeted;

be justified;

Be relevant and modern.

It can be said that curriculum planning

classes by a teacher - a specific act of decision-making on the construction of a general speculative model of interaction between a teacher and a student in the course of classes. The basis of this stage is the goal, objectives and real time of the lesson, as well as the principles, methods, content of the educational activities of the teacher and the educational and cognitive activities of the student. The planning stage remains a formal act if there is no predictive element in this model. It is obvious that planning has psychological aspects; in the process of planning, complex mental operations of analysis and synthesis take place, options are searched for, decisions are made, and their optimality is determined.

The organizational and executive function consists in establishing permanent and temporary relationships between all subjects of management, determining the procedure and conditions for functioning. Analyzing the organizational component of the managerial activity of a teacher, we note a number of characteristic

Bulletin of KSU im. ON THE. Nekrasov ♦ 2011, Volume 17

factors. This is the presence of high self-motivation, the own activity of the subjects of management. Of great importance is the disclosure of the prospects of the educational institution and the professional prospects of the teacher himself; creation of conditions for the realization of the potentialities inherent in a person for self-development. In this regard, the importance of the organizational culture of the educational institution is increasing, which is understood as the presence of common goals, the direct participation of each employee in achieving the results of the educational institution.

The content of the regulatory and corrective function includes an analysis of the results achieved (feedback) and acts as the starting point for a new management cycle. Its content includes monitoring and diagnostics of the state of managed objects. For a teacher, control is the identification, measurement and evaluation of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, their levels of development, as well as education. In addition to the concept of "control", there is the concept of "pedagogical diagnostics", which includes control, testing and evaluation of knowledge, analysis of statistical data, identification of development trends and correction, if necessary, of the didactic process.

The subject of management activity is the teacher-manager. In our understanding, a teacher-manager is a specialist who professionally performs the functions of training and education on the basis of modern scientific methods guides. Determining the content of the managerial activity of a professional teacher

school, we can state that we are talking about new role a teacher who independently manages his professional activities. Management by the teacher as a specially organized activity provides a guaranteed level of education of the student, i.e. achievement of a predictable and diagnosable goal within the scheduled time and with predetermined resource costs.

Bibliographic list

1. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of Personality. - M.: Information Center "Academy", 2002. - 416 p.

2. Vazina K.Ya., Petrov Yu.N., Belilovsky V.D. Pedagogical management. - M.: Pedagogy, 1991. - 268 p.

3. Konarzhevsky Yu.A. Management and intra-school management. - M .: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2000. - 224 p.

4. Potashnik M.M. Modern school management. - M.: New school, 1997. - 352 p.

5. Simonov V.P. Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in the management of pedagogical systems. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1999. - 430 p.

6. Tretyakov P.I. School management by results: The practice of pedagogical management. - M.: New School, 1997. - 228 p.

7. Shamova T.I., Tretyakov P.I., Kapustin N.P. Management of educational systems: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / ed. T.I. Shamova. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2002. - 320 p.

Graphically, the functional composition of the control, built on the traditional approach, is shown in fig. 3.

This classification system includes such functions of pedagogical management as pedagogical analysis, goal setting, planning, organization, regulation and control. They represent a cyclically repeating "chain" of the implemented process of managing educational systems. Each of the selected functions is substantively presented below.

Rice. 3. Functional composition of educational systems management (traditional functional cycle)

Pedagogical analysis. In the scientific literature, the pedagogical analysis of information is a management function aimed at studying the actual state and validity of using a set of methods, means and actions to achieve goals, at an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms for transferring the system to a new qualitative state.

The purpose of pedagogical analysis as a function of management is to draw up a general picture of the process from various kinds of data, sometimes scattered, reflecting various phenomena and facts, to identify its inherent patterns and trends.

Analysis is the processing of information, but at a higher level, when a problem is formulated even before a decision is made, a task is posed. Analysis serves the purpose of substantiating decisions.

The task of pedagogical analysis in the general management system of a general education institution is to form answers to three main questions: “Why did this happen?”, “How to eliminate the cause of this negative phenomenon?”, “How to develop this positive phenomenon?”.

In the process of pedagogical analysis, such specific methods are used as:

analysis - mental or real division of an object into elements;

synthesis- connection (mental or real) of elements into a single whole;

analogy - correspondence, similarity of objects, phenomena. Inference by analogy suggests that the knowledge obtained from the consideration of an object is transferred to a less studied object similar in essential properties and qualities;

decomposition- dismemberment of the problem for analysis into parts;

establishing a causal relationship determination of factors of mutual influence and interdependence of phenomena;

grouping - method of processing statistical data, when the studied set of phenomena is divided into groups and subgroups that are homogeneous according to individual characteristics, and each of them is characterized by a system of statistical indicators (for example, grouping teachers according to the stability of schoolchildren's learning indicators; grouping students according to their educational needs, grouping educators according to the results of certification etc.);

comparison- comparison of phenomena, objects, establishment of adequacy. Also, the methods of pedagogical analysis include the study of the documentation of an educational institution, the analysis of the products of the educational activities of students, etc.

According to a number of researchers, the function of pedagogical analysis includes three types of analysis: operational, thematic and final.

Under operational analysis one should understand this type of pedagogical analysis, through which the main indicators of the educational process are studied and evaluated daily, the reasons for the violation of its course and rational organization are revealed, recommendations are made to eliminate these causes (for example, analysis of the state of discipline of students for a day, week, month; analysis the sanitary condition of the school for the same period, daily analysis of attendance at school by students, etc.).

Thematic Analysis allows you to more deeply study certain positive or negative phenomena of the pedagogical process and reveal the reasons for their occurrence (for example, studying the system of work of the educator to preserve the health of children, the system of work of the teacher to form the cognitive interests of students, the quality of schoolchildren's knowledge in certain subjects, the state of legal / patriotic / labor / aesthetic, etc. education of students, etc.).

Final Analysis is carried out at the end of any reporting period of the life of an educational institution (quarter, half year, year) and is aimed at studying the whole range of factors affecting the results of the functioning of an educational institution, and the reasons that caused them.

in modern scientific literature)